
OnWordFormation★PrefaceLearnalanguage;youmustlearnpronunciation,grammar,vocabulary.Amongthethreef actors,vocabularyhasaveryimportantroleinyourlanguage-studying.AfamousscholarW ilkinssaid”withoutgrammar,verylittlecanbeconveyed,withoutvocabulary,nothingc anbeconveyed.”H eemphasizedthatinmostcases,thevocabularyismoreimportantthangr ammar.AnotherfamouslexicologistMcCarthysaid,whenastudentlearnthesecondlanguag e,nomatterhowwellthestudentlearnsgrammar,nomatterhowsuccessfullyhemastersthes econdsofaL2,withoutwordstoexpressawiderangeofmeanings,communicationinthatlanguagecannotha ppeninanymanfulway.Fromthesetwoexamplesandofcourseincludemanyothercasesthatarenotmentionedher enow,wecanconcludethatifyoudon’tcarevocabularyatall,itisimpossibletolearnala nguageinsomeway.What’smore,youcannotexpressyourrealfeelingnomatteryouarehapp y,sad,fortune,oryouareunlucky,becauseyoudon’tknowwhatwordsyoucansayoryoucanw rite.Today,IwilltellyouwhatIhadlearnedinthisclass.WhatIwillteachyouis“wordform ation”,whydoIchoosethistopictotalkBecauseinmyopinion,ifyouknowthewordformati onverywell,youcanrememberandusethenewwordseasily.Absolutely,it’sveryhelpfulf oryourlanguagestudying.D on’t youthinkso★SummaryEnglishvocabularyhasseveralof Word-formationmethods.Butthethreegreatestwordformatio npowersareaffixation,compounding,andconversion.Theothersixkindsofword-formationmethods includeblending,clipping,acronymy,back-formation,soundreduplication,andcommunizationofpr opernames.★KeywordsMorphemes,classifying,word-formation★ContextBeforetalkingaboutwordformation,maybeweshouldknowthemorphologicalstructureofEngli shwordsfirst.SowhatwewilldiscussnextismorphologicalstructureofEnglishwords.Itincludesmorph emes,morphsandallomorphs,classifyingmorphemes,identifyingmorphemes,morphemesandwor d-formation.☆morphemesTraditionally,wordsareusuallytreatedasthebasicandminimalunitsofalanguageto makesentence,whicharecombinationsofwordsaccordingtosyntacticrules.Structurall y,however,awordisnotthesmallestunitbecausemanywordscanbeseparatedintoevensmal lermeaningfulunits.Theseminimalmeaningfulunitsareknownasmorphemes.Inviewofword-formation,themorphemeisseenas‘thesmallestfunctioningunitinthecompositionof words’.Syn tactically,however,amorphemeistheminimalformofgrammaticalanalysis.Morphemesareabstractunits,whicharerealizedinspeechbydiscreteunitsknownasmo rphs.Theyareactualspoken,minimalcarriersofmeaning.Morphemesvaryinfunction.Accordingly,wecanclassifymorphemesintoseveralgener alcategories:①FreeversusBoundMorphemes----morphemeswhichareindependentofothermorphemes arefree.Thesemorphemeshavecompletemeaningsinthemselvesandcanbeusedasfreegramm aticalunitsinsentences.Morphemeswhichcannotoccurasseparatewordsarebound.Theya resonamedbecausetheyareboundtoothermorphemestoformwordsortoperformaparticular grammaticalfunction.②DerivationalversusInflectionalMorphemes----morphemeswhichareusedtoderive newwordsareknownasderivationalmorphemesbecausewhenthesemorphemesareconjoined, newwordsarederived.③ContentversusGrammaticalMorphemes----Onasemanticandsyntacticbasis,morphe mescanfallintocontentandgrammaticalmorphemes.Contentmorphemesarelexicalmorphe meswhichareusedasweseeabovetoderivenewwords,soalsoknownasderivationalmorpheme s.