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第二节 句子表达的准确性
1. The weather is fine. 今天天气好。
2. We love our motherland. 我们热爱祖国。
3. Zhou Wei often gets up early. 周伟常常起得早。
4. He doesn’t believe that. 他并不相信那个。
5. Does it seldom snow here?这儿很少下雪吗?
注意:① 当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词应加-s。② 疑问句和否定句的谓语动词变化形式。
Exercise 7
Put the following sentences into English.
1Yao Ping loves sports.
2The earth moves round the sun.
3I go to school by bike every day.
4How often do you go to see a film?
5Wealth does not always bring happiness.
【句型8】主句(一般将来时)+when/if 等从句(一般现在时)
1. I’ll call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing. 我一到北京就会给你打电话的。
2. They won’t come to see us if it rains next Sunday.
3. The teacher will tell you about it when he comes.
4. Chen Jian will accept the job unless the salary is too low.
Exercise 8
Put the following sentences into English.
2他们一来到武汉,就会去参观黄鹤楼(the Yellow Crane Tower)。

1You will pass the examination if you work(study)hard.
2As soon as they come to Wuhan, they will visit the Yellow Crane Tower.
3If it rains tomorrow, the sports meeting will be put off.
4He will certainly come to the dancing party unless he is ill.
5I’ll go there tomorrow unless it rains.
1. I met him last night. 昨晚我碰见他。
2. Huang Zhen hurried home after class. 下课后黄振就赶忙回家了。
3. Tom was seriously sick that day. 汤姆那天患了重病。
4. Wang Yan often came to help us when she was here.
5. I went to bed at about ten after I did my homework.
在一般过去时态的句子中通常有表示过去时间的状语,例如 yesterday, that day, last night, a week ago, at that time, in the past, just now 等。
Exercise 9
Put the following sentences into English.
1Our English teacher studied German when he was at college.
2She told me that she did not like the gifts.
3We went to see you last night, but you were not at home.
4He made a lot of mistakes in his composition.
5I went to see him twice last year.
【句型10】主语+used to+动词原形(过去常常)+……
1. He used to live in Shanghai. 他过去常住在上海。
2. She used to be happy and gay. 她过去总是高高兴兴的。
3. They used to get up late on Sundays. 他们过去总是星期天起得很晚。
4. She used to come to see me once a week. 她过去总是每周来看我一次。
“used to+动词原形……”表示过去某段时间内习惯的行为或状态,意思是“过去常常”或“过去总是”,往往暗含“跟现在不同”的意思。
注意:“used to+动词原形……”同“be used to+n/doing”的区别,前者意思是“过去常常”,其中的 to 是不定式符号,后跟动词原形;后者意思是“习惯于”,其中的 to是介词,后跟名词或动名词,be可以根据需要用不同的时态。
Exercise 10
Put the following sentences into English.
1 李甜甜过去总是骑自行车来。
2 他现在不在这儿工作,但是过去在。
3 我过

4 过去学校附近有一个邮局。
5 我们年轻的时候常在这个池塘里游泳。
1 Li Tiantian used to come by bike.
2 He doesn’t work here now, but he used to.
3 I used to know her very well.
4 There used to be a post office near the school.
5 We used to swim in this pool when we were young.
1. I shall write him a letter next month.下个月我将给他写信。
2. You will be free tomorrow morning. 明天早晨你就会有空了。
3. She will teach you French next term. 下学期她将教你们法语。
4. They will come to see me this evening. 今晚他们会来看我的。
一般将来时表示未来的动作或状态,由“助动词 shall(will)+动词原形”构成。主语为第一人称(I 和 we)时,常用“shall+动词原形”,其余人称均用“will+动词原形”。但在美国口语中,不论人称如何,一律用“will+动词原形”。在口语中,will 在名词或代词后常简缩为’ll,否定式will not 常简缩为 won’t。
Exercise 11
Put the following sentences into English.
1 于雷明年将是十七岁了。
2 我会尽力帮助你的。
3 我们永远也不会忘记我们聚在一起的那个日子。
4 下个月我将中学毕业。
5 无论什么时候我有困难,李甜甜都会来帮我。
1. Yu Lei will be 17 years old next year.
2. I will do my best to help you.
3. We’ll never forget the day when we get together.
4. I’ll graduate from middle school next week.
5. Whenever I’m in trouble, Li Tiantian will come to help me.
【句型12】主语+be going to+动词原形+……
1. I am going to draw a picture of a horse. 我打算画一匹马。
2. We are going to make a model plane. 我们准备做一架模型飞机。
3. She is going to get married next month. 她下个月就要结婚了。
4. We are going to start this evening. 我们今晚就要出发了。
5. There is going to be a football match next Saturday.
“be going to+动词原形”被普遍地用来表示“接近的未来”,有“就要,即将”或“打算做什么”的意思,也就是说,这个句型既可以表示“主观意图”,也可以表示“客观可能性”,但是不能用来表示“单纯将来”。例如一般不说:I’m going to be 16 next month. 应该说:I’ll be 16 next month.
本句型用来表示“现在将来时”,其中的 be 要用它的现在式,并根据主语的人称而变化。
Exercise 12
Put the following sentences into English.
1 我认为天会下雪的。
2 我会告诉你如何做这个实验。
3 今天下午我们要打扫教室。
4 明天外宾要来参观我们的工厂。
5 你打算怎

