英美国家文化概况(中英文对照)-美国 精品
美国文化概况Chapter 1 Population, race and ethnic groups第一章人口和种族1) Introduction①American is the third most populous country in the world, with 255.5 million people. It isa nation of immigrants. Immigration accounts for a major source of population growth. There are many racial and ethnic groups. Between 80% and 90% of immigration in the United States now is from Asian and Hispanic counties. The first immigrants in American history came from England and Netherlands. Population movements are common in America.美国是世界上的第三大人口国,总人口约2.555亿,仅次于中国和印度。
2) Black people and the Civil Rights Movement①blacks and slaveryThe largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the U.S., which 12.1 per cent of the population; the first blacks were brought to North America as slaves in 1619.美国最大的少数人种是黑人,占人口的12.1%;1619年最早的人人作为奴隶被运至美国。
英美文化名词解释(2)英语国家概况名词解释系列(1)Amerigo Vespucci----Amerigo Vespucci, a navigator, proved that the land was not India,but a new continent. Therefore, the land was named America after.The Puritans----The Puritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen. They wanted to purify the Church of England and threatened with religious persecution, the Puritans leaders saw the New world as the a refuge provided by God for those He meant to save.英语国家概况名词解释系列(2)The Bill of Rights----In 1789, James Madison introduced in the House of Representatives a series of amendments which later were drafted into twelve proposed amendments and sent to the states for ratification. Ten of them were ratified in 1791 and the first ten amendments to the constitution were called the Bills of Rights because they were to insure individual liberties.The Emancipation Proclamation----After the Civil war began, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation to win more support at home and abroad. It granted freedom to all slaves in areas still controlled by the Confederacy.英语国家概况名词解释系列(3)Pilgrims Thanksgiving Day----The Pilgrims in 1620, 201 of them sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower. The first winter after their arrival was very cold and when spring came, half of them were dead. Then the Indians came to their help and taught them how to grow corn. They had a good harvest that year. So they invited the Indians and held the first Thanksgiving celebration in America to give thanks to God.The Chunnel----In 1985 the British government and French government decided to build a channel tunnel, which is called “Chunnel”, under the Straits of Dover so that England and France could be joined together by road. The Chunnel was open to traffic in May 1994.英语国家概况名词解释系列(4)Eisteddfod----Eisteddfod is the Welsh word for “sitting” National Eidteddfod is the most famous festival of music and verse in Wales. It takes place each August and lasts for about a week. The highlight of the festival is competition for the best epic poem about Wales written and read in Welsh. The winner is crowned Board, considered the supreme honour in Wales. In this way the Welsh people keep the Welsh language and culture alive.Cockney----A cockney is a Londoner who is born within the sound of Bow Bells-the Bells of the church of St. Mary-LeBow in east London.英语国家概况名词解释系列(5)Stonehenge----It is a group of huge monuments of grant rock Slabs on salisbury plain in Southwest England built as long ago as the New Stone Age. It is generally believed that stonehenge served some sort of religious purposes.The Celts----The Celts came to Britain in three main waves. The first wave were the Gales, the second wave were the Brythons and the Belgae came about 150BC. The Celts were practised farmers. The Celtic tribes are ancestors of the Highland Scots, the Irish and the Welsh, And their languages are the basis of both Welsh and Gaelic. They religion was Druidism.英语国家概况名词解释系列(6)Norman Conquest----The Norman Conquest of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history. William theconqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with a strong Norman government. So the feudal system was completely established in England.Alfred the Great----He was king of Wessex, one of the seven Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. It was he who led the Anglo-Saxon to flight against the invading Danes and maintained peace for a long time. Alfred was not only a brave king at wartime, but also a wise king at peacetime. He encouraged education and introduced a legal system. He is known as “the father of the British navy”.英语国家概况名词解释系列(7)St. Augustine----In 597,Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine, the Prior of St. Andrew’s Monastery in Rome, t o England to convert the heathen English to Christianity. That year, St. Augustine became the first Archbishop of Canterbury. Augustine was remarkably successful in converting the king and the nobility, but the conversion of the common people was largely due to the missionary activities of the monks in the north.Domesday Book----It is a book compiled by a group of clerks under the sponsorship of King William the First in 1086. The book was in fact a property record. It was the result of a general survey of England. It recorded the extent, value, state of cultivation, and ownership of the land. It was one of the important measures adopted by William I to establish the full feudal system in England. T oday, it is kept in the Public Records Office in London.英语国家概况名词解释系列(8)Geoffrey Chaucer----He was an important English poet in the fourteenth century. His best known is The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of pilgrims travelling to Canterbury tovisit Thomas Becket’s tomb. Because he was the first impor tant English poet to write in English. He has been known as the “Father of English Poetry”.The Black Death----It is a modern name given to the dearly bubonic plague, an epidemic disease spread through Europe in the fourteenth century particularly in 1348-1349. It came without warning, and without any cue. In England, it killed almost half of the total population, causing far-reaching economic consequences.