ffffff自行处理权(At Discretion)客户给经纪买或卖处理权的指示类型。
限额(At Limit)客户给股票经纪不能买超过或卖低于某一价位的限制。
At The Market以现行价格买或卖证券的订单。
额定资本(Authorized Capital)在公司联合备忘录中协订的实缴资本的最高金额。
基本点(Basic Points)指债券收益率。
fffff蓝筹股(Blue Chip)在投资中级别最高的普通股。
发行红(利)股(Bonus Issue)以无偿发行股票的形式(通常是以资本项目)分配资金给股东。
簿记截止日(Book Closing Date)公司股东记录截止登记日,以决定股息、红利或附加股的授权。
簿记价值(Book value)公司资产簿记帐面价值。
业务循环(Business Cycle)经济活动的周期性变动,带动收入和就业变动。
汇报人: 日期:
• 证券自营业务概述 • 证券自营业务的法律法规 • 证券自营业务的投资策略 • 证券自营业务的交易管理 • 证券自营业务的内部控制与风险管理 • 证券自营业务的发展趋势与市场前景
评估自营投资组合的流 动性风险,制定应对措 施。
根据自营业务规模和风险承受能 力,设定合理的投资限额和止损 点。
建立自营业务风险管理系统,实 时监控自营投资组合风险状况, 定期向高层管理人员报告。
制定针对各类风险的应对措施, 包括对冲策略、分散投资、压力 测试等。
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按照交易规则进行证券交收,保证证券所有权转 移。
关注结算过程中的风险,如交收失败、资金不足 等。
证券自营业务的内部控制与风险 管理
包括制定内部控制制度、设立内部控制部门 、明确岗位职责等。
关注国内外经济形势、政策变化等, 预测市场走势。
分析各行业的发展前景、竞争格局等 ,选择具有成长性的行业进行投资。
关注企业的基本面和未来发展前景,进行长期持有和价值投 资。
深圳证券交易所提供的中英文词汇对照AA股代码A-share stock codeA股简称A-share tickerA股上市地Place of A-share listingBB股代码B-share stock codeB股简称B-share tickerB股上市地Place of B-share listing保单红利支出Policyholder dividend expense保户储金及投资款Deposits from policyholders保户储金及投资款净增加额Net increase in deposits from policyholders保户质押贷款Policy pledge loans保险合同准备金Insurance contract reserves保险业务收入Income from insurance businessC财务费用Financial expenses拆出资金Loans to banks and other financial institutions拆入资金Placements from banks and other financial institutions拆入资金净增加额Net increase in placements from banks and other financial institutions产品的毛利率Gross profit margin of the product产品的毛利率比上年增减百分比Year-on-year increase or decrease in gross profit margin of the product (%)产品的营业成本Operating cost of the product产品的营业成本比上年增减百分比Year-on- year increase or decrease in operating cost of the product (%)产品的营业收入Operating revenue of the product产品的营业收入比上年增减百分比Year-on-year increase or decrease in operating revenue of the product (%)产品名称Name of product长期待摊费用Long-term prepaid expenses长期股权投资Long-term equity investment长期股权投资减值准备本期计提额Long-term equity investments depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period长期股权投资减值准备本期转回额Reversals of long-term equity investments depreciation reserves of the period长期股权投资减值准备本期转销额Long-term equity investments depreciation reserves written off during the period长期股权投资减值准备项Long-term equity investments depreciation reserves (Abstract)长期股权投资减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Long-term equity investments depreciation reserves (Abstract) 长期股权投资减值准备账面余额Book balance of long-term equity investments depreciation reserves长期健康险责任准备金Long-term health insurance policyholders' reserves长期借款Long-term borrowings长期应付款Long-term payables长期应收款Long-term receivables偿还债务支付的现金Cash repayments of amounts borrowed成熟生产性生物资产减值准备本期计提额Mature productive biological assets depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period 成熟生产性生物资产减值准备本期转回额Reversals of mature productive biological assets depreciation reserves during the period成熟生产性生物资产减值准备本期转销额Mature productive biological assets depreciation reserves written off during the period 成熟生产性生物资产减值准备项Mature productive biological assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)成熟生产性生物资产减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Mature productive biological assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)成熟生产性生物资产减值准备账面余额Book balance of mature productive biological assets depreciation reserves持有至到期投资Held-to-maturity investments持有至到期投资减值准备本期计提额Held-to-maturity investments depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period持有至到期投资减值准备本期转回额Reversals of held-to-maturity investments depreciation reserves during the period持有至到期投资减值准备本期转销额Held-to-maturity investments depreciation reserves written off during the period持有至到期投资减值准备项Held-to-maturity investments depreciation reserves (Abstract)持有至到期投资减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Held-to-maturity investments depreciation reserves (Abstract) 持有至到期投资减值准备账面余额Book balance of held-to-maturity investments depreciation reserves筹资活动产生的现金流量Cash flows from financing activities (Abstract)筹资活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from financing activities筹资活动现金流出金额Cash outflows from financing activities筹资活动现金流入金额Cash inflows from financing activities处置固定资产和无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额Net cash from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 处置交易性金融资产净增加额Net increase from disposal of tradable financial assets处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business unitsRefundable deposits存出资本保证金Statutory deposits存放同业款项Balances with other financial institutions存放中央银行和同业款项净增加额Net increase in deposits with central bank and other financial institutions存货Inventory存货跌价准备本期计提额Inventory depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period存货跌价准备本期转回额Reversals of inventory depreciation reserves during the period存货跌价准备本期转销额Inventory depreciation reserves written off during the period存货跌价准备项Inventory depreciation reserves (Abstract)存货跌价准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Inventory depreciation reserves (Abstract)存货跌价准备账面余额Book balance of inventory depreciation reservesD代理承销证券款Securities underwriting brokerage deposits代理买卖证券款Customer brokerage deposits代理买卖证券业务净收入Net income from securities trading brokerage business地区的毛利率Gross profit margin of the region地区的毛利率比上年增减百分比Year-on- year increase or decrease in gross profit margin of the region (%) 地区的营业成本Operating cost of the region地区的营业成本比上年增减百分比Year-on- year increase or decrease in operating cost of the region (%)地区的营业收入Operating revenue of the region地区的营业收入比上年增减百分比Year-on- year increase or decrease in operating revenue of the region (%)Name of region递延所得税负债Deferred income tax liabilities递延所得税资产Deferred income tax assets定期存款Term deposits独立账户负债Separate account liabilities独立账户资产Separate account assets短期借款Short-term borrowings对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益Share of profits in associates and joint venturesF发放贷款和垫款Loans and advances to customers发行债券收到的现金Cash received from bond issue非流动负债Non-current liabilities非流动负债项non-current liabilities (Abstract)非流动资产Non-current assets非流动资产处置损失Losses from disposal of non-current assets非流动资产项non-current assets (Abstract)分保费收入Reinsurance premium income分保费用Expenses for reinsurance accepted分出保费Premiums ceded to reinsurers分配股利和利润或偿付利息支付的现金Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment 负债Liabilities负债和所有者权益Liabilities and owners' equity负债和所有者权益项liabilities and owners' equity (Abstract)负债项Liabilities (Abstract)G工程物资Project materials工程物资减值准备本期计提额Project material depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period工程物资减值准备本期转回额Reversals of project material depreciation reserves during the period工程物资减值准备本期转销额Project material depreciation reserves written off during the period工程物资减值准备项Project material depreciation reserves (Abstract)工程物资减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Project material depreciation reserves (Abstract) 工程物资减值准备账面余额Book balance of project material depreciation reserves公允价值变动收益Income from changes in fair value购建固定资产和无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and otherlong-term assets购买商品和接受劳务支付的现金Cash paid for goods purchased and services received固定资产Fixed assets固定资产减值准备本期计提额Fixed assets depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period固定资产减值准备本期转回额Reversals of fixed assets depreciation reserves during the period固定资产减值准备本期转销额Fixed assets depreciation reserves written off during the period固定资产减值准备项Fixed assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)固定资产减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Fixed assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)固定资产减值准备账面余额Book balance of fixed assets depreciation reserves固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets管理费用Administrative expenses归属于母公司所有者的净利润Owners' net profit attributable to parent归属于母公司所有者权益合计Total owners' equity attributable to parent贵金属Precious metalH行业的毛利率Gross profit margin of the industry行业的毛利率比上年增减百分比Year-on- year increase or decrease in gross profit margin of the industry (%)行业的营业成本Operating cost of the industry行业的营业成本比上年增减百分比Year-on- year increase or decrease in operating cost of the industry (%) 行业的营业收入Operating revenue of the industry行业的营业收入比上年增减百分比Year-on-year increase or decrease in operating revenue of