Robert Burns 罗伯特彭斯

罗伯特·彭斯苏格兰民族诗人罗伯特·彭斯罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns,1759年1月25日-1796年7月21日),苏格兰诗人。
彭斯擅长将普通人的思想写入诗中,代表作有描写友谊的《友谊地久天长》(Auld Lang Syne);描写爱情的《我的爱象红玫瑰》和描写食物的《颂献哈吉斯》(Address to a Haggis)。

彭斯的作品揭示了当时苏格兰社 会的种种弊端,为后来的作家提 供了观察和描绘社会现象的范本。
彭斯的诗歌风格质朴、自然,对 后来的诗人产生了深远的影响, 启发了他们追求诗歌的简洁与真 挚。
彭斯的作品中,通过对人性的深 入剖析,揭示了人性的复杂与矛 盾,为后来的作家提供了思考人 性的角度。
• 罗伯特·彭斯的生平简介 • 罗伯特·彭斯的诗歌风格 • 罗伯特·彭斯的主要作品分析 • 罗伯特·彭斯在英美文学中的地位和
影响 • 罗伯特·彭斯的作品对现代社会的启
彭斯的作品中使用了大量的苏格兰方言和俚语,丰富了英语语言 的表达方式。
彭斯创作的民谣诗体独具特色,成为英语诗歌中的一种重要形式, 为后来的诗人提供了创作灵感。
彭斯的作品对后来的英语诗歌产生了深远的影响,推动了英语诗歌 的发展和创新。
除了《苏格兰方言诗集》和《诗选》,彭斯还创作了 多部重要的作品,包括长篇小说、短篇小说、戏剧等 。
彭斯的长篇小说《汤姆·奥贝德兰》是一部描绘苏格兰 农民生活的小说,通过对主人公汤姆的成长经历和人生 波折的描写,展现了苏格兰乡村的风土人情和农民的苦 难生活。彭斯的短篇小说集《约克郡故事》收录了多篇 以约克郡为背景的短篇小说,通过对当地人物和风土人 情的描写,展现了约克郡的历史和文化。此外,彭斯还 创作了多部戏剧,包括《约翰·安德森》和《修道院与 俗世》等。这些作品都展现了彭斯在文学创作上的多面 才华和深厚底蕴。

1783 began to write poetry. Published in 1786 "in the Scotland dialect and write poetry mainly concentrated collection", "dog", "a red red rose" "", "of mice induced by mountain Daisy", "to a louse" excellent Scotland Xing poem, spicy satirical poem "saint day bazaar", sing the praises of farmers and beautiful the nature of "farmers' Saturday night" and other poems. Poetry caused a sensation. He was invited to Edinburgh, become a common lady guest of honor, and met the Scotland ballad collector Johnson.
Scottish life( Scottish peasants) Patriotism
Burns’ attitude (liberty& equality & fraternity)
Robert Burns罗伯特 彭斯

By the age of 15, Burns was the principal laborer at Mount Oliphant. During the harvest of 1774, he was assisted by Nelly Kilpatrick, who inspired his first attempt at poetry, “O, Once I Lov‘d A Bonnie Lass”. In the summer of 1775, he was sent to finish his education with a tutor at Kirkoswald, where he met Peggy Thompson, to whom he wrote two songs, "Now Westlin' Winds" and "I Dream'd I Lay". In December 1781, Burns moved temporarily to Irvine, North Ayrshire, to learn to become a flax-dresser, but during the workers' celebrations for New Year 1782 the flax shop caught fire and was burnt to the ground. This venture accordingly came to an end, and Burns went home to Lochlea farm. During this time he met and befriended Captain Richard Brown who encouraged him to become a poet.

