
7 Development 139, 3-14, 2012
Two possible mechanisms for the generation of multiple cell types and polarity
8 Development 139, 3-14, 2012
Mouse trophectoderm distinguish from inner cell mass regulated by Hippo signaling pathway
9 Dev Cell 16, 398-410, 2009
Cell position-dependent differentiation mediated by Hippo signaling
10 Development 139, 3-14, 2012
Mouse embryo development from fertilization to gastrulation
15 Development 139, 3-14, 2012
Emerging asymmetry and establishment of anteriorposterior polarity in the E5.75 mouse embryo
Axis of Proximal & Distal
Axis of Anterior-Posterior
23 Development 139, 3-14, 2012
Mouse embryo development from fertilization to gastrulation
24 Development 139, 3-14, 2012
Early mouse embryo development and lineage segregation

实验小鼠和大鼠各胚胎发育时期的变化时期胎龄(日)胚胎发育小鼠大鼠1 1 1 单核细胞(输卵管内)2 2 2细胞期(输卵管内)3 2 3.25 4细胞期(输卵管内)4 2.5 3.5 8-12细胞期(输卵管内)5 3 3. 桑椹期(输卵管—子宫上部)6 3.5 4 囊胚初期(子宫内)7 4 5 囊胚期8 4.5 6 植入开始9 5 6.75 内外胚层分化10 5.5 7.25 植入末期,卵黄腔形成,分化成内外胚层,11 6.5 7.75 植入完毕,出现羊膜。
12 7 8.5 出现中胚层和原条。
13 7.5 9 出现神经板,头部突起,出现尿膜褶。
14 7.75 9.5 体节1-4(头部)完成外层胎盘。
15 8~8.5 10 腔,胚外体腔内和羊膜腔发育。
16 8.5~9 10.5 体节13-20(胸椎前部)胚回转结束。
17 9.5 11 体节21-25(胸椎后部),神经沟闭锁。
18 10 11.5 体节26-28(腰椎前部),前肢出现。
19 10.25 11.75 体节29-31(腰椎后部),后肢出现。
20 体节32-33(荐椎后部)。
21 12 体节34、35(荐椎后部)。
22 10.5 体节36(第一层尾椎)鼻窝形成23 体节37、38(尾椎)。
24 体节39、40(尾椎)。
25 11 12.5 体节41、42,前肢变大。
26 体节43-45(尾椎)手指分化。
27 12 13 体节46-48(尾椎)脐疝明显。
28 12.5 13.5 体节49-51(尾椎),鼻上颌闭锁。
29 14 体节52-55(尾椎)。
30 13 14.5 体节56-60(尾椎),耳孔开,耳壳形成31 13.5~14 15 体节61-63(尾椎),口盖板闭锁32 14.5 15.5 体节64(尾椎)、体表出现毛囊。
33 15 16 体节65(最终尾椎)34 16-16.5 17-18 脐疝消失,眼脸、耳壳闭锁。

实验技术一、人工催情和超数排卵1. 小鼠的性别鉴定:成年小鼠的性别较易鉴别。
2. 人工催情:成年小鼠在非妊娠和非哺乳期间,任何时间都可发情,性周期为4-5天。
每头雌鼠注射PMSG 5-10IU,注射时间可在第一天下午4时左右,注射部位为腹腔。
小鼠早期胚胎发育的研究 )

不同的物种具有不同的卵裂方式,可以分为完全卵裂(holoblastic cleavege)和不完全卵裂(meroblastic cleavage),分别又可以细分成许多不同方式。

Axis of Dorsal-Ventral
Cell lineages in early mouse embryo
Embryo culture system for time-lapse movie acquisition of node morphogenesis
in vitro embryo culture
GFP knock-in tracing
Dev Cell 13, 884-896, 2007
Time-lapse images of node morphogenesis
Dev Cell 13, 884-896, 2007
The displacement model of endoderm morphogenesis in the mouse gastrula
Primitive streak formation
VE: visceral endoderm AVE: anterior VE DVE: distal VE
PS: Primitive Streak
EMT at mouse primitive streak
EMT at mouse primitive streak
Dye injection
The distal cap epiblast cells migrate to the anterior neuroectoderm
M ag a zi ne
ht yol k Epi bl ast nd
pxm l m ht
Yol k cel l s
Development 139, 3-14, 2012

Theiler Stage1-One-cell eggFertilized one-cell stage egg(embryo),zonapellucida present(shown in red).0-0.9dpc(range0-2.5)Scale bar in micronsTheiler Stage2-Dividing eggDividing egg stage,zona pellucida present(shownin red).First cleavage occurs at about24hours.1dpc(range1-2.5)2-4cells.Scale bar in micronsTheiler Stage3-MorulaFour-to16-cell stage embryos from early to fullycompacted morula.Zona pellucida present(shown inred).Embryos in the oviduct towards utero-tubaljunction.2dpc(range1-3.5)4-16cells.All scale bars in microns.Theiler Stage4-Blastocyst(ICM apparent)Embryo progresses from morula to the blastocyststill within the zona pellucida(shown in red).There isearly evidence of the blastocoelic cavity.3dpc(range2-4)16-40compacted cells.All scale bars in microns.In the blastocyst stage(zona-intact)there is adistinct inner cell mass and an outer layer oftrophectoderm ually located in the uterinelumen.Theiler Stage5-Blastocyst(zona-free)Blastocyst(zona-free),invariably located withinthe uterine lumen.4dpc(range3-5.5)Scale bar in micronsTheiler Stage6-Attachment of blastocystBlastocysts