Theodore Dreiser

Born Died Occupation Wife Parents
1871-08-27,Indiana 1945-12-28,Hollywood Novelist Sara White Sarah and John Paul Dreiser
Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, to Sarah and John Paul Dreiser, a strict Catholic familyan immigrant from Mayen in the Eifel region, and Sarah was from the Mennonite farming near Dayton, Ohio; she was disowned for marrying John and converting to Roman Catholicism. Theodore was the twelfth of thirteen children (the ninth of the ten surviving). The popular songwriter Paul Dresser (1857–1906) was his older brother.
):《 《欲望三部曲》(Trilogy of Desire):《金融 欲望三部曲》 ): );《 家》(The Financier,1912);《巨人》 , ); 巨人》 );《 (The Titan,1914);《斯多葛》(The Stoic, , ); 斯多葛》 , 1947死后完成)。 死后完成)。 死后完成
1927 He visited The Soviet Union. 1941被选为美国作家协会主席 被选为美国作家协会主席 1944获美国文学艺术学会荣誉奖 获美国文学艺术学会荣誉奖 July,1945. 加入美国共产党 He died Dec. 28, 1945, Hollywood, California.

德来塞出版的第一部长 篇小说。讲述农村姑 娘嘉莉来到大城市芝 加哥寻找幸福,为摆 脱贫困,出卖自己的 贞操,先后与推销员 和酒店经理同居,后 又凭美貌与歌喉成为 歌星的故事。
嘉莉(女主人公,来自底层,渴望幸福却走 投无路,两次做人情妇,辗转成为名演员, 却并不幸福) 赫斯渥(酒店经理,生活富裕,有妻儿,抛 妻弃子与嘉莉在一起,后渐渐潦倒,最后 自杀)
火车上遇杜洛埃 芝加哥梦想破灭 再遇杜洛埃 认识赫斯渥 与赫斯渥结婚 逐渐成为名演员 赫斯渥潦倒 自杀 嘉莉并不幸福
以嘉莉为代表深刻揭露了美国资本主义制度 对贫苦人民压榨的残酷性和资产阶级生活 方式对小资产阶级分子的腐蚀性。
在汤姆的挑拨下,致使其情妇的丈夫开枪打死了盖茨比。 盖茨比最终彻底成为了牺牲品。盖茨比至死都没有发现黛 茜脸上嘲弄的微笑。盖茨比的悲剧在于他把一切都献给了 自己编织的美丽梦想,而黛茜作为他理想的化身,却只徒 有美丽的躯壳。尽管黛西早已移情别恋,尽管他清楚地听 出“她的声音充满了金钱”,却仍不改初衷,固执地追求 重温旧梦。人们在为盖茨比举行葬礼,黛茜和她丈夫此时 却早已在欧洲旅行的路上。不了情终于有了了结。尼克目 睹了人类现实的虚情寡义,深感厌恶,于是怀着一种悲剧 的心情,远离喧嚣、冷漠、空洞、虚假的大都市,黯然回 到故乡。
• “欲望强烈,但资质可怜”,根本不是一 个英雄人物。(贾瑞,现实生活中很多) • 他从小就反对父母的宗教狂热,当上侍应 生,大饭店的富有和豪华使他眼花缭乱。 在他比大多数人敏感而极易受外界影响的 头脑里,似乎觉得人生在世就是追求金钱 和美女。无奈他个人所作所为,却表现得 极其软弱无力,称为“思想上和道德上的 懦夫”。他陷入了究竟是忠于罗伯塔、还 是追求桑德拉的极大矛盾之中。

• 本书以三个人物为线索——嘉莉,德 鲁埃以及赫斯乌德,以三个人身份最 终的变化为主要内容展开,嘉莉从一 个最低阶层的妇女到最后一个走红的 明星,而德鲁埃从一个喜欢自吹的推 销员变成一个名副其实的经理,而于 此二人境遇正好相反的赫斯乌德却从 一个有家有事业的酒店经理到最终的 成为自杀的一句无名尸体,其结局不 能不让人感到悲伤。
Theodore Dreiser And
Sister Carrie
Theodore Dreiser
• 西奥多·德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser, 1871~1945),美国小说家。生于印第安 纳州特雷霍特镇。父亲是贫苦的德国移民。 他父亲是个虔诚的天主教徒, 想建成自己 的毛纺工厂, 却遭遇火灾. 父亲事业的失败 为他带来了艰苦的童年。他在公立学校接 受了早期教育,以后进印第安纳大学学习。 一生的大部分时间从事新闻工作。走遍芝 加哥、匹兹堡、纽约等大城市,广泛深入 地观察了解社会,为日后的文学创作积累 了丰富的素材。 • 1944年,德莱塞被美国文学艺术学会授予 荣誉奖。《堡垒》(1946)和《斯多噶》 (1947)两部长篇小说是在作家死后出版的。 这两本书都反映了德莱塞晚年对宗教哲学 的兴趣。1945年,他加入美国共产党。同 年12月28日逝世。
Sister Carrie
• 导演: William Wyler 编剧: Ruth Goetz / Augustus Goetz 主演: Laurence Olivier / Jennifer Jones / Miriam Hopkins / Eddie Albert 制片国家/地区: 美国 上映日期: 1952-07-17 • 语言: 英语 又名: 嘉莉
• 对于德鲁埃,完全就是一个被愚弄和被伤 害的人,很值得同情,期初不计回报的帮 助嘉莉,足以现出他的心地善良,他对于 嘉莉的爱是那般的炙热强烈,但他还是并 没有认清嘉莉的品行,和那个社会的质性, 这是他的悲哀,全书也正是以他作为牺牲 品来反映这种实质的关系。

1,Life experience(p147-148)
1,Theodore Dreiser is the first important writer from the lower society in American Literature. 2,In August 27, 1871, Dreiser was born as the ninth child of ten in a poor family in Indiana.