苏格兰民族诗⼈-罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns,1759年1⽉25⽇-1796年7⽉21⽇),苏格兰诗⼈。
彭斯擅长将普通⼈的思想写⼊诗中,代表作有描写友谊的《友谊地久天长》(Auld Lang Syne);描写爱情的《我的爱象红玫瑰》和描写⾷物的《颂献哈吉斯》(Address to a Haggis)。
他的作品包括《致硕⿏》(To a Mouse)),这是⼀篇想象⼒汪洋恣肆的杰作,写于作者⽤犁摧毁⼀个⽥⿏巢之后。
其中有⼀名句,⾄今脍炙⼈⼝:“⽆论⼈⿏,即便机关算尽,依旧常常落空”(the best laid plans of mice and men)。
彭斯还写了《我的爱就像红红的玫瑰》(My Love Is Like a Red, Red Rose),还有著名歌曲《友谊地久天长》(Auld Lang Syne),它也许是当今世界最著名的歌曲了。
Robert Burns 罗伯特.彭斯PPT精选文档

He was encouraged in his self-education by his father, and his mother acquainted him with Scottish folk songs, legends, and proverbs.
Agnes Brown, Burns' mother
By permission of the National Galleries of Scotland
Arduous farm work and undernourishment in his youth permanently injured his health, leading to the rheumatic heart disease from which he eventually died.
songs to Scots Musical Museum (6 volumes,
1783-1803), a project initiated by the engraver and music publisher James Johnson.
Beginning in 1792 Burns wrote about 100
During the next two years he produced most of his best-known poems, including “The Cotter's Saturday Night,” “Hallowe'en,” “To a Daisy,” and “To a Mouse.” In addition, he wrote “The Jolly Beggars,” a cantata chiefly in standard English, which is considered one of his masterpieces. Several of his early poems, notably “Holy Willie's Prayer,” satirized local ecclesiastical squabbles and attacked Calvinist theology, bringing him into conflict with the church.
Robert Burns 作品

第三节中“我们曾经终日游荡在故乡的青山上”, 勾勒出儿时的欢乐;第四节,“如今却劳燕分飞, 远隔大海重洋”,写尽人世沧桑。两节形成鲜明 对比,引人对旧日时光的无限向往和遐想。第五 节描写就别重逢的喜悦,老朋友握手相聚,举杯 高歌,对往日的共同回忆消除了世事的沧桑和彼 此境遇变化带来的隔膜,有的只是对过去时光的 无限怀想和对友谊的无比珍视。如今,无论新朋 相聚,还是旧友重逢,“让我们举杯痛饮,同声 歌唱,友谊地久天长”, 在世界各地广为传唱。
John Anderson, My Jo
John Anderson my jo, John, 约翰 . 安德生, 我的老伙计,
When we were first acquent,
Your locks were like the raven,
Your bonnie brow was brent;
• • • •
我们曾经终日游荡, 在故乡的青山上; 我们也曾历尽苦辛, 到处奔波流浪。
• We twa hae paidl’d in the burn • From morning sun till dine; • But seas between us braid hae roared, • Sin’ auld lang syne.
But now your brow is beld, John,
而如今, 眉毛稀又疏,
Your locks are like the snow,
But blessings on your frosty pow, John Anderson, my jo!
祝你寿高且有好身体, 约翰 . 安德生,我的老伙计!

