

GE海洋燃气涡轮机说明书(型号42 MW和52 MW)

GE海洋燃气涡轮机说明书(型号42 MW和52 MW)

The 42 MW and 52 MW marine gas turbines offer simple-cycle, two-shaft performance derived from GE’s CF6-80C2 high-bypass turbofan aircraft engine. Taking advantage of the CF6-80C2 low-pressure system’s normal operating speed of 3600 rpm, the 42 MW marine gas turbine couples loads directly to the low-pressure turbine shaft. This feature allows the commonality of the CF6-80C2 and the 42 MW gas turbine to be maintained. The results are low-cost, field-proven parts for the 42 MW gas turbine. The 52 MW model operates at 3930 rpm and has the advantage of much higher output. The low-pressure compressor features independently controlled variable inlet guide vanes and variable stator vanes to modulate airflow, ensuring fast, easystartup/shutdown –even under partial loads. The high-pressure compressor is mated to an efficient annular combustor for maximum fuel economy. Incorporation of advanced airflow and cooling technologies helps both models have unprecedented parts life, and provide reliable and efficient power, low fuel consumption, and low NO x , carbon monoxide, and unburned hydrocarbon emissions, which is critical for marine applications.These gas turbine’s power comes directly from the low-pressure rotor shaft. There is no free-spinning power turbine. Eliminating the free power turbine allows for greater flexibility in ship design and better use of variable space.These gas turbines weigh only 17,336 pounds (7,863 kilograms) which is less than half the weight of other large aeroderivative gas turbines. The entire unit is only 193.5 inches long (4.96 meters), 85 inches wide (2.16 meters) and 81 inches (2.05 meters) high so you can generate more power in less space.The compact 42 MW and 52 MW gas turbines, with their great environmental and high thermal performance, are ideal gas turbines for consideration in ship propulsion systems’ design when high power and high performance are a requirement./marineImagination at work.GE Aviation (Cincinnati, OH)/marine©2017 GE42 MW Gas Turbine42 and 52 MWMarine Gas TurbinesPerformancePC ModelPG Model Output shp 56,900 70,275 kWs 42,428 52,403 SFClb/shp-hr .329.332 g/kW-hr 200.1 201.9 Heat rate Btu/shp-hr 6,049 6,117 Btu/kWs-hr 8,119 8,210 kJ/kWs-hr 8,564 8,660 Exhaust gas flow lb/sec 273 310 kg/sec 124 141Exhaust gas 853°F (456°C)930°F (499°C)temperaturePower turbine 3600 rpm 3930 rpmspeedAverage performance, 60 Hertz, 59°F, sea level, 60% relativehumidity, no inlet/exhaust lossesMax Power vs. Ambient Temperaturelosses: inlet/exhaust 4/6 inches (10/15 centimeters) waterPerformance*PC ModelPG Model Output (kW)42,428 52,403Heat rate (Btu/kW-hr) 8,3488,203Thermal efficiency40.8% 41.6%**Average performance, 60 Hertz, 59°F, sea level, 60% relative humidity, 4 inches water inlet loss, 6 inches water exhaust loss42 MW and 52 MW Marine Gas Turbine GensetsThe 42 MW or 52 MW marine gas turbine can be coupled with an electric generator making an 42 MW or 52 MW marine gas turbine-generator set. These gensets are ideal for shipapplications for which electric drive is the propulsion system of choice.Dimensions*Base plate width 169.6 in (4.31 m)Base plate length 650 in (16.51 m)Enclosure height 193.3 in (4.91 m)Base plate weight 302,000 lb (136,985 kg)Duct flow areas Inlet90 sq ft (8.36 sq m)Exhaust57 sq ft (5.3 sq m)*Exact dimensions, weight and performance vary with the specificgenerator selected42 MW and 52 MW Marine Gas TurbinesSpecific QualificationsWhile the 42 MW and 52 MW gas turbine have not yet been used for ship propulsion, many design studies have been performed showing its viability. More than 1,100 of these units have shipped or are operating in industrial applications, driving electric generators for utility and industrial power generation. At sea, 15 units are usedaboard offshore platforms, floating production storage and offloading ships, and power barges, accumulating over 700,000 operating hours. More than 8 million operating hours have been logged on the 42 MW gas turbines, experiencing a fleet-wide reliability greater than 99%. The 42 MW and 52 MW models have received Lloyd’sRegister’s Design Appraisal Document to the Marine Naval Vessel Rules (NVR). This powerful gas turbine is now available for additional naval marine applications.42 MW Marine moduleGE Aviation (Cincinnati, OH)/marineOther product sheets are available on GE’s 4.5 MW, 25 MW, 30 MW and 35 MW gas turbines.(2-17)©2017 GE。


宝骏 560&730 涡轮增 压发动机
2016 年 1 月
下面给出一些进行汽车维护作业时必须遵守的一般性警告: 佩戴安全防护眼镜以保护眼睛。 按操作步骤要求在举升的车辆下进行工作时,应在车下使用安全支架。 确保点火开关始终处于 OFF 位置,除非操作步骤另有要求。 在车上工作时,应施加驻车制动。如果是自动变速器车辆,应将选档杆置于 PARK(驻车) 档,除非特定操作要求置于其他档位。如果是手动变速器车辆,应将档位置于倒档(发动机关闭时) 或空档(发动机运转时),除非特定操作要求置于其他档位。 必须在通风良好的区域进行发动机的维修工作,以防一氧化碳中毒。 在发动机运转时,身体部位及衣服应远离转动的部件,尤其是风扇和皮带。 为防止严重烫伤,应避免接触高温金属部件,例如散热器、排气歧管、尾管、催化转换器 和消声器。 在车上工作时不得吸烟。 为避免受伤,在开始工作前应摘掉戒指、手表、项链,脱去宽松的衣服。长头发应挽起固 定于脑后。 双手及其他物体不得接触风扇叶片。电动冷却扇随时会因发动机温度升高而运转。因此, 必须确保电动冷却扇的电源完全断开后,才能在冷却风扇附近进行操作。
1.3.2 点火线圈............................................................................................................................................. 27
1.4.5 机械真空泵......................................................................................................................................... 34

