

戴尔 Vostro A840 A860 服务手册说明书

戴尔 Vostro A840 A860 服务手册说明书

7. 按电源按钮以导去系统板上的残留电量。
Dell™ Vostro™ A840/A860 服务手册 请从 CD 刷新 BIOS 从硬盘驱动器快擦写 BIOS
如果新的系统板随附 BIOS 更新程序 CD,则请从该 CD 快擦写 BIOS。如果您没有 BIOS 更新程序 CD,则请从硬盘驱动器快擦写 BIOS。
电池闩 锁部 件
Dell™ Vostro™ A840/A860 服务手册 卸下电池闩锁部件 装回电池闩锁部件
警 告 : 拆装计算 机内部组件 之 前 ,请 阅 读 计算 机 附带的 安 全说明 。 有关其它最佳安全操作信息,请参阅 /regulatory_compliance 上 的 Regulatory Compliance( 管 制标准 ) 主页。 注 意 :为避免静电损害,请使用接地腕带或不时地触摸计算机背面板上的连接器以确保接地,并导去身上的静电。
1. 确保工作台平整清洁,以防止刮伤主机盖。
2. 关闭计算机(请参阅关闭计算机)。 注 意 :要断开网络电缆的连接,请先从计算机上拔下网络电缆,再将其从网络设备中拔下。
3. 断开所有电话线或网络电缆与计算机的连接。
4. 合上显示屏,将计算机翻转过来,并放在平整的工作表面上。 5. 断开计算机和所有连接的设备与各自电源插座的连接。
卸 下币形电池
1. 请按照开始之前中的说明进行操作。 2. 卸下系统板(请参阅卸下系统板)。 3. 翻转系统板。 4. 从系统板连接器上断开币形电池电缆的连接。 5. 将币形电池从聚酯薄膜防护套中取出。

戴尔 OptiPlex 580 服务手册 — 小型塔式计算机说明书

戴尔 OptiPlex 580 服务手册 — 小型塔式计算机说明书

Dell™ OptiPlex™ 580 服务手册 — 小型塔式计算机注、警告和严重警告如果您购买的是 Dell™ n 系列计算机,则本说明文件中有关 Microsoft ® Windows ® 操作系统的任何参考信息均不适用。


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本文中使用的商标:Dell 、DELL 徽标和 OptiPlex 是 Dell Inc. 的商标;ATI Radeon 是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc 的商标;Intel 和 Core 是 Intel Corporation 的商标或注册商标;AMD Athlon 、AMD Sempron 和两者的组合是 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. 的商标;Blu-ray Disc 是 Blu-ray Disc Association 的商标;Microsoft 、Windows 、Windows Vista 和 Windows Vista 开始按钮是 Microsoft Corporation 在美国和/或其他国家和地区的商标或注册商标。


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2010 年 4 月 修订版 A00拆装计算机卸下和装回部件规格系统板布局系统设置程序诊断程序注:“注”表示可帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。



返回目录页面币形电池Dell™ OptiPlex™ 580 服务手册 — 小型塔式计算机取出币形电池1.按照拆装计算机内部组件之前中的步骤进行操作。

HP Z820 Workstation 产品简介说明书

HP Z820 Workstation 产品简介说明书

HP Z820 WorkstationProduct Design HighlightsIntroductionBetter does not have to mean bigger. HP is proud to introduce the ultimate in high performance computing—the HPZ820 Workstation. Building on the award-wining design of its predecessor, the HP Z820 delivers more power and an enhanced feature set—without an increase in size.Mobility and flexibilityWith integrated front and rear full-grip carrying handles and slick foot pads, the HP Z820 can be easily moved to a new location or to gain better access. The flexible HP Z820 design can be used in desk-side installations, or rack-mounted using HP’s enterprise-class, fully extendable rails. And now, with USB 3.0 featured on the front and rear of the workstation, the HP Z820 offers the ability to customize access to high-speed external devices. HP also offers a rich portfolio of external bay adapter options including optical drives, media card readers, and internally and externally accessible HDD carriers—the possibilities to customize are endless.On the insideWith the new HP Z820, HP has taken a fresh look at the design of the interior of the workstation. Many of the system cables have been carefully routed and remain hidden from view, streamlining system upgrades, and improving airflow management.Finding internal components and connections has never been easier. All of our user-serviceable components are identified with consistent green touch points, and the removable service panel has been laser-etched to provide users with a clear layout of the HP Z820 system board and concise configuration information. Whether it is adding a third graphics card, or upgrading to the new Liquid Cooled heat sinks—the HP Z820 continues to offer an unmatched ease of expandability.Designing the experienceHP Workstations have always been an industry leader in designing for the customer experience. With groundbreaking innovations in tool-free design, servicing the HP Z820 is as easy as ever. Whether it is adding hard drives, expanding memory, or upgrading graphics capabilities—the HP Z820 provides tool-free access to most internal components. Due to the tool-free ease of use, HP understands system and component security may be a concern, therefore several security features have been incorporated. The side access panel key lock and a Kensington security slot are included standard, and a system intrusion switch is available as an optional accessory.2 Quiet and reliableAcoustic performance is essential to HP and our customers because a noisy environment increases user fatigue and reduces productivity. HP has extended its leadership in this area with the design of HP Z820. With all its additional expandability, one might expect the HP Z820 to be louder than the already quiet HP Z800. However, through innovations in engineering, strategically placed fans, and active fan control, the HP Z820 is even quieter. As with all ourworkstations, the HP Z820 hard drives are mechanically isolated to reduce vibration and noise—improving the customer experience.In order to address the ever-increasing demand for power, the HP Z820 has taken a comprehensive approach tomaintaining thermal performance. With internal fans distributed throughout the system, airflow is targeted at the high power-density components. HP’s advanced algorithms control fan speeds instantaneously based on system configuration and workload, providing users with industry-leading acoustics and uncompromising reliability and performance.While acoustic and thermal performance is paramount, it is also important that the HP Z820 operates dependably under extreme workloads and in harsh environments. Rigorous climatic and dynamic testing helps to ensure that HP workstations are highly reliable in a wide variety of demanding conditions, while delivering uncompromising performance. The HP Z820 is designed to withstand severe shock events and high vibration environments.Environmentally friendlyHP is committed to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. To reduce energy consumption, HP workstations offer ENERGY STAR® qualified configurations and the HP Z820 features a 90 percent efficient power supply. The HPworkstation design team has taken a proactive approach (beyond just industry regulations) to recyclability and selecting materials that reduce the risk to the environment and health. The HP Z820 configurations are available with non-halogenated flame retardant (BFR/PVC-free) materials.1Additional resources /go/whitepapers /support/Z820_manuals Screen images courtesy of Cannon Design. 1 Meeting the industry definition of ‘BFR/PVC-free’ per the iNEMI Position Statement on “Low Halogen” Electronics. Plastic parts incorporated into the chassis generally contain < 1000 ppm (0.1%) of bromine or chlorine. Printed circuit board and substrate laminates generally contain < 1500 ppm (0.15%) of total bromine and chlorine. Service parts after purchase may not be BFR/PVC-free. External accessories, including power supplies, power cords, and peripherals as well as the following customer-configurable internal components: SAS 3 ½” HDD, SAS ROM Upgrade (Patsburg), SAS RAID Card, Creative Audio Card, and Broadcom NIC are not BFR/PVC-free.© Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ENERGY STAR is a US registered mark of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.4AA4-1770ENW, June 2012。





