下面是店铺为你整理的罗伯特·彭斯英文简介,希望对你有用! 罗伯特·彭斯简介Robert Burns (1759 - 1796), Scottish peasant poet, in the history of British literature occupies a particularly important position. He resurrected and enriched the Scottish folk songs, his poetry is rich in music, can sing. Ponce was born in the Scottish nation facing the era of conquest, so his poetry is full of radical democracy, freedom of thought. The poet lives in the bankrupt countryside, and the poor farmers flesh and blood, his poetry praised the hometown of the beautiful, to describe the workers simple friendship and love.罗伯特·彭斯人物生平Early careerIn 1759, Robert Burns was born in a tenant family in the archipelago of Al Aveve in the southwest of Scotland. The family has seven children, he is the eldest son. His father was an educated tenant, and his father was struggling to maintain his family's life despite his poor land and high rent, but never succeeded. Because to help his father, young Robert work extremely hard. Despite his family difficulties, his father, together with his neighbors, hired a teacher named John Murdoch for their children to teach their children. Robert and his brother Gilbert followed Murdoch to study for a short period of time, the family moved to another community in 1765, two children in a regular school for some time to learn.Robert Burns grew up in the fields, only when he had been studying for more than two years. Fortunately, his father was ahardworking farmer, but he also understood the meaning of knowledge for the children. At night, after the heavy labor was over Personally teach Burns grammar and theological knowledge. After the age of 12, Ponce went on to school far away from home, learning English and learning fine French. He is a collection of books, astronomy and geography, all the literature are all dabbled.In 1777, they moved again, but the family did not improve. In 1784, Robert's father died, Robert moved to the home of the Moclin parish of the city of Moscow. At that time, he had a strong interest in sectarian politics, he supported the liberal view, against the orthodox Calvin sect. He has begun to create poetry, he wrote the poem in the notebook, but also added a comment on his poems.Ponce loves a woman named Jean Amer, who is going to marry in 1786. However, Jean's father did not agree with Ponce, and prevented them from getting married, largely because of the young man's view of non-orthodox religion. In the same year, a pair of twins from Jean and Robert were born, and this was the first two of their nine children. Later, Burns began to marry with Mary Campbell ("Plateau Mary"), intended to marry and emigrate to Jamaica, but Mary died at birth.During the period, Burns published his first work "Scottish Dialect Poems" (1786). The success of the collection made him abandon all the plans to leave Scotland. Instead, he went to Edinburgh and became a celebrity in social and literary circles. In Ireland and the United States, his writings were pirated printed, which made him an international celebrity. In 1787, he traveled in Scotland in the summer and winter in Edinburgh in winter. The following year he married Jean Amor, settled in a farm in Ellisland,near Dumfries.Old age deedsAlthough Ponce is a famous poet, but he earned from the poetry of the money is very few, and farming is clearly not make any money. In 1789 he received a tax inspector's job, and in 1791 the family moved to Dumfries. In 1792 he was scrutinized by government officials for his strong sympathy for the French revolution. He was only condemned, in any case or to keep the job.During the Ellisland farm and later Dumfries, Burns continued to cast poems into several Scottish and English magazines and newspapers. However, the most important thing he did during this time was to collect, edit and sort out Scottish folk songs. From 1787 until his death, he helped to edit James Johnson's "Scottish Music Museum" (1787-1803). In the last three years of his life, he collaborated with George Thomson to create the "Select Collections of Original Scottish Airs" (1793-1814).Many of Penrose's early biographers believe that excessive drinking and life debauchery caused him to die young. More recently, there is evidence that Burns, despite his seemingly energetic - his heart injury caused by excessive labor in his farmland in childhood has never been fully recovered.Near the age of 40, Burns suffers from rheumatic fever and deteriorates to a severe fatal heart disease. He was buried in the tomb of Dumfries. His friends helped his family by subscribing to his published poems.罗伯特·彭斯人物经历In 1783 Ponce began writing poetry. Published in 1786, "mainly used in the Scottish dialect written poems", focused on "two dogs", "a red roses" "to mice", "to the mountain daisies","lice" and other excellent Scotland Than the poem, spicy satirical poem "holy festival market", praised the peasants and the beautiful nature of the "farmers Saturday night" and other poems. Poetry poses a sensation. He was invited to Edinburgh, became the name of the ladies of the guest, and met the Scottish song collector Johnson. Soon returned home.In 1788, Peng Si got the staff of the Inland Revenue Department, in 1789 to seek a small tax officer's office, every week to ride to work. He was inspired by the days of his journey, and in a letter to his friend, he wrote Auld Lang Syne.(1787-1808), edited the six volumes of the original Scottish song anthology (1793-1818) for Thomson's editorial of the six-volume Scottish Music Collection (1787-1808) ), So that many will be lost folk songs to be preserved. For a lot of songs to fill the lyrics made him famous in the world. Later, the main poems are folklore-based narrative poem "Tom Otant", write a story of the night of torturers. Another poem "happy beggar" to write a group of men and women Rangers to find pleasure. His works are honest, lively, showing the pursuit of freedom and equality. At the same time, its earliest creation of the Scottish folk song "friendship for a long time long" as the film "soul blue bridge" theme song, has been people sung.On January 25 each year, the Scottish people will hold a grand celebration to commemorate the romantic poet.。