1 I think it’s going to snow.
2 I am going to tell you how to do the experiment.
3 We’re going to clean the classroom this afternoon.
4 The foreigners are going to visit our factory tomorrow.
5 How are you going to spend your winter holiday?
【句型13】主语+be about to+动词原形(即将)+……
1. Hurry up! The train is about to leave. 赶快!火车就要开了。
2. It’s 6∶20. The film is about to begin. 六点二十了,电影就要开始了。
3. Wait a minute. They are about to get ready.
4. I’m about to leave when the telephone rings.
“be about to+动词原形”(= be just going to+动词原形)表示即将发生的动作,但一般不与时间状语连用,例如不可说: The train is about to leave at 6∶30.应该说: The train will leave at 6∶30. 或 The train is to leave at 6∶30.
(1)I’m about to go home immediately.
(2)Mike is about to get married next week.
(3)John is about to leave for Canada tonight.
“be about to+动词原形”还可以用过去式,以表示“过去即将”。例如:
He was about to sing,but his mother stopped him.
Exercise 13
Put the following sentences into English.
1 我们要有一次物理考试。
2 他就要到上海去。
3 我们马上就走。
4 会议马上就要开始了。
5 我们正要出发,这时突然下起了大雪。
1 We’re about to have a physics exam.
2 He is about to leave for Shanghai.
3 We are about to leave.
4 The meeting is about to begin.
5 We were about to start, when it snowed heavily.
1. Guo Xiang is watching TV now. 现在郭祥正在看电视。
2. They are doing their homework. 他们现在正在做家庭作业。
3. We are reviewing our lessons these days. 这些天我们都在复习功课。
4. Jane is coming to China tomorrow. 明天简就要来中国了。
5. You Shengjuan is always smiling. 尤圣娟总是面带笑容。
现在进行时主要用来表示现时或现阶段正在进行的动作。例句1和例句2表示现时(此时此刻)正在进行的动作,例句3表示现阶段(这几天里)正在进行的动作。此动作不一定正在此时此刻发生。现在进行时还可以表示即将发生的动作(如例句4),但仅限于少数表示“来往、出发、到达”之类的动词,如arrive, come, go, leave, start 等。此外,现在进行时还可以表示经常性的习惯动作(如例句5),此时常和 always, constantly,continually等副词连用。在这种表示习惯动作的用法中,常常带有说话人

He is always thinking of others. 他总是想着别人。(表示赞扬)
并不是所有的动词都能使用现在进行时态。那些含有“状态”意义而并不表示动作的动词通常不用这种时态,例如表示“存在”的动词(be, exist)、表示“感官”的动词(hear, see)、表示“情感”的动词(hate, like, love)、表示“认识”的动词(believe, know, remember)等。
What are you seeing?(误)
What are you looking at?(正)
I am hearing the radio.(误)
I am listening to the radio.(正)
He is finding his key.(误)
He is looking for his key.(正)
Exercise 14
Put the following sentences into English.
1 他们正在大厅里练唱。
2 有人敲门。去看看是谁。
3 请等一等,琼斯先生正在会上发言呢。
4 有些学生没有听老师讲课,他们在望着窗外。
5 你们老是在我的花园里打球,我警告你们下次别再来了。
1 They are practising singing in the hall.
2 Somebody is knocking at the door. Go and see who it is.
3 Wait a minute. Mr Jones is speaking(talking)at the meeting.
4 Some students are not listening to the teacher. They’re looking out of the window.
5 You are always playing ball in my garden. I warn you not to come again.
1. I was cleaning the room at that very moment.
2. We were listening to a lecture at 2∶30 yesterday.
3. What was he doing when you went to see him yesterday?
4. They were having a meeting when the fire broke out.
过去进行时态表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。这一特定时间一般用表示过去的时间状语来表示,如 then, just then, at that moment, at twelve o’clock, 以及表示过去的 when-从句等。
It rained hard last night.
It was raining hard last night.
Exercise 15
Put the following sentences into English.
1 昨天下午两点我们在做实验。
2 你知道高明当时在做什么吗?
3 我们下火车的时候天正下着大雪。
4 我敲门时你们在做什么?
5 由于当时我正在读一本有趣的书,所以我不知道外边在发生什么事。
1 We were doing our exper

