




练题列表1. 英文句子翻译成中文- Translate the following sentence into Chinese: "The cat is sittingon the mat."- Translate the following sentence into Chinese: "I enjoy playing basketball with my friends."- Translate the following sentence into Chinese: "She is studyingfor her exams."2. 中文句子翻译成英文- Translate the following sentence into English: "这个问题很复杂。

"- Translate the following sentence into English: "我正在研究英语。

"- Translate the following sentence into English: "他们明天要去旅游。

"3. 短文翻译- Translate the following short passage into Chinese:"John and Mary are brother and sister. They live in a small house near the beach. Every summer, they go swimming in the ocean and build sandcastles on the sand. They have a lot of fun together."- Translate the following short passage into English:"李华是一个勤奋的学生。

英译汉教程课后练习题含答案 (2)

英译汉教程课后练习题含答案 (2)



初级1.He is a teacher. 答案:他是一名教师。

2.She likes to play soccer. 答案:她喜欢踢足球。

3.They are brothers. 答案:他们是兄弟。

4.I have a black cat. 答案:我有一只黑猫。

5.We are students. 答案:我们是学生。

中级1.She is a talented singer and songwriter. 答案:她是一位有才华的歌手和词曲创作人。

2.The company is planning to launch a new product next year.答案:公司计划明年推出一款新产品。

3.He graduated from a prestigious university with a degree incomputer science. 答案:他从一所名牌大学毕业,拥有计算机科学学位。

4.The hotel offers a wide range of amenities and services toits guests. 答案:该酒店为客人提供了各种设施和服务。

5.The movie won several awards at international film festivals.答案:该电影在国际电影节上获得了几个奖项。

高级1.The scientific research project ms to explore the underlyingmechanisms of human cognition and perception. 答案:该科学研究项目旨在探索人类认知和知觉的基本机制。

2.The new policy proposes a comprehensive overhaul of theexisting health care system. 答案:新政策提出了对现有医疗保健系统进行全面改革。



By 解忧知识把以下中文翻译成英文:(1)我时常引以自豪的,就是你们六个人,没有一个有虚荣心。


I have often been so proud of the six of you who live a simple life without any vanity. You are hard working and able to be adapted to any circumstance.(2)我在社会任事三十多年,所见大小人物颇不少,凡事自奉菲薄的人,他才神志请命,有守有为。


I have worked in society for more than 30 years meeting all kinds of people. Those who are economical are more sensible and accomplish more. What’s more, they are more willing to help others with their extra courage.(3)另一方面,凡事自奉奢侈的人,他老是寅吃卯粮,愁眉不展。


On the other hand, those who are extravagant spend much more than they can afford, and thus always live in anxiety.When they first come to the society, they pay their bills in installment, buy new bicycle, change the bicycle into scooter soon and than car later.(4)收入一百元,花用二百元;收入一千元,花用二千元。

新译林版四年级上册Unit 1 同步练习2(附答案)

新译林版四年级上册Unit 1 同步练习2(附答案)

译林版新教材四年级英语课时作业Unit1 训练1 命题人;姓名_________ 等级__________一、词汇〔英汉互译〕1 老虎2猫3大象4马5狮子6dog 7panda 8动物9 cute 10 monkey二、短语〔英汉互译〕1孩子们2看这些玩具动物3喜欢熊猫4那匹马5可爱和肥胖三、选择〔〕1.I like_____.A monkeyB pandaC cats〔〕2.Do you like elephants?Yes,I_______.A amB doC don’t( )3.Look at this_____,please.A horsesB lionC tigers四、句型〔将以下句子翻译成英文〕1.我喜欢动物,它们是可爱的。

