



Unit 1 Cultural Differences文化差异In 1993, I had my first opportunity to visit Russia as a representative of the University of California. I was there to provide some technical assistance in the area of agricultural labor management. ―Russians are a very polite people,‖ I had been tutored before my arrival. One of my interpreters, once I was there, explained that a gentleman should pour the lemonade (a type of juice) for the ladies and show other courtesies to them.1993年,我作为加利福尼亚大学的代表,有了我的第一个访问俄罗斯的机会。




Toward the end of my three-week trip I was invited by my young Russian host and friend Dmitri Ivanovich and his lovely wife Yielena out to dinner. At the end of a wonderful meal Yielena asked if I would like a banana. I politely declined and thanked her, and explained I was most satisfied with the meal. But the whole while my mind was racing: “What do I do? Do I offer her a banana even though they are as close to her as they are to me? What is the polite thing to do?”就在我这三周的旅行快要结束的时候,我被我的朋友,一位年轻的俄罗斯东道主,季米特里·伊万诺维奇和他美丽的妻子Yielena邀请去吃晚饭。



自考高级英语Lesson Two EvelineLesson Two伊芙林 Eveline她坐在窗前,看着夜色袭上街头。

She sat at the window watching the evening invade the avenue.头倚在窗帘上,鼻孔里充斥着带灰尘的印花窗Her head was leaned against the window curtains,帘的味道。


窗前很少有人过, and in her nostrils was the odour of dusty cretonne. She was tired. Few people passed.住在最后那座房子的人经过这里往家赶。

她听The man out of the last house passed on his way见水泥路上传来“踢踏”的脚步声,然后是踩在红home; she heard his footsteps clacking along the色新房子前的那条煤渣路上发出的“嘎吱”声。

concrete pavement and afterwards crunching on the cinder path before the new red houses.以前那儿曾是块空地,他们和别人家孩子们天One time there used to be a field there in which天晚上在那里玩。

they used to play every evening with otherpeople’s children.后来一位从贝尔法斯特来的男人买下了这块Then a man from Belfast bought the field and地,并建了座房子——不像他们住的那种灰灰的小built houses in it ----not like their little brown houses ,房子,而是明砖亮瓦房,还有闪亮的屋顶。



全国高等教育自学考试指定教材英语专业(本科段)高级英语(下)王家湘课文翻译Lesson OneThe Company in Which I Work我工作的公司约瑟夫·海勒我工作的公司里,每个人都至少害怕一个人.职位越低,所惧怕的人越多.所有的人都害怕那十二位顶层上司,他们帮助创建了这个公司,而且现在仍然大权在握。















全国高等教育自学考试指定教材英语专业(本科段)高级英语(下)王家湘课文翻译Lesson OneThe Company in Which I Work我工作的公司约瑟夫·海勒我工作的公司里,每个人都至少害怕一个人。



















1.They hold meetings ,make promotions , and allow their names to be used on announcements that are prepared and issued by somebody else .他们主持会议,研究该提升谁,别人准备并发布的通告上也要署上他们的名字.2. He makes it clear to me every now and then that he wishes to see everything coming out of my department before it is shown to other departments .他不时地让我清楚一个事实,即希望我的部门所做的每项工作在显示给其他部门之前先给他看看.3. The result of this photocopying and distributing is that there is almost continuous public scrutiny and discussion throughout the company of how well or poorly the salesmen in each sales office of each division of the company are doing at any given time .把统计数字复印,分发,这种做法的结果是公司每个部门的每个销售办事处的推销员在任何时期内业绩的好坏都不断地处于公众的审查和评论之中.4. They are stimulated and motivated by discipline and direction . 纪律和监督激励他们.5. Their budget , too , is small , for they are no longer permitted to undertake large projects .》他们的经费很少,因为不再允许他们承担大的项目。

英语专业自考专升本—— 00600高级英语课后答案

英语专业自考专升本—— 00600高级英语课后答案

高级英语课后答案上册Lesson One What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?A1. 1) The author uses the two quotations to introduce the discussion and express his ideas aboutrock music and young culture heroes. 2) Yes, they are.2. The author uses the three examples to show that the young people worship the rock superstarsvery much, but the adults find these rock superstars are sick. These examples are used to show that young people and adults have totally different attitudes towards rock music.3. Irving Horowitz believes that rock music can express its time. He sees it as a debating forumwhere American society struggles to define and redefine its feelings and beliefs.4. When he appeared on the Ed. Sullivan Sunday night variety show in front of millions, a kind of“debate” took place. Most of the old people frowned while most of the young viewers applauded.5. Bob Dylan touched a nerve of disaffection. The Beatles urged peace and piety. The RollingStones demanded revolution.6. Apart from politics, the rock music dealt with a range of feelings and emotions.7. The rock superstars got applause, praise and money.8. No, he hasn’t. It is impossible for the author to give a complete answer in a short article. Heends his article with questions because he wants to leave the question to the readers and let them think.B1.他描述道:“贾格尔抓起半加仑水,沿着前台跑,边跑边把水洒向前几排酷热难耐的歌迷身上……”2. 你对这种赞美和英雄崇拜是怎样看的?3. 或者是由于他把你狂热的幻想表演出来了,你就不知不觉地被这个不可思议的小丑吸引?4. 一些社会学家认为,你对这些问题的回答,可以说明你在想什么,社会在想什么。



Lesson 2: Four Choices for Young People在毕业前不久,斯坦福大学四年级主席吉姆?宾司给我写了一封信,信中谈及他的一些不安。

Shortly before his graduation, Jim Binns, president of the senior class at Stanford University, wrote me about some of his misgivings.他写道:“与其他任何一代人相比,我们这一代人在看待成人世界时抱有更大的疑虑……同时越来越倾向于全盘否定成人世界。

”“More than any other generation,‖ he said, ―our generation views the adult world with great skepticism… there is also an increased tendency to reject completely that world.‖很明显,他的话代表了许多同龄人的看法。

Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries.在过去的几年里,我倾听过许多年轻人的谈话,他们有的还在大学读书,有的已经毕业,他们对于成人的世界同样感到不安。

During the last few years, I have listened to scores of young people, in college and out, who were just as nervous about the grown world.大致来说,他们的态度可归纳如下:“这个世界乱糟糟的,到处充满了不平等、贫困和战争。