iments at 2 p.m. yesterday.
2 Do you know what Gao Ming was doing at that time?
3 It was snowing heavily when we got off the train.
4 What were you doing when I knocked at the door?
5 As I was reading an interesting book, I didn’t know what was going on outside.
1. I have already posted my letters. 我把信件都邮寄了。
2. He has just finished his work. 他刚刚做完工作。
3. We have learned English for three years. 我们已经学了三年英语。
4. How long have you been ill? 你病了多久了?
5. He has lived here since he came to this city.
6. I have learned 2000 words since I began to learn English.
7. His parents have gone to Shanghai. 他的父母已经到上海去了。
8. His parents have been to Shanghai. 他的父母亲曾经去过上海。
(1)由于现在完成时属于现在时态的范围,因而不能和表示过去的时间状语(如 last week, yesterday等)连用,但可以同 already, never, ever, just, yet 等状语连用。例如不可说:I’ve finished the work last week. 但可说:I’ve already finished the work.
(2)由于现在完成时表示动作的延续过程,因而那些不能表示延续动作的动词(又叫“瞬间动词”)应慎重,特别是不能把这些动词的肯定式同 for 或since 引导的时间状语连用。例如不可说:His mother has died for five years. 应该说:His mother died five years ago. 或 His mother has been dead for five years. 这是因为 die 是瞬间动词,人一断气就死了,死的过程绝不可能延续达五年之久。这类瞬间动词常用的还有:arrive, begin, become, come, go, die, join, leave, marry, receive, start等。
I have lost my pen. 我的钢笔丢了。(我现在没有钢笔用了。)
I lost my pen. 我的钢笔丢了。(只说明过去丢了,不说明现在是否有钢笔。)
Exercise 16
Put the following sentences into English.
1 今天晚上我写好了三封信。
2 他和他的父母去北京了。
3 我的祖母已经去世十年了。
4 我的哥哥去过美国,他在那儿学习过两年。他现在在上海教书。
5 他从中学毕业以后就一直在这家百货商店工作

1 I have written three letters tonight.
2 He has gone to Beijing with his parents.
3 My grandmother has been dead for ten years.
4 My brother has been to the United States. He studied there for two years. He is teaching in Shanghai now.
5 He has worked in this department store since he graduated from middle school. He has never left this city.
1. I had seen three English films by the end of last week.
2. The concert had already begun before I got the theatre.
3. Father had been ill for a month when the doctor was sent for.
4. After I had finished reading, I began to write. 我看完书后就开始写作。
5. No sooner had they arrived in the city than they began to work.
6. No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang once more.
当一个由after, before 等连词引导的从句表示的动作前后紧接时,由于连词本身已经说明了两个动作发生的先后关系,所以这两个动作都可以用一般过去时表示。如例句4就可以改为:After I finished reading, I began to write.
He had received a letter yesterday.(误)
He received a letter yesterday.(正)
Exercise 17
Put the following sentences into English.
1 她说她以前从来没有见过那位先生。
2 我到达时,史密斯先生已经离开了办公室。
3 我服了这种药后感觉舒服多了。
4 这孩子拒绝告诉他的妈妈他是从哪里搞来这些钱的。
5 到去年年底为止,大约有160人死于车祸。
1 She said that she had never met that gentleman before.
2 When I arrived, Mr Smith had left the office already.
3 I felt much better after I had taken the medicine.
4 The child refused to tell his mother where he had got the money.
5 By the end of last year, about 160 people had been killed in traffic accidents.
【句型18】主语+would/was going to

1. He said he would come to see us. 他曾说过他要来看我们的。
2. She thought the plane wouldn’t take off. 她曾以为飞机不会起飞了。
3. Whenever Tong Kai had time, he would help me with my study.
4. Li Tiantian said she was going to start the next morning.
5. Liu Hengyan told me that there was going to be a concert this evening.
过去将来时还可以用来表示过去习惯性动作,如例句3中的 would help。
Exercise 18
Put the following sentences into English.
1 他们相信他们将会赢得这场足球赛。
2 没有人知道会议将于何时开始。
3 我想在下次会上你会同意我的。
4 我告诉她不要担忧。我们肯定会好好照顾她的孩子的。
5 我们期待那位老教授将会给我们一些如何学好英语的意见。
1 They were sure they would win the football game.
2 No one knew when the meeting would begin.
3 I thought you would agree with me at the next meeting.
4 I told her not to worry. We would surely take good care of her child.
5 We expected that the old professor would give us some advice on how to learn English well.
