J-27Pocket Infrared PyrometerU Non-Contact Temperature MeasurementU Pocket-Size PortabilityU Affordable, °C/°F SwitchableU -18 to 315°C or (0 to 600°F) RangeU Optional LaserU Continuous ReadingU One-Second Response TimeU 6 Second Display HoldU Large LCD DisplayU CE ApprovedOS681-CE.The OS681-CE is the most affordable hand-held, battery-operated sensor that safely and accurately measures temperature using non-contact infrared technology.It’s easy to operate the OS681-CE. Simply point at the desired target and press the “on” button for a temperature reading—no contact with the target is ever needed.The total infrared energy emitted into the sensor from the target area within the field of view will be averaged and displayed in degrees Fahrenheit or Centigrade.The OS681-L1-CE has a first temperature response time of 1 second and a continuous reading feature for thermal scanning. An optional laser allows for aiming the sensor at distant targets.Specifications Range: -18 to 315°C (0 to 600°F), or -55 to 125°C (-67 to 260°F)Resolution: 1°C or 1°F Accuracy: ±2% of full scale Response Time: 0.85 second Display Hold: 6 seconds Target Size/Field of View: 3:1 spot size ratio with 25.4 mm (1") minimum target Repeatability: ±0.5% of reading plus 1 digit Power: 9 V alkaline battery (included)Battery Life: 80 hours (8 to 10 hours with laser active)Spectral Response: 8 to 14 micron Emissivity: Fixed at 0.95Dimensions: 184 x 43 x 19 mm (7.26 x 1.7 x 0.75")Weight: 55.7 g (2.7 oz) (without battery)Ordering Example: OS681-CE, pocket infrared pyrometer with OS681-SC, soft carrying case.OS681 Series。
用 户 手 册 - 中科院自动化所 三博红外- SCIT红外测温仪红外
m 商提供了大量的高可靠产品;并且已出口到美国、加拿大、韩国、澳 ia 大利亚、泰国、黎巴嫩、香港等国家和地区。
资质:CIT 型系列红外温度计曾获中国科学院科技进步奖和北京首届国际博
① 无箭头指示
温后可按 ENT 键存储。
时间参数模式 按 ENT 键可选修改项,按▼或
数据清除模式 按 ▼ 或 ▲ 键可修改清除数据
总数,长按 ENT 键清除数据。
● 特殊的光学体系设计使仪器抗烟雾及抗水蒸汽能力较强。
● 带中心圆点的目视瞄准,中心圆点不仅指示出被测目标的位
● ● ● ●
le 作时间,减少操作人员的工作强度。 p 专用耐高温液晶屏和密闭的外观设计,防尘防水,使仪器适
单波段:○ SCIT 系列分离式红外温度计(测头与二次仪表分开) ○ CIT 系列红外线性化温度传感器 ○ CIT 系列手持式红外温度计
双波段:○ CIT 比色在线式红外温度计
le ○ CIT 比色手持式红外温度计
应用:自上世纪 80 年代以来,本系列产品已广泛应用于科学研究、航天、热
p 处理、钢铁、冶金、铸造、炉窑、化工、离子镀膜、线材生产、焦化、
京制00000398激光环瞄准型SCIT-1S7x/1S1xSCIT-2S7x/2S1x/3S7x Ver11.01仪表操作见SCITV08说明书中心激光点瞄准型SCIT-1SCxSCIT-2SCx/3SCxSCIT 激光瞄准系列红外温度计技术及使用补充说明书SCIT-xSxBSCIT-S/SC 系列测温仪由SCIT-S/SC 测头配SCITV08A (A :160×80)或SCITV08B (B :96×96)仪表构成。
型号说明SC I T - 1 S 1 A1.技术指标*注1 :SCIT-3S7与SCIT-3SC原先型号为SCIT-2SL7与SCIT-2SCL。
3)SCITV08系列红外测温仪表技术规格型号SCITV08A SCITV08B 外形尺寸160mm ×80m 96mm ×96mm 开孔尺寸152 mm ×72m 92mm ×92m 发射率 0.10~1.10(调整步长0.01) 测温方式 实时值、最大值、平均值测量 计算间隔 最大值/平均值计算间隔:1~99秒,调整步长1秒操作与显示由 五键操作;4位LED 数码显示,4~6个LED 提示符指示报警和测温状态(可显测头环温)标准配置 接口 全隔离14bit 模拟信号输出:4mA~20mA 带继电器触点和声光指示的两个多模式报警点(,) 专用电缆 5m(可选配长至200m) 电源及功耗 AC220V±10% 小于6瓦工作环境环境温度0℃~60℃,湿度:0~80%(不结露);测头加水冷套时气冷:0~120℃;水冷:0~175℃储存温度 0℃~85℃选配件全隔离式数字接口:RS232,RS485微打接口,大屏,记录单元 2.外形安装图安装支架(标准配置为弯板支架)支架a. 外型图4-φ6φ30.51276039243258302-M3M1/4 inch φ30.5A.弯板支架B.直板支架3.瞄准本系列的测温仪用激光来进行瞄准,激光瞄准有两种: 1)激光环瞄准型; 2)激光点瞄准型(1)激光环瞄准型瞄准:中心空白圆孔为真实测温区域;用户可用激光环中心圆孔去瞄准被测目标。
思捷光电 EX-SMART-F 系列光纤式双色红外测温仪 使用说明书
EX-SMART-F系列光纤式双色红外测温仪使用说明书常州思捷光电科技有限公司地址:江苏省常州经济开发区丁堰街道联丰路101号联谷智造中心2幢101室 E-mail:****************TEL**************FAX**************目录1.1概述.................................................................................................................................................41.2产品特点.........................................................................................................................................41.3红外测温仪分类.............................................................................................................................51.4红外测温仪原理.............................................................................................................................51.4.1单色红外测温仪原理....................................................................................................................51.4.2双色红外测温原理........................................................................................................................61.5双色测温仪与单色测温仪比较的优势.........................................................................................71.6适用场合.........................................................................................................................................71.6.1单色模式适用场合........................................................................................................................71.6.2双色模式适用场合........................................................................................................................71.7技术参数.........................................................................................................................................81.8接线表.............................................................................................................................................92.1安装调试.....................................................................................................................................102.1.1安装............................................................................................................................................102.1.2调试............................................................................................................................................选择单色模式或双色模式测温.........................................................................................系数调整.............................................................................................................................143.1键盘功能释义.............................................................................................................................173.2按键操作流程.............................................................................................................................173.2.1主屏单色宽波段1CB或双色测温模式或单色窄波段1CS切换.............................................213.2.2双色坡度系数系数....................................................................................................................213.2.3单色宽波段1CB发射率系数和1CB透射率系数.....................................................................213.2.4单色窄波段1CS发射率系数和1CS透射率系数......................................................................213.2.5显示温度量纲............................................................................................................................223.2.6响应时间....................................................................................................................................223.2.7检测模式设定............................................................................................................................223.2.8双色模式下镜头脏检测............................................................................................................243.2.9双色测温模式时,允许信号衰减的百分比............................................................................243.2.10上限报警和下限报警..............................................................................................................253.2.11上下限报警死区.......................................................................................................................253.2.12模拟量输出起始值和终点值...................................................................................................263.2.13双色模式峰值取样..................................................................................................................双色模式峰值取样开启或关闭......................................................................................