

达优 ELISPOT 试剂盒 Mouse IFN-γ 说明书

达优 ELISPOT 试剂盒 Mouse IFN-γ 说明书

Mouse IFN-γprecoated ELISPOT kit(strips)Cat#:2210005产品描述:深圳市达科为生物工程有限公司生产的达优®系列ELISPOT预包被试剂盒采用原装进口高亲和力高效价抗体对,经预包被PVDF板、低温干燥、真空密封包装等工艺流程制备。




试剂盒提供的试剂、规格:名称规格×数量Biotinylated Antibody100μL×1支Streptavidin-HRP100μL×1支Dilution Buffer R(1×)10mL×2瓶Washing Buffer(50×)15mL×1瓶AEC Dilution10mL×1瓶AEC SolutionⅠ(20×)500μL×1支AEC SolutionⅡ(20×)500μL×1支AEC SolutionⅢ(200×)50μL×1支阳性刺激物50T预包被PVDF可拆板1块实验者自备的试剂与仪器:1.RPMI-1640基础培养基(需要添加双抗)2.无血清培养基(完全培养基,即用型),推荐使用达优@ELISPOT无血清培养基。

3.超净工作台4.CO2细胞培养箱5.微量移液器及配套Tip头6.8通道微量移液器7.0.5mL,1.5mL EP管8.酶联斑点分析仪检测操作:第一天:接种细胞,加入刺激物,培养(严格注意无菌操作)试剂配制1.阳性刺激物:现配现用。




化学品安全技术说明书第一部分 化学品及企业标识产品中文名称:庆大霉素(哥伦比亚琼脂配套试剂) 产品英文名称:Gentamycin Sulfate (Additives for Columbia Agar) 产品编号:SR0160 企业名称:广东环凯微生物科技有限公司 地 址:广东省广州市黄埔区广州开发区科学城神舟路788号 邮 编:510663 公司网址 电子邮件地址: *********************传真号码:************销售热线:************-8602技术热线:************-8877/8876推荐用途和限制用途:生化研究/分析第二部分 危险性概述GSH 危害性类别 非危险混合物。

.GSH 标签要素 无。

物理和化学危险 无数据资料。

健康危害 无数据资料。

环境危害 无数据资料。


第四部分 急救措施一般信息:无特殊的措施要求。




吸 入:如不适就医。

食 入:如不适就医。

就医信息: 出示产品使用说明或者此SDS 。

第三部分 成分/组成信息混合物化学品成分: 参考产品说明。

有害物质成分: 无第五部分消防措施危险特性:不助燃有害燃烧产物:一氧化碳,二氧化碳,氮的氧化物。















【药品名称】商品名称:百达扬通用名称:注射用艾塞那肽微球英文名称:Exenatide Microspheres for Injection【成份】注射用艾塞那肽微球活性成份为艾塞那肽。























查看历史记录................................................................................. 8 背照光............................................................................................. 8 语言选项......................................................................................... 8 单位................................................................................................. 8 样品序号......................................................................................... 9 序号累加......................................................................................... 9 稀释比............................................................................................. 9 日期和时间..................................................................................... 9 日期格式......................................................................................... 9 电池电量....................................................................................... 10 系统模式锁定设置....................................................................... 10 四舍五入....................................................................................... 10 自动关机....................................................................................... 10 用户自定义检测项目................................................................... 11 USB 接口...................................................................................... 11 端口连接和历史记录................................................................... 11 读取光度计测量值............................................................................... 12 程序编号和检测说明................................................................... 12 做空白所需试管和样品试管....................................................... 13 遮光帽........................................................................................... 13 测量操作以及注意事项............................................................... 13 读取测量值................................................................................... 14 连续测量(特定的检测)........................................................... 16




‎ INP‎U T:‎这里插‎入吉它。

‎M‎O NO(A‎M P):‎这里‎是它的输出‎,它主要是‎输出给吉它‎音箱的后级‎,注意一定‎是后级,千‎万不要插‎入吉它音箱‎的前级,否‎则音色会变‎得失真、尖‎锐不好听。

‎另外它是单‎声道输出!‎STER‎E O(PH‎O NES)‎:‎这里是双声‎道输出,一‎般输出给调‎音台,或者‎耳机,如果‎你用单声道‎的线插到‎调音台上,‎也合适。



‎演奏相关‎的操作校‎音:‎打开校音‎非常简单,‎两个换音色‎的踏板(B‎Y PASS‎/TUNE‎R),一起‎踏下,就打‎开了校音‎模式,把吉‎它音量扭打‎开,即可方‎便的校音了‎,这里注一‎下,校音使‎用常识,吉‎它琴弦的英‎文字母,‎从一弦到六‎弦,依次为‎E B G‎D A ‎E,使用的‎时候,只要‎把这些弦,‎调成相应的‎英文字母‎,吉它的音‎高自然就被‎订准了。

如‎果在校音时‎,希望听到‎吉它的声音‎,这时可以‎扭动 GA‎I N钮,使‎音量达到一‎个合适的位‎置。

另外在‎些模式下,‎按住TAP‎键,扭动G‎A IN钮,‎可以改变‎我们平时常‎用的440‎H Z校音模‎式,除非你‎明白,若不‎知道自己在‎做什么,我‎劝你还是‎不要动这个‎钮的好。





‎使‎用表情踏板‎:‎最右边的,‎看着能个脚‎上去的,能‎上下动的,‎黑色的,上‎面印有GE‎H RING‎E R的LO‎G O的,踏‎板,就是表‎情踏板了。



百达扬说明书 Prepared on 22 November 2020【药品名称】商品名称:百达扬通用名称:注射用艾塞那肽微球英文名称:Exenatide Microspheres for Injection【成份】注射用艾塞那肽微球活性成份为艾塞那肽。





















Delta DOP-100 Series Manual Transition说明书

Delta DOP-100 Series Manual Transition说明书


ωo z o ω」「『ω=ωE Z 。

=主ω2Z ω-4J 垃r�!¥�!�S 付,a rte 仁Series DOP-100 Manual Transition Industrial Automation Headquarters Delta Electronics, Inc.AsiaDelta Electronics (Jiangsu) Ltd.Sales CompanyZhangjiagang Haina Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.No. 11, Yuefeng Road, Economic Development Zone, Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu, China (Mainland)TEL:0086-0512-******** 0086152********EMAIL:*******************www.haina-auto .c 。