I_____ ______,They____ ____.2.---你喜欢老虎吗?---不,不喜欢。


译林版新教材四年级英语课时作业Unit1 训练2 命题人;姓名_________ 等级________一、词汇(根据中文描述写出英文单词)1.长相和外形象人一样___________2.有一个长长鼻子,常用鼻子干活_________3.有黑白花纹,象猫一样只有中国有它_________4.看见生人会“汪汪〞的叫,但是大局部人会喜欢它作为宠物_______5.草原之王___________6.森林之王__________7.人们常骑它作为交通工具,因为它会跑得快_________8.它喜欢吃鱼和老鼠_________________二、根据实际情况答复以下问题1.Do you like elephants?2.What’s this?(用panda答复)3.What’s your name?4.Do you like English?三.连词成句1.like/monkeys/I/.2.tigers/Do/like/you/?3.at/look/this/animal/toy四.编一组对话〔用上Do you like…〕至少四句以上。




He is the manager’ son, but that alone doesn’t qualify him to criticize our work.2Smith先生从教学岗位上退休下来之后,开始从事摄影这一兴趣爱好After Mr Smith retired from teaching, Mr Smith took up photography as a hobby.3相比起来,这幢房子的优点是价格低,而那幢房子的优点是交通便利By comparison, this house has the advantage of low price and that one has the advantage of convenient transportation. 4他似乎正在使出全身解数,试图提高这一新产品的销售量Tt seems that he is making every effort to promote the sale of this new product.5那些热切的学生们纷纷挤进了讲堂,以聆听来自剑桥大学的那位著名教授讲课Those eager students crowded into the lecture hull to hear the famous professor from Cambridge University6正如成千上万的其他人一样,她被这件艺术品深深地迷住了She like thousands of others, is greatly fascinated by this work of art7直到我结婚的时候,我才有钱买了自己的房子It was not until I got married that I could afford the house of my own二)1你能拿出那天晚上不在家的证据吗Can you show the evidence that he wasn’t aat home that night2刚才在这儿说的所有话都必须保密Whatever we said here just now must be kept a secret3如果这次旅行的花费不超过一百元,那你把我也算上吧If the expense of this journey is not over 100 yuan , you count me in4每天晚上上床之前,Smith先生都要巡视一下房子以确保所有的门窗都上锁了所有灯都关了Before he goes to bed every night, Mr Smith will always inspect the house to make sure all the doors and windows are locked up and all the lights are turned off5他确实吧真相告诉你了但你就是不相信He did tell you the truth, but you just didn’t believe him6我延误了给他回信,这使他如此担忧,他竟然乘了直达航班来看我I delayed writing him back, which worried him so much that he took a no-stop flight to see me7当我告诉他他父亲心脏病发作被送进医院时,他看上去似乎并不在意When I told him that his father had had a heart attack and had been sent to hospital, he looked as if he didn’t car about it.8公共汽车突然刹车,一只沉重的皮包从他头顶上的行李架上落下来正好落在他的头上When the bus stopped suddenly, a heavy leather bag fell off the shelf over his head and it landed right on his head三)1特技演员的惊险表演使得观众惊恐万分The breathtaking performance of the stuntmen left the audience panic-strickened2由于他的健康越来越差,我想现在该是他去掉吸烟恶习的时候了I think it’s time that he got rid of his bad habit of smoking because of the weakness of his health3当Bill 全神贯注地做他的实验时,他全然不知周围发生的事情When Bill was preoccupied with his experiments, he know nothing about what happened around him4Tom提议用他的这张邮票换John的那本书,但是John拒绝了Tom proposed to exchange this stamp of his for that book of John’s but John refused5他指控他的邻居晚上唱片放得太响了He accused his neighbour of playing the CD records loudly in the evening6他并不是你所认为的那种笨蛋He is not such a fool as you assume him to be四)1Linda不可能已去美国因为我昨天在街上看见他了Linda can’t have gone to the USA, for I saw her in the street yesterday2这些国家的政府必须采取有力措施以完全控制人口增长The governments of these countries must take effective measures to completely control the growth of their population3这对老夫妇其实申请几张旅游支票,这样他们在周游世界时就不用随身携带那么多现金了The old couple should have applied for several travellous checks so that they needn’t have taken so much cash with them when they travelled around the world4他是如此著名的一位艺术家,他的画全应保存在诸如美术馆或博物馆之类的地方He is so famous an artist that all his paintings should be preserved in such place as galleries or museums5由于缺乏经验,那个青年医生没有立即采取行动,这导致了病人的死亡Due to lack of experience, the young doctor didn’t take action immediately, which led to the death of the patient 6她想以某种方式表示一下她是多么关心他的幸福She wants to show in some way that how much she cares about him and his happiness7总统发表了一次演讲,其意思是国家将保护野生动物The president made a speech to the effect that the country would protect the wildlife\8教师应该发挥他们的想象力增加教学的艺术性Teachers should exercise their imagination and add the art to their teaching五)1要管理好一所学校,校长起着很重要的作用To manage a school well, the headmaster plays a very important role in the administration of the school2在家庭事务中具有最后决定权的是我母亲It is my mother who has the final say in the household affairs3生物学特别是微生物学,从他最早的学生时代起就令他着迷Biology, microbiology in particular has been fascinating him since his earliest school day4她有没有说什么令你感兴趣的东西Did she say anything that particularly appealed to you5在这么复杂的情况下,没有人能揣测出谁将赢得下一次竞选Under such complicated circumstances, no one can tell who will win the next election6这是100英镑,它够支付你所有的花费了Here is 100 pounds and it can cover all of your expenses7工程室的工作需要智力以及经验The work of an engineer needs intelligence plus experience六)1不管雨下得多大,昨天你也应该来机场接我们的No matter how heavily it rained, you should have come to the airport to meet us yesterday2他越想这件事越生气The more he thought of the matter, the angrier he was3这个农夫情愿以半价出售这些蔬菜,也不愿意听任它们烂掉The farmer would sell these vegetable at half the price rather than let them decay4那本小册子里的全部信息仅限于高级军官知道All the messages in this booklet are restricted only to the senior officers5通常医生要求病人彻底戒烟As a role, doctors require their patients to give up smoking completely6直到火车开走了我才赶到车站It was not until the train had left that I arrived at the station7昨晚有20名学生发高烧病倒了,医生们现在正在忙于调查这件事,希望能找到病因Last night, 20 students were down with a high fever and the doctors are busy in looking into these case in the hope of finding the cause of the disease8父母有权干涉他们子女的个人生活吗?Do parents have the right to interfere with their children’s private lives?七)1肯定会有人反对在下个月举办歌唱比赛的There is bound to be someone who will object to holding a singing contest next month2事故发生后,John很沮丧地发现他那辆崭新的汽车已被损坏得无修复的希望了After the accident, John was discouraged to find that his brand-new car was damaged beyond hope of repair 3如果我开价,比如说100美元来买你那台旧电视,你会接受吗?If I give an offer, say, $100 to buy your old TV Set, will you accept my offer?4除了Dick以外,Tom没有跟任何人说起他很想去当一名特技演员的事Tom didn’t tell anyone than Dick that he would like very much to be a stuntman5这份工作从现金收益的角度来看不是很盈利的,但我正从中获取很有价值的经验This job is not very profitable in terms of cash earnings, but I’m getting valuable experience from it6缺乏营养价值的饮食使人保持健康A diet lacking in nutrition value will not keep a person healthy。



I am afraid he won’t come on time.
1.我想知道他是否还住在那里。 我想知道他是否还住在那里。 我想知道他是否还住在那里 I want to know whether/if she still lives there. 2.请告诉我你是否能来。 请告诉我你是否能来。 请告诉我你是否能来 Please tell me whether you can come or not. 3.我不知道他要见谁。 我不知道他要见谁。 我不知道他要见谁 I don’t know who he wants to see. 4.他问谁的书法最好。 他问谁的书法最好。 他问谁的书法最好 He asked whose handwriting was the best. 5.我对他的事不感兴趣。 我对他的事不感兴趣。 我对他的事不感兴趣
1.我喜欢你上个月读过的那本书。 我喜欢你上个月读过的那本书。 我喜欢你上个月读过的那本书 I like to read the very book that you read last week. 2.沙丽是我所认识的最勤奋的学生。 沙丽是我所认识的最勤奋的学生。 沙丽是我所认识的最勤奋的学生 Sally is the most hard-working student that I have I have ever known. 3.一切能做的都做了。 一切能做的都做了。 一切能做的都做了 Everything that/which can be done has been done. 4.为了她,我愿意做出所有的努力。 为了她, 为了她 我愿意做出所有的努力。 I shall do anything that I can for her good. 5.那位作家说了一些我们永远记住的话。 那位作家说了一些我们永远记住的话。 那位作家说了一些我们永远记住的话 The writer has said something that we should remember for ever.



1这么How come you haven’t prepared for such an important exam我们We should equip our children with a good education学校The school takes responsibility for the teaching and well-being of the students因为He failed again and again simply because he had maintained his defeatist attitude为了He was awarded a prize by the school in recognition of his contribution to the field of chemistry2登录Logging on to CareerBuilder you may find a satisfying job当你When you come across something important you should take it down店主Sto re owners hope to elevate the mall’s image to help improve business王教Professor Wang refers his students to library to get some information about Picasso如果If they want to go on working, they will have to accept that pay can go down as well as up3对于This rule did not make a difference to most customers不要Don’t speak for your friend speak for yourself为了To that end they hire recruit and train employees in their own mold许多Some big companies draw inspiration from some customers they come in contact with你可You may think of ways to cut down on your expenses or increase your earnings4欢迎You are welcome to come in and browse如果How can my family contact me in case of an emergency航天The mission for the crew of the space shuttle is essentially over在星期Only 19 people survived Wednesday’s crash of a plane bound for the Canary Islands他按He made his may to the marketplace right after work as his wife had asked him to do5 最幸福The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything they just make the most of everything that comes along their way有时Sometimes you just know things about people the first time you see them-for example that you want to be friends with them or that you don’t trust them这是These are the times of fast foods and slow digestions tall men and short character steep profits and shallow relationship久在Away from homeland too long one couldn’t help missing her我们必We must do whatever we can to free some parts of our country of poverty.6一个人Nobody can achieve anything of real significance unless he works very hard.不要因Don’t let one failure discourage you try again我们将We’re going to focus on the relationship between freedom and necessity.十几He had to drop out of school in his teens because his family had no money.政府The government has set out to make many needed reforms7不管We have always been an independent people no matter how they rewrite history understanding 史密斯Smith expects to defend his title successfully in the next Olympics两个Two women were surveying the other people on the platform随着With the new policy being put practice the economy will eventually turn around.在海上At sea the wind can build up giant powerful waves.8他击败He defeated all competitors and won the scholarship as a result.我想I feel that everything should work itself out so just be patient and hang in there科学家The scientists are still working on inventing new methods of reaching outer space我弟A friend of my brother has gone off with my car.我请他I bought him a drink in return for his help.9他们They could be masqueraded as a milkman to easily get an access to your house雾大The planes tend to be late in the foggy weather more often than not他没He let his wife down when he failed to obtain promotion望着When I was looking at these photos my memory reached back to the good old days大萧条During the Depression people traveled around the country in pursuit of work10我们要We should learn the lesson from the fai lure and won’t repeat mistake这世界The world is a competitive one we will have to compete for jobs business etc Examination is also a kind of competition爱是Love is an art of understanding Deep and mutual understanding is the fertile soil for the evergreen tree of love教育The primary purpose of education is not to teach you to earn your bread but to make every mouthful sweeter旅游Travel is very exciting to you since you can see landscape much different from where you live and work。



