环球时报英文版:Ai breaks his silence
Breaking Surface《破浪而出(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本
![Breaking Surface《破浪而出(2020)》完整中英文对照剧本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b1fd84ddb52acfc788ebc912.png)
破浪而出妈妈Mom!救命Help!图瓦在这吗图瓦在这吗Is Tuva here? Is Tuva here?图瓦在哪Where is Tuva?图瓦在这吗她在哪我不知道Is Tuva here? Where is she? I don't know.我们本来在码头下面游泳We were going to swim under the jetty.图瓦我来了Tuva, I'm here不要啊快醒醒快醒醒图瓦Cone on. Come on. Come on, Tuva!听得见吗Come on!醒醒醒醒Come on! Come on now!图瓦Tuva...艾达你本应该照顾好她的Ida, you were supposed to look after her.你应该照顾好她的You were supposed to look after her!如果她死了都是你的责任If she dies, you'll be responsible!妈妈Mom?亲爱的现在是深夜了你必须要睡觉了Sweety, it is in the middle of the night. You have to sleep now. 你要去游泳吗我是去潜水Are you going to swim? I'm going to dive.和图瓦还有奶奶一起你潜水的时候穿着袜子吗With Tuva and Grandma. Will you be wearing socks?当然不然我的脚会变得很冷Of course. Otherwise my feet will get cold.但它们是橡胶袜子But they're rubber socks.等你长大了你也可以一起来When you're older, you can come too.你和爸爸离婚后我们住哪Where will we live when you and Dad get divorced?谁说我们要离婚的埃里克说的Who says we're getting divorced? Eric said so.所以爸爸一直在另一个房♥间睡觉That's why Dad sleeps in the other room.我们不会离婚的We're not getting divorced.我保证一切都会好起来的Everything will be fine, I promise.给你你穿的哪种内衣Here. What kind of thermo kit are you wearing?保暖的那种A warm one.这里已经是零下90度了It's 90 degrees in here already.在菲律宾你就不需要这些了You won't need all this in the Philippines.四个月轻松赚钱对吗Four months of easy money. Right?整个冬天你都疯了一样地干这件事You guys are crazy doing this all winter.那么再来最后一个冰浴One last ice bath then!主螺旋桨正常Main propeller is okay.一号♥和三号♥桨上有轻微损伤影响不大Small tears on one and three. Not bad.好的现在去船首推进器看看Okay, move to the bow thrusters.我在路上了On my way.我到了I'm there.确认所有引擎都已停止工作是的所有引擎都停止了Confirm all engines are stopped. Yeah, all engines are stopped. 我要钻进管道里了Diver in the tube.看起来如何How does it look?和以前一样被网绳缠住了The usual crap. Rope, nets...绐我十五分钟It'll take me 15 minutes.这真冷啊It's really cold here.我就应该穿另一件内衣I should have worn the other thermo kit.你不是还觉得这一件很温暖吗Weren't you thinking you'd be warm?四天后In four days time...你就要自已来做了...you'll be doing this yourself.表面的Surface?表面的Surface.螺旋桨移♥动♥了舰桥知道我在这里吗The propeller moved. Does the bridge know I'm here?是因为水流吗这里没有该死的水流Is it the current doing anything? There's no damn current here! 螺旋桨转了这是机械控制的The propeller moved. It was mechanical.引擎正在运转引擎正在运转Engine running! Engine running!图瓦Tuva!停下来放开我Stop it! Let me go!这不是任何人的错It's nobody's fault!图瓦图瓦Tuva! Tuva!放开我图瓦Let me go! Tuva!艾达Ida!嗨嗨Hi. Hi!这么早Early start?你有孩子的时候就不会觉得早了Not when you have kids.你的手怎么了What's with your hand?没事It's nothing.我帮你拿包妈妈在等我们We'll get your bags. Mom's waiting.妈妈Mom!嗨图瓦Hi, Tuva!嗨Hi!嗨艾达酶Hi, Ida! Hi.嗨我亲爱的Hi, darling!你得多来看看我You have to come visit me more often.克努特克努特Knut! Knut!克努恃Knut!很高兴你们俩这次都过来了So nice to have both of you here for once. 我们一起过个周末We'll spend the weekend together,去潜水到大自然里去go diving be out in nature,让心灵放松allow the mind to relax...孩子们还好吗艾达How are the kids, Ida?很好他们慢慢在长大Good. They're getting older.艾纳尔昵And Einar?他It...他也还行我们正在接受辅♥导♥It's good. We're in counseling.是你父亲建议的吗Is that something your father suggested?他一直想要我们做的I'm asking because that's what he always wanted for us.治疗治疗没完没了Therapy, therapy... Until the end of time.天哪你不能只坐在房♥间里说服自已爱一个人God, You can't sit in a room and talk yourself into loving someone. 它就在那里或不存在如果不存在It's either there or it isn't! And if it isn't there...艾达不要像你的父亲那样让事情分崩离析Ida, don't be like your father, just letting things fall apart.我们会继续治疗We'll keep up the therapy.没有人会来帮你的如果你原本是这么想的话No one will come and help you, if that's what you think.谁会来昵Who would that be?也别说你是为了孩子这么做的And don't tell me you're doing it for the kids.艾达我不想和你吵Ida, I don't want to fight with you.对不起我不想闹成这样的I'm sorry. I didn't mean it to be like this.你不能咳得这么厉害还去潜水You can't go diving with that cough.喝杯茶睡个觉就没事了A cup of tea and some sleep will fix it.今晚好好休息一下And we'll make it a quiet evening.为什么敲门Why are you knocking?怎么了What's up?今天在车上In the car today...好吧她潜水前不能吃药Well, she can't take her medicine before diving.不吃药她会有点Without it, she goes a little...没关系Never mind.你更适合和她在一起也许需要多练习You're much better with her than I am. More practice maybe... 别这么想Don't let it get to you.我在想潜水之后I was thinking, after the dive,也许你可以和我一起回到瑞典maybe you could come back with me to Sweden.孩子们他们真的很想你The kids, they really miss you.我我星期二要去菲律宾I'm... I'm going to the Philippines on Tuesday.下次吧但是Another time. But...晚安Good night.晚安Good night.一天刚开始的时候...beginning of the day.会下雪或下雨能见度很低Later on rain or snow with poor visibility.气温在负5度Minus five degrees...热水澡是她今天唯一需要潜进的水A hot bath is all she's diving into today.你到底在做什么What the hell are you doing?如果妈妈发现我在抽烟她会抓狂的Mom will lose it if she finds out I'm smoking.你在这多久了这是我看到的的第二只狗了How long have you been doing that? This is the second dog. 想走吗Wanna go?嘿Hey!醒醒Wake up.看Look.你好嗨Hello. Hi.爆胎是的叫了辆拖车在路上了Flat tire? Yes, but a tow truck is on the way.有备胎吗拖车很快就能到了Do you have a spare? The tow truck will be here any time now. 我们不能就这样把你们留在这儿没关系的拖车在路上了We can't leave you with a flat tire. No, but they're on the way. 你能打开这个吗Could you open this?但是图瓦她想等拖车来But, Tuva, she wants to wait.魔法Magic!是Yup...嗨您好Hi there.你们是朋友吗我们是姐妹Are you friends? Sisters.还是同母异父的姐妹Or halfsisters...妈妈喜欢独自去潜水Mom liked to go on diving trips alone.图瓦不弄了拖车来了Tuva, you can stop now. They're here.该死的Damn it.来吧克努特Come on, Knut.感觉这里很熟悉This feels familiar.我记得以前妈妈就把车停在下面From what I remember, mom parked down there.是的看来你和妈妈在一起做过很多事Yup, it seems you and mom do a lot of things together你是要继续发牢骚还是现在去潜水Are you pouting or diving?给你Here.克努恃Knut!公♥司♥积压的这些东西都没人盘点The company overstocks these and nobody takes inventory.你就偷了这些吗Did you steal them?无线通信Wireless communication.我已经很久没有潜水了It's been a while since I did full mask...快点牢骚鬼Come on, grumpy.很容易的It's easy.克努恃Knut!过来坐Come here. Sit.坐下Sit.来这里Come here.克努恃Knut, come here.嘿你的手♥机♥昵检查一下电量和信♥号♥♥ Hey, where's your phone? Check the battery and reception.我还有80%的电池电量和三格信♥号♥♥I have 80% battery power and three bars.很好我们还有一部卫星电♥话♥Okay, we have a satellite phone too.该死Shit!最好把设备都移到岩壁下面We'd better move our gear under the overhang.对Yes...好吧我们下潜到46英尺的地方Okay, 46 feet straight down here,前面的浮标就是我们下潜的地方around the point is the entry to the swimthrough. 你应该把这里打开This should be open.水面垂直往下16英尺The swimthrough ascends to 16 feet.我们在那里停留降压That's our safety stop.明白了吗明白Okay? Okay.潜水员一号♥已连接Diver One connected.我们往南走If something goes south...艾达过来了吗Ida, are you with me?嗯过来了Yes, coming.这有点吓人This is a little scary.别担心Don't worry.前面会更开阔It'll open up further on.开始很狭窄然后会越来越宽One tight spot, then it gets wider.图瓦等等我等我跟过来Tuva, wait, let me catch up.我和妈妈以前就在这里This is exactly where mom and I were.再往前一点Just a little further.又是窄路Tight spot...好了就这里Okay, this is it.停在这我给你看个东西Stop here. I want to show you something.放一些氧气出来Release some air.为什么Why?为什么你总是这么难搞就Why do you always have to be so difficult. Just...停下别碰我的东西Stop! Get off my stuff!照我说的做放点氧气出来Do what I say, release some air.好够了来吧Good. That's enough. Come on.不要在这里呼吸你会二氧化碳中毒的Don't breathe here. You'll get CO2 poisoning!放松这里就像潜水钟一样我们可以在这待会儿Relax. It's like a dive bell. We can be here for a little while. 看这个Check this out.妈妈刻的时候毁了我的潜水刀Mom ruined my diver's knife doing this.这是我用自己的钱买♥♥的第一件潜水工具It was the first thing I ever bought with my own money. 我喜欢那把刀I loved that knife.什么What is it?没什么别再腩喃自语了Nothing. Stop mumbling and pouting!这太他妈的明显了你和妈妈一起做了这么多事It's so fucking obvious that you and mom shared so much 却从来没有叫上我and I was never allowed in.连石头上都刻着昵唉艾达你就不能别总想着这件事吗It's even carved in stone. Oh give it up, Ida, will you?是我要这么做的吗是我的错吗不但是你知道吗Did I choose that? Is it my fault? No, but you know what? 你知道吗这就是现在会发生的事No, but you know what? This is what happens父母分手孩子要选择一方when parents split up and people take sides.就像我家里现在发生的事情一样Just like what's about to happen to my family.而且我对此无能为力And there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it!懂了吗这事又发生了别说了住嘴Get it? It's happening again! Stop it! Stop.发生什么了What's going on?你不是说一切都好嘛You said things were going well.一点都不好It's not good at all.我好冷I'm cold.艾达Ida...还剩多少氧气How much air do you have left?还剩12巴Twelve bars.有点低你冷吗当然冷That's a bit low. Are you cold? Of course I'm cold.停留三分钟降压然后我们浮上去Three minutes safety stop, then we go up.艾达看Ida, look!哇Wow!他们并不危险只是好奇They're not dangerous, just curious.回答他们他们在跟你说话Answer them. They're talking to you.怎么了他们怎么走了不知道What happened? Why did they leave? You never know... 小心Watch out!该死的Damn it!你没事吧好痛Are you all right? That hurt!去他的降压直接上去吧Screw the safety stop. Let's go up.图瓦Tuva!图瓦Tuva!图瓦Tuva!快回来回来回来Get back, get back. Get back!图瓦图瓦Tuva! Tuva!我来了图瓦I'm coming, Tuva!图瓦Tuva!图瓦Tuva!我被卡住了我被卡住了I'm stuck! I'm stuck!打开手电我看看在哪Shine your flashlight. I need to see where you are! 打开手电艾达闭嘴Shine your light up. Ida, stop.我看不见你了闭嘴I can't see you! Shut up!我们要保持冷静明白吗We need to keep calm now. Understand?好你的深度是多少Okay. What's your depth?72英尺好的听着72 feet. Okay, listen.我被困住了保持冷静节省氧气I'm stuck. Keep calm, save your air.下来好的Get to the bottom. Okay.好的Okay.现在只做一件事One thing at a time now.你慢慢下降Right now you just need to get to the bottom.只管下降最好靠着岩壁Just keep going. Close to the wall I think.我下来了好你的深度是多少I'm down. Good. What's your depth?108英尺图瓦我们必须赶紧离开这里108 feet! Tuva, we have to get out of here.不用担心还有时间打开手电四周看看Don't worry, there are margins. Shine your flashlight, 360 degrees. 你在哪看的到我吗Where? Can you see me?看不到浮标的线在你裤子口袋里No. The line for your markerbuoy is in your leg pocket.是的应该在我找到了Yeah, I think so... I have it.马上绑到你身边的任何一个东西上Tie it to something where you are.艾达我们必须加快速度Ida, we have to work fast.氧气用完前你要找到我You need to find me before you run out of air.好的还需要下潜66英尺Okay. Swim 66 feet.朝哪个方向都一样向下In what direction? It doesn't matter. Left.图瓦你一点也动不了吗Tuva, can't you get out?嗯我完全被卡住了还好我差点被压得粉碎No, I'm completely stuck, but I'm lucky. I could have been crushed. 图瓦你必须设法离开Tuva, you have to try to get out.不可能我游了66英尺我It's impossible. I swam 66 feet. I can't...我看不到你好四周再看看I can't see you. Okay, turn around.把线系上好Tie the line off. Yes.别迷路了你必须要快Don't get lost now. You have to be quick.我现在不远了继续向下I can't be far away now. Keep going.图瓦我什么都看不到Tuva, I can't see anything.到处都是石头你还有多少氧气There are just rocks everywhere. How much air do you have? 35巴快要没了好吧35 bars. I'm almost out. Okay... Easy.慢慢呼吸节省氧气Breathe slowly. Save your air.氧气用完前你要找到我You have to find me before it runs out.好的Okay.艾达Ida!艾达我看到你手电筒的光了继续游Ida, I can see the light from your flashlight. Keep going!看到了我看到你了There! There you are!可以看到你艾达I can see you, Ida.别急不不不不Take it easy now! No, no, no, no!哦我的天哪艾达艾达听我说Oh my God! Ida! Ida, listen to me!我们必须把石头移开We have to move the rock out of the way.艾达停下听我说你搬不动的Ida, stop it! Listen to me! The rock won't budge.我们必须移开它不要慌We have to move it. Take it easy.放轻松Take it easy!我们必须把你弄出来图瓦推推We have to get you out, Tuva! Push! Push!听我说你移不动的Listen to me, you can't move it!不要慌Easy, just go easy.艾达我们一起推必须这样Ida, hold it together. We have things to do here.我必须让你脱身把你弄出来图瓦We have to get you out. We have to get you out, Tuva!一件一件事做好吗好的One thing at a time. Okay? Okay.到我裤袋里找到荧光棒You'll find glow sticks in my leg pocket.在这做记号♥You need to mark this spot.然后浮出水面找人来帮忙Then go up to the surface and call for help.你还要再来一次带瓶新的氧气给我Then make one more dive and bring me extra air.上面还有两瓶There are two tanks at base.把线连到浮标上然后固定在我旁边Attach the line to the marker buoy and secure it close to me. 好的Okay.用空气填充浮标让它浮到水面去Fill the buoy with air so that it floats to the surface.直接上浮不需要等待降压了Do a direct ascent immediately. No safety stop.一上岸就去找人帮忙When you're up just call for help.艾达知道了Ida? Yes.你能做到的你需要做的就是打电♥话♥寻求帮助You can do this. All you need to do is call for help.我不会有事的快浮上去快去I'll be fine. To the surface now. Go!艾达你的潜水装置会提醒你进行浮停降压Ida, your dive computer will tell you to do a safety stop.忽略就行会有警报Just ignore it, there are margins. There's the alarm!不管它你可以在下次潜水时浮停得久一些Ignore it. You can do a longer stop on the next dive.快浮上去找人一切都会好起来的Get up there and call for help. Now! Everything will be fine.好我上去了Okay, I'm going up.好的Okay.不不不该死No, no, no... Fuck!上面岩石砸下来了电♥话♥ 氧气瓶都给砸烂了The rock slide struck up here too. Phones, air it's all destroyed. 你搬得动石头吗你不清楚什么都给砸坏了Can you move the rock? You don't get it. Everything's gone.图瓦Tuva!去车上车上有两个氧气罐Go to the car. There are two air tanks in the car.但车钥匙在岩石下我该怎么办But the car keys are under the rock! What do I do?砸碎窗户Just smash a window!千斤顶从后备箱里拿汽车的千斤顶The trunk. Get the car jack from the trunk!艾达把你的计时器设置为15分钟Ida, set your timer for 15 minutes.你可以用千斤顶抬起岩石快去马上You can use the car jack to lift the rock. Go, now!后备箱后备箱后备箱The trunk, the trunk, the trunk...什么What...后备箱打不开不不不该死的Trunk... no, no, no! Damn it!不要No...他妈的God damn it!操操Fuck! Fuck!哦我的天哪Oh my God!救命啊Help!救命啊Help!房♥子房♥子附件有一栋House, house... There.大概在一英里以外There... One mile.图瓦你过来了吗你找到东西了吗Tuva, I'm here. Do you have the stuff?还有千斤顶没找到我打不开后备箱Not the car jack. I couldn't get into the trunk.氧气瓶呢找到了吗What about the air? Do you have it?救命Help!图瓦艾达你在做什么Tuva! Ida, what are you doing?我氧气快要用完了图瓦来了架飞机I'm almost out of air! Tuva, there was an airplane!有一架救援飞机我不知道它有没有看见我There was an airplane! I don't know if it saw me.艾达你必须得下来了Ida, you have to get down.我快没氧气了那架飞机I'm almost out of air. The airplane!它又回来了It"s back!该死的紧急照明弹快点亮你的照明弹Damn it! The emergency flare! Light your emergency flare! 我没有了我都用完了I don't have it. I used it already.听我说我的气压计马上就要为零了氧气随时可能会断Listen! My air gauge is at zero. I'm out of air any second. 图瓦飞机转回来了它发现我了Tuva, the airplane is turning. It spotted me!图瓦Tuva!潜水员已断开连接图瓦再坚持30秒我快到了Diver disconnected. Tuva! 30 seconds. I'm coming!图瓦我来了Tuva! I'm coming!你能听到我吗坚持住图瓦我快到了Can you hear me? Hold on, Tuva! I'm almost there.好吗Okay?我给飞机发信♥号♥♥时掉了一个氧气瓶I dropped the other air tank when I signaled the airplane.我必须找到它I have to find it.我的氧气瓶留给你好吗I'll leave my air with you. Okay?我找不到回去的路了我看不到你I couldn't find the way back. I couldn't find you...把你的面罩接在新的瓶子上I'll hook your mask up to the new air tank.我们必须快点儿飞机应该还在上面We have to hurry. The airplane is up there.好了It works.图瓦飞机就在上面Tuva, the airplane is up there.我准备下潜时它已经看到我了It saw me when I was in the water.我必须马上回到那里图瓦我们必须快点I have to get back up there again. Tuva, we have to hurry.好吧现在上去走Okay, up now! Go!向上Up!艾达这一次你必须浮停降压Ida, this time you have to do a safety stop.为什么我只下来了几分钟Why? I was only down for a few minutes.图瓦我必须在飞机离开前到达水面Tuva, I have to get up to the airplane before it leaves.我们等不及了We can't wait.不你必须在离水面10英尺处停下来No, you have to stop at 10 feet.好吧我现在到了10英尺的地方我要停多久Okay, I'm at 10 feet. How long do I have to stop for?该死的我也不知道Damn it, this is way off the charts... I don't know.飞机还在上面昵The airplane is up there.艾达我不知道你不浮停一会儿会发生什么Ida, I don't know what will happen if you don't stop.时间不多了我现在必须上去You said there were margins. I have to get up there now! 艾达停下Ida! Stop!不不不不怎么了No, no, no, no! What is it?该死的飞机走了Damn it! The airplane is gone.我们现在怎么办What do we do now?图瓦图瓦我们现在怎么办Tuva? Tuva, what do we do now?你必须回汽车拿千斤顶You need to go back to the car and get the jack.我打不开后备箱但是地图上显示附近有房♥子I can't get into the trunk. But there's a house on the map. 不你必须用千斤顶举起石头No, you have to lift the rock with the car jack.不我还是去找那栋房♥子寻求下帮助No! The The house is better. I can get help.艾达没有人会来帮助我们快把千斤顶从车上拿下来Ida, no one is coming to help us. Get the jack from the car. 好吧Okay.闭嘴克努特Shut up, Knut!别叫了Shut up!你好Hello?有人吗Hello?该死的Damn.狗Doggy?嘿伙计放松放松Hey, buddy! Easy now. Easy!放松Easy...他妈的Fuck!不好了我的衣服Oh, no! My suit...Skype Skype SkypeSkype, Skype, Skype...SkypeSkype.连接到艾文德的手♥机♥Connect to Eyvind's mobile.连接艾文德的手♥机♥Connect. Eyvind's mobile.他妈的God damn it!该死的Damn!贱♥人♥挪威人Cheapass Norwegians.千斤顶在哪Where the hell is the jack?固定板Fixaflat.胶带Sticky tape...好的Okay...好的好的Okay. Okay.图瓦艾达Tuva. Ida.图瓦车上没有千斤顶但是我找到了一根撬棍Tuva, there was no jack in the car. But I found a lever.我试试来撬石头快救我出去这太冷了I'll try using it to lift the rock. Just get me out, it's freezing cold. 你换氧气瓶了吗换了Did you change tanks? Yes.之前那罐还剩下一点氧气这个氧气瓶差不多是满的There's some left in my old tank. This tank is almost full. 图瓦就剩这些了Tuva, this is what we have.我们用它撬起石头好吗好的We'll move the rock with it, Okay? Okay.好吧只要能让我出去Okay, just get me out.好的Okay.准备图瓦推推Ready, Tuva! Push! Push!动了吗没有Is it moving? No.我耗氧太多多少I'm using too much air. How much?20巴再试一次好的20 bars. Let's try one more time. Okay.好的图瓦一二Okay, Tuva. One. Two.再来一次Again!推图瓦推Push, Tuva! Push!动了吗一点也没动Is it moving? Not a bit.图瓦我需要多些时间我需要换一个氧气瓶Tuva, I need more time. I have to switch to the other tank. 怎么了What's wrong?该死的阀门打不开卡住了吗Damn it. The valve won't open. Is it stuck?之前我弄掉的那罐氧气I dropped the tank.还没检查过阀门一定是坏了I never checked the valve. It must have broken.转不动吗可以转没阻力Is it not moving? It's just spinning without resistance.该死的Damn it!慢慢呼吸你还剩多少氧气Breathe slowly. How much air do you have?我还剩三分钟也许还有四分钟I have three, maybe four minutes left.好的再用一次杠杆换一个地方Okay, one more time with the lever. Find a new spot. 好的Okay.准备好了吗图瓦你要用力推Ready, Tuva? You have to push.推Push!再来加把劲推图瓦Again, come on! Push, Tuva!不不不不No, no, no, no!你的潜水服Your BCD!把它塞到岩石下面充满空气Push it under the rock and fill it with air.我快没气了不要说话做就行了I'm almost out of air! Don't talk. Just do it!安全阀开了快关了The safety valve is opening! Try to block it!我关不上I can't do it....该死的没用Damn! It doesn't work.快关掉它Block it!我不行I can't.我快没气了I'm almost out of air.你必须做出选择You have to choose.我可以留在这I can stay here...从你的瓶里吸气...and breathe from your air.或者我可以自♥由♥上浮也许会有人Or I can do a free ascent. Maybe someone...你不能那样做You can't do that.你不能自♥由♥上浮你会死的You can't do a free ascent. You'll die.你可能还剩15分钟也许会有用You have maybe 15 minutes left. Help might come...不艾达这不可能No, Ida, it's not going to happen.你氧气用完的时候When your air is out你必须要用我的you have to take mine...这样你才能活下去求求你一直待到氧气用完...so you can live. Please, just stay until it's over.零Zero.没关系It's okay.妈妈不在身边我很抱歉I'm so sorry that mom is not here with you.我更希望你在我身边I want it to be you.拿上氧气瓶吧Take the air!你也要放弃吗Are you giving up too?你潜水次数太多需要降压You need to decompress. You have too many dives in your system. 对不起我离开了你艾达别说了I'm sorry I left you. Ida, stop it!你上浮太多次了现在浮出水面你会死的You've done too many ascents. If you go to the surface now you'll die 至少要等你先进减压室适应before we get you to a pressure chamber.你上次浮上去感觉怎样不太好How did you feel after your last ascent? Not so good.现在呢关节疼吗How do you feel now? Any pain in your joints?肩膀和手臂上有In my shoulder and arm.你必须在这至少待30分钟You have to stay here for 30 minutes at least.我们就这些了尽量在这多呆一会儿That's all we have. Stay as long as you can.然后再上去我在那等你把你拉上来Then get to the surface. I'll wait for you there and pull you out. 看看自己有没有二氧化碳中毒Monitor yourself for CO2 poisoning.你可以倒数或是做点别的什么Count backwards or something.好吧我们到那儿见Okay, I'll see you up there.我很快就能见到你I'll see you soon.我可以从水面绐你送氧气I can shuttle air from the surface.这样你可以多点时间等等It will give you a little extra time. Wait, wait!我们还有氧气We have air!下面阀门坏掉的那个气瓶差不多是满的The broken air tank at the bottom, it's almost full.强行打开它We just need to break it open.是在这里吧In here, right?60秒60 seconds!4 5...four, five...7 8...seven, eight...我们现在必须这样做氧气越来越少了We have to do this now. The air is getting bad here.我们做到了We did it!艾达Ida.艾达Ida.艾达Ida?艾达艾达Ida. Ida!。
Silence is the Best Response
![Silence is the Best Response](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cf757a40b52acfc789ebc9f6.png)
Silence is the Best Response (中英文)沉默是最好的回答It seems most times the problem we have with ourselves as humans is the problem of saying what is not yet ready to be put forth. We all seem to have this problem, and most times there are countless reasons why we do this. To make people know that we are somebody who also has his own worth.似乎大多数时候,我们人类最大的问题就是还没想清楚,就把话说出口。
We try to make ourselves look big, try to talk others down, and sometimes gain some respect aggressively, some godlike reverence to ourselves.我们想让自己看起来很棒,我们想说服别人,我们想强迫别人尊重我们、崇拜我们。
We're ready to say everything that can be said to have a stand on a position that is of worth, and make people seeus as important too. And in the process, we say more thanwe actually should.只要有机会说话,我们就会说话,表明自己的正确态度,让别人觉得我们很重要。
中考英语时文阅读有了这个AI“吵架”想输都难Have you ever shouted at your computer because it wasn't working? Of course,your computer can't“shout” back. But AI researchers have been working on computers that can argue and perhaps even win debates(辩论) with humans.IBM scientists recently published a paper in Nature about their new AI system—Project Debater.It can debate with people in front of a live audience(观众).After listening to arguments from its opponent(对手),the system can search around 400 million online articles in less than five minutes. And then it looks for ideas that can support its own argument.Testing on the system began in 2019. when it debated with Harish Natarajan. a professional debater who holds the world record for the most debate competition victories.The topic was about subsidizing preschool(资助幼儿园)—and Project Debater argued to support this idea. Although Project Debater lost the debate in the end.the audience said it performed very well. Interestingly,58 percent of the audience said that Project Debater increased their knowledge about the topic—only 20 percent said the same about Natarajan.According to Scientific American, results show that the system is able to form logical statements(有逻辑的陈述).However,winning a debate is never the researchers' goal. Their goal is to help humans make better decisions according to Ranit Aharanoy manager of the Project Debater team.“It can debate both sides, so it can very quickly help you understand both sides of the problem,thus you can have a wider view of the problem and make a more thoughtful(深思熟虑的)decision."Aharanoy said.1.How does Project Debater work?① It forms ideas that can support its own argument.② It listens to its opponent's arguments.③ It searches online articles.④ It debates with its opponent.A.①②③④B.②③①④C.③②①④D.④②①③2. In the debate with Harish Natarajan,Project Debater____.A.argued to support subsidizing preschoolB. won the debate in the endC. set a world debating recordD. often argued against itself3. What did the audience think of the debate between Natarajan and Project Debater?A.One-fifth thought Project Debater wouldn't win the debate.B. More didn't believe Project Debater for its some disadvantages.C. More than half said Project Debater increased their knowledge.D. 58 percent thought Natarajan performed better than Project Debater.4.With Project Debater, we might____.A. make better decisions after better understanding problemsB. never make mistakes when dealing with problemsC. always have better arguments in any debateD. learn how to form logical statements in a debate语篇解读IBM的科学家最近官宣了他们新的人工智能系统——Project Debater,它可以在现场与人辩论。