Dell 2208WFP SFF AIO 平面顯示器使用指南说明书

Dell 2208WFP SFF AIO 平面顯示器使用指南说明书

前視圖 前面板控制標描述籤1輸入源選擇2OSD功能表/選擇按鈕3亮度和對比度/下(-) 按鈕後視圖帶顯示器支架的後視圖標籤描述使用1 VESA安裝孔(100mm)(所裝底板背後)使用符合VESA的牆面安裝包將顯示器安裝到牆上(100mm x 100mm)2 支架卸下按鈕將支架從顯示器上鬆開。

3 顯示器安全鎖槽防盜鎖可確保顯示器的安全。

4 Dell Sounbar安裝支架安裝Dell Soundbar選件。

標籤描述使用1 電腦調節功能與電腦前端形狀匹配。

2 自動底座鉤自動將電腦鎖在支架上。

3 鉤鎖定裝置當電腦在支架上可檢測,並啟動自動地盤鉤。

4 電腦平臺在支架上支援電腦和線纜蓋。

5 線纜蓋插銷將線纜蓋從支架上鬆開。

6 電腦調整斜坡與電腦前端形狀匹配。

底視圖標描述籤1 臺式機安裝螺絲孔(4x)在臺式機上安裝支架,可確保安全。

2 轉向輪可轉動顯示器3 電源連接器連接電源線4 Dell Soundbar電源連接器連接Soundbar的電源線(備選)5 DVI連接器連接電腦的DVI線6 VGA連接器連接電腦的VGA線將與顯示器相配的USB線連接到顯示器和電腦上。


針腳號碼15-針信號線纜的針端1 視頻-紅色針腳號碼24-針連接信號線的針端針腳號碼12針腳號碼4注注安全指示FCC與安全指示FCC與警告回到內容頁安裝您的顯示器Dell™ 2208WFP SFF AIO 平面顯示器若您有Dell™桌上型或Dell™可攜式電腦,且有網際網路存取能力1. 請至 , 輸入您的服務標籤,然後下載最新的顯示卡驅動程式。

2. 為您的顯示配接卡安裝驅動程式之後,請再嘗試一次將解析度設定為 1680x1050。


回到內容頁安裝您的顯示器Dell™ 2208WFP SFF AIO 平面顯示器若您是使用非Dell™桌上型電腦、可攜式電腦或顯示卡1. 在桌面上按一下右鍵並按一下內容。


10、亮度≥360 cd/m2
14、输出接口≥1路耳机; ≥1路SPDIF;≥ 1路AV
17、音/视频接入方式 电脑采用HDMI传输音频和视频(全数字模式),并且具备侧面VGA模拟输出,可外接投影仪设备,实现镜像功能;外接电脑采用VGA、HDMI等多种接入方式
18、功耗 工作≤270W,待机≤1W