☆MorphemesandWord-formationWeknowthatwordscanbeanalyzedintomorphemes,whicharetheminimalmeaningfulunit sinthecompositionofwords.Inword-formationformation,however,morphemesareconven tionallylabeledroot,stem,baseandaffix.Affixesareformsthatareattachedtowordsorelementstomodifymeaningorfunction.A ffixesareboundmorphemesbecausenoneofthemcanstandaswordsintheirownright.Accord ingtothefunctionsofaffixes,wecandividethemintoinflectionalaffixesandderivatio nalaffixes.Derivationalandinflectionalaffixesareidenticalwithderivationalandi nflectionalmorphemes.Inviewoftheirdistributionintheformationofword,affixescan fallintoprefixandsuffix.Beforewebeginouractualdiscussionofword-buildingprocesses,therearesomebasic conceptsthatneedclarifying:1.Root:arootisthebasicformofawordwhichcannotbefurtheranalyzedwithouttotallossofidentity.2.Stem:astemmayconsistofasinglerootmorphemeoroftworootmorphemes.Itcanbearootmorphemeplusoneormoreaffixationalmorphemes.3.Base:abaseisreferredtoaformtowhichaffixesofanykindcanbeadded.Itcanbearootorastem.☆ WordFormationTheexpansionofvocabularyinmodernEnglishdependschieflyonwordformation.There isavarietyofmeansbeingatworknow.Themostproductiveareaffixation,compoundingand conversion.⑴AffixationAffixationisgenerallydefinedastheformationofwordsbyaddingword-formingorder ivationalaffixestobase.Thisprocessisalsoknownasderivation,bywhichnewwordsared erivedfromoldorbaseforms.Thewordscreatedinthiswayarecalledderivatives.Accordi ngtothepositionsaffixesoccupyinwords,affixationfallsintotwosubcategories:prefixationandsuffixation.Prefixation includes:NegativePrefixes(a-,dis-,in-,non-,un-…)ReversativeorPrivativePrefixes(de-,dis-,un,…)PejorativePrefixes(mal-,mis-,pseudo-…)PrefixesofDegreeorSize(arch-,co-,extra-,hyper-,macro-,micro-,mini-,out-,over-,sub-,super-,sur-,ultra-,under-…) PrefixesofOrientationandAttitude(anti-,contra-,counter-,pro-…)LocativePrefixes(fore-,inter-,intra-,super-,tele-,trans-…)PrefixesofTimeandOrder(ex-,fore-,post-,pre-,re-…)NumberPrefixes(bi-,multi-,semi-,tri-,uni-…)ConversionPrefixes(a-,be-,en-…)MiscellaneousPrefixes(auto-,neo-,pan-,proto-,vice-…)Suffixation includes:Nounsuffixes(denominalnouns,deverbalnouns,de-adjectivenouns,nonandadjecti vesuffixes)Adjectivesuffixes(denominalsuffixes,deverbalsuffixes)Adverbsuffixes(Omitexample)Verbsuffixes(Omitexample)⑵CompoundingCompoundingistheformationofnewwordsbyjoiningtwoormorebases.Wordsworthforme poundscanbewrittensolid,hyphenatedandopen.1.CharacteristicsofcompoundsCompoundshavenoticeablecharacteristicswhichmayinmostcasesdifferentiatethem selvesfromnounphrasesinthefollowingfouraspects:Phonologicalfeatures,semanticfeatures,grammatical,orthographicalfeatures.2.FormationofcompoundsCompoundingcantakeplacewithinanyofthewordclass,buttheproductiveonesarenoun sandadjectivesfollowedbyverbstoamuchlesserextent.Nouncompounds,adjectivecompounds,verbcompounds.⑶ConversionConversionistheformationofnewwordsbyconvertingwordsofoneclasstoanotherclas s.Conversionisgenerallyconsideredtobeaderivationalprocesswherebyanitemisadapt edorconvertedtoanewwordclasswithouttheadditionofanaffix.Hencethenamezero-deri vation.Wordsproducedbyconversionareprimarilynouns,adjectives,andverbs.Conversiontonouns(deverbal,de-adjectival,miscellaneousconversion)Conversiontoverbs(denominal,de-adjectival,miscellaneousconversion)conversiontoadjectives(voicelesstovoicedconsonant,initialtoendstress) theothersixmeansofword-formationincludes:Blending,Clipping,Acronymy,Back-formation,Soundreduplication,Communizationofp ropernames.Becausethewordslimit,thesixword-formationmethodsisnotdetailedintroducedher e.Ifyouareinterestedinthem,pleaserefertothelexicology.Annotation:《英语词汇学教程》张伟友着,《词汇学学习指南》杨春慧着。

按照其规律和法则造词的方法就叫做“构词法”(word building or word formation)。
词素分为自由词素(free morpheme)和粘着词素(bound morp-heme)两种。
自由词素词义完整,能够单独用作单词,如good, hand, live等,本身不能再分解。
粘着词素大部分是词缀(affixes), 也有不能单独使用的词根(root)。
词缀分为屈折词缀(inflectional affixes)和派生词缀(derivational affixes),按照与词根连接的位置又分为前缀(prefixes)和后缀(suffixes),如resistance就是由前缀re-, 词根sist和后缀-ance三个粘着词素复合而成的。
英语的构词法主要有:一、加词缀法(affixation)加词缀法分为屈折变化法(inflexion) 和派生法(derivation)。
如books, boxes, father’s, working, worked, does, harder, hardest等。
名词复数和动词时态的不规则变化也属于屈折变化,如children, men, has, went, gone等。
由屈折变化所构成的词叫做屈折词(inflectional word)。
以father’s为例,它是所有格就不能用于别的格;has 对人称、数和时态也有了限定。
如词根sist (立) 加上有一定含义的词缀构成的词有:assist (帮助), assistant(助手), insist(坚持), resistless (不抵抗的)等。

常见的截词法单词还有“bus”(代 表“omnibus”)、“copter” (代表“helicopter”)等。
首字母缩写是通过取单词的首字母而 形成新词的方法。
例如,“NASA”是“National Aeronautics and Space Administration”的首字母缩写。
由于Clipping构词法是通过截取原有词汇的一部分来构成新词,有时候会导致新词的语 义不明确,容易引发歧义和误解。
由于Clipping构词法产生的新词往往不稳定,随着时间的推移和语言的发展,有些新词 可能会逐渐被淘汰或被其他新词所取代。
有时候Clipping构词法产生的新词可能不符合语法规则,需要进行一定的调整和规范, 才能被广泛接受和使用。
Clipping构词法通过截取原有词汇的一部分来构成新词,使得新词 简洁明了,易于记忆和使用。
Clipping构词法常常将原有词汇中最具代表性的部分截取出来,使 得新词形象生动,能够直观地表达概念或事物特征。
Clipping构词法是一种创新性的构词方式,能够产生大量新颖的词 汇,满足语言发展的需要。
“International Phone”。
某些行业内部使用的术语或缩写,如“IPO”代替“Initial Public Offering”,“GDP”代替“Gross Domestic Product”。

二、词素的分类词素可以分为自由词素(free morpheme)和粘着语素(bound morpheme),自由词素可以单独形成意思,而粘着语素必须依靠至少一个自由词素或粘着词素才能形成意义。
词素还可以分为词汇词素(lexical morpheme)、语法词素(grammatical morpheme)和派生词素(derivational morpheme)。
比如black、bird和blackbird 都是词汇词素,而books、worked、studying都是语法词素,unhappy、faithful 等属于派生词素。
同样词根也可以分为自由词根(free root)和粘着词根(bound root)。

"self confidence" is a compound objective formed from the words "self" and "confidence"
"upload" is a compound verb formed from the words "up" and "load"
Other examples
"download", "email", "Google"
Verb synthesis
Objective synthesis
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Transforming verbs into nouns
Verb to noun transformation: In English, it is also common for verbs to transform into nouns This process is called conversion or zero differentiation For example, the verb "to run" can be transformed into the noun "run," which can refer to a single act of running or a race Other examples include "to jump" (from "leap"), "to swim" (from "swim"), and "to write" (from "script")

4. Prefixes of degree or size (1)
4. Prefixes of degree or size (2)
9.Conversion prefixes (3)
en-( em before p,b,m)
• Before nouns or adjectives to create transitive verbs. 1. 使成为 2. 使处于…状态 • Before nouns,
2. Reversative prefixes (1)
2. Reversative prefixes (2)
centralize mobilize
natural market country
4. Prefixes of degree or size (3)

1. 以希腊和拉丁词根为主的构词法:这种构词法是指借助希腊或拉丁的字根、词缀、前缀、后缀等方式形成新词语或变换词性的词法。
比如,biology(生物学)由希腊词根 bios(生命)和logy(科学)构成,而prefix(前缀)由拉丁词根pre(前)和 fixus(固定的)构成。
2. 以非原型词为主的构词法:这种构词法是指通过对已有的单词进行改变、缩写、组合或转化等方式来创造新的词语。
3. 以简单词语为主的构词法:这种构词法是指直接使用简单的基本单词来构建新的复合词、派生词,或者将它们组织在一起,构成一定意义或表达特定含义的短语。

因此, 教师在词汇教学中除了教会学生单词的发音及其词意外,还应注重核心词汇的教学与词语搭配的教学。


词汇学论文对英语构词法的一点认识英语116班说实话,整本英语词汇学教程学下来,留在我脑子中的东西并不多,但惟独对第四章构词法(word formation)印象很深。
这一章一共介绍了9种构词法,分别是:词缀法(affixation)、组合法(compounding)、转换法(conversion)、混合法(blending)、缩略词法(clipping)、首字母缩写法(acronymy)、逆构法(back-formation)、声音重复法(sound reduplication)以及专有名词的泛化(commonization of proper names)。

没膝深的 knee-deep 齐肩高的 shoulder-high 终身的 lifelong 晶莹剔透的 Crycle-clear 苦乐参半的 bittersweet 谈论的话题 talked-about topic 杜撰的故事 made-up story 24小时看守 round-the-clock watch 作现场勘查 make an on the sop inspection
2) denationalized denationalized = de + nation + al + ize + d Root: nation Stem: denationalize Base: national → nation nationalize → national denationalize → nationalize denationalized → denationalize
Combining forms are distinguished from affixes by their ability to occur as one constituent of a word whose only other constituent is an affix. e.g. autocracy hydrography telephone autocracy = auto [构词成分] + cracy (suffix) hydrography = hydro [构词成分] + graphy (suffix) telephone = tele [构词成分] + phone (suffix) From the point of view of derivation, no distinction should be made between combining forms and affixes in this book, in which all the combining forms are labeled either as prefixes or suffixes.