2024届浙江省义乌市高三下学期5月第二次适应性考试英语试卷学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、阅读理解Would you like to come to the Royal Opera House to experience incredible opera productions for only £ 7.50? Students’ applications for 2024/25 are now open!La bohème13 May 2024 12: 30 pm Applications openOPERA (Italian with English surtitles)Paris, 1900. Penniless writer Rodolfo believes that art is all he needs-until he meets Mimi, the lonely seamstress who lives upstairs. So begins a timeless love story that blooms, fades, and rekindles with the passing seasons. [Content Warning: this production contains loud noises and flashing lights]Hansel and Gretel9 January 2025 11: 30 am Applications openOPERA (English with surtitles)This famous fairy tale of two children who get lost in the forest and are lured into the home of an evil witch makes for a magical experience for you. Will Hansel and Gretel escape the witch’s gingerbread house and manage to return home? This performance includes a special Everybody Sing at the end of the production with the cast and orchestra!Carmen11 June 2025 11: 30 am Applications openOPERA (French with English surtitles)Carmen is a rebel with a passionate cause-she wants to live and love in her own way. Though Carmen warns Don José not to love her, he gives up his job, reputation, and girlfriend for her with disastrous consequences. [Content Warning: this production contains themes of moderate violence]1.What do La bohème and Carmen have in common?A.They are both comedies.B.They are both love stories.C.They are both set in France.D.They are performed in the same language. 2.What sets Hansel and Gretel apart from the other performances?A.It is adapted from a biography.B.It includes some violent scenes.C.It allows audience participation.D.It is available to enjoy this year.3.Where is this text probably from?A.A guidebook.B.A website.C.A brochure.D.A review.Last night, I told my Argentinian friend that I had been using LangAI to practice my Spanish. It can not only correct my errors, I told him, but also give me different regional expressions in the language, including Mexican Spanish, Argentinian Spanish, and Spanglish. And, unlike when I am chatting with him on WhatsApp, I do not have to factor in time zone differences.My friend seemed less excited. “So, you’ve replaced me?” he joked. I haven’t, of course. The convenience and width of an AI chatbot can’t compete with the pleasures of chatting with someone whose personality I have learned over the course of years.It is, however, a useful supplement.LangAI, one specific language-learning chatbot, was launched in March by Federico Ruiz Cassarino. He drew on his own experiences of learning English after moving from Uruguay to Britain.Many people get self-conscious about making mistakes in a language they barely speak, even to a tutor, Ruiz Cassarino notes. But a chatbot won’t judge you. And the new wave of generative AI is so advanced that rather than stick to boring pre-scripted(照本宣科的)role-plays, “you can speak about things that are interesting to you, which makes it feel like not as much of a chore to learn.” To this end, the team customized LangAI’s interface to match users’ vocabulary levels, added the ability to make corrections during a conversation, and enabled the conversion of speech to text.AI-powered language learning apps have weaknesses. Users are reporting that chatbots are quite competent in widely spoken European languages, but the quality substantially worsens for languages that are less represented online or that have different writing systems. Even in common languages, the chatbots make errors, sometimes inventing words. This may not bother advanced learners much, but with these chatbots delivering text so confidently, it would be easy for a relatively new learner to take what they say as correct.4.What advantages does AI have over my friend?A.Fix every error in conversations.B.Display differences in languages.C.Provide enjoyable conversations.D.Offer round-the-clock assistance.5.What does the underlined word “It” in paragraph 2 refer to?A.The course of years.B.Practices on LangAI.C.Chats on WhatsApp.D.The pleasures of chatting.6.Why is Cassarino’s language learning experience mentioned?A.To highlight the inspiration behind LangAI’s creation.B.To illustrate the challenges faced by language learners.C.To compare the differences between different languages.D.To show LangAI’s emphasis on personalized experiences7.What can LangAI do to support language learners?A.Scoring users’ performance in conversations.B.Generating speech according to the given text.C.Creating new words by the rules of word formation.D.Providing dialogues based on users’ language proficiency.The corn eaten around the world today originated in Mexico nearly 10,000 years ago. From the ancient rituals of the Mayans to modern-day dishes like tortillas, corn is central to culture, cuisine, and identity in this region.To protect this heritage, Mexico is fighting to phase out genetically modified (GM) U. S. — grow n corn this year. The Mexican government claims that banning GM corn will protect the country’s native corn varieties. Yet the announcement aroused strong objections from the U. S., whose largest annual customer for GM corn is often Mexico. The U. S. claims that the GM ban breaks the trade agreement between the two countries.Mexico insists that modified seeds threaten Mexico’s agricultural traditions and cultural identity. In the U. S., most corn is grown with seed produced by large companies, which create just a handful of genetically identical corn varieties grown at mass scale. In Mexico, however, seeds come from seed-sharing practices among small-scale farms, which facilitates more diversity and allows farmers to grow corn that ranges widely in color and size.“Traditional varieties maintain a substantial amount of genetic diversity,” says JeffreyRoss-Ibarra, an ecologist at the University of California, but he doesn’t think banning GM corn will help preserve these varieties, and points to adec line in small-scale farms as the greater threat to native corn. “If traditional farmers abandon subsistence farming, we’re potentially losing diversity whether that crop is GM or traditionally bred, so economic policy has a much bigger impact on the risk of corn diversity than an adoption of GM corn.” Since Mexico began importing U. S. corn, small-scale farms have been declining.Mauricio Bellon, a research professor at the Swett Center for Sustainable Foods Systems, believes that while threatened species are often stored in gene banks, the relationship between a farmer and their crop plays a crucial conservation role. “Evolution at scale continues with corn in Mexico through millions of farmers,” says him.8.Why is Mexico prohibiting GM corn?A.To safeguard its own types of corn.B.To reduce the cost of importing corn.C.To get rid of the dependence on the US.D.To stop the decrease of small-scale farms. 9.What is different in corn production practices between the US and Mexico from paragraph 3?A.The technology of farming.B.The source of corn seeds.C.The ownership of farmland.D.The relationship between farmers. 10.What’s Jefferey’s attitude toward the Mexican government’s claim?A.Approval.B.Concerned.C.Critical.D.Tolerant. 11.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A.GM corn has negative effects on traditional farms.B.Endangered species are well preserved in gene banks.C.Species diversity contributes to the evolution of speciesD.Traditional farming practices help in preserving corn varieties.The colorful anemonefish (海葵鱼), also known as clownfish, possesses a cheerful and carefree image among humans. However, their actual behavior might not always align with the family-friendly portrayal seen in a Pixar film. They can aggressively defend their territory against other anemonefish they perceive as threats.To investigate how these fish identify group members, a team from Japan conducted two experiments with lab-raised common clownfish that had never encountered any other species.In the first experiment, researchers introduced different species of anemonefish, distinguishable by the number of white bars on their bodies, into a tank in small cases. They observed that the common clownfish were particularly hostile toward members of their own species that displayed three white bars. These fish fought 80 percent of their specific-targeted fish for up to three seconds. In contrast, invaders from other species, like the orange skunk clownfish with no side bars and a white line along its back, were barely attacked. The two-barred Clarke’s clownfish and three-barred saddleback clownfish were “mildly bullied”, according to the team.During the second experiment, the researchers exposed a colony of clownfish to various plastic discs. The discs were painted with anemonefish coloration and measured the level of aggression towards these artificial models. Similar to reactions to live fish, models with two bars were less frequently attacked, and those without any bars saw the least aggression. According to study co-author and ecologist Kina Hayashi, the findings “suggest that clownfish is capable of counting the number of bars to recognize the species of the invader”.The team also found that a rigid hierarchy (社会等级) within clownfish colonies determines which specific fish attack the invader. Earlier studies have shown that the social position of the clownfish is determined by very slight differences in size. This study used fish that had not matured and were in a lab setting, but the team still observed the same size-based hierarchy. The largest clownfish led the charge against the invader.12.What does the underlined word “hostile” mean in the third paragraph?A.Unfriendly.B.Tolerant.C.Patient.D.Sympathetic. 13.How is the study conducted?A.By introducing a new concept.B.By comparing different clownfish.C.By observing clownfish’ behaviors.D.By analyzing statistics of previous studies. 14.What is the finding of the two experiments?A.Clownfish can’t reach maturity in a lab setting.B.Skunk clownfish is the most modest clownfish.C.The social position of a clownfish depends on its size.D.Clownfish identify threats by the number of vertical bars.15.Which is the best title of the passage?A.Barred and Bullied: Attacks from Anemonefish.B.Clownfish and Conflicts: Strict Social Hierarchies.C.Beyond the Screen: The identification of Clownfish.D.From Lab to Tank: Aggression Among Anemonefish.I am always confused when reading statements like “Princeton University is the number one college in the United States.” Are those who attend Princeton inherently brighter than their peers? 16 Or is Princeton the best across all academic subjects overall?I didn’t care about college rankings for years until I recently saw something different. This past October, Shanghai Ranking Consultancy unveiled the Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023, which assesses universities worldwide across 55 subjects in five disciplines. 17 And this makes it easier for prospective students to choose the best college for their specific subject.18 When I delved deeper into the methodology behind these rankings, I discovereda complex web of criteria, including academic reputation, research output, and international collaboration. 19 However, they do not capture the entirety of the college experience. Factors like campus culture, extracurricular opportunities, and faculty-student interactions can profoundly shape your undergraduate years, yet they often remain unquantifiable in ranking systems.20 What may be the ideal environment for one student pursuing engineering might not suit another studying literature. It’s crucial to consider your personal preferences, career aspirations, and learning style when evaluating potential colleges. While prestigious universities may offer unparalleled resources and networking opportunities, a smaller, lesser-known college might provide a more nurturing and supportive environment for your individual growth and development. Ultimately, the best college for you is the one that aligns with your values, ambitions, and vision for the future.A.The value of a university education goes beyond its ranking.B.Is Princeton the most beautiful campus all around the world?C.Is Princeton able to produce more geniuses upon graduation?D.That being said, how much weight should be given to these rankings?E.Actually, the concept of a “best” college is subjective and context-dependent.F.These measures provide valuable insights into the academic strength of universities.G.It is said to employ a more in-depth approach to evaluate the performance of universities.二、完形填空In the heart of Gaza, a 15-year-old Palestinian teen, Hussam Al-Attar, has become a beacon of hope. He has been 21 the’Newton of Gaza’because he came up with a brilliant and practical solution to address the power 22 issue in displacement shelters in Rafah.Equipped with 23 basic tools, Hussam generated electricity to illuminate the dark shelters. The 24 behind his solution was simple-he wanted to 25 the loneliness and fear his twin nephews experienced in the dark tent.Despite the 26 of resources, Hussam managed to create fans that generate electricity. Firstly, he 27 components from damaged electronic devices, gathering essential elements for his power generators. These components have included coils, 28 , and magnets. Next, Hussam 29 a simple yet effective turbine (涡轮) using locally 30 materials. The turbine’s blades (叶片) were constructed from lightweight but strong materials to 31 the force of the wind. As the wind32 these blades, it activated the turbine.With dreams of becoming an inventor, Hussam remains 33 about life’s possibilities despite Palestine’s challenges. He also notes that there are many 34 teens like him in Gaza. As the’Newton of Gaza,’Hussam Al-Attar is not just brightening shelters; he is lighting the way for a brighter future in the face of 3521.A.rewarded B.nicknamed C.awarded D.marked 22.A.balance B.abuse C.control D.failure 23.A.nearly B.almost C.only D.much 24.A.instruction B.situation C.motivation D.explanation 25.A.overcome B.ease C.release D.escape 26.A.supply B.waste C.shortage D.distribution 27.A.recycled B.restored C.refreshed D.reformed 28.A.wires B.buttons C.switches D.batteries 29.A.obtained B.transformed C.repaired D.fashioned30.A.affordable B.sustainable C.available D.organic 31.A.resist B.capture C.measure D.generate 32.A.interacted with B.cooperated with C.dealt with D.agreed with 33.A.curious B.optimistic C.amazed D.sympatric 34.A.energetic B.bold C.promising D.innovative 35.A.change B.adventure C.danger D.adversity三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
By Tamara Kneese
Giving enough data, one can feel like it’s possible to keep dead loved ones alive. With ChatGPT and other powerful large language models, it is feasible to create a more convincing chatbot of a dead person. But doing so, especially in the face of scarce resources and inevitable decay, ignores the massive amounts of labor that go into keeping the dead alive online. 2 Someone always has to do the hard work of maintaining automated systems, as demonstrated by the overworked and underpaid annotators and content moderators behind generative AI, and this is also true where replicas of the dead are concerned. From managing a digital estate after gathering passwords and account information, to
2024·04 英语世界
科技天地 67
even more convincing facsimiles of humans, including dead ones. But this requires vast resources, including raw materials, water, and energy, pointing to the folly of maintaining chatbots of the dead in the face of catastrophic climate change. It also has astronomical financial costs: ChatGPT purportedly costs $700,000 a day to maintain. This is not a sustainable model for immortality. 6 There is also the question of who should have the authority to create these replicas in the first place: a close family member, an employer, a company? Not everyone would want to be reincarnated as a chatbot. In a 2021 piece for the San Francisco Chronicle, the journalist Jason Fagone recounts the story of a man named Joshua Barbeau who produced a chatbot version of his long-dead fiancée Jessica using OpenAI’s GPT-3. It was a way for him to cope with death and grief, but it also kept him invested in a close romantic relationship with a person who was no longer alive. This was also not the way that Jessica’s other loved ones wanted to remember her; family members opted not to interact with the chatbot. 7 In the end, though, it is developers and companies, not loved ones, who have control over how long chatbots persist. The experimental program used to create Jessica Bot planned mortality into the system; to save on operating
一分钟的体验英语作文不少于六百字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Minute of Revelation: My Life-Changing English EpiphanyYou know that feeling when you're just kind of drifting through life, doing the same old things day after day without really thinking about it? That was me with English class for the longest time. I'd been taking English since kindergarten, spending hours upon hours conjugating verbs, drilling vocabulary words, and trying to decipher the labyrinth of grammar rules. Yet for years, it always felt like this weird academic exercise completely divorced from real life.Then one day, it all clicked into place in a single, surreal minute. It was just another typical English lesson, or so I thought. We were practicing conversational skills, taking turns making small talk as a warm-up exercise. When it was my turn, I launched into the usual script about the weather, weekend plans, that sort of thing. I wasn't really paying attention to what I was saying. My mouth was on autopilot, mumbling the same canned phrases I had used a million times before.That's when something utterly bizarre happened. Suddenly, I realized that I understood every single word the teacher said in her response. It was like a curtain had been pulled back. The words didn't feel like an indecipherable jumble anymore. They flowed together into coherent meanings, almost as naturally as my native language. I could follow the conversation without laboring to translate each fragmented utterance one-by-one in my head.In that instant, English transformed from an academic subject into a living, breathing form of communication right before my eyes. What had previously been a strange cipher became a vast new mode of expression, a window into understanding different cultures and perspectives. Worlds of literature, media, and human interaction that had been closed off to me were now accessible.I was enthralled, electrified by this newfound power of comprehension. It was like somebody had flipped a switch, and suddenly the light bulb controlling my English ability had flickered on after years of darkness. Without even thinking about it, I began responding to the teacher's statements fluidly, no longer just regurgitating memorized sentences but constructingmy own original thoughts and synthesizing new vocabulary on the fly.The minute stretched into an eternity as my mind raced at lightspeed, making kaleidoscopic new neural connections. Words became malleable blocks of meaning to combine and reshape into infinite permutations, no longer just static vocabulary entries to mindlessly churn out on a test. I could sense my language faculty evolving in real-time, bootstrapping itself into higher and higher levels of sophistication.When the minute finally ended, I felt like I had awoken from a dream-state, blinking in the harsh classroom lighting. My peers were looking at me like I had spontaneously started speaking in tongues. In a way, I had been quite literally re-born into a new linguistic reality, shrugging off my monolingual shackles like moulted skin.That minute was a dividing line bifurcating my life into a "before" and "after." From then on, my relationship to English was fundamentally transformed. What had previously been an academic chore became a vibrant passion, even an obsession. I devoured books, movies, every type of English media I could get my hands on in an endless quest to deepen my fluency. Finally clicking into that higher level of comprehension had been like agateway drug, making me ravenous to push my skills even further.I began speaking, reading, and writing English constantly, sometimes even conversing with myself just for the practice. My classmates and teachers looked on with mixture of amusement and bewilderment as I went through my English blossoming. They had learned the language the same way and achieved competency without such a dramatic awakening. To them, I must have seemed like a late bloomerwho had suddenly undergone a linguistic metamorphosis practically overnight.Looking back now as a truly fluent, confident English speaker, I can scarcely believe how I used to struggle with what is now second nature. That one transformative minute steadily compounded into years of accumulated English mastery through continued immersion and effort. Sometimes I'm struck by a tinge of melancholy, mourning all of the wasted years I spent trapped in that crude, alienated state of language cacoon before awakening into the verdant meadow of fluency.More than anything though, I feel immensely grateful for that ultra-condensed epiphany that reset the entire trajectory of my life. In the grand scheme of things, one minute is such an infinitesimally tiny fraction of time, a blip so fleeting as to bealmost immeasurable. And yet, a single transcendent minute of universal comprehension had the power to re-shape my entire existence, to blossom the seeds of who I am today - someone who views English as more than just a language, but an entire civilizational framework for interpreting and making sense of the world.