mPrefaceThank you for purchasing this product. This manual provides information about the conversion from theDOP-B series HMI to the DOP-100 series HMI.This manual includes:⏹Replacement model selections⏹Project conversion steps⏹Software interface conversion and function differences⏹Print function⏹File encryption function⏹COM port conversion⏹Driver updateProduct features:Delta's all new advanced DOP-100 series HMI adopts the Cortex-A8 high-performance processorwith high-brightness and high-contrast color display, as well as providing user-friendly operationinterfaces. In response to the increasing popularity of cloud applications and smart manufacturing,the DOP-100 series HMI also supports network functions, such as FTP, e-mail, VNC remotemonitoring, NTP network timing, etc.How to use this manual:When transitioning from DOP-B to DOP-100, you can use this manual as a reference for modelselection, setup, and product usage. Please first read Chapter 1 before you start converting to theDOP-100 series HMI. You can also use the Table of Contents to quickly locate the information youneed.Delta technical services:Please consult your Delta equipment distributor or Delta Customer Service Center if you encounter any problems.(This page is intentionally left blank.)Table of ContentsReplacement Model Selection1.1 Corresponding replacement models ·····································································1-21.2 Project conversion····························································································1-3Software Interface Conversion2.1 Button············································································································2-22.1.1 Button color ······························································································2-22.1.2 Previous page ···························································································2-42.2 Security level and password ···············································································2-52.3 Multimedia······································································································2-62.4 Multi-language input ·························································································2-82.5 Printer ···········································································································2-92.6 File encryption·······························································································2-112.7 Conversion of COM port ··················································································2-132.8 Update ICD OpenGL driver ··············································································2-17(This page is intentionally left blank.)Replacement ModelSelectionThis chapter describes the steps to convert from the DOP-B series models to theDOP-100 series models.試1.1Corresponding replacement models·····················································1-21.2Project conversion ···········································································1-3Replacement Model Selection DOP-100 Series Transition Manual1.1 Corresponding replacement modelsThe DOP-100 series models support conversion from the DOP-B series models, as shown in the following table. When you use a DOP-100 series model to open a project file of the corresponding DOP-B series model, the software automatically converts it to the DOP-100 series model project. For example, if you use DOPSoft 4.0 to open a project file edited onDOP-B03S210, it automatically converts the project file to that of the corresponding modelDOP-103BQ.Compatible models indicate that the DOP-100 series models are the same as the DOP-B series models in terms of the mounting dimensions and number of COM ports. Partially compatible models indicate that the mounting dimensions are the same, but the number of COM ports is different*1, so you need to note the number of COM ports when selecting the suitable model for transition. Incompatible models indicate that there is currently no corresponding model for transition, and the compatible models will be released in Q2 2019.Note:1. In the partially compatible models, the DOP-B series has three physical COM ports, while the DOP-100series has two physical COM ports. The replacement model DOP-107IV (coming soon) forDOP-B07S415 and DOP-B07E415 has three physical COM ports.DOP -100 Series Transition Manual Replacement Model Selection1.2 Project conversionWhen you use DOPSoft 4.0 to open a DOP -B project file, the software automatically determinesif there is a corresponding compatible model or partially compatible model. If there is, the projectis automatically converted and opened on the DOP -100 series model; otherwise, a pop -upwindow prompts you to select a replacing DOP -100 series model. For example, if you use DOPSoft 4.0 to open a DOP -B03S210 project file, the software automatically converts andopens it as a DOP -103BQ project file. However, if you open a DOP -B05S111 project file,a window pops up for you to select the alternative DOP -100 series model (i.e. DOP -103BQ orDOP -107CV) because there is currently no corresponding model for transition.Replacement Model Selection DOP-100 Series Transition Manual(This page is intentionally left blank.)Software InterfaceConversionThis chapter introduces the differences between the operation interfaces and functions for the DOP-B series and the DOP-100 series.試2.1Button ···························································································2-22.1.1Button color··············································································2-22.1.2Previous page···········································································2-42.2Security level and password ·······························································2-52.3Multimedia······················································································2-62.4Multi-language input ·········································································2-82.5Printer ···························································································2-92.6File encryption················································································2-112.7Conversion of COM port ··································································2-132.8Update ICD OpenGL driver ······························································2-17Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition Manual2-2 February, 201922.1 Button2.1.1Button colorButton fill style of the DOP-B series is fixed.DOP-100 Series Transition Manual Software Interface ConversionFebruary, 2019 2-32⏹You can select [Fixed] or [Gradient] for the button fill style on the DOP-100 series.⏹Buttons are displayed in fixed colors when a DOP-B project is converted to a DOP-100project.⏹You can then change the fill style of the button to gradient.Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition Manual2-4 February, 201922.1.2Previous page⏹DOP-B has two separate buttons for [Goto Screen] and [Previous Page]. ⏹For DOP-B, you can only change the element function on the property window.⏹ DOP-100 integrates [Goto Screen] and [Previous Page] into one button as [Goto Screen]. ⏹For DOP-100, you can change the element function on the property window, as well as double-clicking the button element to go to the property setting window.DOP-100 Series Transition Manual Software Interface ConversionFebruary, 2019 2-522.2 Security level and password⏹For DOP-B, you do not need to enter a user account for the Security Level and Password.⏹For DOP-100, you need to enter a user account for the Security Level and Password.⏹When you open a DOP-B project with DOP-100, the Security Level and Password is thesame, meaning you only need to enter the password without a user account to log in.⏹If you prefer to switch to the DOP-100 login mode, click to change the Security Leveland Password login setting.Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition Manual2-6 February, 20192.3 Multimedia⏹DOP-B07E415, DOP-B07E515, DOP-B08E515, DOP-B10E515, and DOP-B10E615 models have the audio output function. ⏹ Only DOP-107EG and DOP-110ES of the DOP-100 replacement models have the audio output function.⏹If you open a DOP-B project with audio function on a DOP-100 replacement model that does not support this function, the interface for the audio output function is automatically removed and the [Audio Output Setting] in the [Options] drop-down list becomes unavailable. ⏹The following figures show the difference when you open a DOP-B07E415 project on DOP-107EV.DOP-100 Series Transition Manual Software Interface Conversion2 February, 2019 2-7Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition Manual2-8 February, 20192.4 Multi-language input⏹ The Multi-language Input function is only available on the following models: DOP-103WQ,DOP-107WV, DOP-110WS, DOP-112WX, DOP-112MX, DOP-115WX, and DOP-115MX. ⏹ You can see the Multi-language Input option on the interface for the models that support thisfunction:⏹ Currently, DOP-103WQ is the replacement model for the DOP-B series that supports theMulti-language Input function.DOP-100 Series Transition Manual Software Interface ConversionFebruary, 2019 2-922.5 PrinterThe specified printer of the DOP-B project changes to ePrinter by default when converted to a DOP-100 project.Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition ManualThe Report List button of the DOP-B project changes to the Print Output button whenconverted to a DOP-100 project.22-10 February, 2019DOP-100 Series Transition Manual Software Interface ConversionFebruary, 2019 2-1122.6 File encryptionEncrypt files from the HMI end:⏹You can encrypt files from the HMI end with DOP-B.⏹You cannot encrypt files from the HMI end with DOP-100.Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition Manual2Encrypt files from the computer end:⏹DOP-B uses [Enable USB updating check] to encrypt files.⏹DOP-100 uses [Create Screen Data File…] and [Create Auto Update Data File] to encryptfiles.DOP-100 Series Transition Manual Software Interface Conversion2.7 Conversion of COM portTransitioning from DOP-B to DOP-100 does not cause changes to the COM port. Only thecommunication interface switches from COM1 to COM2 when converting from DOP-B03S210and DOP-B07S410. DOP-B03S210When you set COM1 of DOP-B03S210 as RS422, it automatically converts to COM2 as RS422on DOP-103BQ.Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition Manual 2DOP-100 Series Transition Manual Software Interface Conversion2 DOP-B07S410When you set COM1 of DOP-B07S410 as RS422, it automatically converts to COM2 as RS422on DOP-107BV.Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition Manual 2DOP-100 Series Transition Manual Software Interface Conversion2.8 Update ICD OpenGL driverAfter compiling the DOP-100 screen, an OpenGL driver error message pops up.2Go to the following link to download the latest driver:https:///download/27484/Graphics-Intel-Graphics-Driver-for-Windows-15-65-?product=80939Software Interface Conversion DOP-100 Series Transition Manual(This page is intentionally left blank.)。