Volvo 240 Turbo 发动机技术参数说明说明书

Volvo 240 Turbo 发动机技术参数说明说明书
Tillverkare/M ake_ Volvo
.Model I/Model
---2--4--0----T---u- r:-b---o--- ------------^iNr/iNn
,j I.J
65) Cylinderdiameter Bore
92 mm
60 1
115) A n ta l sittp la ste r__________ 5 _________________ Seating capacity
116) V ik t ____ 1 2 7 5 k g Weight
IH - .
•^ T i r \ c
F.l.S.A. )
1196 mm
42. Steering ra tio
61. Thickness o f brake d is c , fro n t:
22,0 mm; re ar: 9,6 mm
62. Diameter of brake d is c , fro n t:
263 mm; re ar: 281 mm
T n fp g ra l
73) Antal ramlager for vevaxein
Number of crankshaft main bearings
69) Max. tillâten slagvolym Max. cylinder capacity allowed
71) Antal




二、安全须知1. 使用前,请仔细阅读本说明书,并按照指导操作。

2. 发动机使用过程中,必须经过专业培训和持证操作人员。

3. 使用者必须严格按照飞机制造商的规定和要求操作发动机。

4. 发动机使用过程中如发现任何异常情况或故障,请立即停止使用并联系相关维修人员。

三、发动机基本概述(这一部分可以介绍涡轮发动机的工作原理、结构组成、主要部件)四、发动机安装与拆卸1. 安装前的准备工作:确保飞机结构满足安装要求,检查配件和安装工具是否齐全。

2. 安装步骤:按照飞机制造商提供的安装步骤和顺序进行安装,确保每个步骤的准确性和安全性。

3. 拆卸工作:拆卸前需切断发动机与其他系统之间的连接,并按照安装的逆序进行拆卸操作。

五、发动机启动与停机1. 启动前的准备:检查燃油、润滑油和液压油的充足程度,确保系统正常运行。

2. 启动步骤:按照操作手册提供的步骤进行启动过程,并检查各个指示灯和仪表是否正常。

3. 停机:按照制造商的规定和程序进行停机操作,并等待发动机完全停止运行才能关闭电源。

六、发动机维护与检修1. 维护计划:根据飞机制造商提供的维护计划和周期,定期检查和更换润滑油、空气滤清器等部件。

2. 日常检修:定期检查发动机各个连接件和管路的紧固情况,清洁发动机表面和散热器。

3. 故障排除:如遇到发动机性能下降、异常噪音等问题,根据维修手册和故障排除流程进行操作。

七、使用注意事项1. 发动机在高温、高湿度、高海拔等恶劣环境下的使用要注意特殊要求。

2. 高速飞行过程中要注意飞机的动力控制和温度管理,防止过热或过载。

3. 长时间停放前,应进行相应的防腐蚀处理,防止发动机受损。

4. 使用者必须熟悉燃油和润滑油的规格要求,并确保使用正确的材料。

八、附录1. 发动机相关数据表格:包括性能参数、工作范围、重要零部件维护周期等。



一、概述……………………………………………………………17 二、产品特点………………………………………………………18 三、原理及基本公式………………………………………………18 四、主要参数……………………………………………………18-20 五、结构及各零件名称(B 型)…………………………………20-23 六、确定传感器仪表系数 KDS 的方法…………………………23-24 七、维修……………………………………………………………24 八、配套显示仪表………………………………………………24-28 九、一般故障及排除方法………………………………………28-30 十、保修……………………………………………………………30
1.公称通径: (4~200)mm,DN-200 以上选用插入式 2.介质温度:常温型(-20~80)℃、高温型(-20~120)℃; 3.环境温度: (-20~55)℃; 4.准 确 度:±0.2%、±0.5%、±1%; 5.检出器信号传输线制:三线制电压脉冲(三芯屏蔽电缆) ; 6.供电电源:电压:12V±0.144V, 电流:≤10mA; 7.输出电压幅值:高电平≥8V,低电平≤0.8V; 8.脉冲输出型:传感器至显示仪表的距离可达 250 米; 9.4~20mA 输出型:变送器至显示仪表的距离可达 500 米 10.现场显示型供电电源:3V(锂电池供电,可连续使用 3 年) ; 11.显示方式:现场液晶显示瞬时流量和累计流量; 12.现场显示带信号输出,供电电源: 24V; 4~20mA 两线制电流输出, 远传距离 500 米,可加装 RS485 通讯功能。
1.传感器为硬质合金轴承止推式,精度高,耐磨性好。 2.结构简单、牢固以及拆装方便。 3.测量范围宽,下限流速低。 4.压力损失小,重复性好。 5.具有较高的抗电磁干扰和抗振动能力。