1.“Jagger,” he said , “grabs a half –gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform , sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners .他描述道:”贾格尔拿着半加仑水, 顺着舞台前沿,边跑边把水洒向前排汗流浃背的歌迷身上.”2.How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship ?你如何看待这种赞美和英雄崇拜?3. Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown , perhaps because he acts out your wildest fantasies ?还是由于他把你狂热的幻想用行动表现出来,你神不知鬼不觉地被这个不可思议的小丑所吸引?4. Some sociologists say that your answers to them could explain a lot about what you are thinking and about what your society is thinking –in other words , where you and your society are .一些社会学家认为你对这些问题的回答,很能说明你在想什么,社会在想什么..换句话说, 可以说明你和社会的态度.5. It’s just that Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s .只不过艾尔维斯的演唱表现了50年代青少年那种沮丧的精神状态.6. Feelings always a part of any musical statement were a major subject . 感情总是任何音乐表达的必要成分,也是一个重要议题.7. This country element , Horowitz feels , helped its audience express an urge to “get away from it all , “ to “go back to the old days .”霍罗威茨认为这种结合表达了听众欲”摆脱现实一切”/”重归昔日”的强烈愿望.8. In one 1972 national opinion poll , more than 10 percent of the high school boys and 20 percent of the girls said their hero was a rock superstar. 在1972年的一次全国民意测验中, 10%以上的高中男生,20%的女生表示他们心目中的英雄是超摇滚歌星.1. Apparently [ə'pærəntli he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries [kən'temp(ə)r(ər)ɪ].很显然他所说的代表了许多同龄人的想法.2. During the last few years , I have listened to scores of young people ,in college and out , who were just as nervous about the grown –up world .在过去的几年中, 我听到过许多大学内外的年轻人的谈话, 对于成人世界,他们也有同感.3. They are willing to support themselves and to contribute something to the general community , but they simply don’t like t he environment of civilization ;that is ,the city , with all its ugliness and tension .他们愿意自食其力,并对社会大众做些贡献.他们不喜欢文明的环境,也就是说, 不喜欢那种丑恶/紧张的城市生活.4. A few gentleman farmers with plenty of money can still escape to the bucolic life .一些极富有的乡绅可以回到农村的田园生活.5. To them it offers a romantic appeal ,usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic [,kærɪz'mætɪk]figure.对他们来说,这有一种浪漫/传奇的色彩,通常是以某个有闯劲/魅力超凡的人物为代表的.6. For at best their victory never dawns on the shining new world they had dreamed of , cleansed of all human meanness .即使革命成功,胜利的曙光也不会照在光灿灿的/梦想的/消除了人类一切自私的新世界上.7. The revolutionary state , under whatever political label , has to be run –not by violent romantics –but by experts in marketing , sanitary engineering , and the management of bureaucracies[bjʊ'rɑkrəsi].革命的机器,无论贴上什么样的政治标签,还得由市场销售/卫生工程/官僚机构的行家们来操作,而不是由那些极端的浪漫主义者们去操作.8.About all that can be said for it is that it sometimes works – that in this particular time and place it offers a better chance for remedying some of the world ‘s outrages than any other available strategy .这种方法的惟一优点是, 它有时真的有效,--在一个特定的时间和地点, 与其它可选的方法相比,它可以更好地改善世界上的倒行逆施行为.1. When I arrived I was met by the mother , a big startled looking woman , very clean and apologetic who merely said , Is this the doctor?And let me in .我到她家时先遇到她的母亲, 她一副惊讶/害怕的表情. 她穿着很干净, 只是礼貌地说, 您是医生吗?就让我进去了.2. He tried to get up , but I motioned for him not to bother , took off my overcoat and started to look things over .他试图站起来, 我示意他不要麻烦,脱去外套, 开始检查.3. As often , in such cases , they weren’t telling me more than they had to , it was up to me to tell them .像往常一样, 在这种情况下, 他们不会告诉我更多的情况, 而是理应由我来告诉他们.4. I smiled in my best professional manner and asking for the child’s first name I said , come on , Mathilda, …我尽量露出我的职业微笑,询问小女孩的名字.我说,过来,玛蒂尔…5. At that I ground my teeth in disgust . If only they wouldn’t use the word “hurt “I might be able t o get somewhere .此时我已厌恶地咬牙切齿,要不是他们使用”伤害”这个词,我可能早就采取行动了.6. In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject , crushed , exhausted while she surely rose to magnificent heights of insane fury of effort bred of her terror of me .在接下来的斗争中,他们变得越来越可怜,被制服,甚至精疲力竭,而小女孩由于害怕我而产生的狂怒却达到了顶点.7. …she opened up for an instant but before I could see any thing she came down again and gripped the wooden blade between he r molars she reduced it to splinters before I could get it out again .她的嘴张开了一下, 我还没有来的及看清楚,她又闭上了嘴.,紧紧地用臼齿咬住木刃.我还没有来的及将它拔出,,她已把它咬成了碎片.8. The damned little brat must be protected against her own idiocy , one says to one’s self at such times .那个可恶的小家伙很愚蠢,但我应当保护她, 此时我对自己这样说.1.The need for laws on euthanasia cannot be dodged for much longer .现在迫切需要制定有关安乐死的法律.2. In Holland mercy-killing is accepted by the medical establishment and openly practiced a few thousand times each year .在荷兰,安乐死已经被医疗机构所接受,并于每年公开实施数千次.3. The debate on euthanasia will rumble on into the autumn, when Californians may vote on a proposed law legalizing euthanasia .这场有关安乐死的辩论将持续到秋天,直到加利福尼亚人投票表决了一项提议,使安乐死合法化为止.4. Many people accept that it is sad , undignified and gruesome to prolong the throes of death with all the might of medical technology .许多人认为用所能使用的医疗科技来延长死亡前的痛苦是悲哀的/不高尚的/可怕的.5. How long can the distinction between killing and letting die hold out ?这种主动实施与被动使用安乐死的区别还能维持多长时间呢?6. Is he then necessarily wrong if he administers enough painkillers to kill ?Does the fact that the doctor performed an action, rather than an omission , condemn him ?如果他使用足够数量的止痛片来为其实施安乐死就有错了吗?医生采取行动,就应受到遣责吗?7. It is probably no coincidence that it was Dutch doctors who most heroically resisted pressure to join in the Nazi medical atrocities .这不是一种巧合,当时荷兰医生就英勇地反抗用人体做医学试验.8. Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia .不间断提倡思想和行动自由的国家对主动实施安乐死进行限制性规定,就没有什么可担心的了.1. When a bright young woman graduate starts looking for a job ,why is the first question always :”Can you type ?”我是第一个克服这两个不利因素的人.2. Plenty of others have advised me , every time I tried to take another upward step , that I should go back to teaching , a woman’s vocation , and leave politics to the men .美国白人-----包括那些自认为开明的自由主义者------需要很多年的时间来发现, 并消除他们所有的种族主义态度.3. But until that happens –and we all know it will no be this year or next –what we need is more women in politics because we have a very special contribution to make .在这样的职位中, 她们可能会获得几次免费参加州或全国会议, 或民主党和共和党各自召开的全国代表大会.她们所做的也只是按照男主席的方式投一样的票.4. It is women who can bring empathy , tolerance , insight , patience , and persistence to government ---the qualities we naturally have or have had to develop because of our suppression by men .当一位聪明的女大学生毕业后开始找工作时, 为什么第一个问题总是::”你会打字吗?”5. At present , our country needs women’s idealism and determination , perhaps more in politics than anywhere else .每一次我试图再上一个新台阶时, 许多人会劝我回到妇女的职业, 做一名教师, 把政治留给男人.6. 但直到这些发生-----我们知道这不是今年或明年的事------因此我们所要做的是要更多的妇女进入政界, 因为我们对此有特殊贡献.7. 妇女善解人意/宽容,具有很强的洞察力/耐心和毅力------这些都是我们与生俱来或由于受男人的压制而形成的品质, 女人能把这些品质带到政府中来.8. 目前, 我们的国家也许在政治上比其它任何领域更需要女人的理想主义和决心.1.When he was saying all those things against the government and against the council , he became more and more ugly and embittered and I used to be afraid for him .在他反对反对政府,反对美国印第安人委员会时, 他变得越来越可怕,充满怨恨,我也为他担心.2. Well, you can think what you want ,but have you talked to him lately ? Do you know him as he is now ?好吧, 你愿意怎么想就怎么想吧, 但你最近和他谈过吗?你知道他现在的状况吗?3. If he is Indian as you say , whatever that means , and if he is back here to stay this time and if he tells me that himself , I’ll let it go .如果像你所说的他是一名印第安人, 不管这是什么意思, 如果他亲口对我说他这次只是回来呆在这儿, 我也不再劝他了.4. A police car moved slowly to the corner where we were parked and the patrolmen looked at the three of us intently and we pretended not to notice . 一辆警车缓慢地驶向我们停车的拐角处, 假释监督官目不转睛地盯着我们三个人, 我们假装没注意到.5. I think it’s good that you’ve come, because Magpie needs some relief from this constant surveillance , constant checking u p .我想你来的正好, 因为在这种不间断的监视/检查之下, 喜鹊需要一些宽慰.6. “There are things about this though , “Elgie said . “Magpie shouldn’t have been there , see , because it’s a part of the condition of his parole that he stays away from friends and relatives and ex-convicts and just about everybody ..”“还有一件事”,埃尔吉继续说, “喜鹊不应该在那儿,明白吗?因为假释的条件之一就是他应该远离他的朋友/亲戚和以前的同谋罪犯,甚至不能见任何人.7. But the silence which hung about the place filled me with apprehension , and when we walked in the back door which hung open , we saw people standing in the kitchen .但是一片寂静笼罩着整座房子, 我感到有些忧虑.当我们走进敞开着的后门时,看到许多人站在厨房里.8. I held the poems tightly in my hands , pressing my thumbs , first one and then the other , against the smoothness of the cardboard folder . 我用手紧紧握着他的诗, 两个拇指使劲按压平滑的纸板文件夹.1.Although it was so brilliantly fine –the blue sky powdered with gold and the great spots of light like white wine splashedover the Jardins Publiques –Miss Brill was glad that she had decided on her fur .天气很好,阳光明媚-----蓝色的天空金光灿烂, 犹如白葡萄酒的巨大的光点照在公共花园---布里尔小姐很高兴她决定围这条毛皮围巾.2. It was like someone playing with only the family to listen; it didn’t care how it played if there weren’t any strangers present .就像一个人只为家人演出, 而没有其他人在场, 是不会在乎演出的.3. And sometimes a tiny staggerer came suddenly rocking into the open from under the trees , stopped stared , as suddenly sat down “flop ,” u ntil its small high –stepping mother , like a young hen , rushed scolding to its rescue..有时一个蹒跚学步的小孩突然从树底下摇摇晃晃地走出来,停下看看,突然”扑通”一声坐在地上, 其娇小的妈妈高抬脚步,像只老母鸡一样跑过来, 一边责备他,一边将他扶起.4. But even the band seemed to know what she was feeling and played more softly , played tenderly , and the drum beat “the Brute !The Brute!” over and over .但是乐队好像知道她的感受, 演奏的更轻松/更柔和,鼓声一遍又一遍地敲出”这个畜牲!这个畜牲!”5. The old head lifted ;two points of light quivered in the old eyes .他抬起衰老的头, 一双老眼中闪出两个光点.6. And then she too ,she too , and the others on the benches ---they would come in with a kind of accompaniment ----something low, that scarcely rose or fell , something so beautiful ---moving.她也会加入. 那些坐在长凳上的其他人----他们也会加入进来, 一起合唱----低声唱,音调平缓,很好听的-----很动人的.7. If there was an almond it was like carrying home a tiny present ---a surprise ---something that might very well not have been there .如果有杏仁, 就像带回家一件小礼物----- 一份惊奇------一件本来可能不在那儿的东西.8. She hurried on the almond Sundays and struck the match for the kettle in quite a dashing way .有杏仁的星期日, 她精神抖擞地跑回家, 迅速地划根火柴, 准备烧开水.1. Her skin was a rich black that would have peeled like a plum if snagged .她的皮肤黝黑,如果被尖锐的东西弄破, 就会像李子皮一样剥落下来.2. Another Negro woman of her health and age would have been expected to carry the paper sacks home in one hand.如果是另一位与她健康状况/年龄相仿的黑人妇女, 就会自己把装好东西的纸袋拿回家去.3. Mrs. Flowers walked in front swinging her arms and picking her way over the stones .弗劳尔斯夫人走在前边, 摆动双臂, 小心地躲开石头.4. Words mean more than what is set down on paper. 词的含义不止写在纸上的那些.5. It takes the human voice to infuse words with the shades of deeper meaning . 人的声音可以赋予它们更加深刻的含义.6. She suggested that I try to make a sentence sound in as many different ways as possible .她建议我尽量用不同的方法大声朗读同一个句子.7. It occurred to me that she expected a response . 在我看来她期待我的回答.8. That in those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations .她说这些质朴无华的话语表达了一代又一代人的集体智慧.1. The only things Americans do more than watch television are work and sleep .美国人所做的, 比看电视花费更长时间的只是工作和睡觉.2. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life requires some constructive , consistently applied effort .几乎所有生活中有趣的和有益的事都需要建设性的和不懈的努力。