商品 名
上市时 制药公

生物利 用度
肝肾代谢清 除
不良反应恩格列 净欧唐源自静10~25mg QD 晨服
达格列 净
安达 唐
logP (HPLC)
logP:疏水参数, LogP值越大,说明该物质越亲油;LogP值越小,则说明该物质越亲水 HPLC:高效液相色谱
真实世界研究: SGLT2i可有效降低HbA1c, 早期减重后逐渐反弹
后发现,2型糖尿病治疗药物卡格列净会导致腿部和足部截肢风险 升高 FDA要求在卡格列净的药品说明书上增加新的警示信息,包括
心血管并发症是大部分糖尿病患者死亡的主要原因,因此降低糖尿病患者的心血管 系统总体风险水平是防治糖尿病的一个重要目标。
全球42个国家590个医疗中心开展的随机、双盲、安慰剂对照研究,共纳入7020名具有心血管事件 高风险的2型糖尿病患者(年龄≥18岁,身体质量指数≤45kg/m2,肾小球滤过率预计值 ≥30mL/min/1.73m2)。

达格尔Polytron 5100产品说明书

达格尔Polytron 5100产品说明书

SIMPLE INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT AND SETUPThe Polytron 5100 instrument provides a simple, menu-driven user interface for quick configuration. Identifying the status and performing routine maintenance are made easy using simple commands. It can be installed in either “d” (flameproof) or “e” (increased-safety) configurations. The local display provides complete information including measurement, status indication, and any warning messages. The analogue output also allows for easy remote monitoring of the instrument and the area where it is located.PROVEN – AND STILL IMPROVING: DRÄGER MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGYDräger has been developing and manu-facturing sensors and gas detectors for industrial use for more than 40 years.And with each new instrument generation, we drive our measurement technology a bit further. With the Polytron 5100, you will definitely benefit from this experience and power of innovation: –durable sensors–short response times –high sensitivity –high accuracy–low sensitivity to other gases or changing ambient conditionsOPTIONAL: TWO MOUNTING SETS FOR EASY FLANGE-MOUNTINGThe housing has four mounting holes.Two different mounting sets are available for installing the Polytron 5100: a duct-mount and a pipe-mount set. This means that the transmitter can be easily installed anywhere – e.g. on a smooth wall, a pipe, or an exhaust duct.Dräger Polytron® 5100Stationary Gas Detector (EC)D -24180-2010The microprocessor-based transmitter can be equipped with various electrochemical DrägerSensors to easily detect oxygen and various toxic gases in ambient air. In addition, the Polytron® 5100 can be integrated into your facility control and safety system, thus providing additional diagnostic functions.D -52603-2012D -12417-2014Dräger Polytron® 5100Flameproof transmitter for monitoring toxic gases and oxygen.Same Design, Same Operating Principle: The Polytron 5000 SeriesThe Dräger Polytron 5100 is part of the Polytron 5000 series. All transmitters of this series have the same design and user interface,which ensures a uniform operating philosophy. For you, this means: less training required and easier maintenance.Other transmitters of the Polytron 5000 series:– D räger Polytron 5000GP (EC stationary gas detector)– D räger Polytron 5310(DSIR stationary gas detector)– D räger Polytron 5700(PIR 7000 stationary gas detector)– D räger Polytron 5720(PIR 7200 stationary gas detector)DRÄGER POLYTRON® 5000 – STATIONARY GAS DETECTOR (EC)02 |OPTIONAL: THREE RELAYS FOR CONTROLLING EXTERNAL EQUIPMENTOn request, the Dräger Polytron 5100 can be equipped with three integrated relays. This enables you to use it as an independent gas detection system with two user-adjust able concentration alarms and one fault alarm. Audio alarms, signal lights, and similar devices can thus be controlled locally – without an additio-nal cable between the transmitter and a central controller. The sensor signal can be monitored using the 4-to-20-mA signal.INTELLIGENT SENSORSThe Dräger Polytron 5100 can detect a wide variety of gases. DrägerSensors are specifically designed for the demands of round-the-clock, year-round operation. The large DrägerSensor size gives them their renowned long life and superior measurement performance. The integrated sensor memory contains all relevant sensor data. This also allows the Polytron 5100 to accept the pre-calibrated DrägerSensors. The smart DrägerSensor EC downloads the gas type, calibration data, default alarm set points, and other measurement data onto the Polytron 5100.POLYTRON 5100Using proven, advanced electrochemical DrägerSensors for the best measurement performance, the Polytron 5100 offers a great cost-performance value to the user. It adds features that were not available in the previous model: –2- or 3-wire device –10 to 30 VDC 3-wire (18 to 30 VDC 2-wire)–galvanic isolator sensor coupling –4-digit, 9-segment display, with backlight (3-wire mode only)–15 sensors available for XP operation –optional relays (3-wire mode only) –optional remote sensor mounting –increased-safety (Ex e) version availableIn addition, the Polytron 5100 can operate using the low-cost MEC sensors offered by Dräger. For more information on these sensors contact your local Dräger repre-sentative.AccessoriesAccessories for remote mount, duct or pipe mounting, and more, allow for use in a wide variety of applications.FURTHER ADVANTAGES:–Easy and cost-effective: one-person calibration –Quick and easy wiring–Available as flameproof or increased safety version–Aluminium or 316 L stainless steel housing for the most extreme industrial conditions –Extremely user-friendly software thanks to a minimum number of menu items–Backlit display: easy to read, even in low light conditions. –Traffic light status indicator(green = no danger, yellow = error, flashing red = gas alarm)–Intelligent sensors for predictive maintenance–User-adjustable measuring ranges (within permitted ranges)–Matrix display allows the flexible setting of measuring ranges and unitsDRÄGER POLYTRON 5100UNIT CONFIGURED WITH DOCKING STATION FOR “E” INSTALLATION (INCREASED SAFETY)D -15037-2010DRÄGER POLYTRON® 5000 – STATIONARY GAS DETECTOR (EC)| 03TECHNICAL DATADRÄGER POLYTRON® 5100Type Flameproof “d” or combined increased-safety “d/e” transmitterGases Toxic gases and oxygen (depending on the sensor used)Measuring ranges User-adjustable (see sensor data sheet)Display Backlit 4-digit LCD; 3 status LEDs (green/yellow/red)Electrical data Analogue signal output Normal operation4-to-20-mAMaintenance Steady 3.4 mA or 3 to 5 mA 1 Hz modulation;user-selectableFault< 1.2 mA, 3-wire (< 3 mA, 2-wire)Supply voltage10 to 30 V DC, 3-wire (18 to 30 V DC, 2-wire)Relay rating (option) 2 alarms, 1 fault relay, SPDT1 A to 5 A @ 230 VAC, 0.1 A to 5 A @ 30 VDC, 0 resistive loadAmbient conditions Temperature-40 to +150 °F / -40 to +65 °C(see sensor data sheet)Pressure20.7 to 38.4 inch Hg / 700 to 1,300 mbarHumidity0 to 100% RH, non-condensingEnclosure Transmitter housing Epoxy-coated copper-free aluminiumor 316L stainless steelSensor housing PolyamideEnclosure rating NEMA 4× & 7, IP65/66/67Cable entry3/4" NPT female conduit or M20 cable glandSize (l × w × d, approx.)without Docking Station11.0" × 5.9" × 5.1" / 280 × 150 × 130 mmwith Docking Station11.0" × 7.1" × 7.5" / 280 × 180 × 190 mmWeight (approx.)without Docking Station,aluminium6.6 lbs / 3.0 kgwithout Docking Station,316 stainless steel11.0 lbs / 5.0 kgwith Docking Station,aluminum9.9 lbs / 4.5 kgwith Docking Station,316 stainless steel14.3 lbs / 6.5 kgApprovals *)UL Class I, Div 1, Groups A, B, C, D;Class II, Div 1, Groups E, F, GClass I, Zone 1, Group IIC; T-Code T6 / T4CSA Class I, Div 1, Groups A, B, C, D;Class II, Div 1, Groups E, F, GClass I, Zone 1, Group IIC; T-Code T6 / T4IECEX Ex d [ia] IIC T6/T4 Gb, -40 ≤ Ta ≤ +40/+70 °C;“d” versionEx de [ia] IIC T6/T4 Gb, -40 ≤ Ta ≤ +40/+70 °C;“e” versionEx tb [ia] IIIC T135 °C DbATEX II 2G Ex d [ia] IIC T6/T4 Gb, -40 ≤ Ta ≤ +40/+70 °C;“d” versionII 2G Ex de [ia] IIC T6/T4 Gb, -40 ≤ Ta ≤ +40/+70 °C;“e” versionII 2D Ex tb [ia] IIIC T135 °C DbCE markings ATEX (Directive 94/9/EC)Electromagnetic Compatibility (Directive 2004/108/EC)Low Voltage (Directive 2006/95/EC)*)All “e” versions are only ATEX- / IECEX-approved.DRÄGER POLYTRON® 5000 – STATIONARY GAS DETECTOR (EC)04 |DrägerSensorsPH 3/AsH 3 68 09 695NO 2 68 09 655O 2 LS 68 09 630H 2S HC 68 09 710Cl 2 68 09 665H 2O 2 LC 68 09 705NH 3 HC 68 09 645OV1 68 10 740CO 68 09 605H 2S 68 10 435NO LC 68 09 625SO 2 68 09 660H 2S LC68 09 610NH 3 LC68 09 680H 268 09 685ORDER INFORMATIONDRÄGER POLYTRON® 5100Aluminium “d”SS316L “d”Aluminium “e”SS316L “e”Without relays 45 44 86045 44 86245 44 124 *)45 44 126 *)With relays 45 44 12145 44 12345 44 125 **)45 44 127 **)*) Order Docking Station 68 12 420 for power-only wires separately.**) Order Docking Station 68 12 275 for power and/or relay wires separately.Magnetic wand for menu access (blue body, white logo)45 44 101Docking Station power-only version (includes 1 cable gland) / Docking Station68 12 420Docking Station Power, Relay and/or Remote version (includes 2 cable glands) / Docking Station 68 12 275Cable Gland for use with Docking Station 68 12 868Pipe Mount Kit 45 44 198Duct Mount Kit68 12 725Duct Mount Adapter for Remote EC Sensing Head 83 17 617EC Sensing Head Remote w/ mount kit 68 12 684MEC Sensor Adapter68 12 695IR Connection Kit Polytron® 5000/8000 Series 45 44 197PolySoft Configuration Software83 23 405Connection cable w/ plug for Remote EC Sensing Head 16 ft / 5 m 49 ft / 15 m 98 ft / 30 m83 23 305 83 23 315 83 23 330AccessoriesSplash guard68 12 510Calibration Adapter PE (with hose)45 09 314Calibration Adapter PE (without hose)68 06 978Calibration Adapter Viton®68 10 536Viton® is a registered trademark of DuPont.90 45 996 | 15.02-1 | C o m m u n i c a t i o n s & S a l e s M a r k e t i n g | P P | L E | P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y | C h l o r i n e -f r e e – e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y c o m p a t i b l e | S u b j e c t t o m o d i f i c a t i o n s | © 2015 D r äg e r w e r k A G & C o . K G a A。



