






















目录1.序言 (1)2.选用PLC的理由 (1)3.PLC工作原理 (2)4.题目分析 (4)5.程序编辑 (4)6.硬件连线图 (8)7.梯形图 (9)8.语句表 (13)9.操作说明 (14)10.设计小结 (15)11.参考文献 (15)序言煤矿矿井通风系统是煤矿矿井安全生产的重要组成部分、合理、稳定、可靠的矿井通风系统是保证矿井安全生产的基础,矿井随着深度的增加,开采强度的增大,组合机械化程度的提高,瓦斯压力,瓦斯含量和瓦斯涌出量越来越大,使得矿井通风线路长,通风阻力大,同时矿井和采区所需风量也大幅度增加,为此需及时调整矿井通风系统,对已不能满足矿井安全生产需要和矿井通风能力要求的通风系统进行技术改造。



1.选用PLC的理由1.1 矿井通风的意义矿井通风指借助于机械或自然风压,向井下各用风点连续输送适量的新鲜空气,供给人员呼吸,降低井下工作面的温度,稀释并排除各种粉尘及有毒有害气体,创造良好的气候条件,为井下工作人员提供安全舒适的工作环境。





1.2 矿井通风的目的矿井通风的目的有两个:在正常生产时期,保证向矿井各用风地点输送足够数量的新鲜空气,用以稀释有毒有害气体,排除矿尘和保持良好的工作环境,确保矿井安全生产;在发生灾变时,能有效、及时地控制风向及风量,并与其他措施结合,防止灾害扩大。



矿山通风安全仿真实验系统本科实验指导书lzl注新版本科实验实验一 风流点压力和平均风速的测定实验二 摩擦阻力系数和局部阻力系数测定实验三 掘进通风技术测定实验四 矿井安全监控系统的组装与测试实验类型:设计 实验学时:2实验要求:必修 实验房间:能源111一、实验目的1、验证速静全速静全,p p p h h h ±=±=,以巩固在不同的通风方式下三种压力的相互关系。



了解胶皮管与U 形水柱计的接头是否正确,明确每台U 形水柱计测哪一种压力。


3、验证就相对压力而言:抽出式 速静全h h h -=压入式 速静全h h h +=就绝对压力而言:速静全=P P P +注:压入式通风: 6.13全全=h P P a +6.13静静=h P P a +6.13速速=h P抽出式通风: 6.13全全-=h P P a6.13静静-=h P P a6.13速速=h P线路法测风 定点法测风图2(二)断面平均风速测定为了测得平均风速,可采用线路法或定点法(图2)。


迎面法需将测得的真风速乘以 1.14的校正系数。

侧身法校正系数K 由下式计算:SS -K 4.0 式中 S ——测风站的断面积,m 2;0.4——测风员阻挡风流的面积,m2。



并在其中装入蒸馏水,在U形管中间有一刻度尺所组成,其测压原理是:在测压前U形管两端的水面处于水平位置,当一端加入较大的压力时,此端液面下降,另一端液面上升,此时两端液面的距图 3离若为L毫米时,就表明水柱计的两端压力差为L毫米水柱。



矿井通风仿真系统MVSS31说明书矿井通风仿真系统MVSS3.1说明书辽宁工程技术大学目录1软件总体介绍 (1)1.1................................... 注意事项11.2................................... 软件启动21.3................................... 系统退出2 2矿井通风仿真系统MVSS3.1可视化界面. (3)2.1.............................. 仿真系统菜单操作42.1.1.......................... 文件类下拉菜单52.1.2.......................... 绘制类下拉菜单62.1.3.......................... 视图类下拉菜单92.1.4.......................... 设置类下拉菜单102.1.5.......................... 编辑类下拉菜单122.1.6.................... 通风系统仿真分析下拉菜单172.1.7...................... 系统拓扑分析下拉菜单182.1.8...................... 通风系统数据分析菜单202.1.9..................... 查看类与窗口类下拉菜单252.2.............................. 工具栏与快捷方式25 3通风仿真系统图属性编辑 (27)3.1............................. 鼠标单击、双击操作273.2.............................. 属性数据字段解释313.3................................ 鼠标右键操作343.3.1........................... 巷道右键属性353.3.2........................... 节点右键属性363.3.3........................... 风机右键属性363.3.4........................... 风门右键属性40 4生成仿真系统图.. (41)4.1....................... 用DXF格式文件生成仿真系统图414.2.......................... 用鼠标在屏幕上直接绘制434.3................................... 注意事项43 5通风网络风流分配仿真.. (44)5.1........................... 矿井风流状态仿真菜单445.2................................ 风流调节仿真455.3................................ 仿真结果分析475.4.............................. 仿真结果误差分析58 6声明 (62)1软件总体介绍矿井通风仿真系统(简称MVSS),本说明书的版本号为3.1,目前MVSS3.1已取得中国版权保护中心的计算机软件著作权。