汉语言自考本科英语(二)教材中英文对照(1-6课)第1课Text A Critical ReadingCritical reading applies to non-fiction writing in which the author puts forth a position or seeks to make a statement. Critical reading is active reading. It involves more than just understanding what an author is saying. Critical reading involves questioning and evaluating what the author is saying, and forming your own opinions about what the author is saying. Here are the things you should do to be a critical reader.批判性地阅读批判性阅读适合于那种作者提出一个观点或试图陈述一个说法的纪实类写作。




Consider the context of what is written. You may be reading something that was written by an author from a different cultural context than (=from) yours. Or, you may be reading something written some time ago in a different time context than yours. Ineither case, you must recognize and take into account any differences between your values and attitudes and those represented by the author.考虑写作背景。





我为什么写作Lesson 12:Why I Write从很小的时候,大概五、六岁,我知道长大以后将成为一个作家。

From a very early age,perhaps the age of five or six,I knew that when I grew up I should be a writer.从15到24岁的这段时间里,我试图打消这个念头,可总觉得这样做是在戕害我的天性,认为我迟早会坐下来伏案著书。

Between the ages of about seventeen and twenty-four I tried to adandon this idea,but I did so with the consciousness that I was outraging my true nature and that sooner or later I should have to settle down and write books.三个孩子中,我是老二。





I was the middle child of three,but there was a gap of five years on either side,and I barely saw my father before I was eight- For this andother reasons I was somewhat lonely,and I soon developed disagreeable mannerisms which made me unpopular throughout my schooldays.我像一般孤僻的孩子一样,喜欢凭空编造各种故事,和想像的人谈话。

自考 高级英语 课文译文

自考 高级英语 课文译文

Lesson Five Trifles (Part One)琐事(第一部分)苏珊·格拉斯珀尔人物乔治·亨德森,县法官亨利·彼得斯,司法官路易斯·黑尔,附近的农场主彼得斯夫人黑尔夫人场景约翰·赖特的农场里现已闲置的房屋中的厨房。


















