钻井与采油 中英文对照

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During drilling, fluid is injected down the drill string and through small holes in the drill bit. The drill bit and holes are designed to allow the fluid to clean the cuttings away from the bit.The fluid, with suspended cuttings, then flows back to the surface in the annulus between the drill string and formation. At the surface, the cuttings are separated from the fluid; the cuttings, with some retained fluid, are then placed in pits for later treatment and disposal. The separated fluid is then reinjected down the drill string to lift more cuttings.
在陆上钻井,从钻井液中分离出的钻屑(粘附部分 钻井液)存放在地面土池内,完井后填埋。许多地面 废弃物如油污greasy dirt、垃圾litter等也被埋入废弃的 泥浆池。如果废弃物在填埋以前未经处理,则泥浆池 中的废弃物会通过不同渠道进入环境migration,如有 机物的挥发volatilizing,含重金属液体的渗透 infiltration等,成为危害环境的污染源。
3、缺氧oxygen deficiency
Produced water is invariably oxygen depleted. If discharged,oxygen depleted water can impact fauna requiring dissolved oxygen for respiration.Oxygen depletion can be a problem for discharge in shallow estuaries and canals,particularly if the produced water forms a layer along the bottom because of its higher density.This dense layer would be isolated from the atmosphere,limiting its contact with oxygen. Oxygen depletion is normally not a problem for discharge in deep water or in high-energy environments because of rapid dilution of the produced water in the surrouding environment.
第二章 钻井和采油
Chapter 2 drilling and production operations
一、钻井drilling 二、采油production 三、排放气体 air emissions
一、钻井drillingБайду номын сангаас
Drilling is the process in which a hole is made in the ground to allow subsurface hydrocarbons to flow to the surface.
度salinity也不同。有的采出水中还含有大量的钙盐calcium、 镁盐magnesium和钾盐potassium,及少量的铝盐aluminum 、 铅盐lead等重金属盐类。
采出水中含有溶解dissolved的或以液滴droplet形态 悬浮suspended的有机物,主要有:酚类phenols、 苯benzol、甲苯toluene/ methylbenzene等。
(2)密度控制剂density control agents(加重剂)
重晶石barite(barium sulfate) 碳酸钙calcium carbonate 铁矿粉iron carbonate
(3)降滤失剂filtrate control agent和堵漏材料lost circulation control agents
如重金属heavy metals, 各种无机盐salt、碳氢化 合物hydrocarbons等。
1、重金属heavy metals
(1) 地层formation 钻遇地层岩石中的重金属进入钻井液;
(2) 加重剂density control agents:
原油crude oil、柴油diesel、多元醇类 polyhydric alcohol、植物油vegetable oil、塑料 小球plastic beads、玻璃小球glass beads等。
(6)井壁稳定剂wellbore stabilization agents
二、 采油production
(一) 采油过程简介overview of production processes
采油是在油层和生产井之间建立压差establish pressure gradient,在压差作用下,原油(天然气/水)进入生产井 production well并被采出地面。在地面进行油、气、水的 分离。由于采出液一般都是乳状液,在分离时要进行破 乳。破乳方法有物理法heating, passing an electrical current和化学法demulsifiers。
无机盐inorganic salts(KCl、NaCl、硅酸盐 silicate)、正电胶MMH、阳离子聚合物 polymer、 沥青asphalt类产品(磺化沥青、氧化沥青)等。
(7)缓蚀剂和杀菌剂corrosion inhibitors and biocides
