


Electric heating cable 加热电缆 field development 油田开发 flexible riser 挠性隔水管 heating line 加热管线 ‘host’ platform “主”平台 ‘surface’ conductor “表层”导管 “dual bore” type tree “双筒”型采油树“temporary” guide base “临时”导向基座“two stack” approach “双防喷器组”法Abandonment and Recovery 弃置与回收acceptance criteria 验收标准 Acceptance Test 验收测试 accumulator bottle 蓄能器瓶 alignment 找正 alternating current 交流电 ambient seawater temperature 周围海水温度ambient temperature 环境温度 ancillary equipment 辅助设备 annular space 环形空间 annulus bore 环空孔 annulus master valve 环空主阀 annulus seal assembly 环空密封总成 anti-rotation pin 防旋转销 armour wire 铠装线 armours layer 铠装层 artificial lift 人工举升 artificial lift method 人工举升法 Asgard project Asgard项目 Atmospheric Diving Suit 常压潜水服atmospheric pressure 大气压力attachement point 固着点 Austenitic Stainless Steel 奥氏体不锈钢austenitic-ferric steel 奥氏体-铁素体钢 auto depth 自动定深 automatic connector 自动连接器 average unevenness height 平均不均匀高度axial tension 轴向拉力 backing steel 背钢 backup function 备份功能 barrier coating 防护涂层 barrier protection 隔层保护 basic oxygen furnace 碱性氧气转炉 basket storage carousel 篮式存管盘 bend limiter 弯曲限幅器


财务报表中英文对照 1.资产负债表Balance Sheet 项目ITEM 货币资金Cash 短期投资Short term investments 应收票据Notes receivable 应收股利Dividend receivable 应收利息Interest receivable 应收帐款Accounts receivable 其他应收款Other receivables 预付帐款Accounts prepaid 期货保证金Future guarantee 应收补贴款Allowance receivable 应收出口退税Export drawback receivable 存货Inventories 其中:原材料Including:Raw materials 产成品(库存商品) Finished goods 待摊费用Prepaid and deferred expenses 待处理流动资产净损失Unsettled G/L on current assets 一年内到期的长期债权投资Long-term debenture investment falling due in a year 其他流动资产Other current assets 流动资产合计Total current assets 长期投资:Long-term investment: 其中:长期股权投资Including long term equity investment 长期债权投资Long term securities investment *合并价差Incorporating price difference 长期投资合计Total long-term investment 固定资产原价Fixed assets-cost 减:累计折旧Less:Accumulated Dpreciation 固定资产净值Fixed assets-net value 减:固定资产减值准备Less:Impairment of fixed assets 固定资产净额Net value of fixed assets 固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets 工程物资Project material 在建工程Construction in Progress 待处理固定资产净损失Unsettled G/L on fixed assets 固定资产合计Total tangible assets 无形资产Intangible assets 其中:土地使用权Including and use rights 递延资产(长期待摊费用)Deferred assets



目录 第一节钻井英语单词 (3) 第二节井场用语,钻井常用短语及句子 (12) 第三节钻井泥浆术语 (31) 第四节常用安全术语 (33) 第五节钻井设备英语 (35) 第六节石油钻井英语情景会话 (42) 附录一:平台人员、作业者及服务公司人员名称 (49) 附录二:主要设备名称 (50) 附录三:钻具、井口工具、打捞工具名称 (54) 附录四:材料和工具名称 (55) 附录五:常用缩写形式 (57)