1Rock music began in America in the late 1950‟s . It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life . In this forum , the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the disaffection of their society , and a range of emotions between love and hate . Allin all , in this forum , the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society . The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley , singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so on . They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped .2The American young people in 1960‟s were a generation of rebellion . They found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn‟t trust the adult world that didn‟t belong to them and refused to take their beliefs and values . Many young people took active part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War . Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections . They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life . Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life .3Mathilda had been ill for three days . Her mother had given her some medicine, but it did n‟t do any good . So they had to ask the doctor to come . There had been a number of cases of diphtheria in Mathilda‟s school and two of them had been dead . When the doctor arrived at Olson‟s home , he wanted to examine Mthilda‟s throat first . But no mat ter how he coaxed ,,She wouldn‟t open her mouth . So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth . But Mathilda reduced it to splinters . In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make surewhether she had diphtheria or not , so that he could treat her in time . Letting Mathilda …s father hold her wrists he tried his best to open her mouth and found she really had diphtheria. This story made us can think such a question that something in life can‟t only depend on self willingness . Under some circumstances , certain force seems necessary .4The need for laws on euthanasia can‟t be dodged for much longer . Euthanasia is a taboo in most countries . In these countries doctors can only practise it secretly . But it is openly practiced in some countries , such as Holland . Right now more and more countries are going over the arguments about legalizing euthanasia .When a patient suffers from illness for a long time and there is no hope of curing it , why do we l et him polong the throes ?Why can‟t we practise euthanasia to stop the throes ?But if we legalize euthanasia , there will be a danger Someone may use it for killing . All in all , euthanasia is question we can‟t dodge .5The American women made great c ontributions to the nation‟s development , but they received different forms of prejudices because of their sex . In politics , they did all the tedious details that made the differene between victory and defeat on election day and seldom had the chance to reach a better position , while the men reaped the rewards . In economy , most women did the lower-paying and dead –end jobs and they were paid less than the men for the same job . Many American people didn‟t admit it was prejudice against women . They said it was only a different division of labour in society . Even many women were content with their roles as second-class citizens . So the author said it was a long painful struggle for the women to get real equality .6When I knew Magpie got a scholarship of a California University and could go to the Fine Arts School to study , I was very pleased for him . I knew he wanted to become a poet all the time. I also knew he had a good talent . It was a very good chance for him . So I went back to Crow Creek to tell him about the good news and let him fill out some papers . But I didn‟t find him at his home . His wife said they had not been together for a while and only heard he was in Chamberlain . Then I went for Salina and asked her to help me find Magpie . Salina said Magpie had changed a lot since he was taken into prison . She thought he was not interested in going to the university of white people . But I said Magpie had a right to know this news and make the decision whether to go or not by himself . She agreed and took me to his good friend , Elgie . But when I could really see Magpie at last , he had been shot by the police .7Miss Brill was an English who lived in a coastal city in France . She was old and poor . She would go to the park on every Sunday afternoon . She always sat on the same bench , listening people around her talk , or watching other people‟s lives in front of her . She suddenly had a feeling on that Sunday afternoon . She felt the life was like a play and she was one part of the community . She had a part in the performance . At this time , the feeling of loneliness began to escape her .But just at this time she heard a couple of young people talk about her with contempt . Even the young man asked her to leave in a low voice . The short feeling of happiness disappeared . she went home with a broken heart .8Man created language . It was man‟s way of communicating with his fellow man . The difference between oral and written language was that oral language could take the human voice to infuse it with the shades of deeper meaning . Flowers was nearly singing when she read A Tale ofTwo Cities . It sounded beautiful . Her reading made me realize the wonder of language. Mrs. Flowers gave me novels and poems . I learned value of life from these books and realized how beautiful the language of literature works was .Man created language . It was man‟s way of communicating with his fellow man . The difference between oral and written language was that oral language could take the human voice to infuse it with the shades of deeper meaning . Flowers was nearly singing when she read A Tale of Two Cities . It sounded beautiful . Her reading made me realize the wonder of language. Mrs. Flowers gave me novels and poems . I learned value of life from these books and realized how beautiful the language of literature works was .9People have a short attention span . So in order to capture the viewer‟s attention , television must provide constant stimulation through variety , novelty , action and movement . The result of doing so is that news is too brief and results in inefficient communication . Many news programs are like “ machine –gunning with scraps “and figh t coherence of mind.The appeal to the short attention span will decivilize as well. To avoid complexity means to give up thinking . The “ functionally illiterates “ among adult Americans are continually increasing . They even do not know how to answer the want ad. Or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle . At least television should be responsible for part of it .10One night , two German military officers were murdered by Frenchmen . The next day , a German officer declared to thirty French prisoners , “ My order is that one man in every ten shall be selected and shot tomorrow . That is to say , three of you thirty people will die tomorrow . We are indifferent as to which three . You can choose for yourselves .”The prisoners had a heated discussion about who should die. Someone said the old people should go first . This was the way of nature . Some people said the unmarried should go first because they had no responsibilities . At last , all consented to drawinglots to decide which three went to die . A rich lawyer unfortunately got the death draw . He said , “ I …ll give a hundred thousand francs to anyone who will die for me . “11Some people will fall asleep as soon as their heads touch the pillows . Some people can‟t go to sleep although they have been lying in bed several hours . The more he wants to go to sleep , the more wakeful he is . I belong to the latter . When I write an essay , I feel an overpowering desire for sleep . But when I go to bed , I can do anything but sleep . I can compose grand symphonies , paint magnificent pictures and write good essays . The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion , but they are of no avail . When I can‟t go to sleep at night , I imagine a dialogue with a friend till I either laugh or fall asleep . I find this is a good way to go to sleep .12As a very small child , I made up my mind to become a writer in future . When I become a writer , what I have most wanted to do is to make political writing into a work of art . The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is wrong . Writing is exposing lies , protecting truth and also an aesthetic experience . Animal Farm was the book in which I tried to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole . Writing should serve the society and the public . This is the principle I must follow . I f a writer lacks political purpose , he will only write some purple passages , even some humbug .13The first thing Russell thinks is the most ordinary function of work , namely the relief o ftedium. He thinks even the dullest work is less painful than idleness to most people . Then he talks about how the work can provide the people with opportunities for their ambitions. Man, as a member of the society , hopes that he can procure more and more social achievements . He pointsout that most women are so unfortunate that they can not work outside their homes . They are deprived of this chance .It seems that different kinds of work give people satisfaction to different degrees . Russell studies the concerning two chief elements , that is the exercise of skill and construction .When he analyzes the latter , Russell finds an opportunity to express his profound hatred to the war and social violence .14John F. Kerry was a discharged veteran from Vietnam War and took part in the investigation held in Detroit in December in 1970 . He thought the purpose for the veterans to attend the investigation was not only to confess their war crimes in order to purge their souls . It was not the individual but the American government that should have been responsible for the war crimes . He hoped to arouse the sense of responsibility of American people by this text . He criticized that the mass of people in America lit erally didn‟t give a damn and pointed out that the policy of the American government was hypocritical. He revealed the veterans‟ miserable conditions after they came back : racial discrimination ,drug taking , unemployment , no good medical care , etc. In the end he told the readers that members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War would march on Washington to the Capitol . Their most important demand was that the government set a date for withdrawl of troops from Vietnam, otherwise , they would camp and sta y there and won‟t move .15The author first pointed out that American and European women expended a large sum of money on cosmetics in order to make them look younger and more beautiful . Unlike the people of 19th century , they didn‟t think that only women who were not virtuous could use cosmetics . But the author worried that women only paid attention to their appearances and ignored the necessity to overcome the ugliness of theirhearts . He thought the people would be really beautiful only when the human beings had an opportunity to live harmoniously . But the author did not think the objective could be realized .16The three interviewers hid the truth of the firm to McDeere and only told him that the firm mainly did tax work . The clients of the firm were all big corporations , banks and wealthy people . Although the firm was not large in size and only consisted of forty –one lawyers , the salaries an all other benefits of the members were incredibly high . For the first year , McDeere could receive a base salary of eighty thousand dollars , plus bonuses , a low –interest mortgage and a luxurious car . If he worked hard , he would become a partner in ten years . If he put in ten more years , he could be a millionaire .All these were very appealing to Mcdeere . He agreed to accept this job without hesitation . But he could not imagine that he mistakenly went into a lawyer firm which was controlled by a black organization and specialized in illegal activities .1It‟s not easy to work in a big comp any . There is strict hierarchy in the company , and if you hope to be successful and get promotion , you have to obey directions and disciplines in addition to bear heavy pressure of work and work hard . Every day you are under rigid supervision and live in panic . If what you do is a job which will not provide you any chance to get promotion and for some reasons you have no way to find another job , you will be bored with it and feel dull . You will be in despair , lose ambition and working motivation , and finally become a mediocre .2Eveline agreed to marry Frank –an Irish sailor who lived in Buenos Ayres . They got to know each other when Frank just came back Dublin to spend his holidays . They would go to Buenos Ayres by boat that night . The boat was going to leave in a few hours , but she was still in doubtwhether it was wise or not to go to such a distant country with Frank . Although she didn‟t like the job in the store , and her father didn‟t treat her well , it was the only life that she was f amiliar with , after all . Besides , Eveline had promised to her mother that she would keep the home together as long as she could before her mother died . But the vision of the miserable life of her mother made her feel horrible . She would live a happy life with Frank .But she changed her mind before boarding the boat . The boat left with Frank . Everybody dreamed of happy life , but one must have courage to realize his dream .3Television has much more advantages than newspapers . When watching TV, we use our eyes as well as ears ; we can see the words and picture on the screen , and listen to the language and music as well . TV news broadcasting is quicker than that of newspapers . But television lives on commercial advertising to an even greater extent than newspapers . Profits drive television to cater to the lowest instinct of man . There are violence and sex in entertainment programmes of American television . Very often , television coverage of news is superficial and inadequate .There are a lot of problems in American newspapers too . the most prominent problem is that newspapers distort fact , and attack the countries ,people and the social systems which Americans do not like .4The life circle includes birth , being old , and death . Death is an unavoidable end for everybody . Aging is the neglected period of human life circle . Death happens within a few seconds while aging is a long period which means illness , poverty , and loneliness advertisements and travel folders show relaxed , happy , well-dressed older people enjoying recreation,travel and their grandchildren . But all these can not be enjoyed by the poor elder . They have to struggle to survive in old age . Many old people struggle to exist in an inhospitable world . There are more and more old people in the world now , and the government of every country is beginning to pay attention to the problems of old people .5Mrs . Wright was a town girl before she married John Wright and lived in his farm . She used to be a lively girl who liked singing . But during the thirty years living together with Wright , she totally changed . Wright was miserly and never paid attention to his wife‟s needs . There was no joy in their house , and even the neighbours were reluctant to call at their house . One winter morning , Mr. Hale , their neighbour , found that Wright was strangled on his bed .Mrs Wright said that shedidn‟t know who killed her husband . Her behaviour was very queer . She didn‟t call the police , but just sat in the rocker rocking back and forth in the kitchen . The policemen arrested her . Next morning , county sheriff and county attorney took Hale back to the farm to investigate who had killed Wright .6The county sheriff and county attorney couldn‟t find out any sign of anyone having come from the outside , and they were sure that Wright had been killed by his wife . In order to make juries believe the story , they had to find out Mrs . Wright‟s motive for killing her husband , but they failed . While they were busy investigating ,the two women sitting in the kitchen found a dead canary which was wrapped up in a piece of silk lying in a box . The canary had been wrung to death . The two women could imagine what kind of life Mrs . Wright had spent while living with Wright in this house . They didn‟t want the box containing the dead canary to be seen by sheriff and county attorney . In order to protect Mrs . Wright , they hid the box .7Ace was in a plight . He lost the job and was afraid to see his wife .Evey had to work as a saleswoman because Ace could not earn enough money to support the family . She was always very tired after working a whole day . She always had no time to cook dinner . now he was sacked , so he was worried that Evey would be ma d . Ace …s mother took care of their daughter Bonnie for them . Evey always took Bonnie back , but Ace went to take Bonnie that day . Ace‟s mother was glad that Ace lost the job , for she thought Ace should have a better job . Evey was not very angry with Ace this time , but did Ace get rid of the plight ?8Why are so many people overweight in the United States ? Most people may say that there are two reasons . One is that American food is tasty ; the other is that they take few exercises . But the author doesn‟t think this way . He proposes such a hypothesis that people eat in order to satisfy the sense of taste . When food has the flavor of library paste , people need to eat more so as to satisfy the frustrated taste buds . “ Science “ causes the blandne ss of American food which is the real reason why obesity has become a national curse . We should not be very serious about the author‟s strange opinion which is merely a way that the author used to satirize the American food .9I was born , grew up and finished high school in Watts , so I have deep feelings to Watts . I decided to make a career in Watts because it was supposed to be impossible . At that time , many young blacks left Watts in droves . They thought they could make a career only outside the ghetto .I also left Watts and went to study in Oxford University and Yale University . The riots in ghetto in 1960s showed the ever increasing militancy of the blacks . The riots were the most significant massive action taken by Northern Negroes . It was a watershed in the ghetto‟s history . The deepest impact of the riots was on the people of Watts . I will never escape from the ghetto . I have staked my all on its future . Watts is my home .10Customers have different values about products and services . Some customers demand low prices with the least inconvenience . Some customers don‟t care much about the prices , but they demand that the products should represent the hottest style and technology on the market . Other customers demand that products and services should meet their specific needs . Thus , if a company hopes to become the market leader and keep its edge , it must focus on one dimension and create a breakthrough to reach new heights of performance according to its own situation . It can win through cost or with great products or through customer intimacy .11Human beings have four major desires ; acquisitiveness , rivalry , vanity and love of power . Acquisitiveness is the wish to possess as much as possible of goods . Satiety is a dream which will always elude you . Acquisitiveness is the mainspring of the capitalist system , but rivalry is a much stronger motive than acquisitiveness . Vanity is a motive of immense potency . It is scarcely possible to exggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life . But love of power is a motive which overweighs vanity . love of power is insatiable . Love of power is by far the strongest motive in the lives of important men . love of power is greatly increased by the experience of power .12Jerry ----Marian‟s son -----had to join the army and was sent to Vietnam to fight a losing battle shortly after he spent twenty –year –old birthday . Later , he was captured in one battle and was sent to a prison –compound . Young Jerry couldn‟t stand such a heavy blow and broke down . the handsome young man changed into another person . He was expressionless with a dull look in his eyes . His face muscles were jerking . He looked like an idiot . Marian‟s heart broke when she saw her idiot son in the newsreel . What made her relieved was the fact that her son was still alive and she would wait for her son patiently .13Huxley states in the article that most people are snobs about something . He says that some people even feel that they are important just because of having certain diseases . But so far I have never met any disease –snobs . In china , during the Culture Revolution , the snobbery of family and the snobbery of ignorance and stupidity were most popular . Twenty years later , modernity –snobbery is making headway today . our media encourage modernity –snobbery desperately . TV advertisements urge people to buy new goods . In addition , they make you feel that you are shameful if you don‟t have the most fashionable goods . For u p-to-dateness means that you are wealthy , and wealth is a symbol of strong capability . Only a man knowing his own mind can resist the flood of propaganda .14Arthur likes to go fishing along the canal on Sunday mornings . After six days‟ tiring labor work , he wants to leave the factory , leave the city as soon as possible to go to the tranquil countrysideand sit by the canal , fishing . He thinks it is a best way to relax himself and a best way to forget all the troubles . The factory is dirty stinking and ugly and people do not want to stay there for one more minute . The countryside has a picturesque view : fresh air , enchanting spring scene , green grass and trees , fragrant earth . The factory is hell while the countryside is heaven .15Most people believe that American education is of the highest quality in the world , but the author has his unique opinion . He thinks that there are serious problems in American education . The low quality of American education can not be faulted on the low teaching level . Teachers are working hard , but the problem is that they are teaching so rigidly that they work rigidly from the approved rigidly programmed primers . They are afraid of losing the job . They can‟t cultivate rare genius in this way . Another serious problem in american education is that children are not taught how to respect and inherit cultural heritage of human beings . What the author states here is the situation of primary education . Are the secondary education and higher education in the same situation .?16Jerry was tired of swimming and sunbathing . He wanted to swim down to the bottom of the sea to see what it was like there and play with other boys . But he felt he should not leave his widowed mother alone . His mother was also considerate of him . she hoped Jerry to stay on the safe beach with her care at his side . But she was afraid that her son felt that she tried to keep him close and she was possessive . Her son was eleven years old . She should give him freedom , and let him go wherever he likes to go . He could take care of himself without her . When Jerry swam far , he kept looking back to see whether his mother was still on the beach .。