Q uantometer MZTurbine Gas MeterMZ meters are fl ow meters. The fl ow of gas turns the turbine wheel, and thus the rotating speed of the turbine is proportional to the linear speed of the gas. The movement is mechanically transmitted to the totaliser through a magnetic coupling.for industrial use and for secondarymeasurement.The possibility of fi tting various options such as the oil pump or the PTFE coating version, means that they are also suitable for use in heavy duty measurement.DESCRIPTIONa body part containing all the componentsa fl ow straightener to stabilise and accelerate the fl ow before the turbine wheela measuring unit including the turbine wheela magnetic coupling to transmit the movement of the turbine wheel to the totaliseratotaliser to register the measured gas 3KEY BENEFITS» H igh accuracy budget meter » F low rate up to 2500 m 3/h»Pressure range up to 40 bar »Equipped as standard with the cyble target»Various options available: L ow and high frequency transmitters, thermowell, oil pump, version for agressive gases, etc APPLICATIONSMZ meters are designed to measure natural gas, and various fi ltered, and non-corrosive gases.They are used to measure low to medium and high fl ow, at low or medium, or high pressure.They have been especially designed3451245SPECIFICATIONSTransmittersC yble sensor: it can be delivered mounted onto the meter or installed afterwards at any time.The Cyble sensor is a bounce-free transmitter. It allows also the counting of eventual back fl ows.Low Frequency (LF):two Reed switches are fi tted as standard on the whole range.Anti-tampering (AT):this device is fi tted as standard on the whole range.Medium Frequency (MF):one transmitter is supplied as an option.High Frequency (HF):a transmitter is supplied as an option, and it is fi tted close to the turbine wheel.Oil pump It lubricates the ball bearings in the measuring unit.The oiling can be done even when the meter is under pressure.The oil reservoir can be easily turned to fi t with vertical installed meters.2Turbine wheelThis is the most important component of the meter for achieving highaccuracy at low and high pressure. Depending on the maximum fl ow rate, the blade of turbine wheel is oriented at 45° or 60°. Turbine wheel at 60° is used to avoid over-speed of the wheel.Thermowell A thermowell can be installed as an option into the meter. It allows the gas temperature to be measured at the reference point.(Installation of a thermowell cannot be done into a meter equipped with HF transmitter)Volume converter It can be installed directly onto the meter thanks to a mounting kitPressure tapping:This device allows the gas pressure to be measured at the reference point. It is installed as standard.Measurement of aggressive gases:A version with a PTFE (Tefl on) coating, is available, as an option.The coating is applied on the internal parts of the meter.T ypical calibration curve r r o r (%)Error in %% Max FlowQuantometer MZ DN150, Qmax: 1600 m 3/hLF1T otaliser:»9-digit index to register a larger volume »45° orientation for an easy reading »Equipped as standard with the cyble target: it allows the installation of the cyble sensor at any time»Free-rotating totaliser»Equipped with 1 built-in silicagel cartridge»Fitted with a refl ecting disc on the fi rst drum»IP67 protection »UV resistant cover»Unit: m 3Universal totaliser fi tted as standard with the Cyble target113457682345678CHARACTERISTICS25001609100.07391.11111.78--Body constructionNote: for the pressure and temperature range of the body material, please check your National Ruleswhere:∆p: Pressure loss in the calculated conditions∆p r : Pressure loss in the reference conditions n: Gas density (kg/m 3) at 0° C and 1013 mbarPb: Operating pressure (Bar gauge) q: Flow rate (m 3/h)Q max: Maximum flow rate (m 3/h) Tb: Gas temperature (°C).B) Calculation of the extended rangeabilityWhen the density of the measured gas increases, the minimum measured flow rate decreases. This minimum flow rate in real conditions (QminRC) can be evaluated using the following formula:Qmin 1.2: minimum flowrate (m 3/h) for a density of 1.2 kg/m 3RC: density of the gas in real conditions (kg/m 3)C) Pressure loss of the MZ meters Values: see table aboveCalculation of pressure loss:Low Frequency pulse transmitters (LF): The LF transmitter consists of 2 dry Reed switches, normally open, and controlled by a magnet situated in the first drumof the totaliser. The LF connections are without polarity.Inductive transmitters (HF and MF): They are inductive sensors actuatedby a toothed disc. The frequency is proportional to the instantaneous flow. The polarity of the connections is indicated on the name plate of the meter.E) Transmitter characteristicsF) InstallationEach meter is delivered with binder plugs for the installed transmitters and oil when an oil pump is installed. Please refer to the instruction manual supplied with the meter.The advice given therein will ensure optimal use of the MZ quantometer over the years.Anti-tampering transmitter (AT): This consists of one dry Reed switch, normally closed. Attempts at magnetic tampering will open the contact. The electrical characteristics are the same as those for the LF transmitter.。



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Characteristics of the Assemblies
5. Bearing casing It contains the distribution ducts for lube oil and sealing air. The two bearing seats are machined in the same operating step, with the result of exact alignment. The bearing casing of the TCA turbocharger is equipped with an integrated sealing air pipe. Compressed air is conducted from the back side of the compressor wheel via a duct to the labyrinth shaft seal on the turbine side, with the purpose to effectively avoid oil leakages on the turbine side as well as penetration of exhaust gas into the oil chamber.
Thrust bearing
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Internal bearing
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Characteristics of the Assemblies
3. 1. Internal Bearings – Floating Bearing



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Turbo Charger
In internal combustion engines a turbocharger is a turbine driven forced induction compressor powered by heat from exhaust gases.
Nozzle ring
Turbine blade Turbine blade
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Characteristics of the Assemblies
Pipe (Engine Side)
Pipe (System Side)
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sealing air, oil piping and venting system
The centrifugal forces are extremely high ; Forces of several hundred KN can easily apply at the foot of the turbine blade.
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♥ You are the one who makes it happen!
PБайду номын сангаасge - 8

