

unit4 We love animals


bear cool HAND



2.听懂、会说本单元运用的句子" what do you have?"、“what is that?”



cat (猫) dog (狗) monkey (猴子) panda (熊猫)

duck (鸭子)elephant (大象)bird (鸟) bear (熊)

pig (猪) tiger(老虎)zoo(动物园)funny(滑稽的,好笑的)

2、牢记下面的对话,会让你的英语说得更棒!( A是上句,B是答句)

①A: What’s that? 那是什么?

B: It’s an elephant. 那是一只大象。

②A: What’s this? 这是什么?

B:It’s a bear. 它是一只熊。

③ A: I like it. 我喜欢它。

B: Thanks. 多谢。


Act like an elephant. 像大象一样表演。(扮演一只大象。)

Act like a bird. 扮演一只鸟。

Act like a tiger.像老虎一样表演。

Act like a monkey.扮演一只猴子。

Act like a panda.扮演一只熊猫。


( ) 1. A. monkey B. dog C. wow

( ) 2. A. cat B. cool C. great

( ) 3. A. pen B. panda C. ruler

( ) 4. A. bear B. hand C.elephant

( ) 5. A.pig B. duck C. bag






5、pig意为猪,duck意为鸭子,bag意为背包,故排除选项C bag。




1.Colour the tiger yellow

2. Colour the bird orange.

3.Colour the pig green.

4.Colour the duck blue.

5.Colour the bear brown.


1.What is that? A.Nice to meet you,too.

2.Goodbye. B.I am John.

3.Look! A funny dog! C.Bye

4.Nice to meet you. D.It’s a tiger.

5.What is your name? E.Cool! I like it


1. Bb Cc

2. Ee

3. Ff

4. Hh

5. Mm

6. Jj



( )1. A. epn B. pen C. nep

( )2. A. face B. afce C. fece

( )3. A. inpk B. pink C. pnik

( )4. A. yellow B. yollew C. yellew

( )5. A:ereser B:eraser C:erasar


( ) 1. Good afternoon. A. Good morning! ( ) 2. What’s your name? B. I’m Mike.

( ) 3. Hello! C. Fine, thank you.

( ) 4. Goodbye! D. Great!

( ) 5. Let’s go t o school! E. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 6. Good morning! F. My name’s John.

( ) 7. How are you? G. See you!

( ) 8. Nice to meet you. H. Good afternoon. ( ) 9. Let’s pain t! I. Hi!

( )10.Who are you? J. OK!


人教版小学四年级英语上册第一单元测试题 Class ________ Name ________ 一.写出所给字母的相邻字母的大小写: ____e____ ____D____ ____G____ ____h____ f____ ____ 二.单项选择。 ()1.Mike : Nice to meet you. John: _____________. (A) Nice to meet you. (B) Good morning. ()2.Sarah: What’s in the classroom? Wu Yi fan:_________. (A) A board,tow lights. (B) It’s nice and clean. ()3.Chen Jie :Let me clean the board. Amy: _____________. (A)OK. (B) Hello. ()4.教室里面有什么? (A)What’s in the classroom ? (B)What’s on the board? ()5.我们有一间新教室。 (A)I have a pen. (B)We have a new classroom. ()6.A: Where’s my seat? B:_____________.(在门旁边) (A)It’s near the door. (B)It’s near the desk. ()7.A.Good morning! B:______________! (A)Good afternoon. (B)Good morning. ()8.A:Hello! B:______! (A) Nice to meet you. (B) Hello. ( )9.A: How old are you ? B: _______. (A) I’m 10. (B) I’m fine. ( )10.让我们一起擦玻璃吧! (A)Let’s clean the window. (B) Let me clean the board. 三.选择与图片对应的句子。(18分)


1 / 3 三年级英语第四单元测试 卷 姓名:得分: 一、看图,选出正确的单词。(10分) A. cap B. boat C. map D. ball E. desk ()()() ()() 二、圈出不同类的单词。(5分) 1. chair desk 2. ruler box 3. on under cap pencil no 4. car boat 5. arm foot cap are 一、单项选择。(20分) ()1. ----Let’s there! ------OK! A. Go to B. go C. goes ()2. -----I can’t find you. ? -----I’m behind you! A. Where is it B. Where is you C. Where are you ()3. -----Where is Tom? ----- is in the boat. A. He B. She C. It ()4. ----- is my toy car? ---On the desk. A. Where B. What C. How ()5. -----Where are you? ----- . A. I’m from America B. It’s on the desk C. I’m in the room ()6. ----- ? ---Under the desk. A. Where is it B. Is this your ball C. What is it ()7. -----Is mum in the kitchen? ----- . A. Yes,it is B. Yes,he is C. Yes,she is


