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Short communication

Li 3VO 4/N-doped graphene with high capacity and excellent cycle stability as anode for lithium ion batteries

Shibing Ni a ,b ,Jicheng Zhang a ,Jianjun Ma a ,Xuelin Yang a ,b ,*,Lulu Zhang a ,b

a College of Materials and Chemical Engineering,China Three Gorges University,8Daxue Road,Yichang,Hubei 443002,China b

Hubei Provincial Collaborative Innovation Center for New Energy Microgrid,China Three Gorges University,China

h i g h l i g h t s

g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

Li 3VO 4nanoparticles embed in N-doped graphene is prepared.

Small size of Li 3VO 4can improve the lithium ion diffusion ef ficiency.

N-doped graphene in the composite can enhance the electronic conductivity.

The Li 3VO 4/N-doped graphene ex-hibits superior electrochemical


a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:

Received 27May 2015Received in revised form 10July 2015

Accepted 17July 2015

Available online 31July 2015Keywords:

Lithium vanadate Anode

Lithium ion battery N doped graphene

a b s t r a c t

Li 3VO 4/N-doped graphene with unique architecture of Li 3VO 4nanoparticles embed in N-doped graphene is successfully prepared via a facile method,which shows superior electrochemical performance as anode for Li-ion batteries.At a speci fic current of 0.15A g À1,it delivers discharge and charge capacities of 550and 429mAh g À1in the initial cycle,which maintain of 478and 476mAh g À1after 100cycles.After 150cycles at various speci fic currents from 0.1to 2.0A g À1,the discharge capacity can restore to 487mAh g À1when reverting the speci fic current to 0.1A g À1.Meanwhile,even after 900cycles at a speci fic current of 2.0A g À1,the Li 3VO 4/N-doped graphene electrode can deliver discharge and charge capacities of 195and 193mAh g À1.

©2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


Lithium vanadate,Li 3VO 4is a new promising anode material for Li-ion batteries,which shows safer discharge plateau than graphite and lower voltage plateau and higher capacity than Li 4Ti 5O 12[1].As an ionic conduction material,one of the main restriction of its

application in Li-ion batteries is the low electronic conductivity [1,2].Combining it with carbon materials such as graphene,carbon nanotubes,amorphous carbon and natural graphite are testi fied to be effective ways to improve the electronic conductivity of Li 3VO 4[2e 7],which have distinctly improved the electrochemical per-formance.Meanwhile,the lithium ion diffusion process also has important effect on the electrochemical performance of Li 3VO 4,which shows close relationship with the size of Li 3VO 4particles [1].The smaller the size of Li 3VO 4particles is,the higher the lithium ion diffusion ef ficiency shows.Previous study has demonstrated that solution based methods such as solution precipitation,

*Corresponding author.College of Materials and Chemical Engineering,China Three Gorges University,8Daxue Road,Yichang,Hubei 443002,China.Tel./fax:+867176397505.

E-mail addresses:shibingni07@ (S.Ni),xlyang@ (X.

Yang).Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Journal of Power Sources

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/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.07.0530378-7753/©2015Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.

Journal of Power Sources 296(2015)377e 382