2,Theodore Dreiser’s Trilogy of Desire including The Financier The Titan The Stoic ___________,__________,__________.
An American Tragedy
The author„s classic vision of the dark side of American life looks at the failings of the American dream, in the story of the rise and fall of Clyde Griffiths, who sacrifices everything in his desperate quest for success.
1,Naturalism, naturalistic pursuit by explaining the purposelessness of life and impotence (无能为力) of men. 2,Materialism, including the desire for money, is an important theme in Sister Carrie.
Sister Carrie读后感


The Literary and Historic Value of Theodore Dreiser
and Sister Carrie
作者: 陈桂花[1]
作者机构: [1]黄山学院外国语学院,安徽黄山245041
出版物刊名: 温州大学学报:社会科学版
页码: 70-77页
年卷期: 2021年 第4期
主题词: 西奥多·德莱塞;《嘉莉妹妹》;文学史价值

”[2]中文名西奥多·德莱塞外文名Theodore Dreiser国籍美国出生地印第安纳州特雷霍特镇出生日期1871年6月27日逝世日期1945年12月28日职业小说家毕业院校印第安纳大学信仰天主教主要成就被美国文学艺术学会授予荣誉奖代表作品《嘉莉妹妹》;《珍尼姑娘》;《金融家》政党美国共产党目录1人生生平2个人作品3成就荣誉4作品风格5人物评价1人生生平编辑西奥多·德莱赛于1871年8月27生在印第安纳州的特雷乌特。
德莱赛15岁便自己谋生,[4] 他初次独自来到了芝加哥,先后在餐馆和五金公司干粗活,尽管如此,他是被这个充满兴奋和刺激的大城市生活所吸引。


作家简介:Writer, born in Terre Haute, Indiana, USA. Raised in poverty and in a German-speaking environment, he was a Catholic[ˈkæθəlik] (天主教徒),he left home for Chicago at age 16. After a period of odd jobs and a year at the University of Indiana, he became a Midwesternnewspaper reporter and, in New York after 1894, a magazine featurewriter. In 1892, married Sara. White , but their married life wasn’t happy, even They have been separated since 1909, they never officially divorced婚后生活并不快乐。
In 1910, he quit job and became a professional writer. In 1945, joined in the United States Communist party , and on December passed away .Sister Carrie (1900), his first and still highly regarded novel, was withheld from general distribution because of its supposed amorality, and its commercial failure plunged him into financial distress and mental breakdown (1904). He later re-established himself as a magazine editor and self-published a second, successful edition of Sister Carrie (1907). The success of the novel Jennie Gerhardt (1911) allowed him to write full time, and The Financier (1912) and The Titan (1914) followed. These novels were ungainly in style but ground-breaking in their naturalism and critique of American capitalist society. The withdrawal from distribution, on moral grounds, of his autobiographical novel, The Genius (1915), ignited a national anti-censorship campaign supported by most of the leading literary figures of the day. His next decade, marked by an energetic output of plays, stories, memoirs, and travel books, culminated in An American Tragedy (1925), a major popular success despite its bleak view of American values. He publicly supported left-wing causes through the 1930s and 1940s, and propounded Socialist ideas in his late works, joining the Communist Party shortly before his death. He had also returned to writing novels, two of which, The Bulwark (1946) and The Stoic (1947), were among his various works published posthumously. As insensitive in his treatment of the English language as he was of many women in his life, he seems destined to survive as a majorAmerican writer.《嘉莉妹妹》是美国文学中的重要作品,是美国自然主义运动第一篇代表作,也是德莱塞发表的第一部长篇小说。

Dresier’s Naturalism in Sister Carrie摘要:美国作家西奥多德莱赛被认为美国自然主义的杰出代表,本文以其第一部小说《嘉莉妹妹》为例分析德莱赛自然主义德一些特征。
关键词自然主义;环境因素;遗传因素;欲望Abstract:Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism. In this thesis, Dreiser’s first novel Sister Carrie is taken as an example to analyze the features of Dreiser’s naturalism. The thesis referred to two great historical and cultural background of the novel which are Darwinism,Determinism. American Naturalism. Meanwhile the thesis analyzes three features of naturalism. At last, we can draw the conclusion that the leading character of the novel-Carrie’s destiny has a great connection with Dreiser himself and the decline of Hurstwood is a result of Dreiser’s fear of failure, but Dreiser attributes Carrie and Hurstwood’s unhappiness to their insatiable desire for life or they are doomed to be unhappy etc, and from which we can see Dreiser’s naturalism easily.At the same time, the paper criticize the shortcomings of naturalism. Naturalism pays too much attention to the determinism and human beast. These factors may cause effects on the reading of the readers. Therefore,readers should have an exact attitude in reading Sister Carrie.Key Words:Naturalism; Environment; Hereditary; DesireContentsⅠ. Introduction (1)Ⅱ.Environmental Factors for Carrie (5)2.1The Living Environmental Factors--the Lure of the Big City (5)2.2 The Social Environment Factors -the Lure of Love (6)2.3.The Work Environmental Factor--the lure of chances (7)Ⅲ.Hereditary Factors for Carrie (8)3.1A Gift of Beauty (9)3.2A Sentimental Hear (10)3.3An Endless Desire (11)Ⅳ.Critique for Sister Carrie (13)4.1Critique of Pessimistic Determinism (14)4.2Critique of the Concept of Human Beast (15)Ⅴ.Conclusion (17)Bibliography (19)Ⅰ.IntroductionAt the very beginning of the paper, it is of importance to introduce Sister Carrie. Sister Carrie is the first novel of Dresier, it was seemed as the beginning work of his naturalism. This novel takes the development of the industry of American city as the background, describes a story that a beautiful girl come to Chicago and the process that she succeed in the high level society. Dresier pays more attention to the influence of Carrie’s fate of environment factors and heredity factors. These two factors are the main features of Naturalism. Naturalism is evolved from realism and it is the outgrowth of realism. It appeared at the end of the 19th century, came from France. It was influenced by Charles Darwin theory of evolution. Human life was governed by the two crushing forces of heredity and environment, this ideal was picked up by writers in different countries. They held that realism was too genteel in tone to reveal the harsh reality. Then, they ushered a literary movement called Naturalism. The major features of naturalism is that determinism. The second one is that the universe is cold, godless, indifferent and hostile to human desires. Life becomes a struggle of survival. The last one is that naturalism is a harsher and extreme form of realism. The main figures of naturalism are Stephen Crane, Frank Norris and Theodore Dresier. Besides that, it is easy to understand that naturalism has many limitations. The purpose of this paper is to discuss Sister Carrie with critical eyes, criticizing pessimistic determinism and the concept of human beast as reflected in the novel.Except for the introduction and conclusion, this paper includes three chapters. The first and second chapter describe the obvious factors that decide Carrie’s fate: one is environmental factors, the other is heredity factors. The first chapter discusses that environmental factor have a great influence on Carrie’s life. It tells people that one man would success if she is in an advantageous environment. On the opposite, she will be fail in fate. This paper discusses three different environmental factors that include living environment, social environment and work environment. The reason why Carrie gets succeed in big city just becauseof these factors fit for her properly.Chapter two discusses the naturalistic heredity factors for Carrie. There is one famous principle for naturalism. That is, hereditary decides fate. Like Darwin’s evolution theory, one person will survive if he adapt for the environment, or he will be out. It is obvious that Carrie has many advantages, such as her appearance, her cleverness and so on. All of these factors make her adapt for the environment well. And she also has a desire for enjoying the life of the big city. And her success in the big city proves to readers that “only the fittest can be survived from natural selection.”Chapter three criticizes the naturalism’s limitations as reflected in Sister Carrie. Firstly, this paper criticizes the pessimistic determinism of naturalism. It believes that human being is helpless. They are all controlled by environment and heredity which they live in. Therefore, no matter how hard work they are, they still not change their fate.Because of these factors, human being should keep optimistic attitude in daily life. Secondly, this paper criticizes the naturalistic idea that human being as a beast-like creature, which regards human being as a combination of beast and human.The conclusion makes a summary and tells readers that the paper’s practical significance. Nowadays, with the development of market-oriented economy, many young women have the similar fate with Carrie. A lot of girls come to the big city from countryside, they may be lured by the prosperous city. In fact, people must keep a sober mind and be a independent woman. Everyone should believe in themselves and try one’s best to change the environment they live in. Therefore, everyone can be a new man, can be the master of their life.Ⅱ.Environmental Factors for CarrieOne of the most outstanding feature of naturalism is that the environment plays an important role on one’s fate. For example,Theodore Dresier has written another book—Jannie Gerhardt, which is seen as the sister of Sister Carrie. Dresier has been said that”all of us are more or less pawns. We are moved that like chessman by circumstance over which we have no control”. This sentence has always been regard as the center of naturalism. In another words, it emphasis on the determination of environment. A lot of famous books about the naturalism point out the negative effect of the environment on each person. For instance, in Stephen Crane’s The Red Badage of Courage, the novel presents character of low social and economic classes