自考高级英语上下全册课后答案(共81页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--高级英语课后练习答案(上下全册)Rock SuperstarsWhat Do They Tell Us About OurSelves and Our Society?课后练习 (Exercises on the text)the following questions on the text:emphasize the theme of the article and they are appropriate. author attempts to illustrate that there are completelydifferent ideas about Rock Music between the young people and the adult.music can express its times. He sees it as a debating forumwhere American society struggles to define and redefine itsfeelings and beliefs.managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the1950s.Dylan spoke of civil rights, the Beatles urged peace andpiety, and the Rolling Stones demanded revolution.from politics, the rock music also deals with feelings.got applause, praise and money., he hasn’t. He wants the readers to think it carefully.the following into Chinese:1.他说:“贾格尔拿着装有半加仑水的罐子沿着舞台前沿跑动,把水洒到前几排狂热的观众身上。



Some stories are widespread, while others are not.
5.事实上,肉和土豆是可以同时吃的。(as a matter of fact)
As a matter of fact, meat and potatoes can be eaten together.
Mutual understanding is of great importance to friendship.
No two leaves are the same in the world.或There are no two same leaves in the world.
The price of the lift is somewhat higher than expected.
3.这些图案十分受青年人欢迎。(be popular with)
These designs are very popular with young people.
6.人们常把学校看成是一个小社会。(think of…as)
People often think of a school as a small society.
Unit 6
1.请把你要的东西清理出来并把其余的全扔掉。(sort out)
Please sort out what you want and throw away the rest.
Unit 7



1.They hold meetings ,make promotions , and allow their names to be used on announcements that are prepared and issued by somebody else .他们主持会议,研究该提升谁,别人准备并发布的通告上也要署上他们的名字.2. He makes it clear to me every now and then that he wishes to see everything coming out of my department before it is shown to other departments .他不时地让我清楚一个事实,即希望我的部门所做的每项工作在显示给其他部门之前先给他看看.3. The result of this photocopying and distributing is that there is almost continuous public scrutiny and discussion throughout the company of how well or poorly the salesmen in each sales office of each division of the company are doing at any given time .把统计数字复印,分发,这种做法的结果是公司每个部门的每个销售办事处的推销员在任何时期内业绩的好坏都不断地处于公众的审查和评论之中.4. They are stimulated and motivated by discipline and direction . 纪律和监督激励他们.5. Their budget , too , is small , for they are no longer permitted to undertake large projects .他们的经费很少,因为不再允许他们承担大的项目。



课文翻译(Translation of the text)第一课超级摇滚巨星——关于我们自己和我们的社会,他们告诉我们些什么?摇滚乐是青少年反叛的音乐。



















Lesson 15: The Beauty Industry美容用品业The one American industry unaffected by the general depression of trade is the beamy industry.美国工业中惟一未受贸易大萧条影响的是美容用品业。

American women continue to spend on their faces and bodies as much as they spent before the coming of the slump經濟蕭條前—about three million pounds a week.美国妇女仍不断在她们的脸上和身体上花费与经济萧条到来之前同样多的钱——每周约300万英镑。

These facts and figures are "official", and can he accepted as being substantially 充分true.这些事实与数字都是官方的,可大致属实。

Reading them. I was only surprised by the comparative 相對較小smallness of the sums expended.当读到这时,我只为花费的数目相对较小而感到惊奇。

From the prodigious巨大number of advertisements of aids to beauty contained in the American magazines,从美国杂志上铺天盖地的化妆品广告来看,I had imagined that the personal appearance business must stand high up among the champions of American industry—the equal, or only just less than the equal, of bootlegging販賣私酒and racketeering,敲詐勒索movies and automobiles.从美国杂志上铺天盖地的化妆品广告来看,我原以为美容用品业一定居美国工业群雄之首,与贩卖私酒和敲诈勒索,电影和汽车业并驾齐驱或稍逊一筹。



Lesson Fourteen1.I Would Like to Tell You Something我想告诉你们一些事情I would like to tell you something about what veterans老兵are doing in this country, and about our feeling now that we’ve come back from a war we didn't really want to fight.我们从一场我们并不想打的战争中返回家园,我想告诉你们退伍军人正在这个国家里做些什么,告诉你们我们的感受。

A little over a week ago we held an investigation in Detroit一个多星期以前,我们在底特律进行了一次调查,where over 150 honorably discharged veterans光榮退伍的老兵, many of them highly decorated, testified to war crimes committed in Indochina在那里,150多名光荣退伍的老兵,其中许多人曾被授予各种高级勋章,为在印度支那犯下的战争罪行做证——not isolated incidents, but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.—这些罪行并不是孤立的事件,而是每天都在发生,并且各级军官对此都十分清楚。

The investigation was not staged so that veterans could spill out their hearts or purge their souls;这次调查并不是为了让那些老兵倾吐他们心中多年以来积蓄已久的感情或是消除他们心灵的负罪感,it was done to prove that the policy of the United States in Indochina is tantamount 等價to genocide大量屠殺,而是为了证实美国在印度支那的政策与种族灭绝毫无两样,and that not only the soldiers are responsible for what is happening, but that everyone here in America who has allowed the brutalization 暴行and de-personalization冷漠to go on is responsible.对那里发生的一切应负责的不仅仅是美国士兵,还有每一个允许这种暴行和冷漠继续下去的美国人。



高级英语上册课文逐句翻译Lesson One Rock Superstars关于我们和我们的社会,他们告诉了我们些什么?What Do They Tell Us About Ourselves and Our Society?摇滚乐是青少年叛逆的音乐。

——摇滚乐评论家约相?罗克韦尔Rock is the music of teenage rebellion.--- John Rockwell, rock music critic知其崇拜何人便可知其人。

——小说家罗伯特?佩恩?沃伦By a man’s heroes ye shall know him.--- Robert Penn Warren, novelist1972年6月的一天,芝加哥圆形剧场挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们。

It was mid-June, 1972, the Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering, rocking.滚石摇滚乐队的迈克?贾格尔正在台上演唱“午夜漫步人”。

Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones was singing “Midnight Rambler.”演唱结束时评论家唐?赫克曼在现场。

Critic Don Heckman was there when the song ended.他描述道:“贾格尔抓起一个半加仑的水罐沿舞台前沿边跑边把里面的水洒向前几排汗流浃背的听众。


“Jagger,” he said, “grabs a half-gallon jug of water and runs along the front platform, sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners. They surge to follow him, eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops”.1973年12月下旬的一天,约1.4万名歌迷在华盛顿市外的首都中心剧场尖叫着,乱哄哄地拥向台前。