the industry (%) 行业名称Name of industry坏账准备本期计提额Bad debt reserves withdrawn during the period坏账准备本期转回额Reversals of bad debt reserves during the period坏账准备本期转销额Bad debt reserves written off during the period坏账准备项Bad debt reserves (Abstract)坏账准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Bad debt reserves (Abstract)坏账准备账面余额Book balance of bad debt reserves回购业务资金净增加额Net increase in repurchase business capital汇兑收益Foreign exchange gains汇率变动对现金及现金等价物的影响Foreign exchange rate fluctuation consequences on cash and cash equivalents 货币资金Monetary capitalJ基本每股收益Basic earnings per share交易席位费Membership fees交易性金融负债Held-for-trading financial liabilities交易性金融资产Held-for-trading financial assets结算备付金Balances with clearing companies经营活动产生的现金流量Cash flows from operating activities (Abstract)经营活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash flows from operating activities经营活动现金流出金额Cash outflows from operating activities经营活动现金流入金额Cash inflows from operating activities净利润Net profitK可供出售金融资产Available-for-sale financial assets可供出售金融资产减值准备本期计提额Available-for-sale financial assets depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period可供出售金融资产减值准备本期转回额Reversals of available-for-sale financial assets depreciation reserves during the period可供出售金融资产减值准备本期转销额Available-for-sale financial assets depreciation reserves written off during the period可供出售金融资产减值准备项Available-for-sale financial assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)可供出售金融资产减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Available-for-sale financial assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)可供出售金融资产减值准备账面余额Book balance of available-for-sale financial assets depreciation reserves 客户备付金Customer excess reserves客户存款和同业存放款项净增加额Net increase in customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions客户贷款及垫款净增加额Net increase in loans and advances to customers客户资金存款Customer deposits库存股Treasury stock库存股_对所有者的分配Treasury stock _ appropriations to owners库存股_股份支付计入所有者权益的金额Treasury stock _ amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners' equity 库存股_会计政策变更Treasury stock _ accounting policy changes库存股_净利润Treasury stock _ net profit库存股_净利润和直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_小计Treasury stock _ net profit and gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity _ subtotal库存股_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额Treasury stock _ net increase and decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets库存股_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额_计入所有者权益的金额Treasury stock _ net increase and decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets _ amounts recognized in owners' equity库存股_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额_转入当期损益的金额Treasury stock _ net increase and decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets _ amounts transferred to gains and losses of the period 库存股_利润分配Treasury stock _ profit appropriation库存股_利润分配_其他Treasury stock _ profit appropriation _ others库存股_前期差错更正Treasury stock _ corrections of prior period errors库存股_权益法下被投资单位其他所有者权益变动的影响Treasury stock _ consequences of other owners' equity changes in invested units under equity method库存股_所有者权益内部结转Treasury stock _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity库存股_所有者权益内部结转_其他Treasury stock _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity _ others库存股_所有者投入和减少资本Treasury stock _ capital paid in and reduced by owners库存股_所有者投入和减少资本_其他Treasury stock _ capital paid in and reduced by owners _ others库存股_所有者投入资本Treasury stock _ capital paid in by owners库存股_提取一般风险准备Treasury stock _ appropriations to general risk provisions库存股_提取盈余公积Treasury stock _ appropriations to surplus reserves库存股_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额Treasury stock _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument库存股_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_计入被套期项目初始确认金额中的金额Treasury stock _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts recognized in initial recognition amounts of hedged items库存股_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_计入所有者权益的金额Treasury stock _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts recognized in owners' equity库存股_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_转入当期损益的金额Treasury stock _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts transferred to gains and losses of the period库存股_一般风险准备弥补亏损Treasury stock _ general risk provisions for making up losses库存股_盈余公积弥补亏损Treasury stock _ surplus reserves for making up losses库存股_盈余公积转增资本Treasury stock _ capitalized surplus reserves库存股_与计入所有者权益项目相关的所得税影响Treasury stock _ income tax consequences concerning items recognized in owners' equity库存股_增减变动金额Treasury stock _ increases and decreases库存股_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失Treasury stock _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity 库存股_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_其他Treasury stock _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity _ others库存股_资本公积转增资本Treasury stock _ capitalized capital reserves库存股项Treasury stock (Abstract)L利润表项income statement (Abstract)利润总额Total profit利息净收入Net interest income利息收入Interest income利息支出Interest expenses流动负债Current liabilities流动负债项current liabilities (Abstract)流动资产Current assets流动资产项current assets (Abstract)L利润表项income statement (Abstract)利润总额Total profit利息净收入Net interest income利息收入Interest income利息支出Interest expenses流动负债Current liabilities流动负债项current liabilities (Abstract)流动资产Current assets流动资产项current assets (Abstract)M买入返售金融资产Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell 卖出回购金融资产款Assets sold under agreements to repurchase每股收益项Earnings per share (Abstract)P赔付支出Claims paid赔付支出净额Net claims paidQ其他非流动负债Other non-current liabilities其他非流动资产Other non-current assets其他负债Other liabilities其他流动负债Other current liabilities其他流动资产Other current assets其他业务成本Other operating cost其他业务收入Other operating income其他应付款Other payables其他应收款Other receivables其他资产Other assets其他资产减值准备本期计提额Other assets depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period其他资产减值准备本期转回额Reversals of other assets depreciation reserves during the period其他资产减值准备本期转销额Other assets depreciation reserves written off during the period其他资产减值准备项Other assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)其他资产减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Other assets depreciation reserves (Abstract) 其他资产减值准备账面余额Book balance of other assets depreciation reserves取得借款收到的现金Borrowings received取得投资收益收到的现金Investment income received取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business unitsS商誉Goodwill商誉减值准备本期计提额Goodwill depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period商誉减值准备本期转回额Reversals of goodwill depreciation reserves during the period商誉减值准备本期转销额Goodwill depreciation reserves written off during the period商誉减值准备项Goodwill depreciation reserves (Abstract)商誉减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Goodwill depreciation reserves (Abstract)商誉减值准备账面余额Book balance of goodwill depreciation reserves少数股东权益Minority Stockholder's Interest少数股东权益_对所有者的分配Minority Stockholder's Interest _ appropriations to owners少数股东权益_股份支付计入所有者权益的金额Minority Stockholder's Interest _ amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners'equity少数股东权益_会计政策变更Minority Stockholder's Interest _ accounting policy changes少数股东权益_净利润Minority Stockholder's Interest _ net profit少数股东权益_净利润和直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_小计Minority Stockholder's Interest _ net profit and gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity _ subtotal少数股东权益_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额Minority Stockholder's Interest _ net increase and decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets少数股东权益_利润分配Minority Stockholder's Interest _ profit appropriation少数股东权益_利润分配_其他Minority Stockholder's Interest _ profit appropriation _ others少数股东权益_前期差错更正Minority Stockholder's Interest _ corrections of prior period errors少数股东权益_权益法下被投资单位其他所有者权益变动的影响Minority Stockholder's Interest _ consequences of other owners' equity changes in invested units under equity method少数股东权益_所有者权益内部结转Minority Stockholder's Interest _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity 少数股东权益_所有者权益内部结转_其他Minority