除了词缀发以外,复合法、转类法、混成法、截短法、首字母拼音法、逆向构词法也都是英语学习的有效途径Vocabulary is one of the main obstacles of English study. However English word formation can hel p us recognize English words, understand them correctly, and enlarge our vocabulary quickly. It is an efficient way and powerful weapon for English study. Among them,affixation is the strongest one to form a great range of vocabulary, and it is claimed to be one of t he best ways of learning English. Besides, compounding, conversion, blending, clipping, acronyms , back-formation are also efficient ways of learning English. In the paper the ways and characterist ics of word formation is analyzed form these aspects: affixation, compounding, conversion, blendi ng.Key words: English, lexicology, word formation, affixation (关键字:英语、词汇学,构词法,词缀法)IntroductionThe expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There is a var iety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversio n. Talking about word formation patterns means dealing with rules. But not all words which are p roduced by applying the rule are acceptable. The acceptability is gained only when the word have gained aninstitutional currency in the language. Therefore rules only provide a constant set of models from which new word are created from day to day. Rules themselves are not fixed but undergo change s to a certain extent. For instance, affixes and compounding processes may become productive at one time or lose their productivity. By word formation processes, we concentrate on productive or on productive rules. While applying the rules, we should keep in mind that there are always ex ceptions. In my opinion, the most important principle for all these rules of word formation is eco nomy.Chapter 1 the function of English word formation1.1 Word formation is an effective way to enlarge our English vocabulary.Nowadays, more and more people have taken notice of learning English. The number of the peop le who begin to learn English has increased at a high speed. How can we improve our English effe ctively is undoubtedly the focus of our attention. Generally speaking, vocabulary and grammatica l rules are keys to learning English2well. Among the two aspects, vocabulary apparently plays a more important role. Vocabulary is t he foundation of language. If a language learner doesn‟t haveenough vocabulary to express his or her opinions and understand other people, even if his or her grammatical rules and pronunciations are excellent, but he can not communicate with others wel l, he shouldn‟t be a good language learner.Under the influence of traditional teaching mode, teachers often emphasis more on grammatical rules and pronunciations than vocabulary. As a result, students spend a lot of time on rememberi ng new words, but the results are not so efficient. However if we have a knowledge of English wo rd formation, the results will be not that bad. Word formation is really an effective way to enlarge our English vocabulary.1.2 Word formation can help us have a better comprehension of an article.When we are reading a new article, we often encounter with some new words that we have neve r seen before. In this case, most of us will leave out the new word and go on with the following se ctions. However, this is not a good habit. If we want toimprove our English, we have to take every new word seriously either look them up in the diction ary or search for the internet. But don‟t you think that these methods are inefficient? If we know something about English word formation, maybe the article would not be so difficult for us to un derstand. In this way, we can guess the meaning of the new word according to what we have lear ned about English word formation. It has been proved that our guess is correct in most cases. So we say word formation can help us have a better comprehension of a new article.1.3 Many new words can be derived based on the rules of word formationRecent years, the use of computers as a medium of communication has given birth to a new lang uage phenomenon-cyber language. A large amount of cyber language has sprung up. Not all the new vocabulary can be recognized by human society. Some new words only emerged in a very sh ort time and then disappeared, however, there are still a lot of words are shared by many people. Finally, these words are recognized by the whole human society. Some are even added to the rev ersed dictionary. Can we say that these words are unreasonable and irrational? The answer is ab solutely “No”.Most of the new words that have been recognized are derived based on certain rules of word for mation. For example, the sentence “3QU” is widely used in the chatting room on the internet by f oreigners. This is also known as one importantcharacteristics of English word-productivity. So it is necessary for us to learn English word formati on.Chapter 2 AffixationAffixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to bases. This process is also known as derivation, by which new words derived from old or base forms. The words that are created in this way are3called derivatives. According to the position affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into three sub categories: pre-fixation, in-fixation and suffixation.Pre-fixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bases, which do not generally ch ange the word-class of the base. That is to say, prefixes do not change the part of speech of a wor d. Their chief function is to modify its meaning, although there are exceptions. In my opinion, pre fixes can be divided into: negative prefixes, pejorative prefixes, prefixes of degree or size, prefixes of time and order, and so on. Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to base s. Their primary function is to change the grammatical function of the base, such as the change of the word class with a slight modification of meaning, though there are a few exceptions. Suffixes can be divided into noun suffixes, adjective suffixes, adverb suffixes, and verb suffixes. I can give y ou an example. The word “countless”,“-less” change the part of form and show the negative mea ning of the stem.Infixes are not so common and they usually show a kind attitude of the speaker and will not chan ge the part of form and meaning of words.Chapter 3 CompoundingCompounding is the formation of new words by joining two or more bases. Words formed in this way are called compounds. So a compound is a …lexical unit consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word‟ (Quirk).Compounds can be wr itten solid, hyphenated and open.Compounds have remarkable characteristics which are different from noun phrases. It comes do wn to three major ones:1) Phonological features. In compounds the word stress usually occurs on the first constituent wh ereas in noun phrases the second element is generally accented if there is only one stress. In case s where there are two stresses, the compound has the primary stress on the first element and the second stress, if any, on the second, whereas the opposite is true of free phrase.2) Semantic features. Compounds differ from free phrases semantically. Every compound should express a single idea just as one word. The meaning of a free phrase can not be inferred from the two components of itself. Nevertheless, a lot of compound are transparent, that is to say, the me aning can be obtained from theseparate elements of compounds. But the two elements are inseparable and the change of the el ement would result in the loss of the original identity.3) Grammatical features. Two elements of a compound each plays a separate grammatical role, w hich can be seen in the way the expressions are handled morphological. For example, compound nouns often show their plural forms by taking inflectional –s at the end. Though there are exceptions, their …one-wordness‟ identity is apparent.Chapter 4 Conversion4In English learning, students will often confused with words which have two or more part of form . Many of such conditions are caused by conversion. Conversion is the formation of mew words b y converting words of one part of speech to those of another part of speech, without changes in morphological structures but in function. Words created in this way are new only in a grammatica l sense. Words produced by conversion are primarily nouns, adjectives and verbs. The most produ ctive, however, is the conversion that takes place between nouns and verbs. It deserves nothing t hat conversion is not only a change of grammatical function of the item involved but with it the di fferent range of meaning is originally carried.Chapter 5 BlendingBlending is a very productive process and many coinages are resulting from blending have becom e well established. Moreover, they can sever as models for new formation. It is not the Combinati on of two words directly, but to combine parts of two words or a word plus a part of another wor d. This kind of word formation is called blending. This processes including:The first part of the first word +the last part the second word. The whole part of the first part +th e last part the second word. The first part of the first word +the first part the second word.The whole part of the second word + the first part of the first word.The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns; very few are verbs andadjectives are even fewer. Blends are mostly used in writing related to science and technology, an d newspapers and magazines. Though many of them have already achieved currency in English, t hey are still considered by the serious-minded people to be slang and informal. However, it is adv isable not to use such words too often, particularly in formal writing.ConclusionLanguage develops with the development of society and vocabulary is sensitive to the changes of society. Some old words are abandoned and some new ones are created. Most of the new words in English are created according to certain rules andconformed to certain methods. These rules and methods are closely related to English word form ation. So it is essential, as well as important, for us to learn word formation, especially for the stu dents of English major.。