篇2A Minute's Experience in English ClassWhew, English class again! I swear Mr. Jenkins loves torturing us with these mind-numbing grammar exercises and dull reading passages. Don't get me wrong, I know English is important for getting into a good college and all that, but come on! When are we ever going to use the present perfect continuous tense in real life?I sluggishly make my way to my usual desk in the back row, praying that today's lesson will be a reprieve from the tedium. Maybe we'll watch a movie or something? Hah, yeah right. This is Mr. Jenkins we're talking about - the guy gets violent nosebleeds if he strays even an inch away from the curriculum.The classroom gradually fills up with the rest of my classmates, some still bleary-eyed from staying up too lategaming or binging shows. The bell rings shrilly, its harsh tones jolting a few students awake from their desks. Like clockwork, Mr. Jenkins strides in dressed in his signature outdated suit and tie combination that makes him look like a browbeaten 1950s office clerk."Good morning, class," he announces in that nasally drone that makes my skin crawl. A few half-hearted mumbles respond. He launches right into the day's lesson without even waiting for everyone to settle in. Ugh, so much for my wishful thinking about the movie.I try my best to focus as he drones on and on about subordinating conjunctions and parallel structure and whatever else. But my mind keeps wandering. I gaze out the window and daydream about being outdoors, feeling the warm sunshine and gentle breeze instead of being cooped up in this stuffy classroom.Suddenly, a sharp voice shatters my reverie. "Miss Anderson! Perhaps you could explain the proper use of the subjunctive mood that I was just describing?"Crap. I didn't catch a single word he said. My palms start sweating as two dozen pairs of eyes bore into me, waiting for my inevitable embarrassment."Uhh...the subjunctive what now?" I stammer out lamely. A few snickers ripple through the class. Mr. Jenkins looks supremely unimpressed."Clearly you haven't been paying attention," he chides, making a disapproving tsk sound. "Let this be a lesson to all of you - you must stay focused and engaged if you want to truly master the English language."My face burns hot with shame and resentment. This guy just doesn't get it. How can he expect us to hang on his every word when he makes this class more boring than watching beige paint dry?I make a show of dutifully taking notes to avoid any more callouts, but truthfully, I've already checked out. The subjunctive mood? Whatever. I'll just cram that tonight before the quiz like I always do.The minutes drag interminably as Mr. Jenkins prattles on. I find myself zoning out again, idly watching the second hand of the clock make its lap around the circle. Finally, mercifully, the bell rings again, releasing us from this prison of sentence diagramming.I bolt out of there like a racehorse from the gate, desperate to put as much distance as possible between me and this lame class. As I navigate the swarm of students flooding the hallway, I make a personal vow - if I somehow survive the next three years of high school English without flunking out, I'm never putting myself through that mind-numbing torture again. No way, no how.Math, science, history, philosophy - I'll take those any day of the week. But English class has to be one of the cruelest, most unusual punishments the education system has devised. Yep, it's official - I absolutely, irrevocably HATE English class!篇3A One-Minute English ExperienceAs an international student studying in an English-speaking country, every minute of my day is a profound English experience. From the moment I wake up until I go to bed at night, the English language surrounds me, challenges me, and ultimately empowers me. However, there was one particular minute that stood out as a transformative moment in my journey to mastering this beautiful yet complex language.It was a crisp autumn morning, and I was hurrying across the bustling campus to my morning lecture. The familiar scents of freshly brewed coffee and damp leaves filled the air, mingling with the chatter of students rushing to their respective classes. As I approached the lecture hall, I found myself caught in a sea of fellow learners, all eagerly anticipating the day's lesson.Amidst the chaos, I overheard a conversation between two students walking ahead of me. Their words flowed with a natural cadence, each syllable articulated with precision and ease. I strained to catch every word, my mind racing to decipher the intricate web of idioms and colloquialisms that seemed to weave effortlessly into their dialogue.In that single minute, I experienced a myriad of emotions –bewilderment at the rapidity of their speech, frustration at my inability to comprehend every nuance, and a burning determination to one day achieve such fluency. It was a humbling realization that despite years of studying the English language, there was still so much to learn, so many layers to unravel.As I reflected on that brief yet profound encounter, I realized that the true essence of language lies not merely in its grammar rules or vocabulary lists, but in the intricate tapestry of culturalnuances, idioms, and expressions that give it life. It was a reminder that mastering a language is not just about memorizing words, but about immersing oneself in the culture, the people, and the lived experiences that shape its evolution.From that moment on, I made a conscious effort to embrace every opportunity to engage with the English language in its purest form. I sought out conversations with native speakers, eagerly absorbing the cadences and rhythms of their speech. I delved into literature, savoring the rich tapestry of metaphors and allegories that painted vivid pictures in my mind. I even found myself drawn to the subtleties of English humor, marveling at the clever wordplay and cultural references that had once eluded my understanding.Each day brought new challenges, new idioms to decipher, and new expressions to commit to memory. But with every stumble, every moment of confusion, I grew stronger, more resilient, and more determined to conquer this linguistic mountain.As the semesters passed, I began to notice a shift within myself. The once-daunting task of conversing in English became more natural, more fluid. Words that had once felt foreign on mytongue now flowed effortlessly, interwoven with the cultural nuances that breathed life into the language.Looking back on that pivotal minute, I realize that it was a catalyst for personal growth, a moment that ignited a fire within me to truly embrace the English language in all its richness and complexity. It was a reminder that language is not merely a tool for communication, but a gateway to understanding the depths of human experience, culture, and perspective.In the grand scheme of my linguistic journey, that single minute may seem insignificant. But for me, it was a pivotal turning point, a moment that crystallized my determination to become not just a proficient speaker, but a true master of the English language. It was a minute that forever transformed the way I perceived language, culture, and the intricate tapestry that binds them together.。
英语作文推荐一部喜欢的影片给笔友全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey there pen pal! How's it going? I'm writing to you today to recommend one of my all-time favorite movies. It's a film that has really stuck with me ever since I first watched it, and I think you'd absolutely love it too. Get ready, because I'm about to gush over this cinematic masterpiece!The movie I want to rave about is "The Shawshank Redemption" from 1994. I know, I know, it's an older film. But trust me, it's a timeless classic that everyone needs to experience. The story follows Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. He's sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at the brutal Shawshank State Penitentiary.From the moment Andy steps foot in that prison, you can't help but root for him. He's such an intelligent, resilient, and fundamentally good person trapped in a living hell on earth. Tim Robbins, who plays Andy, gives an absolutely phenomenal performance. His quiet strength and unbreakable will topersevere in the face of unimaginable injustice and hardship is nothing short of inspiring.And then there's the one and only Morgan Freeman as Ellis "Red" Redding. His voiceover narration and wisdom-filled musings are the heartbeat of the film. The way Red and Andy's friendship evolves over the decades they're incarcerated together is so beautifully portrayed. Despite being surrounded by misery, violence, and corruption, their bond gives you hope that the human spirit cannot be crushed, no matter the circumstances.I don't want to give away too much of the plot because the twists and turns of this movie are best experienced yourself. But I can guarantee you'll be on the edge of your seat during the genius scenes of Andy's bid for freedom. His elaborate schemes to expose the prison's corrupt officials had me cheering out loud. And the ending? Let's just say it's insanely satisfying and will leave you feeling uplifted about the possibility of conquering seemingly insurmountable odds.Beyond the stellar performances and gripping storyline, this movie stands out for its poignant themes and messages. It's a testament to the importance of Hope - the film hammers home how dangerous and soul-crushing it is to be institutionalized andstripped of all hope. Yet Andy clings to his dreams of the outside world, no matter how bleak his situation becomes, and it's that undying hope that ultimately becomes his salvation.The Shawshank Redemption also explores profound ideas about resilience, courage, integrity, and the ultimate human desire to be free. Although the prisoners are physically confined, the story shows how Andy refuses to let his mind and spirit be imprisoned. His determination to dream big and maintain his sense of self-worth is what allows him to prevail in the end. It's a powerful reminder that we all have the potential to transcend our circumstances, no matter how dire, if we have the courage and perseverance.I篇2Here's a 2000-word English essay recommending a favorite movie to a pen pal, written from a student's perspective:Hey there, pen pal! How's it going? I hope you're doing awesome. I'm writing to recommend a movie that I recently watched and absolutely loved. Get ready because I'm about to gush over this film like a total fangirl!The movie I want to rave about is "The Shawshank Redemption." Now, I know what you're thinking - "Isn't that an old movie from like, the 90s or something?" And you'd be right, it was released in 1994. But trust me, this film is a timeless classic that everyone needs to watch at least once in their lives.Okay, let me give you a quick rundown of the plot. The story follows Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongfully convicted of murder and sentenced to life in the notorious Shawshank State Penitentiary. Despite the harsh conditions and brutal mistreatment he endures, Andy never loses hope or his spirit. He befriends a fellow inmate named Red, and together they form an unbreakable bond as they navigate the harsh realities of prison life.But this movie is so much more than just a prison drama. It's a powerful tale of hope, friendship, and the indomitable human spirit. From the moment Andy steps foot in Shawshank, you can't help but root for him. His unwavering determination and resilience in the face of adversity are truly inspiring.One of the things I love most about this movie is the way it portrays the power of hope. Andy never gives up, no matter how bleak his situation seems. He finds solace in little things, like carving intricate chess pieces from rocks or playing music overthe prison loudspeakers. These small acts of defiance against the oppressive system are what keep him going, and they serve as a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of times, there's always a glimmer of hope.Another aspect that makes this movie so special is the incredible acting. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman deliver performances that are nothing short of phenomenal. Theiron-screen chemistry is electric, and you can't help but feel deeply invested in their characters' journeys. The supporting cast is equally impressive, with standout performances from actors like Bob Gunton and James Whitmore.But what really sets "The Shawshank Redemption" apart is its ability to resonate with viewers on a profound level. It's a movie that celebrates the triumph of the human spirit over adversity, and it reminds us that even in the bleakest of circumstances, there's always a chance for redemption.I don't want to give too much away, but let me just say that the ending of this movie is absolutely mind-blowing. It's one of those rare cinematic moments that will leave you with chills and a renewed sense of hope. I won't spoil it for you, but let's just say that when Andy finally achieves his long-awaited freedom, it's a moment that will forever be etched in your memory.Now, I know what you might be thinking - "A prison movie? Isn't that kind of depressing?" But trust me, "The Shawshank Redemption" is anything but depressing. Sure, it deals with some heavy themes and depicts the harsh realities of life behind bars, but at its core, it's a story about friendship, hope, and the indomitable human spirit.I could go on and on about this movie, but I'll spare you the novel-length essay. Just do yourself a favor and watch it. Whether you're a die-hard movie buff or someone who just enjoys a good story, "The Shawshank Redemption" is a film that will leave a lasting impression on you.And who knows, maybe after you've seen it, we can have a good old-fashioned movie discussion! We can debate the finer points of the plot, analyze the symbolism, and argue over who gave the best performance. Or maybe we'll just sit back and bask in the warm glow of having witnessed a true cinematic masterpiece.So, there you have it, pen pal - my passionate recommendation for "The Shawshank Redemption." Now, it's your turn. Have you seen this movie before? If so, what did you think of it? And if not, I hope I've convinced you to add it to your must-watch list.Either way, I can't wait to hear your thoughts. Until then, keep being awesome, and remember - hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.Your movie-loving pen pal,[Your Name]篇3Hey there pen pal! What's up? I'm so excited to tell you about this amazing movie that I recently watched and absolutely loved. It's called "The Shawshank Redemption" and trust me, you need to see it ASAP!First off, let me give you a little background. The Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 drama film based on a novella by Stephen King. It tells the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife and her lover. He's sent to the brutal Shawshank prison where he forms an unlikely friendship with a fellow prisoner named Red.Now, I know what you're thinking - a prison movie doesn't exactly sound like a fun time. But stick with me here, because this film is so much more than that. It's a powerful tale of hope, friendship, and perseverance in the face of incredible adversity.One of the things that really struck me about The Shawshank Redemption is the incredible performances by the lead actors. Tim Robbins is absolutely phenomenal as Andy Dufresne. He brings such a quiet strength and dignity to the role, even as his character endures unimaginable hardships behind bars. And Morgan Freeman is simply brilliant as Red. His narration is like smooth jazz, guiding us through the harsh realities of prison life with wisdom and humor.But the acting is just the tip of the iceberg. The Shawshank Redemption is a masterclass in storytelling and filmmaking. The way the plot unfolds is so expertly crafted, with twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat. And the cinematography is just gorgeous, capturing the claustrophobic atmosphere of the prison in a way that's both haunting and strangely beautiful.One of the most powerful aspects of the film is its exploration of the human spirit and the resilience of hope. Despite being locked away in a brutal environment, Andy never loses his sense of humanity or his determination to prove his innocence. His friendship with Red is a testament to the power of connection and how even in the darkest of times, a glimmer of hope can shine through.I don't want to give too much away, but the ending of The Shawshank Redemption is one of the most satisfying and uplifting conclusions I've ever seen in a movie. It's a true celebration of perseverance and the triumph of the human spirit over adversity.But the film isn't just a feel-good story; it also tackles some pretty heavy themes and social commentary. It's a searing indictment of the flaws in the criminal。
高中英语 第二部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第20课(文本)素材
![高中英语 第二部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第20课(文本)素材](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f5e5884f011ca300a6c390fa.png)
高中英语第二部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第20课(文本)素材英语翻议讲解:1.abolitionist n.废除主义者,废奴主义者2.arsenal n.兵工厂,军械库,武器,军火库3.capture vt.抓取,获得,迷住例句:A large reward is offered for the capture of the criminals. 巨额悬赏捉拿这些罪犯。
The novel captured the imagination of thousands of readers. 这部小说引起了千万读者的想象。
4.sustainable adj.(对自然资源和能源的利用)不破坏生态平衡的, 合理利用的可持续的例句:Water Resource Protection and Sustainable Utilization 水资源保护与可持续利用。
1.To some people this building is the scene of a crime, where a murderer and a traitor was captured and brought to justice.bring to justice使归案受审例句:The police must do all they can to bring the criminals to justice. 警方必须尽力把罪犯送交法庭审判。
2.She is using her fame as a race car driver to bring environmental issues to the attention of millions of racing fans.bring to the attention of引起某人的注意例句:That way, you can bring a pattern of behavior to management's attention. 这样你就可以提请公司主管注意你老板的不当行为。
World on a Wire《世界旦夕之间(1973)》完整中英文对照剧本
![World on a Wire《世界旦夕之间(1973)》完整中英文对照剧本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/956d8a3580eb6294dc886c63.png)