第一节钻井英语单词 drilling crew 钻井队 drill floor,rig floor,floor 钻台drawworks 绞车 well-site, rig-site 井场 rig manager 平台经理 DC (drill collar) 钻铤 drilling engineer 钻井工程师 DP (drill pipe) 钻杆 toolpusher 带班队长 rotary table 转盘 driller 司钻 assistant driller 副司钻derrickman, monkeyman 井架工roughneck, floorman 钻工roustabout 场地工 liner 缸套 motor fire man 司机(motorman)wellhead 井口 circulation & solid system 循环固控系统 machinist 机械师,机工,机械大班electrician 电器师,电工,电器大班operation program 作业程序(指令) cathead 猫头 caravan 营房,大篷车 tong 大钳 elevator 吊卡 well depth 井深 slip 卡瓦makeup 上扣 spud in 开钻 breakout 卸扣 ROP (rate of penetration),drilling speed, penetration rate 钻速 trip 起下钻 diesel-engine 柴油机 loss circulation 井漏,循环漏失working uniform 工作服 brake handle, brake bar 刹把 water well condition 水井井况circulating tank, circulation tank 循环罐 normal drilling 正常钻进 reserve tank 储备罐 parameter 参数 trip tank 补给罐,尖底罐, 起下钻泥浆罐(起下钻计量罐) rotary speed 转盘转速(转速)shale shaker 振动筛 pump pressure 泵压 WOB (weight on bit) 钻压 mesh 目,网孔;啮合,编织 torque 扭矩 screen cloth 筛布 displacement 排量 safety meeting 班前会 pump stroke 泵冲 shift exchange 交班、(倒班)


顶驱&钻井英文常用词汇表 (第一版) 盘锦辽河油田天意石油装备有限公司 2010年9月

一、顶驱英文 顶部驱动系统Top drive system 车载钻机truck-mounted rig 机械的mechanical 电学的electrical 液压的hydraulic 钻井设备drilling equipment 大斜度井high-inclination well 深井deep well 丛式定向钻井cluster directional well 低温顶驱low-temperature top drive system 超深井ultra-deep well 定向井directional well 载荷load capacity 工作高度working height 电动机motor 功率power 转速rotary speed 钻井扭矩drilling torque 过载能力over load capacity 卸扣break out 上扣make-up 循环压力circulation pressure 额定压力rated pressure 电源电压power voltage 电源频率power frequency 工作电流working current 通风机ventilator 接线箱junction box 平衡油缸counterbalance cylinder 盘式刹车disc brake 电缆接插件cable connector assembly 主电机main motor 液压阀组hydraulic valve block 提环bail 鹅颈管gooseneck 油箱tank 蓄能器accumulator 齿轮箱gearbox 冲管总成wash pipe assembly 液压马达hydraulic motor 回转头rotating head 导轨guide beam 倾斜油缸tilt cylinder 防松法兰lock flange 背钳back-up tong 导向器stabbing guide 遥控IBOP upper IBOP 手动IBOP lower IBOP 吊环link 吊卡elevator 齿轮轴gear shaft 冷却风机Cooling motor 交流电机 AC motor 水龙头 Swivel 主齿轮 Driving gear 编码器 Encoder 散热器 Radiator 油道 Oil passage 密封槽Seal groove 轴承 bearing 滚轮 Roller 滑套 IBOP actuator shell 曲柄 Crank 销pin 钳牙tongdies 活塞piston 螺栓bolt 黄油grease 小车总成 Carriage accessory 气流 Air current 风道 Air duct 进风口 Air inlet 出风口 Air outlet 梨型环 Pear link 卡箍clamping band 键key


水泵中英文对照表 A开头的水泵英文单词: acid pump 酸泵 acid centrifugal pump 酸离心泵 acid circulation pump 酸循环泵 adjustable blade propeller pump 调节叶片螺桨泵 adjustable delivery pump 可调输料泵 adjustable discharge gear pump 可调卸料齿轮泵 air pump 空气泵 air-ballast pump 气镇泵 air compressor pump 空气压缩泵 air extracting pump 抽气泵 air feed pump 供气泵, 压气泵 air lift pump 空气升液泵 air turbine pump 空气涡轮泵 airlift beet pump 空气提升甜菜泵 ammonia pump 液氨泵 Archimedean screw pump 阿基米德螺旋泵 artesian well pump 自流井用抽水机 articulated vane pump 铰连叶片泵 aspirator pump 吸气泵; 抽气泵 atomizing pump 雾化式泵 atmospheric pump