who were controlled by their environment and heredity. However, the novel not only shows readers the picture of Carrie’s down, but also shows the process of Carrie’s success. Chapter one mainly contribute to discussing how the environment factors play important role in Carrie’s success.2.1 The Living Environmental Factors--the Lure of the Big CityNaturalism pays more attention on people’s living environment, believing that one’s living environments influence one’s fate enormously.Carrie was born in a working family of a flour mill. She lived a poor life in her hometown. Her father was a worker worked in a flour factory. No matter what hard life she lived , she still had the hope for the luxurious life of the big city. At the same time, her sister resided in Chicago. Therefore, she made a decision to go to Chicago to get to a job in order to have a better life. Then, she left her mother and father, her hometown and went to Chicago. In Chicago, there were colorful theaters, supermarket and dancing room in this big city. The jewelers were shining and bright behind the glass. The business opportunity and wide rage of goods made the city be full of attraction. As Theodore Dresier described in the book:Its many and growing commercial opportunities gave it widespread fame, which made of it a gaint magut, drawing to itself from all quarters, the hopeless-those who had their fortune yet to make and those fortunes and affairs had reached a disastrous climax elsewhere.(Sister Carrie,1965:206-207)When Carrie arrived in Chicago, Mr.Drouet told her that Chicago was a wonder , and that she will find lots to see. Even her sister told her”You will want to see the city”. She come there, she come to the big web of Chicago in order to pursue a happy life. The prosperous parties , lights, dinners, theaters attracted her.When Carrie begun to look for a job, she found it is hard for her to get a job because all of the work ask for experience. In the meantime, she lived in her sister’s house that was not comfortable. She had to pay for her board and lodging expenses. After one week, she got a job which was very boring and hard. Although that,she can only got 4.5dollars one week and 90percent of the salary should be given to her sister. She walked to the factory to work. Her brother-in-law’s indifference had never change since she come. He only cared about if Carrie can pay for her fee in his family. In Dreiser’s work, Carrie just live in such an environment.Opposite to her hometown, Chicago is a prosperous city that is full of attraction. What makes Carrie indulge in are those beautiful cinemas, magnificent hotels, extravagant and comfortable restaurants. All those attractive things embody much luxury and richness of the city, which makes her pursue succeed in another aspect, for Carrie, only those prosperous metropolis are the most suitable habitable palace to live, because the luxury atmosphere satisfy her vanity and show her talent in drama. Therefore, some big cities, such as Chicago and New York,could offer Carrie a favorable environment to succeed.2.2 The Social Environment Factors -the Lure of LoveEnvironmental factors also include the influence which come from the character’s social relationships. Zola has pointed out that human beings are social animals, which are not independence from the outside and also can not be exist without others. Each individual exist in the society, which will influence ones in almost each aspect. Therefore, the social environment , such as one’s living environment, which play a decisive role in one’s fate. In another words, the social environment who was in will affect one’s value system, and stimulate one to pursuit one’s success.At the very beginning of the novel, Carrie left her hometown and come back to her sister who dwelt in Chicago. In Chicago, she lived in a cramped little apartment with her sister’s husband and her sisters. After several twists and turns, she had not get a job. Therefore,she made a decision to leave her sister’s house and to go for Drouet, she learned much knowledge about clothing and etiquette. All these knowledge helped her adapt the taste of this city. However, the persons who helped Carrie become fashionable not only because of her two lovers, but also because of two neighbors of her. Compared with Drouet and Hustwood, the neighbors and friends played more important roles on her. They inculcated Carrie to pursuit magnificent clothes and fortune, and made her cultivate a keen sense of touch and a elegant taste of fashion. For example, Mrs.hale, a neighbor she met in Chicago, helped her know how to appreciate fashion. All above these help her got to where she wants to go.2.3The Work Environmental Factor--the Lure of ChancesThe reason why Carrie can succeed in her career is that she has many chances which are unexpected. First, when