Limitorque HBC系列蜗轮传动装置说明书

Limitorque HBC系列蜗轮传动装置说明书

Limitorque® HBC Series Worm Gear Operators Proven in the most demanding situations2Flowserve Limitorque HBC Series:A worm gear drive capable of manual or motorized operationLimitorque’s HBC series worm gear operators excel in diverse applications. Their dependability has been proven in the most demanding situations, ranging from nuclear power plants, to large damper operations, to power plant flue gas desulphurization. Equipped with a handwheel, the HBC can be used to manually operate butterfly, plug, and ball valves. Combined with a Limitorque electric actuator (such as the SMB, L120, or MX), the HBC provides powerful and responsive motorized operation. These combination actuators provide a wide range of output speeds and output torques to 93,000 ft-lb (126,100 N m). HBC operators feature an optional 360° worm gear for use in guillotine damper and radial gate applications. Whether manual or motorized, depend on the HBC for easy valve control — even in tough installations.3Nuclear and fossil fuel power generationThe HBC has been successfully tested in conjunction with the SMB electric actuator to IEEE standards for environmental and seismic conditions for nuclear plant service. Whether inside containment in safety-related applications or installed on flue gas desulphurization systems or large diameter butterfly valves in fossil fuel power plants, the rugged and reliable HBC delivers outstanding performance year in and year out.Petroleum refining and transmissionHBCs are at work in these quarter-turn valve applications, providing consistent, worry-free operation. In the plant or on pipelines in any climate, the HBC is suited to a broad range of service conditions and temperatures from extreme cold to the desert heat.Water and wastewater treatmentHBC worm gear operators are found in these applications where specifications demand a product with a long history of dependable operation under severe and critical service conditions. The demonstrated excellence in design andfunctionality make the HBC the operator of choice when nothing less than proven reliability is required.The HBC provides key advantages for quarter-turn actuation• Enables manual operation• Adapts multi-turn actuators to quarter-turn applications • Covers a wide variety of output speeds and torques Spur gear attachments increase your options The HBC can be equipped with an optional spur gear attachment to further reduce input torque requirements—making it possible to operate even high-torque valves with a handwheel. Motorized applications can alsoincorporate spur gear attachments to reduce input torque requirements, allowing the use of smaller, less costly actuators to operate the valves.To achieve specific operating/stroke times, please inquire about alternate spur gear ratios that are available for many larger valve applications.Expand control capabilities with motorized operation The HBC can easily handle valve positioning and modulating tasks when matched with a Limitorque electric actuator such as the L120, SMB or MX. The HBC is used not only in quarter-turn applications, but can be provided with a 360° output for use with manually operated and motorized multi-turn devices such as guillotine dampers and radial gates.HBC – over 40 years of proven effectiveness in a wide range of applications, including:4feature. Handwheels are optional and can be furnished in various sizes.All operator sizes can be supplied with factory-mounted Limitorque electric valve actuators or can be readily converted to motor operation in the field using Limitorque electric actuators. The speed of operation for butterfly, plug, or ball valves when motor-operated can be varied over a broad range, limited only by motor speed and available gear ratios.All HBCs are built to meet AWWA requirements. AWWA input limit stops are available for non-motorized applications.position at a glance.Bronze worm gear teams with an alloy steel worm shaft for rugged reliability.Strong cast-iron housing—tough enough to withstand buried and submersible service applications.56Combines with Limitorque electric actuatorsfor enhanced capabilitiesHBC-3/MX-10(All MX actuators can be mountedto the HBC manual operators.)HBC-3/SGA/L120-20(All L120 actuators can be mountedto the HBC manual operators.)HBC-5/SGA/SMB-00(All SMB actuators can be mountedto the HBC manual operators.)7Assembly position B (CW input producing CW output) (See Note 1)A B C D E 5F G H J K L M N O P R ST HBC-0 2.5 4.67.1 1.6 1.0 2.1 6.8 3.00.8 1.508.259.53⁄8x 1/41/2-138 3.13⁄8-16 x 0.89.9HBC-1 3.5 5.48.6 2.0 1.25 2.58.1 3.60.8 1.8810.0011.41/2 x 3⁄85⁄8-118 4.43⁄8-16 x 0.811.9HBC-2 4.3 5.99.3 2.0 1.25 2.78.4 3.8 1.0 2.8811.7513.53/4 x 1/23/4-108 5.33⁄8-16 x 0.812.4HBC-3 6.07.310.6 2.0 1.25 2.79.6 4.1 1.0 3.7514.0016.07⁄8 x 5⁄83/4-108 6.03⁄8-16 x 0.813.8HBC-47.89.313.3 3.0 1.75 3.910.8 4.8 1.0 4.2516.0018.8 1 x 3/43/4-1087.83⁄8-16 x 0.8–HBC-59.810.214.3 3.0 1.75 3.911.6 5.0 1.0 6.5018.3821.011/2 x 13/4-1088.83⁄8-16 x 0.8–HBC-613.013.418.8 4.0 2.415 4.513.8 6.5N/A 7.5023.0026.313/4 x 11/411/4-7810.51/2-13 x 0.8–HBC-7/7M16. x 11/411/4-788.91/2-13 x 1–Dimensions in millimetersA B C D E 5F G H J K L M N O P R ST HBC-06411818041255217376193821024110 x 81/2-138793⁄8-16 x 0.8252HBC-18913821951326420592194825428914 x 95⁄8-1181113⁄8-16 x 0.8302HBC-210815123551326821495257329934320 x 123/4-1081343⁄8-16 x 0.8314HBC-3152186270513268243105259535640625 x 143/4-1081523⁄8-16 x 0.8349HBC-41972373377645982751212510840647628 x 163/4-1081973⁄8-16 x 0.8–HBC-52482593627645982941272516546753340 x 223/4-1082223⁄8-16 x 0.8–HBC-633034047610261114351165N/A 19158466745 x 2511/4-782671/2-13 x 0.8–HBC-7/7M40638448910270137359159N/A22973781050 x 2811/4-782251/2-13 x 1–Note: T he HBC-0 through HBC-6 operators are supplied with removable splined adapters for the output drive sleeve. The HBC-7 and HBC-7Moperators are supplied with a bore and keyway-machined drive sleeve as standard, but with splined adapters available as an option. The maximum allowable bore diameter for the HBC-7 and HBC-7M splined adapters is less than that for the machined drive sleeves. Please contact the factory for allowable bore and keyway dimensions.HBC-0 through -7 standard operator dimensionsSide viewTop view8HBC-1 through -3 with optional spur gear attachmentDimensions in inchesSGA A B C D E F G H J K M N P Q R HBC-1 2.86:1 1.881/2 x 3⁄8 x 43⁄8(8) 5⁄8-11 x 0.8"DPon 10.0" BC11.40.8 4.48.1 3.6 3.514.926.2 1.9 5.1 2.9 4.2HBC-2 2.86:1 2.883/4 x 1/2 x 51/4(8) 3/4-10 x 1.0" DPon 11.75" BC13.5 1.0 5.38.4 3.8 4.315.427.8 2.1 5.3 2.9 4.2HBC-3 2.86:1 3.757⁄8 x 5⁄8 x 6(8) 3/4-10 x 1.0" DPon 14.0" BC16.0 1.0 6.09.6 4.1 6.016.830.6 2.4 5.6 2.9 4.2 Dimensions in millimetersSGA A B C D E F G H J K M N P Q RHBC-1 2.86:147.813 x 10 x 111(8) 5⁄8-11 x 0.8"DP on 10.0" BC2821911220691893786654813074107HBC-2 2.86:173.219 x 13 x 133(8) 3/4-10 x 1.0" DPon 11.75" BC34325.41352139710939170653.313574107HBC-3 2.86:195.322 x 16 x 152(8) 3/4-10 x 1.0" DPon 14.0" BC40625.41522441041524277776114274107 Position B (CW input producing CW output)Alternate assembly position A (CCW input producing CW output) (See Note 1)Note 1: See certification sheet if position A is supplied.2.0 EffectivesplinelengthO.D.wideTop view Side viewDimensions in inches SGA A B CD E F G H J K M N P V (pos A)V (pos B)W HBC-46:1 4.291x3/4x73/4(8) 3/4-10 x 1.3" DP on 16.0" BC 18.8 1.07.810.9 4.87.821.931.0 2.016.7 5.0 4.57.8HBC-56:1 6.5011/2x1x83/4(8) 3/4-10 x 1.3" DP on 18.38" BC 21.0 1.08.811.6 5.09.822.832.8 2.020.4 6.0 4.57.8HBC-613.6:17.5213/4x11/4x101/2(8) 11/4-7 x 1.8" DP on 23.0" BC 26.3N/A 10.513.9 6.513.027.841.0 3.427.0 11/4-7 x 2.5" DP on 29.0" BC 31.9N/A N/A*14.26.316.033.949. in millimetersSGA A BCD E F G H J K M N P V (pos A)V (pos B)W HBC-46:110928x16x197(8) 3/4-10 x 1.3" DP on 16.0" BC 4782519827712219855678751424127114198HBC-56:116540x22x222(8) 3/4-10 x 1.3" DP on 18.38" BC 5332522429512724957983351518152114198HBC-613.6:119145x25x267(8) 11/4-7 x 1.8" DP on 23.0" BC 668N/A 267353165330706104186686152231231HBC-7/7M19.2:122950x28x280(8) 11/4-7 x 2.5" DP on 29.0" BC810N/AN/A*361160406861126030775152231231Note 1: Position A is standard for HBC-7M with 19.2:1 SGA (CW input, CW output).Note 2: See certification sheet if position A is supplied.Note 3: Dimension V may vary with Position A or B9*Note: T he HBC-0 through HBC-6 operators are supplied with removable splined adapters for the output drive sleeve. The HBC-7 andHBC-7M operators are supplied with a bore and keyway-machined drive sleeve as standard, but with splined adapters available as an option. The maximum allowable bore diameter for the HBC-7 and HBC-7M splined adapters is less than that for the machined drive sleeves. Please contact the factory for allowable bore and keyway dimensions.10Specifications11Flowserve Corporation Flow ControlUnited States Flowserve Limitorque 5114 Woodall Road P.O. Box 11318 Lynchburg, VA 24506-1318 Phone: 434-528-4400 Fax: 434-845-9736England Flowserve Limitorque Euro House Abex Road Newbury Berkshire, RG14 5EY United Kingdom Phone: 44-1-635-46999 Fax: 44-1-635-36034Singapore Limitorque Asia, Pte., Ltd. 12, Tuas Avenue 20 Singapore 638824 Phone: 65-6868-4628 Fax: 65-6862-4940China Limitorque Beijing, Pte., Ltd. RM A1/A2 22/F, East Area, Hanwei Plaza No. 7 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District Beijing 100004, Peoples Republic of China Phone: 86-10-5921-0606 Fax: 86-10-6561-2702India Flowserve Limitorque Plot No. #4, 1 A, Road No. 8, EPIP Whitefield, Bangalore – 560066 Karnataka India Phone: 91-80-40146200 Fax: 91-80-28410286Italy Flowserve Limitorque Fluid Power Systems Via Rio Vallone 17 20883 Mezzago MB Italy Phone: 39-039-620601 Fax: 39-039-62060 213To find your local Flowserve representative,visit or call USA 1 800 225 6989.Flowserve Corporation has established industry leadership in the design and manufacture of its products. When properly selected, this Flowserve product is designed to perform its intended func-tion safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of Flowserve products should be aware that Flowserve products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although Flowserve can (and often does) provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser/user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of Flowserve products. The purchaser/user should read and understand the Installation Operation Maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product, and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of Flowserve products in connection with the specific application.While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only and should not be considered certified or as a guarantee of satisfactory results by reliance thereon. Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a warranty or guarantee, express or implied, regarding any matter with respect to this product. Because Flowserve is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained herein are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these provisions, the purchaser/user should contact Flowserve Corporation at any one of its worldwide operations or offices.© 2015 Flowserve Corporation, Irving, Texas, USA. Flowserve is a registered trademark of Flowserve Corporation.FCD LMENBR3500-03-AQ Printed in USA. January 2015. © 2015 Flowserve Corporation。