Stockholder's Interest _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity _ others少数股东权益_所有者投入和减少资本Minority Stockholder's Interest _ capital paid in and reduced by owners 少数股东权益_所有者投入和减少资本_其他Minority Stockholder's Interest _ capital paid in and reduced by owners _ others少数股东权益_所有者投入资本Minority Stockholder's Interest _ capital paid in by owners少数股东权益_提取一般风险准备Minority Stockholder's Interest _ appropriations to general risk provisions 少数股东权益_提取盈余公积Minority Stockholder's Interest _ appropriations to surplus reserves少数股东权益_盈余公积弥补亏损Minority Stockholder's Interest _ surplus reserves for making up losses 少数股东权益_盈余公积转增资本Minority Stockholder's Interest _ capitalized surplus reserves少数股东权益_与计入所有者权益项目相关的所得税影响Minority Stockholder's Interest _ income tax consequences concerning items recognizedin owners' equity少数股东权益_增减变动金额Minority Stockholder's Interest _ increases and decreases少数股东权益_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失Minority Stockholder's Interest _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity少数股东权益_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_其他Minority Stockholder's Interest _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity _ others少数股东权益_资本公积转增资本Minority Stockholder's Interest _ capitalized capital reserves少数股东权益项Minority Stockholder's Interest (Abstract)少数股东损益Minority Interest Income生产性生物资产Productive biological assets生产性生物资产减值准备本期计提额Productive biological assets depreciation reserves withdrawn during the period生产性生物资产减值准备本期转回额Reversals of productive biological assets depreciation reserves during the period生产性生物资产减值准备本期转销额Productive biological assets depreciation reserves written off during the period生产性生物资产减值准备项Productive biological assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)生产性生物资产减值准备增减变动项Increase / (Decrease) of Productive biological assets depreciation reserves (Abstract)生产性生物资产减值准备账面余额Book balance of productive biological assets depreciation reserves实收资本Paid-up capital实收资本_对所有者的分配Paid-up capital _ appropriations to owners实收资本_股份支付计入所有者权益的金额Paid-up capital _ amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners' equity实收资本_会计政策变更Paid-up capital _ accounting policy changes实收资本_净利润Paid-up capital _ net profit实收资本_净利润和直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_小计Paid-up capital _ net profit and gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity_ subtotal实收资本_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额Paid-up capital _ net increase and decrease of fair value ofavailable-for-salefinancial assets实收资本_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额_计入所有者权益的金额Paid-up capital _ net increase and decrease of fair value ofavailable-for-sale financial assets _ amounts recognized in owners' equity 实收资本_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额_转入当期损益的金额Paid-up capital _ net increase and decrease of fair value ofavailable-for-sale financial assets _ amounts transferred to gains and losses of the period实收资本_利润分配Paid-up capital _ profit appropriation实收资本_利润分配_其他Paid-up capital _ profit appropriation _ others实收资本_前期差错更正Paid-up capital _ corrections of prior period errors实收资本_权益法下被投资单位其他所有者权益变动的影响Paid-up capital _ consequences of other owners' equity changes in invested units under equity method实收资本_所有者权益内部结转Paid-up capital _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity实收资本_所有者权益内部结转_其他Paid-up capital _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity _ others实收资本_所有者投入和减少资本Paid-up capital _ capital paid in and reduced by owners实收资本_所有者投入和减少资本_其他Paid-up capital _ capital paid in and reduced by owners _ others实收资本_所有者投入资本Paid-up capital _ capital paid in by owners实收资本_提取一般风险准备Paid-up capital _ appropriations to general risk provisions实收资本_提取盈余公积Paid-up capital _ appropriations to surplus reserves实收资本_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额Paid-up capital _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument实收资本_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_计入被套期项目初始确认金额中的金额Paid-up capital _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts recognized in initial recognition amounts of hedged items实收资本_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_计入所有者权益的金额Paid-up capital _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts recognized in owners' equity实收资本_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_转入当期损益的金额Paid-up capital _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts transferred to gains and losses of the period实收资本_一般风险准备弥补亏损Paid-up capital _ general risk provisions for making up losses实收资本_盈余公积弥补亏损Paid-up capital _ surplus reserves for making up losses实收资本_盈余公积转增资本Paid-up capital _ capitalized surplus reserves实收资本_与计入所有者权益项目相关的所得税影响Paid-up capital _ income tax consequences concerning items recognized in owners' equity实收资本_增减变动金额Paid-up capital _ increases and decreases实收资本_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失Paid-up capital _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity 实收资本_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_其他Paid-up capital _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity _ others实收资本_资本公积转增资本Paid-up capital _ capitalized capital reserves实收资本项paid-up capital (Abstract)收到的税费返还Tax rebates received收到其他与筹资活动有关的现金Other cash received concerning financing activities收到其他与经营活动有关的现金Other cash received concerning operating activities收到其他与投资活动有关的现金Other cash received concerning investing activities收到原保险合同保费取得的现金Premiums received from original insurance contracts收到再保险业务现金净额Net cash received from reinsurance business收回投资收到的现金Cash received from disposal of investments收取利息和手续费及佣金的现金Interest, handling charges and commission received手续费及佣金净收入Net handling charges and commission income手续费及佣金收入Handling charges and commission income手续费及佣金支出Handling charges and commission expenses寿险责任准备金Policyholders’ reserves for life insurance受托客户资产管理业务净收入Net income from entrusted customer assets management business所得税费用Income tax expenses所有者权益Owners' equity所有者权益_对所有者的分配Owners' equity _ appropriations to owners所有者权益_股份支付计入所有者权益的金额Owners' equity _ amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners' equity 所有者权益_会计政策变更Owners' equity _ accounting policy changes所有者权益_净利润Owners' equity _ net profit所有者权益_净利润和直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_小计Owners' equity _ net profit and gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity_ subtotal所有者权益_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额Owners' equity _ net increase and decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets所有者权益_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额_计入所有者权益的金额Owners' equity _ net increase and decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets _ amounts recognized in owners' equity所有者权益_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额_转入当期损益的金额Owners' equity _ net increase and decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets _ amounts transferred to gains and losses of the period 所有者权益_利润分配Owners' equity _ profit appropriation所有者权益_利润分配_其他Owners' equity _ profit appropriation _ others所有者权益_其他Owners' equity _ others所有者权益_其他_对所有者的分配Owners' equity _ others _ appropriations to owners所有者权益_其他_股份支付计入所有者权益的金额Owners' equity _ others _ amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners' equity所有者权益_其他_会计政策变更Owners' equity _ others _ accounting policy changes所有者权益_其他_净利润Owners' equity _ others _ net profit所有者权益_其他_净利润和直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_小计Owners' equity _ others _ net profit and gains and losses recognized directly inowners' equity _ subtotal所有者权益_其他_可供出售金融资产公允价值变动净额Owners' equity _ others _ net increase and decrease of fair value of available-for-sale financial assets所有者权益_其他_利润分配Owners' equity _ others _ profit appropriation所有者权益_其他_利润分配_其他Owners' equity _ others _ profit appropriation _ others所有者权益_其他_前期差错更正Owners' equity _ others _ corrections of prior period errors所有者权益_其他_权益法下被投资单位其他所有者权益变动的影响Owners' equity _ others _ consequences of other owners' equity changes in invested units under equity method所有者权益_其他_所有者权益内部结转Owners' equity _ others _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity所有者权益_其他_所有者权益内部结转_其他Owners' equity _ others _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity _ others 所有者权益_其他_所有者投入和减少资本Owners' equity _ others _ capital paid in and reduced by owners所有者权益_其他_所有者投入和减少资本_其他Owners' equity _ others _ capital paid in and reduced by owners _ others 所有者权益_其他_所有者投入资本Owners' equity _ others _ capital paid in by owners所有者权益_其他_提取一般风险准备Owners' equity _ others _ appropriations to general risk provisions所有者权益_其他_提取盈余公积Owners' equity _ others _ appropriations to surplus reserves所有者权益_其他_盈余公积弥补亏损Owners' equity _ others _ surplus reserves for making up losses所有者权益_其他_盈余公积转增资本Owners' equity _ others _ capitalized surplus reserves所有者权益_其他_与计入所有者权益项目相关的所得税影响Owners' equity _ others _ income tax consequences concerning items recognized inowners' equity所有者权益_其他_增减变动金额Owners' equity _ others _ increases and decreases所有者权益_其他_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失Owners' equity _ others _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity所有者权益_其他_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_其他Owners' equity _ others _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity _others所有者权益_其他_资本公积转增资本Owners' equity _ others _ capitalized capital reserves所有者权益_其他项Owners' equity _ other items (Abstract)所有者权益_前期差错更正Owners' equity _ corrections of prior period errors所有者权益_权益法下被投资单位其他所有者权益变动的影响Owners' equity _ consequences of other owners' equity changes in invested units under equity method所有者权益_所有者权益内部结转Owners' equity _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity所有者权益_所有者权益内部结转_其他Owners' equity _ internal carry-forward of owners' equity _ others所有者权益_所有者投入和减少资本Owners' equity _ capital paid in and reduced by owners所有者权益_所有者投入和减少资本_其他Owners' equity _ capital paid in and reduced by owners _ others所有者权益_所有者投入资本Owners' equity _ capital paid in by owners所有者权益_提取一般风险准备Owners' equity _ appropriations to general risk provisions所有者权益_提取盈余公积Owners' equity _ appropriations to surplus reserves所有者权益_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额Owners' equity _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument所有者权益_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_计入被套期项目初始确认金额中的金额Owners' equity _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts recognized in initial recognition amounts of hedged items所有者权益_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_计入所有者权益的金额Owners' equity _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts recognized in owners' equity所有者权益_现金流量套期工具公允价值变动净额_转入当期损益的金额Owners' equity _ net increase and decrease of fair value of cash flow hedging instrument _ amounts transferred to gains and losses of the period所有者权益_一般风险准备弥补亏损Owners' equity _ general risk provisions for making up losses所有者权益_盈余公积弥补亏损Owners' equity _ surplus reserves for making up losses所有者权益_盈余公积转增资本Owners' equity _ capitalized surplus reserves所有者权益_与计入所有者权益项目相关的所得税影响Owners' equity _ income tax consequences concerning items recognized in owners' equity所有者权益_增减变动金额Owners' equity _ increases and decreases所有者权益_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失Owners' equity _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity 所有者权益_直接计入所有者权益的利得和损失_其他Owners' equity _ gains and losses recognized directly in owners' equity _ others所有者权益_资本公积转增资本Owners' equity _ capitalized capital reserves所有者权益变动表项statement of owners' equity (Abstract)所有者权益项Owners' equity (Abstract)T摊回保险责任准备金Reinsurers’ share of insurance contract reserves摊回分保费用Reinsurers’ share of expenses摊回赔付支出Reinsurers’ share of claim paid提取保险合同准备金净额。
权益类证券自营业务是指以股票、 权证等权益类证券为主要投资对
这类业务的风险和收益相对较高, 是证券自营业务中的重要组成部
投资策略主要包括长期持有、波 段操作、套利交易等。
金融衍生品类证券自营业务是 指以期货、期权等金融衍生品 类证券为主要投资对象的自营 业务。
经纪业务是指证券公司接受客户的委托, 代理客户买卖证券,从中收取佣金的业
自营业务与经纪业务的最大区别在于, 在自营业务中,证券公司需要自行承担
自营业务是证券公司自主买卖证券,以 市场风险和信用风险;而在经纪业务中,
差价收益为主要盈利来源;而经纪业务 证券公司仅承担执行风险和客户纠纷风
中国证监会及其分支机构负责对 证券自营业务进行监管,确保业
证券业协会等自律组织在监管机构 指导下,对证券自营业务进行自律 管理,促进市场公平、公正、公开。
证券公司应建立健全自营业务的内 部监管制度,规范自营业务操作流 程,防范内幕交易、利益输送等违 规行为。
证券自营业务的交易策略与 技巧交易策略0102
以长期持有为目标,关注公司 的基本面和市场趋势,通过长
以短期买卖获取价差收益,关 注市场短期波动和热点,通过
利用市场价格差异,通过买入 低价资产的同时卖出高价资产
ffffff自行处理权(At Discretion)客户给经纪买或卖处理权的指示类型。
限额(At Limit)客户给股票经纪不能买超过或卖低于某一价位的限制。
At The Market以现行价格买或卖证券的订单。
额定资本(Authorized Capital)在公司联合备忘录中协订的实缴资本的最高金额。
基本点(Basic Points)指债券收益率。
fffff蓝筹股(Blue Chip)在投资中级别最高的普通股。
发行红(利)股(Bonus Issue)以无偿发行股票的形式(通常是以资本项目)分配资金给股东。
簿记截止日(Book Closing Date)公司股东记录截止登记日,以决定股息、红利或附加股的授权。
簿记价值(Book value)公司资产簿记帐面价值。
业务循环(Business Cycle)经济活动的周期性变动,带动收入和就业变动。
证券从业资格证券市场基本法律法规(证券公司业务规范、证券市场典型违法违规行为及法律责任)-试卷1(总分:84.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、选择题(总题数:30,分数:60.00)1.( )是指客户将委托要求通过电话报给证券经纪商,证券经纪商根据电话委托内容向证券交易所交易系统申报。
2.对于持有和买卖上海证券交易所上市证券的投资者,未办理指定交易的投资者的证券暂由( )托管,其红利、股息、债息、债券兑付款在办理指定交易后可领取。
3.上市公司在进行收购时,未按照( )要求聘请财务顾问的,不得收购上市公司。
4.证券投资咨询机构和其他财务顾问机构从事上市公司并购重组财务顾问业务,实缴注册资本和净资产不低于人民币( )万元。
(分数:2.00)A.1 000B.500 √C.200D.100解析:解析:证券投资咨询机构和其他财务顾问机构从事上市公司并购重组财务顾问业务,实缴注册资本和净资产不低于人民币500万元。
自行处理权(At Discretion)客户给经纪买或卖处理权的指示类型。
限额(At Limit)客户给股票经纪不能买超过或卖低于某一价位的限制。
At The Market以现行价格买或卖证券的订单。
额定资本(Authorized Capital)在公司联合备忘录中协订的实缴资本的最高金额。
基本点(Basic Points)指债券收益率。
蓝筹股(Blue Chip)在投资中级别最高的普通股。
发行红(利)股(Bonus Issue)以无偿发行股票的形式(通常是以资本项目)分配资金给股东。
簿记截止日(Book Closing Date)公司股东记录截止登记日,以决定股息、红利或附加股的授权。
簿记价值(Book value)公司资产簿记帐面价值。
业务循环(Business Cycle)经济活动的周期性变动,带动收入和就业变动。
股票与证券行业专业英语词汇(Glossary of English terms in the stock and securities industry)
![股票与证券行业专业英语词汇(Glossary of English terms in the stock and securities industry)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/675500660c22590102029dfe.png)
股票与证券行业专业英语词汇(Glossary of English terms in the stock and securities industry)股票与证券行业专业英语词汇(Glossary of English terms in thestock and securities industry) share, equity, stock 股票、股权bond, debenture, debts 债券negotiable share 可流通股份convertible bond 可转换债券treasury / government bond 国库券 / 政府债券corporate bond 企业债券closed - than the securities investment fund 封闭式证券投资基金open-end securities investment fund 开放式证券投资基金 thanfund manager 基金经理 / 管理公司fund custodian bank 基金托管银行market capitalization 市值p / e ratio 市盈率 (price / earning)mark to market 逐日盯市payment versus delivery 银券交付clearing and settlement 清算 / 结算commodity / financial derivatives 商品 / 金融衍生产品put / call option 看跌 / 看涨期权margins, collateral 保证金rights issue / offering 配股bonus share 红股dividend 红利 / 股息美国存托凭证 / 存股证 adr (american depository receipt) go 全球存托凭证 / 存股证 (global depository receipt) retail / private investor 个人投资者 / 散户institutional investor 机构投资者the broker / dealer 券商proprietary trading 自营insider trading / dealing 内幕交易market manipulation 市场操纵招股说明书 prospectus新股 / 初始公开发行 ipo (initial public offering) merger and acquisition 收购兼并all ordinaries index (澳大利亚) 股市指数amex (american stock exchange) 美国股票交易所amortize 摊提, 分期偿还债务年金享受权 annuityasking price 卖主的开叫价assess 对 (财产等) 进行估价, 确定 (款项) 的金额back 拖欠的bad loan 呆账, 坏账帮助...... 摆脱困境 bailout.balloon (分期付款中) 最后数目特大的一笔barometer 晴雨表, [喻] 标记, 指标basis points 基点 (一个百分点的百分之一)bear markets 熊市blue chip (股票等) 热门的, (在同行中) 最赚钱的forex foreign exchangebond 债券, 公债bourse 交易所, 证券交易所bull markets 牛市bullish 牛市的bunji change 快速的大幅度变化the cac 40 index (法国) 股市指数cd (certificate of deposit) 大额存款单the chicago mercantile exchange 芝加哥商业交易所the consumer price index 消费者价格指数contagion 蔓延correction 调整coupon rate 券根利率cta (commodities trading advisor) 农矿产品交易顾问currency board 货币委员会dax index (法兰克福) 德国股市指数dead loan 死帐退市从上市证券表中除名衍生品衍生金融商品(由利率或债券、外汇或汇率以及股票或股价指数等现货市场衍生出来主要有期货期货期权交易,、期权与掉期互换三种类型,品种多达100余种。
