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abundant[ ]adj. 大量(充足)的;(in)丰富(富裕)的

【例句】The country is abundant in natural resources. 那个国家自然资源丰富。【搭配】be abundant in oil deposits石油储量丰富

be abundant with 有大量的


abuse[ ]vt. 滥用;辱骂,诋毁

n. 滥用;恶习,弊端

【例句】①We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us.我们滥用土地,因为我们把它当作属于自己的商品。

②Corruption is a major abuse in modern politics.贪污受贿是现代政治的一个主要弊端。

【搭配】drug abuse滥用药品

abuse of power滥用职权

abuse one’s privilege滥用特权

abuse a friend辱骂朋友


acknowledge[ ]vt. 答谢;承认,接受

【例句】The lawyer refused to acknowledge that the two cases were at all similar.


【搭配】acknowledge one’s defeat承认失败

acknowledge one’s help谢谢某人的帮助


advocate[ ]n. 提倡者,鼓吹者;律师,辩护者

vt. 提倡,主张;鼓吹,拥护,

【例句】①He advocates building more schools. 他主张多建几所学校。

②He will be his own best advocate. 他自己就是最好的辩护人。

affair[ ]n. 事情,事件;事务;恋爱;不忠的行为

【例句】①The minister is busy with important affairs of state. 部长忙于重要国务。

②The party was a dull affair. 这次聚会单调乏味。

【搭配】Watergate Affair水门事件

mind one’s own affairs少管闲事

put-up affair勾当,诡计,圈套

【串记】fair, unfair

agent[ ]n. 代理商(人);代表

【例句】He is a real estate agent. 他是一个房地产经纪人。

【串记】representative; agenda

ambition[ ]n. 雄心,抱负;野心

【例句】Her ambition was to become a film star. 她一心追求成为电影明星。


anticipate[ ]vt. 预感,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用

【例句】①We anticipate hearing from you again. 我们期待再接到你们的来信。

②He tries to anticipate all my needs. 他设法将我所需要的一切东西预先准备好。


assess[ ]vt. 征税;评价;(为征税)评估(财产、收入)

【例句】A representative of the company will call on you to assess the damage. 公司的代表将前往贵处评估受损情况。


assumption[ ]n. 设想,推测;采取;承担;假装;就职

【例句】The whole theory rests on a wrong assumption. 整个理论都是建立在错误的假设上。


assure[ ]vt. 使确信,使放心(of);向…保证

【例句】I can assure you of the reliability of the information. 我向你保证这消息可靠。

【搭配】assure sb. of/that担保,使确定


board [ ] n. 木板,甲板;会议桌;全体委员;伙食

vt. 用板盖上;包饭,提供膳食;上(船、飞机)等

【例句】①Each student has to pay $100 a month for board and lodging.每个学生每月需支付一百美元的膳宿费。

②Our company has three women on its board of directors. 我们公司的董事会里有三位女性。

【搭配】drawing board制图板

across the board全面的,包括一切的

above board光明正大的

board up用木板封闭或遮盖

on board在(船、车或飞机上)

brand[ ]n. 商标,品牌,标记

vt. 打烙印;使铭记

【例句】①Imagery of the war has branded itself into the national consciousness.战争的印象深深地铭刻在人民的脑海里。

②Now pay attention to its brand please.现在请注意它的商标。