英汉翻译练习2英汉翻译练习21.翻译并注意light的多义性light music light loss light carlight heart light step light mannerslight outfit light work light voice2.翻译并注意challenge的多义性1)The local press challenged the license of the TV station.2)The Australian football team challenged the Americans to meetthem next summer.3)The whole social system of capitalism is under greater and greaterchallenge.4)I have constantly challenged my own theories.5)He put forward some new ideas to challenge the interest of allconcerned.6)We express our gratitude for the outstanding and challengingspeech of Mr. Smith.3.Hardly a day passes without him getting scratched or bruised ashe scrambles for a place on a bus.4.If you go there, it must be understood that you do so at your ownrisk.5. A large number of doctors were sent to the earthquake-strickendistrict, who would save the dying and help the wounded.6.Just days after the birth of calves cloned from an adult cow,Japanese scientists said that calves cloned from cells from adults’ears and buttocks could be on the way.7.Each embraces New York with the intense excitement of first love,each absorbs New York with the fresh eyes of an adventurer, each generates heat and light to dwarf the Consolidated Edison Company.8.There is a flurry of hotels construction in metropolitan Manila,unmatched since 1976, when seven new hotels opened to coincide with the annual IMF World Bank meetings held there.9.Floods occur when soil and vegetation cannot absorb all the water;water then runs off the land in quantities that cannot be carried in stream channels or retained in natural ponds and constructed reservoirs.10.Eleven European countries, together producing 20 percent of theworld’s exports, will launch the euro on January 1,1999, creating what the European Union’s Statistical Agency (Eurostat) has called “the world’s greatest trading power”.Keys1.轻音乐轻微的损失轻便汽车轻松的心情轻快的步伐轻浮的举止轻巧的设备轻松的工作轻柔的声音2.1)当地报纸要求吊销那家电视台的执照。



Homework翻译练习21.Clearly a tug of war over key policies continues between the pragmatic and ideological camps.2. She scolded her maid and was as cross as two sticks.3. The senator picked up his hat and courage.4. I read this letter with both surprise and excitement, surprise because he is still around, excitement because he didn’t ever forget me.5. I want a worker, not a clock watcher. Don’t you understand?6. A good teacher should have his head in the clouds sometimes, but his feet always on the ground.7. Everybody said how well the new Secretary was doing, but old Mr. Carr said shortly, “Yes. New brooms sweep clean.”8. World-famous for his works he was never personally well known, for throughout his life he avoided publicity.9. He wants a lawyer who understands his case, who sympathizes with him and who has been there himself.10. Because of limited insurance coverage, many people will have to look to their own resources -- both emotional and financial -- to care for aninfirm or recovering relative at home.11. The history of a tree from the time it starts in the forest until the boards which it yields are used, would form an interesting and, in many instances, an exciting story.12. I can see three different types of composers in musical history, each of whom creates music in a somewhat different fashion.13. To petrol we owe the existence of the motor-car, which has replaced the private carriage drawn by the horse. To petrol we owe the possibility of flying.参考译文:1.Clearly a tug of war over key policies continues between the pragmatic and ideological camps.不言而喻,注重务实的和强调意识形态的两大营垒还会在重大政策上争吵不休.tug of war 本意为"拔河", 在此处为比喻用法, 指"双方势均力敌,争吵不休", 直译显然不妥, 故采用释义法.)2. She scolded her maid and was as cross as two sticks.她骂斥自己的女仆,而且脾气非常不好。

英汉翻译练习题与答案 (2)

英汉翻译练习题与答案 (2)

Translation Improvement(改错)例:原文:He asked after you.译文:他在你之后发问。


4) 等到所有的伤员都被转移了,白求恩大夫才离开医院。

译文:Dr.Bethune left the hospital until all the wounded soldiers were carried away.改正:Dr.Bethune didn’t leave the hospital until all the wounded soldiers were carried away. 5) 这篇文章给我们介绍了他们的教学方法。

译文:This article tells us their teaching method.改正:This article introduces us their teaching method.6) 工人们用的这些工作台需要加高。

译文:The worktables where the workers sit need being heightened.改正:The worktables where the workers sit need heightening.7) 海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分。

译文:The ocean covers 71 percent of the earth's surface and is a basic component of the global bio-support system.改正:The ocean covers 71 percent of the earth's surface and it is a basic component of the global bio-support system.8) 一班的学生和二班的一样专心。

英汉翻译练习题与答案 (2)

英汉翻译练习题与答案 (2)

Translation Improvement(改错)例:原文:He asked after you.译文:他在你之后发问。


4) 等到所有的伤员都被转移了,白求恩大夫才离开医院。

译文:Dr.Bethune left the hospital until all the wounded soldiers were carried away.改正:Dr.Bethune didn’t leave the hospital until all the wounded soldiers were carried away. 5) 这篇文章给我们介绍了他们的教学方法。

译文:This article tells us their teaching method.改正:This article introduces us their teaching method.6) 工人们用的这些工作台需要加高。

译文:The worktables where the workers sit need being heightened.改正:The worktables where the workers sit need heightening.7) 海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分。

译文:The ocean covers 71 percent of the earth's surface and is a basic component of the global bio-support system.改正:The ocean covers 71 percent of the earth's surface and it is a basic component of the global bio-support system.8) 一班的学生和二班的一样专心。

高考英语一轮复习 高频词汇翻译练习 (2)

高考英语一轮复习 高频词汇翻译练习 (2)

高考英语高频词汇翻译练习1.let fall放下;粘住;写下She let fall a further heavy hint.她似乎无意中又说出了一个明显的提示。

Hansel and Grethel were so frightened that they let fall what they held in their hands. 汉斯和格雷特是如此的受惊吓,他们放下了手里拿的食物。

2.get down to开始认真考虑;着手处理With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.选举已结束,政府能够着手处理正事了。

I like to get down to work by 9.我喜欢在9点之前开始工作。

3.A way of Seeing 观世之道; 一种观看方式What is art but a way of seeing?艺术不是一种观察方式是什么??"Henry's a good man," her father said, "but he has a way of seeing things."“亨利人不错啊,”她父亲说,“但他有他自己看待问题的方式。

”4.sunshine coast 阳光海岸A Real Sunshine Coast Cloudy Day!阳光海岸一个真正的阴天!没错,阴天!Ms Assange, who moved to the Sunshine Coast five weeks ago for health reasons, said Julian was distancing himself from the family for their own safety.阿桑齐女士在五周前因健康方面的原因前往阳光海岸,她认为朱利安出于保护家人的考虑刻意与他们保持距离。




1.Yellow boy金币2.The inner man内在的自我3.Cold fish冷冰冰的人4. A dog in the manger狗占马槽,鸠占鹊巢5.He is a real dog in the manger—even though he doesn’t have a car he won’tlet anyone else use his garage. 他真是一毛不拔。


6. A wet hen泼妇,恼火的人7.Old bird老麻雀,老油条,老练的人8.Eager beaver勤快的人9.The Swan of Avon埃文河的诗人,莎士比亚10.The sheep and the goats好人和坏人11.Jack-of all-trades多面手,万事通,万能杰克12.Tom, Dick or Harry张三李四,小庶民13.Neither fish nor flesh不伦不类二、将下列句子翻译成汉语,注意用加注法处理斜体部分。

1. He did it a Jordon.他做了个乔丹*的招牌动作。

*乔丹是美国著名篮球运动员2. Then she discovered Harry Potter, and was attached to Harry Potter and Sorcerer’s Stone by a very short string until she had finished it.然后她发现了哈利波特*,并被《哈利波特与魔法石》这本书深深吸引了。


*《哈利波特》是英国畅销小说3.People considered that what he had played on that occasion was no morethan a Judas Kiss.人们认为他在那种场合所表现的行为正如犹大之吻*,居心险恶。










译文:I love my family. There are four people in my family. Dad, mom, my brother and me. We have dinner together every night and have a chat.练习题2:原文:我擅长游泳。




译文:I am good at swimming. Every summer, I go swimming at the pool. I can swim ten laps. I think swimming is good for my body.练习题3:原文:我的朋友来自不同的国家。



译文:My friends come from different countries. We have a lot of fun together. Although we come from different cultural backgrounds, we understand and respect each other.练习题4:原文:我最喜欢的节日是圣诞节。



译文:My favorite holiday is Christmas. We decorate the Christmas tree at home, sing Christmas carols, and exchange gifts with each other. I love the atmosphere and warmth of this holiday.练习题5:原文:我喜欢夏天因为可以去海滩。



1. 我写此信的目的是向你解释我上次缺课的原因。

I’m writing to explain to you the reason why I was absent from your lecture last time。



First of all /Firstly/ To begin with/First/In the first place/Initially, we should take a proper attitude to/towards the Internet.3。

如图所示,每周上网15个小时的中学生占了 60%。

As is shown in the graph/ As the graph shows, those who surf the net over 15 hours account for /make up/ 60 percent of all students。


Besides/ In addition, I can speak fluent English and communicate with foreigners easily. 5。


It’s generally accepted that the Internet is playing an increasingly important part/role in our information society。

6. 网络能提供国内外各种各样的信息,这有助于我们更好地了解世界。

The internet can provide all kinds of latest information both at home and abroad, which helps us understand the world better。



翻译练习2-定语从句(1)This is Xiao Wang who / that gave us a talk yesterday.(who / that在从句中作主语)这就是昨天给我们作报告的小王。

The man whom / that you saw last week has left the town. (whom / that在从句中作宾语)上周你看见的那个人已离开了城镇。

I know the woman whose husband is a doctor.(whose在从句中作定语)我认识的那个妇女,她的丈夫是个医生。

Guilin is a city which / that has a history of 2000 years. (which / that在从句子中作主语)桂林是座具有2000年历史的城市。

The mooncakes which / that mother cooked taste nice. (which / that在从句中作宾语)妈妈做的月饼很好吃。

The man who lives downstairs speaks English well.住在楼下的那个人英语说得很好。

The students who are in Grade Three are going to climb the hill tomorrow.3年级的学生明天去爬山。

Mrs. Smith (whom) you met yesterday is a friend of mine.你昨天碰见的那位史密斯夫人是我的一位朋友。

This is the book (which) you are looking for.这是那本你正在找的书。

There are some films (that) I’d like to see.The man (whom / who) you were talking about has come to our school.你们刚才在谈论的那个人已经来到我们学校。

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What, then, was the secret of his success? He stated that it was owing to what he called living in “day-tight compartments.”
What did he mean by that? A few months before he spoke at Yale, Sir William Osier had crossed the Atlantic on a great ocean liner where the captain standing on the bridge(驾驶舱) could press a button and-presto!-there was a clanging of machinery and various parts of the ship were immediately shut off from one another-shut off into watertight compartments. “Now each one of you,” Dr. Osier said to those Yale students, “is a much more marvelous organization than the great liner, and bound on a longer voyage. What I urge is that you so learn to control the machinery as to live with ‘day-tight compartments’ as the most certain way to ensure safety on the voyage. Get on the bridge, and see that at least the great bulkheads are in working order. Touch a button and hear, at every level of your life, the iron doors shutting out the Past-the dead yesterdays. Touch another and shut off, with a metal curtain, the Future-the unborn tomorrows. Then you are safe-safe for today! … Shut off the past! Let the dead past bury its dead…. Shut out the yesterdays which have lighted fools the way to dusty death…. The load of yesterday, carried today, makes the strongest falter. Shut off the future as tightly as the past…. The future is today…. There is no tomorrow. The day of man’s salvation is now. Waste of energy, mental distress, nervous worries dog the steps of a man who is anxious about the future…. Shut close, then the great fore and aft bulkheads, and prepare to cultivate the habit of life of ‘day-tight compartments. ’”