《证券投资学》英文词汇实物资产real assets金融资产financial assets资产负债表balance sheet现金流量表statement of cash flows损益表income statement会计收入accounting earnings帐面价值book value流动比率current ratio速动比率quick ratio酸性测试比率acid test ratio资产周转率asset turnover <ATO>应收帐款平均收款期或应收天数average collection period or day’s receivvables 积极管理active management积极型资产组合active portfolio美式期权、欧式期权American depository \ European depository看涨期权call option看跌期权put option套利arbitrage套利定价理论arbitrage pricing theory资产配置决策asset allocation decision资本配置决策capital allocation decision银行贴现收益率bank discount yield银行承兑汇票banker’s acceptance基差basis基差风险basis risk二叉树模型binomial model布莱克舒尔斯顶界公式Black-Scholes formula大宗交易block transactions普通股common stock优先股preferred stock债券bond面值par value公司债券corporate bonds可赎回债券callable bond可卖回债券put bond可转换债券convertible bond信用债券或无担保债券debenture or unsecured bond现金/债券选择cash \ bond selection经纪人市场brokered market佣金经纪人commission broker牛市、熊市bullish \ bearish经济周期business cycle赎回保护期call protection资本利得capital gains资本市场capital market资本市场线capital market line <CML>现金交割cash delivery现金等价物cash equivalents清算所clearinghouse交易所exchanges股票交易所stock exchanges场外交易市场over-the-counter market抵押品collateral有担保的抵押债务collateralized mortgage obligation封闭型〔共同〕基金closed-end <mutual> fund整个资产组合complete portfolio固定增长模型constant growth model或有债权contingent claim交叉持股cross holdings经常项目current account衍生资产derivative asset衍生证券derivative security红利折现模型discounted dividend model <DDM>红利支付率dividend payout ratio可分散风险diversifiable risk分散化diversification有效分散化efficient diversification道氏理论Dow theory久期duration有效率边界efficient frontier欧洲美元Eurodollars超额收益excess return名义利率nominal interest rate真实利率real interest rate实际复利realized compound yield汇率exchange rate汇率风险exchange rate risk<利率的>预期假定expectations hypothesis <of interest rates> 预期收益expected return面值face value因素模型factor model金融资产financial assets金融中介financial intermediary财政政策fiscal policy固定收益证券fixed-income security浮动利率债券floating-rate bond外汇市场foreign exchange market外汇互换foreign exchange swap利率互换interest rate swap远期合约forward contract远期利率forward interest rate期货合约futures contract期货期权futures option期货价格futures price基本面分析fundamental analysis套期保值hedging持有期收益holding-period return指数模型index model指数期权index option通货膨胀inflation首次公开发行initial public offering内部信息inside information内幕交易insider trading清偿价值liquidation value<企业的>内在价值intrinsic value〔of a firm〕期权的内在价值intrinsic value of an option投资银行investment bankers投资级债券investment-grade bond垃圾债券junk bond投资组合investment portfolio一价定律law of one price流动性liquidity流动偏好理论liquidity preference theory流动性溢价liquidity premium市场或系统风险market or systematic risk非系统风险nonsystematic risk交易所的会员或席位membership or seat on a exchange 最小方差边界minimum-variance frontier最小方差资产组合minimum-variance portfolio最优风险资产组合optimal risky portfolio现代资产组合理论modern portfolio theory <MPT>资产组合管理portfolio management货币政策monetary policy货币市场money market抵押担保证券mortgage-backed security转手证券pass-through security单因素模型single-factor model单指数模型single-index model多因素CAPM模型multifactor CAPM共同基金mutual fund开放型基金open-end fund.纳斯达克Nasdaq消极投资策略passive investment strategy消极管理passive management消极型资产组合passive portfolio消极策略passive strategy波峰peak市盈率price-earnings ratio市盈率效应P/E effect公司利润再投资率plowback ratio溢价premium原生证券primitive security衍生证券derivative security一级市场primary market二级市场secondary market本金principal利润率profit margin公开发行public offering私募private placement随机漫步random walk资产收益率return on assets <ROA>股本收益率return on equity <ROE>销售收益率return on sales <ROS>风险套利risk arbitrage风险厌恶risk-averse风险中性risk-neutral风险偏好者risk lover无风险资产risk-free asset无风险收益率risk-free rate风险溢价risk premium风险资产risk asset证券化securitization证券分析security analysis证券市场线security market line证券选择security selection有效市场假定efficient market hypothesis强有效市场假定strong-form EMH半强有效市场假定semistrong-form EMH弱有效市场假定weak- form EMH资产分割separation property短期利率short interest rate空头头寸short position套期hedge卖空short sale投机speculation.投机级债券speculative-grade bong即期利率spot rate股票选择上stock selection股票拆分stock split止损指令stop-loss order对敲straddle技术分析technical analysis基本分析利率期限结构term structure of interest rate时间价值time value三级市场third market国库券treasury bill中长期国债treasury bond or note承销underwriting波动性风险volatility risk认股权证warrant周末效应weekend effect充分分散化的资产组合well-diversified portfolio 收益率曲线yield curve到期收益率yield to maturity零息票债券zero-coupon bond零投资组合zero-investment portfolio。
常用证券业务名词中英文对照ADR(American Depositary Receipt )美国存托凭证存托凭证(Depository Receipts,简称DR),又称存券收据或存股证.是指在一国证券市场流通的代表外国某一有价证券的可转让凭证,属公司融资业务范畴的金融衍生丁具。
Block trading 大宗交易所谓大宗交易,是指证券单笔买卖申报达到交易所规定的数额规模时,交易所采用的与通常交易方式不同的交易方式。
Capital appreciation funds 资本增值型基金寻求最大限度的资本增值,红利不是主要目标。
CEPA(Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement)内地和香港关于建立更紧密经贸关系的安排CEPA是适应近年来香港经济结构调整和经济转型的迫切需要,中央政府支持香港经济发展的又一重大举措,CEPA主要内容有两点:一是零关税政策,内地将自2004年1月1日起,对原产香港进口金额较大的273个税目的产品实行零关税。
CDR(Chinese Depositary Receipt)中国预托证券CDR是境外注册并上市的公司在中国内地上市集资的一种方式,投资者购买后就相当于购买了该上市公司的股票。
在同等条件下,其他合伙人有优先购买权C.有限合伙人死亡,继承人或者权利承受人可以依法取得该有限合伙人在有限合伙企业中的资格D.有限合伙人退伙后,对基于其退伙前的原因发生的债务,承担无限责任【答案】 D2、未经批准,委托他人或者接受他人委托持有或者管理证券公司的股权,或者认购、受让或者实际控制证券公司的股权的,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予警告,并处以3万元以上()万元以下的罚款。
A.10B.20C.30D.50【答案】 C3、证券投资咨询机构利用荐股软件从事证券投资咨询业务,应当遵循()原则,不得误导、欺诈客户,不得损害客户利益。
A.Ⅰ.Ⅱ.ⅣB.Ⅰ.Ⅱ.ⅢC.Ⅰ.Ⅲ.ⅣD.Ⅰ.Ⅱ【答案】 D4、下列关于指定交易的说法正确的是()。
A.①②④B.②④C.②③D.①②③④【答案】 C5、金融机构为资产管理产品投资的非标准化债权类资产或者股权类资产发生以下()行为的,视为刚性兑付。
A.①②③B.②③④C.①②D.①②③④【答案】 D6、(2018年真题)上市公司应当在()起2个月内,向国务院证券监督管理机构和证券交易所报送中期报告。
A.每一会计年度的上半年结束之日B.每一会计年度中期结束之日C.每一会计年度下半年结束之日D.每一会计年度末【答案】 A7、关于上市公司实施重大资产重组的表述,正确的有()。
A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅢB.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、ⅣC.Ⅱ、Ⅲ、ⅣD.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ【答案】 B8、向客户提供投资建议的()等信息,应当以书面或者电子文件形式予以记录留存。
A.②③④B.①②④C.①②③D.①②③④【答案】 D9、《证券公司监督管理条例》第九条规定,证券公司股东的非货币财产出资总额不得超过证券公司注册资本的()。
(上海证券交易所提供的中英文词汇对照)AA股股东人数Number Of A-Share Stockholders安全防范费Security fee按国际会计准则调整的股东权益合计Total Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By IAS按国际会计准则调整的净利润合计Total Net Profit Adjusted By IAS按境外会计准则调整的股东权益Shareholders' Equity Adjusted By Foreign Accounting Standards按境外会计准则调整的股东权益合计Total Shareholders' Equities Adjusted By Foreign Accounting Standards按境外会计准则调整的净利润Net Profit Adjusted By Foreign Accounting Standards按境外会计准则调整的净利润合计Total Net Profit Adjusted By Foreign Accounting Standards按境外会计准则调整的净利润和股东权益Net Profit And Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Foreign Accounting Standards 按美国会计准则差异调整项目Difference Adjustment Items According To Us CAAP按美国会计准则调整的股东权益Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Us CAAP按美国会计准则调整的股东权益合计Total Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Us CAAP按美国会计准则调整的净利润Net Profit Adjusted By Us CAAP按美国会计准则调整的净利润合计Total Net Profits Adjusted By Us CAAP按美国会计准则调整的净利润和股东权益Net Profit And Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Us CAAP按香港会计准则差异调整项目Difference Adjustment Items According To Hong Kong CAAP按香港会计准则调整的股东权益Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Hong Kong CAAP按香港会计准则调整的股东权益合计Total Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Hong Kong CAAP按香港会计准则调整的净利润Net Profit Adjusted By Hong Kong CAAP按香港会计准则调整的净利润合计Total Net Profits Adjusted By Hong Kong CAAP按香港会计准则调整的净利润和股东权益Net Profit And Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Hong Kong CAAP按新加坡会计准则差异调整项目Difference Adjustment Items According To Singapore CAAP按新加坡会计准则调整的股东权益Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Singapore CAAP按新加坡会计准则调整的股东权益合计Total Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Singapore CAAP按新加坡会计准则调整的净利润Net Profit Adjusted By Singapore CAAP按新加坡会计准则调整的净利润合计Total Net Profits Adjusted By Singapore CAAP按新加坡会计准则调整的净利润和股东权益Net Profit And Shareholder's Equity Adjusted By Singapore CAAP按照中国证监会《公开发行证券公司信息披露编报规则(第9号)》要求计算的利润表附表Supplemental Income Statement Prepared According To "Standards For Content And Format Of Information Disclosure Of Companies Issuing Securities Publicly No.9" Of CSRC保单红利支出Policy dividend payment保户储金及投资款Policy holder deposits and investment funds保户储金及投资款净增加额Net increase of policy holder deposits and investment funds保户质押贷款policy holder pledge loans保险合同准备金reserves for insurance contract保险合同准备金合计Total amount of reserves for insurance contract保险合同准备金合计减少额合计Total decrease of reserves of insurance contract保险合同准备金合计增加额Total increase of reserves for insurance contract保险业务收入Incomes from insurance business保证贷款金额Amount of guarantee loans报告版本号Version Number Of Report报告标题Report Title报告董事会批准报送日期Date For The Report Be Approved By The Board Of Directors报告发布人Report Issuer报告类别Report Type报告类别编码Code Of Report Type报告年度Reporting Year报告披露时间Disclosure Date Of Report报告期末担保余额合计Total Balance Of Guarantee At The End Of Reporting Period报告期末对控股子公司担保余额合计Total Balance Of Guarantees Provided For Controlled Subsidiaries At The End Of The Reporting Period报告期末公司前三年主要会计数据和财务指标的说明Description Of Three-Year Key Accounting Data And Financial Indicators Before The End Of Reporting Period报告期末公司主要会计数据和财务指标Key Financial And Performance Indicators Before The End Of Reporting Period报告期末股东总数Total Number Of Shareholders At The End Of The Reporting Period报告期末资金被占用情况及清欠方案Status And Returning Scheme On Occupied Funds At The End Of Report Period报告期内担保发生额合计Total Occurrence Amount Of Guarantee Within The Reporting Period报告期内对控股子公司担保发生额合计Total Amount Of Guarantees Provided For Controlled