下面是为你整理的罗伯特;彭斯英文简介,希望对你有用!罗伯特;彭斯简介Robert Burns (1759 - 1796), Scottish peasant poet, in the history of British literature occupies a particularly important position. He resurrected and enriched the Scottish folk songs, his poetry is rich in music, can sing. Ponce was born in the Scottish nation facing the era of conquest, so his poetry is full of radical democracy, freedom of thought. The poet lives in the bankrupt countryside, and the poor farmers flesh and blood, his poetry praised the hometown of the beautiful, to describe the workers simple friendship and love.罗伯特;彭斯人物生平Early careerIn 1759, Robert Burns was born in a tenant family in the archipelago of Al Aveve in the southwest of Scotland. The family has seven children, he is the eldest son. His father was an educated tenant, and his father was struggling to maintain his family's life despite his poor land and high rent, but never succeeded. Because to help his father, young Robertwork extremely hard. Despite his family difficulties, his father, together with his neighbors, hired a teacher named John Murdoch for their children to teach their children. Robert and his brother Gilbert followed Murdoch to study for a short period of time, the family moved to another community in 1765, two children in a regular school for some time to learn.Robert Burns grew up in the fields, only when he had been studying for more than two years. Fortunately, his father was a hardworking farmer, but he also understood the meaning of knowledge for the children. At night, after the heavy labor was over Personally teach Burns grammar and theological knowledge. After the age of 12, Ponce went on to school far away from home, learning English and learning fine French. He is a collection of books, astronomy and geography, all the literature are all dabbled.In 1777, they moved again, but the family did not improve. In 1784, Robert's father died, Robert moved to the home of the Moclin parish of the city of Moscow. At that time, he had a strong interest in sectarian politics, he supported the liberal view, against the orthodox Calvin sect. He has begun to create poetry, he wrote the poem in the notebook, but also added a comment on his poems.Ponce loves a woman named Jean Amer, who is going to marry in 1786. However, Jean's father did not agree with Ponce, and prevented them from getting married, largely because of the young man's view of non-orthodox religion. In the same year, a pair of twins from Jean and Robert were born, and this was the first two of their nine children. Later, Burns began to marry with Mary Campbell ("Plateau Mary"), intended to marry and emigrate to Jamaica, but Mary died at birth.During the period, Burns published his first work "Scottish Dialect Poems" (1786). The success of the collection made him abandon all the plans to leave Scotland. Instead, he went to Edinburgh and became a celebrity in social and literary circles. In Ireland and the United States, his writings were pirated printed, which made him an international celebrity. In 1787, he traveled in Scotland in the summer and winter in Edinburgh in winter. The following year he married Jean Amor, settled in a farm in Ellisland, near Dumfries.Old age deedsAlthough Ponce is a famous poet, but he earned from the poetry of the money is very few, and farming is clearly notmake any money. In 1789 he received a tax inspector's job, and in 1791 the family moved to Dumfries. In 1792 he was scrutinized by government officials for his strong sympathy for the French revolution. He was only condemned, in any case or to keep the job.During the Ellisland farm and later Dumfries, Burns continued to cast poems into several Scottish and English magazines and newspapers. However, the most important thing he did during this time was to collect, edit and sort out Scottish folk songs. From 1787 until his death, he helped to edit James Johnson's "Scottish Music Museum" (1787-1803). In the last three years of his life, he collaborated with George Thomson to create the "Select Collections of Original Scottish Airs" (1793-1814).Many of Penrose's early biographers believe that excessive drinking and life debauchery caused him to die young. More recently, there is evidence that Burns, despite his seemingly energetic - his heart injury caused by excessive labor in his farmland in childhood has never been fully recovered.Near the age of 40, Burns suffers from rheumatic feverand deteriorates to a severe fatal heart disease. He was buried in the tomb of Dumfries. His friends helped his family by subscribing to his published poems.罗伯特;彭斯人物经历In 1783 Ponce began writing poetry. Published in 1786, "mainly used in the Scottish dialect written poems", focused on "two dogs", "a red roses" "to mice", "to the mountain daisies", "lice" and other excellent Scotland Than the poem, spicy satirical poem "holy festival market", praised the peasants and the beautiful nature of the "farmers Saturday night" and other poems. Poetry poses a sensation. He was invited to Edinburgh, became the name of the ladies of the guest, and met the Scottish song collector Johnson. Soon returned home.In 1788, Peng Si got the staff of the Inland Revenue Department, in 1789 to seek a small tax officer's office, every week to ride to work. He was inspired by the days of his journey, and in a letter to his friend, he wrote Auld Lang Syne.(1787-1808), edited the six volumes of the original Scottish song anthology (1793-1818) for Thomson's editorial of the six-volume Scottish Music Collection (1787-1808) ), So that many will be lost folk songs to bepreserved. For a lot of songs to fill the lyrics made him famous in the world. Later, the main poems are folklore-based narrative poem "Tom Otant", write a story of the night of torturers. Another poem "happy beggar" to write a group of men and women Rangers to find pleasure. His works are honest, lively, showing the pursuit of freedom and equality. At the same time, its earliest creation of the Scottish folk song "friendship for a long time long" as the film "soul blue bridge" theme song, has been people sung.On January 25 each year, the Scottish people will hold a grand celebration to commemorate the romantic poet.罗伯特;彭斯英文简介。

