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一、听力(共20 小题;每小题1 分,满分20 分)第

一部分听对话回答问题(计10 分,每小题1 分)

本部分共有10 道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,选出你认为最合适的答案,听两遍。

1. Where are they going tonight?

A. B. C.

2.What's the weather like now?

A. B. C.

3.What does the man see?

A. B. C.

4.What does Amy often do in her spare time?

A. B. C.

5. How does Mary like the film?

A. She doesn't like it at all.

B. She thinks it's just so-so.

C. She likes it very much.

6.What would the boy do on rainy days?

A. Sleep in bed.

B. Watch TV.

C. Read books.

7.Where is the woman's diary?

A. In Jane's room.

B. On her chair.

C. On her desk.

8.What is Sam doing?

A. Reading books.

B. Playing basketball.

C. Making something

13. A. half an hour

B. an hour

C. two hours 14. A. meaning B. spelling C. pronunciation 15. A. reading B. speaking

C. writing

9.What does the woman ask Tom to do?

A. Play computer games.

B. Have dinner.

C. Clean up his bedroom.

10.How old is Daniel now?

A. 16.

B. 17.

C. 18.

第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题。(计 10 分,每小题 1 分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,每段对话或短文后各有几道小题,选出你认为最合适的


听下面一段对话,回答第 11~12 题。

11.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Doctor and patient.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Father and daughter.

12.What's the suggestion of the man?

A. She should take some medicine.

B. She needs to have a good rest.

C. She should never drink or eat too much before going to bed.

听第二段对话,回答第 13~15 题。

听一段短文,回答 16~20 小题。 16. When did they go to Zhangjiajie?

A. Last Friday.

B. Last Saturday.

C. Last Sunday.

17. What did they do after they arrived to Zhangjiajie?

A. They went to climb the mountain.

B. They went to have dinner.

C. They went to the hotel.

18.How high was the mountain?

A. About 1000 meters.

B. About 1200 meters.

C. About 1400 meters.

19.What did they see when they get to the top of the mountain?

A. They saw the sun rise slowly.

B. They saw the moon shining brightly.

C. They saw many beautiful stars.

20.Which is TRUE about the boy?

A. He is going to have a good rest.

B. He is going to have a big meal.

C. He is going to show pictures to his friends.

在下列各题A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个能填入题干空白处的最佳答案。

21. - Look! There is UFO over there. - Come on, dear. It’s just amazing model plane.

A. an, an

B. an, a

C. a, a

D. a; an

22. There is too much litter on the floor. Would you please ?

A. pick up it

B. pick up them

C. pick it up

D. pick them up

23. “Is here?” she asked. But answered.

A. somebody, nobody

B. anybody, somebody

C. anybody, nobody

D. somebody, anybody

24. I didn’t see him because I was making a phone call.

A. past by

B. passing by

C. putting up

D. put up

25. Just before the English class, I suddenly realized that I forgot my English text book.

A. bring

B. bringing

C. brought

D. to bring

26. The sweater is too large for me, please show me a smaller .

A. it

B. one

C. another

D. other

27. A note on the table “Be careful”.

A. told

B. said

C. wrote

D. read

28. - Mike, don’t ride your bike the lake. You may fall into it.

- Thanks, Mum. I will not get too close to it.

A. In

B. on

C. at

D. by

29. Seeing their teacher _into the classroom, they stopped at once.

A. walk; telling

B. entering; to speak

C. enter; to tell

D. walking; talking

30. —You can get such information on computer. —But I don’t know how the Internet.

A. to search

B. I can search for

C. can I search

D. to search for

31. ---Why did Miss Wang look so worried? ---Because she wondered .

A. if is the boy terribly hurt

B. what wrong is with the boy.

C. what has happened to the boy

D. whether the boy was hurt

32. —Does Jason feel in his new school?

—I don’t think so. He has already made a few friends there.

A. lonely

B. quiet

C. excited

D. happy

33.—Is your friend Michael still in Australia?

—I don’t know. I have information about him because we haven’t seen each other for years.

A. a little; a few

B. little; a few

C. a few; a little

D. few; a little

34. -I am sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. - Never mind. I got here only _.

A. five minutes later

B. five minutes before

C. in five minutes

D. five minutes ago.

35. - What about a drink of tea? - _. There is little time for a drink.

A. No hurry.

B. Why not?

C. Hurry up!

D. Why is in a hurry?
