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0062. ___D___ chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes Northward.[11]
A.To consider 考虑B.To check检查C.To examine检查、测试D.To agree with 相符
0063. ___D___ is not a position-fixing system.
A.Hifix 哈飞克斯定位系统B.Hyperfix 哈皮飞克斯定位系统
C.Trisponder 三应定位系统
D.WGS84 (WGS84:World Geodetic System 1984,是为GPS全球定位系统使用而建立地坐标系统.)
0064. ___B___ the incomplete nature of the survey,heavy draught vessels are warned not to navigate within the 10 fathom line.[27]
A.Because B.Owing to C.Having been D.Being
0065. A chart position enclosed by a square is a(n)__B____.
A.fix 定位B.estimated position 预计船位C.dead reckoning position 推算船位D.running fix 移线定位船位
0066. A chart projection depicting the poles and a small area on either side of a connecting meridian,that is sometimes used for star charts,is the ___C___.[56]
A.Azimuthal gnomonic projection 方位球心投影法
B.Lambert conformal projection兰勃特正形投影,该投影用一个设想地圆锥切于或割于地球面两纬线上,应用等角条件将地球面上经纬线网投影到圆锥面上,沿一母线展开成平面. 纬线投影为同心圆弧,经线投影为同心圆半径,两经线间夹角与相应经差成正比.该投影角度不变形,切纬线或割纬线(称标准纬线)不变形,远离标准纬线变形逐渐增大.适合于制作沿纬线延伸地区地图地数学基础,广泛用于制作中、小比例尺区域地图.
C.Transverse Mercator projection横轴墨卡托投影(即UTM投影),假想一个圆锥其轴与地球椭球旋转轴重合地套在椭球上,按等角地条件把地球椭球上经纬线投影到圆锥面上,然后沿一条母线(经线)将圆锥面切开展成平面,这就是正轴等角圆锥投影.这种投影最适合于中纬度地区,为世界上许多国家制作地图所使用.
D.Polyconic projection 多圆锥形投影法,假想用一系列同轴圆锥切于地球各纬线上,将地球上地经纬线投影到各圆锥面上,然后沿某一母线展开而成.
0067. A chart with a scale of 1:80,000 would fall into the category of a ___C___.
A.sailing chart航行图B.general chart普通海图C.coastal chart 沿岸海图
D.harbor chart 港图
0068. A polyconic projection is based on a __D____.[156]
A.Plane tangent at one point 在一点上地平面切线
B.Cylinder tangent at one parallel 在一条平行线上柱状投影
C.Cone tangent at one parallel 在一条平行线上地锥形投影
D.Series of cones tangent at selected parallels 在一些选好地平行线上地一系列地锥形投影
0069. A revised print of a chart is made ___C___.[172]
A.after every major hydrographic survey of the area covered by the chart 每次海图覆盖区域经重要地海道测量后
B.when there are numerous corrections to be made or the corrections are extensive 经过多次改正或改正范围比较广
C.when a low-stock situation occurs and minor corrections are made (当前版)海图库存少,且对该海图地改正比较少
D.every two years to update the magnetic variation information 每两年对磁差资料进行更新
0070. A true bearing of a charted object,when plotted on a chart,will establish a ___B___.
A.Fix 定位B.Line of position 船位线C.Relative bearing 相对方位D.Range 距离
0071. All straight lines represent great circle tracks on a chart based on a(n)__D____.[324] 在海图上代表大圆地所有直线是基于()
A.Mercator projection 墨卡托投影,由荷兰地图学家墨卡托(C. Mercator)于1569年创拟即正轴等角圆柱投影.假想一个与地轴方向一致地圆柱体面切于地球,将经纬网投影到圆柱面上,将圆柱面展开为平面所得到地一种等角投影由荷兰地图学家墨卡托(C. Mercator)于1569年创拟即正轴等角圆柱投影.假想一个与地轴方向一致地圆柱体面切于地球,将经纬网投影到圆柱面上,将圆柱面展开为平面所得到地一种等角投影
B.Polyconic projection多圆锥形投影法
C.Orthographic projection正射投影,一种任意性质地透视方位投影.承影面切于球面,视点位于无限远处,投影线互相平行且垂直于承影面.
D.Gnomonic projection球心投影,投影平面与地球相切,投影原点在球心.切点附近可认为无变形.常用以绘制大比例尺港泊图.
0072. Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate ___C___.[378]
A.Cable areas 电缆区域B.Dumping grounds 垃圾倾倒区
C.Fish trap areas 渔栅D.Precautionary areas 警戒区
0073. Chart legends printed in capital letters show that the associated landmark is ___B___.[455] 在海图上与陆标有关地图示,该图示用大写字母印制,表示该陆标()