煤矿行业矿井通风设备操作说明书1. 前言本操作说明书旨在指导煤矿行业矿井通风设备的正确操作,保证工作人员的安全和设备的正常运行。


2. 设备概述煤矿行业矿井通风设备旨在调节和维护矿井内的空气流通,为作业人员提供良好的工作环境。


3. 安全须知(1) 操作前,请确保设备正常工作,检查风机及相关管道是否有明显损坏或堵塞情况。

(2) 使用设备过程中,应保持通风系统畅通,不得随意关闭送风或排风口。

(3) 发现设备异常响声、异味或温度异常升高时,应立即停止使用,并及时上报维修人员进行检修。

(4) 操作设备时需穿戴防护装备,避免发生意外事故。

4. 设备操作步骤4.1 风机启动(1) 打开风机总电源开关,确保电源正常供电。

(2) 启动风机控制面板,将控制开关调至“启动”位置。

(3) 观察风机运行状态,确保无异常情况后,继续下一步操作。

4.2 送风管道操作(1) 检查送风管道连接情况,确保无漏风现象。

(2) 打开送风管道闸门,调整送风量,满足矿井内的通风需求。

(3) 操作结束后,关闭送风管道闸门,确保送风口封闭。

4.3 排风管道操作(1) 检查排风管道连接情况,确保无渗漏情况。

(2) 打开排风管道闸门,调整排风量,保持矿井内空气流通畅通。

(3) 操作结束后,关闭排风管道闸门,确保排风口封闭。

5. 维护与保养(1) 按照定期维护计划进行设备维护,包括清洁风机叶轮、检查电路连接等。

(2) 定期更换防火墙内的过滤网。

(3) 注意设备的存放环境,防止设备受潮、损坏。

(4) 随时关注设备运行状态,及时发现故障并进行处理。

6. 总结本操作说明书详细介绍了煤矿行业矿井通风设备的操作步骤和安全须知,希望能够为使用人员提供必要的操作指导,确保设备的安全运行和作业人员的人身安全。












2 矿井三维通风仿真系统矿井三维通风仿真系统是我公司联合中国矿业大学在引进澳大利亚专业通风仿真软件技术的基础上进行开发并推广的,在矿井三维通风设计、通风网络解算、三维通风仿真方面处于世界领先水平。