Lexicology (Lecture Four)2011.9.22The structure of a wordWord is not an unanalysible unit, it can be analyzed. e.g. …M an‟can not be broken down into any smaller unit, but …manly‟ can. Word is the minimum free form (最小的自由使用单位).1. 词素morphemeMorpheme: the minimum meaningful unit. 最小的意义单位. There are two types of morphemes:Free morpheme: the morphemes that can occur alone可以独立使用, e.g. dog, nation, closeBound morpheme:the morphemes that cannot occur independently尽管能表达意义,但不能独立使用,至少要与另外的一个形位结合才能使用, e.g. the word distempered has three morphemes,namely, dis-, temper- and -ed, of which temper is a freemorpheme, dis- and -ed are two bound morphemes. Allomorph: 词素有变体,如自由词素take的变体为took和taken;粘着词素in-的变体为il-, im-, ir等。
2. Root and affixA root is the base form of word that can not further be analysed without total loss of identity. That is to say, it is the part of the word left when all the affixes are removed.Affix:affixes add meaning to the rootroots may be bound or free but affixes are always bound.Inflectional and derivational affixInflectional affix: They only carry relevant grammatical information. An inflectional affix serves to express such meanings as plurality, tense, and the comparative or superlative degree. e.g. plural. Thus,book and books are both nouns referring to the same kind of entity.Derivational affix: They are so called because when they are added to another morpheme, they “derive” a new word either by changing the meaning of the base to which they are attached or by changing the grammatical category (part of speech) of the base. The derivational affixes may be further classified as prefix and suffix.Example: The word "unbreakable" has three morphemes: "un-", a bound morpheme; "break", a free morpheme; and "-able", a free morpheme. "un-" is also a prefix, "-able" is a suffix. Both "un-" and "-able" are affixes.Summary:1.Words are composed of morphemes.2. Morphemes may be classified as free or bound.3. Morphemes can also be classified into roots and affixes.4 Affixes are classified into inflectional and derivational affixes. Derivational affixes are subdivided into prefixes and suffixes,Major types of word-building1. Affixation:a process in which a free morpheme is combined with a bound morpheme, a prefix or a suffix.Prefix: generally do not change part of speech of the word 不改变词的词性Suffix: change part of speech of the word2. ConversionConversion is also referred to as Zero Derivation.It is a process that can transfer a word belonging to one word class to another word class without any change of form, either in pronunciation or spelling.3. Compounding 复合法A word made in process which consists joining two or even more words to form anew entity. A compound is the result of the process of putting together two (or more) individual words to form a complex word.Compounding is perhaps the most common way of expanding the vocabulary of English. It allows users to combine two familiar words to form a new lexeme.4. Back-formation 逆生法Back-formation is process of word building by which elements are extracted from a complex word.Burglar---to burgleHelicopter---to helicoptMass-production—to mass-produceCozy---to cozeBrowbeaten---to browbeat5. Shortening 缩短法What we get from shortening is a lesser unit. There is a trend in modern English to shorten words. Three ways of shorteninga. ClippingThe process by which one part in a word of two or more syllables is cut without changing its function.Advertisement—adExamination---examb. initialism (abbreviation)words formed from the initial letters of words which are pronounced as sequences of letterse.g. EECc. acronymsformed by the initial letters but are pronounced as a word.e.g. UNESCO OPEC6. BlendingBlending is the process of combining the first element of the first word and the last element of the second word. Blends are originally created for comic effect.telecast (television broadcast)motel (motor hotel), hotel7. Onomatopoeia(making words by echoing a sound that is linked to the thing we want to name) Classification (by Stephen Ullmann英国语言学家、语义学家奠基人)Primary onomatopoeia (基本拟声词)Secondary onomatopoeia (次要拟声词)8. Words from Proper NamesAnother minor word-formation process is the creation of new words from proper names. The transition from proper names to common nouns is a gradual one.。

二、词根词缀法1. 词根词根是构成词语的基本要素,通常由单个或多个音节组成,具有独立的意义。
2. 词缀词缀是附加在词根上,用来表示词的语法意义或词义变化的词素。
例如:- 子:表示小、年轻,如“孩子”、“果子”;- 儿:表示小、可爱,如“花儿”、“鸟儿”;- 头:表示头部,如“石头”、“木头”。
