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2 019-2020学年上海市新复兴初级中学七年级(上)第一次月考英语试卷 ( 删除听力)

Part Two Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法共 44 分)

l. Complete the sentences with the words from the text (用课文里所学的单词完成下列句子, 首字母已给) (共 4 分)

1 2 3 4 . To keep fit, you'd better c_________ your food well and don’t swallow(吞)directly.

. From her w_________, Laura took out her favorite, a bright red dress.

. The member are of different n_________ and have no common language.

.Helicopters r_________ nearly 20 people from the roof of the burning building yesterday. II. Choose the best answer (选择最适当的答案):(共 15 分)

. Which of the following underlined part is different from the others in pronunciation?

1 A. sofa

B. balcony

C. brochure

D. motorcycle 2

Which of 'the following phonetic symbol is correct for the word "estate'? A. /esteit/

B. /es'teit/

C. /i’steit/

D./is’teit/ 3 . Shanghai is an international city which is_________ of China. A. north

B. in the north

C. east

D. in the east D. By the end D. stay with D. the other D. 65 millions of D. risen 4 ,1 was too nervous. _________of the interview, I was obviously tired out. A. In the end

B. At the end

C. On the end Miss Green is so happy to have a more luxurious hotel to_________. 5 , A. stay

B, staying C. stay in 6 . The sign says that dogs and_________ animals can’t enter the children’s area. A. other

B. another others 7 . As we all know, dinosaurs died out_________ years ago. A. millions of

B. million of

C. 65 millions 8 . Luther _________slowly from the chair without saving anything. A. raised

B. rised

C. rose Have you had breakfast?-Of course, I_________ it at 7:00. 9 . A. have

B. had

C. have had

D. am having D. is, will call 1 0. Don't worry! When everything_________ ready, Sam_________ you. A, is, calls

B. will be, will call

C. will be, calls 11. “I would rather_________ out to have a walk tonight, if you don't mind.” Mum said. A, go

B. going

C. to go

D. to going 1 2. Did you see the boys_________ basketball in the playground yesterday afternoon? A were playing

B. played

C. playing

D. are playing 1 3.1 can't believe that I have to_________ them 20 more dollars for this room each week. A. spend

B. take

C. pay

D. cost 1 4. Johnny, you've read for hours. Have a rest_________ you can have a clear mind. A. if

B. but

C. or

D. and 1 5. -How do you like the book, Peter? -_________

A. I like it very much. B It's so interesting.