dell optiplex 7080 tower 服务手册说明书

dell optiplex 7080 tower 服务手册说明书

OptiPlex 7080 Tower 服务手册注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。



© 2020 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。


Dell、EMC 和其他商标均是 Dell Inc. 或其子公司的商标。


章 1: 拆装计算机内部组件 (6)安全说明 (6)拆装计算机内部组件之前 (6)安全防范措施 (7)静电放电— ESD 保护 (7)ESD 现场服务套件 (8)拆装计算机内部组件之后 (8)章 2: 技术和组件 (9)显卡选项 (9)英特尔超核心显卡 630 (9)NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 (9)AMD Radeon RX 640 (10)AMD Radeon R5 430 (11)NVIDIA GeForce RTX 1660 SUPER (12)NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 SUPER (12)系统管理功能 (13)用于带内系统管理的 Dell Client Command Suite (13)章 3: 系统的主要组件 (14)章 4: 拆卸和重新组装 (16)侧盖 (16)卸下侧盖 (16)安装侧盖 (18)前挡板 (19)卸下前挡板 (19)安装前挡板 (20)硬盘部件 (21)卸下主要 2.5 英寸硬盘部件 (21)卸下次要 2.5 英寸硬盘部件 (22)卸下 2.5 英寸硬盘支架 (23)安装 2.5 英寸硬盘支架 (23)安装次要 2.5 英寸硬盘部件 (24)安装主要 2.5 英寸硬盘部件 (25)3.5 英寸硬盘部件 (26)卸下 3.5 英寸硬盘部件 (26)卸下 3.5 英寸硬盘支架 (27)安装 3.5 英寸硬盘支架 (28)安装 3.5 英寸硬盘部件 (29)固态硬盘 (30)卸下 M.2 2230 PCIe 固态硬盘 (30)安装 M.2 2230 PCIe 固态硬盘 (31)卸下 M.2 2280 PCIe 固态硬盘 (32)目录3内存模块 (35)卸下内存模块 (35)安装内存模块 (36)SD 卡读卡器(可选) (36)卸下 SD 卡读卡器 (36)安装 SD 卡读卡器 (37)处理器风扇和散热器部件 (38)卸下处理器风扇和 125 W 散热器部件 (38)卸下处理器风扇 (39)安装处理器风扇 (40)安装处理器风扇和 125 W 散热器部件 (41)卸下处理器风扇和 65 W 散热器部件 (42)安装处理器风扇和 65 W 散热器部件 (42)处理器 (43)卸下处理器 (43)安装处理器 (44)图形卡 (46)卸下显卡 (46)安装显卡 (47)图形处理单元 (48)卸下通电的 GPU (48)安装通电的 GPU (49)币形电池 (51)卸下币形电池 (51)安装币形电池 (51)WLAN 卡 (52)卸下 WLAN 卡 (52)安装 WLAN 卡 (53)超薄光驱 (55)卸下超薄光驱 (55)安装超薄光驱 (56)薄型光驱支架 (57)卸下超薄 ODD 支架 (57)安装超薄 ODD 支架 (57)机箱风扇 (58)卸下机箱风扇 (58)安装机箱风扇 (59)VR 散热器 (60)卸下 VR 散热器 (60)安装 VR 散热器 (61)扬声器 (62)卸下扬声器 (62)安装扬声器 (63)电源按钮 (64)卸下电源按钮 (64)安装电源按钮 (65)电源装置 (66)卸下电源装置 (66)4目录卸下电源装置(适用于具有已通电 GPU 的系统) (70)安装电源装置(适用于具有已通电 GPU 的系统) (73)防盗开关 (76)卸下防盗开关 (76)安装防盗开关 (76)可选的模块(Type-C/HDMI/VGA/DP/串行) (77)卸下可选的 I/O 模块(Type C/HDMI/VGA/DP/串行) (77)安装可选的 I/O 模块(Type-C/HDMI/VGA/DP/串行) (78)系统板 (82)卸下系统板 (82)安装系统板 (85)章 5: 故障排除 (90)Dell SupportAssist 启动前系统性能检查诊断程序 (90)运行 SupportAssist 启动前系统性能检查 (90)诊断 LED 行为 (91)诊断错误消息 (92)系统错误消息 (94)WiFi 重启 (95)章 6: 获取帮助 (96)联系戴尔 (96)目录5拆装计算机内部组件主题:•安全说明安全说明遵循以下安全原则可防止您的计算机受到潜在损坏并确保您的人身安全。



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宏碁 Veriton 台式计算机用户手册

宏碁 Veriton 台式计算机用户手册
*DC.12811.00X* DC.12811.00X 1
警语:当使用环境位于海拔 2000m 以上时,必须确认适配器上的标示,如果出现 “ 仅适用于海拔 2000m 以下地区安全使用。 ”,请勿使用该适配器,洽询当地经销 商以选购正确的适配器。
请仔细阅读安全须知。保存本文件以供今后参考。请遵照该设备上的警告标志与 说明。
规则及安全注意事项 ............................................................................................... 7 FCC 声明........................................................................................................... 7 激光产品符合性声明.......................................................................................... 8 数字音频输出声明 ............................................................................................. 8 无线设备规则公告 ............................................................................................. 8 加拿大 - 低功率免许可证无线电通信设备 (RSS-210).................................... 8



Veriton产品介绍中小企业台式机产品部Veriton M258/288/290主流商务简洁外观,卓越的工业设计严格挑选的用料前面、侧面强大进气孔可有效形成对流,便于内部散热防误触式电源开关分离式前置USB 和音频接口Veriton M258/288/290配置信息型号VM258 VM288 VM290处理器AMD Sempron X2/Athlon II x2系列处理器Intel Core 2 Duo/Pentium DualCore/Celeron Dual Core系列处理器Intel Celeron G/PentiumG/Core i3/i5系列第二代智能处理器主板nvidia MCP61 Intel G41 Intel H61 扩展槽1PCI-Ex16+2个PCI-Ex1+1PCI硬盘250G/320G/500G/1T/1.5T内存2G/4G网卡百兆网卡千兆网卡千兆网卡显卡集成显卡 / AMD HD 6350、7350显卡键盘/鼠标PS2键盘/ USB光电鼠标电源200W/250W其他前置2个USB接口、串口/并口(视主板规格而定)操作系统Win7 Pro、Win7 Home Premium、Win7 Home Basic、Linux随机软件驱动光盘简约商务卧式摆放侧边导风口强大进气口防误触式电源开关立式摆放前置4个USB和音频接口•小巧不占空间,体积只有传统电脑的1/3(8.5L)•模组化设计,免螺丝拆卸,便于使用维护•满足中小企业用户的差异化需求•方便组件抽取 及提升内部空间模组化设计:•提高散热效能整齐内部设计:•简单、快速、安全的进行组件更换免安装螺丝设计:人性化设计 易于使用维护Veriton X275/2610配置信息型号VX275 VX2610处理器Intel Core 2 Duo/Pentium Dual Core/CeleronIntel Pentium G/i3/i5/i7系列第二代智能处理器Dual Core系列处理器主板Intel G41 Intel H61扩展槽1PCI-Ex16+1个PCI-Ex1+2PCI(具体数量视主板规格而定)硬盘320G/500G/1T内存2G/4G 2G/4G/8G网卡千兆网卡显卡集成显卡 / HD 6450显卡集成显卡 / Nvidia G510、AMD HD 6450 键盘/鼠标USB键盘/ USB光电鼠标电源220W其他前置4个USB接口、免工具拆卸、串口/并口(视主板规格而定)操作系统Win7 Pro、Win7 Home Premium、Win7 Home Basic、Linux随机软件/Thanks。



忪、 畅 快 运行, 从l n j 提高 j : 作效j 祀 S T , L I 、 f f 吠 。
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A c e r 宏暑V e r i t o n A 8 8 0 一体机善商用之所需

HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF 商业PC详细图解与维修指南说明书

HP Compaq 8200 Elite SFF 商业PC详细图解与维修指南说明书

Illustrated Parts & Service MapHP Compaq 8200 Elite Business PC Small Form Factor© 2011 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The information con-tained herein is subject to change without notice. HP shall not be liable for tech-nical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Intel, Pentium, Intel Inside, and the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Intel Corporation and its subsidiaries in the U. S. and other countries.Document Number 649703-001. 1st Edition March 2011.Key SpecificationsSpare PartsProcessor Type Intel® Core i7, i5, i3RAM Type Non-ECC DDR3 PC3-10600 (1333 MHz) & PC3-8500 (1066 MHz)Maximum RAM 16 GB Expansion Slots (Low profile)•(2) PCIe-x16•(1) PCIe-x1•(1) PCIChipsetIntel Q67 ExpressGraphics Adapter Integrated Intel HD graphics Bays•(1) external 5.25-inch •(1) internal 3.5-inch •(1) external 3.5-inchI/O InterfacesFront: (4) USB, microphone, headphoneRear: (6) USB, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, line in, line out, VGA, DisplayPort v1.1a, RJ-45, serial port, eSATA (optional), parallel (optional)Preinstalled Operating Systems•Windows® Vista •Windows 7•FreeDosSystem Unit 1Front bezel646814-0012Power supply, 90% efficient 613762-001Power supply 613763-0013Chassis Not spared 4Access panel646815-001* Not shownCables 1Front I/O cable and power switch assembly 636926-0012SATA cable, 19.5 inch, 2 straight ends 638813-0013SATA power cable636923-001*SATA cable, 25.2 inch, 1 straight end, 1 angled end 638814-001*DMS-59 to dual VGA cable 463023-001*Adapter, DisplayPort to VGA 603250-001*Adapter, DisplayPort to DVI 484156-001*Adapter, DisplayPort to HDMI 617450-001*DisplayPort cable487562-001*Not shownKeyboards (not illustrated)PS/2, Basic USB, BasicUSB Mini (-001, -121 only)Washable Smartcard 537745-xx1537746-xx1611375-xxx 613125-xxx 631411-xx4Arabic -17x LA Spanish[b]-16xBelgian[b]-18x Norwegian[b]-09x Brazilian Portuguese[b]-20x People’s Republic of China[b]-AAx Bulgaria [c]-26x Portuguese -13x Czech -22x Romanian [c]-27x Danish[b]-08x Russian -25x Finnish[a]-35x Saudi Arabia -DEx French[b]-05x Slovakian -23x French Canadian -12x South Korea[b]-KDx German[b]-04x Spanish[b]-07x Greek[b]-15x Swedish[b]-10x Hebrew -BBx Swiss -11x Hungarian -21x Taiwanese[b]-ABx International[b]-37x Thai[b]-28x International English[b]-L3x Turkish -14x Italian[b]-06x U.S.-00x Japanese[b]-29xU.K.[b]-03x[a] not for 537745[b] not for 613125[c] not for 631411Mass Storage Devices (not illustrated)16X SATA DVD±RW drive with LightScribe 581600-00116X SATA DVD-ROM drive581599-001Blu-ray BD-RW SuperMulti DL Drive with LightScribe 617030-0011 TB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive 636930-001750 GB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive 632938-001500 GB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive 636929-001320 GB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive, 2.5-inch634824-001300 GB, 10000-RPM SATA3 hard drive 639695-001300 GB, 10000-RPM SATA2 hard drive 648963-001250 GB, 7200 rpm SATA hard drive 636927-001160 GB, 10000-RPM SATA hard drive 639694-001160 GB, 10000-RPM SATA hard drive, 2.5-inch 508312-001160 GB Solid State Drive (SSD)646809-00180 GB Solid State Drive (SSD)607817-001System BoardStandard and Optional BoardsSystem boards with thermal grease, alcohol pad, and CPU socket cover 1System board611834-001*System board, does not include Trusted Platform Module (TPM)649741-001Memory modules (PC3-10600, CL9)21 GB 635802-001*2 GB 635803-001*4 GB 585157-001Other boards *HP WLAN 802.11 b/g/n 538048-001*Antenna for use with 538048-001583345-001*nVidia Quadro NVS295 PCIe x16 graphics card, 256 MB 641462-001*nVidia Quadro NVS300 PCIe x16 graphics card, 512 MB632486-001*ATI Radeon HD6350 PCIe x16 graphics card, 512 MB 637995-001*ATI Radeon HD6450 PCIe x16 graphics card, 512 MB 637996-001*AMD FirePro 2270 PCIe x16 graphics card, 512 MB 637213-001*Intel PRO/1000CT NIC, includes bracket 635523-001*HP FireWire / IEEE 1394a PCIe x1 Card 637591-001Intel Core i7 processors (include thermal material)*2600, 3.4 GHz, 8-MB L3 cache, 95W 638632-001Intel Core i5 processors (include thermal material)*2500, 3.3 GHz, 6-MB L3 cache, 95W 638631-001*2400, 3.1 GHz, 6-MB L3 cache, 95W 638630-001Intel Core i3 processors (include thermal material)*2120, 3.3 GHz, 3-MB L3 cache, 65W 638629-001*2100, 3.1 GHz, 3-MB L3 cache, 65W638628-001* Not shownCommon POST Error Messages Screen Message Probable Cause Recommended Action 101-Option ROM Error1.System ROM checksumerror.2.Expansion board option ROM checksum1.Verify ROM, reflash if required2.Remove suspected card, reboot3.Clear CMOS memory, reboot4.Replace system board 103-System Board FailureDMA, timers1.Clear CMOS memory.2.Remove expansion boards.3.Replace system board.164-Memory Size Error and201-Memory ErrorIncorrect memory configu-ration1.Run Setup (F10).2.Check DIMMs for proper seating, type, and HP compatibility.3.Remove DIMMs singularly and reboot to isolate faulty DIMM.4.Replace system board.214-DIMM Configura-tion WarningPopulated DIMM configura-tion is not optimized Rearrange the DIMMs so that each channel has the same amountof memory.301-, 304-Keyboard errorKeyboard failure.Check keyboard connection or keys. Check connector for bent of missing pins. Replace keyboard. If 304, possible system board problem.501-Display Adapter FailureGraphics display controller.1.Reseat graphics card.2.Clear CMOS.3.Check monitor connection.4.Replace graphics card.1720-SMART Hard Drive Detects Imminent FailureHard drive is about to fail.1.Determine if hard drive is giving correct error message. Enter Computer Setup and run the Drive Protection System test under Storage > DPS Self-test .2.Apply hard drive firmware patch if applicable.3.Back up contents and replacehard drive.Miscellaneous Parts 1Chassis fan645327-0012Fan duct 636921-0013Heatsink 645326-0014Speaker 636925-0015Solenoid lock 641498-0016Printer port, PCI card 638817-0017Hood sensor 638816-001*Serial port, PCI card 638815-001*Card reader, 22-in-1636166-001*Grommet, hard drive isolation, blue 594220-001*USB powered speakers 571536-001*Mouse, PS2, optical, jack black 537748-001*Mouse, USB, BFR-PVC 590270-001*Mouse, washable 619580-001*Mouse, optical, jack black 444740-001*Mouse, laser, jack black 570580-001*USB 3.0 port, PCIe x1 card 616610-001*eSATA port assembly, PCI card645558-001*Clamp lock, includes universal cable (plate not included)508987-001*Not shownSystem Board Connectors and Jumpers (component location may vary)SPKR Speaker connector HLCK Hood lock connector FRNT AUD Front panel connector MEDIA2Media card reader connector FRONT_USB22nd USB connector HSENSE Hood sensor connector FRONT_USB 1st USB connectorX1PCIEXP1PCIe X1 slot SATA PWR0Optical drive power connector X1PCIEXP2PCIe X1 slot SATA PWR1Hard drive power connector X16PCIEXP PCIe X16 slot SATA01st hard drive (SATA 3.0)PCI1PCI slot PWR Main power connectorCHFAN Fan connector SATA12nd HDD, or 2nd ODD if ESATA Adapter Cable exists (SATA 3.0)CMOS CMOS header PWR CMD Power connectorXUI Processor socket SATA21st optical drive (SATA 2.0)PWRCPU CPU power connector ESATA eSATA connector DIMM4Memory socket - Channel A PAR Parallel port connector DIMM3Memory socket - Channel A COMB Serial port DIMM2Memory socket - Channel B PSWD Password headerDIMM1Memory socket - Channel B MEDIA Media card reader connector PB/LEDPower switch connectorCHFAN2System fan connectorSystem Setup and BootAccess the Setup Utility during the computer boot sequence by pressing the Esc key while “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed at the bottom of the screen, and then pressing the F10 key. If you do not press Esc at the appropriate time, you must restart the computer and again press Esc when the monitor light turns green to access the utility.Password SecurityEstablishing a Setup or Power-On password:1.Turn on or restart the computer.2.As soon as the computer turns on, press the Esc key while “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.3.Press the F10 key to enter Computer Setup.4.To establish Setup password, select Security > Setup Password and follow the instructions.