例如:- 预:表示预先、事先,如“预测”、“预防”;- 无:表示没有,如“无边”、“无际”。
3. 词根词缀法的运用词根词缀法是汉语中最常见的构词方式,以下是一些例子:- 词根+后缀:花儿、孩子、石头;- 词根+前缀:预测、预防、无边;- 词根+中缀:玻璃。
三、词根词尾法1. 词尾词尾是附加在词根后面的词素,用来表示词的语法意义或词义变化。
2. 词根词尾法的运用词根词尾法与词根词缀法类似,以下是一些例子:- 词根+词尾:孩子们、石头们、木头们头。
四、复合构词法1. 复合词复合词是由两个或两个以上的词组合而成的词语。
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Word-FormationAbstract :A further way besides borrowing in which the vocabulary of English has expanded to accommodate to the natural and social world in which it is used has been to employ means internal to the language itself for devising new word. This is the area of word-formation. Morphological productivity can be defined as the property of a given word formation process to be used to derive a new word in a systematic fashion. Most linguists divide the word-formation into major word-formation and minor word-formation .The major word-formational processes are :-Affixation-Compounding-ConversionThe minor word-formational processes are :-Abbreviation-Back formation-OnomatopoeiaKey W ord : affixation, derivative, compounding, abbreviation, onomatopoeia1 AffixationAffixation, also called derivation, is a process in which a free morph is combined with a bound morph, a prefix, or a suffix. It is generally defined as the formation of words by adding derivational affixes to different types of bases . There are two types of derivative . One bases on free root with affix or bound root , the other bases on bound with affix or other bound root .1.1 Types of affixes- prefixes- suffixes- infixesModern English has a number of highly productive affixes. For example, the prefix over can be added to verbs which express activities to indicate that too much has taken place, i.e. something has been overdone,cf. overcook, overcoat, overstay. Likewise, the suffix –n ess can be added to an adjective make a noun designating the quality express by the adjective, its nouniness, so to speak.1.2Two types of derivative’s structure1.2.1 Free root + affix/bound root1) prefix + free roote.g.: In definite (a. uncertain), un forgettable (a. memorable) , mini bus (coach)2)free + suffixe.g. : wealth y (a. rich) , success ful (a, achieving aims) , extreme ly(adv, to a very high de.g.ree) , comfortab ly(adv. in a comfortableway)3)prefix +free root + suffixe.g. : en rich ment (a. sb/sth being rich or richer) , in ternation al (a.connected with two or more countries) , unchangeable (a. that can notbe changed)4)combining form + free roote.g. Afro-American , Afro-Asian , techno-chemistry , microwave1.2.2Bound root + affix/bound root1)prefix + bound root (without formation)e.g. contradict (v. to say sb has said is wrong) , descend (v. go down) ,despair (v. give up all hope)2)bound root (without formation)+ suffixe.g. confidence (n. trust in) , liberate (v. emancipation) , linguist (n. aperson who knows several foreign languages well)3)prefix + bound root (without formation)e.g. distinctive (a. special ) , intolerable (a. can’t bear) , contradiction(n. a lack of agreement between facts)4)combining form + combining forme.g. macrobiosis (n. long life) , microscope (n. an instrument used inscientific study for making very small thing look larger)2CompoundingComposition or compounding is a word-formation process consisting of joining two or more bases to form a new unit, that is, a compound. Compounding is perhaps the most common way of expanding the vocabulary of English. It allows users to combine two familiar words to form a new lexeme.V ery often compounds are written as two words, which means that they are accepted into dictionaries a little reluctantly. Certainly, dictionaries seem not to list compounds in anything like the numbers in which they are in use. This may be justified perhaps because compounds are frequently transparent and their meanings are relatively accessible without a dictionary. Furthermore, many of them do not become lexicalized, but have a very transitory life.According to the words’characteristic, there are compound nouns, compound adjectives , compound pronouns , compound verbs , compound adverbs , etc .2.1Compound Nounsn. + n.: bar code , mouse mat , Websitea. + n.: blueprint , compact discadv. + n.: off chance , overdose , underclothes-ing + n.: learning strate.g.y , marketing campaign , parking metern. + v.: daybreak , earthquake , parking meteradv + n : downfall , income , offset , output , upliftv. + adv.: get-together , handout , makeupn. + -ing: air-conditioning , brainstorming , family planningprep.