空气泵, 抽气泵 attached pump (主机)附备泵 auto-grease pump 自动注油泵 automatic Sprengel pump 自动施普伦格尔真空泵(将高真空泵与喷水抽气泵相联的自动抽真空装置) automatic tire pump 自动气泵 auxiliary pump 辅助泵 auxiliary air pump 辅助空气泵 auxiliary feed pump 辅助进给泵 auxiliary feed water pump 辅助给水泵 auxiliary fuel pump 辅助燃料泵 auxiliary lubrication pump 辅助润滑油泵 axial pump 轴流泵 axial piston pump 轴向活塞泵 axial plunger pump 轴向柱塞泵 B开头的水泵英文单词: backing pump 级泵; 初级抽气泵 backpack pump 背囊喷雾器 barrel pump 桶式喷雾泵, 桶式泵 barrel-type pump 鼓形泵 beam-balanced pump 游梁平衡式抽油机 beet pump 甜菜泵 biflex fuel pump


英文会计报表:FINANCIAL REPORT COVER 报表所属期间之期末时间点Period Ended 所属月份Reporting Period 报出日期Submit Date 记账本位币币种Local Reporting Currency 审核人Verifier 填表人Preparer 所属月份Reporting Period 报出日期Submit Date 资产负债表 Balance Sheet Assets Current Assets Bank and Cash Current Investment 一年内到期委托贷款Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:一年内到期 Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减: Less: Impairment for current investment Net bal of current investment Notes receivable Dividend receivable 应收利息Interest receivable Account receivable 减:应收账款 Less: Bad debt provision for Account receivable Net bal of Account receivable Other receivable 减:其他应收款坏账准备Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable 其他应收款净额Net bal of Other receivable Prepayment Subsidy receivable Inventory 减: Less: Provision for Inventory 存货净额Net bal of Inventory 已完工尚未结算款Amount due from customer for contract work Deferred Expense 一年内到期的 Long-term debt investment due within one year 一年内到期的应收融资租赁款Finance lease receivables due within one year Other current assets Total current assets 长期投资Long-term investment Long-term equity investment 委托贷款Entrusted loan receivable


滑大绳与倒大绳的操作 Slipping and cutting drilling line 目录 一、Operational requirement 操作要求 (1) 二、Procedure of slipping the drilling line 滑大绳程序 (2) 三、Procedures of cutting the drilling line 倒大绳程序 (5)

一、Operational requirement操作要求 1. A Toolbox Talk must be held before starting the task and ensure that the work force is fully instructed on the correct procedures to be followed and the safety precautions to be observed. 开始作业之前,必须召开一个协作会,要让每个作业人员都得到正确的指导,并遵守安全作业规程。 2. Never slip and cut the drilling line with the drill string in the open hole or with the drill string out of the hole. 钻具在裸眼井段,或井内无钻具时,绝不能滑大绳或倒大绳。 3. Under all circumstances, visual inspection of the drilling line must take precedence over the predetermined slip and cut procedure. 在任何情况下,在预定滑大绳或倒大绳之前,都要先对大绳进行直观检查。4. After completion of cutting the drilling line, ensure that a minimum of 9 full wraps of drilling line remain on the drawworks drum, with the elevators at the rotary table. 倒完大绳之后,当吊卡处在转盘面上时,辊筒上至少要缠满9圈大绳。 5. Prior to lowering the top drive system or rigging down, ensure that sufficient wraps of drilling line remain on the drum. 在下放或拆卸顶驱系统之前,要保证辊筒上留有足够的大绳圈数。 6. Safety harness must be worn by all personnel working on the traveling block or the top drive. 在顶驱或游车上作业的人,必须带保险带。 7. The drill floor must be cleaned of all personnel not associated with the task. 与作业无关的人必须离开钻台。