- or -To establish a Power-On password, select Security > Power-On Password and follow the instructions on the screen5.Before exiting, click File > Save Changes and Exit .Changing a Setup or Power-On password:1.Turn on or restart the computer.To change the Setup password, go to step 2.To change the Power-on password, go to step 3.2.To change the Setup password, as soon as the computer turns on:- Press the Esc key while “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed. - Press the F10 key to enter Computer Setup.3.When the key icon appears, type your current password, a slash (/) or alternate delimiter character, your new password, another slash (/) or alternate delimiter character, and your new password again as shown:current password/new password/new password.NOTE: Type the new password carefully since the characters do not appear on the screen. 4.Press Enter .The new password will take effect the next time the computer is restarted.Deleting a Power-On or Setup password1.Turn on or restart the computer.To delete the Setup password, go to step 2. To delete the Power-On password, go to step 3.2.To change the Setup password, as soon as the computer turns on:- Press the Esc key while “Press the ESC key for Startup Menu” message is displayed. - Press the F10 key to enter Computer Setup.3.When the key icon appears, type your current password followed by a slash (/) or alternate delimiter character as shown. Example: currentpassword/ 4.Press Enter .Clearing CMOS1.Turn off the computer and disconnect the power cord from the power outlet.2.Remove the access panel.3.On the system board, press and hold the CMOS button for 5 seconds.4.Replace the chassis access panel and reconnect the power cord.5.Turn on the computer and allow it to start. Computer Setup Menu Heading Option/DescriptionFileSystem Information - Lists the following main system specifications:•Product name•SKU number (some models)•Processor type/speed/stepping •Cache size (L1/L2/L3)•Installed memory size/speed/chan •Integrated MAC Address•System BIOS•Chassis serial number •Asset tracking number •ME firmware version •ME Management modeAbout - Displays copyright notice.Set Time and Date - Allows you to set system time and date.Flash System ROM - Allows you to select a drive containing a new BIOS.Replicated Setup - Save to Rmvble Media and Restore from Rmvble Media Default Setup•Save Current Settings as Default •Restore Factory Settings as DefaultApply Defaults and Exit - Applies the selected default settings and clears any established passwords.Ignore Changes and Exit - Exits Computer setup without saving changes.Save Changes and Exit - Saves changes to system configuration or default settings and exits Computer Setup.StorageDevice Configuration - Lists all installed BIOS-controlled storage devices. The following options are available:•CD-ROM - Let you view drive size, model, firmware version, serialnumber, connector color.•Hard Disk - Let you view drive size, model, firmware version, serialnumber, connector color, SMART. Also lets you set Translation Mode (Automatic, Bit-Shift, LBA Assisted, User, and Off).•Diskette Drive - model and firmware version.•SATA Defaults - lets you set Translation Mode (Automatic, Bit-Shift,LBA Assisted, User, and Off).•eSATA port - Allows you to set a SATA port as an eSATA port for usewith an external drive.•SATA Emulation - IDE, RAID (not for USDT), or AHCI.•Removable Media Boot - Enables/disables ability to boot the systemfrom removable media.•Max eSATA Speed - Allows you to choose 1.5 Gbps or 3.0 Gbps as themaximum eSATA speed.DPS Self-Test - Allows you to execute self-tests on ATA hard drives.Boot Order - Allows you to specify boot order.•Shortcut to Temporarily Override Boot OrderSecuritySetup Password - Allows you to set and enable the setup (Admin) password.Power-On Password - Allows you to set and enable power-on password.Password Options - When any password exists allows you to lock legacy resources, enable/disable Setup Browse Mode, set password prompt, enable/disable network server mode, specify password requirement for warm boot, and set stringent passwords.Smart Cover (some models) - Allows you to lock/unlock cover lock and set status of cover removal sensor.Device Security - Allows you to set Device Available/Device Hidden for: embedded security devices, serial and parallel ports, system audio, network controller, and SATA ports.USB Security - Allows you to set Device Available/Device Hidden for front USB ports 1-4, rear USB ports 1-6, accessory USB ports 1-4.Slot Security - Allows you to disable any PCI or PCI Express work Boot - Enables/disables boot from OS (NIC models only).System IDs - Allows you to set Asset tag, Ownership tag, Chassis serial number or UUID, and keyboard locale setting.System Security (some models) - Allows you to enable/disable:•Data Execution Prevention (enable/disable)•Virtualization Technology (VTx) (enable/disable)•Virtualization Technology Directed I/O (VTd) (enable/disable)•Intel TXT (LT) (enable/disable)•Embedded Security Device Support (enable/disable)•OS management of Embedded Security Device (enable/disable)•Reset of Embedded Security Device through OS (enable/disable)DriveLock Security - Allows you to assign or modify a master or user pass-word for hard drives.PowerOS Power Management - Allows you to enable/disable Runtime Power Management, Idle Power Savings, Unique Sleep State Blink Rates.Hardware Power Management - Allows you to enable/disable SATA bus power management and S5 maximum power savings.Thermal - Allows you to control minimum fan speed.AdvancedPower-On Options - Allows you to set:•POST mode-QuickBoot, FullBoot, Clear Memory, FullBoot every x days •POST messages - Enable/disable•Press the ESC key for Startup Menu - Enable/disable •Option ROM prompt - Enable/disable •After Power Loss - Off/on/previous state •POST Delay - None, 5, 10, 15, or 20 seconds •System Recovery Boot Support - Enable/disable•Remote Wakeup Boot Source - Remote server/local hard drive •Bypass F1 Prompt on Configuration Changes - Enable/disableBIOS Power-On - Allows you to set the computer to turn on at a preset time.Onboard Devices - Allows you to set resources or disable Legacy devices.Bus Options (some models) - Allows you to enable/disable PCI SERR# Generation and PCI VGA palette snooping.Device Options - Allows you to set:•Turbo Mode - enable/disable•Printer Mode - Bi-Directional, EPP & ECP, Output Only •Num Lock State at Power-on - off/on •Integrated Video - enable/disable •Internal Speaker - enable/disable•NIC Option ROM Download - enable/disable •Multi-Processor - enable/disable •Hyper-threading - enable/disableComputer Setup Menu (continued )Heading Option/DescriptionAdvanced (cont)VGA Configuration - Displayed only if there are multiple PCI video adapt-ers in the system. Allows you to specify which VGA controller will be the “boot” or primary VGA controller.AMT Configuration - Allows you to set:•AMT-enable/disable functions of the embedded Management Engine(ME) such as Active Management Technology (AMT).•Unconfigure AMT/ME-unconfigure any provisioned management set-tings for AMT.•Watchdog Timer-set amount of time for a operating system and BIOSwatchdog alert to be sent if the timers are not deactivated.Diagnostic LEDs LED Color LED Activity State/Message Power Green OnComputer onPower Green 1 blink every 2 seconds Normal Suspend Mode Power Red 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pauseCPU thermal shutdown Power Red 3 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Processor not installedPower Red 4 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Power failure (power supply overload)Power Red 5 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Pre-video memory error Power Red 6 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Pre-video graphics error Power Red 7 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause System board failure (ROM Power Red 8 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Invalid ROM based on Checksum Power Red 9 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pauseSystem powers on but is unable to bootPower Red 10 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pauseBad option card Power Red 11 blinks, 1 blink every second followed by a 2 second pause Current processor does not support a feature previously enabled.nonenoneSystem does not power on and LEDs are not flashingSystem unable to power on。



