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Table 1. U.S. International Transactions
[Millions of dollars, seasonally adjusted]
Bureau of Economic Analysis
Release Date: March 14, 2013 - Next Release Date: June 14, 2013
1Exports of goods and services and inc689593713499724800720095727956
2 Exports of goods and services508811524000537351533204543471
3 Goods, balance of payments basis /2/360917372160382161382167387939
4 Services /3/147894151839155190151037155532
5 Transfers under U.S. military agency 41224545466446154406
6 Travel2740729260301942925430969
7 Passenger fares83749080988992879711
8 Other transportation1052010760109561082710860
9 Royalties and license fees /5/2940530343310553003330437
10 Other private services /5/6774967585681236673668821
11 U.S. government miscellaneous servi317267309284327
12 Income receipts180781189499187449186891184485
13 Income receipts on U.S.-owned assets179328188047185994185441183007
14 Direct investment receipts118621123417119106119094116116
15 Other private receipts6026264123663616590366146
16 U.S. government receipts445506527444745
17 Compensation of employees14531452145514501479 18Imports of goods and services and inc-774367-798839-801143-806512-829021
19 Imports of goods and services-646036-665549-672173-679489-692069
20 Goods, balance of payments basis /2/-542276-559344-562778-571421-582503
21 Services /3/-103761-106205-109395-108068-109567
22 Direct defense expenditures-7570-7545-7343-7052-6838
23 Travel-19257-19628-19895-19871-21244
24 Passenger fares-7542-7698-7946-7923-8931
25 Other transportation-13439-13736-13767-13769-13715
26 Royalties and license fees /5/-8921-8543-9503-9652-9866
27 Other private services /5/-45825-47916-49656-48576-47858
28 U.S. government miscellaneous servi-1207-1138-1284-1225-1115
29 Income payments-128330-133290-128971-127022-136951
30 Income payments on foreign-owned as-124863-129835-125508-123590-133561
31 Direct investment payments-39891-43855-38261-36552-45261
32 Other private payments-51501-53193-54157-53655-55396
33 U.S. government payments-33471-32787-33090-33383-32904
34 Compensation of employees-3467-3455-3463-3433-3390 35Unilateral current transfers, net-35223-33777-31815-32240-32703
36 U.S. government grants /4/-11136-13486-11176-11551-11910
37 U.S. government pensions and other tra-2202-2227-2250-2269-2541
38 Private remittances and other transfers /-21884-18064-18389-18419-18253
Capital account
39Capital account transactions, net-29-829-300-55-1 Financial account
40U.S.-owned assets abroad, excluding f-3729447418-91896-26231107001 41 U.S. official reserve assets-3619-6267-4079-1912-1233
42 Gold /7/00000
43 Special drawing rights1961-159-27-23-11
44 Reserve position in the International Mo-6428-5974-3909-1768-1078
45 Foreign currencies848-134-143-121-144
46 U.S. government assets, other than offic-547-1358-1137-10062451076
47 U.S. credits and other long-term assets-1307-2337-1396-2267-2631
48 Repayments on U.S. credits and other 6101259812653352
49 U.S. foreign currency holdings and U.S150-279-553-9901053356
50 U.S. private assets-36877815042-866797630557159
51 Direct investment-104404-133397-70323-111208-115641
52 Foreign securities-85472-57195-40110359803604
53 U.S. claims on unaffiliated foreigners re-922036147932665122-49183
54 U.S. claims reported by U.S. banks an-866991994871442886411218379
55Foreign-owned assets in the United St578972985542663975706760501
56 Foreign official assets in the United Stat7297412182219889-285969711
57 U.S. government securities677199718411249-1741785431
58 U.S. Treasury securities /9/5627410436328115-1757385068
59 Other /10/11445-7179-16866156363
60 Other U.S. government liabilities /11/27142236228718262833
61 U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks a-309015764512112215-19305
62 Other foreign official assets /12/563166381232517752
63 Other foreign assets in the United States505998-2326824650859926-9210
64 Direct investment3336561281632227612023139
65 U.S. Treasury securities55054-176131209188251943834
66 U.S. securities other than U.S. Treasur4338-5108-20396-352763654
67 U.S. currency125761398996141881718057
68 U.S. liabilities to unaffiliated foreigners 4068825538-19670-3998924212
69 U.S. liabilities reported by U.S. banks a359977-10135592820-42265-122106
70Financial derivatives, net29277419-394932613-1396
71Statistical discrepancy (sum of above -889306555-6209455263-32338
71a Of which: Seasonal adjustment discrepa17684-11134-267712022318254
72Balance on goods (lines 3 and 20)-181358-187184-180617-189254-194564
73Balance on services (lines 4 and 21)4413345634457954296945965
74Balance on goods and services (lines 2 a-137225-141549-134822-146286-148599
75Balance on income (lines 12 and 29)5245156209584785986947534
76Unilateral current transfers, net (line 35)-35223-33777-31815-32240-32703
77Balance on current account (lines 1, 18, a-119997-119117-108158-118656-133768 Legend / Footnotes:
p Preliminary.