Subsidiaries Within The Reporting Period报告期内公司投资额Investment Amount Of The Company During The Reporting Period报告期内公司投资额比上年增减数Increase Of Investment Amount Of The Company On Year-On-Year Basis报告期内公司投资额增减幅度(%)Increase Rate Of Investment Amount Of The Company报告期实施的利润分配方案执行情况Performance Of Dividend Policy During Report Period报告修订和更正、补充公告发布时间Time Of Amendment And Correction And Release Of Supplementary Report备查文件目录Contents Of Reference File备查文件情况Status Of Reference File被出售资产Sold Assets被出售资产的评估价值Evaluated Value Of Sold Assets被出售资产的帐面价值Book Value Of Sold Assets被担保方Warrantee被收购的资产自本年初至本期末为上市公司贡献的净利润Net profits contributed to the listed company by sold assets from the beginning to the end of current year被收购的资产自收购日起至报告期末为上市公司贡献的净利润Net Profits Contributed To The Listed Company By The Purchased Assets From The Purchase Date To The End Of Year被收购资产Purchased Assets被收购资产的评估价值Evaluated Value Of Purchased Assets被收购资产的帐面价值Book Value Of Purchased Assets被投资的公司情况Status Of Invested Company被投资公司的备注Remark On Invested Company被投资公司的名称Name Of Invested Company被投资公司的主要经营活动Main Business Lines Of Invested Company被投资企业的净利润Net Profit Of Invested Company被投资企业的名称Name Of Invested Company In Important Associated Transitions With Joint Investments被投资企业的重大在建项目的进展情况Progress Of Important And Undergoing Projects Of Invested Company被投资企业的主营业务Major Business Of Invested Company被投资企业的注册资本Registered Capital Of Invested Company被投资企业的资产规模Assets Scale Of Invested Company本报告期核算方法是否变更Is The Accounting Method Changed In The Reporting Period本报告期已使用募集资金总额Total Amount Of Used Proceeds In The Reporting Period本报告期已使用募集资金总额明细Detailed Total Amount For Used Raised Capital本报告期盈利但未提出现金利润分配预案的情况Situation Of Positive Net Profits Without Cash Profit Distribution Proposal During The Reporting Period本报告期盈利但未提出现金利润分配预案的原因Reasons For Positive Net Profits Without Cash Profit Distribution Proposal本报告期主要会计差错是否更正Are Principal Accounting Errors Changed In The Reporting Period?本报告期主要会计估计是否变更Are Principal Accounting Estimates Changed In The Reporting Period?本报告期主要会计政策是否变更Are Principal Accounting Policies Changed In The Reporting Period?本报告期转股额Conversion Amount Of Convertible Bonds During The Reporting Period本报告期转股数Number Of Converted Shares During The Reporting Period本报告期转债变动情况Changes In Convertible Bonds During The Reporting Period本报告期转债持有人情况Status Of Holders Of Convertible Bonds During The Reporting Period本报告期转债累计转股情况Accumulated Conversion Of Convertible Bonds During The Reporting Period本次变动后可转债Convertible Bonds After This Change本次变动前可转债Convertible Bonds Prior To This Change本次季报资产负债表中的2007年期初股东权益与“新旧会计准则股东权益差异调节表”中的2007年期初股东权益存在差异的原因说明Explanation to difference between the shareholders' equity at the beginning of 2007 in balance sheet and the one in "Reconciliation statement of difference of shareholder's equities between new and old accounting standards" in the Quarterly Report本公司转债担保人的情况说明Description Of Underwriter Of The Company's Convertible Bonds本公司转债的担保人Underwriter Of The Company's Convertible Bonds本公司转债发行人的情况说明Description Of Issuer Of The Company's Convertible Bonds本期估计与上期估计有重大差异的原因Reasons for any significant difference between the estimate in current period and the one in previous period本期其他利润分配Other Profit Distribution In Current Period本期其他利润分配金额Amount Of Other Profit Distribution In Current Period本期其他利润分配情况Status Of Other Profit Distribution In Current Period本企业的母公司情况的说明Description of the information of the Company's parent company本企业的母公司情况明细List of the information of the Company's parent company本企业的母公司情况明细-法人代表List of the information of the Company's parent company - Legal representative本企业的母公司情况明细-关联关系List of the information of the Company's parent company - Related relation本企业的母公司情况明细-母公司对本企业的表决权比例List of the information of the Company's parent company - Percentage of the Company's vote rights held by the parent company本企业的母公司情况明细-母公司对本企业的持股比例List of the information of the Company's parent company - Percentage of the Company's equities held by the parent company本企业的母公司情况明细-母公司名称List of the information of the Company's parent company - Name of the parent company本企业的母公司情况明细-企业类型List of the information of the Company's parent company - Company type本企业的母公司情况明细-业务性质List of the information of the Company's parent company - Business nature本企业的母公司情况明细-注册地List of the information of the Company's parent company - Registered address本企业的母公司情况明细-注册资本List of the information of the Company's parent company - Registered capital本企业的母公司情况明细-最终控制方List of the information of the Company's parent company - Ultimate control party本企业的其他关联方情况的说明Description of other related parties of the Company本企业的其他关联方情况明细List of the information of the Company's other related parties本企业的其他关联方情况明细-其他关联方名称List of the information of the Company's other related parties - Name of other related party本企业的其他关联方情况明细-其他关联方与本公司关系List of the information of the Company's other related parties - Relation between other related parties and the Company拨款转入合计Total Allocate Sums Changeover In拨款转入减少数Decrease Of Allocated Sums Changeover In拨款转入增加数Increase Of Allocated Sums Changeover In补贴收入Revenue From Subsidies补贴收入金额Amounts Of Subsidy Income补贴收入来源Source Of Subsidy Income补贴收入明细Details Of Subsidy Income补贴收入说明Description Of Subsidy Income补贴收入项目Items Of Subsidy Income不符合终止确认条件的其他应收款项的转移金额Transfer amounts of other receivables not meeting termination recognition conditions不符合终止确认条件的应收款项的转移金额Transfer amounts of accounts receivable not meeting termination recognition conditions不良贷款比例Non-performing loan ratio不良资产金额Amounts of non-performing assets不涉及现金收支的投资和筹资活动Supplementary Material: 2. Investment And Financing Activities Involving No Cash Incomings / Outgoings财务报表的编制基础Preparation basis of financial statement财务报告补充资料Supplementary Material Of The Financial Statement财务报告审计情况Audit Of The Financial Statements财务报告审计情况声明Statement Of Audit Of The Financial Statements财务报告是否经过审计If The Financial Statements Have Been Audited财务费用Financial Expenses财务费用本期借方发生额Financial Expenses Of Debit财务指标Financial Index拆出资金Loans to other banks拆出资金比例Proportion of loans to other banks拆出资金产生的金融资产利息收入Interest incomes of financial assets arising from loans to other banks拆入资金Loans from other banks拆入资金比例Proportion of loans from other banks拆入资金产生的金融资产利息支出Interest expenses of financial assets arising from loans from other banks拆入资金净增加额Net increase of loans from other banks拆入资金注释Notes to loans from other banks产成品跌价准备Falling Price Reserves Of Finished Products产成品计提存货跌价准备的依据Basis for allotting inventory falling price reserves from finished goods产成品账面价值Book Value Of Finished Products产成品账面余额Book Balance Of Finished Products产成品转回存货跌价准备的原因Cause for recovery of finished goods to inventory falling price reserves产成品转回金额占该项存货期末余额的比例Percentage of recovery amount of finished good to the ending balance of this inventory产生公允价值变动收益的来源的明细List of sources of incomes from change of fair value产生公允价值变动收益的来源的明细-发生额List of sources of incomes from change of fair value - Occurrence amount产生公允价值变动收益的来源的明细-来源项目List of sources of incomes from change of fair value - Source item长期待摊费用Long-Term Deferred And Prepaid Expenses长期待摊费用的说明Description Of Amortization Of Long-Term Expenses To Be Apportioned长期待摊费用金额Amount Of Long-Term Expenses To Be Apportioned长期待摊费用明细Details Of Long-Term Expenses To Be Apportioned长期待摊费用摊销Amortization Of Long-Term Expenses Prepayments长期待摊费用种类Category Of Long-Term Expenses To Be Apportioned长期负债合计Sub Total Of Long-Term Liabilities长期股票投资的说明Description Of Long-Term Stock Investment长期股权投资Long-Term Equity Investment长期股权投资本期增减额合计Total Current Change Of Long-Term Equity Investment长期股权投资差额调整值Adjusted value of long-term equity investment surplus长期股权投资成本合计Total Cost Of Long-Term Equity Investment长期股权投资的核算方法Accounting method for long-term equity investment长期股权投资分得的现金红利合计Total Cash Dividends Gained From Long-Term Equity Investment长期股权投资附注Notes to long-term Equity Investment长期股权投资合计Total Long-Term Equity Investment长期股权投资减值损失Long-term equity investment impairment losses长期股权投资减值准备_本期减少数合计Total Decrease Of Long-Term Equity Investments Depreciation Reserves长期股权投资减值准备_本期其他原因转出数Amounts Carried Forward Of Long-Term Equity Investments Depreciation Reserves长期股权投资减值准备_本期因资产价值回升转回数Amounts Recovered Of Long-Term Equity Investments Depreciation Reserves长期股权投资减值准备_本期增加数Total