+n.: afternoon , by-product , overcoat2.2Compound AdjectivesAs adjective is a core : airsick , band-new ; dark-blue , icy-cold ;all-mighty , evergreen , overripeAs noun is a core : blue-collar , present-day ; breaknecl , cross-country ;chicken-hearted , dog-eared , wine-coloredAs –ing or –ed is a core : energy-saving , epoch-marking ; easy-going ,far-reaching ; mass-produced , poverty-stricken ; absent-minded ,half-done , newly-built2.3Compound V erbs1)Formed by back-formation : house-keep from housekeeperwindowshop from window-shoppinghenpeck from henpecked2)Formed by conversion : to blue-printto cold-shoulderto honeymoon3) adv. + v. : cross-questionoffsetoverthrow3ConversionConversion is a word-formation whereby a word of a certain word-class is shifted into a word of another without the addition of an affix. It is also called zero derivation. In other words, conversion or zero derivation is a type word class change without the addition, removal ,or change of any element in the word. In this process a noun maybe used as a verb or a verb can be used as a noun. Furthermore, a noun can be used attributively as an adjective. The most frequent type of conversion is from noun to verb, probably because there are so relatively few verbalizing affixes in English.3.1 n.→ v.1)to put in/on, such as, bottle(n.)→to bottle(=to put …into a bottle)2)to give, to provide with, such as, butter(n.) →to butter(=to spread butteron)3)to deprive of, such as, skin(n.) →to skin(=to remove the skin from)4)to…with, such as, hammer(n.) →to hammer(=to strike with a hammer)5)to be/act as …with respect to, such as, ape(n) →to ape(=to imitate like aape)6)to make/change…into, such as, fool(n.) →to fool(=to make a fool of)7)to send…/go by, such as, bicycle(n.) →to bicycle(=to go by bicycle)3.2adj.→ v.bare(adj.) →to bare, calm(adj.) →to clam, brave(adj.) →to brave3.3v.→ n.V erb converting into noun express the verb’s original action or condition mostly, such as, attempt, look, swim, smile, walk, etc.3.4adj.→ n.Most adjective can be used as noun, such as, an American, an Canadian,etc. There are three type of conversion, full conversion, partial conversionand special conversion.3.5n.→ adj.a brick garage (The garage is brick.)a cotton dress (The dress is cotton.)a gold watch, an iron box, the job market4ShorteningAbbreviation or shortening is the way of shortening or simplifying syllables to make new words. There are various forms of abbreviation, but main forms are four: clipped word, initialism, acronym, blend.4.1 ClippingsSpeakers of English have a great tendency to shorten words. This term refers to the process by which a word of two or more syllables is shortened without a change in its function taking place. It includes apocope, aphaeresis, front and back clipping, and syncope.1) Apocopeapprox.← approximately, auto← automobile2) Aphaeresisburger→ hamburger, bus→ omnibus3) Front and back clippingsThe shortening may occur at the start and the end of the word. e.g., flu(=influenza) / fridge(=refrigerator) / tec(=detective)4) Syncopefluidics← fluidonics, fossilation← fossilizationContractions which is the clipping word with punctuation also can be regarded as this type.4.2 Initialisms and AcronymsInitialisms are words from the initial letters of words which are pronounced as sequences of letters e.g., EEC. Acronyms are also formed from the initial letters of words, but are pronounced as a word, e.g. radar(radio detecting and ranging). Acronyms have always been an integral part of computer culture, and they have since spawned a new language on the Internet. Commonly thought of as a series of letters that make up a “word” there is a distinction between acronyms and shorthand.4.3BlendsBlends are words formed by combining the first element of the first word and the last element of the second word. Blends are created originally for comic effect. Following are some examples:Chunnel(=channel + tunnel) / brunch(=breakfast + lunch) / motel(=motorist+hotel)5Back-formationBack-formation is the process of word-building by which elements are subtracted from a complex word.e.g. beggar---beg burglar---burgleThe majority of backformed words are verbs. There are two types of syntactic relation in verb compounds formed by backformation:1)Object + verb as sightsee (from sight-seeing) meaning somebody seessights. Similar examples are: globe-trot(from globe-trotter orglobe-trotting).2)Adverbial + verb, as spring-clean (from spring-cleaning) meaningsomebody cleans in the spring.Back-formations of all kinds are more frequently found in informal than in formal language.6OnomatopoeiaOnomatopoeia is a word-formation which imitate the sound. Imitative words are words formed by imitation of sound. Imitative words divide into primary onomatopoeia and secondary onomatopoeia.The barking of a dog.The crack of a whip.The roll of thunder.The tinkling of bells.There are three types of words formed by imitation of sound:1)The repetition of words: quack; ticktack2)The repetition of words with a vowel change: clitter-clatter; ping-pong;tick-tack.3)Repeating one or more syllables with a consonant change : rub-a-dubt;ran-danReference: Wang Rongpei, Wang Zhijiang, An Advanced Reader of English Lexicology, Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2006汪榕培,王之江,《英语词汇学》,上海外语教育出版社,2008。