Chinaicafe 32宏碁掠夺者高端电竞系列再出新品曲面大屏X38重新定义旗舰标准近日,Acer Predator 掠夺者高端电竞系列曲面大屏显示器X38正式上市。

性能与颜值双在线,凭借旗舰级的电竞参数及配置,该机型自今年年初在美国CES 电子消费展会上首次发布以来引起不小的轰动。


Predator 掠夺者作为Acer 宏碁旗下的高端电竞系列,致力于为热爱电竞的用户提供高端电竞体验,为此,自掠夺者系列诞生以来,X34、X27等旗舰级显示器不断“自我革命”,克服技术难题,发布时下顶配。



曲率高达2300R,这对于IPS 面板来说十分不易,分辨率为UWQHD+(3840*1600),配合21:9的窄边“带鱼屏”,游戏画面高清精致且宽广生动,这使得X38拥有了让玩家深度体验电竞游戏的基础。

疾速电竞不容延迟 内置G—Sync 锻造王者电竞赛场兵贵神速,除去网速手速,对于显示器来说,最大的变量就是硬件本身的刷新率和响应时间。

X38采用Acer 第二代革命级电竞面板,对响应时间进行大幅优化,速度快人一步,制霸游戏全服。



无所畏惧的战场疾行,源于NVIDIA G-Sync 技术的加持。

Predotar 掠夺者全系采用G-Sync 硬件级芯片,利用主动同步原理,随时抓取并显示显卡渲染出的画面帧,实现更高的帧率,杜绝跳帧撕裂和卡顿。

搭配NVIDIA 显卡后,可以更好地将硬件技术优势转化为游戏中的胜势,比对手抢先一步获取战机,或许就可以掌握游戏战场地主动权。

Acer Aspire TC-885-UR17 台式电脑说明书

Acer Aspire TC-885-UR17 台式电脑说明书
Acer® recommends Windows
Buyers Guide | BTS 2018
Acer® Aspire TC-885-UR17 Desktop
Acer® Confidential
v1 - April 18, 2018
Model MSRP On-Shelf Date
Acer® Aspire TC-885-UR17 Desktop $799.99
Memory 8GB DDR4 2666MHz RAM Memory(2) (1 x 8GB), Up to 32GB RAM Memory 2 DDR4 Slots (Total) |1 DDR4 Slot (Available)
Video Intel® UHD Graphics 630
Audio High-Def Audio with el Surround Sound Support
Immersive Sound
The HD Audio with available 5.1-Channel Surround Sound delivers crystal clear acoustics for a theater-like entertainment experience at home. The HDMI® port lets you move the action to a widescreen monitor or your big-screen TV.
(2) Shared system memory may be allocated to support integrated graphics depending on system memory size and other factors. Actual system memory available to the operating system will be reduced by the amount of shared system memory utilized by the graphics solution and resources required by the operating environment.

