楼盘价格趋势调查分析报告(DOCX 45页)

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楼盘价格趋势调查分析报告(DOCX 45页)







Real estate is now China's basic industries, for the study of real estate prices to better understand the real estate, so as to better understand the development of China's economy, in order to study the healthy development of real estate.

This paper is the analysis and analysis report on the price trend of Xiangyi Qinwan real estate. The main content is the background and basis of the topic selection. The background and profile of Xiangyi Qinwan real estate, the status quo of real estate development in Bayi City, the real estate development prospect of Bayi City , Real estate comparative analysis, through the comparative analysis between the real estate Xiangya Qinwan real estate price positioning, the development of a series of marketing methods.

Real estate price trend survey is mainly based on their own construction and similar real estate around the comparison of the analysis, the price positioning according to the construction cost of positioning, but also according to the surrounding real estate pricing, to ensure the rationality of positioning.

Keywords: Bayi City real estate status, real estate analysis and comparison, real estate price positioning


第1章绪论 (1)

1.1 选题的依据和意义 (1)

1.1.1 选题的依据 (1)

1.1.2 选题的意义 (1)

1.2 研究内容和方法 (1)

1.2.1 研究内容 (2)

1.2.2 研究方法 (2)

第2章香逸沁湾项目背景 (3)

2.1 香逸沁湾楼盘的基本概况 (3)

2.1.1 项目建设地点 (3)

2.1.2 项目建设规模 (3)

2.2 香逸沁湾楼盘分析 (4)

2.3 香逸沁湾楼盘设计规划 (5)

2.3.1 项目建设目标 (5)

2.3.3 香逸沁湾项目设计效果图 (6)

第3章八一市房地产价格走势及地区政策 (7)

3.1 八一市基本状况 (7)

3.1.1 八一市区域状况 (7)

3.1.2 八一市经济状况 (7)

3.1.3 八一市房地产发展现状 (7)

3.2 八一市2016年房地产政策 (9)

3.3 八一市各楼盘价格分析及发展前景 (11)

3.3.1 八一市楼盘价格调查 (11)

3.3.2 八一市房地产市场的需求 (13)

3.3.3 八一市房地产市场未来走向 (14)

第4章周围楼盘比较分析 (15)

4.1 周围楼盘价格和特点 (15)

4.1.1 名企楼盘 (15)

4.1.2 人文教育概念楼盘 (15)

4.1.3 旅游、休闲楼盘 (17)

第5章香逸沁湾楼盘特征分析 (19)

5.1 香逸沁湾楼盘优势和劣势 (19)

5.1.1香逸沁湾楼盘优势 (19)

5.1.2 香逸沁湾楼盘劣势 (20)

5.2 香逸沁湾楼盘产品分析 (21)

5.2.1 香逸沁湾楼盘户型配比 (21)

5.2.2 香逸沁湾楼盘户型赏析 (22)

5.3 香逸沁湾楼盘定位 (24)

5.4 项目前景分析 (25)

5.5 香逸沁湾楼盘投资估算 (25)

5.6 香逸沁湾楼盘定价测算 (26)

5.6.1 楼盘定价方法 (26)

5.6.2 香逸沁湾楼盘定价分析 (27)

第6章版块内重点楼盘比较分析 (28)

6.1 产品分析 (28)

6.2 客户群体分析 (33)

6.3 营销手段分析 (34)

6.4 价格分析 (34)

第7章营销策略 (36)

7.1 推广策略 (36)

7.1.1 营销目标 (36)

7.1.2 平面广告形式 (36)