缓蚀剂为能在钢铁钻具表面吸附,形成致密的保护 膜的物质;杀菌剂为甲醛formaldehyde、芳香族化 合物aromatic compounds等毒性较大的物质。
钻井液中对环境有害的碳氢化合物主要来自原油、柴 油、润滑剂等。
(四)钻井液储备池对环境的影响reserves pits
从井下返出的钻井液携带大量钻屑,在地面进行 分 离 separate , 分 离 方 式 有 : 地 面 土 池 沉 降 分 离 gravity settlement ; 四 级 固 控 设 备 solid control equipment(振动筛shale shaker、除泥器、除砂器、 离心机centrifuge)分离;加入化学絮凝剂coagulants 辅助前面两种方式。
(五)场地对环境的影响site preparation
钻井和采油场地会对环境带来影响,如修路 construction of roads、平整场地level surface会引起植被 破坏和水土流失erosion,尤其在山地;设备和车辆会压 实土壤soil compaction,影响植物生长;废弃的场地杂 草荒芜sterilization,抑制树木成长。
3、油基钻井液Oil-based Drilling Fluids
组成:基油base oil(原油、柴油diesel)+高矿化度水high salinity water +乳化剂emulsifier +稳定剂stabilizer +有机 粘土+沥青+石灰lime
(三)钻井液中对环境有害的因素 unwanted components
(3)有机处理剂organic additives 一些有机处理剂含有重金属盐组分,加入钻井液 后解离出来,如FCLS中的铬离子,另外,用重 铬酸盐处理钻井液时带入大量铬离子。
(4)丝扣油thread compound
钻具对接时接头要抹丝扣油,以防止接头在高扭矩下卡死 prevent the seizure of the joint from galling at high stress,并密 封接头,防止钻井液漏出seal the joint and prevent fluid flow along the threads。丝扣油配方中含有大量(60%)重金属, 如铅lead、锌zinc、铜copper等。
string and formation
Separation occurs with equipment
钻井废弃物the wastes generated during drilling :
钻屑(the rock removed to make the hole) 钻井液(the fluid used to lift the cuttings) 钻井液添加剂 (various materials added to the fluid to change its properties to make it more suitable for use and to condition the hole). 废气emissions
2、水基钻井液 组成:水+粘土+处理剂
(1)粘度控制剂viscosity control agents
增粘剂viscosifier:粘土clay、淀粉starch类产品(预胶化 淀粉、CMS)、生物聚合物XC、烯类单体高聚物 polymers、正电胶MMH等。
降粘剂thinner:褐煤lignite类产品、SMT、木质素lignin类 产品、低分子量烯类单体聚合物等
降滤失剂: 淀粉类产品、纤维素类产品、烯类单体聚合物 等; 堵漏材料: 锯末sawdust、棉籽壳cottonseed hulls、核桃 壳ground nutshells、云母mica、贝壳粉shell powders、石 棉asbestos等。
(4) pH控制剂
氢氧化钠caustic(sodium hydroxide)、 碳酸钠sodium carbonate 碳酸氢钠等。
(5)原油crude oil
钻遇油层时原油会进入钻井液,有时也将原油作为润 滑剂和解卡剂加入钻井液。原油中含有多种重金属盐,如 铝aluminum、硼boron、镁magnesium、铁iron、铜 copper、镍nickel、金gold、银silver、锡、铅等。
盐水钻井液和钾基钻井液等矿化度高的钻井液 体系中含有大量的无机盐,如果不经处理而排 放,就会对环境造成危害。
(二) 采出水produced water
采油作业中产生的废弃物的大部分是采出水。采出水中含大 量水溶盐dissolved solids、碳氢化合物hydrocarbons,并缺 氧oxygen deficiency,这三个因素都会危害环境。
1、水溶盐dissolved solids 采出水中的水溶盐主要是NaCl,不同地区的采出水矿化
(二)钻井液Drilling Fluids
1、钻井液的功能function 携带钻屑carry cuttings 悬浮固相suspend solids 平衡压力balance formation pressure 稳定井壁stabilize bore hole 润滑lubricate和冷却cool 钻具drilling rigs等
(一)钻井过程简介summary of the drilling operation
Most oil and gas wells are drilled by pushing a drill bit against the rock, and rotating it until the rock wears away.
(8)油层保护剂Formation Damage Control Agent
氯化钠和氯化钾sodium and potassium chloride 醋酸钾Potassium acetate 碳酸钾potassium carbonate 阳离子聚合物cationic polymer 多元醇glycols
mud pit
mud pump
high pressure
立管 Standpipe Manifold
manifold 水龙带 水龙头
Rotary Hose
drill pipe
drill collar
Drill bit annulus between the drill