Robert Burns (1759-1796)
Robert Burns, Scottish poet and writer of traditional Scottish folk songs, whose works are known and loved wherever the English language is read.
SOCIAL NOTORIETY—“A strong appetite for sociability”
Burns further angered church authorities by having several indiscreet love affairs. In 1785 he fell in love with Jean Armour, the daughter of a building contractor. Jean soon became pregnant, and although Burns offered to make her his wife, her father forbade their marriage.
robert burns写作特点

罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)是苏格兰著名的诗人和民歌作家,被誉为“苏格兰民间诗歌之父”。
例如《To a Mouse》中的名句“the best l本人d schemes o' mice an' men / Gang aft a-gley”,表达了人生的无常和无奈。
比如《Auld Lang Syne》中对友谊和对往事的感慨,让人动容。
《My Luve is Like a Red, Red Rose》中,用红色的玫瑰来比喻爱情,表达了诗人对爱情的无尽赞美和祝福。
例如《To a Louse》中通过描写一个小昆虫,启发出对人类虚荣心和自负的批判,让人深思。
罗伯特·彭斯(Robert Burns)作为苏格兰文学的重要代表人物,他的诗歌成为了苏格兰乡村和人民生活的典型写照,展现了苏格兰乡村的朴素与真诚。
Robert Burns

Robert Burns (1759—1796) (1759—
Poetry of Burns
The poems of Burns are written in the Scottish dialect on a variety of subjects.
Last Para. p.192
“Bruce at Bannockburn” “罗伯特布鲁士向班诺克本进发” 罗伯特布鲁士向班诺克本进发” 罗伯特布鲁士向班诺克本进发 songs of patriotism 打倒骄横的篡位者! 打倒骄横的篡位者! 死一个敌人,少一个暴君! 死一个敌人,少一个暴君! 多一次攻击,添一份自由! 多一次攻击,添一份自由! 动手——要不就断头! 要不就断头! 动手 要不就断头 (袁可嘉 译)
Comments on Burns & His Poems
1. Burns was one of the most famous poets of the peasants in the world. 2. He obtained the characteristic of all old Scottish songs: simplicity, vividness, humor, directness and optimism, with a new spirit of Political poems 2) Satirical poems 3) Lyrics
p.192 “Epistle to J. Lapraid” “致拉布雷克书” 致拉布雷克书” 致拉布雷克书 common feelings of the working people 我只求大自然给我一点火种, 我只求大自然给我一点火种, 我所求的学问便全在此中! 我所求的学问便全在此中! 纵使我驾着大车和木犁, 纵使我驾着大车和木犁, 浑身是汗水和泥土, 浑身是汗水和泥土, 纵使我的诗神穿得朴素, 纵使我的诗神穿得朴素, 她可打进了心灵深处。 她可打进了心灵深处。 王佐良译) (王佐良译)