PEP小学四年级英语上册第一单元知识点总结 Unit 1 My classroom 单词 classroom 教室window 窗户blackboard 黑板light 电灯picture图画door门floor 地板computer 计算机teacher’s desk 讲台wall 墙fan 扇子near 距离近really 真的TV 电视clean 打扫help 帮助句型: We have a new classroom. 我们有一个新教室。 Let’s go and see 让我们一起去看看吧。 What’s in the classroom? 教室里面有什么? One blackboard, one TV, many desks and chairs. Where is it ? 它在哪儿? It’s near the window. 它在窗户旁边。 It’s so big. 它很大。 Let’s clean the classroom. 让我们一起打扫教室吧。 Let me clean the windows. . 让我来擦窗户。 Look! This is the new classroom. The door is orange. (看!这是新的教室。门是橙色的。) 短语: 1.地点类:on the wall在墙上near the window在窗户旁边in the classroom在教室里on the fan在风扇上near the computer在计算机旁边 2. 动作类: 3. clean the desks and chairs 清洁桌椅clean the windows擦窗


小学四年级上册英语备课 第 三 单 元 班级四年级 姓名韩振华2016 年9 月28日

第一课时 教学内容:A Let's talk & Let's learn 一、教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说What's his/her name? His/Her name is... He’s/She’s ... 2.能听、说、认读I have a new friend. A Chinese friend? What's His/her name? His/Her name is.... 3. 牢记新词组和单词:tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet 二、教学重难点: 1.能听懂、会说What's his/her name? His/Her name is... He’s/She’s ...He’s/She’s tall and strong/short and thin/friendly/quiet. 2.Chinese, his的尾音 三、课前准备: 1.几张班里同学的照片。 2.John和他妈妈的图片。 3.教材相配套的教学课件。 4.教材相配套的教学录音带。 四、教学过程: (一)热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision) 1.复习上单元的单词,学生进行比赛,听本单元的歌曲“Friends” 2.做“猜人”的游戏。让一个学生描述班里某一个同学的模样,其他同学来猜这个人是谁。 尽量多做几组,练习句型Who's he/she? He/She is …..

(二)呈现新课(Presentation) 单词学习 1.教师出示Sarah和Chen Jie 的图片,教授朋友这个单词——friend,并说明They are friends. They are friendly. 2.教师依次出示一些照片教授本节课所学的单词。教师继续指导学生学习本节课中新出现对人物描写的形容词短语tall and strong,short and thin,friendly,quiet。 句子学习 1.教师先自我介绍My name's ….,出示光头强的图片并提问What's his name?教师对大家说:His name is…He is…教师问学生:What's his name? 启发学生回答:His name is...教师继续指其他男生,让学生回答:What's his name? 教师再指另一个男生,让一个学生问What's your name?另一个学生回答His name is..(多做几组) 2.教师出示美羊羊的图片:She's…Her name is…然后问学生:What's her name?让学生试着回答:Her name is…教师再指几个女生问:What's her name? 让学生两人一组做What's her name? Her name is…的问答练习。 3.教师出示课文人物图片,让学生做问答: What's his/her name? His/Her name is… 4.出示班里某个学生的照片,教师说:Look, I have some pictures. Look at this picture, who can tell me his /her name? 5.句型His/Her name is…


三年级英语上册第四单元知识点汇总四单元知识小结 重点单词: .形容词:long长的short短的big大的small小的in 里面out 外面left左边right右边straight 直的curly 有卷发的、长卷毛的、卷曲的handsome(男子)英俊的,漂亮的beautiful漂亮的,美丽的(形容女士)pretty漂亮的;机灵的,聪明的(形容小女孩) 2.数字:sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 3.身体部位:body身体 hair头发head头eye 眼睛ear耳朵nose鼻子 mouth 嘴neck脖子shoulder肩膀arm 胳膊elbow胳膊肘hand手finger手指leg 腿knee膝盖foot脚toe脚趾