《世界旦夕之间》WORLD ON A WIRE原著:丹尼尔·F·加卢耶导演:赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德- 古恩特 - 我一会儿进去- Güther! - I'll be right in.我是国务卿温拉伯Secretary of State von Weinlaub.我是赫尔斯温拉伯先生的助手I'm Hirse, Mr. Von Weinlaub's assistant.你好我叫劳兹我是安♥全♥部♥的主管Hello, my name's Lause, I'm chief of security.请吧西斯金斯先生正等着你们Please, Mr. Siskins expects you.- 那是沃尔摩尔博士吗 - 是的- Wasn't that Dr. Vollmer? - It was.直接进入主题吧To get right to the point:斯莫莱克戎几乎全面运转Simulacron is almost fully operational.我的消息可能不够灵通I may seem ill-informed我很好奇“几乎”具体指什么but what interests me is your definition of "almost".当然国务卿先生Of course, Mr. Secretary.对不起I apologize.我们预测能力的误差水平The margin of error for our prognoses目前高达百分之五点八currently reaches as high as 5.8%.我明白了谢谢I see, thank you.好的沃尔摩尔教授会告诉您Yes. Professor Vollmer can tell you exactly更多详细的情况about the state of things.他正监管计算机的进展He's overseen development of the computer.我们知道西斯金斯先生We know that, Mr. Siskins.沃尔摩尔教授请你…Professor Vollmer, please...嗯你是国务卿?So, you're secretary of state?当然了Naturally.老实说我真不在乎I really don't care, to be honest.你带镜子了吗Do you have a mirror on you?镜子?A mirror?为什么这么问?Why?这里看看Here, take this.看见什么了?看看你看见什么了?What do you see? Come on, what do you see?我帮你先生…?Let me help you, Mr?温拉伯Von Weinlaub.对温拉伯Alright, von Weinlaub.就是你You are nothing more than the image others have made of you. - 好了 - 够了- That's all. - Enough!谢谢其他人呢Thank you. And the rest of you?沃尔摩尔!Vollmer!你也是西斯金斯You too, Siskins.想看看镜子里面吗来吧自己好好瞧瞧Want to look in the mirror? Go on, look at yourself.真是个悲伤的笑话It's a sad joke.别这样沃尔摩尔!That'll do, Vollmer!我受够了赫尔斯我们走This has gone far enough. Hirse, let's leave.头痛敲打敲打敲打Headache. It pounds and pounds and pounds.你知道是什么在我脑袋里敲打吗Do you know what's pounding in my head?我知道I know.劳兹…Lause...请进Please come in.为什么不躺一下?劳兹会带你回办公室Why don't you lie down? Lause will take you to your office. 来吧亨利Come on, Henri.这不是头痛It's not a headache.这更严重It's much, much more.我的头像要爆♥炸♥了So much that my head's about to explode.别这样Come on.我来了古恩特I'm coming, Güther.他们拒绝理解…They refuse to understand...那些可怜的虫子those poor worms.- 照顾好他 - 好的西斯金斯先生- Take care of him. - Yes, Mr. Siskins.真的很抱歉沃尔摩尔教授他…I must apologize for Professor Vollmer.没日没夜地工作He's been working day and night.他的神经很脆弱His nerves have always been delicate.就是在天才与疯子之间…The line between genius and madness, you know...古怪的癫子不是这样吗Strange kind of madness, wouldn't you say? 当然国务卿先生…Of course, Mr. Secretary...非常奇怪very strange.请等一下One moment, please.继续Go ahead.请…Please...- 但是我… - 看看你自己- But I... - Look at yourself.- 看见什么了? - 我- What do you see? - Me.斯蒂勒昨天回来了Stiller was due back yesterday.他一会儿过来亨利He'll come, Henri.我害怕I'm scared.我在这里呢I'm with you.你在这里You're here.我脑袋里有东西在不停跳动…The constant throbbing in my head...你听说过脑袋爆♥炸♥吗Have you ever heard of a head exploding? 比如裂成上千碎片?Like that, into a thousand pieces?不从没听说过No, never.真的吗总之…Really? Anyway...你记得吗小时候Do you remember? As a boy你总是玩you must have played“我看见了你看不见的东西”"I see something you don't".当然所有的孩子都玩过Sure, all kids do.古恩特…Güther...我知道一些你不知道的东西I know something you don't.一些没有人知道的东西Something no one must know.我的意思是世界末日It would mean the end of this world.亨利…Henri...沃尔摩尔!Vollmer!对不起酒吧在那边Sorry, the bar's over there.这是肩垫不是肌肉It's padding, not muscles.看起来很强壮To look manlier.不全是肩垫对不对?It's not all padding, is it?如果你感兴趣…If you're interested... Fred Stiller.电♥话♥薄里有我的名字I'm in the phone book.想喝一杯吗Can't you get a drink?我就是个无名小卒Guess I'm small fry.太遗憾了但你或许会成长起来Too bad, but maybe you'll grow.或许Maybe.威士忌?Whiskey?好的加水Yes, with water.莱纳两杯威士忌一杯加冰一杯加水Rainer, two whiskeys: One ice, one water. 好的西斯金斯先生Yes, Mr. Siskins.去参加葬礼吗Coming to the funeral?我会去的尽管…I'll be there, although...死人不会介意是不是?the dead don't really care, do they?您的威士忌Your whiskeys.谢谢Thank you.没有沃尔摩尔你能搞定电脑吗Can you debug the computer without Vollmer?我想可以I think so.我们耽搁不起政♥府♥快失去耐心了We can't afford further delays. The Ministry's impatient.顺便说一句…By the way...什么?What?哦没什么告诉我你想要什么车?Oh, nothing. Tell me, what's your dream car?什么?Pardon me?你想要什么车很简单的问题Your dream car. It's a simple question.[雪佛兰旗下著名跑车]哦好吧…克尔维特Oh, God... A Corvette.我知道了一辆克尔维特…I see, a Corvette...两百七十五马力275 HP.大约四万马克And about 40,000 marks.超出你的工资待遇了吧Beyond your wage bracket?那又怎样你问我想要什么车和我的工资没关系Somewhat, but you asked about my dream car, not my wage bracket. - 你想要什么待遇? - 下一个- What bracket do you want? - The next one.为什么你不像沃尔摩尔那样优秀Why not, if you're as good as Vollmer.我不能但我更顽强I'm not, but I'm tough.我看出来你在乎沃尔摩尔我们的观点不同I see you're aware Vollmer and I had our differences of opinion. 希望是这样I believe so.他是个蠢货你同意吗He was pigheaded, don't you agree?嗯我…Well, I...想想吧只有这样你才不会弄错…Think about it. Just so you don't misunderstand...这是个简单的假设不是提议It was simply a hypothesis, not an offer.我理解你西斯金斯先生I understood you, Mr. Siskins.两百七十五马力真了不起275 HP. Quite something.我是葛洛里亚I'm Gloria.很好想喝一杯吗Great. Care for a drink?香槟Champagne.还要别的吗What else?还是四十二二十六三十九?Still 42-26-39?三十九半你胖了整天坐着39 1/2. You get fat, just sitting around.但是每一寸都很可爱But every inch is precious.谢谢电脑怎么样了?Thanks. How's the computer coming?很好为西斯金斯工作感觉如何?OK, and how's working for Siskins?哦不我是认真的No, I mean it.我对斯莫莱克戎很感兴趣I'm very interested in Simulacron.你是不是真的创造了一个虚拟世界?Is it true you've created an artificial world? “世界”这个词太夸张了"World" is an exaggeration.目前我们有一万个身份单元Currently we've some 10,000 identity units.现在都需要That's all we need for now.世界是一个小容器你看呢?The world in a nutshell, you see?一万个人他们是人对不对?10,000 people. They're people, aren't they?像你一样As you like.对于我们来说他们只不过是回路但是对于他们…To us they're merely circuits. But to them...他们像我们一样生存…They live just like we do...盖房♥子听音乐吃东西…build roads, listen to music, eat...还做♥爱♥?And make love?对That, too.做♥爱♥ 享受生活…Make love, enjoy life...生孩子have kids.真令人兴奋Exciting.什么?Pardon me?做♥爱♥?Making love?是的对但是我的意思是一个现实的世界…Yes, that too. But I mean, a living world...一个装满微型集成电路片的盒子?in a box full of microchips?我们活着他们则像电视里为我们跳舞的人We're alive. They're like people on TV dancing for us.你描述事情的方式很迷人The way you describe it is fascinating.你很迷人You're fascinating.嗨劳兹!Hi, Lause!嗨你看见斯蒂勒了吗Hi. Have you seen Stiller?是的一分钟前过来Yeah, a minute ago. Come in.不我在这里等他把他带过来No, I'll wait here. Bring him to me.好的Sure.- 弗雷德跟我来 - 我?- Fred, come with me. - Me?劳兹想要见你Lause wants you.抱歉一会儿见Excuse me. See you later.很遗憾Pity.劳兹!Lause!我的天最终…我还是见到你了My God, finally! I have to see you.你看上去很不开心你去哪了?You look awful. Where have you been?沃尔摩尔死后我开车去了你的乡下老家After Vollmer's death, I drove to your place in the country. 你找到他了?You found him?是的但是…你去哪了?Yes, but... where were you?我比预期提前回来了I came back earlier than planned.怎么了?What's up?这不是说话的地方Not here.来…Come...嗯?Well?关于沃尔摩尔的死It's about Vollmer's death.但是…But...我认为那是意外I thought it was an accident.我不知道我没看见I don't know, I didn't see it.但是很奇怪But it was very strange.什么?什么奇怪?What? What was strange?沃尔摩尔很奇怪Vollmer was strange.他身上发生了一些事Something had happened to him.他死之前和我进行了简短的谈话I spoke to him shortly before he died.他很害怕He was afraid.然后他告诉我一些事情那些…Then he told me something that was so... 那些绝对疯狂的事情that was... absolutely crazy.什么?What?我不能告诉你太疯狂了I can't tell you, it's too crazy.也许他疯了Perhaps he was crazy.你知道什么是忧惧吗Do you know what fear is?知道劳兹Yes, Lause.我认为我知道I think so.你不知道You've no idea.好的行了不过…Alright, fine. But...告诉我他说什么了Tell me what he said.好的OK, then.听起来很不可思议但是谁知道…It sounds incredible, but who knows...看你怎么理解See what you make of it.哎呀看我笨得吓着你了吧My God, I'm so clumsy. I've startled you.我一会儿过去I'll be right there.“在稀薄的空气中消失"Vanished into Thin Air.昨晚在IKZ研究协会首脑赫伯特·西斯金斯家里At a party last night in the home of Herbert Siskins 举♥行♥的聚会...prominent head of the IKZ Institute...一名协会员工声称an Institute employee reports that安♥全♥部♥主管古恩特·劳兹Chief of Security Güther Lause vanished中途消失in the middle of a conversation.警♥察♥对此展开了调查”Police have opened an investigation. "你这是要干什么斯蒂勒?What are you up to, Stiller?关于劳兹和沃尔摩尔的事?What's this about Lause and Vollmer?我把我看见的告诉警♥察♥了I told the police what I saw.想让人觉得你和IKZ都是傻瓜?Trying to make yourself and the IKZ look ridiculous? 我说的可都是事实But it happened exactly as I described.好吧随便你了Fine, have it your way.失踪人口调查组警长莱纳Inspector Lehner, Missing Persons Bureau以及负责谋杀案件的斯达福斯探长and Detective Stuhlfauth, Homicide.斯蒂勒博士…Dr. Stiller...我们的技术总监our acting technical director.你好像是昨晚唯一见过劳兹的人You seem to be the only one who saw Lause last night. 你什么意思?What do you mean?我的人问过My men have interviewed每一个在聚会上的人没有人在那里见过劳兹everyone at the party. No one else saw Lause there.你是不是喝多了?Did you have too much to drink?不我没喝醉No, I wasn't drunk.我们的确没有在家里找到劳兹先生It's true that we didn't find Mr. Lause at home.但是这可能是个巧合But that could be a coincidence.对于沃尔摩尔的死劳兹说什么了?What did Lause say about Vollmer's death?他只是说他觉得奇怪He just said he found it strange.沃尔摩尔出事时你在哪里?Where were you when Vollmer died?在我的木屋里At my cabin.有别人吗With others?没有No.我们想看看沃尔摩尔出事的地点We'd like to see where Vollmer died.请带他们去机房♥看看Please show the gentlemen the computer room.好的斯蒂勒先生Yes, Mr. Stiller.再见Good-bye.这边This way.再见See you again.让我们把这件事放在一边Let's put this incident behind us.你已经做到了You already have.很好我想再和你谈谈沃尔摩尔的工作Good. I'd like to discuss Vollmer's job with you again.说吧Go ahead.之前我就说过…As I've already told you...沃尔摩尔是个蠢货我是说…Vollmer's pigheadedness, I mean...让我伤透脑筋It was a strain on my nerves.我不是蠢货I'm not pigheaded.这正是我想听到的That's what I wanted to hear.我会正确判断人的本性我知道我们四目相对I'm a good judge of human nature. I knew we'd see eye to eye. 告诉我你想要的车我就告诉你你是谁Tell me your dream car, I'll tell you who you are.哦那么…Oh, that...好我能试探出总监们的意向Good. I'll sound out the board of directors但我不想看到任何阻碍but I don't foresee any obstacles.再见…Good-bye...总监先生Mr. Director.帮我拿一片阿司匹林Bring me an aspirin, please.Right away.有事?Problems?是的我要晋升了Yes, I'm being promoted.弗雷德!Fred!他们管你叫技术总监?Did he name you technical director?你看上去不高兴You don't seem very pleased.我为什么不高兴?Why should I be?我会和沃尔摩尔一样和西斯金斯产生隔阂等等I'll have the same problems with Siskins as Vollmer did, just wait. 那你为什么接受?Then why did you accept?斯莫莱克戎是最让人兴奋的研究计划Simulacron's the most exciting research project在整个世界上in the entire world.没有能比得上它的Nothing else comes close.我会得到很多薪酬以及…I'll earn a good salary and...只是西斯金斯It's just Siskins.如果沃尔摩尔是对的那么…If Vollmer was right, then...玛雅…Maja...忘了这些吧Forget all this.我会的I'll forget it.谢谢Thanks.沃尔摩尔的办公室腾出来了吗Has Vollmer's office been emptied?没有他的东西还在那里His things are still there.取消我的预约我要去沃尔摩尔的办公室Cancel my appointments. I'll be in Vollmer's office.你在干什么?What are you doing?你吓坏我了You're hurting me.谢谢弗雷德·斯蒂勒Thank you, Fred Stiller.- 你是弗雷德·斯蒂勒? - 是的你在干什么?- You are Fred Stiller? - Yes, but what are you doing?前台保安让我进来的The guard at the front desk showed me in.你不是…?Aren't you?我是伊娃·沃尔摩尔I'm Eva Vollmer.- 我没认出来 - 正常- I didn't recognize you. - Naturally.我来收拾父亲的遗物I'm here because I was asked to pick up Father's things. [蒙特勒:瑞士某镇]- 我以为你在蒙特勒 - 回来一个月了- I thought you were in Montreux. - I've been back a month. 当你和你父亲…You were with your father when...他表现得奇怪吗?他看起来紧张吗?Was he acting strange? Did he seem nervous?我没注意到为什么这么问?Not that I noticed. Why?因为他…Because he...我想他是在做重要的研究I think he had made an important discovery.他没告诉我He couldn't tell me.他不再全神贯注He was a bit preoccupied, no more.如果你问我…You know, if you were to visit me...我乐意回答真的I'd like that, really.告诉我…Tell me...你父亲经常和古恩特·劳兹见面吗Did your dad see much of Güther Lause?你的叔叔古恩特·劳兹Your uncle, Güther Lause.从没听说过他Never heard of him.你不记得你的叔叔了?You don't remember your uncle?我清楚地记得I remember him very well.他叫雅各布雅各布·梅科纳His name was Jakob, Jakob Meixner.他四年前死了He died four years ago.伊娃?Eva?我能…Can I...我能帮你做点什么吗Can I be of any help?我能行的I'll manage.父亲给我留下一些钱还有房♥子Father left me a bit of money, and the house.弗雷德抱歉我错怪你了I apologize, Fred. I misjudged you.我以为你只是觊觎我父亲的职位I thought you were interested only in taking Father's job. 我应该多了解一些I should've known better.我想吃蛋糕I'd like some cake.去柜台拿你想要的东西Choose what you want at the counter.你被捕了跟我来You're under arrest. Come with me.呀弗朗茨你吓到我了Jeez, Franz, you scared me.那个That one.两杯威士忌And two whiskeys.怎么了斯蒂勒?What's up, Stiller?这里…Here...突然想到一个谜语画谜Here's a riddle I came across, a rebus.想象一下一个希腊勇士拿着一支矛Imagine a drawing of a Greek warrior holding a spear 面朝右边然后迈出一步looking to his right, and taking a step.还有一只乌龟和他动作一致With a turtle going the same way.首先…First...耳熟吗does that ring a bell?其次…Second...眼熟吗ever seen such a drawing?我?这都什么啊?Me? What's this all about?沃尔摩尔留给我一幅画Vollmer left me that drawing.你觉得是什么意思?Does it mean anything to you?硬要说的话就是怪异Bizarre, if you ask me.肯定怪异Bizarre, sure.- 这让你想起些什么吗 - 也许- Does it remind you of anything? - Maybe.什么?What?齐诺Zeno.齐诺悖论Zeno's paradox.阿基里斯和龟Achilles and the tortoise.阿基里斯想要抓住乌龟但是不行Achilles tries to overtake the tortoise, but cannot.当他到达那里时乌龟已经移♥动♥到前面了By the time he reaches where it was, the turtle has moved ahead. 这悖论和我们的工作有什么关系?What could the paradox mean to our work?我只是为民服务的心理学家I'm only the psychologist for our creations.但是…But...我想起这悖论意思是as I recall, the paradox is meant to show that移♥动♥是假象movement is an illusion.和我们的工作有什么关系What's the link to our work?沃尔摩尔死前表现得很奇怪Vollmer was acting very strange before he died.芝士蛋糕谁要的芝士蛋糕Cheesecake? Who ordered the cheesecake?也许有原因他说什么了?Maybe for a reason. What did he say?你要的芝士蛋糕?Did you order cheesecake?没有…我的意思是是的我想是我要的谢谢No... I mean, yes. I think I ordered it, thanks.他怎么奇怪了?How was he strange?他出事前三天和我下棋I played chess with him three days before he died.仿佛变了个人成了哲学狂He wasn't himself, he was rambling on about philosophy.还做出了令人震惊的发现He had made a shattering discovery.什么?What?他没有明说是个秘密之类的He wouldn't say. It was a secret. Something like that.弗雷德你为什么对这个这么感兴趣?Why are you so interested in it, Fred?我认为沃尔摩尔的死不是意外I don't think Vollmer's death was an accident.你什么意思?What do you mean?我知道沃尔摩尔和西斯金斯意见不合I know about Vollmer and Siskins' disagreements在仿真模型的应用方面on the applications of the simulation model.我不是说这个I said no such thing.好的OK, fine.顺便说一句我能想象到By the way, I can imagine what沃尔摩尔的令人震惊的发现是什么Vollmer's shattering discovery was.我打赌这和I bet it had to do with his attitude towards我们在他计算机上编写的“身份单元”有关the identity units we'd programmed in his computer.你记得他是怎么称呼他们的“我的孩子们”You remember how he called them "my children".他只是开玩笑He was only joking.若不问清自己You can't spend years feeding data into a computer这能否带来类似人类意识的产物that allows for the simulation of every aspect of human behaviour 又怎会耗费多年心血…without asking yourself if it might lead to the creation整理这些涉及人类行为各方面的数据of something resembling human consciousness.劳兹说过“让人震惊的发现”Lause spoke of a "shattering discovery".劳兹?是谁?Lause? Who's he?行了如果我不信任他绝不会去找警♥察♥的Stop. If I hadn't believed him, I'd never have told the cops.劳兹?警♥察♥?你什么意思?Lause? Cops? What do you mean?劳兹古恩特·劳兹Lause! Güther Lause!控制论和未来学的安♥全♥部♥长Chief of security at Cybernetics and Futurology!我们协会的Our Institute!放松Just take it easy.斯蒂勒你是说那个人吗Stiller, do you see that man?那是汉斯·伊利科恩That's Hans Edelkern.他已经连续五年担任IKZ的安♥全♥部♥长了He's been IKZ's chief of security for five years.记得吗You remember now?斯蒂勒Stiller!有火吗Got a light?不我的意思是点烟No, I mean it, for my cigarette.明白吗我不是想…Understand? I'm not trying to...泡我?真遗憾Pick me up? Too bad.总之我不抽烟Anyway, I don't smoke.谢谢对不起Thanks. Sorry.别在意Don't mention it.[总裁办公室]CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER葛洛里亚?Gloria?你有钢笔吗Do you have a pen?记下这些Then take this down联合钢铁有限公♥司♥总裁The chairman United Steel Inc亲爱的哈特曼先生Dear Mr Hartmann我很高兴接受您的邀请I accept your invitation with pleasure.在这样的情况下我会接受的In view of the situation, I would request请把我的来访当做私人拜访you treat my visit as primarily a personal one.如此卖♥♥个关子I'm sure you will understand我想您会理解的if I insist on the utmost confidentiality您忠实的赫伯特·西斯金斯Yours truly Herbert Siskins请进我亲爱的西斯金斯Please come in, my dear Siskins.可爱的两人A lovely couple.来自《每日新闻》的奥普请教一下Rupp, Daily News. A quick question:你的电脑只为国家使用吗Is your new computer solely for state use?随你问我不作回应Please, I have no comment.当然也不是在这里Certainly not here.去IKZ的新闻处问吧Ask at the IKZ press office.好的好的一个问题Yeah, yeah. One thing:有公♥司♥能获取这台电脑的数据吗Does a certain company have access to data obtained from the computer? 我有个建议…先生?A suggestion, Mr?奥普Rupp.何不写写我们的仿真模型Why not write about how our simulation model不是比电脑更有趣?is more than a computer?我会向主编提议的I'll suggest it to my editor.这是计算机科技的新时代It's a new generation of computer technology.谁获益?Who benefits?我认为是每一个人Everyone, if it's up to me.我能看一下你的身份证吗这是规矩May I see your ID, please? Regulations, you know.我知道I know.谢谢斯蒂勒先生Thank you, Mr. Stiller.我该做什么?对于人事档案需要特殊化清理How can I help you? For personnel files, you need special clearance. 不必只是职员名录罢了No, just the staff directory.哪个字母?Which letter?让我们看看LLet's try L.好的L…L什么?Alright, L... L what?问问“谁是古恩特·劳兹?”Ask it, "Who is Güther Lause?"谁是古恩特·劳兹?WHO IS GÜTHER LAUSE?不认识古恩特·劳兹Güther Lause is unknown.看看Have a look.好的Okay.伊利科恩问问关于伊利科恩的事情Edelkern. Ask it about Edelkern.怎么说?What's it say?当然是事实The truth, naturally:“汉斯·伊利科恩是IKZ的安♥全♥部♥长”"Hans Edelkern is chief of security at IKZ. "告诉我…女士?Tell me, Mrs?迈耶尔Meier.汉斯·伊利科恩的信息就只有这些?Know anything special about Hans Edelkern, anything at all? 伊利科恩先生?我认为不是的自己去问他吧Mr. Edelkern? I don't think so. Ask him yourself.嗨弗雷德Hi, Fred.在说我坏话吗Were there complaints about me?告诉我实话Tell me the truth.- 不没有 - 很好- No, that's not it. - Good.我担心…I was afraid...我是认真的I mean it.很好弗雷德你不需要解释That's alright, Fred. You don't have to explain.我确定你有自己的理由I'm sure you have your reasons.说说为什么不再次拜访我们?Say, why don't you visit us again?劳拉仍然在谈论我们上一次吃饭的事Laura still talks about our last dinner.说你是她认识的男人中最迷人的一个Says you're the most charming man around.真的吗我吗Really, am I?- 劳拉这么觉得 - 嗯那么…- According to Laura. - Well, then...知道了吧You see.给我们打电♥话♥Just give us a call.老实说我们非常期待We'd be thrilled, honestly.我这辈子就不认识叫劳拉的I've never met a Laura in my whole life.我还能做什么?Anything else I can do?不谢谢No, thanks.不客气You're welcome.我…我是为了劳兹来的I'm... I'm here about Lause.谁是劳兹?Who's Lause?没事弗里茨Forget it, Fritz.怎么了?Something wrong?早上好玛雅Morning, Maja.早上好Good morning.我是个礼物I'm a gift.西斯金斯认为你会很高兴的Siskins thought you'd be pleased.当然我当然很高兴Of course. Of course I'm pleased.目不转睛他们是这么说的吗A sight to behold. Isn't that what they say?是的是这么说的Yes, they do.玛雅呢?Where's Maja?她病了也许一会儿能来She's sick. Probably will be for some time.知道吗西斯金斯因为失去我而难过By the way, Siskins was very sorry to lose me. 我深感荣幸I'm deeply honoured.- 来杯咖啡吗 - 不谢谢- A cup of coffee? - No thanks.和你共事很开心I'm delighted to work with you.我也是The pleasure's all mine.帮我接去警♥察♥那里莱纳警长Get me the police, Inspector Lehner.好的斯蒂勒先生Yes, Mr. Stiller.请找莱纳警长Inspector Lehner, please.你好警长请问劳兹的事有线索了吗Hello, Inspector. I wanted to ask if you found out anything about Lause. 你是?Who is this?控制论协会的At the Cybernetics Institute.关于劳兹的案子古恩特·劳兹It's about the Lause case, Güther Lause.对不起我从没听说过劳兹Sorry I've never heard of a Lause老天你一定记得!My God, you must remember!西斯金斯的聚会一个男人失踪了Siskins' party, a man disappeared.我都告诉警♥察♥了I notified the police.别急斯蒂勒先生对此我一无所知Slowly Mr Stiller I don't know of any Lause case西斯金斯希望你两点半去他办公室Siskins wants you in his office at 2:30.谢谢你弗洛姆小姐Thanks Miss Fromm感觉如何How are you feeling?不知道No idea.不太好Not good.医生怎么说?What's the doctor say?我做了所有的检查…I had all the tests...验血blood验尿每项检查urine, everything.他们也没头绪But they don't know.没完没了的检查Chronic exhaustion.你呢…And you...你怎么样?How are you?西斯金斯让我两点半去参加会议Siskins asked me to a meeting at 2:30.真的吗Really?- 你现在和谁一起? - 哪里?- Who's with you now? - Where?工作At work.一个叫做葛洛里亚·弗洛姆的女人A woman named Gloria Fromm.四十二二十六三十九?42-26-39?三十九半你在那待得不短应该知道的39 1/2. From all that sitting. You should know. 我要走了I'll be going.早日康复Get well soon.谢谢Thanks.弗雷德?Fred?我仍然喜欢你I'm still fond of you.请坐斯蒂勒博士Have a seat, Dr. Stiller.喝点什么吗Care for a drink?- 咖啡? - 不必多谢- A coffee? - No, thanks. Really.好的我们开始Alright then, let's begin.你…?Would you?如你所知As you may know我是政♥府♥任命的税务委员会的一员I sit on the government- appointed commission也是“展望二〇〇〇”成员Perspective 2000作为一名钢铁专家as an expert on steel.加上你作为联合钢铁有限公♥司♥主席的能量Also in your capacity as chairman of United Steel Inc.这是当然的Of course, naturally.在这种威势之下我们更能集中火力And in this respect we're somewhat preoccupied尤其是近期的大潮中especially given certain recent trends传送运输系统in freight and transportation systems对钢铁的需求会在八十和九十年代that would have major repercussions in the 80s and 90s产生巨大反响on demand for steel.你对商业方面有了解吗Do you have a background in business?几乎没有Hardly.嗯我简要解释一下…Well, if I may briefly explain...在我们的部门调查不只是长♥期♥的也是…In our sector, investments are not only long-term, they're also... 很耗费资金的Very costly.让哈特曼说完斯蒂勒Let Mr. Hartmann finish, Stiller.不不你可以继续说很对No, no, you can put it that way. Quite right.很耗费资金或者说…一个调查Costly. In other words, an investment会花掉上亿的钱to the tune of several hundred million如果是在今天可以说要用二十年的时间if made today, would take, say, 20 years分期偿还to be amortized.- 如果你的分♥析♥没错的话 - 是的这是前提- If your analyses were correct. - If they were correct, yes.当然我们没有胡乱猜想Naturally we don't make wild guesses.我们依赖于科学的分♥析♥工具We rely on a whole slew of scientific analytical tools:经济和市场分♥析♥Economic and market analyses走势预测…进出口关系…trend forecasts, input-output relations...只举几个例子to name a few.但你自己清楚But you yourself know传统电脑技术…the limitations of the prognostic capacity预测能力的局限性of conventional computer technology这些机器和你的仿真模型相比and how much larger the margin of error is of such computers 产生的误差范围大多少compared to your simulation model.为什么跟我说这些?Why are you telling me all this?- 我不明白… - 他明白- I don't understand. - He does.斯蒂勒博士…Dr. Stiller...我们不是在谈论张罗个热狗摊We're not talking about opening a hot-dog stand。
All That Is Hot新闻微阅读三篇
![All That Is Hot新闻微阅读三篇](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d7f7885017fc700abb68a98271fe910ef02dae71.png)
All That Is Hot新闻微阅读三篇作者:王燕来源:《疯狂英语·初中天地》2024年第01期1“Rizz” crowned Oxford Word of the Year 2023网络流行语“rizz”当选2023 牛津年度词汇“Rizz” received more than 32,000 votes from the public andcrowned Oxford Word of the Year 2023, dictionary publisherOxford University Press(OUP)announced.“Rizz” soared inpopularity earlier in 2023, after Spider-Man actor Tom Hollandwas asked by BuzzFeed what the secret tohis rizz was. He answered,“I have no rizzwhatsoever. I have limited rizz.”OUP added that the word can alsobe used as a verb,in the phrase “rizz up”,meaning to attract or chat up a person.While Word of the Year contendersdo not need to be new words,they must have a significanceto the year in question. OUPsaid its 2023 shortlist waschosen to “reflect the mood,ethos,or preoccupations ofthe year”.The other finalists were “prompt”, the instruction given toan artificial intelligence program that influences the content itcreates; “situationship,” which means a r omantic partnership thatis not considered to be formal or established; and lastly,“Swiftie”— the name given to an avid fan of singer Taylor Swift.牛津大学出版社表示,“rizz”以 32000 多票当选 2023 牛津年度词汇。
And around eight hours after landing,
there are still no signs of what might be called
"First contact."
of hunting equipment and firearms to close their doors to the public.
- Forty-eight hours later and no further development... - Two days...
...entertain the idea that if it is a kind of vessel,
it may be unmanned.
Regardless, we have a protocol for scenarios like this.
Now, the objects measure at least 1,500 feet tall...
Two are reported to have penetrated Russian airspace.