矿井通风课程设计说明书..目录 (2)第一章井田概况及地质特征 (5)1.1 井田概况 (5)1.1.1 位置、交通 (5)1.1.2 矿区自然地理及经济概况 .. 51.2 地质特征 (6)1.2.1 区域地质 (6)1.2.2 矿区地质 (6)1.2.3 矿体地质 (6)1.3 水文地质 (6)第二章井田开拓 (7)2.1 井田境界及储量 (7)2.1.1 井田境界 (7)2.1.2储量82.2 矿井设计生产能力及服务年限 .. 102.2.1 矿井年生产能力确定 (10)2.2.3 矿井年生产能力的验证 (10)2.3 井田开拓 (10)2.3.1 开拓方式的选择原则 (10)2.3.2 方案选择 (11)2.4 开拓系统及井筒位置的确定 (11)2.4.1 井筒的数目、用途及位置 . 112.5 阶段运输巷道的布置 (12)2.6 开采顺序 (12)第三章采矿方法 (13)3.1采矿法的选择133.1.1 开采技术条件 (13)3.1.2 采矿方法的选择 (13)3.1.3 确定采矿方法 (13)3.2 采矿方案确定 (13)3.2.1 矿块布置及结构参数 (13)3.2.2 采准切割工作 (14)3.2.3 回采工作 (14)3.2.4 同时工作的矿块数目: (15)3.2.5 矿块回采工艺对照表 (15)第四章通风 (16)4.1 概况 (16)4.1.1 通风系统的选择原则 (17)4.1.2 通风系统的几项具体规定 . 174.2 矿井通风 (17)4.2.1 矿井通风方式 (17)4.2.2 通风系统 (18)4.3 风量计算 (18)4.3.1 全矿通风总量 (18)4.3.2 回采工作面风量 (18)4.3.3 备采工作面风量 (19)4.3.4 掘进工作面所需风量 (19)4.3.5 独立通风硐室 (19)4.4风量分配204.5 通风阻力计算 (20)4.5.1 容易时期通风总阻力 (20)4.5.2 困难时期通风阻力 (22)第五章设备选择 (24)5.1 通风设备的选择 (24)5.1.1 主扇 (25)5.1.2 扇风机选择 (26)5.1.3 局扇 (26)参考文献 (28)致谢 (29)第一章井田概况及地质特征1.1 井田概况1.1.1 位置、交通下湿壕矿区位于固阳县南东60公里,行政区划隶属固阳县下湿壕乡管辖。



