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作者: Alex Taylor III 时间: 2013年11月01日 来源: 财富中文网
位置: 商业>>汽车 字体 [ 打印 发表评论
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现在的汽车质量比以前好多了,但是这也意味着,要扛住批评人士各种指摘的门 槛也提高了。 今天我们盘点的10个车型放在10年前可能都是模范生, 但科技不断 进步,车迷胃口越来越刁,它们也因为各种各样的不足遭到了市场的嫌弃。
现如今大家普遍觉得,新车质量都挺不 刹车安全、而且外形像样,你是不会买的。 而且只需要再多加几美元,就能获得各种电 子装备,比如导航仪,或曾经是高档品牌专 享的车身稳定控制系统。就算是最不上档次 的车型,性能也非常可靠,而仅仅是十年前 这就算是楷模了。 不过,还是有些汽车厂商要比同行更有 眼力,而且有些车型工艺也更精良,能对得
The conventional wisdom these days is anything that doesn't start reliably, drive competently, brake safely, and look respectable. For just a few dollars more, you get an array of electronic helpers ranging from navigation devices to stability controls that used to be the exclusive province of premium brands. And even the flimsiest models have reliability records that as recently as a decade
错的。如果一辆车不是启动可靠、驾驶给力、 that there are no bad new cars. You can't buy

起它们自己喊出的口号。它们是那些不会停 在经销商的停车场上没人搭理、设计拙劣、 上市时机不对或是定价不合适的车。 笔者在编撰这份“2013年最不受待见车 型”榜单时广泛参考了多方意见,包括职业 评估师的评价, 汽车记者的评论, 《汽车新闻》 (Automotive News)收集的销售数据以及我 自己的驾驶体验和行业报告。我没有随便堆 砌三菱(Mitsubishi)这样过气的品牌或是 铃木(Suzuki)这样的断档品牌,也没有选 择那些早已停产的过时车型。同样我也没选 奔驰斯玛特(Smart fortwo)这样老是充当 替罪羊的车型。但是,我的这张榜单同样也 免不了主观痕迹。
ago would be viewed as exemplary. Still, some automakers have a clearer vision than others, and some models are better engineered to fulfill their stated purpose. Those that aren't languish unloved on dealers' lots, badly designed, badly timed, or badly priced. In compiling this list of 2013's most disliked cars, I have been guided by critiques from professional evaluators, reviews by automotive own driving journalists, and sales and data compiled byAutomotive News, as well as my impressions industry reporting. I have avoided piling on distressed brands like Mitsubishi and discontinued ones like Suzuki and obsolete models that are already out of production. I have also tried to avoid traditional whipping boys like the Smart fortwo. But, of necessity, my list is highly subjective.
2013款讴歌 RLX 按照汽车网站 Autoweek 一位编辑的说 法:“拿 Acura RLX 开涮是全美汽车媒体同 行的消遣。”这么说也确实有理有据,评论 者都觉得这车平淡乏味却价格奇高。 《华尔街 日报》 (The Wall Street Journal)的评论 家更是对讴歌的这辆旗舰车型大加讽刺,说 它“像奶油一样不讨人厌”,“像消毒双手 一样干净”,并认为它“看起来,感觉上就 像是一辆被捧得高高的,非要配置过度的本 田雅阁(Honda Accord)”。而在汽车网站 The Truth About Cars 上,评论者则盯上了
2013 Acura RLX As an Autoweek editor observed, "Abusing the Acura RLX is a national pastime among the automotive press." And with good reason; reviewers found it bland, boring, and over-priced. The Wall Street Journal's reviewer skewered the Acura flagship for its "creamy inoffensiveness" an Cars, exalted, the and its "hand-sanitized over-equipped note of its sterility" and judged that it "looks and feels like compulsively reviewer took Honda Accord." And over at The Truth About $60,000-plus loaded price tag and concluded,