核准日期:2017 年11 月21 日修改日期:2018 年02 月26 日氢溴酸伏硫西汀片说明书请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用【药品名称】通用名称:氢溴酸伏硫西汀片商品名称:心达悦®;Brintellix®英文名称:V ortioxetine Hydrobromide Tablets汉语拼音:Qingxiusuan Fuliuxiting Pian【成份】本品活性成分为氢溴酸伏硫西汀化学名称:1-[2-(2,4-二甲基-苯硫基)-苯基]-哌嗪,氢溴酸盐化学结构式:分子式:C18 H22 N2S, HBr分子量:379.36本品含以下辅料:(片芯)甘露醇、微晶纤维素、羟丙基纤维素、羧甲淀粉钠(A 型)、硬脂酸镁;(薄膜包衣)羟丙甲纤维素、聚乙二醇400、二氧化钛、氧化铁红(5mg)、氧化铁黄(10mg)。



【规格】(1)5mg (2)10mg(以C18H22N2S计)【用法用量】本品应口服给药,可以与食物同服或空腹服用。

本品初始剂量和推荐剂量均为10 mg,每日1次。

根据患者个体反应进行调整,最低可降低至5 mg,每日一次。







不良反应列表不良反应发生率表述为:十分常见(≥ 1/10);常见(≥ 1/100至< 1/10);偶见(≥ 1/1,000至< 1/100);罕见(≥ 1/10,000至< 1/1,000);十分罕见(<1/10,000);未特定不良反应描述老年患者65岁及以上的老年患者服用本品10mg,每日1次,或以上剂量时,患者的退出率较高。