7th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection (ICEEP 2018)Control Mode of Mine Ventilation System and Its Implementation Based on Monitoring Data and Safety InformationWei Yin-shang1,a, Jia Yu-quan2,b, Wang Yi-bo3,c1No. 50, Yanta Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province:2No. 50, Yanta Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province:3No.50, Yanta Road, Xi’an, Shaanxi Province:a****************,b****************,c*****************Keywords: ventilation system, monitor and control, intelligent control, ventilation device. Abstract: Based on the full monitoring of mine ventilation system by a safety surveillance control system, the feedback control is applied to design a hierarchical control model. It mean that the total mine air volume is controlled by a main fan power supply module converter, the roadway area is controlled by an electric ventilation door, and the air volume of workplaces is controlled by the air register installed at the end of compressed air duct. The control of whole ventilation system is implemented using intelligent modular design. Through the communication interface, the parameters of the air speed and pressure of each laneway and air point for the ventilation system are collected, and the environmental safety status parameter is also considered, to adjust the effective air volume in production, and to optimize the structure and air volume of the ventilation system in the changing conditions of environmental security. The control strategy is divided into a dynamic adjustment scheme for the production safety state, and a manual-intervened adjustment program in the conditions of prediction deviation of safety state with the change of environment security. Through the ventilation data provided by the adjustment scheme, the intelligent module controls the ventilator, the electric ventilation door and the wind regulator in the outlet of air-supply duct to achieve the effect of both major and fine adjustment. Thus, the air quantity is always maintained in the range of safe level.IntroductionAs an important measure to ensure the safety production of mine, protect the life safety of underground workers, and prevent and control the accidents of underground, the control of mine ventilation system has an overall impact on the safety of mine ventilation[1].The mine ventilation system not only should has a well-structured ventilation network and a well-matched ventilation facilities, but also should contains ventilation structures for guiding, isolating and regulating air volume, to ensure that the airflow is oriented and quantified in accordance with requirement[2].The causes for the occurrence and expansion of major disasters in the mines have an closely related to mine ventilation structures[3]. For example, the reason for the occurrence of a coal mine fire accident in the Dafoshi coal mine of Binchang mining group in 2012 was that the unreasonable mining methods and techniques led to small quantity ventilation structures in the inlet air section, and most ventilation structures were located in the return air section. During the production process, due to the inadequate maintenance and management for ventilation structures, air penetrate directly into the return airway through gaps in the ventilation structure, the goaf zone or the surface subsidence area, which resulted in a large amount of air leakage in the return air system, causedunderground air turbulence and the further expansion of fire smoke. Therefore, the installation of reasonable and well-maintained ventilation structures can effectively control the air flow during the accident or disaster period, reduce air leakage and improve the reliability, stability and resilience of ventilation systems. For example, the blast door must be installed at the outlet of the main ventilator to prevent the expansion of gas explosion accidents; When a fire occurs in the intake shaft, it is necessary to take the anti-wind or close the wellhead fire door.For many years, the adjustment and control problems of mine ventilation have attracted the attention of ventilation experts. Many research results of mine air conditioning and control technology have been applied to production, which has played a positive role in the safety production of mine. However, due to the complex and changeable conditions of mine and mining technology, there are many air flow control problems in the process of mine ventilation[4], such as air leakage, airflow short circuit, air flow circulation and no air blind area, etc, which seriously affect the stability of the ventilation system. On the basis of the theoretical models of nonlinear control, ejected air flow, neural network control, mining air curtain barriers and fuzzy control, numerous experts[5]~[8]have studied and developed many mine ventilation regulation and control techniques, such as technology and equipment of mine leakage risk control system, mining air curtain technology, expert system control technology, controllable circulating ventilation technology and automatic control technology of mine shaft ventilation. However, these control model and technology of ventilation systems have neglected the structure of mine ventilation system and the characteristics of air volume distribution. Therefore, in light of the structure of mine ventilation system and the characteristics of air volume distribution, we have proposed a hierarchical control model of mine ventilation system based on the full monitor of mine ventilation system by safety surveillance control system.Air volume distribution characteristics and control principles of mine ventilation system In mine ventilation system, air flow is composed of a oriented loop system in the form of its bifurcation and confluence. The flow of air in the system roadway is along oriented loop system thanks to the pressure difference in the two end of the roadway. In order to directly reflect the connection relationship between roadways, and the relationship between bifurcation and confluence, the roadway is simplified as a oriented line section, and the intersection point is simplified as a node. So the finite set V of the node element and the finite set E of the branch element constitute a oriented graph G= (V, E). The schematic diagram of the oriented path is shown in figure. 