r Revised.
0 Transactions are possible, but are zero for a given period.
(*) Transactions are less than $500,000(±).
D Suppressed to avoid disclosure of individual companies.
n.a. Transactions are possible, but data are not available.
..... Not applicable, or for data periods 1960-1997, transactions that are 0, “not available,” or “not applicable.”
Quarterly estimates are not annualized and are expressed at quarterly rates.
1. Credits, +: Exports of goods and services and income receipts; unilateral current transfers to the United Sta
2. See Table 2 footnotes for explanations of the various balance of payments adjustments made to convert go
3. Includes some goods: Mainly military equipment and supplies in lines 5 and 22 that are commingled in the s
4. Includes transfers of goods and services under U.S. military grant programs.
5. Beginning in 1982, these lines are presented on a gross basis. The definition of exports is revised to exclud
6. Beginning in 1982, the "other transfers" component includes taxes paid by U.S. private residents to foreign g
7. At the present time, all U.S.-Treasury-owned gold is held in the United States.
8. Includes sales of foreign obligations to foreigners.
9. Consists of bills, certificates, marketable bonds and notes, and nonmarketable convertible and nonconvertib
10. Consists of U.S. Treasury and Export-Import Bank obligations, not included elsewhere, and of debt securit
11. Includes U.S. government liabilities associated with military agency sales contracts, other transactions arra
12. Consists of investments in U.S. corporate stocks and in debt securities of private corporations and state an
13. Conceptually, the sum of line 77 and line 39 is equal to "net lending or net borrowing" in the national incom
14. Beginning with 2003, includes securities brokers' claims on their foreign affiliates. Prior to 2003, they are i
15. Beginning with 2003, includes securities brokers' liabilities to their foreign affiliates. Prior to 2003, they are
16. Calculated excluding capital account transactions, net (line 39).
17. Equals the sum of financial derivatives for the first, second, and third quarters of the year.
18. For 1974, includes extraordinary U.S. government transactions with India. See "Special U.S. Government
19. For 1978-83, includes foreign currency-denominated notes sold to private residents abroad.
20. Break in series. See Technical Notes in the June 1989, June 1990, June 1992, June 1993, June 1995, and
21. Seasonally adjusted data for lines 57 and 58 are not available separately through 1972; they are combined
734927733290740340 551128550458549435 393530392790389846 157598157668159590 426744614843 323573267132558 1016597879858 109451072110768 300023056130809 695486915470452 314313302 183799182832190905 182317181338189407 111953112463121136 698936840967958 470466313
148214941498 -820500-811542-816358 -688781-675302-677853 -579532-566943-570439 -109249-108359-107414 -6726-6349-6205 -21402-20782-20223 -8817-8432-8263 -13807-13841-13807 -10090-10438-9643 -47303-47409-48136 -1104-1107-1137 -131719-136239-138505 -128314-132822-135129 -39005-44662-44170 -56568-55586-58660 -32741-32574-32299 -3404-3417-3376 -32780-34194-34398 -11471-11821-10943 -2574-2622-2617 -18735-19751-20837 -291-4707198 248566-217157-120493 -3289-833895
-10-10-6 -3179-744969
680844595 18508153973725
361460275776 -22192115948882903
464-51272985 117634460144775
d States; capital account
ert goods on a Census-basis to
the source data and cannot be
xclude U.S. parents' payments to eign governments and taxes paid vertible bonds and notes. ecurities of U.S. government
s arranged with or through foreign ate and local governments.
ncome and product accounts
are included in the claims of
ey are included in the liabilities of ment Transactions," June 1974
5, and July 1996-2012 issues of the bined with data in line 61.。
