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Listening Part 听力部分

一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词。)

( )1. A. machine B. message C. month

( )2. A. wait B. would C. west

( )3. A. email B. each C. east

( )4. A. cost B. cartoon C. concert

( )5. A. potato B. proud C. put

( )6. A. cheap B. sheep C. cheese

( )7. A. laugh B. learn C. lesson

( )8. A.stick B. special C.scared

( )9. A. hundred B. hear C. guitar

( )10. A. time B. great C. report

二、Listen and choose.(听问句,选答句。)

( )1.A. It ’s not beautiful, but it ’s helpful. B. No, it ’s cheap.

( )2. A.He played the piano. B. She played the flute.

( )3.A. I am playing the violin. B. He is playing basketball.

( )4.A. I ’ll draw the pictures. B.I can fly a kite.

( )5.A. It ’s 2 o ’clock. B.It ’s school time.

三、Listen and write. ( 听录音,写单词。)

1.________ (欢迎)to our factory, children.

2.Everyone _____ (run 的过去式,跑)up the hill. There was no wolf.



st ______(月), she went into a shop.

4.That’s a ______(非常好的)idea.

5.I can send an ______(电子邮件)to you.

Writing Part (笔试部分)

四、Read and choose.( 读一读,选择。)

( ) 1. Don’t_____ the machines, please.

A .touching B. touch C. playing

( ) 2. --- Is it beautiful? --- It’s not _____, but it’s helpful.

A. cheap

B. small

C. beautiful

( ) 3. This bag _____ one hundred yuan.


B. costs


( ) 4. The people didn’t _____ up the hill.

A. ran

B. running

C. run

( ) 5. _______ did you do yesterday? I played football.

A. Where

B. What

C. When

( ) 6.Do you want to _____ to Chinese music?

A. listening

B. listened

C. listen

( ) 7.Don’t _____ nervous.


B. be

C. are

( ) 8. Amy is playing _____ violin .

A .the B. / C. an

( ) 9. Look, Daming is _______a message.

A. write B .writing C. writes

( ) 10.Let’s _____ a picture.

A . draw B. drawing C. painting

五、Read and write. (按照要求完成下列句子。)

1. It’s 12 o’clock. (对画线部分提问)

_______ the _________?

2. I will stick the pictures on the newspaper.( 改为一般疑问句)

______ ________stick the pictures on the newspaper?

3. to to want listen music you Chinese Do ? ( 连词成句)


4. Is it expensive? ( 否定回答)

No, ______ _______.

5. Close the door!( 改为否定句)

________ ______ the door!

六、Read and judge.(阅读短文,判断√/×。)

Yesterday was Sunday. Kate and her mother went shopping. Kate wanted to buy a new dress. When they went into the shop, Kate found(发现)a white dress and she liked it very much. She said “How much(多少钱)is the white dress?”“It’s 100 yuan.”“Oh, that’s too expensive.” Then(然后)Kate looked at the yellow dress and asked: “How much is the yellow one?”“It’s 50 yuan.”“O K, I’ll take this one, thank you.”

( )1. Yesterday was Saturday.

( )2. Kate and her sister went shopping.