英语国家概况名词解释系列(9)The Wars of Roses玫瑰战争----the name Wars of the Roses was refer to the battles between the House of Lancaster, symbolized by the read rose, and that of York, symbolized by the white, from 1455 to 1485. Henry Tudor, descendant of Duke of Lancaster won victory at Bosworth Fireld in 1485 and put ht country under the rule of the Tudors. From these Wars, English feudalism received its death blow. The great medieval nobility was much weakened.The Glorious Revolution of 1688光荣革命---- In 1685 Charles II died and was succeeded by his brother James II. James was brought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic. He hoped to rule without giving up his personal religious vies. But England was no more tolerant of a Catholic king in 1688 than 40 years ago. So the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne. William landed in England in 1688. The takeover was relatively smooth, with no bloodshed, nor any execution of the king. This was known as the Glorious Revolution.英语国家概况名词解释系列(10)The Gunpowder Plot of 1605火药阴谋案----The GunpowderPlot of 1605 was the most famous of the Catholic conspiracies. On Nov. 5,1605, a few fanatical Catholics attempted to blow King James and his ministers up in the House of Parliament where Guy Fawkes had planted barrels of gun-powder in the cellars. The immediate result was the execution of Fawkes and his fellow-conspirators and imposition of severe anti-Catholic laws. The long-term result has been an annual celebration on Nov. 5, when a bonfire is lit to turn a guy and a firework display is arranged. Blood Mary血腥玛丽----It is the nickname given to Mary I, the English Queen who succeeded to the throne after Henry VIII. She was a devout Catholic and had so many Protestants burnt to death that she is remembered less by her official title Mary I by her nickname Blood Mary.英语国家概况名词解释系列(11)Thatcherism撒切尔主义----The election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher became the first woman prime minister in Britain. Her policies are popularly referred to as state-owned industries, the use of monetarist policies to control inflation, the weaking of trade forces unions, the strengthening of the role of market forces in the economy, and an emphasis on law and order.The Trade Union Act of 1871工会法----It legalized the trade unions and give financial security. It meant that in law there was no difference between money for benefic purposes and collecting it to support strike action.英语国家概况名词解释系列(12)Agribusiness农业产业----The new farming has been called “agribusiness”, because it is equipped and managed like an industrial business with a set of inputs into the processes which occur on the farm and outputs or products which leave the farm.British disease英国病----The term “British disease”is now often used to characterize Britain’s economic decline.英语国家概况名词解释系列(13)Constitutional monarchy君主立宪制----It is a political system that has been practised in Britain since the Glorious revolution of 1688. According to this system, the Constitution is superior to the Monarch. In law, the Monarch has many supreme powers, but in practice, the real power of monarchy has been greatly reduced and today the Queen acts solely on the advice of her ministers. She reigns but does not rule. The real power lies in the Parliament, or to be exact, in the House of Commons.Privy Council枢密院----A consultative body of the British monarch. Its origin can be traced back to the times of the Norman Kings. After the Glorious Revolution of 1688, its importance was gradually diminished and replaced by the Cabinet. Today, it is still a consultation body of the British monarch, Its membership is about 400, and includes al Cabinet ministers, the speaker of the House of Commons, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and senior British and Commonwealth statesmen.英语国家概况名词解释系列(14)The National Health Service----It is a very important part of the welfare system in Britain. It is a nationwide organization based on Acts of Parliament. It provides all kinds of free or nearly free medical treatment both in hospital and outside. It is financed mainly by payments by the state out of general taxation. People are not obliged to use this service. The service is achieving its main objectives with outstanding success.Comprehensive schools----Comprehensives schools take pupils without reference to ability or aptitude and provide awide-ranging secondary education for all or most of the children in a district.英语国家概况名词解释系列(15)Reuters----It was founded in 1851 by the German, Julius Reuter. It is now a publicly owned company, employing over 11000 staff in 80 countries. It has more than 1300 staff journalists and photographers.The Crown Court----A criminal court that deals with the more serious cases and holds sessions in towns throughout England and Wales. It is presided over either by a judge from the High Court of Justice or a local full-time judge.英语国家概况名词解释系列(16)The Great lakes----The Great Lakes are the five lakes in the northeast. They are Lake Superior which is the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan (the only one entirely in the U.S.), Lake Huron, Lake Eire and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and the United States expect Lake Michigan.The Mississippi----The Mississippi has been called “father of waters “or” old man river”. It and Its tributaries drain one of the richest farm areas in the world. It is the fourth longest river in the world and the most important river in the United States.英语国家概况名词解释系列(17)Uncle Tom’s Cabin----It was a sentimental but powerful antislavery novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It converted many readers to the abolitionist cause.Gettysburg----It refer to the short speech President Lincoln made when he dedicated the national cemetery at Gettyburg. He ended the speech with “the government of the people, by the people, for the people, sha ll not perish from the earth”.英语国家概况名词解释系列(18)The Red Scare----When the WWI was over, there existed a highly aggressive and intolerant nationalism. Between 1919 and 1920, the Red Scare happened. On Nov.7,1919 and Jan.2,1920, the Justice Department launched two waves of mass arrests. Over 4000 suspected Communists and radical were arrested.The New Deal----In order to deal with the Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt put forward the New Deal program. It passed a lot of New Deal laws and set up many efficient social security systems. The New Deal helped to save American democracy and the development of Americaneconomy.英语国家概况名词解释系列(19)Truman Doctrine----On Mar.12, 1949, President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine in his speech to the joint session of Congress. The Doctrine meant to support any country which said it was fighting communism.Marshall Plan----It was announced by George Marshall on June.5, 1947, and was the economic aid plan for Western Europe. It was also used to prevent the loss of Western Europe into the Soviet sphere.英语国家概况名词解释系列(20)London smog----In 195, the sulphur dioxide in the four-day London smog, an unhealthy atmosphere formed by mixing smoke and dirt with fog. It left 4000 people dead or dying. Since then most cities in Br itain have introduced “clean air zones” whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.Family Doctor----In order to obtain the benefits of the NHS a person must normally be registered on the list of a general practitioner, someti mes known as a “family doctor”. The familydoctor gives treatment or prescribes medicine, or, if necessary, arranges for the patient to go to hospital or to be seen at home by a specialist.英语国家概况名词解释系列(21)Marvellous Melbourne----After the gold rush in 1850s and 1860s, there was an important revolution in transport, especially with the network of tram and railway systems. This changed the pace of urban life and the appearance of the city and soon people were calling the city “Marvellous Melbourne”. But by the 1890s outsiders were calling the city “Marvellous Melbourne” because of the bad smell of the city.Waitangi Day----In 1840 the first official governor, William Hobson, was sent to negotiate with Maori leaders. In 1840 Hobson, representing Queen Victoria, and some Maori chiefs, signed the Treaty of Waitangi. Modern New Zealand was founded. The anniversary of the signing, February 6, is celebrated as New Zealand National Day, Waitangi Day, and is a national holiday.英语国家概况名词解释系列(22)Multiculturalism----The term multiculturalism was coined in Canada in the late 1960s. It was in official use in Australia by 1973. In other words, under multiculturalism migrant groups are able to speak their own language and maintain their own customs. Multiculturalism as a policy recognizes that social cohesion is attained by tolerating differences within an agreed legal and constitutional framework.Quiet Revolution----Ever since 1763, when France lost its empire in North America to England, French Canadians have struggled to preserve their language and culture. In the early 1960s French Canadians became more vocal in their protests. In particular, they complained that were kept out of jobs ingovernment and in some large businesses because they spoke only French. They have been struggling more rights common which was called “Quiet revolution”.英语国家概况精讲系列(一)Chapter 1第一章Land and People英国的国土与人民I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts英国的不同名称及其各组成部分1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England.地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。
一、文化概况1. 英国文化英国是一个拥有悠久历史的国家,其文化底蕴深厚。
2. 美国文化美国是一个移民国家,因此其文化融合了来自世界各地的元素,呈现出多元化和包容性。
3. 英美文化交流英美两国之间的文化交流十分频繁,互相影响。
二、历史概况1. 英国历史英国历史可以追溯到古代,罗马、盎格鲁-撒克逊、诺曼底人等不同民族和文化在英国留下了深远的影响。
2. 美国历史美国历史相对年轻,但是却是一个充满传奇色彩的国家。
3. 英美历史关系英国曾是美国的殖民地,双方有着深厚的历史渊源。
三、政治概况1. 英国政治英国是一个君主立宪制国家,国家元首是君主,首相是政府首脑。
2. 美国政治美国是一个总统制国家,总统是国家元首和政府首脑。
英美文化概况-Lessen one--ten
Lesson 1 Geography : The LandThe whole and official name of the Union consisted of English , Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , usually abbreviated to the United Kingdom or UK , Great Britain , or shortly Britain , or sometimes informally English .Britain is located in Western Europe and is parted from the European continent by the North Sea , the Strait of the Dover and the English Channel. The prime meridian of 0°just passes through the old observatory at Greenwich . Britain is a rather small country , accounting for less than 2% of the land area of the world and ranking about the 75th in size in the world . Though it is small in the both size and population , Britain has acted an important part in forming the modern world . It was once one of the oldest and strongest colonial powers in the world and ruled a vast empire , as said to be . " an empire on which the sun never sets ."The north and west of the England are hilly , partly shaped by the Cumbrian Mountain Range , the highest mountain peak of which is Scafell , the highest in England but the third highest mountain across the country . The main range of the Scotland in the Highland is the Grampian Mountains , which concluded Ben Nevis , the highest mountain on the island of the Great Britain .Edinburgh , the capital of Scotland , and the Glasgow , the largest city in Scotland . On the central plain locates Lough Neagh , the largest lake in the Britain . .the Thames River is the most important river in Britain . The river is navigable for large ships to London . the Severn River is The longest river in Britain . The Clyde and the Forth are the most important rivers in Scotland . The largest lake in England is Lake Windermere .Britain has a temperate maritime climate , which has three characteristics : more fogs or smog in winter , more rainy days but less sunny days , instability or changeability. Coal ,petroleum ,natural gas , iron ore , limestone ,clay , shale , and tin are the main natural resources in Britain . The most important are Coal and petroleum . The Ayrshire field in Scotland and the deposits of the Lowlands continue to supply Scotland industry . The leading anthracite fields in Britain are in Wales .Lesson 2 Geography : The PeopleOn the basis of the 2005 census , the whole population of Britain is about 60.2 million . Britain is the 3rd largest country in population in Europe . Britain has the one of the highest population densities in the world , about 10 times of the density of the U.S .The major people in Britain are the English , Scottish , Welsh and Irish . The English people , offspring of Anglo-Saxons . The Wales and Irish are the descendants of the Celts . The main language spoken in Britain are English , Gaelic and Welsh . English is the official language of the country and is spoken by most of the population . The 3 steps in the development of the English language are Old English , Middle English , Modern English ( Early Modern , Authoritarian English , Mature Modern , and Late Modern English .Britain : Christian country . either Protestants or Catholic . The church of England is the established church of the English nation . The King or Queen is the boss of the church and is crowned by the Archbishop of Canterbury in Westminster Abbey . The Free Churches , the Baptists and the United Reformed Church , Quakers ,Methodists are part of the "non-conformist" group in Britain . The Roman Catholic Curch was much persecuted and very weak in England for a long time after the Reformation . the Jews , the Moslems and the Buddhists are The principle non-Christian communities in Britain . Christian regarded Sunday as the " Sabbath Day ."London , the capital of both England and the UK , has a population of about 7 million . The city of London , governed by the Lord Major , acts as the financial center of the country , where there is a concentration of banks . Now London is the great center of commerce , administration , culture and transportation of Britain , and one of the largest international ports in the world . Regard as the biggest manufacturing center , London has such industries as printing , publishing ,food processing , and so on . Edinburgh , the capital of Scotland , one of the important financial and transportation centers in Britain . Cardiff , the capital of Wales , one of the largest coal shipping ports in the world , and a center of Iron and steel industry in Britain .Belfast , the capital of Northern Ireland , is an important industries , commercial and cultural center in Northern Ireland .Birmingham is the second largest city in Britain . Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland , it is a shipping , industries and commercial center of Scotland . Liverpool is one of the largest ports in Britain . Manchester is one of the oldest cities in Britain .Lesson 3 British EconomyThe progresses of the relative of Britain Economy are as follows : Firstly , the country underwent a great loss in the 2 World Wars . Secondly , the era of the Britain Empire was finished . Thirdly , in spite of the relatively rapid and trouble-free process ofde-colonization , Britain was still forced to keep a abundant and expensive military presence in many overseas locations until the end of 1960`s when the process was finished . Fourthly , during the war , British industry was badly ruined but survived unaffected .The problem is that although it has improved , other countries have improved more rapidly , thus the slide from being the 2nd largest economy to being the 6th , as it is at present . though Britain has experienced economic decline , the decline is relative to some other rather than complete.The British economy underwent a special bad stage in the 1970s when rates of the inflation reached up to 25% with the rises of the oil price . Under Margaret Thatcher , government expense was decreased , taxation , foreign exchanges controls lifted , rules governing banks loosened and worker strikes restricted . inflation came under control , and the business made profits . the negative aspect of the Thatcher`s reform was a rapid increase in unemployment .The national economy of the Britain can be divided into 3 main areas : primary industries , secondary industries , and tertiary industries . The British agriculture is highly efficient compared to France and Germany . It produce1.4% of the national wealth , which only 2% of the labor force that grow 58% of the food needed by the nation . Since oil and gas discovered under the north Sea , Britain has become one of the main producers of oil and gas and the 5th largest exporter of oil in the world . It repots about 1/6 of the total world exports of manufactured goods . It buys about 1/5 of the raw materials exported in the world .the pound sterling is Britain`s unit of currency . London is one of the top three financial centers in the world . Britain`s central bank is the Bank of England .Lesson 4 Political System : Parliament and GovernmentThe U.K still retains an old-fashioned government established on the foundation of the constitutional monarchy : the head of the state of the King or queen . The Britain has no written constitution . Theoretically the queen has all the power , but in reality , she has no real power at all . However, she acts a very important role in the whole system .Parliament : the sovereign , the house of Lords and the House of Commons. The house of Lords comprises hereditary and the life peers and the peeresses , with the the Lord Chancellor as the president of the house . The house of commons is made up of 650 members chosen from the country`s 630 constituencies , Mr. Speaker is the chairman in debates .Mr. Speaker is the second most powerful person in Britain . Parliament`s main functions : debating , making laws and supervising the government and finance .The British government : the Prime Minister and other ministers , who are formally nominated by the Queen according to the advice of the prime minster . The most senior ministers make up of the Cabinet , meets regularly under the chairmanship of the prime minister to decided government policy about major issues .There are over 12 departments under the leadership of the prime minister , some heads are entitled "minister" or "secretary" and some have special titles .The cabinet :the heads od the most important departments with a few ministers without departments . prime minister decides who will be included . The privy council has the formal power to make certain executive orders and proclamations .the head of government , the prime minister controls not only the Cabinet but also the parliament , as he or she is the leader of the majority party in the house of commons . The present prime minister is David Cameron , who become prime minister on May 2010.England is broken into 45 countries . Each country is subdivided into about 6 districts . Wales is divided into 8 countries and the 37 districts . Scotland 12 regions and Southern Ireland ,26 districts . Each of the local administrated areas( countries ,regions or districts) has elected council of its own as local authority .Lesson 5 Political system : Party Politics and JudiciaryThere are three major national parties in Britain :The conservative party and the Labor Party and the Liberal Democrats . Two main political parties dominate the political scene : the conservative party ( openly helps the monopolist to getsuper-profits) and ( practices social democracy or bourgeois reformism) the Labor Party ( both bourgeois in nature ), have been in power by turns sine the end of WW ‖ . The liberal Democratic is been as the party of the "middle ," occupying the ideological ground between the two main parties . The general election in Britain is held every 5 years . Lords in the house of lords cannot be voters in the general election .The conservative party developed out of the Tory party , the Labor Party developed out of the Whip party .For the election purpose , Britain is divided into 651constituencies , each of which elects one member of the house of commons . The deposit a candidate has to pay is supposed to prevent people from running just for a joke. Compiling a register of voters in the duty of a Returning Officer in a constituency . The party that has the majority of seats in the house of Commons will from the government . Common law in Britain may be said to consist of previous court decisions .Serious cases arising in trade and maritime affairs in Britain are dealt with by the Queen`s bench division of the high court of justice . The supreme civil trial court in Scotland is the outer house of the court of session . Death penalty for murder in Britain was abolished in 1969 . Borstal institutions for young offenders in Britain provide courses of training .All police forces in Britain outside London are supported and paid by county councils . The famous "Scotland Yard" refers to CID . The operation zone of the Metropolitan Police covers Greater London .The central courts in Britain include the high court of justice and the court of appeal , the house of Lords and the Privy council . The three divisions of the high court of justice are the chancery ,Family Queen`s Bench divisions . The local courts in England are the magistrate courts and the country courts and the others. The Scottish highest court of justice divided into the criminal session and the court of session that has an inner court house and the outer house .Lesson 6 History : Early Man and the Feudal SocietyThe earliest settlers on the Britain Isles were the Iberians and Celts . From 700 B.C. The Celts came from the Upper Rhineland and began to inhabit British Isles . In A.D.43 Romes under the Claudius conquered Britain .Rome Britain lasted until the year ofA.D 410 when all Rome troops went back to the continent . In the middle of the 5th century , Anglo-Saxons came from the region of Denmark and the Low Countries and settled in Britain .The early Anglo-Saxons were worships of natural forces . However , a christian mission under St. Augustine came from Rome in 597 . By the end of the 7th century all England had been Christianized . In the late 8th century the Denes or Scandinavians began to attack the English coast . The new aristocracy , the thegn , had appeared by the 10th century in Britain .From 1017---1042 England was ruled by Danish kings .Edward had promised his kingdom to William , but on his deathbed he changed his idea and gave the kingdom to Harlod . This led to the Norman Conquest of 1066 . Doomsday book was in fact a record each man`s property. The war between Matilda and Stephen resulted in the establishment of the house of Plantagenet .The Great charter was made in the interest of the feudal lords . the Great charter aimed at restricting the power of the king . Simon called the " all Estates parliament " in 1265 . The first British parliament was summoned in the year of 1265 . King Edward I summoned the " all Estates parliament " in the year of 1295 , which is known in history as " the model Parliament ".In 1327 , Parliament forced Edward II hand over his crown to his son .Lesson 7 History : Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois RevolutionEdward III launched the Hundred Year`s war , which was a feudal war and a trade war , was one of the history events that marked the decline of the feudalism in Britain . the Hundred Year`s war was a against France for the French crown and for the industries city of Flanders. From 1343 onward , parliament was divided into two chambers . Black death to some extent brought higher and greater freedom to villains . The statutes of Laborers issued by the government of Edward III introduced cruel punishment for those who refused to work .In 1381 , peasants in Essex first rebelled . The closure of land turned a large number of peasants in to landless men . Wars of roses were fought intermittently between Lancastrians and the Yorkists from 1455 to 1465 . During the wars of roses common people were little affected . The house of Tudor was founded in 1485 . The British Bourgeois took place in the 17th century . The two centuries just before the outbreak of the Bourgeois Revolution were a period of capital accumulation .The renaissance was a cultural movement by humanist , spread into England under the Tudors . During the renaissance , the theatre attained great popularity under the Elizabeth .Puritans were Christians , were opposed to Charles I and his ideas , wished to purify the Church of England . The commoners who drew up the Grand Remonstrance had already escaped before Charles I burst into parliament . The restoration of Charles II took place in the year of 1660 .The king`s men at the beginning of the First civil war were called cavaliers . The first civil war lasted for 4 years . The second civil war was fought in the year of 1648 .England was cruelly ruled by Cromwell in the period of the commonwealth . Cromwell suppressed the diggers , liked Levelers in the army , conquered Ireland . The " Glorious Revolution " of the 1688 put William of orange " on the throne , was actually a bloodless coupdetat by the Bourgeois in 1688 . the British Bourgeois revolution exerted exerted great influence on French and the American revolution in the 18th century .Lesson 8 History :The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist MovementThe Industrial Revolution was a Revolution in both the method of production and the relations of production . It began in the textile Industrial in the 1760s and lasted until 1840s . The closures in the 18th century resulted in the appearance of Capitalist farms , labor reserve and an exception of national market .In the 17th and 18th centuries , England fought a series of wars with Holland and France and won supremacy . After the 7 years` war England become the strongest sea power and dominated world trade . As a result of the Industrial Revolution , the Industrial Bourgeois gained supremacy in both economic and political life of the country . Productivity was greatly increased . Many cities sprang up . The rapid growth of capitalism caused miseries disasters among the working people .Oliver twist was written Charles Dickens . People`s Charter was a petition to Parliament drawn by workers organized in London Workingmen`s Association in 1837 . The chartist movement reached its height in 1839-1842 . The failure of Chartism is largely duo to the divided leadership and lack of a strong basis for class and influence of Utopian and petty-bourgeois ideologies .James Hargreaves invented the "spinning Jenny ". One of the Corn Laws placed a ban on wheat import when the prize fell below 50 shillings per quarter. The term "Rotten Boroughs " means constituencies in the house of Commons . The people`s Charter was not accepted by Parliament . The ten-hour Act prohibited young persons and females to work in any factory longer than ten hours a day . The author of wealth of Nations is Adam Smith . The principle of population was formulated by Thomas Malthus .Lesson 9 History : The British Empire and Britain In two World Wars andpost-war PeriodsThe British Empire begin with the founding of Newfoundland in 1583 , and fell after the end of the second World war . The East India Company was given right to enlist army , enforce law ,declare war and make peace in India . India served as a gangplank for the British colonies to expand their colonies and spheres of influence in India . The British Empire reached the pinnacle of its colonial expansion after the First World War . The two imperialist blocks that had been formed just before the outbreak of World War I were Triple Alliance and Triple Entente . The three features of imperialism were foreign territorial expansion , the export of capital and monopoly .Nearly three million British soldiers were killed and wounded and 70% of the her merchant ships were sunk or damaged in World War I . Consequently British lost her sea supremacy after the end of the War . And she came out of the War with a huge debt .In 1920 and 1921 an economic crisis broke our for the first time sine the end of the first World War . The most serious economic crisis that British had ever experienced before World War II lasted from 1929 to 1933 . The working class struggle reached its climax in the General Strike of 1926 .Britain`s foreign policy in the years between the two World Wars was characterized by its hostility toward the young Soviet and the policy of non-intervention and appeasement toward Fascist aggression . The second World war sealed the fate of the British Empire .Britain`s serious economic troubles after the second World War produced such effects as devaluation of pound Sterling , inflation and debts . In 1950 Britain recognized the People`s republic of China . And in 1972 China and Britain established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial rank .The Munich Agreement was a non-aggression pact between Britain and France on the one hand and Nazi Germany on the other . In 1941 Japan attack pearl Harbor . The British Commonwealth of Nations is a phony organization . The underlying aim of Thatcherism is denationalization . Mrs. Thatcher failed to win the general election in 1990 mainly because of the high rate of unemployment .Lesson 10 Education in BritainEducation in Britain is carried out in three stages : primary ,secondary and the higher education . Eduction in Britain is compulsory for children between the ages of 5 and 16 . All state schools in Britain are non-tree paying institutions . CSE , "A" Level of GCE and "O" Level of GEC are for schooling . University that were founded between 1850 and 1930 are called Redbrick University . All university in Britain are private institutionsThe main responsibility for administering education in Britain is left to Local education authorities . The examinations for GCE are conducted by examining boards . Entry to university in Britain is competitive .All teachers in the state system must spend some time in the department or school of education of a university . Supplements are paid to teachers who have first or second class honors degrees . The term of early September to mid-December is known as Christmas . University terms are longer . The general grant needed by states schools in Britain is provided by the Treasury . In Britain , most children start their schooling at the age of 5 in an infant . Under the old selective system ,pupils sit for an examination called the 11-plus in the their last year at primary school . Pupils with the highest marks in the "11 plus" examination go to grammar schools ."Co-educational" means with boys and girls mixed together . Those who do well in the examination of "A"Level of GCE . Can go on to university for study . Independent schools are schools that operate outside the state school system and are private educational institutions .Secondary schools students are required to take at least one of the three certificates to demonstrate their educational attainment . The open university is so called because it is open to people of all ages . The academic year for schools begins after the summer holidays and is divided into three terms . The general pattern for school holidays is about 2 weeks at Christmas and Easter and 8 weeks in the summer .。
山东经济学院2010-2011学年第1学期期末试题英美文化概况(110126)试卷(2)题号—'二二四五八七八九十总分得分签字注意事项:所有的答案都必须写在答题纸上,答在试卷上一律无效I . Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.The first English permanent settlement was founded in Califomia.F2.W hen people outside the UK talk about England, they mistake it as Britainsometimes, t3.B y the early 1760s, the 13 English colonies in North America were ready toseparate themselves from Europe. T4.Sputniks are man-made satellites made by the Soviet Union. T5.Edinburgh is the largest city in Scotland. F6.Britain is both a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy. T7.W hen George W. Bush became president, his foreign strategy has two prominentelements: isolationism and faith in military strength.8.A merican foreign policy has been swinging between isolationism andinterventionism since WWII. F9.T oday, the United States has two major political parties. One is the DemocraticParty and the other is the Republican Party.10.Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday. F11.The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancientwarriors, t12.Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidatefor public office. F13.The divine right of the king means the sovereign derived his authority from hissubjects. F14.The British host a large American military presence and there are 63 Americanmilitary bases in the UK. T15.Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic”. F16.British universities are public bodies which receive funds from centralgovernment. T17.When the War of Independence was over, the United States was oneunified nation as it is today. F18.One of the things that decide whether an applicant can be accepted by acollege is his/her scores on the Scholastic Aptitude Tests, t19.It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involves the sport of boxing. F20.Wales is rich in coal deposits. TII. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question.(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)21.W hich of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modemdevelopment of Europe? DA.The growth of capitalism.B.The Renaissance.C.The Religious Reformation.D.The Spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.22.The expenditure in American public schools is guided or decided by D.A.teachersB. studentsC. headmasterD. boards of education23.W hich of the following is not involved in making the British foreign policy? AA.The Queen of BritainB.The Foreign and Commonwealth OfficeC.The Prime Minister and the Cabinet.D.The Ministry of Defense and the Treasury.24.What did the US mean by containment? AA.It would use whatever means to prevent the Soviet Union from breaking out ofits sphere of influence.B.It wanted to reverse the situation in which the Soviet Union reached paritywith the US in nuclear forceC.It planned to drag the Soviet Union into another round of arms raceD.It intended to shift the balance of terror25.In the United States school systems, which of the following divisions is true? CA.Elementary school, grammar school.B.Elementary school, junior high school.C.Elementary school, secondary school.D.Junior high school, senior high school.26.Which of the following is NOT true of London? DA.the cultural centerB. the business centerC. The financial centerD. the sports center27.Which of the following was not an activity in Shakespeare's time? AA.attending the Grand NationalB. having a drink at a pubC. working the landD. playing football28.Which of the following states refused to participate in the ConstitutionalConvention? BA.VirginiaB. Rhode IslandC. New YorkD. Maryland29.The following were the main Reformation leaders except B.A.Martin Luther.B. Martin Luther King.C. John Calvin.D. The English King Henry VID.30.Which of the following is truly a sport of the royal family? DA.cricketB. skiingC. golfingD. horse racing31.In Britain, __ formally appoints important government ministers, judges, etc.bA.the QueenB.the Prime MinisterC.the Lord President of the CouncilD.the Speaker of the House of Commons32.Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of A.A. EasterB. ChristmasC. ValentineD. New Year's Day33.Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain? DA. the University of CambridgeB. the University of OxfordC. the University of EdinburghD. the University of Buckingham34.In Britain, children from the age of 5 to 16 B.A.can legally receive partly free education.B.can legally receive completely free education.C.can not receive free education at all.D.can not receive free education if their parents are rich.35.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of British government? AA.It offers the Queen high political status and supreme power.B.It is a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy.C.It is the oldest representative democracy in the world.D.It has no written form of Constitution.36.Lord Baltimore's feudal plan failed because D.A.there were more Protestant than Catholics in Maryland.B.the wilderness of the continent made the plan impossible.C.there was plenty of land while labor was scarce.D.the English king did not like the plan.37.In order to go to university in the US, secondary school students must meetthe following requirements except that D.A.they have high school records and recommendations from their teachersB.they make good impressions during the interviewsC.they get good scores in the Scholastic Aptitude TestsD.they pass the college entrance examinations38.Of which people is Robert Burns a national poet? CA. the Welsh peopleB. the Irish peopleC. the Scottish peopleD. the English people39.Why did the government decide to replace the power-sharing policy with “direct rule" from London? DA.the power-sharing policy was not accepted by the majority of Protestants.B.the Northern Irish Parliament could not govern the power effectively.C.the power-sharing policy couldn't be carried out.D.all the above40.Which of the following schools would admit children without reference totheir academic abilities? AA. Comprehensive schoolsB. Secondary schoolsC. Independent schoolsD. Grammar schoolsIII.Tell what you know about the following in your own words.(本大题共5小题,每小题8分,共40分)prehensive schools42.The Bill of Rights43.The making of Britain's foreign policy44.The functions of Parliament45.The strategy of PreemptionIV.Answer one of the following questions.(本大题任选一题,20 分)46.In what way did Puritanism influence American culture?47.How do you understand that Britain has a "special relationship,, with the US?。
英语的标准发音在英国是以“BBC English”为准,而在美国则有许多不同的口音和方言。
国际贸易,对外投 资,吸引外资
高等教育,职业教 育,中小学教育
Байду номын сангаас3
从13个殖民地的建立到独立战争,再 到西进运动、南北战争等关键历史节 点。
如马克·吐温、海明威等文学巨匠,以 及好莱坞电影、百老汇音乐剧等艺术 成就。
盎格鲁-撒克逊人的入侵, 诺曼征服,中世纪的封
伊丽莎白时代,莎士比 亚的戏剧,英国文艺复
纺织机的发明,蒸汽机 的应用,工业革命的影
