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Bidding related knowledge and documents comprising the contract

1. Public and private sectors

Bidding practices of the public and private sectors of the industry differ tremendously .The term public in this context means that the construction work is financed by public funds in the form of tax dollar or the proceeds from the sale of municipal , state, or federal bonds.

Public and private work have different bid rules. Public

construction contracts are advertised and let in accordance with the bidding statutes and other legislatively mandated rules of the

particular governmental entity that is paying for the instruction

work .For instance, when the work is financed with federal funds, the laws and regulations promulgated by federal agencies and bodies govern the process of advertising and awarding construction contracts. Similarly, state, county ,and municipal governments have statutes and regulations that govern when their funds are used to pay for the cost of the work .In addition ,special governmental or quasi-governmental bodies such as sewer or rapid transit districts are often established by special enabling legislation .The enabling legislation usually provides definitive rules for advertising and awarding the construction contracts required to carry out the mission of the particular special body involved.

Unlike public owners , private owners can establish whatever rules that they want. They also can change the rules at will with the result that these rules are not necessarily observed .Although the public owner has the ability to set particular rules and to change them by issuing an addendum to the bidding documents ,the power is severely regulated .A bid document addendum is a modification to the bidding documents

formally issued by the owner to all holders of bidding documents before bids are received .In the public sector ,there must be a reasonable time period from the issue date of the last addendum issued and the date of the opening to ensure that all bidders have sufficient time to reflect properly the import of the addendum in their bids .Bidders are required to list on the bid form all addenda received for their bids to be considered responsive .Failure to list addenda may result in the bid being rejected.

In the private sector anything can happen , whereas in the public sector the result will usually be that the job will be awarded to the lowest “responsive” and “responsible” bidder .These terms have important special meanings that will be discussed later in the chapter.

2. Public Bidding Statutes

The requirements of the federal, state ,and local bidding statutes and resulting regulations make the outcome of the bidding process in the public sector very predictable compared to the private sector .The purposes of public bidding statutes are:
