地球科学概论考研大纲(Introduction to earth science examination outline)

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地球科学概论考研大纲(Introduction to earth science
examination outline)
Introduction room 112
We should grasp and understand the thought of "historical comparative law" (realistic principle) and the research significance of earth science. Zhangwu
To study the objects, contents, characteristics and research methods of geosciences. Jackie
Chapter 1 earth tests in the universe
The key to master the geoid and the ecliptic, the concept of road. 33623039
Understand the features of various terrains and landforms, and the composition of submarine geomorphic units. Kaoyangj
Understanding the earth is a part of the universe, the Milky way, the solar system, the structure of the earth and the moon, the laws of the earth's revolution around the sun, Kepler's three law, the basic parameters of the earth, and the features of the earth's surface. Kaoyantj
The second chapter, the outer sphere of the earth, Siping Road,
Tongji University
To understand the earth's outer layer (including the meaning of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere); classification of material composition and group atmosphere of the atmospheric motion dynamics, atmospheric circulation and its causes; the type of water (according to the existing form, the environment). Network inspector
Understanding of the atmosphere, the stratosphere and troposphere - layered structure of middle layer warm layer, mesosphere; grasping the form and definition of basic types of movement of water; groundwater; formation of glaciers and glacier types. Masonic network
The key to grasp the concept of Coriolis force, rivers, flood, flow, tide, tidal force, permeable layer, water resisting layer, vadose zone water, diving, water table, water pressure. No. 48
The third chapter, the inner circle of the earth
Understanding the material characteristics and composition of each state within the spheres of the earth; earth pressure, density, internal gravity, temperature, magnetic field; visual identification according to the minerals; according to the chemical composition of the mineral partition type; gravity anomaly and gravity equilibrium; three rock types (sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks) concept; composition magnetic field (magnetic field, magnetic field,
magnetic anomalies change). study
Understanding the structure and division of the inner sphere of the earth; crustal types (oceanic crust, continental crust) and their layered structures. 021-
Master the Moho, Gutenberg, asthenosphere, lithosphere, geothermal gradient (temperature gradient), magnetic field intensity, magnetic declination, inclination, mineral, rock, cleavage, hardness, rock structure, rock structure concept. Room 112
The fourth chapter is geological age and geological function
To understand the types of geological processes, can be divided into the surface geology (exogenic process) and internal geological processes (internal force geological); surface geological processes can be divided into weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, Cheng Yan; internal geological processes can be divided into magmatism, metamorphism, tectonic movement; Determination of isotope geology principle age.
Understanding the method of determining relative geological age (stratigraphic sequence law, fossil sequence law, cutting law between geological bodies) and the division of geological age units and their basis.
Grasp the geological age, stratigraphic and fossil concepts,
the division of geological year representatives and their biological characteristics.
The fifth chapter is weathering and denudation
Understand the factors that affect weathering; the product of weathering.
Understand the types of weathering (including physical, chemical, and biological weathering) and different forms of weathering;
The structure of the weathering crust; ground water (rivers, flood, sheetflood) process and characteristics of erosion, the erosion of the river is the key, including erosion and lateral erosion, river erosion datum, erosion under the influence of inhibition on the landform - deepened and extended, V shaped Valley Valley, river, river side erosion effect on the landform change - bend, Kotani Kahiro, oxbow lake and river capture; karst and karst landform; inhibition of glaciers (planing way mining effect, erosion of the glaciated landform features) (cirque, horn, glacial Valley (U Valley) the blade (fin); ridge ridge) eolation way (Chui Yang and abrasion) and wind erosion landform. Sea and sea landscape bedrock coast.
Master of weathering, weathering, soil, erosion, river erosion, flood erosion, groundwater flow washing, latent corrosion and glacier erosion, wind erosion, planing sea concept.
The sixth chapter deals with the transport and sedimentation
To understand the transport characteristics of different forces, the change of clastic materials during handling, and the sedimentation in the semi deep sea and deep sea.
Understand the handling mode of action (mechanical handling, chemical handling, biological sedimentation handling); mode (mechanical deposition, chemical deposition, biological deposition); type of fluvial, alluvial characteristics; sediment characteristics of flood and sheet flow; groundwater chemical characteristics of sediments (cave deposits and tufa deposition); glacier the sediment (moraine) characteristics and sedimentary geomorphology; sedimentary type wind (aeolian sand deposits and aeolian deposits) and its characteristics, sedimentary landform wind (sand dunes, loess landform). The sedimentation characteristics of the lakes, the chemical deposition process in arid climate zone Lakes (carbonate stage, sulfate and chloride stage stage and the sand lake stage); type of sedimentation and sediment characteristics of coastal and shallow water.