MEDUSA MANUAL /WARRANTYThank you for purchasing a MedusaWe are sure that by following the enclosed instructions you will enjoy years of joyous Chorustrem love.ControlsGuise - This three position rotary switch allows you to choose from either Chorusmode (fully c/clockwise), Tremolo mode (middle position) or Chorustrem mode (fully clockwise).Velocity - This controls the speed of the chorus pulse and tremolo rise and fall - both effects are synchedto the one control.Iridescence – This control lets you determine the flavour of the chorus -fully counter clockwise for sweet and pristine - a very subtle, shimmery sound right through tofully clockwise which offers marshland super lo-fi, swamp chorus.Bathos - The depth control on the chorus - fully c/clockwise is the deepest - back it off for a more subtle sound Blend - The mix between clean signal and chorus signal can be adjusted by this control Magnitude - When in tremolo mode the magnitude knob adjusts the depth of the tremolo - the sweet spot is approximately half way, further counter clockwise and the trem gets squashed, further clockwise andthe trem disappears.Footswitch - this is true bypass, which means that when the pedal is not engaged there is no signal degradation or tonesucking - the pedal just becomes part of your guitar cable.L E D - A glorious ruby red super brite LED, which pulses in time with the speed.Left Hand Side Top Socket - The Mono output - use this when you’re in a mono set-up - when in stereo it carries the wetsignal.Left Hand Side Bottom Socket - Stereo output - by inserting a plug into this socket the unit automatically switches into stereo mode, the stereo output carries the dry signal and the mono output carries the wet. The unit can only function in stereo mode whilst in Chorus or Chorustrem mode - not tremolo mode.Right Hand Side Top Socket - Input here please, yes.......Right Hand Side Bottom Socket - This is the expression pedal socketPower Adapter in - this must be a nine volt, D.C. regulated supply - We recommend the boss P.S.A. unitwith the barrel Positive. The Polarity Is Very ImportantLoving your PedalDo.....Ensure that it always has a fresh battery. You'll know it's time to change because the Medusa will sounddull and/or distorted. When you hear this change the battery by removing the four screws in the back plate and gently removing the cover. Slide the old battery out and connect the new battery.Replace cover and you are back in gloriousChorustremland !Those of you with high output pickups may want to slide the little black switch on the circuitboard, by the little round black thing, to the opposite position. This will pad your input slightly and avoid any overloading. Keep it clean - only use a soft dry cloth on your pedals finish - abrasives will ruin the paintwork and speed up the wear on the lettering. The lettering will wear off eventually, be prepared for this - ensure you have enough canned goods and freshdrinking water.Do Not Treat it rough - This includes; immersing it in beer or other liquids, throwing it at stuff or people, rewiring it,setting it on fire or using it as a weapon. It is a tough pedal but everything lasts a little longer with a little love.Red Witch Analog Limited Lifetime WarrantyAll electronics carry a lifetime warranty providing the owner purchases the pedal new and retains proof of purchase..All switches, jacks, potentiometers and other mechanical parts are warranted for one year after the date of purchase or *****************************************************************************************Name of purchaser, Date of purchase, Location of purchase, your email address and pedal serial number.As well as an extension of your mechanical warranty you will be informed of new pedals and other guitar gizmosas we invent them!All external fixtures, finish, lettering and knobs are not warranted.Damage or failure of product due to misuse will void the warranty. All repairs must be made by Red Witch Analog only.Unauthorized repair/modification will result in your voiding your warranty - if it broke, let us fix him.Don't Forget To Visit Us At;Be sure to join our forum – we give away a free pedal every month – to a lucky forum member!all content copyright 2010 red witch analog pedals。



百灵达DCX2496中文说明书2、控制元件1、DCX - 2496 提供6 段的?號指示LED 供A、B、C 三組輸入端做調整用。

2、最上端的?號LED 指示CLIP過載的?號。

3、最下端的?號LED 指示MUTE靜音動作開起的指示。

4、三組輸入端的功能選擇按健,可各自調整Delay 的時間及觀看輸入的路由。


6、使用這幾個呼叫鍵,將DCX -2496 的內部功能呼叫出?硪怨?更改,包括系統的設定、儲存、調整等。




10、確認鍵OK、CANCEL 參數確定。

11、PCMCIA 卡及插槽( PCMCIA card slot ) 可將資料儲存於卡上,日後供呼叫及更改。

PCMCIA ( Personal ComputerMemory Card InternationalAssociation ) 是一個成立於1989 年的國際性組織目前已有超過300 個以上的會員同時在運作。


在1991 年的時候,PCMCIA 推出了第一個適用於這個標準的產品記憶卡。

在這個同時,68 pin 的規格也同時的。

被確定下?砹恕?DCX - 2496 電子卡是使用“5 V12、1 - 6 聲道輸出指示,每一波段的?號指示LED 內包括MUTE、CLIP 及LIMITER 限制動作的LED 指示。

