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________ 只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)

_________ 由并列连词(but, or, and等)或者一个分号(;)把两个或两个以上的简单句连在一起。



1. World emissions have risen by about 70% since the 1970s.

2. Walking 10 kilometers every day is a challenging game for a normal person.

3. It affects man's spirit and makes them more likely to suffer from disease.

4. The survey conducted by the club shows that many people want to take exercise for one hour every day.


One day a rich man took his son on a trip to the country. He wanted to show his son how the poor lived so he could be thankful for his wealth.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a poor family. On their return the father asked his son to explain what he had learnt. The boy, who had remained silent and deep in thought on the journey home, replied in a

way that shocked his father.

The boy said he wanted to become a farmer. He envied the farmers who had the beautiful night stars to give them light while his family had only expensive lanterns. He wished to have a farm where he could go swimming in an endless river instead of the garden pool in their home. Finally he asked his father, "What makes us safer, large walls around our house or friends that will protect us?"

The boy finished by saying, " Before the trip I thought we were rich but today I learnt who is truly rich. "With this the boy got up and walked away, leaving his father sitting on their comfortable sofa, totally speechless.(2009广州一模)

Task 1. 请做下面一组题,每做一题都要思考是如何一步一步做出来的,并将解题的思维过程说出来。在做完这一组题后,总结一下这类题的解题方法。

1. (2007)I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car __________ (break) down near a remote village.

2. (2008) Being too anxious to help an event develop often ________(result) in the contrary to our intention.

3. (2009)...people stepped on your feet or _________(push) you with their elbows (肘部), hurrying ahead to get to a bargain.

4.(2009)Her mother was excited, “Your father has at last decided to stop smoking, ” Jane ____________(inform).

5. (2010)After a four-day journey, the young man __________ (present) the water to the old man. His teacher took a deep drink

6. (2011)He ______________ (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.



Task 2:请做下面一组题,每做一题都要思考是如何一步一步做出来的,并将解题的思维过程说出来。在做完这一组题后,总结一下这类题的解题方法。

1.(2011)I noticed a man _________(sit) at the front.

2.(2010)He spit it out, ________(say) it was awful.

3.(2009)She wished that he was as easy ______ (please) as her mother, who was always delighted with perfume.

4. (2008)For example, the proverb, “plucking up a crop ________ (help) it grow”, is based on the following story.

5.(2007)While she was getting me ________ (settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car.