双色模式峰值取样信号能量的百分比..........................................................................双色模式峰值下降的时间..............................................................................................263.2.14通讯地址..................................................................................................................................273.2.15通讯波特率...............................................................................................................................273.2.16通讯模式...................................................................................................................................273.2.17探测器加热温度......................................................................................................................283.2.18主屏模拟量输出......................................................................................................................283.2.19模拟量测试..............................................................................................................................283.2.20宽波段模拟量输出..................................................................................................................293.2.21窄波段模拟量输出..................................................................................................................293.2.22测试状态..................................................................................................................................294.1RS485通讯协议..........................................................................................................................304.1.1命令格式....................................................................................................................................304.1.2指令格式说明............................................................................................................................304.1.3操作码........................................................................................................................................304.1.4校验码........................................................................................................................................335.1仪器检定.....................................................................................................................................335.1.1生产厂家的测试环境与条件....................................................................................................335.1.2检定时参数设置........................................................................................................................335.1.3检定方法....................................................................................................................................345.1.4按键设置....................................................................................................................................345.2型号释义.....................................................................................................................................345.3注意事项.....................................................................................................................................356.1EX-SMART-F系列光纤式双色红外测温仪安装外形图.........................................................356.1.1安装方式....................................................................................................................................356.1.2其它安装附件............................................................................................................................36EX-SMART-F系列光纤式双色红外测温仪使用说明书1.1概述EX-SMART-F系列双色测温仪是一款高性能、智能化的双色光纤式红外测温仪。
蜂巢智能温湿度传感器 SCT 系列数据手册说明书
Datasheet2Humidity and Temperature Wall Mount Transducers,SCT SeriesHoneywell Humidity and Temperature Wall Mount Transducers, SCT Series, are an ideal environmental solution for indoor applications such as building automation and HVAC systems in residential and office buildings. The SCT Series utilizesHoneywell HumidIcon™ humidity/temperature sensors to accurately and reliably sense humidity and temperature in the area to enhance user comfort.The SCT Series offers a variety of options and features. The transducers can be equipped with or without a legible LCDdisplay that shows the ambient temperature along with the relative humidity or dew point. The stylish cover trim is available in either silver or gold.Standard output of humidity and temperature is either 4 mA to 20 mA or 0 V to 10 V . The temperature output signal may also be configured with an NTC 10 kOhm, 20 kOhm or PT1000 sensor.INDUSTRY-STANDARD ACCURACY • STABILITY • RELIABILITYP otential ApplicationsINDUSTRIALClimate monitoring and control for: • Residential and office buildings• Production and manufacturing plants • Storerooms• Equipment cabinets • Testing environmentsFeatures•Enhanced accuracy:- ±4 %RH (10 %RH to 90 %RH at 25 °C),±5 %RH (10 %RH to 90 %RH at 5 °C to 50 °C)- Enables the customer to potentially reduce/eliminatetransmitter recalibration cost and supports and optimizes system accuracy and uptime• Long-term stability:- Humidity: ±0.05 %RH typ. and ±1.2 %RH max. drift overfive years- True temperature-compensated humidity elementenables customers to potentially reduce/eliminate the transmitter recalibration cost with enhanced stability over next best alternatives• Enhanced reliability: The humidity sensor element’s multilayerconstruction provides resistance to most applicationhazards such as dust, dirt, condensation, oils and common environmental chemicals, enhancing reliability• Standard humidity output: 4 mA to 20 mA or 0 V to 10 V • Cost-effective• Choice of cover trim color (silver or gold)• Full 0 %RH to 100 %RH measurement range • Available with or without LCD display3SCT SeriesTable 1. Humidity and Temperature PerformanceTable 2. Electrical SpecificationsTable 3. Environmental SpecificationsTable 4. Mechanical SpecificationsHumidity and Temperature Wall Mount TransducersFor example, SCTHWA43SDS de nes an SCT Series humidity and temperature transducer, wall mount, 4 mA to 20 mA output, 4 %RH humidity accuracy, 0.3 °C temperature accuracy/output type, -5 °C to 55 °C temperature range, LCD display, silver cover trim.Wall Mount T SeriesSCTTable 6. Order Guide for No Humidity (Temperature Only) Accuracy Figure 1. Nomenclature Tree 15 SCT SeriesFigure 2. Mounting Dimensions (For reference only: mm/in])With LCD DisplayWithout LCD Display4Humidity and Temperature Wall Mount Transducers Figure 3. DIP Switch Settings1, 22New setting with SW switch will be active once the unit is powered up..Sensing and Productivity Solutions Honeywell1985 Douglas Drive North Golden Valley, MN 55422 Find out moreHoneywell serves its customers through a worldwide network of sales offices, representatives and distributors. For application assistance, current specifications, pricing or name of thenearest Authorized Distributor, contact your local sales office.To learn more about Honeywell’s sensing and control products, call +1-815-235-6847 or 1-800-537-6945, visit , or e-mail inquiries to *********************32302444-A-EN IL50September 2015© 2015 Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved.WARRANTY/REMEDYHoneywell warrants goods of its manufacture as being free of defective materials and faulty workmanship. Honeywell’s standard product warranty applies unless agreed to otherwise by Honeywell in writing; please refer to your order acknowledgement or consult your local sales office for specific warranty details. If warranted goods are returned to Honeywell during the period of coverage, Honeywell will repair or replace, at its option, without charge those items it finds defective. The foregoing is buyer’s sole remedy and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Honeywell be liable for consequential, special, or indirect damages.While we provide application assistance personally, through our literature and the Honeywell website, it is up to the customer to determine the suitability of the product in the application.Specifications may change without notice. The information we supply is believed to be accurate and reliable as of this printing. However, we assume no responsibility for its use.ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONThe following associated literature is available at : • Application Note• Installation Instructions。