4.表示颜色的词:brown 棕色的blue蓝色的black 黑色的green 绿色的red 红色blond 金色的;白肤金发碧眼的yellow 黄色 5.元音字母的发音:aapplehat edressbed igiftchicken ohotdogpop ucupbus 重点句型: .Ihaveshortarmsandlonglegs.我有短短的胳膊和长长的腿。 2.Ihavesmallearsandbigfeet.我有小小的耳朵和大大的脚。 3.Theyaresingingasong.他们正在唱歌 4.Theyaretalking.他们正在聊天。 5.Howmanyapples?Sixteen.有多少个苹果?16个。 6.whatdoyouhave? Ihavetwoshoulders/elbows/knees.我有两个肩膀、胳


主备教师陈小曼复备教师 单元Unit3 How many? 教时第1 教时 教学内容How many…do you have? What do you have ? I have… Can I…?。 an’t. 教学目标1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。 2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How many…do you have? /What do you have ? I have… /Can I…? 3.培养学生乐于分享的良好品德 教学重难 点1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen, sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。 3.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How many…do you have? What do you have ? I have… Can I…?。 4.培养学生乐于分享的良好品德 教具准备 挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT) 教学过程二次备课Enjoy a song----Number song Step 1 Greeting and free talk 1.Greeting 2.Say rhymes 看图提示说Rhyme。 例如,出示1、2、3,学生就说Numbers 出示rice, 学生就说I like rice. 3.Free talk 抛绣球 目的:练习使用"What do you like?" "I like…"以及一些学过 的句型(Do you like/have…?)。 道具:沙包


一、看图,选出正确的单词。(10分) 二、圈出不同类的单词。(5分) 三、单项选择。(20分) ()1. ----Let’s there! ------OK!

A. Go to B. go C. goes ()2. -----I can’t find you. ? -----I’m behind you! A. Where is it B. Where is you C. Where are you ()3. -----Where is Tom? ----- is in the boat. A. He B. She C. It ()4. ----- is my toy car? ---On the desk. A. Where B. What C. How ()5. -----Where are you? ----- . A. I’m from America B. It’s on the desk C. I’m in the room ()6. ----- ? ---Under the desk. A. Where is it B. Is this your ball C. What is it

()7. -----Is mum in the kitchen? ----- . A. Yes,it is B. Yes,he is C. Yes,she is ()8. -----Where is book? -----It’s in the toy box. A. a B. an C. the ()9. I have two . A. Toy boats B. Toys boat C. Toys boats ()10. ----- they in the bag? ---Yes,they are. A. Ate B. Is C. Do 四、根据提示,回答问题。(12分) 1. ----Is the dog on the box?(作肯定回答) ----


人教版小学三年级英语上册第四单元测试题 一、看看我是谁?用线连起来。(20分) dog鸭子 cat大象 duck兔子 elephant猫 rabbit猴子 bird鸟 monkey熊猫 bear老鼠 panda狗 mouse熊 二、选出每组中不同类的单词。(16分) ( )1. A. duck B. rabbit C. bag ( )2. A. hand B. panda C. ear ( )3. A. squirrel B. elephant C. zoo ( )4. A. pig B. pink C. purple ( )5. A. bird B. book C. duck ( )6. A. panda B. purple C. pink ( )7. A. cat B. dog C. bag ( )8. A. black B. duck C. orange 三. 读一读,选一选。(10分) ( ) May I have a look? --- . A. Thank you B. Sure. Here you are ( )2. ---Here you are. --- . A. Thank you B. Fine, thank you ( )3. --- I have a Teddy Bear. --- A. OK. B. Really? ( )4. --- , Mike? ---Sure. Here you are. A.I have a cat B. May I have a look? ( )5. ---This John. A. is. B. are ( )6. It nice. A. is B. are ( )7. I a rabbit. A. has B. have ( )8. Walk like ______elephant. A. a B.an C. / ( )9. How are you ?--- A. Fine, thanks. B. Great. ( )10. --- Oh, it’s lovely. I like it. --- . A. Yes, I am B. Thank you 四. 选择正确的译文。(16分) ()1.I have a dog. A.给你。 ()2.May I have a look? B.我能看一看吗? ()3.Here you are. C.真好看,。 ()4.It’s nice. D.谢谢。


