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封 面 华 人
Байду номын сангаас
• Nowadays, VOGUE have 17 different national versions. The most famous ones including France, Italy, Britain, Japan, Germany, China and the new talent Turkey. The vogue magazine is now one of the most important magazine brands in the world.
• Since VOGUE was launched in the US in 1892, it has overwhelmingly been regarded as
• the world's Fashion Bible.
• The American edition of VOGUE magazine was started in 1892, its publisher Condé Nast Company later launched a British version in the year 1916 and France version in 1921 . • Nast is the founder of modern magazine layout. He was the first to employ artists as publisher of magazine photographers. • The VOGUE magazine is also the first magazine to use colorful photography to express the fashion works.
The Introduction to
• VOGUE was founded in 1892, it has a long history and been widely respected in fashion world . The magazine covering fashion, makeup, beauty, health, entertainment and arts fields, it is a comprehensive lifestyle magazine.
• The VOGUE seems like a fruit of pop and art rather than a fashion records. Four thematic focus of each month is unique, with its sharp tentacles of fashion, elaborate for you to create popular taste and artistic temperament. For example, SWEET&SEXY in October 2004, the four topic are:[ Pearls and Ribbons罗曼蒂克的气氛]、[No Bag. No Life手提包是女人的人命]、[The Furry Tale皮 革小物]、[Pink Chakra, Chakra给喜爱粉红色的 你].
• The VOGUE put the emphasis on policy of editorial independence and adhering to the highest standard of editing purposes. • Each month's VOGUE magazine has the world's 18 million most influential loyal readers. Around the world, the VOGUE magazine designers, writers and artists honored as authoritative style and fashion.
• Unlike most fashion magazines just arrange the staff out of the season, models coquetting in the lower left or right corner of the cover. For the purpose of texture and taste vogue , each rendering of a topic makes the reader feel like window shopping, high-quality space layout design. People who think the magazine is just the print media will totally change their mind after reading Vogue.
• 第一个登上 VOGUE封面的中 国女孩 杜鹃
• Vogue China于两千年初便开始筹备, 但由于刊号、人员各方面原因,一直 到2005年8月才正是发行第一期。 Vogue China从05年已进入中国市场 便对于本土的时尚产业起到了极大的 促进作用。一方面,Vogue China凭 借其独家高质量的国际资源平台给本 地读者带来了前所未有的视觉冲击与 审美觉醒。第二点,同时也是更为重 要的方面,Vogue China促使其竞争 对手迅速成长,百花齐放,短短5年 之中,把中国的时尚产业从不入流带 入了主流二流偶尔一流的水品,在国 际上越来越有话语权。
• In September 2005, Condé Nast will further expand its global network by publishing VOGUE in China, under the publication cooperation between Condé Nast Publications Limited and China Pictorial. • VOGUE China will be the 16th edition in the world.
• •
Anya Ziourova(俄罗斯) Vogue中国版的时尚指导,造型师,Vogue 中国版很多大片的造型都出自她手
• 2009年 9月11日,时尚杂志《VOGUE》举办一场全 球性时尚会:VOGUE摩登不夜城,作为《VOGUE》 杂志中国版,《VOGUE服饰与美容》联合此次活动合 作伙伴北京国贸商城等,以及众多品牌、设计师和 媒体合作代表在北京召开“VOGUE摩登不夜城”盛 会启动仪式。 • “VOGUE摩登不夜城”全球盛会由拥有众多国际版 本的《VOGUE》杂志发起,并联合国际知名设计师、 顶尖奢侈品牌、大型百货公司和时尚精品店共同打 造。 • 从北京至米兰,从伦敦至巴黎,从纽约至孟买,13 个时尚之都,包括美国、英国、法国、意大利、西 班牙、德国、希腊、印度、俄罗斯、日本、韩国、 中国台湾及中国版《VOGUE》杂志的编辑,与众多 明星、模特、名流及零售商在9月11日这个欢腾之夜 齐齐汇聚,共同为时尚产业鼓劲喝彩。他们将亲自 参与各自所在城市的特别活动。
• The VOGUE magazine made from a unique perspective to reflect the local culture. Her supporting role for related industry is unmatched. • Mostly deserve to be mentioned is that the VOGUE Magazine promoted the development of the global fashion industry. Many famous designers today are originally found by it.