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• England(the united Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
• The famous scenes in England
The Big Ban(大本钟)
Buckingham Palace (白金汉宫)

The main countries of the Europe
• The northern part(北欧) of the Europe includes these countries: • • • • • • 1.Iceland(冰岛) 2.The Faro's Islands(法罗群岛) 3.Denmark(丹麦) 4.Norway(挪威) 5.Sweden(瑞典) 6.Finland(芬兰)
• The middle part of the Europe(中欧) includes these main countries:
• • • • • • • 1.波兰(Poland) 2.捷克(Czech Republic) 3.斯洛伐克(Slovakia) 4.匈牙利(Hungary) 5.德国(Germany) 6.奥地利(Austria) 7.瑞士(Switzerland)
Musée du Louvre(法)罗浮宫
the Louvre Museum(英)
Seine River(英) 塞纳河 La seine(法)
Arc de triomphe di l'Étoile(法)巴黎凯旋门 Arc de Triomphe(英)
Delicious food in French
• The western part of the Europe(西欧) includes these main countries:
• • • • • • • 1.英国(England) 2.爱尔兰(Ireland) 3.荷兰(Netherlands) 4.比利时(Belgium) 5.卢森堡(Luxembourg) 6.法国(France) 7.摩纳哥(Monaco)
Food in the UK
Yorkshire Pudding (约克郡布丁)
Trifle (水果松糕)
Shepherd's Pie (肉馅土豆馅饼)
Black pudding (血肠)
Many famous brands from the UK
The English people we all know
Владимир Владимирович Путин (俄) Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin(英) 普京
Russian featured products
Matryoshka doll 俄罗斯套娃
Водка(俄) Vodka(英) 伏特加
Russian Pewter 俄罗斯锡器
Victor Hugo 维克多 雨果
Guten Tag.Germany
The Federal Republic of Germany 德意志联邦
God gives us the present
柏林大教堂 Berliner Dom
Brandenburg Gate 勃兰登堡门
德国科隆莱茵河 the Rhine River inCologne
德国古堡 classic German castle
You must taste Germany food
香肠(德)Wurst 德国咸猪手 Smoked Pork Hock
黑森林蛋糕 Black Forest Cake
The Munich Oktoberfest
(The Munich Oktoberfest) 又称“十月节”(Oktoberfest), 起源于1810年10月12日, 因在这个节日期间主要的饮料是啤酒, 所以人们习惯性地称其为啤酒节。 每年九月末到十月初在德国的慕尼黑举行, 持续两周,到十月的第一个星期天为止, 是慕尼黑一年中最盛大的活动。 Because the main drink is beer during the holiday, So people habitually called the beer festival. At the end of September to early October every year held in Munich, Germany, For two weeks, until the first Sunday of October, Is the most important function of the year in Munich.
格奥尔格· 威廉· 弗里德里希· 黑格尔 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
Здравствыйте. Russia Russian Federation (俄罗斯联邦)
красивые пейзажи
俄罗斯红场以及克里姆林宫 Red Square in Moscow Russia and the Kremlin
How many brands you know
Reino de España(西)The Kingdom of Spain(英)西班牙王国
Winter Palace(英)Эрмитаж(俄) 冬宫
伏尔加河(Volga River)
Barge Haulers on the Volga 伏尔加河上的纤夫
Many great people as we all know
Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin(英) Ио́сиф Виссарио́нович Ста́лин(俄) 斯大林
a part of Venice(威尼斯)
Colosseum in Rome Italy(意大利古罗马圆形剧场)
So yummy,Italian food
Italiห้องสมุดไป่ตู้n Pizza(意大利披萨)
Italian coffee and its coffee house(意大利咖啡以及他的咖啡馆)
• The southern part of the Europe(南欧) includes these main countries:
• • • • • • • • • 1.意大利(Italy) 2.希腊(Greece) 3.梵蒂冈(Vatican) 4.西班牙(Spain) 5.葡萄牙(Portugal) 6.克罗地亚(Croatia) 7.罗马尼亚(Romania) 8.保加利亚(Bulgaria) 9.斯洛文尼亚(Slovenia)
• The eastern part of the Europe(东欧) includes these main countries:
• • • • • 1.爱沙尼亚(Estonia) 2.立陶宛(Relic of Lithuania) 3.白俄罗斯(The Republic of Belarus) 4.乌克兰(Ukraine) 5.俄罗斯欧洲部分(European Russia)
Buon giorno.Italy
The Republic of Italy
WOW.Look at the beauty.
Piazza San Pietro
Piazza San Pietro(圣彼得大教堂)
Leaning Tower of Pisa Italy(意大利比萨斜塔)
Piazza della Rotonda(万神殿)
欧洲之旅(The trip to the Europe)
葛陈心 13140102 马致远 13140205 齐帅安 12140102
The summary of the Europe
• Comprising the westernmost peninsula(半岛)of Eurasia(欧亚大陆), Europe is generally divided from Asia to its east by the water divide of the Ural Mountains(乌拉尔山脉), the Ural River(乌拉尔河), the Caspian Sea(里海), and by the Caucasus Mountains(高加索山) to the southeast. Europe is washed upon to the north by the Arctic Ocean and other bodies of water, to the west by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Mediterranean Sea(地中海), and to the southeast by the Black Sea and the waterways connecting it to the Mediterranean. Yet, the borders for Europe—a concept dating back to classical antiquity—are somewhat arbitrary, as the term continent can refer to a cultural and political distinction or a physiographic one. Europe is the world's second-smallest continent by surface area, covering about 10,180,000 square kilometres (3,930,000 sq mi) or 2% of the Earth's surface and about 6.8% of its land area. Of Europe's approximately 50 states, Russia is the largest by both area and population, while the Vatican City(梵蒂冈城) is the smallest. Europe is the third most populous continent after Asia and Africa, with a population of 731 million or about 11% of the world's population; however, according to the United Nations (medium estimate), Europe's share may fall to about 7% in 2050.
Oliver Cromwell
Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill
Margaret Hilda Thatcher
• République franç aise(法) • the French Republic(英)
Beautiful scenes in French
Who are they?
卡尔· 海因里希· 马克思 (Karl Heinrich Marx)
冯,恩格斯 Friedrich Von Engels
路德维希· 安德列斯· 费尔巴哈 Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach
贝多芬 Ludwig van Beethoven
阿尔伯特· 爱因斯坦 Albert Einstein
Bloc de Foie Gras d'oie (鹅肝酱)
French Snails(法式蜗牛)
French Onion Soup(洋葱汤)
French loaf(法式长棍)
famous people in history of France
Rousseau 卢梭
Napoléon Bonaparte(法) 拿破仑 波拿巴