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举例: I've exhausted my full capacity of strength./ I've given it my all.
2. 老司机
a. an old driver 老司机 b. veteran 老兵 c. an experienced player 经验丰富的玩家 举例: Give me a ride, you old driver.
举例: How do sensational headline ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้riters write headlines?
词语解释:“标题党”指的是利用各种“颇具新 意”(哗众取宠)的标题吸引网友眼球,以达到 个人某种目的。
4. 低头族
a. smartphone addicts 对智能手机上瘾的人 群 b. phubbing (澳洲麦肯和Macquarie大辞典 联手精心杜撰) 举例: Xiao Ming is a typical smartphone addict.
词语解释:老司机,网络名词。意为在各个网站、论坛里接触时间比 较长,熟悉站内各种规则、内容以及技术、玩法,并且掌握着一定资 源的老手。老司机出自云南山歌《老司机带带我》。
3. 标题党
a. headline writers 标题写手 b. sensational headline writers 哗众取宠 的标题写手 c. title attractors 引人注意的标题 d. the title party 标题“党”
9. 人生赢家
a. winners in life b. someone who has it all 举例: English teachers are the ones who have it all.
10. 葛优躺
a. Ge You slouch b. Ge You lay 举例: The first thing i do after work is " Ge You slouch".
词语解释:该词汇第一次出现在电影《阿凡达》的台词里 , "look at all this fresh meat",之后作为网络热 词,主要用于形容年轻帅气的新生代男偶像。
8. 一言不合就。。。
a. whenever we disagree with each other... b. when something happens, 举例: Whenever we disagree with each other, she breaks up with me.
6. 脑残粉
a. die-hard fans b. true fans 真爱粉 c. determined fans d. a big/huge fan 举例: I'm a huge fan of game of thrones.
a. fresh meat 举例: Lu Han is well-known fresh meat in the music business.
2016年最流行的污 词潮词英文翻译
1. 洪荒之力
a. power of the universe b. powers strong enough to change the universe --英国广播公司BBC c. prehistoric powers -- 英国广播公司BBC d. primordial power -美国《华尔街日报》 e. the force- 美国《综艺》 f. hong huang zhi li -澳大利亚《悉尼先驱 晨报》
举例: 特朗普直男癌又犯了,说希拉里表现不错只是因 为她在打女性牌。 Donald Trump mansplained that Hillary Clinton was doing well because she was playing the women card.
词语解释:“直男癌”一词源于网友对活在自己的世界观、价值观、审美观里 ,时时向别人流露出对对方的不顺眼及不满,并略带大男子主义的人的一种调 侃。主要特征是审美为负,衣着品位恶劣而不自知,晚期常常伴有幻觉,自以 为审美主流甚至衣着品位高级。发展下去可能有幻想症,以各种“无下限”言 论刷新其级别。 现引申为漠视女性价值,不尊重和物化女性,限制女性自由 ,且自恋,自以为是,自作多情的男性。
11. 跪舔
a. salute b. worship 举例: If you worship a girl, it doesn't mean you love her.
12. 尴尬癌
a. embarrassment genes b. embarrassment attack 举例: You're out of tune again buddy and I'm having an embarrassment attack. (借用 心脏病犯了 have a heart attack 的表 达。)
5. 直男癌
a. mansplain vt; 男人说教:一个男人向别人 ,通常为女性,解释某件事情,而且是以一副居 高临下的姿态。to explain something to someone, typically a man to a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.wikipedia (维基百科) b. male chauvinist pig 大男子主义者;沙文 猪