《英美概况》中文版完整版 (2)
英国的宗教信仰主要是基督教,而美国则更 为多元化,包括基督教、犹太教、伊斯兰教 等。
英国人重视传统道德观念和社会秩序,而美 国人则更注重个人自由和权利。
学习并掌握英语或其他跨文化交际语言,以 便更好地交流和理解。
遇到文化冲突时,能够灵活调整自己的交际 策略,化解矛盾和误解。
在交际过程中,积极倾听对方的意见和观点 ,观察对方的文化习俗和行为方式。
将所学的文化知识运用到实际交际中,提高 解决跨文化交际问题的能力。
英美文化在全球化背景下的影响与传 播
从殖民地时期、独立战争、西进运动到现代社会,美国历史的演变塑造了其独 特的民族性格和文化。
美国是一个多元民族的国家,各个族群带来了各自的文化传统和习俗,形成了 丰富多彩的民族特色。
美国文学深受欧洲文学的影响,同时又具有独特的创新性, 如马克·吐温、海明威等作家的作品。
Capital: Belfast贝尔法斯特
Area: -10%
History: Ireland was conquered by England in the 17th C
Capital: Edinburgh爱丁堡
Area: - 30%
3. Rivers and Lakes
Rivers: River Clyde克莱德 , the most important in Scotland River Severn 塞文河 (355 km), the longest in the UK River Thames 泰晤士河(336km), the second longest but the most
beautiful rock scenery
Lake Poets 湖畔诗人- William Wordsworth 华兹华斯 in the 19th Century, a passive romantic poet消极浪漫主义诗人
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
“Ireland” = the Republic of Ireland+ Northern Ireland
爱尔兰岛 =爱尔兰共和国+北爱尔兰
Full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 (Britain / Great Britain / UK for short)
一、起源1. 英美文化的历史背景英美文化源于英国和美国两个国家,两国在历史发展中形成了独特的文化基因。
2. 英美文化的多样性英美文化是一个多元且充满活力的文化体系。
二、主要特征1. 语言英语是英美文化的基本媒介和表达方式。
2. 文学英美文学以其独特的风格和世界知名的作家而闻名。
3. 音乐英美文化中的音乐具有广泛的影响力。
4. 电影英美电影是全球最具影响力的电影产业之一。
5. 社交礼仪英美文化中的社交礼仪和行为规范也是其特征之一。
三、影响力1. 全球影响力由于英美文化的广泛传播和深入影响,其对全球的影响力不言而喻。
英美概况1. 概述英美是指英国和美国,两个国家在历史、文化、经济等方面有着紧密的联系。
2. 历史背景2.1 英国历史英国的历史可以追溯到公元前1万年左右的旧石器时代。
2.2 美国历史美洲大陆最早的居民是印第安人。
3. 政治制度3.1 英国政治制度英国是一个君主立宪制国家,君主是英国的元首,但权力受到议会的限制。
head of state and non-Commonwealth countries on behalf of the British government
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
1. Constitution
❖1.2 Common law (判例法)
▪ deduced from custom or legal precedents
and interpreted in court cases by judges
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
2.1.2 Queen
Buckingham Palace
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
• the commander-in-chief of all armed forces of
the Crown
• “supreme governor” of the Church of England
More >>
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
英语国家概况 GuidetoEnglish-SpeakingCountries
TheUnitedKingdom ofGreatBritainand NorthernIreland
人文英语2知识点总结高中一、英美社会文化1. 英美社会结构英国社会结构分为上层、中产阶级和下层三个阶级,而美国则是上流社会、中产阶级和底层社会。
2. 英美社会价值观英国人以礼貌、自制和冷静自豪,他们注重礼仪和传统,守时守纪,注重教育和家庭关系。
3. 英美社会风俗习惯英国人喜欢品茶、打高尔夫球和看足球比赛,美国人则热爱篮球、美式足球和棒球。
二、英美地理环境1. 英美自然地理环境英国位于北欧洲,是一个岛国,四面环海,气候湿润,多雨,夏季凉爽,冬季温和。
2. 英美人文地理环境英国是一个文化古国,有着悠久的历史和丰富的人文景观,如巨石阵、温莎城堡、巴斯古城等。
三、英美文学和艺术1. 英美文学经典英国文学有着悠久的历史,包括莎士比亚、狄更斯、奥斯卡·王尔德等众多文学巨匠。
2. 英美艺术精品英国有着丰富的艺术传统和文化底蕴,如泰特博物馆、大英博物馆、牛津大学等。
四、英美历史事件1. 英国历史事件英国曾是一个殖民帝国,曾经控制着世界上很多地区,包括印度、澳大利亚、加拿大、美国等,但在二战后逐渐衰落,成为一个中等国家。
2. 美国历史事件美国是一个移民国家,曾经经历了独立战争和内战,成为一个自由、平等和多元的国家,如今是世界上最强大的国家之一。
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1. Criket and “fair play”: Cricket was one of the first team sports in Britain to have organized rules and to be played according to the same rules nationally. The reason that fixed rules were applied to criket so early on was a financial one: aristocrats loved betting on criket matches and if people were going to risk money on a game, they wanted to ensure that the game would be plalyed fairly.Before the Victorian era, and in modern Britain, people from all walks of life play cricket, but in the 19th century, cricket became a sport associated with the upper class. It was a kind of “snob” game played by boys who attended public schools.As generations of public school grew up to become the civil servants and rules of the UK and its colonies, criket became associated with a set of moral values, in particular the ideas of “fair play” which supposedly characterized British government.
11. Of which people is Robert Burns a national poet? A the Welsh people B the Irish people C the Scottish people D the English people
12. On which day is Halloween celebrated? A October 31st. B November 5th. C March 17th. D December 25th.
2. The three traditions of Christmas in Britain
5. The extremist animal-lovers’ groups would like to have horse racing banned. T 6. Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday. F 7. Christmas Pantomime is one of the three Christmas traditions that are particularly British. T
8. Which community observes the traditional Ramadan? A Hindห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ B Sikh C Jewish D Muslim
9. Which celebration particularly happens on the Queen’s birthday? A bonfires B the Orange March C trooping the color D masquerades
7. Easter commemorates A the birth of Jesus Christ. B the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. C the coming of spring. D the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
6. Which one of the following Is not particularly British Christmas tradition? A enjoying the Pantomime. B the Queen broadcasting her Christmas message. C eating chocolate eggs. D shopping on the Boxing Day.
Which of the following was not an activity in Shakespeare’s time? A playing football B having a drink at a pub. C working the land D attending the Grand National
4. Where is the international tennis championships held? A Wembley B Wimbledon C London D Edinburgh
5. Which of the following is truly a sport of the royal family? A cricket B skiing C golfing D horse racing
8. It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involves the sport of boxing. F 9.The biggest Bonfire Night celebration is held in London. F 10. In Ireland, New Year’s eve called Hogmanay (December 31st)is the major winter celebration. F
2. Which of the following sports was not invented in Britain? A football B tennis C basketball D cricket
3. Which of the following is not true about football in Britain? A millions of people attend the FA games each season. B “football hooligans” sometimes have violent clashes. C it was invented by the Scottish people. D it was once described as “beastly” violent.
British sports, festivals and holidays
The tradition of having Sunday off derived from the Christian Church. T 2. The origin of Bowling lies in the victory celebration ceremony by the ancient warriors. T 3. Tennis is usually regarded as a winter and spring sport. F 4. The game of golf was invented by the Scottish. T
10. Which of the following commemorates the Battle of Boyne? A the Bonfire Night celebration in Lewes. B trooping the color in London. C the Eisteddfod in Wales. D the Orange March in Northern Ireland.