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34.一个有趣的花园• an interesting garden
35.欢迎来到我市 • welcome to our city
• open the door
37.ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ着
• be open
38. 24小时营业 • open 24 hours
• clean the house
6.在图书馆和餐 between the library and
the restaurant
7.在超市前面 in front of the supermarket
8.在教室的前部 in the front of the classroom
Some sayings for giving directions
• go/walk down the Bridge Street
Unit 2 sb72nd
15.沿着中心街直 go straight down Center

16.过桥/过街 go across the bridge/street=
cross (v.) the bridge/street
4. 在椅子旁边有一些篮球。 There are some basketballs near the chair.
5. 在门的后边有一个书包。 There is a backpack behind the door.
6. 在小汽车的前边有一些小孩。
There are some kids in front of the car.
Unit 2 revision
1.在这儿附近 near here=around here
in the neighborhood
3.在中心大街 on Center Street
4.在邮电局对面 across from the post office
5.紧挨着公共电 next to the pay phone 话
• arrive in Shanghai =
• get to Shanghai
Unit 2 sb72nd
arrive at the hotel = get to the hotel
arrive home= get home
43.经过一间大超市 pass a big supermarket 44.一个玩乐的好地 a good place to do sth.
48.如果你饿了,你可以在超市买食物。 If you are hungry, you can buy some food in the supermarket.
49.当你见到一个大的超市时,向左拐。 Turn left when you see a big supermarket.
Unit 2 sb72nd
1. 在梳妆台上没有手表.
There isn’t a watch on the dresser.
2. 在抽屉里没有(一些)字典.
There aren’t any dictionaries in the drawer.
3. 在附近没有邮局.
There isn’t a post office in the neighborhood.
30.告诉我们你的生• tell us your birthday

31.去某地的路 • the way to sp.
• take a taxi
乘出租车去某地 • take a taxi to sp.
从某地乘出租车 • take a taxi from sp.
• have a good triUpnit 2 sb72nd

45.做某事很愉快 have fun doing sth.
46.一个大眼睛的女 a girl with big eyes 孩
Unit 2 sb72nd
47.在第三个路口向左转 turn left at the third crossing/turning= take the third turning on the left
1. 在桌子下有一本书。 There is a book under the table (desk).
2. 在书橱里有一些书。 There are some books in the bookcase.
3. 在地上有一个篮球。 There is a basketball on the floor.
• have a good time=
• enjoy oneself
• be a little hungry
26.喜爱做某事 • enjoy doing sth. Unit 2 sb72nd
take/have a walk
28.下个星期日 • next Sunday
29.让他们向右转 • let them turn right
17.穿过第六街 go through Sixth Avenue
turn right
19.在新公园向左 turn left at New Park

• The hotel is down Bridge
20.旅馆在大桥街 Street on the right. =
• The hotel is on the right of
4. 在超市的对面没有饭馆.
There isn’t a restaurant across from the supermarket.
Bridge Street. Unit 2 sb72nd
21.非常喜欢他们 like them very much/
a lot
22.有花园的房子• a house with a garden
23.花园之旅的开• the beginning of the

garden tour
24.玩得很开心 • have fun=
• on the right
10.在旅馆的右边 • on the right of the hotel
• on the left
12.在他们的左边 • on their left
• go/walk straight
14.沿着大桥街走 • go/walk up the Bridge Street=