1.Figure.1 Diagram of oriented circuit pathFor most of Chinese mine adopts extraction ventilation method, according to the layout system of mine roadway and the layout of mining area, in terms of air volume distribution, the air flow is under the law of wind balance, wind pressure balance and resistance, which makes the air flow from high energy to low energy. The main air volume of mine is mainly distributed in the intake shaftand return shaf; Secondly, the working face, tunneling working surface and electrical and mechanical cavern are arranged within mining section, and the total air volume that enters into mining area flows through the rail roadway, haulage roadway and return air alleys; Finally, the air volume of various wind sites is small, and its spatial distribution is more dispersed. This air distribution characteristics and ventilation system structure is the basis of the control, which determines the mine air volume should be controled by different levels.According to the characteristics of air volume grading distribution, a hierarchical automatically-adjusted control model is built based on Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). When the system is in operation, the corresponding deviation is obtained by comparing the parameters of environmental quality and ventilation that are collected via real-time monitor through the communication interface, with the safety setting values of each parameter such as gas concentration, wind speed and pressure in different roadways and in the wind location. Guided by the deviation from normal automatic correction principle of control theory, the deviation of the state parameters of the wind location is adjusted and modified online, and the adjustment scheme of ventilation parameters is put forward. Finally, automatically output the state parameters of the adjustment program to each intelligent module that controls the ventilator, the electric damper, and the draught regulator in the outlet of air-supply duct, then according to the on-demand supply principle of the wind site, realizing the effect of both major and fine adjustment, which will realize intelligent control of mine ventilation system. The schematic diagram of the control principle is shown in figure 2, the schematic diagram of the algorithm program of feedback control is shown in figure 3.valueFigure.2 Diagram of control principleAir volume control criteria of underground roadwayIn the mine excavation project, due to the changes of the mining conditions and ventilationsystem management, the resistance of airway, the network structure and the air volume required for each site are real-timely and dynamically changed with the propulsion and replacement of the working surface, which needs the mine air volume to be adjustd timely[9]. Considering the nonlinear, multi-interference and multi-coupling characteristics of the mine ventilation system, and there are some uncertainty factors such as the time-varying parameters, so the accurate modeling calculation cannot be realized[10]. Based on the analysis of the nonlinear control, the neural network control and the fuzzy control that active in the current control areas, this paper puts forward following control criterion of the underground roadway air volume:(1) According to the regulations of Chinese《Coal Mine Safety Regulations》, comprehensively considered the ventilation requirements, mine exploitation modes and roadway layouts in different periods during the whole mining years, and in light of the methods of mine ventilation design and mine air quantity verification, the air volume in the underground mining face, the driving working face, the chamber and other roadway must be actively distributed to meet the basic requirement for the safety production. Based on the requirement of air volume for each site, all the ventilation roadways have the matched air volume that is known as the effective air volume of underground roadways.(2) In the normal mining and exploitation of the mine, no matter in the wind location or ventilation roadway, when the actual air volume is deviated from its effective air volume, it would pose a safety risk. Therefore, it is necessary to automatically correct the deviation in time. Because the air volume distribution characteristics of mine ventilation system presents the hierarchical classification characteristics, determining the local or small amount of air conditioning should be orderly adjusted along a oriented path.(3) The occurance of gas outburst, fire and other disaster would change the environment security status of mine. The volume control measure of anti-air, closure, etc in the ventilation system should be implemented sometimes for timely, effective control of airflow in the disaster period. Due to the uncertainty of disaster environment, and human’s inaccessible to underground to adjust the ventilation equipment, the system must be automatically switched to the manual adjustment mode in order to prevent the disaster from uncontrollably expanding and greatly improve the safety factor of mine ventilation system.Air flow control strategy of underground ventilation roadwayThe air volume adjustment of ventilation system is a systematic engineering. In the case of air volume control, the subsystems of the system should be adjusted gradually, systematically and coherently based on the systematic principles. According to the different conditions of air volume of air supply, return air and air-using area in the ventilation system, it is divided into three levels of total mine air volume control, mining area air volume control and working face air volume control. Aimed at the three level characteristics of mine air volume control, a hierarchical control model for mine ventilation system has been built using the principle of intelligent modular design. The total mine air volume is controlled by a main fan power supply module converter, the roadway’s airflow of mining area is controlled by an electric ventilation door, and the air volume of air-using area is controlled by the air register installed at the end of compressed air duct.Main air volume control strategy of mineThe main air volume of mine refers to the air volume of main inlet and return air shaft. The main ventilator’s working condition is automatically adjusted by using frequency control technology, realizing intelligent adjustment and control for the main air volume and air pressure ofmine. In terms of concrete implementation, to meet the air volume required for underground operation, the frequency control system in main fan power supply module is used to control the main fan frequency conversion operation, and automatically adjust the speed of the ventilator on a large scale to make it operate under the optimum condition. When need to reduce the air volume, the synchronous speed can be changed by reducing the stator supply frequency of the motor, which can realize the main fan speed decrease; Conversely, when need to increase the air volume, it can be realized by increasing the motor stator supply frequency. Using the