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苏教版牛津小学英语6B 词组句子语法



1)在星期天早上:on Sunday morning ( 在星期几的早上/中午/晚上,一定

用介词 on)

2)去散步:go for a walk ( go 的过去式---went; go for a run: 去跑

步,go for a jog: 去慢跑)

3)在公园里:in the park

4)遇到某人:meet + 人物(英语缩写是 sb.) ( meet 的过去式--- met)

5)高兴做某事:be glad to + 动词原形

6)坐下:sit down ( sit 的过去式 sat)

7)在一棵大树下:under a big tree

8)聊天:have a chat (have 的过去式是 had)

9)孪生姐妹:twin sisters ( 如果只指孪生姐妹中的一个人则应为

twin sister, twin brothers 为孪生兄弟)

10)看起来一样:look the same ( same 的前面一般一定要加the )

11)和…. 一样:as….as ( 中间的词一定要是原形 )

12)比….更…:…. than ( than的前面一定是比较级)

13)小20分钟:twenty minutes younger(小一小时: one hour younger)

14)某一天,一天:one day

15)想做某事:want to + 动词原形(do)

16)any 的意思是“一些”,用在否定和疑问句中, many 用在肯定句中

17)唯一的孩子:the only child

18)在你的家里:in your family ( 记住这里要用in )


20)他在这里:Here he is. (这个句子是倒装句,原来的顺序是 He is

here. 主要本句希望强调“这儿”,所以把 here 放在了句首)


22)你有一个兄弟:You’ve got a brother. ( You’ve = You have, got 是 get


23)告诉某人关于某事:tell somebody (sb.) about something(sth.)

( about :关于)

24)谁比大卫高?:Who’s taller than David? (这是对人物之间进行比较,

句型为:Who’s +比较级+ than…? 回答是:人称代词+ is )25)谁的书包更重,你的还是我的?:Whose school bag is heavier,yours or mine?

看到句中有or, 前面一句话里的形容词或副词就要用比较级;

句型为:Whose …. is + 比较级,… or…? 回答是:名词性物主代词+ is. /名词所有格+ is. yours 和mine 是名词性物主代词,名词性物主代词一定单独使用,后面不再跟名词。在本句中,yours= your school bag, mine = my school bag

26)让我们:let’s (= let us),

27)我将当守门员:I will be the goalkeeper. (我将当歌星:I will be a


28)你的还是我的:yours or mine

29)bird, girl, skirt, shirt, third : 这里的ir 的发音是:[ə:]

30)big – bigger, fat—fatter, thin- thinner, late—later,

31)heavy – heavier , happy – happier, early – earlier,


1谁更年轻,你还是苏洋? Who’s younger, you or Su Yang? 2你和你的双胞胎妹妹/姐姐一样高吗? Are you as tall as your twin sister ?

3 你有一些兄弟或姐妹吗?不,没有。 Do you have any brothers or sisters? No. I don’t.

4 谁的书包更重,你的还是我的? Whose schoolbag is heavier, yours or mine ?

我的书包 Mine is./My schoolbag is heavier than yours .

5 我和你一样高。 I’m as tall as you.

6 苏洋比我年轻20分钟。 Su Yang is twenty minutes younger than me.

7 谁比大卫更高? Who’s taller than David?

高山比大卫更高。 Gao Shan is taller than David.




a. 原级比较:as 形容词/副词原形 as,

b. 比较级:形容词/副词+er +than


(1)直接+er。如:tall - taller, fast - faster

(2 ) 以e结尾+r。如:late - later

(3)重读闭音节词+(双写)er。如:big - bigger, fat – fatter, thin-thinner, hot-hotter, red-redder

(4)以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-er。如:heavy - heavier, early – earlier,

(5)双音节和多音节词的比较级应在原级前加more构成。如:beautiful - more beautiful,

careful - more careful, quietly - more quietly, interesting - more interesting

(6)有些不规则变化的,须逐一加以记忆。如:good/well – better, many/much – more, far – farther

2. 形容词比较级句式

肯定句:A + is/are/am +(修饰成分)+ 形容词比较级+ than + B

如: She is taller than me. 她比我高。

She is (5centimetres)taller than me. 她比我高5厘米。

疑问句:Is/are/Am+ A + 形容词比较级+ than + B?

如: Is she(5centimetres)taller than me? 她比我高5厘米吗?

否定句:A + is/are/am +not+(修饰成分)+ 形容词比较级+ than + B

如:She is not(5centimetres)taller than me? 她比我高5厘米吗?

特殊疑问句Who/Which +is/are+比较级+ than+ A? I am. / You are. / … is. Whose …is/are +比较级,…’s or …’s ?…’s is/are.

3. Yours _____ bigger than mine.

答案:is, are 都可以,关键看yours指的东西是单数还是复数

4.second=秒,minute=分钟,hour=小时,half an hour=半小时

5. only(唯一)+名词单数= the only photo= 唯一的照片

6. Do you have any brothers or sisters?


7also=too=也,also 用于句中,too 用于句末 too(太) big= 太大

8. in+颜色=穿着…颜色的衣服 the man in black=穿着黑色的衣服男士

with+某人器官=长着…样子 the man with big ears=大眼睛的男士
