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Everybody can learn a bit more
2. Bad speakers will get “good enough” (for a conference)
Pay attention to the techniques taught They do work!!!
Goals of This Course
Academic Communication
Fall Semester, 2013 Each person please take one handoutfrom the front desk. (Do not write on it yet.)
Course Website: http://staff.ustc.edu.cn/~acadcom
Danger Signs
If the title of the paper contains any words like the following, then it is a BAD paper and you should choose a different one!
– “Summary”, – “Recent Progress in” – “Overview” – “Introduction” – “Review”
Class Policies
Ten sections (=groups of students) of this course: Attend the one you are registered for! (except to make up for a missed class)
Attendance is required. Students who miss more than two lessons (4 classroom hours) will not be allowed to take the final exam. Being late counts as missing half a lesson
Which paper? Rules
Choose it from a journal issue dated 2007 or more recently. The paper must be about a specific research result – in your research area – never published before this paper The result must be significant and complex enough for presentation at an international conference. It must not be a general summary/overview of progress in an area, nor a simple introduction to an area or previously-known technique.
We’ll consider four:
– Conference Presentation – Colloquium – Seminar – Your Exam
How long is the presentation?
Typically Conference: 20 minutes Colloquium: 60 minutes Seminar: 60 minutes
No textbook. We will use handouts.
Note: Each handout is yours to keep, but you should save all handouts since some are used more than once. A handout you get one week may be used again weeks later.
This presentation counts for 90% of the term grade. The other 10%? For handing in your transcript after your presentation.
Note: EPC Sessions
The graduate school requires Academic Communication students to attend 20 hours of sessions at the English Practice Center. Groups of 12 Time to practice English conversation Supervised by a foreign teacher Various topics – choose what you like Sign up for sessions online http://epc.ustc.edu.cn You must fill in an online evaluation after each!
If every scientific result in the paper has already been published somewhere else, then it is a BAD paper to present.
Goals of This Course
1. Good speakers will get better
Which paper? Rules
Since you have only 9 minutes to present the result, do not choose a result that is extremely complicated or long. You may choose to present only one result of a paper that has several. Note: You may change your mind later! (It is best to make a good choice now so your class work applies directly to your final exam presentation.)
This course is designed to help students develop the oral English skills necessary to present research papers using English at an international conference.
60 minutes Audience:
– 10-20 experts in your research area – They know all the background
– Explain details of your new result in your research
60 minutes Audience:
End of the term: simulated conference Each student will present a paper in his/her research area (9 minutes) and then answer questions from the audience (3-4 minutes).
Class Policies (continued)
International conference standards of behavior will be expected in class.
In partBiblioteka Baiducular,
– students should be on time for classes (just as they should be for international conference sessions) – students should listen politely and quietly whenever another student or the teacher is presenting material – cell phones should be silent during class time (You are welcome to use them as dictionaries, but do not text/phone during class)
Murray Sherk (msherk@ustc.edu.cn) Fred Firstbrook (ffirstbr@ustc.edu.cn)
Office hours by appointment – arrange a time by email or after any class.
Which paper will you present?
Bring to the third class of this semester a photocopy or print-out of the paper you will present for your final exam.
Choose wisely! Bad choices result in more work for you and/or a lower grade.
Class Policies (continued)
Students are expected to cooperate willingly Your learning experience will be more productive if you use only English while in the classroom
Course Schedule
9 Lessons: Week of Sept 9 through week of November 11 Simulated Conference (Oral Exams)
– – – – Nov 18 to January 3 (approximately) You attend ONE session 6 students per session Each student presents a paper and is an audience member for the others – Hand in your transcript at the end of your session – Exam sessions are same time/place as your class lessons, spread over 7 weeks after the 9 lessons end.
3. You will know what to aim for
What are you trying to do? Clear goals
4. You will know what mistakes to avoid
Common mistakes ruin good talks
Types of Scientific Presentations
Teaching Methods
The course will focus on Presentation Skills organization delivery visual aids ... so students will learn how to present a scientific paper in English using a typical international style