管理类专业学位全国联考英语(二)真题Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered black and mark A, BC or D onANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 ,when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more that it 2 .Weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was bad to my overall fitness goals. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training regimen. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals.I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in weight 7 alerting your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost.For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program.I also use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I'm constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake.The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I am experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale.Rather than 20 over the scale, turn your focus to how you look,feel,how your clothes fit and your overall energy level.1.A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Besides2.A. cares B. warns C. reduces D. helps3.A. solely B. occasionally C. formally D. initially4.A. lowering B. explaining C. accepting D. recording5.A. set B. review C. reach D. modify6.A. depiction B. distribution C. prediction D. definition7.A. regardless of B. aside from C. along with D. due to8.A. rigid B. precise C. immediate D. orderly9.A. judgments B. reasons C. methods D. claims10.A. though B. again C. indeed D. instead11.A. track B. overlook C. conceal D. report12.A. approval of B. hold onto C. account for D. depend on13.A. share B. adjust C. confirm D. prepare14.A. features B. rules C. tests D. results15.A. anxious B. hungry C. sick D. bored16.A. secret B. belief C. sign D. principle17.A. necessity B. decision C. wish D. request18.A. surprising B. restricting C. consuming D. disappointing19.A. because B. unless C. until D. if20A. dominating B. puzzling C. triumphing D. obsessingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)Text 1Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, in conjunction with a child's growing grasp of social and moral norms. Children aren't born knowing how to say “I'm sorry”; rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends and their own consciences. This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt, in the right amount, to be a good thing.In the popular imagination, of course, guilt still gets a bad rap. It is deeplyuncomfortable - it's the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones. Yet this understanding is outdated."There has been a kind of revival or a rethinking about what guilt is and what role guilt can serve,” says Amrisha Vaish, a psychology researcher at the University of Virginia, adding that this revival is part of a larger recognition that emotions aren't binary -- feelings that may be advantageous in one context may be harmful in another. Jealousy and anger, for example, may have evolved to alert us to important inequalities. Too much happiness can be destructive.And guilt, by prompting us to think more deeply about our goodness, can encourage humans to make up for errors and fix relationships. Guilt, in other words, can help hold a cooperative species together. It is a kind of social glue.Viewed in this light, guilt is an opportunity. Work by Tina Malti, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, suggests that guilt may compensate for an emotional deficiency. In a number of studies, Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing. Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shortfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses. And vice versa: High sympathy can substitute for low guilt.In a 2014 study, for example, Malti looked at 244 children. Using caregiver assessments and the children's self-observations, she rated each child's overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. Then the kids were handed chocolate coins, and given a chance to share them with an anonymous child. For the low-sympathy kids, how much they shared appeared to turn on how inclined they were to feel guilty. The guilt-prone ones shared more, even though they hadn't magically become more sympathetic to the other child's deprivation.“That’s good news.” Malti says, “We can be prosocial because we caused harm and we feel regret.”21.Researchers think that guilt can be a good thing because it may help .A.foster a child's moral developmentB.regulate a child’s basic emotionsC.improve a child's intellectual abilityD.intensity a child’s positive feelings22.According to paragraph 2, many people still consider guilt to be .A.inexcusableB.deceptionC.addictiveD.burdensome23.Vaish holds that the rethinking about guilt comes from an awareness that .A.emotions are context-independentB.an emotion can play opposing rolesC.emotions are socially constrictiveD.emotional stability can benefit health24.Malti and others have shown that cooperation and sharing .A.may help correct emotional deficienciesB.can bring about emotional satisfactionC.can result from either sympathy or guiltD.may be the outcome of impulsive acts25.The word “transgressions” (Line 4, Para. 5) is closest in meaning to .A.wrongdoingsB.discussionsC.restrictionsD.teachingsText 2Forests give us shade, quiet and one of the harder challenges in the fight against climate change. Even as we humans count on forests to soak up a good share of the carbon dioxide we produce, we are threatening their ability to do so. The climate change we are hastening could one day leave us with forests that emit more carbon than they absorb.Thankfully, there is a way out of this trap -- but it involves striking a subtle balance. Helping forests flourish as valuable “carbon sinks” long into the future may require reducing their capacity to sequester carbon now. California is leading the way, as it does on so many climate efforts, in figuring out the details.The state’s proposed Forest Carbon Plan aims to double efforts to thin out young trees and clear brush in parts of the forest, including by controlled burning. This temporarily lowers carbon-carrying capacity. But the remaining trees draw a greater share of the available moisture, so they grow and thrive, restoring the forest’s capacity to pull carbon from the air. Healthy trees arealso better able to fend off bark beetles. The landscape is rendered less combustible. Even in the event of a fire, fewer trees are consumed.The need for such planning is increasingly urgent. Already, since 2010, drought and beetles have killed more than 100 million trees in California, most of them in 2016 alone, and wildfires have burned hundreds of thousands of acres.California plans to treat 35,000 acres of forest a year by 2020, and 60,000 by 2030 - financed fromthe proceeds of the state's emissions-permit auctions. That's only a small share of the total acreage that could benefit, about half a million acres in all, so it will be important to prioritize areas at greatest risk of fire or drought.The strategy also aims to ensure that carbon in woody material removed from the forests is locked away in the form of solid lumber, burned as biofuel in vehicles that would otherwise run on fossil fuels, or used in compost or animal feed. New research on transportation biofuels is already under way.State governments are well accustomed to managing forests, but traditionally they’ve focu sed on wildlife, watersheds and opportunities for recreation. Only recently have they come to see the vital part forests will have to play in storing carbon. California's plan, which is expected to be finalized by the governor early next year, should serve as a model.26.B y saying “one of the harder challenges,” the author implies thatA.global climate change may get out of controlB.people may misunderstand global warmingC.extreme weather conditions may ariseD.forests may become a potential threat27.To maintain forests as valuable “carbon sinks”, we may need toA.preserve the diversity of species in themB.accelerate the growth of young treesC.strike a balance among different plantsD.lower their present carbon-absorbing capacity28.California’s Forest Carbon Plan endeavors toA.cultivate more drought-resistant treesB.reduce the density of some of its forestsC.find more effective ways to kill insectsD.restore its forests quickly after wildfires29.What is essential to California’s plan according to Paragraph 5?A.To handle the areas in serious danger first.B.To carry it out before the year of 2020.C.To perfect the emissions-permit auctions.D.To obtain enough financial support.30.The author’s attitude to California’s plan can be d escribed asA.ambiguousB.tolerantC.supportiveD.cautiousText 3American farmers have been complaining of labor shortages for several years. The complaints are unlikely to stop without an overhaul of immigration rules for farm workers.Congress has obstructed efforts to create a more straightforward visa for agricultural workers that would let foreign workers stay longer in the U.S. and change jobs within the industry. If this doesn’t change, American businesses communities, and consumers will be the losers.Perhaps half of U.S. farm laborers are undocumented immigrants. As fewer such workers enter the country, the characteristics of the agricultural workforce are changing. Today's farm laborers, while still predominantly born in Mexico, are more likely to be settled rather than migrating and more likely to be married than single. They're also aging. At the start of this century, about one-third of crop workers were over the age of 35. Now more than half are. And picking crops is hard on older bodies. One oft-debated cure for this labor shortage remains as implausible as it's been all along: Native U.S, workers won't be returning to the farm.Mechanization isn't the answer, either-not yet, at least. Production of corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and wheat has been largely mechanized, but many high-value, labor-intensive crops, such as strawberries, need labor. Even dairy farms, where robots do a small share of milking, have a long way to go before they're automated.As a result, farms have grown increasingly reliant on temporary guest workers using the H-2A visa to fill the gaps in the workforce. Starting around 2012, requests for the visas rose sharply; from 201I to 2016 the number of visas issued more than doubled.The H-2A visa has no numerical cap, unlike the H-2B visa for nonagricultural work, which is limited to 66,000 a year. Even so, employers complain they aren't given all the workers they need. The process iscumbersome, expensive, and unreliable. One survey found that bureaucratic delays led the average H-2A worker to arrive on the job 22 days late. The shortage is compounded by federal immigration raids, which remove some workers and drive others underground.In a 2012 survey, 71 percent of tree-fruit growers and almost 80 percent of raisin and berry growers said they were short of labor. Some western farmers have responded by moving operations to Mexico. From 1998 to 2000,14.5 percent of the fruit Americans consumed was imported. Little more thana decade later, the share of imports was 25.8 percent.In effect, the U.S. can import food or it can import the workers who pick it.31.What problem should be addressed according to the first two paragraphs?A.Discrimination against foreign workers in the U.S.B.Flaws in U.S. immigration rules for farm workers.C.Biased laws in favor of some American businesses.D.Decline of job opportunities in U.S. agriculture.32.One trouble with U.S. agricultural workforce isA.the rising number of illegal immigrantsB.the high mobility of crop workersC.the aging of immigrant farm workersD.the lack of experienced laborers33.What is the much-argued solution to the labor shortage in U.S. farming?A.To get native U.S. workers back to farming.B.To attract younger laborers to farm work.C.To use more robots to grow high-value crops.D.To strengthen financial support for famers.34.Agricultural employers complain about the H-2A visa for itsA.control of annual admissionsB.limit on duration of stayC.tightened requirementsD.slow granting procedures35.Which of the following could be the best title for this text?A.Import Food or Labor?B.U.S. Agriculture in Decline?C.America Saved by Mexico?D.Manpower vs. Automation?Text 4Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dia Mirza and Adrian Grenier have a message for you: It’s easy to beat plastic. They’re part of a bunch of celebrities starring in a new video for World Environment Day -- encouraging you, the consumer, to swap out your single-use plastic staples to combat the plastics crisis.The key messages that have been put together for World Environment Day do include a call for governments to enact legislation to curb single-use plastics. But the overarching message is directed at individuals.My concern with leaving it up to the individual, however, is our limited sense of what needs to be achieved. On their own, taking our own bags to the grocery store or quitting plastic straws, for example, will accomplish little and require very little of us. They could even be harmful, satisfying a need to have “done our bit” without ever prog ressing onto bigger, bolder, more effective actions -- a kind of “moral licensing” that eases our concerns and stops us doing more and asking more of those in charge.While the conversation around our environment and our responsibility toward it remains centered on shopping bags and straws, we’re ignoring the balance of power that implies that as “consumers” we must shop sustainably, rather than as “citizens” hold our governments and industries to account to push for real systemic change.It’s important to acknowledge that the environment isn’t everyone’s priority -- or even most people’s. We shouldn’t expect it to be. In her latest book, Why Good People Do Bad Environmental Things, Elizabeth R. DeSombre argues that the best way to collectively change the behavior of large numbers of people is for the change to be structural.This might mean implementing policy such as a plastic tax that adds a cost to environmentally problematic action, or banning single-use plastics altogether. India has just announced it will “eliminate all single- use plastic in the country by 2022.” There are also incentive-based ways of making better environmental choices easier, such as ensuring recycling is at least as easy as trash disposal.DeSombre isn’t saying people should stop caring about the environment. It’s just that individual actions are too slow, she says, for that to be the only, or even primary, approach to changing widespread behavior.None of this is about writing off the individual. It’s just about putting things int o perspective. We don’t have time to wait. We need progressive polices that shape collective action, alongside engaged citizens pushing for change.36.Some celebrities star in a new video toA.demand new laws on the use of plasticsB.urge consumers to cut the use of plasticsC.invite public opinion on the plastics crisisD.disclose the causes of the plastics crisis37.The author is concerned that “moral licensing” mayA.mislead us into doing worthless thingsB.prevent us from making further effortsC.weaken our sense of accomplishmentD.suppress our desire for success38.By pointing out our identity as “citizens,” the author indicates that.A.our focus should be shifted to community welfareB.our relationship with local industries is improvingC.we have been actively exercising our civil rightsD.we should press our governments to lead the combat39.DeSombre argues that the best way for a collective change should beA.a win-win arrangementB.a self-driven mechanismC.a cost-effective approachD.a top-down process40.The author concludes that individual effortsA.can be too aggressiveB.are far from sufficientC.can be too inconsistentD.are far from rationalReading the following text and answer the questions by finding information from the right column that corresponds to each of the marked details given in the left column. There are two extra choices in the right column. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)How seriously should parent take kid’s opinions when searching for a home?In choosing a new home, Camille McClain’s kids have a single demand a backyard.That seemingly reasonable request turned the Chicago family’s home hunt upside down, as there weren't many three bedroom apartments on the North Side -- where the family was looking -- that came with yard space. Still, McClain and her husband chose to honor their 4-and 6-year-old‘s request. “We worked with a few apartment brokers, and it was strange that many of them didn't even now if there was outdoor space, so they'd bring us to an apartment, we'd see that it didn't have a yard, and we'd move on," said McClain, who runs Merry Music Makers in Lakeview, a business focused on music education for children.McClain's little ones aren't the only kids who have an opinion when it comes to housing, and in many cases youngsters’ views weigh heavily on parents’ real estate decisions, according to a 2018 Harris Poll survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults.Renters paid attention to their kids’ preferences even more: 83 percent said their children's opinions will be a factor when they buy a home.The idea of involving children in a big decision is a great idea because it can help them feel a sense of control and ownership in what can be an overwhelming process, said Ryan Hooper, clinical psychologist in Chicago.“Children may face serious difficulties in coping with significant moves, especially if it removes them from their current school or support system," he said.Younger children should feel like they're choosing their home -- without actually getting a choice in the matter, said Adam Bailey, real estate attorney based in New York and author of the upcoming children's book Home," about the search for the perfect home from the viewpoint of a child.Asking them questions about what they like about the backyard of a potential home -- or asking them where their toys would go in the house -- will make them feel like they're being included in the decision- making process, Bailey said.Many of the aspects of homebuying aren't a consideration for children, said Tracey Hampson, a real estate agent based in Santa Clarita, Calif. And placing too much emphasis on their opinions can ruin a fantastic homepurchase.She has a client who has been house-hunting for a while, and he always asks his young children their opinion. But when this buyer finally decided to write an offer on a home with a pool, his children burst into tears because they didn't want a pool.They ended up not submitting an offer," Hampson said.” So speaking with your children before you make a real estate decision is wise, but I wouldn't base the purchasing decision solely on their opinions.”The other issue is that many children -- especially older ones -- may base their real estate knowledge on HGTV shows, which tend to focus on superficial aspects of real estate, said Aaron Norris of The Norris Group in Riverside, Calif.They love Chip and Julie Gaines just as much as the rest of us," he said. HGTV has seriously changed how people view real estate. It's not shelter, it's a lifestyle. With that mindset change comes some serious money consequences."Kids tend to get stuck in the features and the immediate benefits to them personally, Norris said. And while their opinions on those elements shouldn't reign supreme, the home buying process could be a time to start talking to kids about money, budgeting, homeownership and other financial decisions.“Their opinions can change tomorrow,” Garner said "as harsh a s it may be to say, that decision should likely not be made contingent on a child's opinions, but rather made for them with great consideration into what home can meet their needs best – and give them an opportunity to customize it a bit and make it their own."This advice is more relevant now than ever before, even as more parents want to embrace the ideas of their children, despite the current housing crunch.Today, wannabe homebuyers have to be more open when it comes to must-haves and what you can compromise on, Hampson said.And speaking of compromise: The McClain kids, hungry for outdoor space, fell in love with a home in the North Park neighborhood that had a large yard. But it wasn’t ideal by their parents’ standards.The family ended up renting a house in North Center that had a smalleryard, but it was still big enough for playtime.I had to do a bit of a sales job with the kids since they loved the yard in North Park," McClain said. But there's a hammock they lounge on, a spot to jump rope, a place to play in the. sprinkler, and an area to write with sidewalkchalk."Section III Translation46.Directions:Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)It is easy to underestimate English writer James Herriot. He had such a pleasant, readable style that one might think that anyone could imitate it. How many times have I heard people say, “I could write a book. I just haven’t the time.” Easily said. Not so easily done. James Herriot, contrary to popular opinion, did not find it easy in his early days of, as he pu t it, “having a go at the writing game”. While he obviously had an abundance of natural talent, the final, polished work that he gave to theworld was the result of years of practising, re-writing and reading. Like the majority of authors, he had to suffer many disappointments and rejections along the way, but these made him all the more determined to succeed. Everything he achieved in life was earned the hard way and his success in the literary field was no exception.Section IV WritingPart A46.Directions:Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the city traffic. Write him an email to1)suggest a specific topic with your reasons, and2)tell him about your arrangement.You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)参考答案1.C2.D3.A4.A5.C6.A7.D8.C9.B 10.D11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.B16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.D21.A 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.A26.D 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.C31.B 32.C 33.A 34.D 35.A36.B 37.B 38.D 39.D 40.B41.D 42.G 43.F 44.C 45.B46.答案:人们很容易低估英国作家吉米·哈利。