Grasp the roundness and sorting of clastic sediments, the two element structure of floodplain sediments, the loess, diagenesis, compaction, cementation and recrystallization.
The seventh chapter, magmatism and metamorphism
Understand the volcano phenomenon; influence factors of metamorphism (temperature, pressure, chemical fluid); transformation of sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks and magmatite between nature; common magmatite (volcano clastic rock, Xuan Wuyan, andesite, rhyolite, peridotite, gabbro,
diabase, granite and diorite porphyrite etc.); regional metamorphic rocks (common slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, granulite migmatite, etc.); the common contact metamorphic rocks (skarn hornfels, marble, etc.); dynamic metamorphic rocks (common cataclasite and mylonite etc.).
According to the understanding of silica content magmatite division (ultrabasic rocks, basic rocks, neutral rock and acid rocks); volcano eruption type (fissure type and central type eruption, the center - violent type, quiet type, taper); the product is ejected function (volcano extrusive: gas, liquid (molten lava type, and columnar joints), solid (volcano - volcano, volcano clastic elastic block, volcano, volcano ash gravel);
Volcano topography (structure, type, lava flows and lava cone of the volcano is the product)); intrusive (plutonic intrusions (batholith, Yan Zhu), shallow intrusions (sills, dykes, lopolith, Yan Gai)); metamorphism (way of recrystallization, metasomatism, metamorphic crystallization for the role of the basic types of metamorphism); (contact metamorphism, dynamic metamorphism, regional metamorphism, migmatization).
Master the concepts of magma, magmatism, intrusion, volcanism and metamorphism.
The eighth chapter is tectonic movement
To understand the meaning and type of tectonic movement (vertical movement and horizontal movement, orogeny and epeirogeny, tectonic movement, tectonic movement and tectonic
movement); performance of tectonic movements in the terrain and surface features of the tectonic movement in the landscape; performance; performance of tectonic movement in the formation of the earthquake; genetic type; seismic geological action.
Understanding the relationship between various contact formation (integration, parallel unconformity, angular unconformity) formation and tectonic characteristics, the tectonic movement of the times; the three elements of rock occurrence (strike and dip angle); the basic elements of fold (nuclear, wing, turning point, axial plane); basic types of folds (syncline and anticline) and its main characteristics (the stratigraphic distribution of symmetrical repeats and the new and old strata); Zhang joints and shear joints of the main features of the fault elements; (fault and fault disk) and fault displacement; fault types (normal fault, reverse fault, strike slip fault) and the main features of the fault; the identification and formation time (note the fault and fold formation caused by repeated difference, attention by looking at the geological map to determine the formation time of the fault).
Master the concepts of river terraces, quasi plains and planation surfaces, geological structures, joints, faults, magnitude and intensity; folds, faults and unconformities on geologic maps; methods for reading simple geological maps.
The ninth chapter is the geodynamic system
The understanding of the continental drift theory and the theory of submarine spreading; the division of main plates; the
relationship between plate movement and other geological processes.
Understand the main ideas of plate tectonics: the boundary types of the plates (separated plate boundaries, convergent plate boundaries (subduction boundaries, collision boundaries), and flat shear (shear) plate boundaries).
Master the concepts of Benioff belt, submarine magnetic anomaly belt, Curie temperature, transform fault and Wilson cycle.
The tenth chapter is the earth's resources
Learn about the resource types of the earth.
Grasp the concepts of natural resources, mineral resources, deposits and mineralization.
The eleventh chapter is about the environment of the earth
Understand the main environmental types of the earth (atmospheric environment, water environment, ecological environment, geological environment, geographical environment).
Understanding the basic features of the geological environment and the major types of geological disasters; composition of the ecosystem; changes in the atmospheric environment.
Grasp the concepts of environment, natural environment, air pollution, glacial period, interglacial period, ecosystem,
ecological balance, geological environment and geological disaster.
The twelfth chapter, the origin of the earth in evolution
Understanding the hypothesis of the origin and formation of the universe and the solar system; a simple history of the evolution of the earth.
Understand the concept of meteorite strike.。