Increase Of Long-Term Equity Investments Depreciation Reserves长期股权投资减值准备余额Total Long-Term Equity Investments Depreciation Reserves长期股权投资明细Details Of Long-Term Equity Investment长期股权投资明细-被投资单位List of long-term equity investment - The invested entity长期股权投资明细-初始投资成本List of long-term equity investment - Initial investment costs长期股权投资明细-核算方法List of long-term equity investment - Accounting method长期股权投资明细-减值准备List of long-term equity investment - Impairment reserves长期股权投资明细-现金红利List of long-term equity investment - Cash dividends长期股权投资明细-在被投资单位表决权比例List of long-term equity investment - Percentage of vote right in the invested company长期股权投资明细-在被投资单位持股比例List of long-term equity investment - Percentage of equity in the invested company长期股权投资明细-在被投资单位持股比例与表决权比例不一致的说明List of long-term equity investment - Interpretations of difference between the equity percentage and vote right percentage in the invested company长期股权投资明细-增减变动额List of long-term equity investment - Increase/decrease amounts长期股权投资明细-账面余额List of long-term equity investment - Book balance长期股权投资收益Long-Term Equity Investment Income长期健康险责任准备金Reserves for long-term health insurance liabilities长期健康险责任准备金减少额合计Total decrease of reserves for long-term health insurance liabilities长期健康险责任准备金增加额Increase of reserves for long-term insurance liabilities长期借款Long-Term Loans长期借款币种Currency Of Long-Term Loans长期借款单位Lender Of Long-Term Loans长期借款的说明Description Of Long-Term Loans长期借款分类的说明Description For Sorts Of Other Long-Term Borrowings长期借款金额(折合人民币金额)Amount Of Long-Term Loans (Translated Into RMB)长期借款利率Interest Rate Of Long-Term Loans长期借款明细Details Of Long-Term Loans长期借款起始日Starting Date Of Long-Term Loans长期借款外币金额Long-Term Loans In Foreign Currency长期借款中的担保借款Amount Of Guarantee Borrowings In Long-Term Borrowings长期借款中的抵押借款Amount Of Pledged Borrowings In Long-Term Borrowings长期借款中的信用借款Amount Of Credit Borrowings In Long-Term Borrowings长期借款中的质押借款Amount Of Collateral Borrowings In Long-Term Borrowings长期借款终止日Expiration Date Of Long-Term Loans长期投资成本法合计Total Long-Term Investment-Cost Method长期投资权益法合计Total Long-Term Investment-Equity Method长期应付款Long-Term Payable长期应付款的说明Description Of Long-Term Account Payable长期应付款借款初始金额Money Of Long-Term Borrowings Payable At The Beginning长期应付款借款单位Entities Of Long-Term Borrowings Payable长期应付款借款利率Interest Rate Of Long-Term Borrowings Payable长期应付款借款期限Time Limit Of Long-Term Borrowings Payable长期应付款借款条件Conditions & Terms Of Long-Term Borrowings Payable长期应付款借款应计利息Interest Payable Of Long-Term Borrowings Payable长期应付款金额Amount Of Long-Term Account Payable长期应付款明细Details Of Long-Term Account Payable长期应收款Long-term accounts receivable长期应收款中分期收款提供劳务金额Amounts of labor services by installments of long-term accounts receivable长期应收款中分期收款销售商品金额Amounts of commodity sales by installments of long-term accounts receivable长期应收款中融资租赁金额Financing lease amounts of long-term accounts receivable长期应收款注释Notes to long-term accounts receivable偿还债务所支付的现金Repayment Of Borrowings成本和费用确认原则Principle Of Cost And Expense Recognition成本加成合同金额合计Total amounts of cost price contract成本加成合同累计已发生成本合计Total accumulated occurrence costs of cost price contract成本加成合同累计已确认毛利合计Total accumulated recognition gross profits of cost price contract成本加成合同明细List of cost price contract成本加成合同明细-合同名称List of cost price contract - Contract name成本加成合同明细-金额List of cost price contract - Amount成本加成合同明细-累计已发生成本List of cost price contract - Accumulated occurrence costs成本加成合同明细-累计已确认毛利List of cost price contract - Accumulated recognition gross profits成本加成合同明细-已办理结算的价款金额List of cost price contract - Amounts of already settled funds成本加成合同已办理结算的价款金额合计Total amounts of already settled funds of cost price contract成熟生产性生物资产减值准备减少额合计Total decrease amounts of mature productive biological asset impairment reserves成熟生产性生物资产减值准备余额合计Total balances of mature productive biological asset impairment reserves成熟生产性生物资产减值准备增加数Increase amount of mature productive biological asset impairment reserves成熟生产性生物资产减值准备转回数Recovery amount of mature productive biological asset impairment reserves成熟生产性生物资产减值准备转销数Write-off amount of mature productive biological asset impairment reserves承包方名称Name Of Contractor承包起始日Starting Date Of Contract承包情况Status Of Contract承包情况说明Description Of Contract承包是否关联交易Is The Contract An Associated Transaction?承包收益Income Of Contract承包收益对公司影响Impact Of Contract Income On The Company承包收益确定依据Determining Basis For Contract Income承包中关联方与本公司关系Relationship Between Related-Party And Listed Company In Contract承包终止日Ending Date Of Contract承包资产情况Contracted Assets承包资产涉及金额Amount Involved In Contracted Assets承包作为临时公告披露的报纸Newspaper Of Disclosing Temporary Report For Contract承包作为临时公告披露的日期Date Of Disclosing Temporary Report For Contract承担连带责任方Party Bearing Joint Liabilities承诺事项的说明Description Of Commitments承诺事项履行情况Performance Of Commitment承租方名称Name Of Lessee城建税的计缴标准Calculation Method Of City Maintenance And Construction Tax城建税税率Rate Of City Maintenance And Construction Tax持有非上市金融企业、拟上市公司股权情况的说明Description Of equities of non-listed financial enterprises and to-be-listed companies held by the Company持有其他上市公司股权的初始投资金额合计Total initial investment amounts of equities of other Listed Company held by the Company持有其他上市公司股权情况的说明Instruction on equities of other Listed Company held by the Listed Company持有其他上市公司股权损益合计Total volume of Losses/Incomes on equities of other Listed Company held by the Company持有其他上市公司股权所有者权益变动合计Total volume of changes in owner's equity held by the Company持有其他上市公司股权账面价值合计Total volume of Book value of equities of other Listed Company held by the Company持有至到期投资Held-to-maturity investment (HTM)持有至到期投资的说明Description of held-to-maturity investment持有至到期投资减值损失Held-to-maturity investment impairment losses持有至到期投资减值准备Held-to-maturity investment impairment reserves持有至到期投资减值准备减少额合计Total decrease amounts of held-to-maturity investment impairment reserves持有至到期投资减值准备余额合计Total balances of held-to-maturity investment impairment reserves持有至到期投资减值准备增加数Increase amount of held-to-maturity investment impairment reserves持有至到期投资减值准备转回数Recovery amount of held-to-maturity investment impairment reserves持有至到期投资减值准备转销数Write-off amount of held-to-maturity investment impairment reserves持有至到期投资明细List of held-to-maturity investment持有至到期投资明细-金额List of held-to-maturity investment - Amount持有至到期投资明细-项目List of held-to-maturity investment - Item持有至到期投资情况Informatio of held-to-maturity investment (HTM)持有至到期投资中债券金额Amount of bond in the held-to-maturity investment持有至到期投资中债券明细List of bond in the held-to-maturity investment持有至到期投资中债券明细-债券金额List of bond in the held-to-maturity investment - bond amount持有至到期投资中债券明细-债券类别List of bond in the held-to-maturity investment - bond type持有至到期投资重分类为可供出售金融资产金额Amounts of available-for-sale financial assets of held-to-maturity investments持有至到期投资重分类为可供出售金融资产占可供出售金融资产总额的比例Percentage of available-for-sale financial assets of held-to-maturity investments to total available-for-sale financial assets持有至到期投资注释Notes to held-to-maturity investment筹资活动产生的现金流量Iii. Cash Flows Arising From Financing Activities筹资活动产生的现金流量净额Net Cash Flows From Financing Activities筹资活动现金流出小计Sub Total Of Cash Outflows From Financing Activities筹资活动现金流入小计Sub Total Of Cash Inflows From Financing Activities出包方名称Name Of Farmer出票人无力履约而转为应收账款以及公司已经背书给他方但尚未到期的票据金额合计Total amounts of notes that are transferred into accounts receivable as the issuer fails to keep a promise or that have been endorsed to any other party by the Company but is still undue出票人无力履约而转为应收账款以及公司已经背书给他方但尚未到期的票据情况明细List of notes that are transferred into accounts receivable as the issuer fails to keep a promise or that have been endorsed to any other party by the Company but is still undue出票人无力履约而转为应收账款以及公司已经背书给他方但尚未到期的票据情况明细-备注List of notes that are transferred into accounts receivable as the issuer fails to keep a promise or that have been endorsed to any other party by the Company but is not mature - Remark出票人无力履约而转为应收账款以及公司已经背书给他方但尚未到期的票据情况明细-出票单位List of notes that are transferred into accounts receivable as the issuer fails to keep a promise or that have been endorsed to any other party by the Company but is still undue - Issuing Entity出票人无力履约而转为应收账款以及公司已经背书给他方但尚未到期的票据情况明细-出票日期List of notes that are transferred into accounts receivable as the issuer fails to keep a promise or that have been endorsed to any other party by the Company but is still undue - Issuing date出票人无力履约而转为应收账款以及公司已经背书给他方但尚未到期的票据情况明细-到期日List of notes that are transferred into accounts receivable as the issuer fails to keep a promise or that have been endorsed to any other party by the Company but is not mature - Maturity date出票人无力履约而转为应收账款以及公司已经背书给他方但尚未到期的票据情况明细-金额List of notes that are transferred into accounts receivable as the issuer fails to keep a promise or that have been endorsed to any other party by the Company but is still undue - Amount出售尚未到期的持有至到期投资金额Sales amounts of undue held-to-maturity investments出售尚未到期的持有至到期投资明细List of sales of the undue held-to-maturity investment出售尚未到期的持有至到期投资明细-金额List of sales of the undue held-to-maturity investment - Amount出售尚未到期的持有至到期投资明细-项目List of sales of the undue held-to-maturity investment- Item出售尚未到期的持有至到期投资明细-占该项投资出售前金额的比例List of sales of the undue held-to-maturity investment - Percentage of amounts of the investment prior to sales出售尚未到期的持有至到期投资占出售前金额的比例Percentage of sales amounts of undue held-to-maturity investments to the prior-sale amounts出售所涉及的债权债务是否已全部转移Are The Rights Of Credit And Liabilities Of Sold Assets Fully Transferred?