Burns Night 彭斯之夜
Generally speaking, Burns Night commemorates the birth of Burns. Even in Scotland, people celebrate the Burns Night as one of their festivals.
肉馅羊肚(Haggis),是一道传统的苏格兰菜。它实际上就是羊杂碎 制法是先将羊的胃掏空,里面塞进剁碎的羊内脏如心、肝、肾、肺, 以及燕麦、洋葱、牛肉和香辣调味料等,制成袋,再水煮数小时,直 到鼓胀而成。现在餐馆通常会把羊的胃袋在上桌前去掉,只留下羊杂 给客人享用。它一般是与土豆泥和白萝卜泥( tatties and neeps ) 以及一杯苏格兰威士忌(dram)一起食用。风味独特。 哈革斯被称为苏格兰“国菜”,一般认为是受到了苏格兰民族诗人罗 伯特· 彭斯1787年创作的“Address to a Haggis”(《羊肚脍颂》 ) 一诗man (tax collector) in1789,
7. died of a disease at 37
1. 600 poems , including love and friendship, rural life of the Scottish peasants, political attitude under the influence of the French Revolution and American War of Independence. 2. In terms of literature, his great contribution is to resurrect Scottish folk song and give some new blood into the Scottish folk song. 使复活,复兴 彭斯在文学方面的最伟大贡献之一便是使苏格兰民族诗歌 重获新生。他对旧式抒情诗给予修改,在其中清晰地加入 民族曲调,热情真实地表达了苏格兰民族的感情和传统。

Robert Burns英国著名诗人 罗伯特彭斯

Thank You For Your Attendance
Cauld is the blast upon my pale cheek, But caulder thy love for me, oh! The frost that freezes the life at my heart, Is nought to my pains fra thee, oh.
The wan Moon is setting beyond the white wave, And Time is setting with me, oh: False friends, false love, farewell! for mair I’ll ne’er trouble them, nor thee, oh. She has open’d the door, she has open’d it wide, She sees the pale corse on the plain, oh! My true love! she cried, and sank down by his side, Never to rise again, oh!
.\..\Auld Lang Syne.mp3
往昔的时光 (王佐良 译)
老朋友哪能遗忘, 哪能不放在心上? 老朋友哪能遗忘, 还有往昔的时光? 为了往昔的时光,老朋友, 为了往昔的时光, 再干一杯友情的酒, 为了往昔的时光,
And surely ye’ll be your pint-stowp, And surely I’ll be mine, And we’ll tak a cup of kindness yet, For auld lang syne! We twa hae run about the braes, And pou’d the gowans fine, But we’ve wander’d monie a weary fit, Sin’ auld lang syne.

Celebration of Burns
Burns Supper ❖ On Jan. 25, as Burns night ❖ Have haggis (羊肚包杂碎), traditional
Scottish food ❖ Play pipes ❖ Poetry reading
A Burns supper is a celebration of the life and poetry of the poet
- had been to school since the age of six -was educated at home by a teacher -was the farm's chief labourer by the age of 15 a reading knowledge of French and Latin and had read Shakespeare, Dryden, Milton and the Bible.
歌谣(The Ballad)
❖ 歌谣(The Ballad) ❖ 歌谣又称民歌体诗,是一种较短的叙事诗歌,由民歌发展而来。歌谣由四
行诗节组成。每一首歌谣的诗节数目不同,但是每一个四行诗节的格律 却是相同的。每一个四行诗节(stanza)由抑扬格四韵步诗行(foot)和三韵 步诗行组成,即第一行诗和第三行诗为抑扬抑扬格四韵步诗,第二行诗 和第四行诗均为三韵步诗。 ❖ 歌谣是一种在世界各地普遍存在的诗歌形式,大多为集体创作,通常描 写爱情故事、非凡的幸福或者是最近的事件。为了生动地叙述故事,歌 谣使用来自生活的自然语言。 ❖ 歌谣的押韵格式为abab或abcb。由于歌谣来自于民歌,因此它同民歌一 样是靠口头相传的。最早的歌谣手稿大约产生于14至于5世纪之间。19 世纪以前,大量歌谣都没有被记录下来。19世纪末,英国学者F. J. Child 收集整理而编辑了一本歌谣诗集:《英格兰和苏格兰歌谣集》(English and Scottish Ballads)。在英国文学中,歌谣后来成为一种重要的文学 形式,出现了一批重要的用歌谣形式写作诗歌的诗人,如罗伯特·彭斯、 华兹华斯、柯尔律治等。
Robert Burns