设计题目:矿用回柱绞车传动装学生姓名:王丽娟)(学生学号:0309135831 班09-4专业班级:电力学院热能指导教师:周晓谋设计题目J.矿用回柱绞车传动装置设计1.设计条件(1)机器功用:煤矿井下回收支柱用的慢速绞车;(2)工作情况:工作平稳,间歇工作(工作于间歇时间比为1:2),绳筒转向定期变换;(3)运动要求:绞车绳筒转速误差不超过8%;(4)工作能力:储备余量10%;(5)使用寿命:10年;每年350天;每天8小时;(6)检修周期:一年小修,五年大修;(7)生产批量:小批生产;(8)生产厂型:中型机械厂。





2. 电动机选择(1)电动机输出功率计算若已知工作机上作用力和线速度时:)m F(N)/s v(?(kW)/1000vP'=F'(r/min)n时:和转速若已知工作机上的阻力m)T(N''? (kW)Tn9550P/?本设计中:F=56 KN F=56 KN已知滚筒上钢绳的牵引力:V=0.15m/s V=0.15m/s钢绳的最大线速度:?的计算:得9-1查表?0.96?卷筒:1??0.9610. 147mimi mi mi mi K K K13.0K12.4K11.5KW5082.94833.414616.31K mi73.mi''?30?12滑动速度'??)?V(60)/nd(?1000cos1s1m/s0.079??10d1V m/s10?选择材料:sHR45-510.730m20/m146.1m320.585m18.715/m14209.012.5 m53?:蜗轮分度圆直径d?mz?12.5?4022d?500mm2 :蜗轮圆周速度v?1.92 m/s2???500?73.5/60000v?nd/60000?222(符合估计))齿根弯曲疲劳强度校核计算(3 ?蜗轮齿根弯曲应力F7-10由《机械设计》式KT2??2][?Y?FFF?cosmdd21Y?2.32F Y蜗轮齿形系数F2?mm13.72N/?F7.9 由《机械设计》表??][<FF2?1.1?1837240弯曲强度足够???2.32F?'''112?500?12.5?cos123459热平衡计算(4)./v7.10由查《机械设计》表s'?30?1V'?30?1V'5934tan12???0.89则?1?0.89'')30tan(123459?11??0.992??0.99 :轴承效率2?0.96?3??0.96 :搅油耗损的效率3??0.84 ????0.96??0.99?0.89?则312K散热系数?2?C/m?K17 W2α按通风良好,取17?m/WC K?t?85C C?t85 :油的工作温度故2m2.59 A?0.846)?1000?18.59?(1?A20)17?(85?(5)其它主要尺寸计算由《机械设计》表7.4、表7.5*齿顶高系数1?h a蜗杆齿顶圆直径d?137 mm a1*12.5?2?12hm?112??d?d aa11 h?15mm**m??齿根高h(h?c1.2)m f1af1mm h?15f2**m?1.2c?x)mh?(h?af22*?0.2通常取c蜗杆齿根圆直径d?82 mm1f15112?2???dd?2h1f1f1蜗杆螺纹部分长度b?(11?0.06z)m?(11?0.06?40)?12.5?167.5(圆整)mm b?168211蜗轮喉圆直径*d?d?2hm?500?2?1?12.5?525(圆整)2aa2d?525 mm2a蜗轮根圆直径d?470 mm470??dd15??500?2h2?2f22f2f54m m HB26HB21/70/5511. m2. m85.31754195726HBHB21/70/5514.转矩T,T21mm N?T?1837242d蜗杆分度圆直径1??202?Z1Z蜗杆头数??1234′59′′1mm112?d/112=2156.61d120770?2?/?F2T圆周力11t11mm500?d2500=7348.96?1837240/?T?F2/d2轴向力212a F?2156.61N1t??径向力tantan?FF?F1r1at2N?F7348.961a 2)初步估算轴的直径N2674.80F?1r 45号钢调质处理选取材料Pd?A8-2 由《机械设计》式3n计算轴的最小直径并加大3%以考虑键槽影响由《机械设计》表8.6 取A=11518.59d?27.6mm?1.03d??115则3minmin14703)I轴蜗杆的结构设计)确定轴的结构方案1(右轴承从轴的右端装入,靠轴肩定位;左轴承从轴的左端装入,并靠轴.。



