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Charpter one Common English

Lesson one Daily English


1 ・ Please say something about yourself

My name is ShenZhiPeng, Fm 18-years old. I'm a sailor I have been working on board for half a year My hobby is playing computer games,

My daily work is lo keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at

sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, I'll keep the gangway watch.

In my spare time, Pd like to listen to music, see move.

Please say something about your family

There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and me.

My parents are workers in a company, and I'm a sailor

My p arents are very kind and tender to me, and they all like reading news paper.

Please say something about your hometown.

My hometown is in Henan province, with a population of l(X),000, and it is famous for its tea.

My hometown has beautiful sightseeing and the people are very friendly.

The specialty of my hometown is tea

please say something about your responsibilities on board

My position on board is AB

My daily work is to keep bridge watch as a watch man or to steer the wheel when the ship is at sea. When the ship is alongside the wharf, Fll keep the gangway watch.

My duties are to keep safe watch as normal, and when in emergency, Fll act as required in the

muster list.


1 • What's your date of birth?

My dale of binli is May 18^ 1990.

2・ What's your seaman's book number?

My seaman's book number is A123456

3. Where arc you from?

I'm frem China.

4. What's your captain*s nationality?

Our captain\ nationality is Chinese.

5. What do you think is the most important thing on board? Safety first.

6. Which ports do you often call at?

We often call at Qingdao, Shanghai and Pusan.

7・ What's your marital status?

I'm unmarried.

& How long will it take to gel Entry Visa to Australia?

It will take 3 months to get Entry Visa to Australia,

9・ How do you wish to fly? Economy or first class? Economy, please.

10. Do I have more than the duty-free allowance?

Sorry, you don't have. / No, you don^t have.

2. 3. 4-

Lesson Two Vocabulary Commonly Used on Board


I ・ Say something about shipM manning

The master is in command of the ship. The ship's manning consists of three departments.

The personnel of deck department includes the c/o, 2/o, 3/o, bosun, A・B・ and OS.

The personnel of engine departments includes the C/E, 2ZE, 3/E, 4/E, fitter, oilers and wiper

The personnel of service department includes the c/cook and the steward.

2.Say something about maritime agencies and lhe staff related to the ship.

There are many maritime agencies, the MSA, harbor master, the agent, stevedores Company, tally agency, and so on.

The MSA supervising the maritime fares, lhe harbor master is in charge of the harbour and

inbounding and outbounding vessels, the agent is to assist the master in going through the

formalities, the stevedores load and discharge the cargo, and the tally agency is responsible for the tally work during cargo handling-

3,Say something about ship's structures.

Tn general, a ship is made up of two parts, the hull and the superstructure.

The main body of a ship is lhe hull; it contains the E/R, cargo spaces and a number of tanks.

The superstniclure includes the forecastle, lhe bridge and the poop


1 • Who is in command of lhe ship?

Our captain is in command of the ship.

2-Generally speaking, how many officers arc llicrc in die deck deparlinciil?

There are 3 officers in the deck department; they are c/o, 2/o and 3/o.

3.What department does bosun belong to?

Bosun belongs to lhe deck department.

4.Can you list some ship's stores?

The ship's stores include the oil, water, paim, spare parts, and so on.

5- Can you list some ship's tools?

The ship's tools include the scaling machines, jet guns/ chisel, scrapers, chipping hammers, brushes, booms, and so on.

6.Whal does “lifebuoy with light and smoke" mean?

1( means lhe man overboard lifebuoy, ii's used in emergency when someone falls overboard.

7.Whal does "cargo wire。' mean?

Il's the wires to lifting the cargo used in the derricks or cranes.

& Whal does “port side” mean?

It means the left hand side of the ship.

9- What is "board sling" used for?

It is used to carry the general cargos during cargo handling.

10. can your list some ship's bridge equipmenls?