白岩松说的经典语录英文As one of China's most famous news anchors and journalists, Bai Yansong (白岩松) has shared many inspiring and thought-provoking quotes throughout his career. Here are seven of his most memorable sayings and the lessons we can learn from them:1. "The truth is truth, even if nobody believes it. A lie is a lie, even if everybody believes it." This quote highlights the importance of speaking truth and maintaining honesty, no matter what the prevailing opinion or pressure may be.2. "A good journalist should always maintain an objective and impartial stance, and strive to discover the truth behind the facts." Bai emphasizes the crucial role of journalists in uncovering the underlying facts and staying true to their duty to report the truth.3. "A society without communication is like a body without blood: it cannot thrive or survive." This quote highlights the importance of communication and the role it plays in building a healthy and sustainable society.4. "The greatest courage is to speak out and stand up for our beliefs and principles, even in the face of opposition and adversity." Bai stresses the importance of standing up for what we believe in, even if it means going against the grain.5. "Humility is the key to success, both in our professional and personal lives. Only by being humble can we continue to learn and grow." This quote highlights the value of humility and the importance of remaining open to new ideas and perspectives.6. "We should never underestimate the power of words. They have the ability to inspire and motivate, but also to hurt and destroy." Bai emphasizes the importance of choosing our words carefully and being mindful of their impact on others.7. "The strength of a society lies in the diversity of its voices and opinions. We must embrace and respect differences, and work together towards a common goal." This quote highlights the importance of diversity and inclusivity, and the value of working towards a shared vision for the betterment of all.In conclusion, Bai Yansong's words of wisdom not only inspire us, but also remind us of the important values and principles we should uphold in our daily lives. By consistently striving to speak truth, uphold objectivity, maintain humility, and respect diversity, we can all play a valuable role in building a better and more harmonious world.Bai Yansong is a well-respected journalist and news anchor, known for his thought-provoking insights and eloquent speeches. He has used his platform to raise important issues and promote social justice, inspiring many people to take action and make a difference in their communities.One of the key messages that Bai often emphasizes is the power of empathy and compassion. He believes that by putting ourselves in other people's shoes and truly understanding their perspectives, we can build stronger relationships and create a more compassionate society.For example, in one of his speeches, Bai discussed the need tobridge the gap between urban and rural areas in China. He argued that people in urban areas often don't fully understand the challenges and struggles faced by those in rural areas, and vice versa. By promoting empathy and understanding, he believes we can work together to create more equitable opportunities for all.Another important message that Bai promotes is the value of education and lifelong learning. He believes that by constantly seeking new knowledge and skills, we can improve ourselves and our communities. He has spoken about the importance of quality education and the need to invest in educational opportunities for all, regardless of socioeconomic background.Through his words and actions, Bai Yansong has become a symbol of integrity, compassion, and resilience. He has inspired many people to stand up for what they believe in and work towards a better future for all. His messages of hope and positivity continue to resonate with people across China and beyond.非常抱歉,我只能为您提供少量文本,因为我们的限制是定制的,不允许准确地针对您的要求进行文本生成。
英语演讲原文:奥巴马演讲 暴乱必须停止
![英语演讲原文:奥巴马演讲 暴乱必须停止](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2ecf2bd751e79b8969022602.png)
奥巴马演讲暴乱必须停止THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. Secretary Clinton and I just concluded a meeting that focused on the ongoing 1 (不间断的,进行的) situation in Libya. Over the last few days, my national security team has been working around the clock to monitor the situation there and to coordinate 2 with our international partners about a way forward.First, we are doing everything we can to protect American citizens. That is my highest priority. In Libya, we've urgedour people to leave the country and the State Department is assisting those in need of support. Meanwhile, I think all Americans should give thanks to the heroic work that's being done by our foreign service officers and the men and women serving in our embassies and consulates 3 (领事馆)around the world. They represent the very best of our country and its values.Now, throughout this period of unrest and upheaval 4 (剧变,隆起) across the region the United States has maintained a set of core principles which guide our approach. These principles apply to the situation in Libya. As I said last week, we strongly condemn 5 the use of violence in Libya.The American people extend our deepest condolences(慰问,哀悼)to the families and loved ones of all who’ve been killed and injured. The suffering and bloodshed is outrageous 6 and it is unacceptable. So are threats and orders to shoot peaceful protesters and further punish the people of Libya. These actions violate international norms and every standard of common decency 7 . This violence must stop.The United States also strongly supports the universal rightsof the Libyan people. That includes the rights of peaceful assembly, free speech, and the ability of the Libyan people to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. They are not negotiable. They must be respected in every country. And they cannot be denied through violence or suppression.In a volatile 8 situation like this one, it is imperative 9 (必要的,命令的) that the nations and peoples of the world speak with one voice, and that has been our focus. Yesterday a unanimous(意见一致的) U.N. Security Council sent a clear message that it condemns 10 the violence in Libya, supports accountability for the perpetrators(犯罪者,作恶者) , and stands with the Libyan people.This same message, by the way, has been delivered by the European Union, the Arab League, the African Union, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, and many individual nations. North and south, east and west, voices are being raised together to oppose suppression and support the rights of the Libyan people.I’ve also asked my administration to prepare the full range of options that we have to respond to this crisis. This includes those actions we may take and those we willcoordinate with our allies and partners, or those that we’ll carry out through multilateral(多边的,多国的) institutions.Like all governments, the Libyan government has a responsibility to refrain(避免,节制) from violence, to allow humanitarian 11 assistance to reach those in need, and to respect the rights of its people. It must be held accountable for its failure to meet those responsibilities, and face the cost of continued violations 12 of human rights.This is not simply a concern of the United States. The entire world is watching, and we will coordinate our assistance and accountability measures with the international community. To that end, Secretary Clinton and I have asked Bill Burns, our Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs, to make several stops in Europe and the region to intensify 13 our consultations 14 (磋商,咨询) with allies and partners about the situation in Libya.I’ve also asked Secretary Clinton to travel to Geneva on Monday, where a number of foreign ministers will convene 15 (召集,集合) for a session of the Human Rights Council. There she’ll hold consultations with her counterparts on events throughout the region and continue to ensure that we join with the international community to speak with one voice to the government and the people of Libya.And even as we are focused on the urgent situation in Libya, let me just say that our efforts continue to address the events taking place elsewhere, including how the international community can most effectively support the peaceful transition(过渡,转变) to democracy in both Tunisia and in Egypt.So let me be clear. The change that is taking place across the region is being driven by the people of the region. This change doesn’t represent the work of the United States or any foreign power. It represents the aspirations 16 of people who are seeking a better life.As one Libyan said, “We just want to be able to live like human beings.” We just want to be able to live like human beings. It is the most basic of aspirations that is driving this change. And throughout this time of transition, the United States will continue to stand up for freedom, stand up for justice, and stand up for the dignity of all people.Thank you very much.■文章重点单词注释:1ongoingadj.进行中的,前进的参考例句:The problem is ongoing.这个问题尚未解决。
高中英语 第二部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第14课(文本)素材
![高中英语 第二部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第14课(文本)素材](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b42c5e06b8f67c1cfbd6b8b0.png)
高中英语第二部分 VOA慢速英语《美国万花筒》第14课(文本)素材英语翻议讲解:1.outreach v. 超越;超过;伸出could not allay the outreach of human intellect.不能控制人类才智的发展2.neurosurgeon n. 神经外科医生3.extraordinary a. 非常的,特别的,非凡的例句:They all showed extraordinary equestrian skill. 他们的骑术都很高超。
4.seizure n. 捕获,夺取,占领,捕获物,没收,充公;(病的)发作收押财物例句:The seizure in execution of such a writ. 扣押依此种命令没收的财产5.discrimination n. 差别,岐视,辨别力例句:There is no racial discrimination to be felt in this city. 在这个城市里感觉不到种族歧视。
6.restrictive a. 限制的,拘束的,限定的例句:He finds the job too restrictive. 他觉得这份工作束缚太多。
1.The Green Summer program provided young people with hands-on experience and education on issues of environmental importance.provide sb with 提供例句:They can provide food for us. 他们能为我们提供食物。
2.Others carried out energy studies of city school buildings to make sure the equipment and systems work effectively.make sure查明,弄清楚;保证,务必例句:Make sure that your seat belt is securely fastened. 请确认你的安全带系牢了。
全文分为作者个人简介和正文两个部分:作者个人简介:Hello everyone, I am an author dedicated to creating and sharing high-quality document templates. In this era of information overload, accurate and efficient communication has become especially important. I firmly believe that good communication can build bridges between people, playing an indispensable role in academia, career, and daily life. Therefore, I decided to invest my knowledge and skills into creating valuable documents to help people find inspiration and direction when needed.正文:123木头人不许说话不许动的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1123 Wooden Men, No Talking, No MovingI still vividly recall that fateful day in Mrs. Appleton's fourth grade English class when we played the unforgettable game of "123 Wooden Men." At first, it seemed like just another boringclassroom activity meant to drill grammar rules into our resistant young minds. Little did I know, it would become an experience that has stuck with me for years, teaching me valuable life lessons that textbooks could never convey.The premise was deceptively simple - we had to stand in a line, perfectly still like wooden men, without uttering a single word. With each successive number called out by Mrs. Appleton, one of us had to step forward. Sounds easy, right? Wrong. The moment that devilish woman started the game, all hell broke loose.Timmy Jacobs, that class clown, immediately broke into a fit of hysterical laughter, clutching his sides as if he'd just witnessed the funniest joke in the world. His roaring guffaws echoed through the classroom, shattering the sacred silence. "One!" Mrs. Appleton bellowed, her face flushing a deep crimson. Timmy begrudgingly shuffled forward, still tittering under his breath.Just when I thought we might make it past the first few numbers unscathed, Sarah Henderson decided to unleash ajaw-cracking yawn that could have wakened the dead. "Two!" Mrs. Appleton snapped, her eyes narrowing to slits. Sarah sluggishly inched her way forward, blinking back tears of apparent boredom.The game had barely begun, and already our ranks were rapidly thinning. One by one, my classmates succumbed to the irresistible urge to fidget, cough, or whisper something to their neighbor. With each infraction, Mrs. Appleton's voice grew increasingly strained, her patience wearing thinner than her tightly-pulled bun.By the time we reached the dreaded "123," only a handful of us remained – myself, the ever-diligent Emily Thornton, and a couple of others whose names escape me now. We stood ramrod straight, our faces frozen in masks of grim determination, as Mrs. Appleton eyed us like a hawk eyeing its prey.And then, it happened. A loud buzzing noise pierced the air, shattering our hard-won concentration. Emily's hand instinctively flew to her pocket, fumbling for her vibrating phone. "One hundred and twenty-three!" Mrs. Appleton roared, her voice reaching a fever pitch.In that moment, time seemed to slow to a crawl. Emily's eyes widened in horror as she realized her grave mistake. Her trembling fingers grasped the offending device, but it was too late. With a resigned sigh, she took that final, fateful step forward, sealing her own defeat.As the last woman standing, I basked in the glory of my victory, a smug grin spreading across my face. Mrs. Appleton regarded me with a newfound respect, her anger melting into a grudging admiration. For once, I had emerged triumphant in a battle of wills against the formidable educator.In the years that followed, I often found myself reflecting on that peculiar game and the lessons it imparted. On the surface, it seemed like a trivial exercise in discipline and focus. But upon deeper contemplation, I realized it was so much more.The game taught me the value of perseverance, of pushing through adversity and distractions to achieve my goals. In a world filled with constant stimuli vying for our attention, the ability to maintain laser-like focus is a rare and precious commodity.It also instilled in me the importance of self-control, of mastering my impulses and emotions. How often in life are we tempted to act on our baser instincts, to succumb to the siren call of instant gratification? The game reminded me that true strength lies in restraint, in governing oneself with a steady hand.Perhaps most importantly, the game fostered a deep respect for the rules and authority figures that govern our lives. While Mrs. Appleton's methods may have seemed excessive at times,her unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of the game taught me the value of discipline and structure.As I navigated the turbulent waters of adolescence and adulthood, I often found myself drawing upon the lessons of "123 Wooden Men." Whenever I faced a daunting challenge or a moment of temptation, I would picture myself standing in that classroom, resolute and unwavering, and find the strength to persevere.In a world that often seems to reward the loud and the brash, the game instilled in me the quiet confidence of one who knows the true power of silence and stillness. It reminded me that sometimes, the greatest victories are won not through grand gestures, but through the simple act of holding one's ground.To this day, whenever I find myself in a situation that demands focus and discipline, I can hear Mrs. Appleton's voice echoing in my mind: "One hundred and twenty-three!" And in that moment, I am transported back to that fateful day, standing tall and proud, the last wooden man left standing.篇2123 Wooden Men Cannot Speak or MoveIt was just another ordinary day at Oakwood Elementary School. I rushed through the doors, narrowly avoiding being tardy yet again. As I hurried down the hallway towards my classroom, I noticed something peculiar out of the corner of my eye. There stood three wooden figures, lifeless and silent, almost like sentries guarding the entrance to Mrs. Appleton's classroom.I shrugged it off, assuming it was just another one of her eccentric teaching aids, and took my seat. The morning lessons droned on as they typically did - math, reading, science. But I couldn't shake the unsettling feeling about those three wooden figures standing motionless outside. There was something deeply unnerving about their rigid, unblinking stares.Finally, the recess bell rang, offering a wonderful reprieve from the monotony of classroom learning. As I stood up from my desk, Mrs. Appleton called out in her signature stern tone, "Class, who can remind us of the rules about the three wooden men?"Rules? About those creepy wooden figures? This was news to me. Apparently I had zoned out when she initially explained them. A few of my more diligent classmates shot their hands up eagerly."Angela?" Mrs. Appleton acknowledged."The three wooden men cannot be spoken to, and they cannot be moved from their positions under any circumstances," Angela recited obediently.Mrs. Appleton nodded approvingly. "Very good. You all know the consequences if those rules are broken." Her eyes scanned the room sternly. "Class dismissed for recess."The rest of us filed out, bemused by this bizarre new development. Once outside on the playground, the theories and speculation began to swirl."I heard if you talk to the wooden men, they'll come alive at night and chase you around the school!" Bobby claimed adamantly."No way, I heard if you move them even an inch, they'll curse you and your family for a thousand years!" Samantha countered fearfully.As the theories became increasingly far-fetched and ridiculous, I found myself glancing back towards the looming wooden figures, wondering what secrets they could possibly hold. Were they guarding something? Or were they somehow protecting us? Their stoic silence was incredibly unsettling.Over the next few days, the wooden men became amarrante obsession among us students. We studied them relentlessly, looking for any subtle movement or change. Some even attempted to test the rules by waving hands in front of their wooden faces or temporarily obstructing them, just to see if any reaction could be provoked. But the figures remained eerily still and silent, no matter what we did.I tried dismissing the whole situation as nothing more than one of Mrs. Appleton's bizarre learning exercises. But a nagging curiosity ate away at me. I found myself absentmindedly doodling the figures during classes, trying to capture every carved line and detail. What was their purpose? What were they guarding? And why did we have to follow such peculiar rules about not speaking to or moving them?The obsession reached a fever pitch one afternoon when Tommy Jenkins caused an absolute ruckus. During recess, the little troublemaker decided to test the limits by yelling obscenities directly in one of the wooden man's impassive faces. We all froze, waiting with bated breath for...something. Anything.But once again, the figures remained steadfastly unmoving and unmoved. A hushed, dismayed murmur rippled through the crowd of students as the severity of Tommy's rule-breakingdawned on us. You didn't dare disobey Mrs. Appleton's instructions.Surely enough, when the recess bell rang, Mrs. Appleton was waiting with that withering glare she reserved for only the most egregious offenses. "Thomas Jenkins, you will be serving detention every day after school this week for your unacceptable disruption. The rules about the three wooden men are in place for good reason. You would all be wise to follow them."Nobody dared challenge her pronouncement. As much as the figures unnerved us, the consequences of disobeying seemed far worse. Tommy skulked away in shame, his moment of misguided defiance backfiring spectacularly.As the week drew on, the wooden men remained dutifully on watch. No matter if rain or shine, they stayed rooted in their positions down the hallway. We eventually adapted to their permanent presence, no longer quite as unsettled but still utterly mystified as to their purpose.Then, one fateful afternoon, an incident occurred that passed into Oakwood Elementary legend. Ricky Matthews, the most klutzy student in our class, tripped while running down the hallway and careened directly into one of the wooden figures.There was a sickening crunch of cracking wood as the poor soul collapsed in a heap on the floor.You could have heard a pin drop in those few agonizing seconds afterwards. We all stood frozen, scarcely able to process what had just happened. Ricky laid there, dazed and unmoving amid the shattered shards of the once-intact wooden man. The remaining two figures stood vigil nearby, seeming to loom larger and more menacing than ever before.The silence was abruptly shattered as a bloodcurdling scream rang out. Mrs. Appleton came rushing down the hallway, her face contorted in sheer horror. She collapsed beside the shattered remains, cradling splintered pieces in her arms as if they were a dying loved one."What have you done?!" She wailed, rocking back and forth. "You've doomed us all!"We watched in stunned disbelief as the always-composed Mrs. Appleton completely unraveled before our very eyes. Through her hysterical sobs, she attempted to explain the importance of the figures and how catastrophic and unforgivable the breaking of the rules truly was.Apparently, the three wooden men were protective talismans, wards guarding our school from malicious supernatural forces. By moving and destroying one of them, a dam had been broken and those evil entities could now encroach onto the premises. Mrs. Appleton claimed we were all in grave danger.In desperation, she instructed us to retreat to the school auditorium and barricade the doors. We huddled there in stunned silence, watching through the windows as an impenetrable fog began rolling in. Within minutes, the entire campus was engulfed in an unnatural, frozen gloom.The hours ticked by in tense anticipation. We strained to see any signs of movement through the dense fog, but it was impossible to perceive more than a few feet ahead. Before long, eerie sounds began emanating all around us - strange clicking noises, guttural groans, the faint echoes of deranged laughter.By nightfall, legitimate panic set in. Dark, vaguely humanoid shapes could be glimpsed lurking just beyond our field of vision whenever flickering emergency lights briefly illuminated