COMPARE THESE FEATURES• Non-clogging engineered plastic vortex impeller design.• Corrosion resistant powder coated epoxy fi n i sh.• Durable cast construction. Cast switch case, motor, pump housing and base. No sheet metal parts to rust or corrode.• Castings - All cast iron class 25-30 25000# tensile strength.• Stainless steel screws, guard, handle, arm and seal assembly.• Float operated submersible (NEMA 6) 2-pole mechanical switch.• Motor - Permanent split capacitor, 60 Hz, 1725 RPM, oil-fi lled, her m et i c al l y sealed, au t o m at i• Bearings - Upper & lower oil fed cast iron. • Carbon and ceramic shaft seal.• Entire unit pressure tested after assembly. • Watertight neoprene “ ” ring between motor and pump housing. • Maximum temperature for ef fl uent or dewatering 130°F - 54°C. • Passes ½ inch spherical solids. • No screens to clog.• Standard cord length 15 ft. (UL Listed). • included with BN & BE Models). • On point - 9½" • Off point - 3"• Major width - 10 1/8"• Height - 12"SIMPLEX AND DUPLEX SYSTEMS AVAILABLE PACKAGED SYSTEMS AVAILABLENote: The sizing of ef fl variable level fl basins to achieve required pumping cycles or dosing timers with nonautomatic pumps.SECTION: 2.20.035FM09731108Supersedes0304Product information presented here re fl ects con d i t ions at time of publication. Consult factory re g ard i ng dis c rep a n c ies or in c on s is t en c ies.MAIL TO: P .O. BOX 16347 • Louisville, KY 40256-0347SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road • Louisville, KY 40211-1961(502) 778-2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMP • FAX (502) 774-3624visit our web site:RESERVE POWERED DESIGNFor unusual conditions a reserve safety factor is en g i n eered into the design of every Zoeller pump.SK1102MAIL TO: P .O. BOX 16347Louisville, KY 40256-0347SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road Louisville, KY 40211-1961(502) 778-2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMPFAX (502) 774-3624Manufacturers of . .246FLOW PER MINUTET O T A L D Y N A M I C H E A DTOTAL DYNAMIC HEAD/FLOWPE R MINUTEEFFLUENT AND DEWATE R ING All installation of controls, protection devices and wiring should be done by aquali f ied licensed electrician. All electrical and safety codes should be fol l owed in c lud i ng the most recent National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Oc c u p a t ional Safety and Health Act (OSHA).For information on additional Zoeller products refer to catalog on Piggyback Variable Level Switches, FM0477; Electrical Alternator, FM0486; Mechanical Al t er n a t or, FM0495; Sump/Sewage Basins, FM0487; Single Phase Simplex Pump Control, FM1596; Alarm Systems, FM0732.SELECTION GUIDE1. I ntegral fl oat operated mechanical switch, no external control re q uired.2. F or automatic use single piggyback variable level fl oat switch or dou b le pig g y b ack vari a ble level fl oat switch. Refer to FM0477.3. S ee FM1228 for correct model of simplex control panel.4. S ee FM0712 for correct model of duplex control panel or FM1663 for a res i d en t ial alternator system. 98 Series Control Selection Model Volts-Ph Mode Amps Simplex DuplexM98 115 1 Auto 9.4 1 4 N98 115 1 Non 9.4 2 or 3 4 D98 230 1 Auto 4.7 1 4E98230 1Non 4.72 or3 4CONSULT FACTORY FOR SPECIAL APPLICATIONS• Electrical alternators, for duplex systems, are available and supplied with an alarm.• Mechanical alternators, for duplex systems, are available with or without alarm switches.• Variable level fl oat switches are available for controlling single and three phase systems.• Double piggyback variable level fl oat switches are available for variable level long cycle controls.• Refer to FM1922 and FM0806 for temperatures above 130°F.OPTIONAL PUMP STAND P/N 10-2213• Reduces potential clogging by debris.• Replaces rocks or bricks under the pump.• Made of durable, noncorrosive ABS.• Raises pump 2" off bottom of basin.• Provides the ability to raise intake by adding sections of 1½" or 2" PVC piping.• Attaches securely to pump.• Accommodates sump, dewatering and ef fl uent applications.NOTE: Make sure fl oat is free from obstruction."Easy assembly"(pump & discharge pipenot included.)。



机械设计课程设计设计题目:单级蜗杆减速器专业班级:机械0702学生姓名:熊明春学生学号:指导老师:岳大鑫设计时间:目录●设计任务书---------------------------------------------------------------3●总体方案设计------------------------------------------------------------41.传动方案拟定---------------------------------------------------------------42.电动机的选择---------------------------------------------------------------43.传动系统的运动和动力参数---------------------------------------------5●传动零件的设计计算1.蜗轮蜗杆初选-----------------------------------------------------------7 2.联轴器的选择计算-----------------------------------------------------10 3.滚动轴承的选择和寿命计算-----------------------------------------11 4.轴的设计计算和校核--------------------------------------------------15●减速器箱体及附件的设计1.箱体设计--------------------------------------------------------------------202.键的选择及校核-------------------------------------------------------------213.螺栓的选择-------------------------------------------------------------------224.润滑和密封形式的选择,润滑油和润滑脂的选择-------------------235.设计小结--------------------------------------------------------------------25●参考资料1参考资料-----------------------------------------------------------------------25●设计任务书1.设计题目:带式运输机传动装置的设计2.带式运输机工作原理及传动方案如图:3.已知条件:1)工作条件:两班制,连续单向运转,载荷较平稳,室内工作,有粉尘,环境最高温度35度。



