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安 装 和 维 护 手 册

External Energy (Nitrogen-Controlled) Relief Valve

Installation and Maintenance Manual


Chongqing Kete Industrial Valve Co., Ltd.


I. Structure and Working Principles


1. Structure, as shown in Fig. 1

阀座valve seat

滑塞腔 Plug chamber

滑塞 Plug

Fig. 1


2. Working Principles:

外接能源式(氮气式)泄压阀的工作主要依赖于对泄压阀滑塞内腔的压力控制,其滑塞内腔控制动力由外供氮气瓶通过氮气控制柜减压系统对其控制压力进行调控。The External Energy (Nitrogen-Controlled) Relief Valve works mainly depending on the pressure control to its inner plug chamber. The control force to the inner plug chamber is supplied from external nitrogen bottle, with its pressure regulated by a reducing system in the nitrogen distribution cabinet.


During normal transmission, the plug is tightly stuck to the main valve seat under the setting pressure of the inner chamber, so as to make the relief valve under normally closed state. When the pressure rises abnormally due to surge in the pipeline and exceeds the safety control value preset for the plug inner chamber, the plug will be opened under differential pressure to relieve the pressure via outer plug chamber while giving out alarm. When the pipeline pressure resumes to the normal working value, the plug will be

stuck against the valve seat; then it will resume to the closed state and stop relieving the pressure.


II. Installation and Testing


1. Installation

1.1 在安装泄压阀前,请确定阀门前的管道内没有脏东西、废弃物和金属屑,如果有条件,最好将阀门上游钢管进行吹扫,去除杂物。

1.1 Before installation, please ensure that there is no dirt, scrap or metal particles in the pipe on the

upstream of the valve. If possible, it is best to purge the steel tubes on the upstream of the valve.

1.2 在地上挖坑,将温差补偿瓶埋入地下,温差补偿瓶埋深最浅1米。温差补偿瓶


1.2 Excavate a pit on ground and bury the temperature compensation bottle in it. The burial depth of the

compensation bottle shall be 1m to the least. The compensation bottle shall be buried in adoption of the same treatment as that for the embedded steel tube. Before bury, please ensure that the pressure pipe is well connected and the valve on the compensation bottle is open.

1.3 如图2所示,将阀门安装在管线上,确定阀门上、下游螺栓连接牢固。

1.3 As shown in Fig. 2, install the valve to the pipeline. Please ensure that the bolts on the upstream and

downstream of the valve are securely fixed.

Fig. 2

温差补偿瓶Temperature compensation bottle

截断阀C Cutoff valve C