frequency converter to drive the operation of the main ventilator not only can realize the soft start of the ventilator and the stepless smooth speed regulation but also can greatly reduce the energy consumption of the fan and save energy[11].The schematic diagram of the main air volume control of mine is shown in figure 4.Figure.4 Diagram of the main air volume control of mineMain air volume control strategy of mining area main roadwaysThe main air volume adjustment of mining area main roadways adopts the no-pressure damper installed at the mining area main return air alleys. The device adopts electric mode to adjust the opening angle of the damper, and then controls the main air volume of mining area. In terms of concrete implementation, a real-time monitoring and acquisition of roadway air volume is carried out by using the air volume and air speed sensor installed at the top of the roadway where air is stable in front of the no-pressure damper; Using infrared remote sensing technology and pneumatic technology to control the damper opening and closing linearly; Using displacement sensor to monitor the piston rod expansion of oil cylinder that adjust the opening angle of the damper, the results are also given to the intelligent control module, then the intelligent module control electric damper opening and closing linearly, drive cylinder piston rod to scale, which will automatically realize the no oscillating micro-adjustment of the damper’s opening angle , until the air volume of mining area meet the pre-set security deviation range. This method not only can realize the rapid anti-risk control system during disasters, but also can effectively solve the air leakage of traditional damper and the frequent collision. The schematic diagram of the main air volume control of miningarea main roadways is shown in figure 5.1. Door leaf2. Electric motor3. Slider4. Leading sheave5. Displacement sensorFigure.5 Diagram of the main air volume control of mining area main roadwaysAir volume control strategy of headingFirstly, the inflatable air bags are suspended in the air return side of heading. According to theregulations of Chinese《Coal Mine Safety Regulations》, all mines must be equipped with a separateset of mine compressed air self-rescue system. Next, the compressed air piping line is connected with the inflatable air bags through a branch pipe. If you need to reduce the air volume of working face, turn on the control valve to inflate the inflatable airbag, which can increase the air resistance of roadway and reduce the ventilation volume. Conversely, if we need to increase the air volume of working place, turn on the valve of the compressed air piping line that is located in the air return side of working face. The schematic diagram of the main air volume control of heading is shown in figure 6.1. Pressure air pipe line2. Compressed air self-rescue device branch3. Protecting band4. The inflatable airbag5. reducing valve6. Roadway floor7. Roadway roofFigure.6 Diagram of the main air volume control of headingDevelopment of ventilation system control technologyAt present, the ventilation system of mine in China mostly adopt decentralized and independent automatic equipment, which is difficult to realize real-time monitoring, centralized dispatching and management. Meanwhile, due to lack of self-diagnosis ability and remote-control function, it is not conducive to the safe and stable operation of mine ventilation system. Therefore, by constructing a reasonable control model of mine ventilation system and combining the intelligent control technology with the configuration software and the touch screen technology applied in the coal mine ventilation system can realize intelligent monitoring, fault diagnosis and early warning, report output, remote control and interactive man-machine dialogue function , which can make the mine ventilation system and the safety production management continuously improve, and this technique will be the trend of future development.The realization of ventilation system control technology requires mines to be equipped with the security monitoring and controlling system with remote control function at least. The system needs to integrate the main ventilator, the electric damper and the inflatable airbag control device in the outlet of air-supply duct through automatic control technology, to realize the real-time collection of related parameters that could reflect the environmental quality and ventilation status such as gas and dust concentration, roadway temperature and humidity, air pressure and air pressure etc. Furthermore, these parameters will be synchronously transmitted to the master control system for online fault diagnosis and warning. Then, according to the feedback control for guidance and relying on the hierarchical control model of mine ventilation system, the control strategies and adjustment plans are put forward. Finally, using the microcomputer process perform remote control intelligent module to quickly realize the dynamic adjustment of the effective air volume in production and the ventilation system structure and air volume adjustment in the circumstance of environmental security change. The architecture diagram of the implements of the control system is shown in figure 7.Figure.7 Architecture diagram of the implements of the control systemConclusionsAimed at the ventilation status of coal mines in China, a hierarchical control model of mine ventilation system has been built using intelligent modular design concept based on the ventilation system structure and air volume distribution characteristics of the extraction ventilation. Under the conditions of the full monitor of mine ventilation system by safety surveillance control system, we have put forward that airflow control technology, configuration software and touch screen technology are applied to hierarchical control model to realize the dynamic adjustment scheme in the production safety state, and the manual-intervened adjustment program in the conditions of prediction deviation of safety state with the change of environment security. The implementation of model effectively improves the effective air volume rate and the air distribution quality of mine, and reduces the operational expenses of ventilation system in order to scientifically control and adjust the overall conditions of ventilation system.References[1] Xu G, Jong E C, Luxbacher K D, et al. Effective utilization of tracer gas in characterization ofunderground mine ventilation networks. Process Safety & Environmental Protection 99, 1-10(2016).[2] ZHANG Guo-shu. 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系统后端采用了Spring Boot框架,前端采用了Vue.js框架。
