13、最上端的?號LED 指示CLIP 。


14、LIMITER 電平限制指示LED,當你設定了LIMITER 參數後,輸出的電平量若到達所設定的位置時,LIMITER 指示燈即會___亮起。

15、最下端的?號LED 指示MUTE 靜音動作開起的指示。

16、輸出端功能選擇鍵,利用此功___能鍵?磉x取MUTE 的動作,或進入另一個調整頁面。

SPX FLOW ProCam D型隔膜和柱塞式计量泵产品说明书

SPX FLOW ProCam D型隔膜和柱塞式计量泵产品说明书

SPX FLOW, Inc. (NYSE:FLOW) is a leading manufacturer of innovative flow technologies, many of which help define the industry standard in the market segments they serve. From its headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, it operates a sales and support network, centers of manufacturing excellence, and advanced engineering facilities, throughout the world. Its cutting-edge flow components and process equipment portfolio includes a wide range of pumps, valves, heat exchangers, mixers, homogenizers, separators, filters, UHT, and drying technology that meet many application needs. Its expert engineering capability also makes it a premium supplier of customized solutions and complete, turn-key packages to meet the most exacting of installation demands.Incorporating many leading brands, SPX FLOW has a long history of serving the food and beverage, power and energy, and industrial market sectors. Its designs and engineered solutions help customers drive efficiency and productivity, increase quality and reliability, and meet the latest regulatory demands. In-depth understanding of applications and processes, state-of-the-art Innovation Centers, and advanced pilot/testing technology further assist in optimizing processes and reducing timescales to reliably meet production targets.To learn more about SPX FLOW capabilities, its latest technology innovations and complete service offerings, please visit .F or m or e than 80 year s, s pX FloW‘s B ran+lu e B B e B ran D has B e e n pr ovi D i n g cu stom e r s With h i g h quality m ete r i n g, pr oce s s i n g an D analys i n ge qu i pme nt.As part of the global SPX FLOW, Inc. , we are one of the world‘s most reputable manufacturers of metering and process pumps, process systems as well as analyzing technologies. Our engineers have comprehensive process and applications knowledge across a wide range of markets. This has resulted in product innovations and developments which harness the latest technology whilst meeting the highest quality standards.ProCam Metering PumpsProCam is an economical range of metering pumps, designed for use in many industrial or hygienic processes. The mechanically actuated diaphragm pumps offer safe and reliable operation for hazardous liquids with a plunger pump head option for high pressure, low flow duties.The pumps are suitable for single & multi-stream processes and auto-control using variable speed, electric stroke or a combination of both.sam ple s oF e X e cute D pu m psplunger metering pump with stainless steelpump head and manual flow rate control.Designed for operating pressures up to 20 barand flow rates up to 3,000 l/hP ro C am P lunger m etering P umPsP age 6 – 7P ro C am D iaPhragm m etering P umPsP age 8 – 9P ro C am h ygieniCP age 10 – 11P ro C am C omPaCt m etering s tation P age12 – 13th e i D eal m oD e l F or a Wi D e ran g e oF appli cati on sDiaphragm metering pumpdesigned for hygienic applicationsmulti-headed procam metering pumpprocam compact metering stationProCam Plunger Metering Pumpsg e n e ral• Gear box in a rugged cast iron housing• Integrated worm gear• Splash lubrication• Electric motor (IEC, IP55)stan Dar D• Single pump with plunger pump head• Manual stroke adjustment• Electric motor with fixed speed• Materials for pump head and valve housing- Stainless steelopti on s• Multiple pumps with up to 6 plunger pump heads areavailable• Can be combined with ProCam diaphragm metering pump• Electric stroke length adjustment (also with integratedcontroller)• Electric motor with variable speed• Hazardous area design (up to Zone 1, IIC, T4)7ProCam Diaphragm Metering Pumpsg e n e ral• Gear box in a rugged cast iron housing• Integrated worm gear• Splash lubrication• Electric motor (IEC, IP55)stan Dar D• Diaphragm pump with a single pump head• Manual stroke adjustment• Drive with fixed speed• Materials for pump head and valve housing- Stainless steel- PVCopti on s• Multiple pumps with up to 6 pump heads are available(valid for type DS/DP15 – DS/DP500) or 2 pump heads(valid for type DS/DP850 and DS/DP3000)• Electric stroke length adjustment (also with integratedcontroller)• Electric motor with variable speed• Hazardous area design (up to Zone 1, IIC, T4)* Operating pressure for plastic pump heads: 10 bar. With multiple pumps (4 - 6 heads) the max. operating pressure is only 50% of the indicated pressure.9ProCam Hygienic11Facts• Metering pump with PTFE double diaphragm(FDA approved) and diaphragm condition monitoring by pressure switch • Hygienic valve design• Little residence time in the product chamber of the pump head• Double diaphragm and valve gaskets are made of PTFE (FDA)• Coating according to FDA requirements• Front cover, valves, connections in material SS 316 L with surface roughness RA 0.8 (optional Ra 0.4)* With multiple pumps (4 – 6 heads) the max. operating pressure is only 50% of the indicated pressure.h)maX. pr e s s u r e(Bar)con n e cti on smi n)100144101520½” Clamp355010½” ClampProCam Compact Metering Stations cope oF s u pply1 ProCam metering pump2 T ank (PE)3 Base plate (PVC)4 Suction pipe (PVC)5 Foot valve (PVC)6 Manual stirrer (PVC)7 Option: Motor driven stirrer8 Option: Level switches9 Option: Pressure relief valve10 Option: Drain11 Option: 4 brackets (PE) for floor mountingat a g lan ce• Chemical industry e.g. metering of additives or inhibitors• Water treatment plants• CIP systems in the food & beverage industry• Applications in the galvanizing industry• Preparation of fertilizer solutions13Our service at a glanceT o carry out repairs, please contact our experienced service team which of course exclusively uses original spare parts of manufacturerquality.RepairMaintenance / Maintenance ContractsThe regular performance of maintenance work by qualified SPX Flow technicians gives you the assurance of maximum availability of your systems. For this reason we offer you the possibility to enter into a maintenance contract tailored to your needs. We support our products for the entire lifetime of the pump, and we accept all major inspection and maintenance tasks - possible sources of errors are detected and remedied at an early stage, so that production stops are largely avoided. Y our advantage: As a maintenance customer you will enjoy priority in all service issues and receive a discount on spare parts.Start upRegardless of location – on request our SPX FLOW technician will assist with the installation and the professional commissioning of your plant on site and ensure optimum adaptation of our pumps and systems to your production and processing environment. We ensure the full operational capability of our pumps and systems from the start.UpgradesWe offer to customize your pump through a conversion in response to changes in production and process requirements. By using improved designs and new materials, we can optimize the pump performance and increase reliability. This will give you a reasonable alternative to apurchase of a new pump.With our NOVALINK-CSM 2 system (Continuous status monitoring), we provide you with permanent or temporary fault analyses so that you avoid unplanned stop time through early detection of faults.Fehlern. Advantages:• Improved pump availability• Planning of maintenance• Optimization of production processesDiagnostic - Online / Offline / RemoteCustomer Support / HotlineAdvice and support are important to us. As a customer you are our number one priority. We advise you in error messages and assist youin the selection of spare parts. In determining the maintenance intervals you can count on our help.By using exclusively original spare parts in consistent high quality, we offer you the security of the proper functioning of your pump. A high availability of original spare parts in stock is a matter of course for us and gives us the opportunity to supply many spare parts within 24 hours.Spare PartsTrainingOur training courses are practical and tailored to your needs and provide detailed knowledge about function, design and repair of our pumps and systems. Our training courses are intended for users, technicians orengineers.Spare parts in 24 hrs. worldwideMetering pumpsfor all process areaswhere liquids aremetered and mixed.NOVADOSProcess systemsas a completesolution for increasedproductivity and qualityAutoBlendMetering and mixing systemsProcess pumpsfor large flow rates andhigh operating pressuresNOVAPLEX ClassicNOVAPLEX IntegralNOVAPLEX VectorOil & Gas systemsto aid oil & gas recoveryonshore and offshoreSolar Panel PackagesChemical Injection SystemsFlow Control Device PanelsDynamicin-line mixerfor gentlebut intensive mixingPENTAXPENTAX HygienicOn-line Analyzersfor use in water andeffluent treatmentPowerMonPowerMon SPowerMon Compactth e pr oD u ct ran g e - m or e e Xam ple s oF B ran+lu e B B e pr oD u cts With h i g h quality stan Dar D, i n n ovati on an D k n oW-h oW.SPX FLOW reserves the right to incorporate our latest design and material changes without notice or obligations.Design features, materials of construction and dimensional data, as described in this bulletin, are provided for your information only and should not be relied upon unless confirmed in writing. Please contact your local sales representative for product availability in your region. For more information visit .The green “” and “” are trademarks of SPX FLOW, Inc.BL-100-GB Version: 01/2016 Issued: 11/2016 COPYRIGHT © 2016 SPX FLOW, Inc.For more locations please visit: . Global Locationse meas pX FloW te ch n ologyWerkstraße 4D-22844 NorderstedtGermanyPhone: +49 (0) 40 - 522 02 -0E-Mail: **********************e meaS PX F LOW TE CH N O LOGYP.O Box 299745,Downtown Jebel AliThe Galleries 4Dubai, U.A.E.Phone: +971 481 43400E-Mail:**************************apacs pX FloW te ch n ologys han g hai oFFi ce1568 Hua Shan Road5F Treasury BuildingChangning DistrictShanghai 20052 - PR ChinaPhone: +86 21 2208 5858E-Mail: ************************ame r i cass pX FloW, i n c.4151 North Service RoadBurlingtonON, L7L 4X6, CanadaPhone: +1 (905) 315 3800E-Mail: **************************e meas pX FloW te ch n ologyIronstone WayBrixworth, Northants, NN6 9UDUnited KingdomPhone: +44 (0) 1604 880751E-Mail: ******************************apacs pX FloW te ch n ology20 Pioneer Crescent #06-01West Park BizCentralSingapore 628555Phone: +65 6568 1568E-Mail: ************************ame r i cass pX FloW te ch n ologyRua João Daprat, 231São Bernardo do CampoSP 09600-010 - BrazilPhone: +55 11 2127 8278ame r i cass pX FloW te ch n ology(F&B g r ou p)611 Sugar Creek RoadDelavan, WI 53115 USAPhone: +1 (800) 252-5200 or+1 (262) 728-1900E-Mail: *******************************。



白蛋白紫杉醇说明书核准日期:2021年06月30日修改日期:2021年12月10日 2021年09月29日2021年08月03日处方用药注射用紫杉醇(白蛋白结合型)说明书请仔细阅读说明书并在医师指导下使用【药品名称】通用名:注射用紫杉醇(白蛋白结合型)英文商品名:Abraxane?英文名称:Paclitaxel for Injection(Albumin Bound)汉语拼音:Zhusheyong Zishanchun(BaidanbaiJiehexing)【成份】每瓶含紫杉醇100mg及人血白蛋白约900mg。


紫杉醇化学名称:5β, 20-环氧-1,2α, 4,7β,10β, 13α-六羟基紫杉烷-11-烯-9-酮-4,10-二乙酸酯-2-苯甲酸酯-13-(2R,3S)-N-苯甲酰-3-苯基异丝氨酸酯。