自考 英语(二)课文翻译及练习答案

自考 英语(二)课文翻译及练习答案

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1Rock music began in America in the late 1950’s . It was not only a new musical form , but a forum for the American youth to express their ideas of the world and life . In this forum , the stars sang out the attitudes of the youth towards civil rights , war and peace ,the disaffection of their society , and a range of emotions between love and hate . Allin all , in this forum , the American youth redefined the beliefs and feelings of their society . The typical representatives of the early rock music were Elvis Presley , singer and poet Bob Dylan , the Bealtles , the rolling Stones and so on . They were the culture heroes whom the young people worshipped .2The American young people in 1960’s were a generation of rebellion . They found that the affluent American society was filled with poverty , injustice and gypocrisy . They didn’t trust the adult world that didn’t belong to them and refused to take their beliefs and values . Many young people took active part in the struggle which protested against poverty , racial discrimination and Vietnam War . Some young people even tried to overthrow this world by armed revolution. Many other young took passive ways to show their disaffections . They took drugs , refused to take any responsibilities and lived a parasitic way of life . Or they escaped to the frontiers and lived a primitive way of life .3Mathilda had been ill for three days . Her mother had given her some medicine, but it didn’t do any good . So they had to ask the doctor to come . There had been a number of cases of diphtheria in Mathilda’s school and two of them had been dead . When the doctor arrived at Olson’s home , he wanted to examine Mthilda’s throat first . But no matter how he coaxed ,,She wouldn’t open her mouth . So the doctor had to get the tongue depressor into her mouth . But Mathilda reduced it to splinters . In order to protect Mathilda herself and other children , the doctor had to make surewhether she had diphtheria or not , so that he could treat her in time . Letting Mathilda ‘s father hold her wrists he tried his best to open her mouth and found she really had diphtheria. This story made us can think such a question that something in life can’t only depend on self willingness . Under some circumstances , certain force seems necessary .4The need for laws on euthanasia can’t be dodged for much longer . Euthanasia is a taboo in most countries . In these countries doctors can only practise it secretly . But it is openly practiced in some countries , such as Holland . Right now more and more countries are going over the arguments about legalizing euthanasia .When a patient suffers from illness for a long time and there is no hope of curing it , why do we let him polong the throes ?Why can’t we practise euthanasia to stop the throes ?But if we legalize euthanasia , there will be a danger Someone may use it for killing . All in all , euthanasia is question we can’t dodge .5The American women made great contributions to the nation’s development , but they received different forms of prejudices because of their sex . In politics , they did all the tedious details that made the differene between victory and defeat on election day and seldom had the chance to reach a better position , while the men reaped the rewards . In economy , most women did the lower-paying and dead –end jobs and they were paid less than the men for the same job . Many American people didn’t admit it was prejudice against women . They said it was only a different division of labour in society . Even many women were content with their roles as second-class citizens . So the author said it was a long painful struggle for the women to get real equality .6When I knew Magpie got a scholarship of a California University and could go to the Fine Arts School to study , I was very pleased for him . I knew he wanted to become a poet all the time. I also knew he had a good talent . It was a very good chance for him . So I went back to Crow Creek to tell him about the good news and let him fill out some papers . But I didn’t find him at his home . His wife said th ey had not been together for a while and only heard he was in Chamberlain . Then I went for Salina and asked her to help me find Magpie . Salina said Magpie had changed a lot since he was taken into prison . She thought he was not interested in going to the university of white people . But I said Magpie had a right to know this news and make the decision whether to go or not by himself . She agreed and took me to his good friend , Elgie . But when I could really see Magpie at last , he had been shot by the police .7Miss Brill was an English who lived in a coastal city in France . She was old and poor . She would go to the park on every Sunday afternoon . She always sat on the same bench , listening people around her talk , or watching other people’s lives in front of her . She suddenly had a feeling on that Sunday afternoon . She felt the life was like a play and she was one part of the community . She had a part in the performance . At this time , the feeling of loneliness began to escape her .But just at this time she heard a couple of young people talk about her with contempt . Even the young man asked her to leave in a low voice . The short feeling of happiness disappeared . she went home with a broken heart .8Man created language . It was man’s way of commu nicating with his fellow man . The difference between oral and written language was that oral language could take the human voice to infuse it with the shades of deeper meaning . Flowers was nearly singing when she read A Tale ofTwo Cities . It sounded beautiful . Her reading made me realize the wonder of language. Mrs. Flowers gave me novels and poems . I learned value of life from these books and realized how beautiful the language of literature works was .Man created language . It was man’s way of com municating with his fellow man . The difference between oral and written language was that oral language could take the human voice to infuse it with the shades of deeper meaning . Flowers was nearly singing when she read A Tale of Two Cities . It sounded beautiful . Her reading made me realize the wonder of language. Mrs. Flowers gave me novels and poems . I learned value of life from these books and realized how beautiful the language of literature works was .9People have a short attention span . So in order to capture the viewer’s attention , television must provide constant stimulation through variety , novelty , action and movement . The result of doing so is that news is too brief and results in inefficient communication . Many news programs are like “ machine –gunning with scraps “and fight coherence of mind.The appeal to the short attention span will decivilize as well. To avoid complexity means to give up thinking . The “ functionally illiterates “ among a dult Americans are continually increasing . They even do not know how to answer the want ad. Or understand the instructions on a medicine bottle . At least television should be responsible for part of it .10One night , two German military officers were murdered by Frenchmen . The next day , a German officer declared to thirty French prisoners , “ My order is that one man in every ten shall be selected and shot tomorrow . That is to say , three of you thirty people will die tomorrow . We are indifferent as to which three . You can choose for yourselves .”The prisoners had a heated discussion about who should die. Someone said the old people should go first . This was the way of nature . Some people said the unmarried should go first because they had no responsibilities . At last , all consented to drawinglots to decide which three went to die . A rich lawyer unfortunately got the death draw . He said , “ I ‘ll give a hundred thousand francs to anyone who will die for me . “11Some people will fall as leep as soon as their heads touch the pillows . Some people can’t go to sleep although they have been lying in bed several hours . The more he wants to go to sleep , the more wakeful he is . I belong to the latter . When I write an essay , I feel an overpowering desire for sleep . But when I go to bed , I can do anything but sleep . I can compose grand symphonies , paint magnificent pictures and write good essays . The artificial ways of inducing sleep are legion , but they are of no avail . When I can’t go to sleep at night , I imagine a dialogue with a friend till I either laugh or fall asleep . I find this is a good way to go to sleep .12As a very small child , I made up my mind to become a writer in future . When I become a writer , what I have most wanted to do is to make political writing into a work of art . The opinion that art should have nothing to do with politics is wrong . Writing is exposing lies , protecting truth and also an aesthetic experience . Animal Farm was the book in which I tried to fuse political purpose and artistic purpose into one whole . Writing should serve the society and the public . This is the principle I must follow . I f a writer lacks political purpose , he will only write some purple passages , even some humbug .13The first thing Russell thinks is the most ordinary function of work , namely the relief o ftedium. He thinks even the dullest work is less painful than idleness to most people . Then he talks about how the work can provide the people with opportunities for their ambitions. Man, as a member of the society , hopes that he can procure more and more social achievements . He pointsout that most women are so unfortunate that they can not work outside their homes . They are deprived of this chance .It seems that different kinds of work give people satisfaction to different degrees . Russell studies the concerning two chief elements , that is the exercise of skill and construction .When he analyzes the latter , Russell finds an opportunity to express his profound hatred to the war and social violence .14John F. Kerry was a discharged veteran from Vietnam War and took part in the investigation held in Detroit in December in 1970 . He thought the purpose for the veterans to attend the investigation was not only to confess their war crimes in order to purge their souls . It was not the individual but the American government that should have been responsible for the war crimes . He hoped to arouse the sense of responsibility of American people by this text . He criticized that the mass of people in America lit erally didn’t give a damn and pointed out that the policy of the American government was hypocritical. He revealed the veterans’ miserable conditions after they came back : racial discrimination ,drug taking , unemployment , no good medical care , etc. In the end he told the readers that members of Vietnam Veterans Against the War would march on Washington to the Capitol . Their most important demand was that the government set a date for withdrawl of troops from Vietnam, otherwise , they would camp and sta y there and won’t move .15The author first pointed out that American and European women expended a large sum of money on cosmetics in order to make them look younger and more beautiful . Unlike the people of 19th century , they didn’t think that only women who were not virtuous could use cosmetics . But the author worried that women only paid attention to their appearances and ignored the necessity to overcome the ugliness of theirhearts . He thought the people would be really beautiful only when the human beings had an opportunity to live harmoniously . But the author did not think the objective could be realized .16The three interviewers hid the truth of the firm to McDeere and only told him that the firm mainly did tax work . The clients of the firm were all big corporations , banks and wealthy people . Although the firm was not large in size and only consisted of