implants,first evidence ofembryonic endoderm cells coveringthe blastceolic surface of the inner cellmass.4.5dpc(range4-5.5)Witschi Stage8(rat)Carnegie Stage4(human)Scale barTheiler Stage7-Implantation and formation of Egg CylinderEctoplacental cone appears.Rapid increasein the number of inner cell mass cellsleading to the formation of the epiblast withsubsequent growth to form the eggcylinder.The proximal or visceral cells(opposite side from the trophoblastic cap)are cuboidal in shape.Primary endodermlines the mural trophectoderm.5dpc(range4.5-6)Witschi Stage10(rat)Carnegie Stage5(human)ScaleTheiler Stage8-Differentiation of egg cylinderImplantation site2x3mm.The maternal tissue isinvaded by trophoblast(primary)giant cells andthe ectoplacental cone is invaded by maternalblood.Differentiation of the egg cylinder intoembryonic and extraembryonic regions and theformation of the proamniotic cavity.Reichert'smembrane,which is non-cellular and secreted bythe distal endoderm first appears.6dpc(range5-6.5)Witschi Stage10-11(rat)Carnegie Stage5(human)Scale bar in micronsTheiler Stage9-Advanced Endometrial ReactionPS:Advanced egg-cylinder stage with the firstevidence of of an embryonic axis.There is clearmorphological distinction between the embryonicand extraembryonic ectoderm.The ectoplacentalcone is further invaded by maternal blood and theoriginal lumen of the uterine crypt hasdisappeared.ES:Late in this stage gastrulation begins,producing the first mesodermal cells.6.5dpc(range6.25-7.25)Downs&Davies PS-ES:prestreak to earlystreakWitschi Stage11(rat)Carnegie Stage6-7(human-stage table)Scale bar in microns.Theiler Stage10-AmnionGastrulation continues throughout allsub-divisions of this stage and:MS:Tissue at the posterior end of the primitivestreak bulges into the proamniotic cavity andforms the posterior amniotic fold.LSOB:In the mesoderm of the posterior amnioticfold small cavities coalesce to form a single cavity,the exocoelom.LSEB:The allantoic bud first appears,gastrulationcontinues and the node becomes visible.7dpc(range6.5-7.5)Downs&Davies MS-LS midstreak to latestreakWitschi Stage12(rat)Carnegie Stage8(human-stage table)Scale bar in microns.Theiler Stage11-Neural Plate,Presomite StageNP:The amniotic cavity is sealed off with nowthree cavities-amniotic,exocoelom andectoplacental cleft.The neural plate is definedanteriorly and the head process is developing.Inthe midline,sub-adjacent to the neural groove,the notochodal plate is visible.LNP:The allantoic bud elongates.EHF:The rostral of the neural plate begins toenlarge to form the head folds.LHF:Head folds continue to enlarge and theforegut pocket begins to form.7.5dpc(range(7.25-8)Downs&Davies OB-EB/LB-EHF-LHF:-no All.bud to late All.bud to early head fold to late headfoldWitschi Stage12-13(rat)Carnegie Stage9(human-stage table)Scale bar in microns.Theiler Stage12-First somitesUnturned embryo with first appearenceof somite pairs.1-4somites:The allantois extendsfurther into the exocoelom and themaxiliary components of the1stbranchial arch become prominent.Thepreotic sulcus is visible in the2-3somite embryo.The cardiogenic platebegins to form and the foregut pocket isclearly visible.5-7:The headfolds are particularlyprominent and neural closure occurs inthe region of the4th and5th somites,extending in both directions from thissite.The optic placodes are first evidentand become indented to form the opticpits.The heart rudiment developsrapidly.The allantois contacts thechorion at the end of this stage.Absent:The2nd branchial arch and>7somites.8dpc(range7.5-8.75)1-7somite pairsWitschi Stage14-15(rat)Carnegie