第一章采区概况 (4)1.1采区位置及范围............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

1.2 地质特征ﻩ错误!未定义书签。


3采区境界储量服务年限......................................... 错误!未定义书签。


4采区内采煤工作面情况............................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第二章采区通风系统.................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。


1采区通风系统要求.................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



3 回采工作面的通风方式选择 (11)第三章采区风量的计算ﻩ错误!未定义书签。


1 工作面的供风及工作面风量计算原则及要求ﻩ错误!未定义书签。

3.2 回采工作面风量的计算................................................ 错误!未定义书签。


3 掘进工作面风量的计算.............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3.4 硐室风量的计算............................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

3.5采区风量分配................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。






1.11、-530m以下深部开采范围内的地质储量及岩⽯性质:①Ⅰ号矿体,表内矿体重2.85t/m3 ,表外矿体重 2.79 t/m3。


矿体硬度系数f=7~8,顶底板f=11~12.;② V号矿体群体重2.74 t/m3,矿⽯量261万吨,平均品位6.38g/t,⾦⾦属量16708.82Kg。




③围岩体重:2.70 t/m3。




















第一章 矿井概况某新设计矿井,已知条件如下:(1)煤层地质情况:单一煤层,倾角25°,煤层厚度4m ,相对瓦斯涌出量为13min 3m ,煤尘有爆炸危险。

(2)井田范围:设计第一水平深度240m ,走向长度7200m ,双翼开采,每翼长3600m 。

(3)矿井生产任务:设计年产量60万t ,矿井第一水平服务年限为23a 。




为准备采煤有4条煤巷掘进,采用4台11kw 局部通风机通风,不与采煤工作面串联。




表1-1 井巷尺寸及支护情况区段 井巷名称 井巷特征及支护情况巷长m 断面积 m 21~2 副井 两个罐笼,有梯子间,风井直径D=5m 240 2~3 主要运输石门 三心拱,混凝土碹,壁面抹浆 120 9.5 3~4 主要运输石门 三心拱,混凝土碹,壁面抹浆 80 9.5 4~5 主要运输巷 三心拱,混凝土碹,壁面抹浆 450 7.0 5~6 运输机上山 梯形水泥棚 135 7.0 6~7 运输机上山 梯形水泥棚135 7.0 7~8 运输机顺槽 梯形木支架d=22cm ,Δ=2 420 4.8 8~9 联络眼 梯形木支架d=18cm ,Δ=4 30 4.0 9~10 上分层顺槽 梯形木支架d=22cm ,Δ=280 4.8 10~11 采煤工作面 采高2m 控顶距2~4m ,单体液压,机采 110 6.0 11~12 上分层顺槽 梯形木支架d=22cm ,Δ=2 80 4.8 12~13 联络眼 梯形木支架d=18cm ,Δ=4 30 4.0 13~14 回风顺槽 梯形木支架d=22cm ,Δ=2 420 4.8 14~15 回风石门 梯形水泥棚30 7.5 15~16 主要回风道 三心拱,混凝土碹,壁面抹浆 2700 7.5 16~17回风井混凝土碹(不平滑),风井直径D=4m70第二章选择矿井通风系统一、矿井通风系统要求(1)每一矿井必须有完整的独立通风系统。



煤矿通风设备操作说明书1. 前言本操作说明书旨在指导煤矿工作人员正确操作通风设备,确保矿井的安全通风,预防事故的发生。


2. 设备概述煤矿通风设备主要包括风机、排风机、通风柜等。


3. 操作准备在操作通风设备之前,请确保已经完成以下准备工作:- 检查设备是否完好,无损坏或异常情况。

- 了解设备的基本构造和工作原理。

- 穿戴好个人防护装备,包括安全帽、防护眼镜、耳塞等。

4. 操作步骤4.1 风机的操作步骤4.1.1 启动风机(1)检查电源开关是否处于关闭状态。


4.1.2 调节风机转速(1)根据矿井通风需求,选择合适的风机转速档位。


4.1.3 停止风机(1)按下停止按钮,风机停止运行。


4.2 排风机的操作步骤4.2.1 启动排风机(1)检查电源开关是否处于关闭状态。



4.2.2 调节排风机转速(1)根据矿井通风需求,选择合适的排风机转速档位。


4.2.3 停止排风机(2)等待排风机完全停止后,断开电源。

5. 通风柜的操作步骤5.1 启动通风柜(1)检查通风柜的电源开关是否处于关闭状态。


5.2 设置通风柜参数(1)根据矿井通风需求,调节通风柜的风量、风速等参数。


5.3 停止通风柜(1)按下停止按钮,通风柜停止运行。


6. 安全注意事项在操作煤矿通风设备时,请务必遵守以下安全注意事项:- 操作人员应经过培训,具备操作技能和安全意识。

































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本科毕业设计说明书虚拟矿井通风系统1 VIRTUAL MINE VENTILATION SYSTEM 1学院(部):机械工程学院专业班级:机设07—12班学生姓名:张磊指导教师:张立祥教授2011年 6 月 3 日虚拟矿井通风系统1摘要矿井通风系统是由向井下各作业地点供给新鲜空气并排出污浊空气的通风网络、通风动力和通风控制设施等构成的体系的总称。