Veriton D系列台式机

Veriton D系列台式机

80 PLUS Certification 115V Internal Non-Redundant
% of Rated Load 80 PLUS 80 PLUS Bronze 80 PLUS Silver 80 PLUS Gold 80 PLUS Platinum
20% 80% 82% 85% 87% 90%
2.3 关键特性
VD630 主板所使用的电容全部为固态电容
- 在高温环境可长时间稳定运行,不像液态电容产 生爆浆现象
- ESR越低,电容充放电的速度越快
- CPU最高负载运行下,固态电容可稳定工作3年 以上(26280hours)
液态铝质电解电容 固态铝质电解电容
3.1 暂无附录
1.1 产品线定位 1.2 目标客户 1.3 产品诉求 1.4 产品命名
1.1 产品线定位
Veriton T Series (25L) 品质卓越,商用旗舰
Veriton D Series (25L) 主流商务,高效全能
数据安全 • 数据备份、恢复 - 可对文件、文件夹做备份、恢复 - 可设置备份策略,自动做文件、文件夹备份 - 同一文件,可保留两个版本的备份 - 可指定备份位置 - 可在原始位置恢复文件、文件夹,也可在指定位置恢复文件、文件夹 • 文件粉碎 - 彻底删除文件,不可恢复 - 支持快速粉碎、美国国防部标准E、美国国防部标准ECE、国家保密局标准 四种标准 - 可进行单独文件、文件夹擦除,也可进行分区擦除、剩余空间擦除、硬盘整体擦除。
COM 1 后面板通风孔 VGA COM 2 Parallel Kensington锁孔

Acer Veriton K8-680G Specification Sheet说明书

Acer Veriton K8-680G Specification Sheet说明书

Acer Vertion K Series Veriton K8-680GThe most powerful Veriton ever• Professional & certified Workstation • Powerful •Reliable SecurityModel Veriton K8-680GT emp P/N DTASZ_DT.VVWEZ.001Acer P/N DT.VVWEZ.001EAN4710886646594Factory Location ChinaForm factor31 Liter DesktopShort description Intel Xeon W-1350 / 32 GB DDR4 ECC-RAM /2000 GB HDD / Nvidia Quadro P2200 /SchwarzProcessor Intel Xeon W-1350 ProzessorChipset Intel® W580 Express ChipsatzCache12 MBClock frequency3,3 GHz (Bis zu 5,0 GHz T urbo-Boost) Processing cores / threads 6 / 12Socket LGA 1200Graphics card Nvidia Quadro P2200Memory32 GB DDR4 ECC-RAM (2 x 16 GB) Maximum RAM Bis zu 128 GB Dual-channel DDR4 3200 MHz Mass storage2000 GB HDD (7200 r/min)Optical drive DVD-Drive (16x SuperMulti Double Layer) VGA ports-DVI ports-HDMI ports-Displayports1xPS/2 ports1xPCI expansion slots2x PCIe x16 Slot, 1x PCIe x1 Slot, 1x PCI Slot Audio ports back3xAudio Anschlüsse front2xRear USB ports4x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.2 Gen 1Front USB ports4x USB 3.2 Gen 2, 2x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C(Bis zu 10 Gbps)Ethernet (RJ45)JaParallel interface OptionalCardreader-WLAN Intel® Dual Band Wireless-Gigabit-AX,802.11 ax/ac/a/b/g/nEthernet technology 2.5G Ethernet / Gigabit EthernetOther software Acer Control Center, Acer Office Manager,Acer ProShieldPower adapter700 Watt NetzteilPower efficiency87+Keyboard Wireless keyboardMaus Wireless mouseGuarantee booklet YesExternes Netzteil YesSpecial accessories included NetzkabelDMI JaAudio standard Integrierter high-definition, 5.1-channelsurround soundPXE JaPC2001JaENERGY STAR®JaCB JaFCC JaRoHS JaCE JaTÜV GS JaConnectionsSoftwareScope of deliveryNorms and StandardsMainboard form factor Micro-ATXSCCM portal /sccm/Service weblink /ac/de/DE/content/supportTrusted platform module (TPM)Ja (2.0)2-in-1 cable pad lock JaKensington lock slot JaIntrusion alert JaHDD password protection Ja (via Bios)RAID JaIntel AMT JaWoL (Wake on LAN)JaIntel vPro JaDASH Management NeinQuickstartguide JaWarranty 3 Jahre Jahr Vor-Ort ServiceSpeaker Built-in speakersFeld Desktop - Desktop Gehäusefarbe SchwarzNumber of devices per pallett (S/F or Truck)24Number of devices per pallet (A/F)8Weight (kg)10,1Housing dimensions (W x H x D in mm)200 x 450 x 344,5S/PDIF-Serial ports1x (9-Polig)Due to our ongoing commitment to the continuous improvement of the quality of our products, this data sheet is subject to change without notice. Availability may vary from region to region. Acer is not responsible for any errors or omissions in the product descriptions. Copyright 2020 Acer Computer GmbH, Germany. All rights reserved. Acer and the Acer logo are registered trademarks of Acer Incorporated. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All other mentioned or otherwise recognizable trademarks, registered trademarks and/or service marks are the property of their respective owners. All prices quoted are recommended retail prices of the manufacturer。

OptiPlex 7480 一体机 设置和规格说明书

OptiPlex 7480 一体机 设置和规格说明书

OptiPlex 7480 一体机设置和规格注意、小心和警告:“注意”表示帮助您更好地使用该产品的重要信息。



© 2020 Dell Inc. 或其子公司。


Dell、EMC 和其他商标是 Dell Inc. 或其附属机构的商标。


章 1: 设置计算机 (4)章 2: OptiPlex 7480 一体机的视图 (11)正面 (11)可伸缩摄像头 (12)左 (13)右 (14)背面 (15)底部 (17)系统板布局 (18)章 3: OptiPlex 7480 一体机的规格 (19)尺寸和重量: (19)处理器 (19)芯片组 (20)操作系统 (21)内存 (21)端口和接口 (22)通信 (22)音频 (23)存储 (23)英特尔傲腾内存 (24)介质卡读取器 (25)摄像头 (25)电源装置 (26)显示屏 (26)显卡 (27)计算机环境 (27)安全性 (28)数据安全 (28)环境参数 (29)管制 (29)配件 (30)服务与支持 (30)章 4: 获取帮助和联系戴尔 (31)目录3设置计算机1.设置支架。