化学结构式:分子式:C47H51NO14 分子量:853.91 【性状】本品为白色至淡黄色无菌冻干块状物或粉末。



【规格】100mg 【用法用量】对联合化疗失败的转移性乳腺癌或辅助化疗后复发的乳腺癌患者,建议使用剂量260mg/m2,静脉滴注30分钟,每3周给药一次。






(6R,7R)-7-[2-(2-aminao-1,3-thiazol-4-yl)-2-[(Z)-methoxyimino]acetamido]-3-[(1-methyl-1H-tetrazol-5-yl)thiomethyl]-8-oxo-5-thia-l-azabicyclo-[4.2.0]oct-2-ene-2-carboxylic acid hemihydro chloride



Version 1.0 January 2006Technical SpecificationsX E N Y X1832FXXENYX 1832FX 1832FX XENYXPremium 18-Input 3/2-Bus Mixer with XENYX Mic Preamps, British EQs, 24-Bit Multi-FX Processor and USB/Audio Interfaces Premium ultra low-noise, high headroom analog mixers6 state-of-the-art XENYX Mic Preamps comparable to stand-alone boutique preampss Neo-classic ´British´ 3-band EQs with semi-parametric mid band for warm and musical sounds Studio-grade 24-bit stereo FX processor with 100 awesome presets including reverb, chorus, flanger, delay, pitch shifter and various multi-effectss USB/Audio Interface included to connect directly to your computer. Free audio recording and editing software downloadable at s9-band stereo graphic EQ allows precise frequency correction of monitor or main mixess Revolutionary FBQ Feedback Detection System instantly reveals critical frequenciess Breathtaking XPQ 3D stereo surround effect for more vitality and enhanced stereo images Voice Canceller function for easy-to-use sing-along applicationss Channel inserts on each mono channel for flexible connection of outboard equipments3 aux sends per channel: 1 pre fader for monitoring, 1 pre/post fader switchable for monitoring/FX applications,1 post fader (for internal FX or as external send)s Peak LEDs, mute, main mix and subgroup routing switches, solo and PFL functions on all channelss2 subgroups with separate outputs for added routing flexibility and 2 multi-functional stereo aux returns with flexible routings Balanced main mix outputs with ¼" jack and gold-plated XLR connectors, separate control room, headphones and stereo tape outputss Control room/phones outputs with multi-input source matrix; Tape inputs assignable to main mix or control room/phones outputss High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long lifes Conceived and designed by BEHRINGER Germany23BLOCKDIAGRAMSPECIFICATIONSMicrophone inputs (XENYX Mic Preamp)Type XLR, electronically balanced,discrete input circuitMic E.I.N. (20 Hz - 20 kHz)@ 0 W source resistance-134 dB / 135.7 dB A-weighted@ 50 W source resistance-131 dB / 133.3 dB A-weighted@ 150 W source resistance-129 dB / 130.5 dB A-weightedFrequency response<10 Hz - 150 kHz (-1 dB),<10 Hz - 200 kHz (-3 dB)Gain range+10 to +60 dBMax. input level+12 dBu @ +10 dB GainImpedance approx. 2.6 k W balancedSignal-to-noise ratio110 dB / 112 dB A-weighted(0 dBu In @ +22 dB gain)Distortion (THD+N)0.005% / 0.004% A-weightedLine inputType1/4" TRS connectorelectronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k W balanced10 k W unbalancedGain range-10 to +40 dBMax. input level+22 dBu @ 0 dB GainFade-out attenuation1(Crosstalk attenuation)Main fader closed90 dBChannel muted89 dBChannel fader closed89 dBFrequency responseMicrophone input to main out<10 Hz - 90 kHz+0 dB / -1 dB<10 Hz - 160 kHz+0 dB / -3 dBStereo inputsType1/4" TRS connector,electronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k WMax. input level+22 dBuEQ mono channelsLow80 Hz / ±15 dBMid100 Hz - 8 kHz/ ±15 dBHigh12 kHz/ ±15 dBEQ stereo channelsLow80 Hz /±15 dBLow Mid500 Hz / ±15 dBHigh Mid 3 kHz / ±15 dBHigh12 kHz / ±15 dBAux sendsType1/4" TS connector, unbalancedImpedance approx. 120 WMax. output level+22 dBuStereo aux returnsType1/4" TRS connector,electronically balancedImpedance approx. 20 k W bal. / 10 k W unbal.Max. input level+22 dBuMain outputsType XLR, electronically balancedand 1/4" TRS balancedImpedance approx. 240 W balanced /120 W unbalancedMax. output level+28 dBuControl room outputsType1/4" TS connector unbalancedImpedance approx. 120 WMax. output level+22 dBuHeadphones outputsType1/4" TRS connector, unbalancedMax. output level+19 dBu / 150 W (+25 dBm)DSP24-bitConverter24-bit Sigma-Delta,64/128-times oversamplingSampling rate40 kHzMain mix system data2NoiseMain mix @ -o o,Channel fader @ -o o-101 dBMain mix @ 0 dB,Channel fader @ -o o-93 dBMain mix @ 0 dB,Channel fader @ 0 dB-81 dBPower supplyMains voltage100 to 240 V~, 50/60 HzPower consumption43 WFuse100 - 240 V~: T 1.6 A H 250 VMains connection Standard IEC receptaclePhysical/weightDimensions (H x W x D)approx. 3 7/8" x 16 1/16" x 14 1/16"(97 mm x 408 mm x 367 mm)Weight (net)approx. 4.7 kgMeasuring conditions:1: 1 kHz rel. to 0 dBu; 20 Hz - 20 kHz; line input; main output; unity gain.2:20 Hz - 20kHz; measured at main output. Channels 1 - 4 unity gain; EQ flat; allchannels on main mix; channels 1/3 as far left as possible, channels 2/4 as farright as possible. Reference = +6 dBu.BEHRINGER is constantly striving to manintain the highest professional standards. As aresult of these efforts, modifications may be made from time to time to existing products withoutprior notice. Specifications and appearance may differ from those listed or illustrated.4Technical specifications and appearance subject to change without notice. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing. The names of companies, institutions or publications pictured or mentioned and their respective logos are registered trademarks of their respective owners. Their use neither constitutes a claim of the trademarks by BEHRINGER® nor affiliation of the trademark owners with BEHRINGER®. BEHRINGER® accepts no liability for any loss which may be suffered by any person who relies either wholly or in part upon any description, photograph or statement contained herein. Colours and specification may vary slightly from product. Products are sold through our authorised dealers only. Distributors and dealers are not agents of BEHRINGER® and have absolutely no authority to bind BEHRINGER® by any express or implied undertaking or representation. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording of any kind, for any purpose, without the express written permission of BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH. BEHRINGER® is a registered trademark.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2006 BEHRINGER Spezielle Studiotechnik GmbH,Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Str. 36-38, 47877 Willich-Münchheide II, Germany.Tel. +49 2154 9206 0, Fax +49 2154 9206 49035。

