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1.What's your names? -My name is Maria.

2.What's your address? -My address is 235 Main Street.

3.What's your phone number? -My Phone number is 741-89-06

4.Where are you from? - I'm from Mexico City

5.Tell me , what do you do everyday/during the week/on the weekend?

6.Tell me, what kind of movies do you like?

Who’s your favorite movies star?

7. How often do you use your computer everyday? ---every day

8.Does your daughter have straight hair? ----curly hair

9.Who in your family do you like? Who don’t you look like? Tell about it.

10. A:Can jack fix cars?

B:Of course he can. He fixes cars everyday. He’s a mechanic.

11.A: CAN Michael go to Herbert’s party?

B: No, he can’t. He has to go the doctor.

12. A:What are Mr. and Mrs. Brown going to do tomorrow?

B:They are going (to go ) to the beach.

13. A: What time does the movie begin?

B: It begins at 8:00.

A: At 8:00? Oh no! We’re going to be late!

B: Why ? What time is it?

A: It’s 7:30 ! We have to leave RIGHT NOW!

B: I can’t leave now. I’m SHAVING!

A: Please try to hurry! I don’t want to be late for the movie.

14. How do you feel today?

So-so./ I feel great./I feel fine./I feel okay./Not so good / I feel terrible.

15.Maria still misses her friends back home, but she communicate with them very often over the Internet. She’s vey happy now, and she’s looking forward to an exciting future.

1.What do you like to do on the weekend?--- I like to read.

2.Do we need anything from the supermarket? …– Anything else?

3.A:What would you like for breakfast?

4.Do you think it’ll rain tomorrow?

---Maybe it will, and maybe it wouldn’t. We’l l just have to wait and see.

5.A: Should i buy a bicycle or a motorcycle?

B: I think you should but a bicycle.

A: Why?

B: Bicycles are faster than motorcycles.

6.I think New York is more interesting than Los Angeles.

I disagree. I think Los Angeles is MUCH more interesting than New York. In

my opinion……

7.I think your friend Margaret is very smart.

---She certainly is . She’s the smartest person I know.

8.Excuse me. Would you please tell me how to get to the bus station from here?

Certainly. Walk up Park Street to Second Avenue and turn right. Walk

along Second Avenue and you’ll see the bus station on the left, across from the cafeteria.

Thanks very much!

9.Am I working fast enough?

Actually, you should work faster.

10.What was Doris doing last night when the lights went out?

She was taking a bath.

11. Could Peter play on the basketball team when he was a little boy?--- No, he

couldn’t. He was too short.

12. I want to get a medical checkup. Can you recommend a good doctor ?

Yes, You should go to My doctor. She’ll give you a very complete


13.What’s Johnny doing?

He’s getting dressed,

Does he need any help? I ‘ll be glad to help him.

No, that’s okay. He can get dressed by himself.

14.There’s something wrong with my washing machine.

I’m sorry. I can’t help you. I don’t know ANYTHING about washing


Do you know anybody who can help me?

Not really. You should look in the phone book. I ‘m sure you’ll find

somebody who can fix it.

15. Emma has some very special friends. She sees her friends often. When she

need s help , they’re always happy to help her. For example, last month the faucet broke in Emma’s kitchen and flooded her apartment. There was water in every room. She couldn’t fix everything herself, and her superintendent didn’t help her at all. Her friends came over and helped her fix the faucet and clean up very room in the apartment. She was very grateful. Her friends said, We’re happy to help you, Emma, That’s what friends are for!”
