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Solid form of thiophene derivative and production method and application thereof

By: Wang, Wenjing; Liu, Zhenhong; Wei, Yonggang

Assignee: Sichuan Haisco Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Peop. Rep. China

Preparation of thiophene derivative as ROCK inhibitor for treating sexual dysfunction, inflammatory diseases, ophthalmic diseases and respiratory diseases

By Cai, Ziyang

From Faming Zhuanli Shenqing(2018),CN108191821A20180622. |Language:Chinese,Database: CAPLUS Preparation of benzo[b]thiophene derivative as hyperlipidemic drug

By Li, Huaxu

From Faming Zhuanli Shenqing(2018),CN108164517A20180615. |Language: Chinese, Database: CAPLUS Method for preparation of carboxyl substituted thiophene derivative

By Wang, Zhixun

From Faming Zhuanli Shenqing (2018), CN 107964002 A 20180427. | Language: Chinese, Database: CAPLUS Industrial preparation of 2-substituted-thiophene derivative

By Wang, Zhixun

From Faming Zhuanli Shenqing (2017), CN 106554343 A 20170405. | Language: Chinese, Database: CAPLUS Synthesis, characterization and computational studies of a novel thieno[2,3-b]thiophene derivative

By Mabkhot, Yahia N.; Barakat, Assem; Soliman, Saied M.; El-Idreesy, Tamer T.; Ghabbour, Hazem A.;

Al-Showiman, Salim S.

From Journal of Molecular Structure (2017), 1130, 62-70. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS

The thiophene derivative with ferricyanide end group and its polymers: synthesis and electrochromic performance

By Wang, Jing; Yan, Han; Lu, Yun

From Journal of Materials Science (2015), 50(21), 6920-6925. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS Solid electrolyte comprising novel thiophene derivative polymer, and solid electrolytic capacitor containing the same

By Kang, Byeong Nam; Lee, Dong Hyeon; Lee, Jong Chan; Shin, Gyu Sun

From Repub. Korean Kongkae Taeho

Kongbo (2015), KR 2015074606 A 20150702. | Language: Korean, Database: CAPLUS

Thiophene derivative and its production method, and solar cell including the same(溴代噻吩、光电性能)

By Hwang, Seok Ho; Na, Yun Jeong

From Repub. Korean Kongkae Taeho Kongbo (2015), KR 2015041434 A Apr 16, 2015. | Language: Korean, Database: CAPLUS

Synthesis and Photovoltaic properties of branched chain polymeric metal complexes containing Phenothiazine and Thiophene derivative for dye-sensitized solar cells(溴代噻吩、光电


By Xie, Qiufang; Zhou, Jun; Hu, Jiaomei; Peng, Dahai; Liu, Ye; Liao, Yanlong; Zhu, Chunxiao; Zhong, Chaofan From Journal of Chemical Sciences (Bangalore, India) (2015), 127(3), 395-403. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS

Effect of a methyl thiophene-3-carboxylate bridge in an indacenodithiophene-based acceptor-donor-acceptor-type molecule on the performance of non-fullerene polymer solar cells By: Park, Su Hong; Park, Gi Eun; Choi, Suna; Kim, Young Un; Park, Seo Yeon; Park, Chang Geun; Cho, Min Ju; Choi, Dong Hoon

First example of one-pot assembly of tetrasubstituted thiophene with amino- and ester functions from methoxyallene, methyl isothiocyanate, and methyl 2-bromoacetate

By Nedolya, N. A.; Tarasova, O. A.; Albanov, A. I.; Trofimov, B. A.

From Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry (2017), 53(8), 1272-1274. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS

Synthesis and structural and DNA binding studies of mono- and dinuclear copper(II) complexes constructed with -O and -N donor ligands: Potential anti-skin cancer drugs

By Gurudevaru, Champaka; Gopalakrishnan, Mohan; Senthilkumar, Kabali; Hemachandran, Hridya; Siva, Ramamoorthy; Srinivasan, Thothadri; Velmurugan, Devadasan; Shanmugan, Swaminathan; Palanisami, Nallasamy

From Applied Organometallic Chemistry (2018), 32(2), n/a. | Language: English, Database: CAPLUS

Rigid peptide scaffold-incorporated structural analogs of the potent antidepressant peptide drug Rapastinel (GLYX-13)

By Nadimpally, Krishna Chaitanya; Chakrapani, Aswathi; Prabhu, Priyanka J.; Madica, Krishnaprasad; Sanjayan, Gangadhar J.