固定式红外线性化温度传感器 技术及使用说明书2003年8月 Ver 03.08目录概述 (2)一、技术参数 (3)二、安装 (4)三、使用与操作 (6)四、输出选择 (10)五、附件 (12)六、保养 (13)概 述CIT系列红外测温仪是把国防(如原子弹、氢弹、火箭燃气测温等)红外探测技术用于工业领域的高科技产品。
产品分类 : 单波段:○ SCIT系列分离式红外测温仪(探头与显示仪表分离);○ CIT系列红外线性化温度传感器○ CIT系列便携式红外测温仪;双波段:○ CIT比色在线式红外测温仪;○ CIT比色式光纤红外测温仪;○ CIT比色便携式红外测温仪;应用:十七年来,本系列产品已广泛用于科学研究、热处理、钢铁、冶金、炉窑、化工、橡胶、造纸、塑料、线材生产,焦化,热压烧结等行业,不但为国内知名研究机构,名牌大学提供了高精度科研设备,同时为众多的生产企业、设备制造商提供了大量的高可靠产品;并且出口到美国,加拿大,韩国,泰国,香港等地区。
服务: 本公司对产品质量全面负责, 长期保修并可为用户定期检定。
一、技术参数测温参数温度范围标准型宽程型CIT-2M CIT-1M CIT-2MK CIT-1MK300~1200℃□600~2000℃□300~1700℃□400~2000℃□600~2800℃□900~3300℃□测温精度 ±1%FS,重复精度±2‰测温分辨率1℃发射率 0.10~1.00,设置置修改步长0.01测温方式 瞬时值、最大值、平均值测量操作与显示MOD ▼ ▲三键操作;4位LED数码显示,5个LED提示符 提示温度超限告警指示、非正常测温告警指示、0/4~20mA输出断线告警灯指示光学参数距离系数(光学分辨率)120:1[或250:1]测量距离 0.6~∝米可测最小目标Φ5mm[或Φ2.4mm]电气参数电源 15~24VDC功耗 150mA(最大),[低功耗方式≤40mA]响应时间 20-67ms(用户可定制)输出信号信号输出全隔离任选0/4~20mA、0/1~5V、RS485中的一种环境参数储存温度 -40~85℃工作环境环境温度0~60℃,湿度:0~80%(不结露);加水冷套时环境温度:0~175℃物理参数测头尺寸Φ60×192重量 0.60Kg, 带水冷套吹尘器重量为1.7Kg1.技术特点:●抗烟雾、水蒸气和灰尘能力强●电源接线全保护,输出全隔离●能瞄准,测量小目标●整机结实密封,且带环境温度补偿,适于环境条件恶劣的工业现场中使用。
天枢 C 系列手持式红外热像仪用户手册说明书
目录1.责任声明 (1)1.1责任声明 (1)1.2版权 (1)1.3质量保证 (1)2.安全信息 (2)3.用户须知 (3)3.1校准 (3)3.2精确度 (3)3.3视频教学 (3)3.4文档更新 (3)3.5适用范围 (3)4.客户服务 (4)4.1常见问题解答 (4)4.2下载 (4)5.各型号差异功能对比 (4)6.热像仪描述 (5)6.1相机部分 (5)6.2按键部分 (6)6.3连接器与存储卡 (7)7.快速使用指南 (8)8.用户界面 (9)9.操作说明 (10)9.1开机和关机 (10)9.2保存图像 (10)9.3查看/删除图片 (10)9.4中心点测温 (10)9.5冷热点追踪 (11)9.6自定义点测量 (11)9.7图像模式 (12)9.7.1图像模式介绍 (12)9.7.2更改图像模式步骤 (14)9.7.3调色板 (14)9.8快门校正 (15)9.8.1快门校正介绍 (15)9.8.2快门校正操作 (15)10.设置界面 (15)10.1测量参数 (15)10.1.1发射率设置 (15)10.1.2环境温度设置 (16)10.1.3距离设置 (16)10.2温度单位 (16)10.3高低温报警 (16)10.4拍照设置 (17)10.4.1拍照自动保存 (17)10.4.2定时拍照 (17)10.5测温档位 (17)10.6系统设置 (17)11.应用场景介绍 (18)11.1仓库巡检 (18)11.2配电柜巡检 (19)11.3汽车后窗加热丝检修 (20)11.4暖通检修 (21)12.结构图纸 (22)13.FAQ (23)14.软件下载及固件更新 (23)14.1软件下载 (23)15.清洁热像仪 (24)15.1清洁热像仪的外壳、线缆及其他部件 (24)15.2清洁红外镜头 (25)1.责任声明1.1责任声明由艾睿光电制造的整机产品,从最初购买的交付之日起,在正常存放、合理使用及维修的前提下,都有两年的保修期,配件保修期为三个月。
574 精密红外温度计用户手册说明书
574Precision Infrared ThermometerMarch 2005© 2005 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .com574LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITYThis Fluke product will be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year from thedate of purchase. This warranty does not cover fuses, disposable batteries, or damage from accident, neglect, misuse, alteration, contami-nation, or abnormal conditions of operation or handling. Resellers are not authorized to extendany other warranty on Fluke’s behalf. To obtain service during the warranty period, contact your nearest Fluke authorized service center to obtain return authorization information, then send the product to that Service Center with a descriptionof the problem.THIS WARRANTY IS YOUR ONLY REMEDY. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, SUCH AS FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSEDOR IMPLIED. FLUKE IS NOT LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSE-QUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, ARISING FROM ANY CAUSE OR THEORY. Since somestates or countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of an implied warranty or of incidentalor consequential damages, this limitation of liabi-lity may not apply to you.Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.541223574WarningA Warning identifies conditions and actions that pose ha-zards to the user. To avoid electrical shock or personal injury, follow these guidelines:• Do not point laser directly at eye or indirectly off reflective surfaces.• Before using the thermometer inspect the case. Do not use the thermometer if it appears damaged. Look for cracks or missing plastic.• Replace the batteries as soon as the battery indicator two or less segments.• Do not use the thermometer if it operates abnormally. Protection may be impaired. When in doubt, have the thermometer serviced.• Do not operate the thermometer around explosive gas, vapor, or dust.• Do not connect the optional external probe to liveelectrical circuits.• To avoid a burn hazard, remember that highly reflective objects will result in lower than actual temperature measurements.• Do not use in a manner not specified by this manual or the protection supplied by the equipment may be impaired. CautionTo avoid damaging the thermometer or the equipment under test protect them from the following:• EMF (electro-magnetic fields) from arc welders,induction heaters, etc.• Static electricity• Thermal shock (caused by large or abruptambient temperature changes- allow 30 minutesfor thermometer to stabilize before use).• Do not leave the thermometer on or nearobjects of high temperature.Safety InformationShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .com4574Table of ContentsIntroduction (5)Warning for the Model 574 NI (6)Symbols and Safety Markings (7)Laser Warning and Serial Number Labels (8)Delivery Content (9)Functions and Display (10)Batteries and Measurement (11)Field of View (12)Spot Size (13)Emissivity - Explanation and Adjust (14)Emissivity - Table and Unknown Value (15)Mode - Maximum and Minimum (16)Mode - Difference and Avarage (17)Probe Connections (18)Setup Alarm (19)Setup - Time and Date (20)Setup - Offset and Min-Max Values (21)Data Logging and Recall (22)Display (23)Display - Man. Range (24)Display - Cycle (25)DIP Switches (26)Troubleshooting (27)Maintenance (28)Emissivity Table (Selected Values) .........................29CE Conformity . (30)Specifications (31)Factory Defaults ....................................................32Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .com574 IntroductionThe Fluke Model 574 Infrared Thermometer (the thermometer) is for non-contact temperature measurement. This thermometer determinesan object‘s surface temperature by measuringthe amount of infrared energy radiated by theobject‘s surface.Contacting FlukeTo contact Fluke, call one of the followingtelephone numbers:USA: 1-888-44-FLUKE (1-888-443-5853)Canada: 1-800-36-FLUKE (1-800-363-5853)Europe: +31 402-675-200Japan: +81-3-3434-0181Singapore: +65-738-5655Anywhere in the world: +1-425-446-5500For USA Service: 1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853)Or, visit Fluke's Web site at www.fl.To register your product, visit register.fl.Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.541256574Concerning Factory Mutual ApprovedNonincendive Devices:Operation in Environments that RequireNonincendive DevicesWARNINGIN HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS DO NOT use serial port con-nections, change batteries or open serial port cover. To re-duce risk of explosion in hazardous locations, use only Fluke temp probe part 2432508 and do not use other accessories, such as power supply and cables.A nonincendive rating (NI) indicates that this infrared thermo-meter has been tested to standards for preventing explosi-ons in hazardous areas by limiting the ability of equipment to ignite a specifi ed fl ammable gas or vapor-in-air mixture. Nonincendive equipment is incapable of releasing suffi cient electrical or thermal energy to ignite fl ammable gases or vapors under NORMAL operation and environmental condi-tions.This noncontact thermometer has a Factory Mutual Nonin-cendive rating. The rating from this USA organization reads: “Nonincendive, Class I, Division 2, Groups A, B, C, D; Class I, Zone 2 IIC; T4 Ta = 50ºC when used with 1.5V alkaline batteries.“A Class I, Division 2 location is a location:• where volatile fl ammable liquids or fl ammable gases or vapors exist, but are normally confi ned within closed containers;• where ignitable concentrations of gases, vapors or liquids are normally prevented by positive mechanicalventilation; or• adjacent to a Class I, Division 1 location, where ignitable concentrations might be occasionally communicated• groups A, B, C, D refers to: Acetylene, Hydrogen, Ethylene, and Propane.Warning for the Model 574 NIShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .com7574 Symbol Explanation Risk of danger. Important information. See Risk of dan Manual.Hazardous voltage. Precedes warning Warning. Laser.Conforms to requirements of European Union and European Free Trade Association (EFTA)°C Celsius°F FahrenheitBattery Symbols and Safety Markings1The laser sight simplifies sighting of the measure-ment object. It shows the spot size that includes the measured target.To turn the laser on or off press the LASER button (K) when the trigger is pulled. A laser symbol (1)appears when the laser is on. The laser automaticallyturns off if you release the trigger.LASERK 1Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .com574Laser Warning and Serial Number Labels89574• The unit• Getting Started• Two AA batteries• Manual on CD• Thermocouple type K probe• Windows-based software on CD• RS232 cable • Power supply Delivery Content Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .com10574Functions and Display Function keys and display:(A)Visual and audible alarm (B)Display (C)Up and Down keys (D)Enter (E)Handle and battery compartment (DIP switches for adjustments are inside handle)(F)Trigger (G)Tripod mount (H)6 main function keys FUNCTIONSUSER INTERFACEDisplayed functions:(1)Laser condition /Lock symbol (2)Time (or date)(3)Main temperature display (4)Graphic display (5)Emissivity value (6)Status bar (7)Mode indicator (8)Battery life indicator (9)MAX, MIN, DIF, AVG symbols DISPLAYA B C D E F G H 123456789Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comBatteries and MeasurementTo open the battery compartment, press gently on the top part of the handle to release the catch and pivot the grip as shown in thefigure. Orient the batteries (two alkaline R6 (AA,UM3)) positive side up as shown on the housing.To take a temperature measurement, hold the unit as shown. Aim at the target. Pull the trigger (F).The temperature of the object being measured is shown on the display (B). The temperature will be displayed for seven seconds after trigger is released.MEASUREMENT MEASUREMENTShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comField of ViewMake sure that the target is larger than the unit’s spot size. The smaller the target, the closer you should be to it.Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412STANDARD MODELOptical ChartFOCUS POINT D:S = 60:1 FAR FIELD D:S = 35:1CLOSE FOCUS MODELOptical ChartFOCUS POINT D:S = 50:1 FAR FIELD D:S = 12:1The measured spot size depends on the dis-tance between the object you are measuring and the infrared thermometer.The relationship between distance and spot sizeis 60:1(Standard Focus) or 50:1 (Close Focus) at the focus point. The D:S in the far field (>33ft/10m) is 35:1 (Standard) or 12:1 (Close Focus). Spot SizeShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412Emissivity - Explanation and AdjustReflected energyEmitted energyT ransmitted energyEMISSIVITYT argetThe amount of infrared energy radiated by an object depends on its emissivity and its temperature.The emissivity depends on the material and its surface characteristics. For more accurate readings, adjust the emissivity value for the type of material being measured.To adjust the emissivity value, press EMISS (P).Use the Up and Down keys to select “Free“(“Free(“Free” will have a flashing underline) (7).Press EMISS again.“Free” is not underlined,and the emissivity icon (5)flashes. Use the Up and Down keys (C) to adjust.Press ENTER (D) to activate this setting.EMISSIVITYADJUST EMISSIVITYP57CDShop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comEmissivity - Table and Unknown ValueTo adjust the unit’To aT s emissivity value for a material with unknown emissivity, plug in the probe.Pull the unit’s trigger.Place the measuring tip of the probe on the area to be measured.Wait for the reading to stabilize.P75CDNote the indicated probe temperature reading.Release the trigger. Pull the trigger again. Measure the same area using infrared measurement. Press the emissivity button (P). Use the Up and Down keys (C) to select the material name “Free” which will be shown in the display (7). Press the emissivity button (P) again until the emissivity sign (5) flashes. Use the arrow keys (C) to change the emissivity value until the temperature matches the probe’s reading.UNKNOWN VALUETo choose the emissivity of a material, press EMISS (P). The display shows a material name (7), an emissivity value,and the calculatedtemperature value (5). To choose another material,use the Up and Down keys (C). Press ENTER (D) to activate this setting.TABLE OF VALUESTAB T Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comMode - Maximum and MinimumO To activate the MAX mode,press MODE (O) until the MAX symbol appears (9).The measured maximum temperature is displayed (3) as long as the trigger is pulled or locked on. The real time temperature is shown in the lower part of the display (NORM) (7).MAXIMUMTo activate the MIN mode,press MODE (O) until theMIN symbol (9) appears.The measured minimumtemperature (3) isdisplayed as long as the trigger is pulled or locked on.The real time temperature is shown in the lower partof the display (NORM) (7).MODEMINIMUMO937MAX937MINShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comMode - Difference and AvarageO37AVG9 To activate the AVG mode,press MODE (O) until theAVG symbol (9) appears.The average value ofmeasured temperatures(3) is displayed as longas the trigger is pulled orlocked on. The real timetemperature is shown inthe lower part of thedisplay (NORM) (7).To activate the DIF mode,press MODE (O) until theDIF symbol (9) appears.The difference betweenthe measured max andmin temperatures isdisplayed (3) as long asthe trigger is pulled orlocked on. The real timetemperature is shown inthe lower part of thedisplay (NORM) (7).3O97DIF AVERAGEDIFFERENCEShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412Probe Connections121011Open the battery compart-ment and set the switches ON or Off according to the desired probe type.