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1.金融市场对美元的迅速贬值感到吃惊。The money market sat up the rapid devaluation of the dollar.
2.他们很注重尽可能多地同人民接触。They make a point of getting as many contacts as possible with the people.
3.她事事要管,而且喜欢打听得详详细细。She likes to get involved in everything and to know all the details.
4.正如Carlyle所说,“对于我们来说,词汇会变成具体的事物”。Just as Carlyle put it,"Words will harden into things for us."
5.他做了许多年的生意。He engagee in trade for a number of years.
6.回头我再接着讲故事。I will return to my story later.
7.要做出一篇好的博士论文,你必须深入钻研这个课题的各个方面。To produce a good Ph.D dissertation, you need to delve deeply into all aspects of the subject.
8.这位导演感到有许多无用而又引起思想混乱的法则束缚他。This film director felt bound down by a lot useless and confusing rules.
9.这位母亲纵容儿子,他要干什么就让他干什么,最终使他养成了肆无忌惮的性格。The mother indulges her son in whatever he wishes to do, and finally turns him into a scrupulous character.
10.警察出于自卫枪击逃犯的行为被判无罪。The policeman was justified in shooting an escaped criminal in self- defence.
1.很有可能他已经知道这个坏消息了。Chances are that he's already heard the bad news.
2.我忙着看漂亮的家具,根本没有注意到谁在房间里。I was busy taking in the beautiful furniture to notice who was in the room.
3.几年前,他还是一个百万富翁,可赌博使他现在沦落街头行乞。Several years age, he hwas a millionaire, yet now gambling has reduced him to begging in the streets.
4.我把他看作是一部活字典。I look on him as a walking dictionary.
5.如果一个人尽力去做了,别人怎么看他就不重要了。If a person does his best, it doesn't matter twopence what people think of him.
6.我不喜欢摇滚乐。Rock'n'roll music does not appeal to me.
7.他把自己的想法藏在心里。He has thoughts stowed away in his own mind
8.警察终于从犯人的嘴里掏出真相了。The police au last wrung the truth out of the prisoner.
9.他那荒谬的辩解真是令人火冒三丈。His absurd argument really made one's blood boil.
10.他一点也不关心公司是否会倒闭。He does not care in the least whether the company goes bankrupt.
1.挥霍浪费者最后往往债台高筑。Wasteful people usually end up in deep debt.
2.那个国家的人民正在为冲破专制的束缚而战。People of that country are fighting to break the bonds of dictatorship.
3.一个国家要在政治上独立,首先应该挣脱贫困的锁链。If a country wants to be independent politically, it has, above all,casts off the chains of poverty
4.我们应该成为自己命运的主人。We should be the master of our own fate
5.他最需要做的就是将他那些美妙的言辞付诸行动。What he needs to do most is convert his goods words into good deed.
6.他企图用高利息引诱我,但我马上就识破了他的诡计。He tried to tempt me with high interests, but I saw through iis trick at once.
7.让我们不记前嫌,重新开始我们的合作吧。Let us put behind our past grudges and begin anew our cooperation.
8.礼让并不表示软弱。Civility is not a sign of weakness.
9.对于那些不惜与我们为敌的人,我们只好战斗到底,直至最后的胜利。To those who would make them our aduersaries, we will fight to the end until we obtain our final victory.
10.我们和所有的海外华侨都有着共同的文化和精神渊源。We have cultural and spiritual orgins with all the overseas Chinese.
1.他三岁的时候,他的父亲就看出他具有艺术家的潜质。When he was only three, his father saw the makings of an artist in him
2.他感到绝望之极,自杀了。He surrendered himself to despair and then took his own life.
3.很多小孩在睡觉是磨牙。Many children grind their teeth in their sleep
4.人的忍耐是有限度的。There is a limit to what flesh and blood can bear
5.只要看到他紧锁着眉头,就知道他缺钱了。Whenever he knits his brow tightly, we know he runs out of money.
6.只要能看一眼那个歌星,她什么都豁出去了。She'll give anything for a glimpse of the pop singer.
7.在困难的时刻,我们决不能松懈努力,一定要奋斗直到达到目的。In times of diffibuties, we should strive hard towards the final goal without let-up.
8.面对来自她曾经虐待过的人如此慷慨的行为,她激动不已。She was overcome with emotion at so genesous an action by one whom she had treated so badly.
9.小说的主人公坚信他能将一个傻姑娘培养成一个逻辑学家。Thf hero of the novejl strongly believed that he could make a logician out of the stupid girl
10.写论文的关键就是提出论点,引用例证,最后得出结论。The key of writing an essay leies i developing an arpument, citing instances and reaching a convlusion.
1.实施改革开放是中国社会发展的必然结果。The practice of the opening and reform policy is a logical outcome of the social development in China.
2.你有什么办法让他酒醒吗?Do you have a way to sober him up?
3.外语教师正大量从事诸如二语习得和认知语言学领域的研究。Foreign language teacher are flocking to such fields as second language acpuisition and cognitive linguistics.
4.这道危墙应尽早拆除。The dangerous wall should be torn down as soon as possible.
5.夜幕降临,士兵们被命令停止进攻。As night fell, the soldiers were called a halt to attacks.
6.他健壮的身材激起了我健身的兴趣。His strong build whipped up my interest for working out.
7.所有的报纸评论都认为这部戏极为枯燥。All the newspaper reviews wrote the play off as extremely coring.
8.Smith一家移居澳大利亚,住在悉尼附近的郊区。The Smith Family emigrated to Australia and took up residence in the suburbs of Sidney.
9.在战争期间,许多教堂成了难民收容所。During wars, many churches harbored refugees.
10.在大学生活的各个方面,被人们谈论最多,渲染的最厉害的,莫过于学校的周末舞会了。No aspect of life at the univertrity is more commented upon and sensationally romanticized than the weekend balls.