Stage9(human-stage table)All scale bars in micronsClick on an image for a larger version Theiler Stage13-Turning of the embryoThis is a short period with turning initiated inembryos with6-8pairs of somites and usuallycompleted in embryos with14-16pairs ofsomites.The first branchial arch hasmaxillary and mandibular components butthe maxillary process is not visible until later(TS16).A second branchial arch is nowevident.There is evidence of regionalisationof the heart and the neural tube is closedfrom a point opposite the outflow tract to theproximal part of the tail.Absent:3rd branchial arch.8.5dpc(range8-9.25)8-12somite pairsWitschi Stage15(rat)Carnegie Stage10(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.Theiler Stage14-Formation and closure of anterior neuroporeThe rostral extremity of the neural tube closes inembryos with usually about15-18somite pairsand defines this stage.The otic pit becomesprogressively more indented but not closed,themandibular process of the1st branchial arch isclearly visible.The3rd branchial arch becomesvisible late in the stage.An increasinglyprominent ridge on the lateral body wall,approximately at the level of the8th-12th somite,indicates the site of the future forelimb bud.Absent:forelimb bud.9dpc(range8.5-9.75)13-20somite pairsWitschi Stage16(rat)Carnegie Stage11(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.Theiler Stage15-Formation of posterior neuropore; forelimb budThe posterior neuropore form and thecondensation of the forelimb bud becomesapparent near the8th-12th somite pairs.A distinct condensation of the hind limbbud appears just at the end of the stage.The forebrain vesicle subdivides intotelencephalic and diencephalic vesicles.Absent:hindlimb bud,Rathke's pouch.9.5dpc(range9-10.25)21-29somite pairsWitschi Stage17-19(rat)Carnegie Stage12(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger versionTheiler Stage16-Closure of posterior neuropore;hind limb bud and tail budThe hind limb bud becomes visible atthe level of the23rd-28th somites.Thetail bud appears as a short stump andthe3rd and4th branchial arches aredistinctly concave.Rathke's pouch andthe nasal processes start to form.At theend of this stage the posteriorneuropore begins to close.Absent:thin and long tail.10dpc(range9.5-10.75)30-34somite pairsWitschi Stage20-21(rat)Carnegie Stage13(atlas),14(atlas),15(atlas)(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version. Theiler Stage17-Deep lens indentationThe most obvious distinguishingfeatures are the deepening of the lenspit,with a narrowing of it's outerpore-like opening,and the firstappearence of the physiologicalumbilical hernia.The1st branchialarch is conspicuously divided into itmaxillary and mandibularcomponents.There is advanceddevelopment of the brain tube and thetail elongates and thins.Absent:nasal pits.10.5dpc(range10-11.25)35-39somite pairsWitschi Stage24-25(rat)Carnegie Stage13(atlas),14(atlas),15(atlas)(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.Theiler Stage18-Closure of lens vesicleThe primary externally recognisable feature isthe progressive closure of the lens vesicle.Thesomites in the cervical region are no longervisible and the rapid growth of the brain isstriking.The nasal pits start to form.Absent:auditory hillocks,anterior footplate.11dpc(range10.5-11.25)40-44somite pairsWitschi Stage25-26(rat)Carnegie Stage13(atlas),14(atlas),15(atlas)(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger versionTheiler Stage19-Lens vesicle completely separated from surfaceThe lens vesicle becomes completely closed and detached from the ectoderm.The