三年级英语第十周周考测试卷 时间:60分钟总分:100 一、将下列图片与相应的单词连线。(6分) 二、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ()1.A.under B.in C.put ()2.A.car B.boat C.cap ()3.A.map B.desk C.chair ()4.A.ruler B.hand C.chair ()5.A.arm B.duck C.leg 三、选择适当的单词填空。(6分) 1.The book is ________ the desk. 2.The ball is ________the chair. 3.The cats are ________ the box. 四、读一读,给下面的单词归类。(只填序号)(10分) A.bike B.sister C.in D.ruler E.giraffe F.duck G.on H.car I.pen J. mother 1.交通工具,________ 2.文具,________ 3.动物,________ 4.方位介词,________ 5.家庭成员,________ 五、单项选择。(10分) ()1.—________ is my ruler? —It's in your pencil box. A.Who B.What C.Where ()2.—Is it under your chair? —________,it isn't.

A.Yes B./ C.No ()3.Let's ________ home. A.to go B.go to C.go ()4.________ in the car. A.It B.It's C.Is ()5.—Where is the monkey? —Look!It's ________ the zoo. A.on B.in C.under 六、小蜜蜂采花蜜。连一连正确的汉语意思。(10分) 1.Row a boat. A.划船。 2.Bounce a ball. B.戴帽子。 3.Drive a car. C.看地图。 4.Put on a cap. D.开车。 5.Read a map. E.拍球。 七、连词成句。(10分) 1.is,my,Where,cap (?) ________________________________________________________________________ 2.under,is,It,desk,the (.) ________________________________________________________________________ 3.home,Let's,go (!) ________________________________________________________________________ 4.it,bag,your,Is,in (?) ________________________________________________________________________ 5.time,a,Have,good (!) ________________________________________________________________________ 八、给下列英语句子选择正确的中文意思。(10分) ()1.It's on the chair. A.它在椅子下。B.它在椅子上。 ()2.Silly me! A.我真傻!B.看我的! ()3.Where are you from? A.你在哪里?B.你是哪里人? ()4.It's under your book.


Unit One My classroom 一看图片写单词 ()()()()() ()()()()()二选出下面各组中画线部分发音不相同的单词 ()1A.cat B.cake https://www.360docs.net/doc/8618151413.html, ()2A.bag B.face C.cat ()3A.make B.face C.dad ()4A.cat B.dad https://www.360docs.net/doc/8618151413.html, ()5A.apple https://www.360docs.net/doc/8618151413.html, C.Amy 三选出每组单词中不同类的一项 ()1A.hat B.blackboard C.teacher’desk ()2A.light B.fan C.school ()3A.chair B.desk C.dog ()4Adoor B.floor C.red ()5A.clean B.classroom C.help

()6A.father B.mother C.teacher 四从B栏中找出A栏句子的正确答语。 五连词成句,注意大小写和标点符号 1. have,we,new,a,classroom(.) 2. the,fish,where,is, bowl (?) 3. clean, l et’s, desks,the, chairs, and (.) 4. fish, is, on, there, bowl, a, chair, the(.) 5. in, there, a, bee, classroom, is, our(.)

6. me,turn,light,let,the, on(.) 7. us,put,picture,let,the, up(.) 8. is,on,blackboard, there, a, the, bee(.) 9. is,clean,it,nice,and(.) 10. our,is,new,this,classmate(.) 11. wall,is,the,blue(.) 12. in, classroom, your, what’s, new(?) 13. near,window,it’s,the(.) 14. have, a, computer, we, new(. 15. computer, is, where, the(?) 16. fan, is, the, near, window, the(.) 17. us, go, and, let, see(.) 18. help, me, let, you(.) 六阅读理解


2014年四年级英语上册第三单元知识点 四年级英语上册第三单元知识点 姓名:班级 要求:单词句子词组作文会背诵会默写! 一.重点单词dly 友好的(He’s vdly.他非常友好。) 2.strong 强壮的(tall and strong 又高又强壮) 3.quiet 安静的(He’s quiet. 他很安静。)她的(her name 她的名字)他的(his name 他的名字)and thin 又矮又瘦 7.tall and thin 又高又瘦air 头发(short hair 短头发 long hair 长头发)鞋(一只鞋)shoes(一双鞋)通常都是以复数形式出现 10.glasses 眼镜(have glasses 戴眼镜)ght 正确的,对的( You’re right.你是对的。) 12.or 或者(A boy or a girl? 男孩还是女孩?) (right or wrong ?对还是错?)at 帽子 二.重点句子I have a new friend. (我有一个新朋友。) 2. I have a good friend. (我有一个好朋友。)He’s tall and strongshort and他又高又强壮他又矮又瘦。W? 他她是谁?A: What’ame? 他的她的名字是什么?