(10) NTC - thermistor (11) TC - thermocouple (12) Thermocouple type J (13) Thermocouple type KPROBECONNECTIONS13Connect the probe to the input (U). Press MODE,until the desired probe symbol (7) appears. The probe temperature isshown in the lower part of the display (6). The real time infrared temperature is shown in the maindisplay (3).U763Shop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comSetup AlarmNA 6D CThe low alarm (LoAl)generates an audible andvisual (flashing LED (A)and laser) alarm if thetemperature is below the setpoint. To set the alarm value (6), Press SETUP (N) twice and use the Up and Down keys (C).Then press ENTER (D)to activate this setpoint.NA 6CDThe high alarm (HiAl) generates an audible and visual (flashing LED (A)and laser) alarm if the temperature is above the setpoint.To set the alarm value (6),Press SETUP (N) once,and use the Up and Down keys (C).Then press ENTER (D) to activate this setpoint.HIGH ALARMLOW ALARMShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comSetup - Time and DateTo set the time, press SETUP (N) three times.Change the time (2)using the Up and Down keys (C).Then press ENTER (D)for each time segment to activate this time setting.The time appears on the display and is stored within the data logger .TIMEN2CDNDATETo set the date, press SETUP (N) four times.Change the date using the Up and Down keys (C).Then press ENTER (D) for each date segment to activate this date setting.The date (2) is stored within the data logger .2DCShop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comSetup - Offset and Min-Max ValuesMODEMAXMINDIFAVGTC/NTCMIN-MAXO6N D C confirm. The OFFSET feature allows the temperature values for several units to be matched, correcting for the allowed temperature tolerance difference between units. The OFFSET function can also be used toincrease the accuracy for a narrow temperature range.This function is used with a selected emissivity to add or subtract an offset value (±10°C/±18°F) to thetemperature value. Press the Setup button (N) until "Offset" appears in thedisplay. With the arrowkeys (C) adjust the displayto the corrected value.Press ENTER (D) toOFFSETTo show the minimum To sT and maximumtemperature values dur-ing a measurement at the bottom of the display,press MODE (O) until the two values appear (6).MIN-MAX VALUES X VALMIN-MAX V MODEShop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comData Logging and RecallHOW TO STORE DATATo Recall stored data,To RT press the ENTER button (D), without pulling the trigger. Then press the DATA button (M) until RCL appears on the display. A log location will be shown(6).To select another log loca-tion, use the Up and Down keys (C).DAT DA ATA T RECALLM 6D C By pressing the ENTER button (D) the LOG function (6) appears on the display. Pull the trigger (F) and hold it. Aim at the target. Be sure that the laser sighting is inside the target. Gently release the trigger to record the temperature. The next location will be shown on the display.This function is also initiat-ed by pressing the DATA button (M) once.D6FM Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comDisplayLC The graphic display (4)shows the temperature asa picture. The last tenmeasurements are shown(B). It is possible to choosebetween Auto Range andManual Range. In manualrange the user defines thebeginning and endingtemperature points of thegraph.B4 Press DISPLAYLAYPress DISPLA(L) once.Use the Up and Downkeys (C) to toggle betweenranges. Auto Range isautomatically defined bythe measured maximumand minimum value.Manual Range (ManRange) is user defined(see DISPLAY, BEGINLAY,(see DISPLAsection).GRAPHIC DISPLAYAUTO OR MAN RANGEShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412Display - Man. RangeTo set the BEGIN value for the graphic display (Man Range is activated),press DISPLAY (L) until “Begin” is shown at the status bar. Use the Up and Down keys (C) to select the value (6).DISPLAYBEGIN(Man. Range)LC6DISPLAYEND(Man. Range)To set the END value of the graphic display (Man.Range), press DISPLAY LAY Range), press DISPLA (L) until ”End” is shown at the status bar. Use the Up and Down keys (C) to select the value (6).LC6Shop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comDisplay - CycleLC7CYCLE allows the adjustment of the display interval.Press DISPLAY (L)until Cycl.: (7) is shown at the status bar. To select the interval time, use the Up and Down keys (C). The default value is pre-set for 0.2 sec.Shop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comDIP SwitchesBacklight:Backlight On or Off.Set Default:Activates the factory defaultsby overwriting listed settings (see specifications).Ltd. Access:No function buttons will serflash:The laser flashes in case ofover- or underranging of the alarm values.Lock C/ F Digi/Ana Laserflash Ltd. Access Set Default Backlight Buzzer TC-J/TC-KNTC/TC Time/Date Printer Factory Defaults�DIP-Switch Settings�Lock:°C/°F:ch Buzzer:Digi/Ana:Digital or Analog output.Time/Date:Time or date shown on the display.Trigger locked(on) orunlocked (off).:changes between °C and °F and date and time format.Audible alarm On or Off.Change the setting in the unit by using the DIP switches located in the battery compartment (see BATTERIES section).BATT BA NTC/TC:Thermistor (NTC) or thermocouple (TC).TC-J/TC-K:Type of thermocouples.Shop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comTroubleshootingCode Problem Action-O-Target temp. is over Select target-U-or under range within unit’s specs EEPROM-Err EEPROM error Contact factory CalAreaErr Calibration errors Contact factory ProbCalErrBattery icon Battery is low Replace batteries flashes orLowBatt onStatus lineBlank display Battery is dead Replace batteries Laser won’t Low or dead battery Replace batteriesworkAmbient above 45°C Operate unit in 45°C(113°F)(113°F) ambient orbelowShop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412MaintenanceLens Cleaning:Blow off loose particlesusing clean compressedair. Brush remaining de-bris away with a camel’shair brush.Wipe the surface with amoist cotton swab. Theswab may be moistenedwith water or a waterbased glass cleaner.NOTE: DO NOT use sol-vents to clean theplastic lens.Cleaning the Housing:To clean the exteriorhousing, use soap andwater or a mild commer-cial cleaner. Wipe with adamp sponge or soft rag.Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412Emissivity Table (Selected Values)Aluminum*0.30Asbesto 0.95Asphalt 0.95Basalt 0.70Brass*0.50Brick 0.90Carbon 0.85Ceramic 0.95Concrete 0.95Copper*0.95Dirt0.94Frozen food, 0.90Hot food 0.93Glass (plate)0.85Ice 0.98Iron* 0.70Lead* 0.50Limestone 0.98Oil 0.94Paint 0.93Paper 0.95Plastic** 0.95Rubber 0.95Sand 0.90Skin 0.98Snow 0.90Steel* 0.80Textiles Text T 0.94Water 0.93Wood***0.94*oxidized** opaque, over 20 mils *** naturalShop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .comCE ConformityThis instrument conforms to the following standards:EMC: - EN 61326-1:1997+A1:1998+A2:2001 Safety: - EN 61010-1:2001- EN 60825-1:2001This product herewith complies with the requirements of the EMC Directive89/336/EEC and the Low VoltageDirective 73/23/EEC.This instrument conforms to the Standardsof the European Community.CertificationThe temperature sources used to calibrate this instrument are traceable to the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)and the Deutscher Kalibrierdienst (DKD). Calibration certificates are available as an option.Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.5412574 Specifi cationsTemperature Range- 30 to 900°C (- 25 to 1600°F)Display Resolution0.1°C (0.2°F)Accuracy± 0.75% of reading or(Infrared)± 0.75K (± 1,5°F), whichever is greaterat 25°C (77°F) ambient temperature,± 2K (± 4°F) for targetsbelow -5°C (23°F)Ambient derating< 0.05K/K or < 0.05%/K,whichever is greater at+ 25°C (77°F) ± 25K (± 45°F)Optical Resolution60:1 (19mm spot size at 1.15 M.) (Standard Focus)(0.75in. spot size at 3.8 feet)Optical Resolution50:1( 6mm spot size at 0.3 M.) (Close Focus)(0.24in. spot size at 0.98 feet) Accuracy± 2K or ± 0.75%,(Thermocouple K & J)whichever is greaterAccuracy(Thermistor)-30to0°C (-22 to 32°F)± 0.6K0to70°C (32 to 158°F)± 0.4K70to100°C (158 to 212°F)± 1K100to120°C (212 to 248°F)± 1.5KRepeatability± 0.5% of reading or ± 0.5°C (1°F), (Infrared)whichever is greater,± 1°C (± 2°F) for targetsbelow -5°C (23°F)Response Time (95%)250 mSecHot Spot Detection (30%)85 mSecSpectral Range8 to 14 µmAmbient Operating Range0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Storage Temperature-20 to 50°C (-4 to 122°F)(without batteries)Analog output 1 mV/°C(°F)Digital Output RS232Shop for Fluke products online at: 1.877.766.54123132574Factory DefaultsPower 2 x 1.5 V Alkaline Type AABattery Life 13 hrs. (50% laser and 50% backlight on)Power supply 7.5 V >200 mA (Using the power supply (External)the display automatically switches on)Dimensions 200 x 170 x 50 mm (7.9 x 6.7 x 2 inches)Tripod Mount1/4”-20 UNCData logger100 pointspre-set with emissivity 0.95Lo-Al:0°C Hi-Al:50°Cadjustable only via Software AccessoryDefaultRange Emissivity/Gain 0.95 0.10 to 1.50 in steps of 0.01Emissivity Table Free 30 materialsMode normal Hi Alarm 50°C (100°F) -30 to 900°C (-25 to 1600°F)Lo Alarm 0°C (32°F) -30 to 900°C (-25 to 1600°F)Offset Adjust 0°C (0°F) -10 to 10°C (-18 to 18°F)Graphic Display Auto Range Auto Range / Man Range Cycle Time 0.2 sec0.1 sec to 300 sec Shop for Fluke products online at:1.877.766.5412www.MyFlukeStore .com。
XPLORER-TX TS 探测器系列商品说明书
// X PLORER-TX/TSFull application range with remarkable accuracy and precisionKey Features Include:• Ultra-low detection limits, high stability and reliability due to the temperature controlled detectors and feedbackcontrol loop.• Compact design, with the smallest footprint in the market.• Short start-up time. (Less than 15 minutes from standby mode).• Fast and precise measurement of liquids, solids, and gases (including LPGs).• Automation available for each type of measurement. • Intuitive user interface and operational software.• Simultaneous analysis of halogens and sulfur.• Fast and easy switching between modules, resulting in high productivity.• Complies with international standards like: ASTM, ISO, EN and IP .• Fully automated creation of calibration curves from a single stock solution with the optional A RCHIE autosampler.• Fast generation of sample lists and application methods.• Low maintenance due to optimized combustion and the proper conditioning of the produced gases.Con fi guration: X PLORER with GLS*The X PLORER -TX/TS is a microcoulometric combustion analyzer for the analysis of total halogens and total sulfur. The small footprint allows it to blend into every laboratory environment, whether it is in R & D, a re fi nery, a chemical or petrochemical application. This elemental analyzer will perform well. It is robust, precise and ideal for harsh testing environments.Speed & performance with minimal footprintAny Sample MatrixThe XPLORER-TX/TS combustion analyzer handles solid, liquid, gas and LPG samples. Changing from a liquids & gas module to the solids module has never been easier. With the push of one button, the liquids & gas module retracts automatically from the furnace. No clamps or manual locking. The change can be made in less than a minute. Simply choose the pre-loaded sample calibration list and run your samples.Automated or Semi-automatedIn terms of system automation, the choice is yours; semiautomated or fully automated. Select between manual operation for a couple of samples per day or round the clock operation with the autosampler. If the analyzer is operated manually there are two options. For the introduction of liquid samples, there is an integrated automatic syringe driver. It offers full control over the desired volume and speed of injection. For the introduction of solid samples, there is an integrated, software controlled boat drive.When operating the analyzer in full automation, the ARCHIE robotic XYZ auto sampler handles all liquid samples from 105 up to 210 postions. It extracts the samples from 2 mL vials and is able to dilute and generate calibration check standards automatically as well as run routine samples. The GLS module is for the introductionof gas and LPG samples. Using the touch screen as the user interface it can be operated as a method driven gas sampler and also as a stand alone sample introduction unit.Solid samples can be introduced by the stackable NEWTON auto sampler, which simply utilizes gravity introduction for high sample throughput and low cost per analysis. Assorted sample cups are available for various applications. W orking with an auto sampler enhances the overall quality, saves time and signifi cantly reduces the use of spare parts.Higher Productivity through Accurate Analysis Coulometric determination of chlorine and sulfur isan absolute technique using Faraday constant, so no calibration is required. T he accuracy is automaticallyverifi ed using a control standard. The overall analysisof hydrocarbons at ultra-low concentrations offers unprecidented precision.Compliance and RegulationsThe instrument complies with, but is not limited to the following international standards:TX ASTM D4929ASTM D5194ASTM D5808ASTM D7457UOP 779TSASTM D3120ASTM D3246ASTM D3961ArchieIndustrial ApplicationsChemicals• Acetic Acid• Polypropylene & ethylene • Polycarbonate • Aromatics • Resins • Ole fi ns and para fi nes Re fi nery Products • Crude oil • Kerosene • Fuel oil • Gasoline • Diesel fuels • Catalyst • Naptha • Lubricants Gases and LPGs• Independant laboratories • Chemical laboratories • Petrochemical laboratories• Government institutions and research facilities • UniversitiesMeeting the T oughest Standards and RegulationsRegulatory organizations worldwide have set low levels of allowed sulfur concentration in organic fuel for the present and near future. Besides sulfur regulations, knowing the exact concentration of sulfur and chlorine in certain feed stocks has always been important for production processes in the re fi neries. During the re fi nery process organic chlorines combust and will form hydrochloric acid. This formation needs to be avoided to minimize corrosion in the re fi nery process. Therefore, the re fi neries need to monitor and control the total sulfur and total chlorine content in the crude oil feedstock.Reference MethodologyMicrocoulometry is a reference method for the determination of total sulfur content in light liquidhydrocarbons, gasoline, diesels and their additives. It is also the reference method for the determination of total chlorides in crude oil. Microcoulometry fully complies with international standards: ASTM, ISO, IP , and UOP .GLSThe next generation Gas & LPG sampling systemThe GLS is suitable for handling all types of pressurized gases and LPGsfor the analysis of chlorine and sulfur. The GLS combines seamlessly with the X PLORER combustion analyzer using the same software, and is also excellent