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根据《圣经》,上帝用泥土造人。According to the Bible,God created the people from the dust. Bibie 亚当与夏娃吃了禁果后,开始知道善恶。Adam and Eve start to know good and evil after they eaten the forbidden fruit.亚当与夏娃因为不服从上帝,被逐出了伊甸园。Adam and Eve were drven out of the Garden of Eden because they didn’t obey god.我小时候非常喜欢听民间传说。I enjoyed folk tales very much when I was young.古代中国人宰杀牛羊献给老天爷。In ancient times,chinese offered cattle and sheep to the heaven.雅典娜是智慧之神。Athene is godness of wisdom.普罗米修斯因为帮助人来,受到宙斯的惩罚。Prometheus was punished by Zeus because he helped human beings.只有希望还留在潘多拉的盒子里。Only hope was left inside the Pandara’s box.罗伯特的昵称是鲍勃。Robert’s nickname is Bob.我们给这对熊猫取名为“团团”和“圆圆”。We named the two pandas “TuanTuan” and”YuanYuan”.在一定程度上,名字会对一个人的命运有影响。To some extent, a person’s name may affect his or her destiny.调查表明,现在的孩子时兴取单名。According to the survey, one-character name for children is now in fashion.我们称呼数学老师为李教授或李博士。We adress the marth teacher as Prof.Li or Dr.Li.中国人的姓名是中国文化的一部分。Chinese people’name are part of chinese culture.这首歌的歌名听起来很吸引人。This title of this song sounds attractive.名人并不能真正反映一个人的品质。The name can’t truly reflect one’s quality.我们每个年轻人都应该有自己的角色楷模。Every young people should have own role models.许多美国人十分钦佩奥普拉·温弗雷的才能。Every American people admires Oprah Winfrey ‘s talent very much.汤姆对在本周内完成工作表现出很大的决心。Tom makes a large determation for finishing works within this work.这位科学家努力工作,取得很多成就,为我们树立了好榜样。? This scientist hardworking and get many accomplishments, so he set an example for us.要完成这项任务,你必须一步一步地做。Finishing this task, you must do it step by step.演讲者和听众一起分享他的经验。Speaker shares his exerperience with audience together.她的成功对我是个很大的鼓舞。Her success is abig spirituality for me.它能实现目标,你也能。He can realize his goals,so can you .是否克隆人是个道德问题而不是技术问题。Wheather to clone human beings or not is a moral question rather than a technical one .在很多国家,研究克隆人是违法的。In many countries ,It’s illegal to study human cloning.玛丽的哥哥是研究基因工程的专家。Mary’s brother is an expert in genetic engineering.做这项实验需要很大的决心。You nees a great patience to do this experimnt.轻基因食物应该贴上标签。Genetically modified foods should be labeled.科技进步有时候会给我们带来问题。Progress in science and technology sometimes brings us problems.基因研究能够帮助人类预防某些疾病。Genetic research could help human beings prevent some diseases.他们的研究项目遇到了麻烦。Their research project got into trouble.我相信,通过共同努力,我们一定会取得成功。I believe we will succeed through our mutual efforts.平均而言,我们班上女同学要比男同学用功。On average, female students are working harder than male students in our class.幸福这个词很难界定。The word hapiness is very difficult to define.她必须在出国留学和留在国内工作之间作出选择。She must make choice between studying abroad or working at home.我们对人生应该有积极的态度。We should have positive attitude to our life.每天早上她的情绪都非常好。She is always in a cheerful mood every morning.我不赞成浪费时间去抱怨。I don’t approve of wasting our time in compkaining.毫无疑问,她是我们班上学习最好的同学之一。Without question, she is one of the best students in class.我真后悔在中学里没多花点时间学数学。I regret I didn’t spend more time on math at high school.我们需要考虑自己能为国家做点什么贡献。We need to think about what we can contribute to our country他对中国历史感兴趣。He is interested in Chinese history.我认为今天的努力使明天成功的基础。I think future success is based on today’s efforts.能够独立思考是成熟的表现。It is a sign of maturity to ba able to think indepently.我认为学一门手艺很有用。I think it is useful to learn a trade .大家都夸他家具做得好。We all praised him for making good furniture.实际上,许多蓝颜的薪水比白领的薪水还要高。In fact, many blue collars earn more than white collars.许多读者期待着能早一天看到下一本哈利·波特故事。Many readers are looking forward to see the next Harry Potter book soon.很多人喜欢这部电影,但我觉得他很无聊Many people like this film ,but I feel it boring.我听说有这本书,但我还没看过。I have heard about this book ,but I haven’t read it.我看这部厚厚的小说是相当耗时间的。Its very time-consuming to read this thick novel.作者在故事的开头暗示,哈利的过去不同寻常。At the beginning of the story ,the author hints that Harry Potter has an unusal past.现在,我已经把这本书看了一半。I have read half of the bookat the moment.从本质上来说,这部小说是个童话。Essentially , this novel is a fairy tales.这部电影的主题是善与恶之间的斗争。The theme of the movie is the fight between good and evil.