Shimadzu ASI-100和ASI-100T自动样品注射器产品说明书

Shimadzu ASI-100和ASI-100T自动样品注射器产品说明书

The ASI-100 and ASI-100TAutomated Sample Injectors are highly flexible autosamplers for automating high performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) methods. The ASI-100/ASI-100T,which allows independent processing of sample sequences and methods, has been designed for routine laboratory use and incorporates exceptional reliability and high performance. With integrated safety features such as automatic vial recognition and electronic needle resistance shut-down, the ASI-100 family is ideally suited for unattended operation. The ASI-100/ASI-100T incorporates an in-line split-loop injection system, thereby providing variable injection volumes with the precision of conventional fixed-loop autosamplers. The ASI-100T provides sample carousel temperature control.No Sample LossIn-line split-loop injection, where the needle itself is an integral part of the sample loop, not only delivershighly accurate and highly reproducible injection volumes, but also conserves valuable sample by drawing only the volume to be injected. The ASI-100/ASI-100T requires only 5 µL of sample to complete an injection, making it ideal for samples of limited volume.The minimum amount of sample that can be injected is 1 µL.After injection, mobile phase is directed through the in-line needle,eliminating the need for an additional flush cycle and minimizing sample carryover (< 0.1%).FlexibilityThe ASI-100/ASI-100T allows easy loading of samples without the extra step of removing the sample carousel. The removable carousel is divided into three 120˚ sectors; each segment is interchangeable to accept eight different vials (Table 1). All three sectors can be configured for the same size vials or the sectors can be mixed to accept three sizes (Figure 2). The autosampler automatically identifies which size vials are in each sector. For programming purposes, vials areidentified by sector, row, and position within the row.a u t o s a mCapacityThe number of samples that can be analyzed using the ASI-100/ASI-100T depends on the type of segments in the carousel. Three 4-mL vial segments hold 63 samples, three 2-mL segments hold 117 samples, and three 1.2-mL segments hold 192 vials. Each of these configurations also permits the use of three additional 4-mL wash vials. (See Table 1.)AutomationThe ASI-100/ASI-100T can be programmed in two ways: directly from its front panel using easy-to-follow menus, or externally throughC HROMELEON™ chromatography management software (Figure 2), which provides significantly enhanced capabilities. These enhancements include random sample access, variable injection volume for each sample, a variable number of replicates, definition of longer sample batches, definition of more sample methods, and automatic documentation of measuring conditions via the Audit Trail feature. In addition, a second electrically activated switching valve for column switching can be controlled.When necessary, the autosampler can be interrupted during a sequence to run a priority sample immediately. By pressing the “Quick Sample” button on the front panel and programming the position of the sample to be run, the sampler will finish processing the current sample, then run the specified sample and return to the previously programmed sequence.ASI-100P for Semi-preparative Usage For semi-preparative applica-tions, the ASI-100P was designed for low backpressure contribution even at high flow rates. The carousel of theAS1-100P is equipped with semi-preparative 4-mL vial segments and a 2500 µL syringe and sample loop. The ASI-100PT provides sample tempera-ture control.Figure 2. The ASI-100/ASI-100T can be programmed with C HROMELEON chromatography management software.Sample PreparationThe ASI-100/ASI-100T can be programmed through the front panel or through C HROMELEON to perform several operations prior to sample injection that normally would be performed by the analyst before placing the sample in a vial. These operations include proce-dures such as reagent addition, sample dilution, standard additions, and stan-dards preparation. Mixing is accom-plished through a draw and dispense pro-cess; with C HROMELEON, multiple draw and dispense operations can be per-formed. The autosampler also can be programmed to perform a “Wash” proto-col when required.Sample Temperature ControlThe ASI-100T provides samplecarousel temperature control using Peltier heating and cooling. The temperature range of the ASI-100T is 4–45 o C (39–113 o F), with maximum cooling of -18 o C from ambient. Maximum heating is +35 o C from ambient.ServiceabilityThe ASI-100/ASI-100T is easy to operate and maintain. Syringe and sample loop changes are made through an access panel on the right front corner (Figure 3). The standard syringe and sample loop volume is 250 µL; other volume options are 100, 1000, and 2500 µL. It is recommended that the syringe volume and sample loop Figure 3. Easy access is provided to the syringe and sample loop.size are equivalent.To aid in maintenance schedules,the autosampler keeps an internal log ofactions that have been performed. Byaccessing the “Counters” submenu,users can view statistical informationfor individual counters. The counterstrack the following parameters:•Number of executed injections•Number of injection valve statorand rotor movements•Wear of the needle port•Wear of the needle seal•Wear of the syringeASI-100P for Semi-preparative UsageFor semi-preparative applica-tions, the ASI-100 was designed forlow backpressure contribution even athigh flow rates. The carousel of theASI-100P is equipped with semi-preparative 4-mL vial segments and a2500 µL syringe and sample loop. TheASI-100PT provides sample tempera-ture control.Printed on recycled and recyclable paper.ASI-100, ASI-100T, and C HROMELEON are trademarks of Dionex Corporation.Vespel is a registered trademark of E.I. duPont de Nemours & Co.Dionex Corporation Dionex CorporationDionex U.S. Regional Offices Dionex International Subsidiaries1228 Titan Way Salt Lake City Technical Center Sunnyvale, CA (408) 737-8522Austria (01) 616 51 25 Belgium (015) 203800 Canada Germany 06126-991-0P.O. Box 36031515 West 2200 South, Suite A Westmont, IL (630) 789-3660Italy (06) 66 51 50 52 Japan (06) 6885-1213 The Netherlands (062) 205 99 66 Sunnyvale, CA Salt Lake City, UT Houston, TX (281) 847-565294088-360384119-1484Atlanta, GA (770) 432-8100(408) 737-0700(801) 972-9292Marlton, NJ (856) 596-0600©2002 Dionex Corporation。




1. 准备工作:
- 确保正达扬彩已配置包含扬声器的音响设备。

- 确保音响设备正常工作,并已连接到电源。

- 将正达扬彩连接到音响设备的音频输入端口。

2. 插入电源:
- 找到正达扬彩的电源插头,并将其插入电源插座。

- 确保电源插座通电。

3. 启动正达扬彩:
- 打开音响设备的电源开关。

- 按下正达扬彩上的电源开关,等待几秒钟,直到指示灯亮起。

4. 连接手机或电脑:
- 打开手机或电脑的蓝牙设置。

- 在蓝牙设备列表中,找到并选择“正达扬彩”进行配对。

- 如果需要密码,请输入默认密码“1234”。

5. 调整音量和音效:
- 使用手机或电脑上的音乐播放器应用程序,选择您要播放的音乐。

- 调整手机或电脑上的音量控制,同时也可以通过音响设备

- 根据个人喜好,调整音效,如低音、高音等。




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【药品名称】商品名称:百达扬通用名称:注射用艾塞那肽微球英文名称:Exenatide Microspheres for Injection【成份】注射用艾塞那肽微球活性成份为艾塞那肽。

































如血糖控制疗效降低或未能达到血糖控制目标,应考虑其它降糖治疗【禁忌】甲状腺髓样癌:有甲状腺髓样癌(MTC)个人或家族史患者或有多发性内分泌腺瘤病2型(MEN 2)患者禁用注射用艾塞那肽微球。


【注意事项】甲状腺C细胞肿瘤的风险注射用艾塞那肽微球禁用于有MTC个人史或家族史的患者或患有MEN 2的患者。













































这些老年患者和年轻患者间没有观察到安全性(N =152)和疗效(N =52)的差异,但是由于≥75岁的患者样本量较小,因此尚未得出其它结论。









赖诺普利在服用恒定剂量赖诺普利(5-20mg/天)的轻、中度高血压患者中,合用艾塞那肽注射液(10μg 每日二次)不改变赖诺普利稳态Cmax或AUC,Tmax延迟2小时。