一、企业财务会计报表封面FINANCIAL REPORT COVER 报表所属期间之期末时间点Period Ended 所属月份Reporting Period 报出日期Submit Date 记账本位币币种Local Reporting Currency 审核人Verifier 填表人Preparer 二、资产负债表Balance Sheet 资产Assets 流动资产Current Assets 货币资金Bank and Cash 短期投资Current Investment 一年内到期委托贷款Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:一年内到期委托贷款减值准备Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:短期投资跌价准备Less: Impairment for current investment 短期投资净额Net bal of current investment

应收票据Notes receivable 应收股利Dividend receivable 应收利息Interest receivable 应收账款Account receivable 减:应收账款坏账准备Less: Bad debt provision for Account receivable 应收账款净额Net bal of Account receivable 其他应收款Other receivable 减:其他应收款坏账准备Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable 其他应收款净额Net bal of Other receivable 预付账款Prepayment 应收补贴款Subsidy receivable 存货Inventory 减:存货跌价准备Less: Provision for Inventory 存货净额Net bal of Inventory 已完工尚未结算款Amount due from customer for contract work 待摊费用Deferred Expense 一年内到期的长期债权投资Long-term debt investment due within one year 一年内到期的应收融资租赁款Finance lease receivables due within one year


一、钻井作业 1.钻台构造,设备,器材类: drilling equipment mast, derrick free standing mast drill floor v-door monkey board substructure mouse hole, rat hole gin pole setback crown block travelling block hook swivel power swivel draw works rotary table kelly kelly cock drum shaft cat head cat line deadline anchor sand line 钻井装置,钻机 井架 无绷绳轻便井架 钻台 坡板,井架大门 二层台 井架底座 鼠洞 人字架 立根盒 天车 游动滑车 大钩 水龙头 动力水龙头 绞车 转盘 方钻杆 方钻杆 滚动轴 猫头 猫头绳 死绳固定装置 捞绳器 work line ,drilling line deadline tong power tong kelly drive safety clamp elevator center latch elevator elevator chain block air hoist bushing master bushing inside BOP pipe wrench lifting sub kelly spinner geolograph cable jacket finger board slip rotary slip power slip 大绳 死绳 大钳 动力大钳 方钻杆滚子补心 安全卡子 吊卡 中开门吊卡 吊环 倒链 气动绞车 补心 转盘大补心 回压凡尔 管子扳手 提升短节 方钻杆旋转器 气测引绳 导管架 指梁 卡瓦 转盘卡瓦 动力卡瓦 2.钻头 3. Bit cone bit tri-cone bit bit noggle insert bit milled teeth bit diamond bit cone bit breaker hole openner 钻头 牙轮钻头 三牙轮钻头 钻头水眼 镶式钻头 铣齿钻头 金刚石钻头 牙轮 钻头装卸器 drilling assembly drill strings drill stem bit sub stabiliger wing stabiliger reamer drill pipe(drill collar) heavy weight drill pipe crossover sub 钻具组合 钻杆柱 钻柱 钻头接头 扶正器 翼状扶正器 辊轮扶正器 钻杆(钻铤) 加重钻杆


财务报表各项目中英文对照 一、损益表INCOME STATEMENT Aggregate income statement 合并损益表Operating Results 经营业绩 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS 财务摘要 Gross revenues 总收入/毛收入 Net revenues 销售收入/净收入 Sales 销售额 Turnover 营业额 Cost of revenues 销售成本 Gross profit 毛利润 Gross margin 毛利率 Other income and gain 其他收入及利得 EBITDA 息、税、折旧、摊销前利润(EBITDA)EBITDA margin EBITDA率 EBITA 息、税、摊销前利润 EBIT 息税前利润/营业利润 Operating income(loss)营业利润/(亏损)Operating profit 营业利润 Operating margin 营业利润率 EBIT margin EBIT率(营业利润率) Profit before disposal of investments 出售投资前利润Operating expenses: 营业费用:

Research and development costs (R&D)研发费用 marketing expensesSelling expenses 销售费用 Cost of revenues 营业成本 Selling Cost 销售成本 Sales and marketing expenses Selling and marketing expenses 销售费用、或销售及市场推广费用 Selling and distribution costs 营销费用/行销费用 General and administrative expenses 管理费用/一般及管理费用 Administrative expenses 管理费用 Operating income(loss)营业利润/(亏损) Profit from operating activities 营业利润/经营活动之利润 Finance costs 财务费用/财务成本 Financial result 财务费用 Finance income 财务收益 Change in fair value of derivative liability associated with Series B convertible redeemable preference shares 可转换可赎回优先股B相关衍生负债公允值变动Loss on the derivative component of convertible bonds 可換股債券衍生工具之損失Equity loss of affiliates 子公司权益损失 Government grant income 政府补助 Other (expense) / income 其他收入/(费用) Loss before income taxes 税前损失 Income before taxes 税前利润 Profit before tax 税前利润 Income taxes 所得税 taxes 税项 Current Income tax 当期所得税 Deferred Income tax 递延所得税


财务英语中英 文对照表 A account 账户 account payable 应付账款 accounting system 会计系统 Accounting Principle Board (APB)(美国)会计准则委员会 accrual basis 权责发生制(应计制) accumulated depreciation 累计折旧 account FORMat 账户格式 accrue 应计 accounting cycle 会计循环 accounts receivable 应收账款 accounts receivable turnover 应收账款周转率 accelerated depreciation 加速折旧adjusting entries 调整分录 adjustment 调整aging of accounts receivable 应收账款账龄分析法 allowance for bad debts 坏账准备 allowance for doubtful accounts 坏账准备 allowance for uncollectible 坏账准备 allowance method 备抵法allowance for depreciation 折旧备抵账户amortization 摊销 annual report 年度报告annuity 年金 assets 资产 audit 审计 auditor ' s opini审on计意见书 auditor 审计师 audit committee 审计委员会average collection period 平均收账期 AICPA 美国注册会计师协会 APB Opinions 会计准则委员会意见书 balance 余额bad debt recoveries 坏账收回 bad debts 坏账


一、企业财务会计报表封面 FINANCIAL REPORT COVER 报表所属期间之期末时间点 Period Ended 所属月份 Reporting Period 报出日期 Submit Date 记账本位币币种 Local Reporting Currency 审核人 Verifier 填表人 Preparer 二、资产负债表 Balance Sheet 资产 Assets 流动资产 Current Assets 货币资金 Bank and Cash 短期投资 Current Investment 一年内到期委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:一年内到期委托贷款减值准备 Less: Impairment for Entrusted loan receivable due within one year 减:短期投资跌价准备 Less: Impairment for current investment 短期投资净额 Net bal of current investment 应收票据 Notes receivable 应收股利 Dividend receivable 应收利息 Interest receivable 应收账款 Account receivable 减:应收账款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Account receivable 应收账款净额 Net bal of Account receivable 其他应收款 Other receivable 减:其他应收款坏账准备 Less: Bad debt provision for Other receivable 其他应收款净额 Net bal of Other receivable 预付账款 Prepayment 应收补贴款 Subsidy receivable 存货 Inventory 减:存货跌价准备 Less: Provision for Inventory 存货净额 Net bal of Inventory 已完工尚未结算款 Amount due from customer for contract work 待摊费用 Deferred Expense 一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment due within one year 一年内到期的应收融资租赁款 Finance lease receivables due within one year 其他流动资产 Other current assets 流动资产合计 Total current assets 长期投资 Long-term investment 长期股权投资 Long-term equity investment 委托贷款 Entrusted loan receivable 长期债权投资 Long-term debt investment