peripheral margins of the eye become well defined.The forelimbs are seen to be divided into two regions, the proximal part consisting of the futurelimb-girdle and arm and the more peripheral part which forms a circular or paddle-shaped handplate(anterior footplate).The medial and lateral margins of the otic pit are coming together reducing the entrance to a narrow slit and the auditory hillocks become visible.Absent:retinal pigmentation,signs of fingers.11.5dpc(range11-12.25)45-47somite pairsWitschi Stage26-27(rat)Carnegie Stage16(atlas),(human-stage table) All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.The handplate(anterior footplate)is no longer circular but develops angles which correspond to the future digits.The posterior footplate is also distinguishable from the lower part of the leg.It is possible to see the pigmentation of the pigmented layer of the retina through the transparent cornea.The tongue and brain vesicles are clearly visible.Absent:5rows of whiskers,indented handplate.12dpc(range11.5-13)48-51somite pairsWitschi Stage28(rat)Carnegie Stage17(atlas),(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger versionThe distal borders of the anterior and posterior footplates are now indented and the digit widths and locations can be discerned.The elbow and wrist are now identifiable.The pinna rapidly develops and forms a crest at right angles to the head.Five rows of vibrissae are visible as well as a prominant hair follicle over the eye and another over the ear.The lens vesicle has lost it's lumen. The physiological umbilical hernia is prominent. Absent:hair follicles,distally separate fingers.13dpc(range12.5-14)52-55somite pairsWitschi Stage29-30(rat)Carnegie Stage18(atlas),19(atlas),(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.Individual fingers are visible in the anterior footplate and there are deep indentations between the toes which are not yet separated. The long bones of the limbs are present and there are hair follicles in the pectoral,pelvic and trunk regions.The pinna is turned forwards and the umbilical hernia is conspicuous. Absent:hair follicles in the cephalic region.14dpc(range13.5-15)56-~60somite pairsWitschi Stage31(rat)Carnegie Stage20(atlas),21(atlas),22(atlas),23(atlas),(human-stage table)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.The toes separate and are clearly divergent,not becoming parallel until later.Hair follicles are present in the cephalic region but not at the periphery of the vibrissae.The pinna covers more than half of the external auditory meatus and theeyelids are still open.Absent:nail primordia,fingers2-5parallel.15dpc>60somite pairsWitschi Stage32(rat)Human foetal period.All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.Fingers2-5are nearly parallel.Nail primordia are visible on the toes.The eyelids have fused in most cases by the end of the stage and the pinna almost completely covers the external auditory meatus.The umbilical hernia isdisappearing and there is a correspondingincrease in the size of the peritoneal sac.Absent:fingers and toes joined together.16dpc>60Somite pairsWitschi Stage33(rat)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.The skin has thickened and formed wrinkles and the subcutaneous veins are less visible.The fingers and toes have become parallel and the umbilical hernia has disappeared.The eylids have fused.Whiskers are just visible. Absent:ear extending over auditory meatus,long whiskers.17dpcWitschi Stage34(rat)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.The whiskers visible at stage25are definitely longer and