forty –one lawyers , the salaries an all other benefits of the members were incredibly high . For the first year , McDeere could receive a base salary of eighty thousand dollars , plus bonuses , a low –interest mortgage and a luxurious car . If he worked hard , he would become a partner in ten years . If he put in ten more years , he could be a millionaire .All these were very appealing to Mcdeere . He agreed to accept this job without hesitation . But he could not imagine that he mistakenly went into a lawyer firm which was controlled by a black organization and specialized in illegal activities .1It’s not easy to work in a big comp any . There is strict hierarchy in the company , and if you hope to be successful and get promotion , you have to obey directions and disciplines in addition to bear heavy pressure of work and work hard . Every day you are under rigid supervision and live in panic . If what you do is a job which will not provide you any chance to get promotion and for some reasons you have no way to find another job , you will be bored with it and feel dull . You will be in despair , lose ambition and working motivation , and finally become a mediocre .2Eveline agreed to marry Frank –an Irish sailor who lived in Buenos Ayres . They got to know each other when Frank just came back Dublin to spend his holidays . They would go to Buenos Ayres by boat that night . The boat was going to leave in a few hours , but she was still in doubtwhether it was wise or not to go to such a distant country with Frank . Although she didn’t like the job in the store , and her father didn’t treat her well , it was the only life that she was f amiliar with , after all . Besides , Eveline had promised to her mother that she would keep the home together as long as she could before her mother died . But the vision of the miserable life of her mother made her feel horrible . She would live a happy life with Frank .But she changed her mind before boarding the boat . The boat left with Frank . Everybody dreamed of happy life , but one must have courage to realize his dream .3Television has much more advantages than newspapers . When watching TV, we use our eyes as well as ears ; we can see the words and picture on the screen , and listen to the language and music as well . TV news broadcasting is quicker than that of newspapers . But television lives on commercial advertising to an even greater extent than newspapers . Profits drive television to cater to the lowest instinct of man . There are violence and sex in entertainment programmes of American television . Very often , television coverage of news is superficial and inadequate .There are a lot of problems in American newspapers too . the most prominent problem is that newspapers distort fact , and attack the countries ,people and the social systems which Americans do not like .4The life circle includes birth , being old , and death . Death is an unavoidable end for everybody . Aging is the neglected period of human life circle . Death happens within a few seconds while aging is a long period which means illness , poverty , and loneliness advertisements and travel folders show relaxed , happy , well-dressed older people enjoying recreation,travel and their grandchildren . But all these can not be enjoyed by the poor elder . They have to struggle to survive in old age . Many old people struggle to exist in an inhospitable world . There are more and more old people in the world now , and the government of every country is beginning to pay attention to the problems of old people .5Mrs . Wright was a town girl before she married John Wright and lived in his farm . She used to be a lively girl who liked singing . But during the thirty years living together with Wright , she totally changed . Wright was miserly and never paid attention to his wife’s needs . There was n o joy in their house , and even the neighbours were reluctant to call at their house . One winter morning , Mr. Hale , their neighbour , found that Wright was strangled on his bed .Mrs Wright said that shedidn’t know who killed her husband . Her behaviour was very queer . She didn’t call the police , but just sat in the rocker rocking back and forth in the kitchen . The policemen arrested her . Next morning , county sheriff and county attorney took Hale back to the farm to investigate who had killed Wright .6The county sheriff and county attorney couldn’t find out any sign of anyone having come from the outside , and they were sure that Wright had been killed by his wife . In order to make juries believe the story , they had to find out Mrs . Wright’s m otive for killing her husband , but they failed . While they were busy investigating ,the two women sitting in the kitchen found a dead canary which was wrapped up in a piece of silk lying in a box . The canary had been wrung to death . The two women could imagine what kind of life Mrs . Wright had spent while living with Wright in this house . They didn’t want the box containing the dead canary to be seen by sheriff and county attorney . In order to protect Mrs . Wright , they hid the box .7Ace was in a plight . He lost the job and was afraid to see his wife .Evey had to work as a saleswoman because Ace could not earn enough money to support the family . She was always very tired after working a whole day . She always had no time to cook dinner . now he was sacked , so he was worried that Evey would be mad . Ace ‘s mother took care of their daughter Bonnie for them . Evey always took Bonnie back , but Ace went to take Bonnie that day . Ace’s mother was glad that Ace lost the job , for she thought Ace should have a better job . Evey was not very angry with Ace this time , but did Ace get rid of the plight ?8Why are so many people overweight in the United States ? Most people may say that there are two reasons . One is that American food is tasty ; the other is that they take few exercises . But the author doesn’t think this way . He proposes such a hypothesis that people eat in order to satisfy the sense of taste . When food has the flavor of library paste , people need to eat more so as to satisfy the f rustrated taste buds . “ Science “ causes the blandness of American food which is the real reason why obesity has become a national curse . We should not be very serious about the author’s strange opinion which is merely a way that the author used to satirize the American food .9I was born , grew up and finished high school in Watts , so I have deep feelings to Watts . I decided to make a career in Watts because it was supposed to be impossible . At that time , many young blacks left Watts in droves . They thought they could make a career only outside the ghetto .I also left Watts and went to study in Oxford University and Yale University . The riots in ghetto in 1960s showed the ever increasing militancy of the blacks . The riots were the most significant massive action taken by Northern Negroes . It was a watershed in the ghetto’s history . The deepest impact of the riots was on the people of Watts . I will never escape from the ghetto . I have staked my all on its future . Watts is my home .10Customers have different values about products and services . Some customers demand low prices with the least inconvenience . Some customers don’t care much about the prices , but they demand that the products should represent the hottest style and technology on the market . Other customers demand that products and services should meet their specific needs . Thus , if a company hopes to become the market leader and keep its edge , it must focus on one dimension and create a breakthrough to reach new heights of performance according to its own situation . It can win through cost or with great products or through customer intimacy .11Human beings have four major desires ; acquisitiveness , rivalry , vanity and love of power . Acquisitiveness is the wish to possess as much as possible of goods . Satiety is a dream which will always elude you . Acquisitiveness is the mainspring of the capitalist system , but rivalry is a much stronger motive than acquisitiveness . Vanity is a motive of immense potency . It is scarcely possible to exggerate the influence of vanity throughout the range of human life . But love of power is a motive which overweighs vanity . love of power is insatiable . Love of power is by far the strongest motive in the lives of important men . love of power is greatly increased by the experience of power .12Jerry ----Marian’s son -----had to join the army and was sent to Vietnam to fight a losing battle shortly after he spent twenty –year –old birthday . Later , he was captured in one battle and was sent to a prison –compound . Young Jerry couldn’t stand such a heavy blow and broke down . the handsome young man changed into another person . He was expressionless with a dull look in his eyes . His face muscles were jerking . He looked like an idiot . Marian’s heart broke when she saw her idiot son in the newsreel . What made her relieved was the fact that her son was still alive and she would wait for her son patiently .13Huxley states in the article that most people are snobs about something . He says that some people even feel that they are important just because of having certain diseases . But so far I have never met any disease –snobs . In china , during the Culture Revolution , the snobbery of family and the snobbery of ignorance and stupidity were most popular . Twenty years later , modernity –snobbery is making headway today . our media encourage modernity –snobbery desperately . TV advertisements urge people to buy new goods . In addition , they make you feel that you are shameful i f you don’t have the most fashionable goods . For up-to-dateness means that you are wealthy , and wealth is a symbol of strong capability . Only a man knowing his own mind can resist the flood of propaganda .14Arthur likes to go fishing along the cana l on Sunday mornings . After six days’ tiring labor work , he wants to leave the factory , leave the city as soon as possible to go to the tranquil countrysideand sit by the canal , fishing . He thinks it is a best way to relax himself and a best way to forget all the troubles . The factory is dirty stinking and ugly and people do not want to stay there for one more minute . The countryside has a picturesque view : fresh air , enchanting spring scene , green grass and trees , fragrant earth . The factory is hell while the countryside is heaven .15Most people believe that American education is of the highest quality in the world , but the author has his unique opinion . He thinks that there are serious problems in American education . The low quality of American education can not be faulted on the low teaching level . Teachers are working hard , but the problem is that they are teaching so rigidly that they work rigidly from the approved rigidly programmed primers . They are afraid of losing the job . The y can’t cultivate rare genius in this way . Another serious problem in american education is that children are not taught how to respect and inherit cultural heritage of human beings . What the author states here is the situation of primary education . Are the secondary education and higher education in the same situation .?16Jerry was tired of swimming and sunbathing . He wanted to swim down to the bottom of the sea to see what it was like there and play with other boys . But he felt he should not leave his widowed mother alone . His mother was also considerate of him . she hoped Jerry to stay on the safe beach with her care at his side . But she was afraid that her son felt that she tried to keep him close and she was possessive . Her son was eleven years old . She should give him freedom , and let him go wherever he likes to go . He could take care of himself without her . When Jerry swam far , he kept looking back to see whether his mother was still on the beach .11。