with other combustion analyzers.A RCHIEThe robotic liquids auto samplerUnlike previous generation liquid samplers, the A RCHIE uses a 100 μL syringe to aspirate and seal the sample with utmost precision and at a controlled speed. The sample can then be introduced into a vertical liquid furnace or be injected in a boat introduction module at controlled speed, forming a perfect complement to the X PLORER analyzer.N EWTONThis auto sampler measures up to 60 solid samples unattendedThe N EWTON is a stackable auto sampler. Housing trays for 20 samples, it is designed for a quick, accurate introduction of solid samples into the X PLORER . It is a user friendly system that is capable of running one, two or three trays of samples in succession unattended. The clean cups which are retracted from the combustion zone, are stored in a stainless steel compartment ready to be reused.Auto SamplersHow does the Chlorine Cell work?Samples are introduced with the appropriate module,into a furnace, where the sample is oxidized at high temperature. The combustion gas, containing halide ions, is led into a sulfuric acid scrubber for a rapid water and interferent removal. The dried and clean gas is led into the temperature controlled titration cell, where the halide ions react with silver ions, present in the titration cell.The amount of charge (the integral of the regeneration current over the measuring time) used to regenerate the lost silver ions, is directly related to the halogen content of the sample.Combustion:R-X + O2∙ HX + CO2+ H2OTitration Cell:HX + Ag+∙ H+ + AgX Ag ∙ Ag+ + e-How does the Sulfur Cell work?Samples are introduced, with the appropriate module, into a furnace, where the sample is oxidized at high temperature. The combustion gas, containing sulfur dioxide (SO2), is led into a sulfuric acid scrubber for rapid water and interferent removal. The dried and clean gas is led into the temperature controlled titration cell, where the sulfur dioxide reacts with T ri-iodine, present in the titration cell.The amount of charge (the integral of the regeneration current over the measuring time) used to regenerate the lost T ri-iodine, is directly related to the sulfur content of the sample.Combustion:RS + O2∙ CO2+ SO2+ H2OTitration cell:SO2+ I3- + H2O ∙ SO3+ 3I- + 2H+3I-∙ I3- + 2e-Sulfur CellChlorine CellHORIBA INSTRUMENTS, INC.9755 Research Drive Irvine, California 92618800-446-7422/us/oil ******************• The contents of this catalog are subject to change without prior notice, and without any subsequent liability to this company.• The color of the actual products may differ from the color pictured in this catalog due to printing limitations.• It is strictly forbidden to copy the content of this catalog in part or in full.• All brand names, product names and service names in this catalog are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.cam0916X PLORER-TX/TS System Speci fications。
IT系列红外测温仪目录1 概述2 技术参数3 外形结构3.1 IT-5外形结构3.1 IT-6/ITL-500外形结构及面板说明3.2 IT-8外形结构及面板说明4 选型表4.1 ITL-500选型表4.2 IT-5选型说明4.2 IT-6/8选型表5 使用5.1 安装5.2 引出线定义5.3 输出选择5.4 瞄准及距离系数1 概述IT红外测温仪分为,ITL-500,IT-5,IT-6,IT-8四大种系列产品,各系列产品各具特色,可分别适用于各种不同的场合。
IT各系列红外测温仪产品均具有激光瞄准功能,安装使用方便,第 1 页温度测量范围覆盖了-25℃-3000℃,各系列产品可在其有效的测量范围内自由分段。
选型使用推荐及各系列产品适用的行业:ITL-500该型号测温仪由于波长,温度范围的特点,适用于温度较低,常规材料辐射率比较接近1的场合,行业包括感应加热的电磁线高频烧结,塑料,化工,电机热安装等行业IT-5安装空间狭窄或者对精确瞄准及快速响应要求较高的场合,例如高频焊接,中频钎焊等行业,目前较典型的如全自动焊齿机IT-6中频长短棒料透热,窑炉,中频钎焊,轧钢,玻璃,陶瓷,粉末冶金,热压烧结,精密铸造等行业IT-8PC钢棒热处理,不锈钢热处理,铝材加热,挤压,熔铸,铜材加热,单晶硅生长,多晶硅铸造等行业2 技术参数:1、温度范围:IT-5 400~1200℃IT-6/8 260℃~3000℃(标准分段见4.2)ITL-500 0~1000℃(标准分段见4.1)2、基本误差:IT-5/6/8 0.5(±0.5%)或0.2(±0.2%)第 2 页ITL-500 1.5(±1.5%)3、测头尺寸:IT-5 φ25×160mmIT-6/ITL-500 φ45×135mmIT-8 φ50×150mm4、距离系数: IT-5 140:1IT-6/8 150:1ITL-500 50:15、测量距离:0.2m~5m6、可测最小目标:IT-5/6/8 φ2mm(300mm)ITL-500 φ6mm (350mm)7、发射率:IT-5 不可调IT-6/ITL-500 1.0、0.9、0.8、0.7四档发射率可调IT-8 0.01~1.00 可调8、响应波长范围:IT-5 1.1~1.7IT-6/8 0.7~1.7µmITL-500 8~14µm9、响应时间:IT-5/6/8小于5msITL-500小于50ms10、温度分辨率:0.5℃11、重复精度:±0.2%12、模拟量输出:0-5VDC 或4-20mA13、开关量输出:1组43V/1A(可选,只有IT-8)14、通讯接口:RS485(可选,IT-5不具备)15、工作电源:IT-6/8/ITL-500 ±12VDC 或24VDCIT-5 12VDC16、重量:IT-5 0.25KGITL-500/IT-6 0.5KGIT-8 0.6KG第 3 页17、工作环境:0~60℃,相对湿度不大于90%3 外形结构3.1 IT-5 外形结构3.2 IT-6/ITL-500 外形结构及面板说明面板及说明:①激光瞄准和发射率调整按键,按该键,激光瞄准有效,更多关于瞄准和发射率调整介绍请查看5.4(瞄准)和5.5(参数设置)②红外测温仪工作状态指示灯,该指示灯的状态对应当前仪器发射率参数;③电信号接口,根据不同型号红外测温仪及输出要求不同有4芯、5芯、6芯等不同的接口。
TiS10, TiS20, TiS40, TiS45,TiS50, TiS55, TiS60, TiS65Performance Series Thermal Imagers用户手册July 2015 (Simplified Chinese)© 2015 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.有限保证和责任限制在正常使用和维护条件下,Fluke 公司保证每一个产品都没有材料缺陷和制造工艺问题。
部件、产品修理和服务的保证期限为 90 天。
本项保证仅向授权零售商的原始买方或最终用户提供,并且不适用于保险丝和一次性电池或者任何被 Fluk e 公司认定由于误用、改变、疏忽、意外非正常操作和使用所造成的产品损坏。
Fluke 公司保证软件能够在完全符合性能指标的条件下至少操作 90 天,而且软件是正确地记录在无缺陷的媒体上。
Fluke 公司并不保证软件没有错误或无操作中断。
Fluke 公司仅授权零售商为最终客户提供新产品或未使用过产品的保证。
但并未授权他们代表 Fluke 公司提供范围更广或内容不同的保证。
只有通过 Fluke 授权 的销售商购买的产品,或者买方已经按适当的国际价格付款的产品,才能享受 Fluke 的保证支持。
在一个国家购买的产品被送往另一个国家维修时,Fluke 公 司保留向买方收取修理/更换零部件的进口费用的权利。
Fluke 公司的保证责任是有限的,Fluke 公司可以选择是否将依购买价退款、免费维修或更换在保证期内退回到 Fluke 公司委托服务中心的有缺陷产品。
要求保修服务时,请与就近的 Fluke 授权服务中心联系,获得退还授权信息;然后将产品连同问题描述寄至该服务中心,并预付邮资和保险费用(目的地离岸价格)。
福禄克 TiS75+红外热成像仪 产品技术指标 说明书
TiS55+/TiS75+Thermal Imager产品技术指标October 2020 Rev. A (Simplified Chinese)2020 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.一般技术指标温度工作-10 °C 至 50 °C存储-20 °C 至 50 °C,无电池相对湿度10 % ~ 95 %,无冷凝海拔工作2000 m存储12 000 m显示屏8.9 cm (对角线长度)触摸屏,横向显示,彩色,QVGA (640 x 480) LCD,带背光灯电池锂离子充电电池电池续航时间,按测试结果在不使用 WiFi 的情况下连续工作时间为≥3.5 小时(实际续航时间取决于设置和使用情况)充电时间≤2.5 小时充满充电温度0 °C 至 40 °C电池充电系统Ti SBC3B 双槽电池充电器(TiS75+ 随附),或在热像仪中充电。
交流电源适配器交流电操作配有电源,随附通用适配器输出:15 VDC,2 A节电用户可选择睡眠和关机安全性IEC 61010-1:污染等级 2 无线电频率2400 MHz 至 2483.5 MHz 输出功率<100 mWCMIIT 2020DJ4342 (TiS55+)2020DJ4341 (TiS75+)电磁兼容性 (EMC)国际IEC 61326-1:便携式电磁环境;IEC 61326-2-2 CISPR 11:第 1 组,A 类第 1 组:设备内部产生和/或使用与传导相关的无线电频率能量,该能量对于设备自身的内部功能必不可少。
A 类:设备适用于非家庭使用以及未直接连接到为住宅建筑物供电的低电压网络的任意设备中。
技 有
本公司担保所生产的每一台仪器均采用优质部件及材料,严 格执行已注册本公司企业标准(Q/HDSBZ0001)和中华人民共和国 国家计量检定规程(JJG415-2001)。在正常使用条件下,每台仪 器的免费保修期为壹年。壹年后为有偿服务。
4. SCIT 专用数显仪表………………………………….20
4.1 仪表技术指标……………………………………………………..20 4.2 仪表接口技术规格………………………………………………...21 4.3 仪表的外形尺寸与安装…………………………………………..23 4.4 SCIT 系列红外温度计的选型…………………………………….25
6. 数字式智能仪表……………………………………32
6.1 仪表操作示意图……………...….......…………………….…33 6.2 面板及按键说明…………………………………………….…33
6.3 测温基本操作.…………………………………………………35 6.4 选择测温方式………………………………………………….35 6.5 发射率修改…………………………………………………….37 6.6 未知发射率的确定与现场校正……………………………….38 6.7 红外测头的环温显示………………………………………….39 6.8 系统参数设置说明…………………………………………….39 6.9 系统参数设置操作…………………………………………….40 6.10 报警值的设置方法………………………………………….....42 6.11 密码设置方法………………………………………………….42 6.12 其它参数的设置方法………………………………………….43
tc系列温度曲线测试仪 用户手册说明书
TOPCITY---Temperature Profiling for Industry TOPCITY ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD重要注意事项和安全信息感谢您选用TC smart系列温度曲线测试仪,该仪器是特别为波峰焊锡机、回流焊配套的在线式测温装置,具备波峰焊﹑回流焊两用功能,具有0.05S~600S之间12000种可选择的采样速率,每通道可记录数据120000点,配合计算机软体的后台分析功能即可进行温度曲线与生产工艺的考量;在线式设计,免除离线式分析仪的困扰。
被电子生产企业广泛用于贴装和插件PCB 焊接工艺的考量,同时也适用于其它行业的温度测绘(如食品、冶金、汽车、环境、涂装、烤炉、隧道炉……)。
6、本仪器应在洁净的环境中使用, 裸露金属不能接触带电物体。
杭州联测 IS-A系列在线式红外测温仪 使用说明书
使用说明书U-AL-10-LCCN2 1产品选型内容代码及说明IS-类别空白常规E 辐射率可调ISO 全隔离TC 热电偶输出DT 短小型系列FS 防水防尘,IP68的防护等级LAS 双激光瞄准温度范围0610 -60 ~100℃0420 -40 ~200℃2030 -20 ~300℃* 100 0 ~100℃* 300 0 ~300℃* 500 0 ~500℃* 600 0 ~600℃* 800 0 ~800℃* 1000 0 ~1000℃1300 0 ~1300℃1200 350 ~1200℃# 1400 500~1400℃# 1700 700 ~1700℃# 2000 800 ~2000℃# 2400 1000 ~2400℃#输出信号A 4-20mA *# V 0-5V * V2 0-10V功能W 抗微波*# H 短波高温系列响应时间空白300ms *# K 30ms # C 8ms #例如:IS-ISO500AW:全隔离型,0-500℃,4-20mA输出,抗微波,8-14μm,距离系数15:1,响应时间300ms。