the fog. The sounds grew louder and more unsettling - wet, slapping footsteps; the unmistakable crunch of splintering wood; a groaning, heaving breath that chilled the soul.Mrs. Appleton huddled in a corner, rocking back and forth while clutching the broken remains of the wooden man. Tears streamed down her face as she muttered desperate incantations under her breath, pleading with whatever eldritch forces were now descending upon us.The rest of us stayed in a tight cluster, petrified and struggling not to scream whenever some grotesque silhouette seemed to be drawing nearer. That interminable night dragged on, with the nightmarish sounds and glimpses of encroaching entities becoming more pronounced and disturbing with every passing hour.As the first sliver of dawn poked through the relentless fog, Mrs. Appleton staggered to her feet with newfound determination. She told us that the shattered wooden man could potentially still be reassembled and set back in its rightful place, resealing the wards and banishing the encroaching evil...but it would require a sacrifice. A piece of the faculty or student body would need to serve as the talisman's new core in order to imbue it with protective power once more.Nobody volunteered. Not that anyone was particularly surprised by that. Mrs. Appleton's gaze swept across the terrified group before solemnly announcing that she would perform theselfless act herself. As the nightmarish shapes pressed in all around us, growing bolder and more menacing, she turned and marched resolutely into the impenetrable gloom.We never saw Mrs. Appleton again after those final, fateful steps. But mere moments later, there was a resounding crash and brilliant flash of blinding light that forced us all to shield our eyes. When the spots finally faded from our vision,篇3123 Wooden People: No Talking, No MovingIt was a sunny Friday afternoon and I was feeling restless after a long week of classes. My friends and I decided to walk over to the park near our school to enjoy the nice weather. As we entered the park, we noticed a crowd gathered around a small stage area. Curious, we wandered over to see what was going on.That's when we saw him - a man dressed in an outlandish red and yellow jester costume standing completely still on the stage. At first, I thought he was just a performer waiting to start his act. But then I realized he wasn't moving at all, not even blinking. He was as still as a statue!My friend Ellen leaned over and whispered, "I think that's one of those living statue performers. You know, where they pretend to be a statue or mannequin?"Living statue performers were something I had only heard about, never actually seen in person. The idea seemed strange to me - why would someone want to pretend to be an inanimate object? But as I continued watching the jester, I became strangely transfixed.Every few minutes, another person in elaborate costume would join the jester on the stage, freezing in an unusual pose. Soon, there were half a dozen of them, forming a bizarre tableau vivant. A regal queen straight out of a Renaissance painting. A terrifying medieval executioner holding a massive axe. A whimsical clown pulling an exaggerated frown.Despite their lifelike costumes and makeup, none of these "living statues" made even the slightest movement. No blinking, no subtle shifts in position - they were utterly convincing in their portrayal of inanimate objects. It was equal parts impressive and unsettling.An older man passing by must have noticed our fascination. He paused and warmly explained, "Ah, I see you've discovered our town's 123 Wooden People! It's a local tradition going backdecades. The performers remain frozen like that for hours on end, not allowed to speak or move a muscle. Quite a feat of physical discipline and artistic expression, isn't it?"The longer I observed these human statues, the more intrigued I became. While part of me still found the concept rather odd, another part was in awe of their commitment to their art form. What kind of dedication and mental focus did it take to hold perfectly still like that, even as the world moved chaotically around them?After about twenty minutes, a murmur of anticipation rippled through the crowd. One by one, the performers began ever-so-slightly shifting their positions in small, jerky movements, like robots trying to imitate human actions. It was incredibly creepy and unnatural, giving me an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.Suddenly, the jester's eyes flew open and he let out anear-piercing cackle that made me jump. The other statues quickly joined in, each making strange robotic noises and movements. It took me a moment to realize this must be the finale of their performance, as they "came alive" in this stilted, unsettling way.As the raucous performance reached its bizarre crescendo, I found myself mesmerized and bewildered all at once. These were clearly talented performers dedicated to their unique art. And yet, there was something disconcerting about the way they so convincingly transformed themselves into lifeless objects, only to "reawaken" in such an unnatural way.When the show finally ended, the performers immediately froze back into eerily still poses as if nothing had happened. The crowd burst into enthusiastic applause, though I felt too weirded out to join in. My friends and I quickly slipped away, equal parts impressed and unsettled by the bizarre spectacle we had just witnessed.On the walk back to campus, none of us said much, still trying to process what we had seen. Finally Ellen broke the silence, "Well... that was definitely the strangest performance I've ever seen!""You can say that again," I replied with a slight shudder. "Those living statue people were amazing and creepy at the same time. I'll never look at street performers the same way again!"My friend Ryan laughed. "Yeah, watching those jerky movements as they 'came alive' was pretty messed up. I don't know if I could ever do something like that!"We all agreed it would take incredible physical and mental discipline to pull off a performance like the 123 Wooden People. As strange as the whole experience was, it made me appreciate performance art in a whole new way. These weren't just actors reciting lines - they were using their bodies as canvases, blurring the lines between human and object, life and stillness.Even now, weeks later, I still think about that bizarre afternoon at the park. While the 123 Wooden People performers initially struck me as an odd novelty act, the more I reflected, the more I saw their creepy yet fascinating routine as a thoughtful commentary on themes of humanity, self-expression, and the innate human tendency to project life onto inanimate things.By completely stripping away all traces of human movement and speech for prolonged periods, then abruptly and disturbingly reanimating themselves, the performers seemed to be asking profound questions: What truly separates the living from the inanimate? How much do our characteristic mannerisms and behaviors define our humanity and individuality? Can the act of transformation itself be an art form?In the end, I came away from the 123 Wooden People profoundly impacted and still not quite sure what to make of the whole thing. But isn't that the most meaningful art makes us question our core assumptions about the world? While their performance was undeniably bizarre and unsettling, the living statues left me pondering concepts I had never seriously considered before.So as strange as the experience was, I'm glad my friends and I stumbled across the 123 Wooden People that sunny afternoon. Their commitment to their bizarre art form has stuck with me long after the performance ended. Sometimes, the things that most unsettle and confuse us ultimately end up impacting us the most profoundly.。
写关于介绍一个名人的英语作文50字六年级全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Hero: Serena WilliamsYou know how some people are just really, really good at something? Like, they're so amazing that you can't even imagine being that talented? That's how I feel about Serena Williams and tennis. She's my hero and I'm going to tell you all about why she's so incredible.First of all, her tennis skills are out of this world! She hits the ball so hard and fast, it's like a rocket launcher. And the way she moves around the court is like a cheetah chasing its prey. She's so quick and agile, it's crazy. But it's not just her physical abilities that make her great. She also has this intense determination and mental toughness that I've never seen in anyone else.When Serena steps onto the court, you can see the fire in her eyes. She's there to win, no matter what. And she never gives up, even when she's down and things look really bad. I've seen her come back from losing the first set and being behind in the second to somehow find a way to turn it all around and win. It'slike she has this magical power to just dig deeper than anyone else and find that extra gear when she needs it most.But it's not just her skills and determination that make her my hero. It's also the way she carries herself and the example she sets. Despite all her success and fame, she remains humble and down-to-earth. She never brags or acts like she's better than anyone else. And she's always gracious, whether she wins or loses.But what I really admire about Serena is how she's used her platform to inspire and empower others, especially young girls and women. She's been outspoken about issues like gender equality, body image, and racism in sports. She's shown that you can be a powerful, strong woman and still be feminine and beautiful. And she's never let anyone's doubts or criticisms hold her back from achieving her dreams.Whenever I feel like giving up or letting other people's negative words get me down, I think about Serena and how she's faced so much adversity and criticism throughout her career, but she's never let it stop her. She just keeps pushing forward and proving her doubters wrong, time and time again.I'll never forget the time I got to see her play in person. It was the most amazing experience ever. The way she commandedthe court and the crowd was mesmerizing. And when she won the match, the whole stadium was going crazy, cheering her on. It was like we were all part of something bigger than just a tennis match. We were witnessing greatness in action.And that's what Serena Williams represents to me –greatness. She's shown that with hard work, determination, and an unwavering belief in yourself, you can achieve anything you set your mind to, no matter how impossible it may seem. She's broken down barriers and shattered glass ceilings, and she's inspired millions of people around the world to dream big and never give up on their goals.So yeah, Serena Williams is my hero. She's the GOAT (Greatest Of All Time) in tennis, but she's so much more than that. She's a role model, an inspiration, and a true champion in every sense of the word. And I hope that one day, I can be even half as amazing as she is.篇2My Biggest Hero: Neil ArmstrongHave you ever dreamed of walking on the moon? Well, my hero Neil Armstrong actually did it! He was the first person ever to set foot on the lunar surface. How crazy is that?Neil Armstrong was born in 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Even as a little kid, he was obsessed with airplanes and flying. When he was 6 years old, he went to the Cleveland Air Races and got so excited watching the planes zoom through the sky. From that moment on, he knew he wanted to be a pilot.As a teenager, Armstrong took flying lessons and got his student pilot's license before he could even drive a car! After high school, he studied aeronautical engineering at Purdue University. He was an excellent student and even had a student job at a drug store to pay for flying lessons.After graduating, Armstrong joined the U.S. Navy and became a test pilot. His job was to fly brand new, experimental planes for the first time to test them out. It was extremely dangerous work, but Armstrong was brave and skilled enough to handle it. Over his career, he flew nearly 200 different aircraft models!In 1962, Armstrong was selected by NASA to join the astronaut program. His first mission into space was the Gemini 8 in 1966. During that flight, there was a critical malfunction and Armstrong had to take over manual control of the spacecraft to prevent a disaster. Everyone was amazed at how calmly and skillfully he handled the emergency.Because of his incredible piloting talents and his coolness under pressure, Armstrong was chosen to be the commander for the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing mission in 1969. On July 20th of that year, the tiny lunar lander carrying Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin seperated from the main spacecraft and began its descent to the moon's surface.As they got closer, Armstrong had to take over the controls because the computer was headed for a boulder-filled crater area that would be too dangerous for landing. Armstrong found a safe spot and landed the delicate craft with just seconds of fuel remaining! His famous first words from the moon were, "The Eagle has landed."A few hours later, Armstrong climbed down the ladder of the lander and firmly planted his boot into the powdery, gray lunar soil. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind," he said in that unforgettable moment watched by millions of awestruck people on Earth.Armstrong and Aldrin spent about 2.5 hours out on the moon's surface. They took photographs, set up scientific experiments, and collected nearly 50 pounds of rock and soil samples to bring back for study. When it was time to leave, Armstrong had to skillfully maneuver the lander's engines to liftoff from the moon's weak gravity and rejoin the main spacecraft for the journey back to Earth. The whole mission was an amazing accomplishment!After returning home as a world famous hero, Armstrong resigned from NASA in 1971. He went on to teach aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati for many years. Even though he was such a celebrated astronaut, Armstrong stayed very humble and private. He didn't like giving autographs or making a big deal about his incredible achievements.To me, Neil Armstrong is the greatest American hero who ever lived. Not only was he an amazing pilot and astronaut, but he risked his life to accomplish something no one else had ever done before. His bravery, skill, and coolness under pressure allowed him to go where no man had gone before. He made one of the most daring and historic journeys in all of human history.Armstrong proved that with hard work, determination, and perseverance, you really can achieve your wildest dreams - even walking on the moon! His "one small step" was truly a "giant leap" that inspired the whole world and sparked our continuing exploration of space. Neil Armstrong's unforgettable moon landing will be remembered and celebrated forever. He's my biggest hero of all time!篇3My Biggest Hero: Neil ArmstrongWho is your biggest hero? For me, it's Neil Armstrong - the first person to ever walk on the moon! He was an American astronaut who made history with the famous words: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."Neil Armstrong was born in 1930 in Ohio. As a kid, he loved studying airplanes and flight. He got his student pilot's license before he could even drive a car! During college, he became an amazing pilot in the Navy. He flew nearly 80 combat missions during the Korean War. After the war, he joined NASA's astronaut program.In 1966, Neil Armstrong was picked to be the commander for the historic Apollo 11 moon mission. On July 16th, 1969, a powerful Saturn V rocket blasted Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins into space. Their destination? The moon!It took them four days to get there. When they arrived in lunar orbit, Armstrong and Aldrin transferred into the lunar module nicknamed "Eagle." Collins stayed behind orbiting in the command module. Armstrong and Aldrin began their descent. But with minutes left, computer alarms went off and theguidance system temporarily failed! It was really tense. Luckily, Armstrong calmly landed Eagle with his brilliant flying skills.As they landed, Armstrong announced: "The Eagle has landed!" Those words were heard all over the world. A few hours later, at 10:56 PM on July 20th, 1969, Armstrong opened Eagle's hatch and made his way down the ladder. When he finally stepped onto the powdery surface, he said his famous quote about the "giant leap for mankind." I get chills every time I hear it!Armstrong and Aldrin spent over 21 hours exploring and conducting experiments on the lunar surface. They took photos, planted an American flag, collected rock samples, and even hit a golf ball! After their historic moonwalk, they reunited with Collins and headed back to Earth.When they returned home, the three astronauts were celebrated as heroes by people all around the world. There were parades in their honor in cities like New York and Chicago. They were awarded the highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.After his moon mission, Neil Armstrong left NASA and became a professor at the University of Cincinnati. But his legacy as the first man on the moon will live on forever. His bravery,skills, and coolness under pressure allowed humankind to achieve one of its greatest accomplishments.Neil Armstrong sadly passed away in 2012 at the age of 82. But his legendary moonwalk continues to inspire generations of explorers, astronauts, scientists, and dreamers. He once said: "Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis for mankind's desire to understand." Armstrong's moonwalk was one of history's greatest mysteries solved and wonders revealed.To me, Neil Armstrong will forever be my biggest hero and role model. His incredible journey to the moon showed me that with hard work, perseverance, and big dreams, we really can achieve the impossible. I hope that one day I too can push the boundaries of exploration and make a "giant leap" that inspires the world.篇4My Favorite Famous Person: Malala YousafzaiHave you ever heard of Malala Yousafzai? She's one of the bravest and most inspiring people I know. Malala is a Pakistani activist who has fought tirelessly for girls' education rights. Even though she's still quite young, she has accomplished so much already!Malala was born in 1997 in the Swat Valley region of Pakistan. From a very young age, she loved going to school and learning new things. However, the Taliban militant group had taken control of her town. They started issuing threats against girls' education. They actually banned girls from attending school!Can you imagine not being allowed to go to school just because you're a girl? Malala couldn't accept that. At just 11 years old, she began speaking out publicly against the Taliban's policies. She gave speeches and wrote a blog under a fake name about her desire for all girls to have access to education.In 2012, when Malala was 15 years old, something truly horrific happened. A gunman boarded her school bus and shot her in the head! The Taliban had tried to assassinate her because they didn't want her speaking out. Thankfully, Malala survived the attack after receiving emergency medical treatment.After recovering, Malala didn't back down from her activism. In fact, she became even more determined! She continued advocating for girls' education rights on a global scale. In 2014, when she was just 17 years old, Malala received the Nobel Peace Prize. She was the youngest person ever to win that prestigious award!These days, Malala uses her platform to speak out about injustices and inequalities girls face in getting an education around the world. She runs the Malala Fund, which works to remove barriers preventing over 130 million girls from going to school. Her courage and resilience in fighting for such an important cause is just amazing.I really admire Malala for her bravery and for never giving up, no matter how difficult things got. She faced threats to her life for simply wanting to go to school and learn. Yet she refused to be intimidated or silenced. Malala's story proves that one person really can make a positive difference in the world.Her fight for girls' education continues today. Malala says, "One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world." I believe her words and hope to follow her inspiring example of using my voice for good. Malala is living proof that we should never underestimate the power of students to create change.She's more than just a famous person to me. Malala Yousafzai is a real-life hero who has shown incredible strength, resilience and dedication to an important cause. She overcame unimaginable adversity and tackles difficult issues head-on. I'm in awe of her courage and accomplishments at such a young age.Malala's story motivates me to always stand up for what's right, work hard, get an education, and use my voice to make the world a little bit better. That's why she's my favorite famous person!