ITW-Ransburg服务手册RMA-303 涡轮使用指南此服务指南的编写,旨在协助操作者在RMA-303系列旋杯中使用A11081空气涡轮到最大的一个运行时间,以下列出的是确保空气涡轮使用寿命的11个基本要求。

11 – 重要技术要求#1 杯体清洗和维护图1-1杯头后部平衡孔部位保持旋杯的清洁,将确保最大的使用寿命。


图1-2杯井区典型清洁旋杯展示RMA-303 涡轮使用指南图1-2A 良好的旋杯锯齿状况目视检查旋杯有无因撞击,旋转和脏椎度的损坏。



#2 飞溅盘检查飞溅盘需要定期检查以确保油漆良好的传输和溶剂冲洗功能。





#3 空气轴承椎部检查见图1-3涡轮椎部的目视检查进程。

图1-3 脏的椎部 图1-4清洁的椎部RMA-303 涡轮使用指南当清洁椎部时要小心谨慎不要刮伤。






#4 光纤电缆在安装或维修的时候可最多不超过三个光纤连接,包括旋杯到机器人手臂快速拆换盘的连接。



Vehicle BrakeAir Tank
Control 控制阀Valve
Engine Speed 发动机速度
Throttle Demand 节流要求
Inlet Manifold 进气管压力/温度Pressure & Temperature
Exhaust Manifold Pressure (optional)排气管压力(可选)
Nozzle ring fully closed喷嘴环完全关闭 Min. turbine volute exit area 最小 涡轮流道出口面积 Max. exhaust manifold pressure 最大 排气管压力 Max. shaft speed 最大 转子速度 Max. turbo boost 最大 增压压力
Nozzle position is infinitely variable between open & closed喷嘴环位置可在打开和关闭之间无限制地改变
VGT Operation method VGT的运行机理
VGT Cross Secti环和伸出的叶片
Fundamentals of matching a turbocharger to an engine
Engine develops power by burning a mass of fuel in the cylinder 发动机通过气缸里燃油的燃烧产生能量Combustion process requires a mass of air to allow the fuel to burn effciently and cleanly. (Air : Fuel Ratio or Equivalence Ratio) 燃烧过程中需要大量空气使燃油有效地清洁地燃烧(空燃比或其他等价比)Engine is a volume flow device 发动机是用容积流量来衡量的设备So the air delivery system has to provide the correct inlet air density 所以空气输送系统必须提供正确的进气密度Mostly achieved by compressing the gas (turbo compressor)Assisted by the charge cooler 大部分通过压缩空气获得进气密度(增压器压气机)中冷器提供帮助Energy to drive the compressor comes from turbocharger turbine 驱动压气机的能量来自增压器的涡轮
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目 录一、概 述二、工作原理三、产品特点四、基本参数与技术性能五、仪表分类六、仪表选型七、安装尺寸八、流量计安装注意事项九、接线方式十、调试与使用十一、使用注意事项十二、常见故障及处理方法十三、运输、贮存十四、开箱注意事项十五、订货须知12一、概述涡轮流量计(以下简称TUF )是叶轮式流量(流速)计的主要品种,叶轮式流量计还有风速计、水表等。

TUF 由传感器和转换显示仪组成,传感器采用多叶片的转子感受流体的平均流速,从而推导出流量或总量。


据称美国早在1886年即发布过第一个TUF 专利,1914年的专利认为TUF 的流量与频率有关。

美国的第一台TUF 是在1938年开发的,它用于飞机上燃油的流量测量,只是直至二战后因喷气发动机和液体喷气燃料急需一种高精度、快速响应的流量计才使它获得真正的工业应用。


流量计中TUF 、容积式流量计和科氏质量流量计是三类重复性、精确度最佳的产品,而TUF 又具有自己的特点,如结构简单、加工零部件少、重量轻、维修方便、流通能力大和可适应高参数等,是其他两类流量计是难以达到的。

LWGY 系列涡轮流量计是吸取了国内外流量仪表先进技术经过优化设计,具有结构简单、轻巧、精度高、复现性好、反应灵敏,安装维护使用方便等特点的新一代涡轮流量计,广泛用于测量封闭管道中与不锈钢1Cr18Ni9Ti 、2Cr13及刚玉Al 2O 3、硬质合金不起腐蚀作用,且无纤维、颗粒等杂质,工作温度下运动粘度小于5×10-6m 2/s 的液体,对于运动粘度大于5×10-6m 2/s 的液体,可对流量计进行实液标定后使用。




涡轮流量计的流量方程可分为两种:实用流量方 程和理论流量方程。

图1(1) 实用流量方程q v =f/K 公式1 q m =qv ρ 公式2式中 q v , q m ……分别为体积流量,m 3/s,质量流量,kg/s; f ……流量计输出信号的频率,Hz; K ……流量计的仪表系数,P/m 3。








结构相似的TUF 特性曲线的形状是相似的,它仅在系统误差水平方面有所不同。

图2 涡轮流量计特性曲线传感器的仪表系数由流量校验装置校验得出,它完全不问传感器内部流体机理,把传感器作为一个黑匣子,根据输入(流量)和输出(频率脉冲信号)确定其转换系数,它便于实际应用。


(2) 理论流量方程根据动量矩定理可以列出叶轮的运动方程4321M M M M dtdwJ−−−= 公式3 式中 J : 叶轮的惯性矩; dw/dt : 叶轮的旋转加速度;M 1: 流体的驱动力拒; M 2: 粘性阻力矩; M 3: 轴承摩擦阻力矩; M 4: 磁阻力矩。

当叶轮以恒速旋转时,=dtdwJ0,则M 1=M 2+M 3+M 4。

经理论分析与实验验证可得 qvCB Aqv n −+= 公式4 式中 n : 叶轮转速;qv : 体积流量;A : 与流体物性(密度、粘度等),叶轮结构参数(叶片倾角、叶轮直径、 流道截面积等)有关的系数;B: 与叶片顶隙,流体流速分布有关的系数;C: 与摩擦力矩有关的系数。







