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第51卷第3期 2017年3月


Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science)Vol.51 No. 3


DOI: 10. 3785/j. issn. 1008-973X. 2017. 03. 005



(1.北京航空航天大学机械工程及自动化学院,北京100191; 2.北京航空航天大学机器人研究所,北京100191)

摘要:综述快速接头技术发展现状和快速接头自动对接研究.阐述将快速接头技术应用于抢险救援机器人腕部 的全自动快换装置的重要性;介绍现有的各种快速接头,重点研究、分析和评价IS07241和ISO16028这2种快速 接头的结构形式及其优缺点,为最终选用国产ISO16028快速接头提供技术依据.分析和讨论将ISO16028快速接 头由手工对接改为自动对接所面临的关键问题,解释现有的各种解决途径的不适用性;提出较简便的解决途径,即 集成2个带缓冲结构的双作用单活塞杆液压缸、内埋式液压管路和快速接头安装孔的整体式三位一体安装架.重 点阐述该解决途径在以下3种情况下的实用性和可行性:不超出成本预算、不需要对ISO16028快速接头的内外结 构作改动设计以及厂家不单独制造这种快速接头;指出该简便的解决途径并非最安全、最可靠,需要在后续的考核 验证中引起高度重视.


中图分类号:TP 242; V 245. 1文献标志码:A文章编号:1008 - 973X(2017)03 - 0461 - 10 Quick action coupling technology in full-automatic

quick coupling device:a review

TANG Zhi-dong1 , YUN Chao2

(1. School o f Mechanical Engineering and Automation ?Beihang University ^Beijing100191? China-,

2. Robot Institute,Beihang University ?Beijing100191? China)

Abstract :The development status of quick action coupling technology and the research work of automatic docking of quick action coupling were reviewed. Firstly, the importance was stated that the quick action coupling technology should be applied to the automatic quick hitch coupling device in the rescue robot w rist;the existing quick action couplings were presented. Secondly, aiming at the two quick action couplings, including IS07241 and ISO16028,the structural forms and their pros and cons were investigated, analyzed and evaluated to provide a technical reference for final selection of ISO16028 quick action coupling made in China. Thirdly, the key problem was analyzed and discussed of changing the ISO16028 from manual docking to automatic docking;the unfeasibility of current solution ways was explained. A more convenient solution was proposed:a monolithic three-in-〇ne mounting rack integrating two Huosai-Shuangzuoyong-Gang hydraulic cylinders with buffer structure, internal hydraulic pipelines, and installation holes for quick action couplings. It was illustrated that the proposed solution is practical and feasible in the following three conditions:the absence of exceeding a cost budget, without specially design of the inner/outer structure of the ISO16028 quick action coupling or that manufacturers do not customize such a product. This convenient solution is not the most secure and reliable way, therefore, it

收稿日期:2016 - 01 - 18. 浙江大学学报(工学版)网址:/eng


作者筒介:汤志东(1968—),男,助理研究员,博士生,从事机械设计及理论、抢险救援机器人、工业设计研究.ORCID:〇〇〇〇-〇〇〇3-3330- 7263. E-mail:greatan@

通信联系人:员超,男,教授,博导.ORCID: 〇〇〇〇-〇〇〇2-8555-6467. E-mail:cyunl8@