出售所涉及的资产产权是否已全部过户Are The Names Of Property Rights Of Sold Assets Fully Transferred?出售资产情况Sales Of Assets出售资产情况说明Description Of Sales Of Assets出售资产作为临时公告披露的报纸Newspaper Of Disclosing Temporary Report For Selling Asset出售资产作为临时公告披露的日期Date Of Disclosing Temporary Report For Selling Asset出租方名称Name Of Lessor除存货、投资性房地产及金融资产外其他主要类别资产的资产减值准备确定方法Determination method for impairment reserves for other major assets except for inventory, investment real estate and financial asset除上述各项之外的其他营业外收入和支出(非经常性损益项目)Net Value Of Other Non-Operating Revenue and Expenditure储备基金合计Total Reserve Funds储备基金减少数Decrease Of Reserve Funds储备基金增加数Increase Of Reserve Fund处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产的损失Losses On Disposal Of Fixed Intangible And Other Long-Term Assets (Less: Income)处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产而收回的现金Net Cash Received From Disposal Of Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets And Other Long Term Assets处置交易性金融资产净增加额Net increase of disposal of trading financial assets存出保证金Guarantee deposits paid存出资本保证金Refundable capital guarantee deposits存放同业产生的金融资产利息收入Financial asset interest incomes from loans to other banks存放同业款项Deposits in other banks存放中央银行产生的金融资产利息收入Financial asset interest incomes from deposits in central bank存放中央银行和同业款项净增加额Net increase of deposits in central bank and other banks存货Inventories存货的减少Decrease Of Inventories (Less: Increases)存货的说明Description Of Inventory存货跌价损失Inventory falling price losses存货跌价准备Inventory Falling Price Reserves存货跌价准备合计_本期减少数合计Total Decrease Of Inventory Falling Price Reserves存货跌价准备合计_本期其他原因转出数Amounts Carried Forward Of Inventory Falling Price Reserves For Other Reasons存货跌价准备合计_本期因资产价值回升转回数Amounts Recovered Of Inventory Falling Price Reserves For Appreciation Of Assets存货跌价准备合计_本期增加数Total Increase Of Inventory Falling Price Reserves存货跌价准备合计余额Total Inventory Falling Price Reserves存货跌价准备其他Inventory Falling Price Reserves-Other存货跌价准备其他项余额Total Inventory Falling Price Reserves-Other Items存货跌价准备转回的原因Cause for recovering inventory falling price reserves存货跌价准备转回金额占该项存货期末余额的比例Percentage of recovery amount of inventory falling price reserve to the ending balance of this inventory存货分类Classification Of Inventory存货分类的说明Description Of Inventory Classification存货核算方法Accounting Method For Inventory存货帐面余额Book Balance Of Inventory存货注释Notes To Inventory存入保证金Guarantee deposit received大额销货退回的详细情况Details Of Large Amount Of Sales Returns大股东及其附属企业非经营性占用上市公司资金的余额Amount Of Non-Business Funds Occupied By Prime Shareholders And Their Affiliated Corporation大股东及其附属企业经营性偿还累计发生金额Accumulated amounts of operating funds repaid by major shareholder and its associated companies大股东及其附属企业经营性往来原因Causes of operating transaction with major shareholder and its associated companies大股东及其附属企业经营性往来资金的利息Interests of operating transaction funds with major shareholder and its associated companies大股东及其附属企业经营性往来资金余额Balance of transaction of operating funds with major shareholder and its associated companies大股东及其附属企业经营性资金往来方名称Name of transaction party of operating funds of major shareholder and its associated companies 大股东及其附属企业经营性资金往来方与上市公司的关联关系Relation between the listed company and a transaction party of operating funds of major shareholders and their associated companies大股东及其附属企业经营性资金往来累计发生金额(不含利息)Accumulated amounts of transaction of operating funds with major shareholder and its associated companies (excluding interests)大股东及其附属企业经营性资金往来情况Transaction of operating funds with major shareholder and its associated companies大股东及其附属企业经营性资金往来上市公司核算的会计科目Accounting item of the listed company for transaction of operating funds with major shareholder and its associated companies大股东及其附属企业资金往来偿还累计发生金额小计Sub Total Returning Amount Of Funds Intercourse Occurred In Reporting Duration By Big Shareholders And Their Affiliated Corporation大股东及其附属企业资金往来的利息小计Sub Total Interest From Funds Intercourse By Big Shareholders And Their Affiliated Corporation 大股东及其附属企业资金往来累计发生金额小计Sub Total Accumulated Amount Of Funds Intercourse By Big Shareholders And Their Affiliated Corporation Occurred In Reporting Period大股东及其附属企业资金往来余额小计Sub Total Amount Of Funds Intercourse By Big Shareholders And Their Affiliated Corporation 代理保管证券产生的手续费及佣金收入Fee and commission incomes arising from securities custody agency。
以下是2020年的证券法中英文对照:证券法 Securities Law.第一章总则 Chapter I General Provisions.第一条为了规范证券市场的秩序,保护投资者的合法权益,维护国家经济安全,促进经济社会发展,制定本法。
Article 1 This Law is enacted for the purpose of regulating the order ofthe securities market, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors, safeguarding the economic securityof the State, and promoting economic and social development.第二条本法所称证券,是指股票、债券、基金份额和其他可以公开发行并在证券交易所或者其他证券交易场所上市交易的有价证券。
Article 2 For purposes of this Law, "securities" means stocks, bonds, fund shares, and other negotiable securities that can be publicly issued and listed for trading on asecurities exchange or other securities trading places.第三条证券市场是指证券发行、交易和服务活动进行的场所。
Article 3 The securities market refers to the place where securities issuance, trading, and service activities are conducted.第四条证券交易所是经国务院证券监督管理机构批准设立,依法举办证券交易的非营利性法人组织。
Dealer vs Broker vs Agent vs Market maker vs Trader
做市商制度是不同于竞价交易方式的一种证券交易制度,一般为柜台交易市场所 采用。做市商是指在证券市场上,由具备一定实力和信誉的证券经营法人作为特 许交易商,不断向公众投资者报出某些特定证券的买卖价格,双向报价并在该价 位上接受公众投资者的买卖要求,以其自有资金和证券与投资者进行证券交易。 做市商通过这种不断买卖来维持市场的流动性,满足公众投资者的投资需求。做 市商通过买卖报价的适当差额来补偿所提供服务的成本费用,并实现一定的利润。 传统交易是由一个专家处理几百家上市公司股票交易,而做市商制度是多对一的 关系,即一组做市商为一个上市公司服务。更重要的是做市商为交易提供了资金, 在交易中做市商先要用自己的资金买进股票,然后再卖出。这些做法使得市场的 流通性大大增强,增加了交易的深度和广度。 做市商的义务:-持续达到特定的保 存交易记录和履行财务责任的标准 -不间断地主持买、卖双方的市场,并在最佳价 格时按限额规定执行交易指令 -发布有效的买、卖两种报价(充当流动性提供者, 解决交投量不足的问题) 在证券交易完成-后90秒内报告交易情况,以便向公众公 布。 dealer和market maker都是面向市场而言的性质,broker就是经纪人,经纪商,性 质上和 agent是一样的,都是机构
5.2、证券自营业务的操作方式与交易策 略
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
第一章 总 则
第一条 为规范证券公司自营业务,有效控制风险,依据有关法律法规的规定和自律规范的要求,制定本指引。
for Securities Self-support Business of Securities Companies and on
第十一条 完善可投资证券品种的投资论证机制,建立证券池制度,自营业务部门只能在确定的自营规模和可承受风险限额内,从证券池内选择证券进行投资。
第十二条 建立健全自营业务运作止盈止损机制,止盈止损的决策、执行与实效评估应当符合规定的程序并进行书面记录。
第六章 附则
第三十条 本指引由中国证券业协会负责解释。
第三十一条 本指引有关用语定义如下:
(一) 风险敞口:是指在某一时段内,证券公司持有某一证券品种的多头头寸与空头头寸不一致时,所产生的差额形成的证券敞口(净头寸)。
(二) 风险监控阀值:是设置在风险监控系统中用于控制某种风险的指标。风险监控阀值通常包括交易限额、风险限额及止盈止损限额等。
第二十三条 建立完善的投资决策和投资操作档案管理制度,确保投资过程事后可查证。
第二十五条 稽核部门定期对自营业务的合规运作、盈亏、风险监控等情况进行全面稽核,出具稽核报告。
栏 目 树 形 导 航
打印本文 关闭窗口
证券公司证券自营业务指引 (中英对照)
作者:佚名 文章来源:法律英语网 点击数25 更新时间:2006-6-22 文章录入:changjian999
第十四条 自营业务的清算、统计应由专门人员执行,并与财务部门资金清算人员及时对账,对账情况要有相应记录及相关人员签字。
第四章 风险监控
第十五条 建立防火墙制度,确保自营业务与经纪、资产管理、投资银行等业务在人员、信息、账户、资金、会计核算上严格分离。
第九条 自营业务必须以证券公司自身名义、通过专用自营席位进行,并由非自营业务部门负责自营账户的管理,包括开户、销户、使用登记等。
Hale Waihona Puke 十条 加强自营业务资金的调度管理和自营业务的会计核算,由非自营业务部门负责自营业务所需资金的调度。
第三条 证券公司应当建立健全自营业务责任追究制度。自营业务出现违法违规行为时,要严肃追究有关人员的责任。
第二章 决策与授权
第四条 建立健全相对集中、权责统一的投资决策与授权机制。自营业务决策机构原则上应当按照董事会—投资决策机构—自营业务部门的三级体制设立。
第三十二条 本指引自发布之日起实施。
中国证券监督管理委员会 2005年11月11日 颁布
Notice of China Securities Regulatory Commission on Transmission of Guide
(一) 自营业务账户、席位情况;
(二) 涉及自营业务规模、风险限额、资产配置、业务授权等方面的重大决策;
(三) 自营风险监控报告;
(四) 其他需要报告的事项。
第六条 建立健全自营业务授权制度,明确授权权限、时效和责任,对授权过程作书面记录,保证授权制度的有效执行。