篇5My Favorite Famous Person: Malala YousafzaiHave you ever heard of Malala Yousafzai? She's this super brave and inspiring Pakistani girl who stood up for girls' education rights even though it put her own life in danger. I think Malala is really cool and I want to tell you all about her amazing life story.Malala was born in 1997 in the Swat Valley region of Pakistan. When she was just a young kid, a group of extremists called the Taliban took over the area. The Taliban didn't believe girls should be allowed to go to school and get an education. Can you imagine that? Not being able to learn reading, writing, math and all the other important things we learn in school?Even though the Taliban made a bunch of strict rules against girls going to school, Malala kept attending classes because her parents were really supportive of her education. Her father Ziauddin actually owned and ran a school themselves. Malala loved learning and was an excellent student from an early age.When Malala was 11 years old in 2008, the Taliban issued an outright ban on girls attending school in Swat Valley. But Malala didn't let that stop her from speaking out. She started writing an anonymous blog for the BBC where she chronicled her life under Taliban rule and advocated for girls' education rights. She used the name Gul Makai for safety reasons.Through her blog, Malala quickly became a public voice and symbol of resistance against the Taliban's oppressive policies towards women and girls. In 2009, she even gave a speech titled "How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to education?" Wow, that took some serious courage, especially at such a young age!Malala continued her activism and public speaking over the next few years, despite constant death threats from the Taliban. Sadly, their threats turned out to be very real. On October 9th, 2012, a masked gunman boarded Malala's school bus and shot her in the head at point-blank range. Miraculously, she survived the horrific attack after months of medical treatment.Rather than being silenced, the assassination attempt only amplified Malala's voice and cause on a global scale. People all over the world rallied behind her with vigils and protests againstthe Taliban. She won Pakistan's first National Youth Peace Prize and was nominated for the International Children's Peace Prize.In 2013, Malala and her family were forced to leave Pakistan for their safety and relocated to England. There, Malala kept up her studies at a girls' secondary school while also writing a best-selling book called "I Am Malala" that detailed her incredible journey.In 2014, at just 17 years old, Malala was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, making her the youngest person to ever receive that honor! Her powerful quote about the prize says it all: "One child, one teacher, one book and one pen can change the world." She donated her entire 500,000 prize to finance a secondary school for girls in Pakistan.Now 25 years old, Malala has become a renowned international advocate for human rights, women's rights and access to quality education for girls all over the world. She travels the globe visiting refugee camps, fundraising, giving speeches and literally putting her life on the line to make the world a better place.I think Malala's life story is just mind-blowing. She went through something so traumatic, but instead of being defeated, she turned it into a global movement to empower young girlsthrough education. Her courage, resilience and passion for helping others is really motivating. She makes me want to stay dedicated to my own studies and find ways that I can also make a positive difference, even as a kid.To me, Malala represents the importance of fighting for your beliefs and human rights, no matter what obstacles you face. She is living proof that even young people can be powerful voices for change that impact the whole world. When I think about how fearlessly Malala stood up to extremely dangerous people like the Taliban at such a young age, it inspires me to be brave and have conviction in what I know is right. I hope her story can motivate you too!篇6Who is Walt Disney?If you ask any kid who Walt Disney is, they will probably tell you he's the guy who created Mickey Mouse and all those wonderful Disney movies. But Walt Disney was so much more than that! He was an artist, entrepreneur, innovator, and pioneer of the American animation industry. Let me tell you all about this remarkable man.Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago, Illinois. He was one of five children, four boys and a girl. When Walt was four years old, his family moved to a farm in Marceline, Missouri. Some of Walt's happiest childhood memories were from living on this friendly farm town. He loved exploring the great outdoors and developed a love for drawing pictures of animals and nature scenes.When Walt was older, his family moved to Kansas City. While in school, Walt began developing a keen interest in art and photography. After graduating high school, he tried to join the Army but was rejected because he was too young. Determined to still contribute, 16-year-old Walt joined the Red Cross and was sent to France for a year once the war ended, driving an ambulance and chauffeuring Red Cross officials.After returning to the U.S., Walt moved to Kansas City to pursue a career as an artist. He got a job as an artist at an advertising company, making commercials based on cutout animations. It was here that Walt discovered his true calling - animation and cartoons. These early creative works were the seeds that would one day blossom into the mighty oak tree known as the Walt Disney Company.In 1923, Walt Disney moved to Hollywood with just 40 in his pocket and big dreams. Along with his brother Roy, he set up the Disney Brothers Studio. Here he created and produced the first few classic Disney cartoons starring his iconic character, Mickey Mouse. "Steamboat Willie" in 1928 was the first cartoon with synchronized sound and music, revolutionizing animation forever.As Mickey's popularity soared through animated shorts, Walt pushed to make the very first full-length animated film - Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937. The production was an enormous risk, employing a team of over 500 artists who created over 250,000 drawings frame-by-frame. But Snow White was a huge hit, pioneering a new art form and proving Walt's ambitious vision was possible.From there, Walt just kept pushing the boundaries of animation and storytelling through classic films like Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi. He also began expanding the Disney company into television, theme parks, and merchandising. The world's first Disney theme park, Disneyland, opened in 1955 in Anaheim, California to astounding success.Walt Disney wasn't just an incredible visionary, he was also a true innovator. His animation studios pioneered manyadvancement in cameras, special effects, sound effects, and other audio/visual technologies. Walt was one of the first to embrace television and its potential, starting the iconic Walt Disney anthology TV series. He produced some of TV's firstfull-length movies like "The Shaggy Dog." Always pushing forward, Walt was also an early adviser and investor in what would become photocopying technology.Despite his creativity and ambitious vision, Walt Disney never lost his childlike sense of wonder, enthusiasm, and optimism. He firmly believed that all his stories should project strong ideals like good conquering evil, never lying, and keeping promises. Walt lived by the creed: "I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing – that it was all started by a mouse." He was truly the greatest storyteller of the 20th century.Sadly, Walt Disney passed away on December 15, 1966 from lung cancer at the too-young age of 65. In his lifetime, he won 22 Academy Awards and garnered over 950 honors and public recognitions from all over the world. But Walt's true legacy lives on through the amazing Disney studios, movies, parks, and merchandise that have brought joy and inspiration to billions worldwide across multiple generations.Today, Walt Disney's creations have touched the lives of kids and adults in every corner of the globe. Mickey Mouse is one of the most recognizable icons ever created, with the third most recognizable face in the world behind Santa Claus and Jesus Christ. Kids and grownups alike continue to be enthralled by Disney's magical worlds of animation, from the classic golden age films to today's Pixar blockbusters. And the incredible Disney parks and resorts allow all people, young and old, to be transported to realms of fun, imagination, and make-believe adventure.Simply put, Walt Disney was a true trailblazer who changed the face of entertainment forever. But beyond his visionary talents and commercial achievements, his lasting gift to the world was instilling that priceless childlike sense of wonder, optimism, and belief that our fondest dreams can become reality, no matter how impossible they may seem. As Walt himself said: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Amen to that, Walt. You continue to inspire kids and kids-at-heart around the world every day.。
Obama Signals Need for a Sharp Break from the Past (奥巴马表明需彻底告别过去) 中文翻译
![Obama Signals Need for a Sharp Break from the Past (奥巴马表明需彻底告别过去) 中文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e4921af3770bf78a652954bb.png)
Unit2 奥巴马表明需彻底告别过去1. 仅仅是举起手来宣誓就职,奥巴马总统在昨天就创造了历史。
2. 当美国总统就职时公众似乎处于如此矛盾的一种心态实属罕见。
3. 奥巴马沉郁的演说——以及他对全国人民团结起来的敦促——是与演说的时间背景相契合的。
”4. 但在一个充满疑惑和绝望的时期,在股市再度暴跌的一天,奥巴马的就职典礼展示了这个民族当下心态的另一面,即对这位相对而言未经考验的、年轻的新总统所寄予的希望和信任。
5. 奥巴马在国会大厦西侧的露天平台上发表的讲话既针对迷惘心态,也针对乐观心态。
”6. 这一天处处书写了历史,不仅见证了一代人的更替——从20 年来引领着美国的婴儿潮一代,到这位从未经历“动荡60年代”的领导人——以及民主党人重掌国会和白宫,而且见证了第一位非洲裔美国总统就职。
考研英语时文赏读(120):《上海堡垒》关上了中国科幻的大门?Shanghai Fortress collapses at box office《上海堡垒》票房扑街It was anticipated to be the top sci-fi film this summer, but Shanghai Fortress has flopped, triggering online debate about the future of Chinese sci-fi films.原本有望成为今年夏天最热门的科幻电影的《上海堡垒》惨遭滑铁卢,这也引发了网上关于中国科幻电影未来的讨论。
Starring A-list actress Shu Qi and pop idol Lu Han, the movie opened on 33 percent of the countrys nearly 65,000 screens on Friday, knocking down the phenomenal hit Ne Zha to 27 percent that day.这部由一线女星舒淇和流行偶像鹿晗领衔主演的电影于周五在国内近6.5万家影院上映,首日排片率达33%,力压现象级电影《哪吒》的27%。
But, a flood of negative reviews soon pulled Shanghai Fortress down from the top slot, with the screening rate shrinking to 14.4 percent by the next day.但潮水般的负面评论很快将《上海堡垒》从榜首的位置拉了下来,该影片次日的排片率仅为14.4%。
On popular film review site Douban, a reference for many theatergoers, Shanghai Fortress also saw its score fall from 4.2 points out of 10 on its debut day to 3.2 points as of Wednesday.在热门影评文库豆瓣(对于许多观影者来说,该文库具有参考价值)上,《上海堡垒》的评分也从上映首日的4.2分(总分为10分)跌至周三的3.2分(总分为10分)。
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Exclusive: Ai Weiwei breaks his silenceGlobal Times | August 09, 2011 22:09By Liang ChenAi Weiwei relaxes in his studio in Caochangdi Art District with his cat after his release. Photo: Courtesy of Ai WeiweiAi Weiwei's first interview since being released from detention started with a tour of the renovations he's having done to his home and studio in the Caochangdi Art District in northeast Beijing."I'm having my studio and kitchen painted, and I've bought some new furniture to give the place a fresh look," said Ai, looking relaxed in a deep blue T-shirt that hung loosely on his more svelte frame.Ai may have a new-look home and body but he remained politically feisty during a six-hour, exclusive interview with the Global Times.Though a prestigious artist, he has been catching the world's attention more often in recent years through his vigorously campaigning for democracy than for his art. He has been labeled by international media as one of the strongest critics of the Chinese government.While Ai continues to demand reforms, he said he has never called for a change to the form of China's government. "Overthrowing the regime through a radical revolution is not the way to solve China's problems," Ai said. "The most important thing is a scientific and democratic political system."Throughout the day, Ai seemed his usual droll self, neither becoming too excited nor ever seeming despondent. At times he seemed flirtatious and was above all relaxed. "It feels good to be home," Ai said in an off-guard moment as he stretched out to pet his cocker spaniel.The outspoken artist was released on bail on June 22 and the authorities said he had confessed to tax evasion and promised to pay the overdue amount. Authorities maintain Ai's company, Beijing Fake Cultural Development Ltd, had evaded a "huge amount" of taxes and intentionally destroyed accounting documents, the Xinhua News Agency reported.Ai's detention sparked an international outcry with the Western media politicizing the case and the Chinese government telling them to mind their own business.Ai agreed to be interviewed but insisted that he not be asked about details of his detention.Ai said he has resumed normal life and although a condition of his bail forbids him from using Twitter, he still surfs the Internet for news.Most afternoon he spends several hours with his 2-year-old son, and he walks around the art district where he lives. "I didn't have much time with my family members before, but now I have plenty of time. I see my son as often as possible," Ai said with a fatherly smile on his face.Despite the sensitive issues surrounding his case and his release, Ai talked openly about his emotions, ideas and his thoughts while in custody. "I was cut off from the outside world. No one told me when I would be released. It felt like I had fallen heavily into a collapsed pit," said Ai, sitting comfortably with his legs folded under him on his new couch.Ai said not knowing what was happening to his case was the most worrying especially when he thought of his family. "I missed my mother and my son. I was worried that I might not get to see my son grow up," said Ai.During the serene afternoon at Ai's expansive studio a cat strolls through the courtyard, glances at the dog and disappears. Ai admits he'll be more cautious in the future but he hasn't softened."I've been drawn into the vortex of politics," Ai told the Global Times. "I will never avoid politics, none of us can. We live in a politicized society."Ai crossed his arms and looked serious. He paused for a thought and continued: "You give up your rights when you dodge them. Of course you might live an easier life if you abandon some rights. But there are so many injustices, and limited educational resources. They all diminish happiness. I will never stop fighting injustice."'Economic crime'Ai was detained at the Beijing airport on April 3. The authorities disclosed until April 6 that the police was investigating Ai for suspected economic crimes. On June 22, the authorities released Ai on bail after he reportedly signed a statement indicating he was guilty of tax evasion and willing to pay the overdue tax bill, Xinhua reported.Ai admitted to the Global Times that he signed a document but says it was not a confession. He agreed that if he were proven guilty he would accept the punishment."I am the art director of the company and don't really pay any attention to its financial situation," he conceded.Ai's wife Lu Qing is the legal representative of the design company.The artist's claim of innocence is not all that convincing to his many critics."The crux of the matter is simple: Ai is involved in a criminal case. He was detained because he was suspected of having evaded a large amount of taxes," Liu Nanlai, vice director of the Research Center of the Human Rights at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) told the Global Times.Liu explained that even though Ai said he was not aware of tax evasion conducted by his accountant, obviously, "the accountant won't evade tax without any order from management."Xiong Qiuhong, the director of the Institute of the Criminal Action Law at the CASS said that it is common for Chinese artists to intentionally or unintentionally evade taxes."Many famous artists have been caught and punished for evading taxes. Ai's case is not the only one," Xiong said.Xiong wants the local authorities to try Ai in a public trial on tax evasion. "In this way, we can prevent Westerners from politicizing the case," Xiong said.Xiong also warned, "if you are a dissident, you should keep your ass clean and not get involved in any crime, so that local governments cannot find you guilty."Political artistWhile the international community has lauded Ai for his art and for pushing the boundaries of free speech in China, many Chinese experts have criticized him for his extreme acts both in art and politics.The influential conservative television pundit and Internet blogger Sima Nan criticized Ai for insulting the nation. Sima was particularly upset with Ai's controversial photograph showing Ai standing nude with a toy horse covering his private parts with a caption that cryptically read "Mud grass horse party central committee." In Chinese the homonyms for "mud grass horse" would mean something sexual done to another's mother."Is that really art? If that's really art, then anyone can become an artist," Sima told the Global Times excitedly."As an artist, Ai has crossed the boundary of art and involved himself in the political arena. He claims freedom while he has no idea freedom is accompanied by responsibility. Spreading speeches that instigate the public to challenge the rule of the Communist Party is a violation of Constitutionalprinciples."Ai was an avid user of social media. Before he was detained Ai had 92,000 followers on Twitter, which is banned in China but can be accessed through overseas backdoor channels for a price. He has tweeted more than 60,000 times – most of which advocate democracy and free speech."I don't mean to politicize my artwork. I'm complying with the principles of ethics and aesthetics. Art is connected to politics," Ai told the Global Times.Ai spent 12 years in New York where he had several exhibitions of his works and met visiting Chinese artists such as film directors Feng Xiaogang and Chen Kaige, and composer Tan Dun.He also gained fame for having a hand in the design of Beijing's iconic National Stadium known as the Bird's Nest.Ai also conducted his own, private investigation into the list of schoolchildren killed during the 2008 Sichuan earthquakes. He clashed with local authorities after claiming the number of students killed were high because their schools were poorly constructed. He mounted a shocking and disturbing installation in Europe that comprised of 9,000 brightly colored student backpacks.His activism hasn't hurt the sale of his art. In February, Ai's piece "Kuihuazi" (Sunflower Seeds) sold for $560,000 at Sotheby's in London after it had been on display at the Tate Modern's Turbine Hall in London."I felt very humbled by the high price, but it's all determined by the market," Ai said with a shrug. "I don't need much money for a luxurious life. My life is simple. What I want is the opportunity for everyone in the country to share in a just society."Some critics have also condemned Ai for his close connections to what they call "foreign forces who want to descend China into turmoil.""Foreign countries won't pass up any opportunity to defame the Chinese government and threaten the regime to prevent China from enjoying its hard-earned era of peace and development," Sima Nan said."Ai's case has been used by the Westerners," Wu Danhong, an assistant professor at the China University of Political Science and Law, told the Global Times. Wu is another critic who says Ai may be in cahoots with an unseen international conspiracy. "By condemning China's repression of dissidents in the name of democracy, foreign countries that don't want a stronger China intentionally attempt to descend China into turmoil by hyping Ai's case."Yet Wu also wants to see a more transparent legal system in China that will enhance public trust. "Dealing with legal cases openly and transparently will plug the loopholes that are being used by the ill-intentioned," Wu said.'No one is above the law'Contingent on his being allowed to leave China, Ai has accepted a teaching offer at the Berlin University of the Arts.Even though the terms of his release restrict him to Beijing for a year, Ai said he would never consider permanently leaving the country. "People with black hearts should be exiled, I will never leave," Ai said with a laugh.Although the outspoken artist is banned from speaking to the Western media, "including through Twitter," for at least one year, he returned to the Internet via a Google+ account last week.Along with his innocuous inaugural comments on Google+ ("I'm here, greetings," and "Here's proof of life"), he also posted a gallery of black and white photographs from his time in New York as a young artist in the 1980's and early 1990's.The Google+ community has quickly taken notice. As of the press time, more than 9,000 users have added Ai to their circle of contacts."Look, the information explosion, and the development of the Internet, have made the impossible possible. This is the best time for China," Ai said.Ai said although he has strong political opinions he is not all that sure of himself. "I'm an artist, but I'm more than that. I'm the type of person who can easily feel insecure and fill with worry," said Ai pensively. "I just want to do something to increase our sense of security in China."Ai agreed to talk to the Global Times even though the paper's editorial was highly critical of the West's politicizing of the case against the rebel artist. It was one of the few papers in China to touch the subject of Ai's detention who said he agrees with the editorial's main premise."No one is above the law," said Ai.少数批评者不代表中国民意2011年08月11日 13:02:18 来源:环球时报美国《基督教科学箴言报》8月10日文章,原题:中国的批评者不代表中国民意政治上被压制的一些中国知识分子,将近期的动车事故描述为中共缺陷的标志,还警告快速增长的经济危机四伏。