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have / has +动词过去分词

haven’t / hasn’t + done

Have / Has + 主语+ done


1. 表示过去发生或已完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常与下列状语连用:already (多用于肯定陈述句),yet (用于否定句或疑问句), never (多用于否定陈述句), ever (多用于疑问句,问初次经历), before (一般位于句末)。

I have never lost a library book before.

Already 也可用于疑问句中,表示疑惑、出乎意料或惊讶。

John, why are you here? Have you finished your homework already?

2. 表示到现在为止这一时期中多次动作的总和或所做过的工作的量的积累。

I have been to Beijing twice.

Great changes have taken place in the past five years.

3. have/ has gone to 与have / has been to 的区别

have/ has gone to 表示“已去(某地)”人已离开,不在说话现场。

have / has been to 表示“去过(某地)”人已回来

have / has been in 表示已去,并且还在那里。

4. 现在完成时中,瞬间动词不能与持续性时间搭配使用,如how long, for + 一段时间;如要表示该意思,要换成意义相近的持续性动词:

1. go - be away

2. come - be here

3. come back - be back

4. leave - be away

5. lose - be lost

6. get up - be up

7. die - be dead 8. begin - be on

9. finish - be over 10. open - be open

11. close - be closed 12. become - be

13. turn on - be on 14. buy - have

15. borrow - keep 16. get to know - know

17. sit down - sit/be seated

18. join - be in(…)或be a…member


1. 现在完成时强调过去发生的动作的结果及对目前的影响;而一般过去时强调动作发生的时间、地点、方式等,与现在没有联系。

1)She has just had her lunch. 她刚吃过午饭。(指现在还不太饿)

2)She had her lunch just now. 她刚吃了午饭。

2. 现在完成时可以与表示现在的时间连用,如:this day,these days,now等;而一般过去时只能和表示过去的时间连用,如:yesterday,just now,3 days ago等。注意:在用when 提问的句子中,一般都使用一般过去时。

eg:She has practised swimming these days. 她这些日子都在练习游泳。

She practised swimming last week. 她上周练习了游泳。

1.Fill in the blanks:

1. He ______________ the USA.

2. He ______________ the USA twice.

3. He ______________ the USA for two years

4. He went away 3 minutes ago.

He has been away for 3 minutes.

5. I lost my pen yesterday.

How long have your pen been lost?

6. The movie began 5 minutes ago.

The movie has been on for 5 minutes.

7. The poor cat died a week ago.

The poor cat has been dead for a week.

8. When did she join the Party?

She has been a Party member for 10 years.

She has been in the Party for 10 years.

2.Correct the sentences:

How long has he become a nurse?

I’ve borrowed the fiction for a month.

The radio has been turned on for 2 hours.

We have got to known each other for 12 years.

Father has left home for one day.

How long have you bought the bike?


1. He has _____ the Zoo several times .

A. been to

B. been in

C. been

D. be

2. ____ you _____ this pen? It is useful.

A. Has, bought

B. Have, bought

C. have, had

D. Did, buy

3. He ___________ Guangzhou for five years.

A. has been to

B. has been in

C. went

D. has gone to

4. Mary has never seen pandas, _________?

A. hasn’t

B. has she

C. has Mary

D. hasn’t Mary

5. Li Lei hasn’t got up __________.

A. already

B. ever

C. yet

D. just

6. --- May isn’t here. She ________ Nanhai.

--- When _____ she _____? --- Yesterday.

A. has gone to, has gone

B. has gone to, did go

C. has been to, did, go

D. went, has gone

7. – I have watched the game.

--When ____ you ____ it?

A. have watched

B. do watch

C. did watch

D. will watch

8. Mr. Green ____ in China since five years ago.

A. lived

B. has lived

C. lives

D. is going to live