海洋钻井英语 一. 承包商人员 ( Contractor’s Personnel ) Rig Manager 平台经理 Equipment Supervisor 设备总监 Materials Supervisor 材料总监 Senior Toolpusher 高级队长 Junior Toolpusher 值班队长 Driller 司钻 Sub Sea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师 Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻 Derrick Man 井架工 Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工 Barge Master (captain) 船长 First Mate (Barge engineer) 大副 Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工 Ballast Control Operator (BCO) 压载工 Chief Engineer 轮机长 Head of Routabout 甲板班长 Crane Operator 吊车工 Routabout 甲板工 Mechanic 机械师 Electrician 电气师 Repairman 修理工 Motorman 轮机员 Welder 焊工 Radio Operator 电报员 Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员 Medic 医生 Safety Supervisor 安全监督 Interpreter (translator) 翻译 Chief Steward 管事 Cook 厨师 Steward 厨工 Laundry Man 洗衣工 二. 作业者及服务公司人员 ( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel) Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督 Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表 Geologist 地质师 Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师 Sample Catcher 捞砂工 Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师 ROV Engineer 潜水工程师 Cementer 固井工


英文钻井日志常用缩写词汇 英文钻井日志常用缩写词汇 (按照钻井施工顺序排列) DC---------drill collar 钻铤 DP---------drill pipe 钻杆 TD---------true depth 垂直井深 TD---------total depth 总进尺,总深度USG-------united states gallon 美制加仑 Hrs---------hours 小时 Drlg-------drilling 钻进,钻井 Circ--------circulating 循环 Hi. Vis.----high viscosity 高粘度 CSG-------casing 套管 POOH-----pull out of hole 起钻 R/U--------rig up 安装 SXS-------sacks 袋子 WOC------wait on cement 候凝 MW--------mud weight 泥浆比重 N/U--------nipple up 安装 P/U---------pick up 上提,提起 TIH--------trip in hole 下钻 Cmt--------cement 水泥 DCS-------drill collar stem 钻铤柱 ISF---------induction-spherically focused log 感应-球形聚焦测井LSS--------long-space sonic (log) 长源距声波测井GR---------gamma ray log 自然伽马测井LCST------lower critical solution temperature 地临界溶液温度




1.Financial reporting(财务报告)includes not only financial statements but also other means of communicating information that relates,directly or indirectly,to the information provided by a business enterprise’s accounting system----that is,information about an enterprise’s resources,obligations, earnings,etc. 2.Objectives of financial reporting:财务报告的目标 Financial reporting should: (1)Provide information that helps in making investment and credit decisions. (2)Provide information that enables assessing future cash flows. (3)Provide information that enables users to learn about economic resources, claims against those resources,and changes in them. 3.Basic accounting assumptions基本会计假设 (1)Economic entity assumption会计主体假设 This assumption simply says that the business and the owner of the business are two separate legal and economic entities.Each entity should account and report its own financial activities. (2)Going concern assumption持续经营假设 This assumption states that the enterprise will continue in operation long enough to carry out its existing objectives. This assumption enables accountants to make estimates about asset lives and how transactions might be amortized over time. This assumption enables an accountant to use accrual accounting which records accrual and deferral entries as of each balance sheet date. (3)Time period assumption会计分期假设 This assumption assumes that the economic life of a business can be divided into artificial time periods. The most typical time segment=Calendar Year Next most typical time segment=Fiscal Year (4)Monetary unit assumption货币计量假设 This assumption states that only transaction data that can be expressed in terms of money be included in the accounting records,and the unit of measure remains relatively constant over time in terms of purchasing power. In essence,this assumption disregards the effects of inflation or deflation in the economy in which the entity operates. This assumption provides support for the"Historical Cost"principle. 4.Accrual-basis accounting权责发生制会计 5.Qualitative characteristics会计信息质量特征 (1)Reliability可靠性 For accounting information to be reliable,it must be dependable and trustworthy. Accounting information is reliable to the extend that it is: Verifiable:means that information has been objectively determined,arrived at, or created.More than one person could consider the facts of a situation and reach a similar conclusion.