3参数描述3.1基本性能保护等级 IP65 (NEMA-4)环境温度 0 ~60℃存储温度 -20 ~ 80℃相对湿度 10 – 95%(不结露)材料不锈钢电缆长度2m (标准) 默认定制长度:3.2电气参数工作电源 12~24 VDC默认 6~24 VDC3.1VDC最大电流电流系列20mA 电压系列8mA输出信号 0-5V/0-10V/4-20mA可选3.3测量参数光谱范围 8 ~ 14 µm(1.0µm 1.6µm仅为LAS系列)温度范围 -60-2400℃分段光学分辨率 4:1 25:130:1 50:1100:1注:(AW系列为15:1 DT系列为:20:1)响应时间 300ms默认 50ms8ms测温精度测量值的±1%或±1℃,取大值(环境温度23±5℃时)境温度23±5℃时)*重复精度测量值的±0.5%或±1℃,取大值(环境温度23±5℃时)测量值的±1%或±1℃,取大值(环境温度23±5℃时)*发射率 0.95 1.0默认(IS-E500A辐射率0.10-1.00可调)4外型尺寸A系列常规:L1=40mm;L2=106mmLAS 系列:L1=50mm;L2=145mm特殊定制:L1= mm;L2= mm 5光路图D:S=15:1D:S=25:1D:S=30:1D:S=50:1D:S=100:16工作原理及注意事项6.1红外测温原理任何物体都向外辐射红外能量,辐射强度随着温度的变化而变化。
固定式红外线性化温度传感器 技术及使用说明书2003年8月 Ver 03.08目录概述 (2)一、技术参数 (3)二、安装 (4)三、使用与操作 (6)四、输出选择 (10)五、附件 (12)六、保养 (13)概 述CIT系列红外测温仪是把国防(如原子弹、氢弹、火箭燃气测温等)红外探测技术用于工业领域的高科技产品。
产品分类 : 单波段:○ SCIT系列分离式红外测温仪(探头与显示仪表分离);○ CIT系列红外线性化温度传感器○ CIT系列便携式红外测温仪;双波段:○ CIT比色在线式红外测温仪;○ CIT比色式光纤红外测温仪;○ CIT比色便携式红外测温仪;应用:十七年来,本系列产品已广泛用于科学研究、热处理、钢铁、冶金、炉窑、化工、橡胶、造纸、塑料、线材生产,焦化,热压烧结等行业,不但为国内知名研究机构,名牌大学提供了高精度科研设备,同时为众多的生产企业、设备制造商提供了大量的高可靠产品;并且出口到美国,加拿大,韩国,泰国,香港等地区。
服务: 本公司对产品质量全面负责, 长期保修并可为用户定期检定。
一、技术参数测温参数温度范围标准型宽程型CIT-2M CIT-1M CIT-2MK CIT-1MK300~1200℃□600~2000℃□300~1700℃□400~2000℃□600~2800℃□900~3300℃□测温精度 ±1%FS,重复精度±2‰测温分辨率1℃发射率 0.10~1.00,设置置修改步长0.01测温方式 瞬时值、最大值、平均值测量操作与显示MOD ▼ ▲三键操作;4位LED数码显示,5个LED提示符 提示温度超限告警指示、非正常测温告警指示、0/4~20mA输出断线告警灯指示光学参数距离系数(光学分辨率)120:1[或250:1]测量距离 0.6~∝米可测最小目标Φ5mm[或Φ2.4mm]电气参数电源 15~24VDC功耗 150mA(最大),[低功耗方式≤40mA]响应时间 20-67ms(用户可定制)输出信号信号输出全隔离任选0/4~20mA、0/1~5V、RS485中的一种环境参数储存温度 -40~85℃工作环境环境温度0~60℃,湿度:0~80%(不结露);加水冷套时环境温度:0~175℃物理参数测头尺寸Φ60×192重量 0.60Kg, 带水冷套吹尘器重量为1.7Kg1.技术特点:●抗烟雾、水蒸气和灰尘能力强●电源接线全保护,输出全隔离●能瞄准,测量小目标●整机结实密封,且带环境温度补偿,适于环境条件恶劣的工业现场中使用。
红外测温仪操作手册- optris
optris®CSlaser LT/ 2M ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯红外测温仪操 作 手 册•北京时代瑞资科技有限公司网 址:北京时代瑞资科技有限公司 网 址:CE认证本产品符合下列标准:电磁兼容性 EN 61326-1:2006(基本要求)EN 61326-2-3:2006安全规则EN 61010-1:2001激光安全 EN 60825-1:2007本产品满足:电子兼容性要求2004/108/EG低电压要求2006/95/EG使用之前仔细阅读此手册。
可提供测试软件,组态软件和应用软件技术支持5、具备带硬件时钟的打印接口和打印单元,实现手动、定时、报警打印功能;如果选配智能打印单元,可实现多台仪表共用一台打印机6、符合国际国内标准的多种外形尺寸仪表和面板形式7、多种仪表供电电源:AC220V,DC24V,DC12V或指定8、可驱动远程5″~ 12″LED大屏显示2.型号说明SCIT①—☐②☐③☐④☐⑤☐⑥①SCIT分离式系列红外温度计② 1—起点为600℃或以上的高温段2—起点在200~550℃之间的中温段3— -40~600℃之间的低温段③ S: Ø40测头;M: Ø60测头; L: Ø100测头;GX:光纤测头④无:标准型 K:宽程型 J:近焦型⑤距离系数1:120:1;5:150:1;2:250:1;7:70:1;(0:10:1)⑥仪表尺寸:无:A:160×80×125 B:96×96×112C:96×72×112 D:72×72×112本说明书适合型号:标准型:SCIT-1Lnx,SCIT-2Lnx,SCIT-1Mnx,SCIT-2Mnx,CIT-1Snx,SCIT-2Snx,其中n=1,2宽程型:SCIT-1MKnx,SCIT-2MKnx,SCIT-2LKnx,其中n=1,2近焦型:SCIT-1SJ5x,SCIT-2SJ5x上述3类型号中的x=A,B,C,D,即均可选4种仪表尺寸2.1 SCIT系列产品的分类SCIT分离式红外温度计系列产品从测温范围分,有SCIT-1…类的高温段和SCIT-2…类的中温段;有标准测程型和宽程型;从外观上,测头有直径为40mm的小号S型(SCIT-1S/2S..型),直径为60mm的中号M型(SCIT-1M/2M..型),和直径为100mm的大号L型(SCIT-1L/2L..型)3种;仪表有A、B、C、D四种规格。
思捷光电 STRONG 系列双色红外测温仪 说明书
2、产品特点✧测温范围覆盖250℃~3000℃✧测温精度可达0.5%,重复精度为2℃,分辨率0.1℃✧响应时间5ms~99.99s可调✧采用手动可调焦镜头,标准焦距0.45m至无穷远,近焦距0.25m~0.6m可调✧对探测器采用PID恒温控制,自带全量程温度补偿,避免了环境温度对测量精度的影响✧1:1高亮度绿色LED光源或可视目镜,清晰显示被测目标的位置及大小✧兼具双色和单色测温功能✧双色模式下,显示能量百分比,并有镜头脏检测功能✧采用工业级长寿命黄光OLED屏为显示界面,人机界面友好✧丰富的外设接口:2路独立的模拟量输出、2路报警输出、1路电平输出以及1路RS485通讯接口✧软硬件等抗干扰设计提高系统稳定性,可抗2500VDC脉冲群干扰✧有抗氧化测量功能,测量时不受氧化物的影响✧最多支持26台测温仪总线级联,通过PC实现网络化控制3、技术参数(1)STRONG-SR系列比色测温仪型号STRONG-SR-6016STRONG-SR-6018STRONG-SR-7025STRONG-SR-7030测温范围600℃~1600℃600℃~1800℃700℃~2500℃700℃~3000℃探测器Si/Si(叠层硅)单色工作波长 1.08μm比色工作波长波长1:(0.7~1.08)μm,波长2:1.08μm主要应用热轧、线棒材、金属锻造、铸造、感应加热、溶化的玻璃、水泥窑、半导体、真空炉、多晶硅、单晶硅高温炉、石墨炉、真空炉、半导体距离系数60:1标准100:1,60:1需定制200:1测量距离标准焦距:0.45m至无穷远可调,近焦距:0.25m~0.6m测量精度±0.5%T(T为读数温度),更高精度的可定制分辨率0.1℃重复精度±2℃单色系数0.100~1.100,步距0.001可调。
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● 可选实时值,最大值,平均值测温方式,辐射率连续可调 ● 为准确测温、调校和现场校正提供了有效手段 ● 数字式智能仪表采用高可靠微处理器软硬件技术平台,接口丰
富,扩展能力极佳,功能强大: 数字滤波、环温补偿功能帮助减小测量误差,强化测量的稳定性,
○CIT 系列红外线性化温度传感器; ○CIT 系列便携式红外温度计; 双波段:○CIT 比色在线式红外温度计; ○CIT 比色便携式红外温度计; 应用: 自上世纪 80 年代以来,本系列产品已广泛应用于科学研究、 航天、热处理、钢铁、冶金、炉窑、化工、离子镀膜、线材生产,焦 化,热压烧结,半导体设备等行业,不但为国内知名研究机构,名牌大 学,国防与卫星宇航测试提供了高精度科研设备,同时为众多的生产 企业、设备制造商提供了大量的高可靠产品;并且出口到美国,加拿 大,韩国,泰国,香港等地区。 资质: SCIT/CIT 型系列红外温度计曾获中国科学院科技进步奖和北 京首届国际博览会银奖。
可调焦 物镜头
B.红外测温 仪专用电缆
电 源配 线 21 22 23 24
12 3 4 5 黄蓝 黑 红 屏
的 1、2、3、
SCIT红 外 测 温 仪 V08 4、5 号端子
Sc ia mp le SET
中 国科 学 院 自动 化 所
通讯协议……………………………………………………53 通讯口连线………………………………………………….53 指令应答方式………………………………………………….54 单工发送方式………………………………………………….58 通讯接口的检测……………………………………………….59 7.8 打印接口及打印单元………………………………………….60
有效提高系统的环境适应性和测量及控制精度;调校和 8 段折线 运算功能为快速校准和现场校正提供方便 最多可达 4 点报警输出,可选择 4 种报警方式,报警灵敏度独立 设定。具备延时报警功能,有效防止干扰等原因造成的误报 变送输出可将测量、计算处理后的温度值以标准电流、电压形式 输出供其它设备使用 全透明、高速、高效的网络化通讯接口,实现计算机与仪表间全 部参数的数据传送和控制。独有的控制权转移功能使计算机可以 直接控制仪表的报警输出和变送输出。读取一次测量数据的时间 小于 10ms。可提供测试软件,组态软件和应用软件技术支持 可选择带硬件时钟的打印接口和打印单元,实现手动、定时、报 警打印功能;如果选配智能打印单元,可实现多台仪表共用一台 打印机 符合国际国内标准的外形尺寸仪表和面板形式 多种仪表供电电源:AC220V,DC24V,DC12V 或指定 可驱动远程 5″~ 12″LED 大屏显示
仪器万一出现故障[注],并在保修期内送回授权机构或本公司, 本公司将予以免费修理;条件是用户未拆卸仪器,且厂家的检验 清楚地表明产品业已损坏。厂家可自行选择维修或是更换产品。 若超出保修期,或损坏是由于错误使用、无人管理、拆卸、事故, 及不正常工作环境所造成或自然灾害,由用户送回厂家修理,并 承担修理费用。在这类情况下,在开始修理前本公司将说明修理 费用。
③将两芯电源线分别与仪表的 23、24
端子连接,然后将电源线插入市电 (AC220V)测温仪便可工作
要全面了解应用与操作,至少应阅读 4,5,6 章节
1. 概 述 … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … . . 1
1.1 SCIT 系列分离式红外温度计的主要特点…………………2
4. SCIT 专用数显仪表………………………………….20
4.1 仪表技术指标……………………………………………………..20 4.2 仪表接口技术规格………………………………………………...21 4.3 仪表的外形尺寸与安装…………………………………………..23 4.4 SCIT 系列红外温度计的选型…………………………………….25
本保证仅限于对原始购买者。本保证不适于仪器外观磨损, 及外部电线电缆之类的消耗材料。仅作以上保证。不作其他任何 明示或默示性保证。不论在合同中,民事过失上,还是在其它方 面,本公司不对任何特殊的,偶然的或间接的损害负责。
[注]:先通知授权机构或本公司,以便获得及时指导以排除故障;若 故障不能排除才确定送修。送修时用户应附上保修卡和故障的文字说 明,并仔细清洁仪器及附件。带油污尘土的仪器不但影响及时维修且 有额外费用发生。
7. 功能及相应参数说明………………….………......44
7.1 测量及显示…………………………………………………….44 7.2 调校…………………………………………………….………45 7.3 8 段折线运算………………….…………………………..………46 7.4 报警输出 ……………..……………………………………….47 7.5 二位控制……………………………………………………….51 7.6 变送输出……………………………………………………….51 7.7 通讯接口……………………………………………………….52
8. 保养与维护 ……………………………………………61
9. 故障判别和处理………………………………………62 10. 抗干扰措施 ………...……………………………….62 11. 选配件 ………..……………………….…………..66
5. 使用…………….……………………………….…...27
5.1 红外测温基础知识 ……………………………………………27 5.2 小目标的测量 …………………………………………………29 5.3 瞄准目标的方向……………………………………………….29 5.4 强光环境下的使用…………………………………………….30 5.5 高温环境下的使用…………………………………………….31 5.6 烟尘环境下的使用………………………………………………..31
技 有
本公司担保所生产的每一台仪器均采用优质部件及材料,严 格执行已注册本公司企业标准(Q/HDSBZ0001)和中华人民共和国 国家计量检定规程(JJG415-2001)。在正常使用条件下,每台仪 器的免费保修期为壹年。壹年后为有偿服务。
关于本说明书 感谢您使用 SCIT 系列红外温度计。本用户手册为帮助用户选型,
安装,调校,使用和维护提供了必要的说明,是使用和维修人员的必 备资料。请将本手册放到便于查阅的地方。
因本系列产品会不断升级,说明书中可能个别地方会出现与产品不 符之处,这时可查看最后的补充说明,也可向制造商或销售商咨询
重要声明: ①SCIT V08 版本红外测温仪的测头(或仪表)与之前生产的老版本
SCIT 系列测温仪的仪表(或测头)不能混合使用。 ②SCIT V08 版仪表与仪表可互换使用;同型号、同测温范围的测头
仪表基本操作见 23 页
* SCIT 系列由于型号不同各
红外探头外形尺寸也不同, 详见《3 红外测头技术规格》
SC IT型 红外测 温 仪
2. 型号说明…………………………………………….4 3. 红外测头技术规格…………………………………4
3.1 SCIT-M目视光学瞄准系列…………………………………………5 3.2 SCIT-SN 经济型系列………………………………………………12 3.3 SCIT-SC 中心激光点瞄准系列……………………………………14 3.4 SCIT-S 中心激光环瞄准系列…………………………………17
水冷套………………………………………………………………….66 全包水套吹尘装置………………………………………………….67 吹尘器………………………………………………………………….70 三脚架………………………………………………………………….71 固定安装架…………………………………………………………….71 镜头保护罩……………………………………………………………...72 防尘保护罩…………………………………………………………...72 专用净化电源………………………………………………………...72 LED 显示屏…………………………………………………………..72
SCIT/CIT 系列产品获取的资质证书如下: 1)国家计量器具制造许可证 (京制 00000398 号) 2)CE 认证 (EURO/CERT 认证编号:ATE20072771) 3)ISO9001:2008 质量管理体系认证 注册号:04309Q20764R2M 4)ISO140001:2004 环境管理体系认证 注册号:04310E20502R0M 5)GB/T28001:2001 职业健康安全管理体系认证
附录 1 仪表参数一览表………………………………….…….……..73 附录 2 红外测温相关术语…….……………………..….……….77 附录 3 材料发射率表.…….………………….………….…………78 附录 4 SCIT 红外温度计物件清单………………………………..84 补充说明:……………………………………………….…………..84