the skin has thickened.The pinna is larger and such that virtually none of the lumen of the auditory meatus is visible.The eyes are barely visible through the closed eyelids18dpcWitschi stage35(rat)All scale bars in microns.Click on an image for a larger version.Newborn19-20dpcAll scale bars in microns.Click on the image for a larger version.Mouse embryos can be staged according to a variety of criteria,the most general of which are those described by Theiler in"The House Mouse:Atlas of Mouse Development"(Springer-Verlag, New York,1989).Theiler's criteria are too broad to distinguish many of the important phases of early development and must therefore be supplemented by others,for example,cell number, somite number or those charcteristics used by Downs and Davies(1993)Development,118,1255. We have therefore combined these different criteria in the table1below which defines a new set of stages based on the numbered Theiler series,but with intermediate divisions indicated by non-integer stage numbers.Embryos of the same gestational age may differ in their stage of development.We have therefore included in the table an indication of the expected range of gestational ages(days of gestation,dpc)over which each developmental stage may be found. Different mouse strains develop at different rates and,in some cases show differences in the relative rates of development of different organs.Strictly,the stages recognised by Downs and Davies apply to outbred mice of the PO strain.The data in the remainder of the table below refer to embryos of crosses between F1hybrid(C57BL X CBA)mice.Each Theiler stage is linked(click on the number)to its corresponding diagram,with more details of the defining features for that stage.A brief text or pictorial index to the diagrams is also provided.Theiler Stage dpc(range)2SomiteNo.3Cellnumber(C57BLxCBA)F1mice4POmice521(1-2.5)2-4Dividing egg4316-40Blastocyst,Inner cell mass apparent(2-4)6 4.5(4-5.5)Attachment of blastocyst ,primary endoderm covers blastocoelic surface ofinner cell mass86(5-6.5)Differentiation of egg cylinder .Implantation sites 2x3mm.Ectoplacentalcone region invaded by maternal blood,Reichert's membrane and proamnioticcavity form10a 7(6.5-7.75)Mid streak (MS),amniotic fold starts to formMS 10b Late streak,no bud (LSOB ),exocoelomLS 10c Late streak,early bud (LSEB),allantoic budfirst appears,node,amnion closing12a 8(7.5-8.75)1-41-4somites ,allantois extends,1st branchial arch,heart starts to form,foregut pocket visible,preotic sulcus (at 2-3somitestage)12b 5-75-7somites ,allantois contacts chorion atthe end of TS12Absent 2nd arch,>7somites2nd arch presentAbsent 3rd branchial arch149(8.5-9.75)13-20Formation &closure of ant .neuropore,otic pit indented but not closed,3rd branchial arch visibleAbsent forelimb bud1610(9.5-10.75)30-34Posterior neuropore closes ,Formation ofhindlimb &tail buds,lens plate,Rathke'spouch;the indented nasal processes startto formAbsent thin &long tail1811(10.5-11.25)40-44Closure of lens vesicle ,nasal pits,cervicalsomites no longer visibleAbsent auditory hillocks,anterior footplate2012(11.5-13)48-51Earliest sign of fingers (splayed-out),posterior footplate apparent,retinapigmentation apparent,tonguewell-defined,brain vesicles clearAbsent 5rows of whiskers,indentedanterior footplate2214(13.5-15)56-~60Fingers separate distally ,only indentationsbetween digits of the posterior footplate,long bones of limbs present,hair follicles inpectoral,pelvic and trunk regionsAbsent open eyelids,hair follicles incephalic region2416Reposition of umbilical hernia ,eyelidsclosing,fingers 2-5are parallel,nailprimordia visible on toesAbsentwrinkled skin,fingers &toes joinedtogether2618Long whiskers ,eyes barely visible throughclosed eyelids,ear covers auditory meatus28Postnatal development 1.Bard,J.B.L.,Kaufman,M.H.,Dubreuil,C.,Brune.R.M.,Burger,A.,Baldock,R.A.,Davidson,D.R.