As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in luve am I; And I will luve thee still, my dear, Till a' the seas gang dry.
Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi' the sun; I will luve thee still, my dear, While the sands o' life shall run.
Robert Burns
fight with poverty leased farm 27: Jamaica, secure money published poems 3 shillings ( 572 pounds) farm unprofitable exciseman
friendship Scottish life patriotism liberty love nature
佃农之子,劳动出身 poor family little formal schooling paternal influence teach himself A self-educated poet
My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here, My heart's in the Highlands, a-chasing the deer; Chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe, My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I go. 我的心在高原,身在异乡: 我的心在高原,追赶着鹿群, 追赶着野鹿,跟踪着小鹿, 我的心在高原,无论去向何方!

Auld Lang Syne
Robert Burns is the best known of the poets who have written in Scots. His poem
Auld Lang Syne is often sung at Hogmanay.
His memory is celebrated by Burns clubs across the world; his birthday is an unofficial "National Day" for Scots and those with Scottish ancestry, celebrated with Burns suppers. Robert Burns was born into a farming family at Alloway in Ayrshire in 1759. He died in Dumfries at the early age of 37. Yet in that short time he had taken the Scottish literary world by storm, and had secured a place for himself in history and in legend.
In 1784 Burns read the works of the Edinburgh poet Robert Fergusson. Under his influence and that of Scottish folk tradition and older Scottish poetry, he became aware of the literary possibilities of the Scottish regional dialects.
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Robert Burns (1759-1796)
Robert Burns, Scottish poet and writer of traditional Scottish folk songs, whose works are known and loved wherever the English language is read.
Agnes Brown, Burns' mother
By permission of the National Galleries of Scotland
Arduous farm work and undernourishment in his youth permanently injured his health, leading to the rheumatic heart disease from which he eventually died.
He went in 1781 to Irvine to learn flax dressing, but when the shop burned down, he returned home penniless.
He had, meanwhile, composed his first poems. The poet's father died in 1784, leaving him as head of the family. He and his brother Gilbert rented a farm, but the venture proved a failth-century scholar and educationalist J. S. Blackie summed up Burns's importance to Scotland and the Scots with the words:
'When Scotland forgets Burns, then history will forget Scotland.'
Birthplace of Robert Burns
EARLY LIFE—“A very poor man’s son”
Burns was born on January 25, 1759. He was the eldest of seven children born to William Burness, a struggling tenant farmer, and his wife, Agnes Brown.
Although poverty limited his formal education, Burns read widely in English literature and the Bible and learned to read French.
He was encouraged in his self-education by his father, and his mother acquainted him with Scottish folk songs, legends, and proverbs.
Auld Lang Syne
Robert Burns is the best known of the poets who have written in Scots. His poem
Auld Lang Syne is often sung at Hogmanay.
His memory is celebrated by Burns clubs across the world; his birthday is an unofficial "National Day" for Scots and those with Scottish ancestry, celebrated with Burns suppers. Robert Burns was born into a farming family at Alloway in Ayrshire in 1759. He died in Dumfries at the early age of 37. Yet in that short time he had taken the Scottish literary world by storm, and had secured a place for himself in history and in legend.
In 1784 Burns read the works of the Edinburgh poet Robert Fergusson. Under his influence and that of Scottish folk tradition and older Scottish poetry, he became aware of the literary possibilities of the Scottish regional dialects.