四、基本参数与技术性能1.技术性能表1仪表口径及连接方式4、6、10、15、20、25、32、40采用螺纹连接(15、20、25、32、40)50、65、80、100、125、150、200采用法兰连接精度等级 ±1%R、±0.5%R、±0.2%R(需特制)量程比 1:10;1:15;1:20仪表材质 304不锈钢、316(L)不锈钢等被测介质温度(℃) -20~+120℃环境条件温度-10~+55℃,相对湿度5%~90%,大气压力86~106Kpa输出信号传感器:脉冲频率信号,低电平≤0.8V 高电平≥8V 变送器:两线制4 ~ 20mADC电流信号供电电源传感器:+12VDC 、+24VDC(可选)变送器:+24VDC现场显示型:仪表自带3.2V锂电池信号传输线 STVPV3×0.3(三线制),2×0.3(二线制)传输距离≤1000m信号线接口基本型:豪斯曼接头,防爆型:内螺纹M20×1.54防爆等级基本型:非防爆产品,防爆型:ExdIIBT6防护等级 IP652.测量范围及工作压力表2仪表口径(mm)正常流量范围(m3/h)扩展流量范围(m3/h)常规耐受压力(MPa)特制耐压等级(MPa)(法兰连接方式)DN 4 0.04~0.25 0.04~0.4 6.3 12、16、25 DN 6 0.1~0.6 0.06~0.6 6.3 12、16、25DN 10 0.2~1.2 0.15~1.5 6.3 12、16、25DN 15 0.6~6 0.4~8 6.3、2.5(法兰) 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 20 0.8~8 0.45~9 6.3、2.5(法兰) 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 25 1~10 0.5~10 6.3、2.5(法兰) 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 32 1.5~15 0.8~15 6.3、2.5(法兰) 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 40 2~20 1~20 6.3、2.5(法兰) 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 50 4~40 2~40 2.5 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 65 7~70 4~70 2.5 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 80 10~100 5~100 2.5 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 100 20~200 10~200 2.5 4.0、6.3、12、16、25 DN 125 25~250 13~250 1.6 2.5、4.0、6.3、12、16 DN 150 30~300 15~300 1.6 2.5、4.0、6.3、12、16 DN 200 80~800 40~800 1.6 2.5、4.0、6.3、12、16五、仪表分类1.按仪表功能分类,LWGY系列涡轮流量计可分为2大类,即:z涡轮流量传感器/变送器z智能一体化涡轮流量计2.功能说明z涡轮流量传感器/变送器该类涡轮流量产品本身不具备现场显示功能,仅将流量信号远传输出。

流量信号可分为脉冲信号或电流信号(4-20mA);仪表价格低廉,集成度高,体积小巧,特别适用于与二次显示仪、PLC、DCS 等计算机控制系统配合使用。

按照不同的输出信号,该类产品可分为LWGY-□N型和LWGY-□A型LWGY-□N型传感器:12~24VDC供电,三线制脉冲输出,高电平≥8V,低电平≤0.8V;信号传输距离≤1000米;LWGY-□A型变送器:24VDC供电,二线制4-20mA 输出,信号传输距离≤1000。

该类涡轮流量产品均分为基本型和防爆型(ExdIIBT6)两种,外形如图56图3 图4基本型传感器/变送器 防爆型传感器/变送器z智能一体化涡轮流量计采用先进的超低功耗单片微机技术研制的涡轮流量传感器与显示积算一体化的新型智能仪表,采用双排液晶现场显示,具有机构紧凑、读数直观清晰、可靠性高、不受外界电源干扰、抗雷击、成本低等明显优点。






LWGY-□B型:供电电源采用3.2V10AH锂电池(可连续运行4年以上); 无信号输出功能。


图5智能一体化涡轮流量计六、仪表选型表3 型 号LWGY─□ /□ /□ /□ /□ /□/□说 明74 4mm,标准量程0.04~0.25m 3/h,宽量程为0.04~0.4m 3/h 6 6mm,标准量程0.1~0.6m 3/h,宽量轮为0.06~0.6m 3/h 10 10mm,标准量程0.2~1.2m 3/h,宽量程为0.15~1.5m 3/h 15 15mm,标准量程0.6~6m 3/h 宽量程为0.4~8m 3/h 20 20mm,标准量程0.8~8m 3/h,宽量程为0.4~8m 3/h 2525mm,标准量程1~10m 3/h,宽量程为0.5~10m 3/h 32 32mm,标准量程1.5~15m 3/h,宽量程为0.8~15m 3/h 40 40mm,标准量程2~20m 3/h,宽量程为1~20m 3/h 50 50mm,标准量程4~40m 3/h,宽量程为2~40m 3/h 65 65mm,标准量程7~70m 3/h,宽量程为4~70m 3/h 80 80mm,标准量程10~100m 3/h,宽量程为5~100m 3/h 100 100mm,标准量程20~200m 3/h,宽量程为10~200m 3/h 125 125mm,标准量程25~250m 3/h,宽量程为13~250m 3/h 150 150mm,标准量程30~300m 3/h,宽量程为15~300m 3/h 公 称 通 径200200mm,标准量程80~800m 3/h,宽量程为40~800m 3/h N 基本型,+12V 供电,脉冲输出,高电平≥8V 低电平≤0.8V A4~20mA 两线制电流输出,远传变送型 B 电池供电现场显示型C 现场显示/4~20mA 两线制电流输出 C1 现场显示/RS485通讯协议 类 型C2现场显示/HART 通讯协议 05精度0.5级 精度等级10精度1.0级 W 宽量程涡轮 涡 轮 类 型S标准涡轮 S304不锈钢 材 质L316(L)不锈钢无标记,为非防爆型防 爆E防爆型 (ExmⅡCT6或 ExdⅡBT6) N常规 (参照表2) 压力等级H(x )高压 (参照表2)注:DN15~DN40常规为螺纹连接,如希望采用法兰连接,请在“公称通径”后加“(FL)”例如,选用一台法兰连接式防爆型涡轮流量计测量柴油,管道为DN40、现场需要显示并远传电流信号,要求精度0.5级,304不锈钢材质,仪表耐压16MPa 测量范围为标准量程,其产品型号应为:LWGY-40(FL)/C/05/S/S/E/H16七、安装尺寸传感器的安装方式根据规格不同,采用螺纹或法兰连接,安装方式见图6、图7、图8,安装尺寸见表4。