B: HisHer name is Zhang PengLil他的她的名字 是张鹏莉莉。d has blue galsses.我的朋友戴着蓝色的眼镜。HisHer galsses are blue. 他的她的眼镜是蓝色的。He She has glasses andare blu他戴眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子。HeShe has shortlong hair. 他她有一头短长发。 10. HeShe has a green bag and brow他她背绿色 的书包,穿棕色鞋子。 三.作文 I have a good friend. She’s tall and’s vdlas long haas a blue haas a red bag. She has blue galsses and orang’s near the window. W? Her name is Ka翻译:我有一个好朋友。她又高又瘦。她非常友好。她有 一头长发。她戴着一顶蓝帽子。她背着一个红书包。她 戴着蓝眼镜,穿橙色鞋子。她紧挨着窗户坐着。她是谁?她的名字是凯特。


三上英语第四单元复习资料 班级_________ 姓名__________家长签字___________ ★四会单词(黑体要求学生能听、说、读、写) cat (猫) dog (狗) monkey (猴子) panda (熊猫) duck (鸭子) pig (猪) bird (鸟) bear (熊) elephant (大象) tiger(老虎) zoo(动物园) funny(滑稽的,好笑的) ★掌握字母规范书写及发音 ★课本重点句型(要求能熟练背诵,并理解意思。 A是上句,B是答句。) 1. A: What’s that? 那是什么? B: It’s an elephant. 那是一只大象。 2. A: What’s this? 这是什么? B: It’s a bear. 它是一只熊。 3. A: Cool! I like it. 酷!我喜欢它。 B: Thanks. 多谢。 ★课本重点句型(要求能熟练背诵,并理解意思。) P42 Let’s do 1.Act like an elephant. (扮演一只大象。) 2.Act like a bird. 扮演一只鸟。 3.Act like a tiger. 扮演一只老虎。 4.Act like a monkey.扮演一只猴子。 5.Act like a panda.扮演一只熊猫。 P39 Let’s chant 1.Look at the cat. It is fat. 看看那只猫,它挺胖。 2.Look at the pig It is big. 看看那头猪,它挺肥。 3.Look at the dog. It’s on the log.看看那只狗,它在枕木上。 4.Look at the duck. It’s in the truck.看看那只鸭子,它在卡车上。 5.Look at the bear. It’s on the pear.看看那头熊,它在梨上面。


小学四年级英语上册第三单元知识点总结四年级英语教案 Unit 3 My friends 单词 strong 强壮的 friendly 友好的 hair 头发 quiet 安静的 shoe鞋glasses眼镜 his 他的 -or 或者 right正确的,对的 hat 帽子 her 她的 句型: I have a new friend. 我有一个新朋友。 A Chinese friend? 一个中国朋友? He’s tall and strong .他又高又壮。 I have a good friend. He’s tall and strong. 我有一个好朋友,他长得又高又壮。 He has short hair. 他有短头发。 My friend has glasses and his shoes are blue. 我朋友戴眼镜,穿蓝色鞋子。 You’re right! 你说对了。 短语: an orange bag 一个橙色的包 big eyes大眼睛 a new friend 一个新朋友 short and thin 又矮又瘦 tall and strong 又高

又壮 brown shoes 棕色的鞋 blue glasses 蓝色的眼镜 long hair 长头发short hair 短头发 a green bag 一个绿色的包 语法点: is:是 has/have: 有 语法点: he 他, his 他的, she 她 her 她的 答语、答句 1. ------A boy or girl? 男孩还是女孩? ------A boy. 男孩。 2. ------What’s his name ? 他叫什么名字? ------His name is Zhang Peng .他叫张鹏。 3. ------What’s her name? 她的名字叫什么? ------Her name is Amy. 她的名字叫Amy. 4. ------Who is he? 他是谁? ------His name is Wu Yi fan. 他叫 Wu Yi fan. 5. ------Who’s she ? 她是谁? ------She is Miss Whi