(1998).An internet-accessible database of mouse developmental anatomy based on a systematic nomenclature.Mechanisms of Development 74,111-20.2.Days post conception,with the morning after the vaginal plug is found being designated0.5dpc (or E0.5).For detailed discussion see Kaufman (1994).The Atlas of Mouse Development (2nd printing),pp.515-525.London:Academic Press.3.The figure given refers to the number of the most caudal somite.No account is taken ofsomites partitioning into dermomyotomes and sclerotomes,nor of their subsequent differentiation.4.Adapted from Theiler (1989)[The House Mouse:Atlas of Embryonic Development .NewYork:Springer-Verlag]and Kaufman (1994);detailed staging for Theiler stages 9-12courtesy of wson [personal communication].5.From Downes,K.M.and Davies,T.(1993).Staging of gastrulating mouse embryos bymorphological landmarks in the dissecting microscope.Development ,118,mentsGeneral comment on timing (dpc):In judging the lower and upper ranges of dpc equivalent to a particular Theiler stage,we have generally followed Theiler's book and,in most cases,have given a wider range than Theiler,because the numbers of embryos he cites are small.We have given a larger range at the maximum than the minimum because,in general,embryos are more likely to be retarded by their environment or genetic constitution than made to proceed more quickly through development.In most cases,however,the resulting dpc range is an estimate that is consistent with the results of Theiler,but not based on additional evidence.Comment on somite numbers:The range of somite numbers for each stage is given only as a guide to what might be expected of typical embryos.As can be seen from Theiler (1989)4the truerange can be much wider.Therefore,for all stages after TS12,the somite number should not be taken as a reliable global indicator of the overall embryo stage.Richard Baldock,Jonathan Bard,Duncan Davidson and Kirstie Lawson,7th May1998Please mail comments to Prof.Jonathan Bard。

小鼠卵在输卵管壶腹部受精后开始分裂发育,至桑椹胚(约3天)进入子宫,形成囊胚(约第5 天)开始着床,妊娠期为19~21天。
4)9~10 日龄有听觉,被毛长齐。
3、断奶期:出生后3 周龄可离乳独立生活。
3) 出生后4-8周为生长期。
小鼠早期胚胎发育的研究 )

不同的物种具有不同的卵裂方式,可以分为完全卵裂(holoblastic cleavege)和不完全卵裂(meroblastic cleavage),分别又可以细分成许多不同方式。


小鼠早期胚胎发育是一个高度 复杂的过程,涉及到多个基因
研究发现,某些基因在胚胎发 育过程中起着至关重要的作用 ,如Oct4、Sox2和Nanog等
这些基因通过调控细胞增殖、 分化和迁移等过程,影响胚胎 的正常发育。
此外,某些外部因素如环境激 素和营养物质也会对胚胎发育 产生影响。
通过共聚焦显微镜获取胚胎的高 分辨率图像,观察细胞内部结构 和动态变化。
利用分子生物学技术检测胚胎发育过程中特 定基因的表达情况,了解基因在胚胎发育中 的作用。
通过蛋白质组学分析研究胚胎中蛋白质的表达和功 能,揭示胚胎发育的分子机制。
研究胚胎发育过程中表观遗传学修饰的变化 ,如DNA甲基化和组蛋白乙酰化等,探讨 它们对胚胎发育的影响。
通过显微观察和成像技术,研究胚胎细胞在早期发育过程中的迁移、 增殖和分化等行为。
利用分子生物学和药理学方法,研究参与胚胎发育的信号转导通路及 其调控机制。
通过体外受精技术获得早 期胚胎,并进行培养和观 察,研究胚胎发育过程中 的影响因素。
将早期胚胎移植到代孕母 体中,观察胚胎在母体中 的发育过程,研究母体环 境对胚胎发育的影响。

• 成年母畜卵巢上存在数千到上万个卵泡,在外源激素 作用下,每个发情期的卵泡发育和排卵数可达十数个
• 每个发情周期生殖器官都有一个孕向发育 • 早期胚胎处于游离状态 • 胚胎发育不存在免疫问题 • 胚胎发育到一定阶段会与子宫发生生理和组联系 • 胚胎的遗传性不受受体的影响
• 胚胎分割(embryo splitting)是运用显微操作系统将哺 乳动物附植前胚胎分成若干个具有继续发育潜力部 分的生物技术,运用胚胎分割可获得同卵孪生后代。
• 在畜牧生产上,胚胎分割可用来扩大优良家畜的
作实验材料,可消除遗传差异,提高实验结果的 准确性。
• 胚胎的收集是指在配种或输精后的适当时间, 从超排供体回收胚胎,以准备给受体移植, 简称采胚。
• 一般将配种当日记为0天,从配种后第二天 开始计算采胚天数。
• 不同动物早期胚胎发育速度和到达子宫的时 间各有差异(p314,表12-3),应根据采胚 目的来选择合适的采胚时间。
• 3. 药物因素:PMSG、FSH等 • 4. 激素的注射部位及超排程序
(一)同期发情(同步发情):用人工的方法对母畜发情周期进 行同期化处理的方法叫同期发情。在胚胎移植技术中,受体子 宫和供体胚胎处于高度同步化状态才有利于移植胚的发育。
1.同期发情在畜牧生产中的意义:A.便于集中或定时对一群母畜 进行输精;B.可做到同期配种,从而使母畜的妊娠、分娩、幼 畜的培育相对集中,提高生产效率和经济效益。C.利于家畜的 胚胎移植技术的应用。