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--- 动词短语的用法----







He is looking after his sister. 他正在照顾他的妹妹。

She always takes care of these children. 她一直照顾这些孩子。2.不及物动词短语。例如:

Look out! The bus is coming. 小心!公共汽车来了。

The weeks went slowly by. 一星期一星期慢慢过去了。


He took off his coat. 他脱下他的上衣。

The plane took off at nine o’clock. 飞机在九点起飞。



We will hand out the advertisements. = We will hand the advertisements out. 我们将要分发广告。

If you like it, please try it on. 如果你喜欢它,就试试。

不能说成:If you like it, please try on it.


put on 穿上set up 建立turn off 关掉put off 脱下,推迟pick up 捡起turn on 打开put up 挂起,举起put down 放下clean up 打扫干净write down 写下call/ring up 打电话cheer up 使振奋get back 取回eat up 吃光give up 放弃

look up 查阅take off 脱下,起飞give away 捐赠

work out算出cut down 砍倒hand out 分发

turn up把声音调大wake up 叫醒hand in 交上来

turn down 把声音调小slow down 放慢take out 取出

think up想出


come up with 想出(主意) look after照顾look for寻找

get on 上车agree with同意ask for 请求,找hear of听说knock at 敲(门、窗等)laugh at 嘲笑wait for等候pay for 付钱;支付point out 指向run out of 用完


1. “动词+介词”型短语用作及物动词时,后面要跟宾语。


Look at the blackboard, please!请看黑板!

2. 句首的疑问词同时用作宾语时,介词不能省略。


What are you playing with?你正在玩什么?

Who are you talking with?你在和谁谈话?

3. 在被动语态中,介词不能漏掉。


The tiger was laughed a t by the fox.老虎被狐狸嘲笑了一通。



1. 动词后若是about,in,on,off,over,through,up,down等时,需按实际情况来确定它们是“动介”型还是“动副”型短语。但是初中阶段所学到的绝大多数都属于“动副”型短语。

2. “动副”型短语用作不及物动词时,后面不跟宾语。例如:

I often go out and visit my friends.


When I grow up,I’ll be a nurse and look after patients.长大后,我要成为一名护士照看病人。

3. “动副”型短语用作及物动词后接宾语时,如果宾语为名词,副词位于名词前后皆可;如果宾语为人称代词,则该代词必须位于动词和副词之间。例如:

Could you turn your radio down, please?=Could you turn down your radio, please?你能不能将收音机关小一点呢?

She picked the pen up and gave it back to me.她捡起钢笔并还给了我。


1. You look really cool in the new dress, dear. How much did you it?

A. ask for

B. pay for

C. think about

D. find out

2. Li Lei’s parents went to work, and he had to his grandma at home.

A. look at

B. look for

C. look after

D. look back(回顾,回头看)

3. You have many ways to help when you are in trouble, so you needn’t worry.

A. play for

B. pay for

C. ask for

D. set for

4. My mother often asks me to early every morning and read English.

A. get on

B. get off(下车,下来)

C. get up

D. get in(进入,陷入)

5. Tom is good at maths, so he the maths problem quickly yesterday.

A. found out

B. gave out

C. left out

D. worded out

6. They ______ day and night.

A. are made work

B. are made to work

C. made to be worked

D. are making to work



give out take after give away work out put off hand out

1.I’ve__________a new way of doing it.

2.Out teacher said the meeting would be __________till next week.

3.I______ some clothes to charity because they were too small for me.

4.I’d like to work in a food bank to _________food to the poor people.