PEP小学英语四年级上册复习试卷 Name(姓名) ________Mark(分数),have填空。 _____ a new classroom. 2. She _____ long hair. 3. We _____ 6 new lights. 4. He _____ a small nose. 二、用are,is填空。 1. This _____ my father. 2. That _____ only six. 3. _____ they near the phone? 4. Mom _____ in the living room. 5. Where _____ you? 6. _____ she in the kitchen? 7. Where _____ my crayons? 8. There _____ a book on the desk. 9. How many people _____ there in your family? 10. What _____ your name? 三、阅读。 (1)阅读下列短文,判断下面的句子是否与文章一致,用“X”或“√” 表示。 This is our classroom. It is a nice big room. There are 4 windows and 2 doors. The windows are big and the walls are white. There are 52 desks and 52 chairs in it. They are all new. They are for us. There is a big desk. It’s for the teachers. Miss Chen is our E nglish teacher. There are some pictures on the wall.


三年级英语上册第四单元知识点汇总三年级英语上册第四单元知识点汇总 四单元知识小结 重点单词: 1.形容词:long 长的 short 短的 big 大的 small 小的 in 里面out 外面 left 左边 right 右边 straight 直的curly 有卷发的、长卷毛的、卷曲的handsome (男子)英俊的,漂亮的 beautiful 漂亮的,美丽的(形容女士)漂亮的;机灵的,聪明的(形容小女孩) 2.数字:sixteen sevgw身体部位:body 身体 hair 头发 head 头 eye 眼睛ear 耳朵nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴neck 脖子 shoulder 肩膀arm 胳膊elbow 胳膊肘hand 手finger 手指leg 腿knee 膝盖 foot 脚 toe 脚趾 4.表示颜色的词:brown 棕色的blue 蓝色的 black 黑色的green 绿色的red 红色blond 金色的;白肤金发碧眼的yellow 黄色元音字母的发音:a apple hadress bedgdogu cup bus 重点句型:I havarms and long legs . 我有短短的胳膊和长长的腿。 2. I have small ears and big feet .我有小小的耳朵和大大的脚。They are singing a song .他们正在

唱歌They are talking .他们正在聊天。How many apples ? Sixteen .有多少个苹果?16个。What do you have ? I have two shoulders /elbows /knees .我有两个肩膀、胳膊肘、膝盖。What colour are your eyes ?你的眼睛是什么颜色的?are brown /bule/green/black ..我的眼睛是棕色的、蓝色的、绿色的、黑色的。What colour is your hair ?你的头发是什么颜色的?air is black /blond /brown /red . 我的头发是黑色的、金黄色的、棕色的、红色的。 beautiful . 她很漂亮。 10她很可爱。He is handsome .他很英俊。


四年级英语上册第一单元教案(新版PEP)四年级英语教案 小学英语导学案 主备人 年级 四 时间 本周应养成习惯 提前预习的习惯 课题 unit one my classroom 学习目标1.能听懂、会说:what's in the classroom? one blackboard, one tv, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。2.能听、说、认读本课主要单词:classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light,3.能听懂并能按照指令做事情。 学习 重难点重点:学习what's in the classroom?及相关单词:classroom, window, door, picture, blackboard, light。难点: 1. window一词注意w

的发音,不要与v的发音混淆,教师在教学中应及时纠正。 2.在回答"what's in the classroom?"时,注意单词复数的读音。 课前准备1、教材相配套的教学录音带2、教师自制的单词卡3、一张画有教室的大图 学习过程 时间 议课过程(一)热身、复习(warm-up / revision) 1.复习pencil, ruler, bag, book, pencil-case, sharpener, eraser, crayon,pen等单词。 2.引导学生用以上单词做问答练习,如:what's in the bag? what's in the pencil-case ? 3.在学生回答出问题后,教师可再追问:how many pencils/pens…?使学生能用复数进行回答。如:what's in the pencil-case? a ruler, two pencils… (二)呈现新课(presentation) 1.教师把一张画有教室的大图贴到黑板上,说:this is a classroom. what's in the classroom? 2.学生听懂后,教师可先试着让学生回答,能说出英文的学生给与表扬(desk, chair, picture都已学过),也可让学生用中文回答。 3.告诉学生我们要学习有关classroom的内容,教读classroom 4.情境交流。就我们身在的教室提问:


四年级上册第三单元知识点 一、请默写以下单词、词组 1. 字;词________ 2. 电脑___________ 3. 容易的________ 4. 门________ 5. 体贴的;善良的__________ 6. 窗户______________ 7. 玻璃杯__________ 8. 借入___________ 9. 拿到;取得__________ 10. 好的;健康的___________ 11. 拿着这些书__________________ 12. 开/关窗户/门___________________ 13. 打开收音机/灯_______________ 14. 关上收音机/灯__________________ 15. 递给我水/饮料_______________ 16. 点灯_______ 17. 马克笔__________ 18. 尺子______ 19. 剪刀______ 20. 蜡笔_______ 21. 铅笔刀__________ 答案: 1. word 2. computer 3. easy 4. door 5. kind 6.window 7.glass 8. borrow 9. take 10.fine 11. hold these books 12. open/close the window/door 13. turn on the radio/ light 14. turn off the radio / light 15. pass me the water /drink 16. light 17. Marker 18. ruler 19. scissors 20. crayon 21. pencil sharpener 二、根据中文意思,写出以下重点句型 1. ——能请您帮我拿一下这些书吗?——没问题。/我很愿意。 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 2. ——请问你介意帮我开下门吗?——当然。没问题。/一点儿也不。 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 3. ——您能帮我个忙吗?——当然。我能为你做些什么? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ 4. ——我能借下你的乒乓球拍吗?——能,当然。 ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


PEP小学三年级上册英语单元作业(四) Listening Part(听力部分) I. Listen and number.(根据你听到的内容给下面的图片排列顺序) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) II. Listen and tick.(根据听到的内容,判断与图片所表达的意思是否一致) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. Listen and tick.(根据你听到的内容,选出恰当的图片,在图片下面的括号里

划对号) 1. 2. ()()( ) ( ) 3. 4. ()()( ) ( ) 5. 6. ()()( ) ( ) 7. 8. ()()( ) ( ) 9. 10. ()()( ) ( ) IV. Listen and circle.(听音,圈出单词的首字母。) 1. 2. g j l n

3. 4. k c n m 5. 6. l n d m V. Listen and circle.(听音,圈出你所听到的字母或单词) 1. KFC ABC CEO 2. CBA BBC CMC 3. JAN GEB KBC 4. HAB MAN NBA 5. monkey bird elephant 6. cat pig dog 7. bird duck pig 8. bear bird tiger 9. tiger bear panda 10. duck cat tiger Writing Part (笔试部分) I. Read and number.(读单词,给图片排列顺序) 1. duck 2. pig 3. cat 4. bear 5. dog 6. elephant 7. monkey 8. bird 9. tiger 10. panda


XX县中小学课堂教学设计 Unit Four We Love Animals

的叫声。再通过示范性活动和两人小组活动,让学生在对话中练习本课时的重点问句及答句。 Step 5 Summary 1. 将本课的重点内容总结为韵句,先让学生倾听,再进行练习。Teacher: It’s chant time. Listen carefully. What’s this? What’s this? It’s a bear. It’s a bear. What’s this? What’s this? It’s a dog. It’s a dog. What’s this? What’s this? It’s duck. It’s a duck. Teacher: Please say the chant freely. You can try to do some actions. 2. 学生加入动作模仿动物,表演韵句。 Teacher: Now please say the chant and do the actions. Who wants to try? Teacher: Say the chant together, please. 设计意图:将本课的重点问答句编成短小、节奏感强的韵句,让学生在说唱中复习、总结本课的重点内容。鼓励学生加入动作,使他们能够更加积极地参与到韵句活动中去。同时能够帮助他们更加容易地理解和记忆本课的重点内容。 课堂作业 一、根据句子选择正确的图片,将其序号填入题前括号内。 ( ) 1. It’s a bear. A. B. ( ) 2. It’s a duck. A. B. ( ) 3 It’s a dog. A. B. ( ) 4. It’s a book. A. B. 二、根据图片选择正确的句子。 ( ) 1. A. It’s a bear. B. It’s a duck. C.