关键词:矿井通风系统,教学,虚拟矿井通风系统,3dmaxVIRTUAL MINE VENTILATION SYSTEM 1ABSTRACTMine ventilation system is operating from the location of all underground supply to the fresh air and exhaust polluted air ventilation network, ventilation facilities, power and ventilation control system composed of a group.Mine ventilation system is an important part of the production system, its design is reasonable, on the whole good or bad of mine ventilation and mine safety protection can play an important role.At this stage about the teaching of mine ventilation systems are used in the form of writing on the blackboard and the PPT are generally text of the description, more abstract, it is difficult to be accepted.If in the teaching process the image to insert some specific video animation will help students understand and master.Virtual mine ventilation system is to use the software such as 3D Studio Max on a virtual simulation of mine ventilation, to express the visual image of the mine ventilation system and the status of the working principle of the process will be related to the animation into the teaching of specific understanding of the image to be more easily absorption.KEYWORDS: mine ventilation system, teaching,virtual mine ventilation system,3d studio max目录摘要(中文) (1)摘要(英文) (2)1 概述 (5)1.1 本课题的意义 (5)1.2 本领域的工作进展 (5)2 矿井通风系统 (5)2.1 系统的组成、作用和要求 (5)2.1.1 矿井通风系统的组成 (5)2.1.2 矿井通风系统的作用 (6)2.1.3 矿井通风系统的要求 (6)2.2 矿井通风方式和通风系统 (7)2.2.1 矿井通风方式 (7)2.2.2 矿井通风系统 (8)2.3 矿井通风设备 (9)2.3.1 矿井通风设备的要求 (9)2.3.2 通风机的工作原理 (9)2.3.3 反风装置 (12)2.3.4 矿井漏风及有效风量 (13)2.3.5 通风机的特性参数 (14)2.3.6离心式与轴流式通风机的比较 (16)2.4通风机网络工况 (17)2.4.1通风网路的特性 (17)2.4.2工况和工业利用区 (17)3 虚拟工作系统的一般制作流程 (20)3.1 选用软件平台 (20)3.1.1 电脑三维动画软件3dmax简介 (20)3.1.2 3dmax的特点 (20)3.1.3 学习3dmax必须掌握的内容 (20)3.2 建模 (21)3.3 渲染 (23)3.4 动画制作 (23)3.4.1 动画制作 (23)3.4.2 动画输出 (23)4 虚拟矿井通风系统 (24)4.1 虚拟通风装置 (24)4.1.1 风井及防爆门 (25)4.1.2 电动机及联轴器 (25)4.1.3 风门 (26)4.1.4 轴流式通风机 (26)4.2 虚拟通风系统 (27)5 总结与展望 (28)参考文献 (29)致谢 (30)1 概述1.1本课题的意义在煤矿井下开采时,不但煤层中所含的有毒气体(如甲烷、一氧化碳、硫化氢、二氧化碳等)会大量涌出,而且伴随着采煤过程还会产生大量易燃、易爆的煤尘;同时,由于地热和机电设备散发的热量,使井下空气温度和湿度也随之增高。









2 矿井通风系统2.1 系统的组成、作用和要求2.1.1矿井通风系统的组成利用机械或自然通风动力,使地面空气进入井下,并在井巷中作定向和定量地流动,最后排出矿井的全过程称为矿井通风。



















2.2 矿井通风方式和通风系统2.2.1矿井通风方式《煤矿安全规程》规定,所有矿井都必须采用机械通风,其通风方式可分为抽出式和压入式两种。

(a)(b)图2-1 矿井通风方式示意图(a)抽出式(b)压入式1——进风井;2——井底车场;3——石门;4——运输平巷;5——采煤工作面;6——回风巷;7——出风井;8——风哃;9——通风机;10——风门图2-1(a)所示为抽出式通风方式示意图。