图 1: 转轴支架14设置计算机设置计算机5图 3: 高度可调支架2.设置键盘和鼠标。

6设置计算机设置计算机78设置计算机5.完成 Windows 设置。


设置时,戴尔建议您执行以下操作:● Windows 更新。

设置计算机9●如果已连接到互联网,则登录或创建 Microsoft 帐户。



6.从Windows“开始”菜单中找到和使用戴尔应用程序—推荐表. 1: 找到戴尔应用程序10设置计算机OptiPlex 7480 一体机的视图主题:•正面•可伸缩摄像头•左•右•背面•底部•系统板布局正面1.全高清网络摄像头2.摄像头状态指示灯3.显示屏4.扬声器5.电源按钮/电源状态指示灯6.阵列麦克风2OptiPlex 7480 一体机的视图11可伸缩摄像头:根据订购的配置,您的计算机仅具有摄像头或具有摄像头和红外线摄像头。

惠普 EliteDesk 880 G6 塔式商用电脑 产品手册

惠普 EliteDesk 880 G6 塔式商用电脑  产品手册

HP EliteDesk 880 G6塔式商用电脑为您承接棘手的项目全新设计的 HP EliteDesk 880 G6塔式电脑用一台商用级立式电脑重新定义了性能和扩展能力。


• HP 推荐企业用户使用 Windows 10 专业版操作系统1• 第 10 代英特尔® 酷睿™ 处理器2传播讯息附注1 并非所有功能都适用于 Windows 的所有版本。

系统可能需要升级和/或使用单独购买的硬件、驱动程序、软件或 BIOS 更新才能充分利用 Windows 的功能。

Windows 10 始终启用自动更新功能。

进行更新时可能会产生 ISP 费用,随着时间的推移可能还会出现其他要求。

敬请参见 。

2 多核是一项旨在提高特定软件产品性能的技术。




3 单独另售或作为选配功能。

4 依据为内部测试结果,对比对象为带 802.11ac 无线局域网模块的前代产品。

5 HP Sure Admin 需要使用 Windows 10 操作系统和 HP BIOS 。

6 第 5 代 HP Sure Start 适用于安装英特尔® 处理器的特定 HP 商用电脑。

7 第 3 代 HP Sure Run 适用于安装 Windows 10 系统和英特尔® 或 AMD 处理器的特定 HP Pro 、Elite 和 Workstation 商用电脑。

8HP Sure Click 需要使用 Windows 10 专业版或企业版操作系统并且支持 Microsoft Internet Explorer 、Google Chrome™ 和 Chromium™。

支持的附件包括只读模式的 Microsoft Office (Word 、Excel 、PowerPoint) 和 PDF 文件,前提是已安装 Microsoft Office 或 Adobe Acrobat 。

惠普Elite Tower 680 G9 商用台式机说明书

惠普Elite Tower 680 G9 商用台式机说明书

产品说明惠普Elite Tower 680 G9 商用台式机扩展存储容量这款商用型 PC 具有强劲性能,支持随时处理图形密集型工作,有助于提高工作效率。

高效、易于管理的惠普精英系列 680塔式台式机具有出色性能、安全性和可管理性。

*产品图像可能与实物有所差别惠普推荐使用商用 Windows 11 专业版突破性的性能利用最新英特尔® 处理器、快速 SSD 存储及 DDR5 内存的快速性能,跨多个应用同时快速管理大型项目。

连接多台显示屏通过原生端口连接能够连接最多 3 台显示器 ,借助可选 Flex 视频端口 和NVIDIA ® GeForce ® 3060 显卡可连接最多 8 台显示器,确保轻松查看所有工作流。

由 HP Wolf Security 提供保护商务专用型 HP Wolf Security 能够提供始终运行的硬件增强型弹性防御保护。

从 BIOS 到浏览器,在操作系统层面、之上和之下,这些不断演进的解决方案可帮助保护您的 PC 免遭现代威胁。

可选 PCIe Gen4 SSD,有助于快速访问和传输数据,以满足当今不断变化的业务要求。

最新第十二代英特尔® 处理器和期间商用芯片组 Q670 可支持卓越的高性能、连接性和速度组合,便于您快速、可靠地启动和创建。


HP Sure Start Gen7 可以自动从攻击或损坏中恢复,完成 BIOS 的自行修复,确保电脑安全。


惠普可选扩展范围无线 LAN 能够改善拥挤无线环境中的 Wi-Fi ® 连接,支持更远的覆盖距离,并在较短距离内实现快速数据吞吐量。

HP Sure Run Gen5 能够识别和隔离企图终止进程的攻击者,并提供相关报告,进而阻止对安全设置的恶意更改,并帮助限制恶意软件的传播。

这款 PC 经过了 120,000 小时惠普全面测试流程和美国 MIL. 810 军工测试,同时也通过中国平均无故障运行时间不低于 105 万小时认证可让您放心工作,可让您放心工作。



工控触摸屏一体机8寸产品名称工控触摸屏一体机8寸公司名称广州市微嵌计算机科技有限公司价格1100.00/台规格参数品牌:WQ/微嵌用途:广泛包装:标准公司地址广州市黄埔区永和街新庄工业园B座联系电话020-******** 135********产品详情品牌:微嵌型号: WLT_080产品名称: 8.0寸WINCE工业电脑(工控触摸屏一体机8寸)8寸WINCE工业平板电脑支持VS2005,VS2008编程,像开发PC软件一 样开发应用程序。


该产品中预装Windows CE OS。

Windows CE OS平台起到了一个桥梁的作用,是系统集成开放式HMI解决方案的理想选择。





4.RS-232 COM3的RX。

5.RS-232 COM3的TX。

6.RS-232 COM4的RX。

7.RS-232 COM4的TX。

8.RS-485 COM2的485B。

9.RS-485 COM2的485A10GND。

11.RS-485 COM1的485B。

12.RS-485 COM1的485ARS-232接口说明WLT_TFT8060单板电脑有四路带光隔离串口,支持最高波特率115200bps。

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