Unit 8 Fashion show (Grammar教案)

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Unit 8 Fashion show



本课时着重两个知识点的学习:1. can和may表示许可或请求的用法和区别。2. 掌握表示顺序的生词的使用方法.。要求学生通过学习能很自如地区别使用can和may,并能做到注意分场合、分对象使用,强调语言的运用能力。其次要求对五个副词(first, then, next, afterwards, finally)的学习,能熟练地对事件发生的先后顺序进行描述,从而提高口述能力。这两个知识点都着重在语言运用能力上,所以在设计教学方法时就应该考虑到知识和生活相联系,以提高语言运用的机会,实现知识为生活服务的最终目标。




Teaching aims and demands:


1. 掌握can和may表示许可或请求的用法及区别。

2. 掌握表示顺序的生词的使用方法。


1. 能自如区别使用can和may,注意分场合、分对象使用。

2. 能熟练使用表示顺序的生词描述事件。



Teaching important and difficult points:

1. can和may的用法及区别,并能注意分场合、分对象。

2. 用表示事件顺序的五个生词熟练地对事件的发生进行正确的描述。Teaching methods:

Presentation Practice Consolidation Activity

Teaching tools:

Cards, computer, crayon, cardboards

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Warm-up

Say the following rhyme together.

Clap Your Hands

Clap,clap,clap your hands,As slowly as you can.

Clap,clap,clap your hands as quickly as you can.

Shake,shake,shake your hands,As slowly as you can.

Shake,shake,shake your hands as quickly as you can.

Roll,roll,roll your hands,As slowly as you can.

Roll,roll,roll your hands as quickly as you can.

Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your fingers,As slowly as you can.

Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your finger as quickly as you can.

Pound,pound,pound your fists,As slowly as you can.

Pound,pound,pound your fists as quickly as you can.

【设计说明】快速将学生带入英语课堂,调动气氛,活跃学生的英语思维。Step 2. Presentation

Present: ----Can I have a look at your watch?

----- Yes, you can.

-----Can I use your red ball pen?

----- Sorry, you can’t. I don’t have one.

Present the response on TV.

【Pair work】Ask the students to make short dialogues using “can”.

Say: I have many beautiful cards. Do you want some? If you do, how do you ask me for it?

Let one student ask me for one card, pay attention to using “may”.

Present the response on TV. And give them one minute to prepare for one or two questions to ask me.


Step 3. Comparison

What’s the difference between “can” and “may”?

Ask the students to summarize the differences.


Step 4. Activity

【Group work】

Get the students to make up situational dialogues according the topics in their cards.

1. 同学之间及师生之间关于在校园内可做或不可做的事情进行对话交流。

2. 在家庭里,孩子之间、父母之间及孩子与父母之间讨论可做或不可做的事情。

3. 在动物园里,同学之间、师生之间讨论可做或不可做的事情。


Step 5. Exercise

Finish the exercises on Page 97. Then check the answers.

Step 6. Presentation

1. Listen to the story “The Hare and the Tortoise”.

2. Order the pictures according to the story using “first, then, next,

aferwards, finally”.

3. Read these five adverbs.

4. Talk about my daily life using these five words.
