英语教案--冠词 (1)

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6) the first , the second, the third ,the fourth序数 词前加the
7) on the right, on the left , the north, the south 方位名词前加the
8) the Whites , the Greens 姓氏的复数形式前
7. Tom ,Jack , Marry, in Guangzhou, in Beijing---专有名词前不用冠词
1.an unusual friend
2. the plane to Shanghai
3.teach English in a middle school
6. an 7. an ,a 8. the 9./ the 10./
1.the 2.an 3./ 4.an 5.a, the 6. an 7. an ,a 8. the 9./ the 10./ Exercises(I)-(IV): 一:p26--p27 ,p27----p29
冠词的基本用法 : 1.不定冠词a/an :元音音素前用an,辅音音素前用a a teacher ,a student, a doctor,
an English teacher, an egg, an hour, an honest boy
2.定冠词the的用法,以下词前用定冠词 1) I have a dog, the dog is white. 第二次或多次出现的名
零冠词:即不用冠词 1.in Summer , in Winter, in Spring, in Autumn---季节名称前不用冠词
2. in June , in September, in April月份名称前不 用冠词
3. on Sunday , on Friday,---星期几的名称前不 用冠词
1.the 2.an 3./ 4.an 5.a, the
6._______8-year -old daughter 7.____interesting story- book , _______useful book 8.______way to the hospital 9. play _______football, playing______piano. 10 . go to school on___foot
4. have breakfast, have lunch , have supper/dinner---一日三餐的名称前不用冠 词
5.play basketball , play tennis , play football –表 示球类运动的名称前不用冠词
6. play chess棋类名称前 , play games游戏类名 称前 ,play cards牌类名称前,都不用冠词
Have a nice lunch祝你午餐愉快
9.Word came that he had come back . ---word 前不用冠词时, 表示消息,信息
二:用冠词 a/an, the 及零冠词填空 1. ____old lady in brown , 2._____English teacher 3. playing______football 4.half____hour 5. grow up in______large family, _____ ability to get on well with others.
入学考试复习指导 语法(grammar): 一:Teaching contents :
冠词 二:Teaching aims and demands 1.冠词的分类和基本用法 2.冠词的分类:冠词分为不定冠词a/an, 定冠词the和零冠词
三:Important points and difficuilties 1.冠词的分类及基本用法 : 1)具体内容见教材p23--p24
4. on the second Sunday in June 5. He'd like to have a third又一one because the second第二 cake is too small. 6. have a good knowledge of English精通英语 7.go to hospital 去医院看病 8. have lunch吃午餐,
2 ) The cup on the desk is mine .特指或有所指的名词前 3) the rich ,the poor ,the rich :the+形容词表示一类人或
4) play the guitar, play the piano 乐器名称前加 the
5) the moon, the sun , the earth世上独一无二的 事物名称前加the