Carrie took a train to Chicago, she met Drouet, a person that led her to a luxurious way. Second, when Carrie become the mistress of Drouet, Drouet introduced Hustwood to her, Of course, it was unexpected that Hustood fell love with Carrie at the first sight. The next Hustwood took many measure to let Carrie love him. Third, On occasion, Drouet had got a task to find a beautiful woman to play a drama. Naturally, he recommended Carrie to play the drama. From then on, Carrie’s ability of performance was showed to everyone. Especially in New York, Carrie mastered every chance to change her fate. She worked hard in order to perform the drama well. All her endeavor made her be a famous performer.Carrie is women who has strong ambition and her ability is also very strong. She is a county girl at first, She is clever so that she do not speak and observe how the person do in city. She observe the fashionable girl‘s appearance, their clothes, their speech. It is a exact thing that the appearance is an important thing in big city. After Drouet and Hustwood shelp, she choose the clothes that fit her well. Then Carrie become the symbol of all that is fresh, pure and beautiful, Carrie is so clever that she master every chance .The first chance she leave for her sister s family and go to Drouet’s department. She fells the city’s prosperous slightly. The second chance, she accept Hustwood’s love, she understood that only the people who has more knowledge can give her more colorful experience and life. This choice make her come to the center of the world---New York. The third chance is that leave Hustwood. Carrie leave Hustwood and choose to made his Broadway by herself.In fact, give up a person who you loved deeply is not an easy thing. Carrie maybe become a housewife if she does not leave Hustwood. Therefore Carrie is girl who know what she really want to have .Ⅲ.Hereditary Factors for CarrieHereditary Factors is another important factors of Naturalism. It is known to us that Naturalism is evolved from Darwin’s evolutionary. Therefore, it emphasis on the determination of naturalistic hereditary factors. In the novel, Dresier believes that Carrie s behavior is determined by arbitrarily and should not have a standard. On the basic of Darwin’s evolutionary, human beings are evolved from lower animals. There is not a god to judge who is wrong or right. One individual ’s fate is determined by heredity factors. Many authors have argued for the inevitability of man s competition from the premise that in the struggle for existence among animal species, only the fittest survive. Carrie’s beautiful appearance, her gift of performance, her desire of the better life, proves that she is a lucky dog of the society. Her success in big cities set out to people the marrow of Darwin’s evolutionary theory, that is, species develop from generation to generation by a process of natural selection .Zola has pointed out all the motivations of one’s actions can be traced back to one’s heredity, in The Experiment Novel. That is, for individual, heredity factors not only determine one’s temper and hobby,but also determine one’s achievement in one’s life.3.1 A Gift of BeautyFor women, especially for beautiful women, to become an actress is their biggest dream. In fact, actress is an occupation that almost each woman can not refused. Being an actress, Carrie can show her ability of performance to audience; Carrie can release herself on the stage; Carrie can enjoy herself through each play. As the saying goes,”A crow is never the writer for washing herself often.” It is referred to that all the factors lead her to the way of success, include beauty and rich feelings, are all from heredity.Firstly, Carrie’s beauty is one of the inevitable factors of her career as a player in the metropolis. Except for her sister’s husband, a man who is overthrew by pressure,almost each man she meet is greatly admired by her beauty. From the very beginning of the novel, Carrie met Drouet on the train. Drouet was allured by Carrie just because her beauty and then fell in love with Carrie at the first sight. He helped Carrie out of the dilemma at the next. Then Carrie become a clever girl in the city from a county girl. Of course, she had a success in the metropolis which paid more attention to one’s appearance just because her beauty. For instance, when Carrie had a chance to play a drama, the manager chose her although she had never accepted professional training of actress. If her appearance was common, even ugly, the manager was sure not choose her to play the drama. When Drouet introduced Carrie to Hustwood, Hustwood was attracted by Carrie’s beauty. He often visit Carrie when Drouet was not at home. He showed his love to Carrie and write many letters to express his deep love for Carrie. What attracted Hustwood most was Carrie’s beauty. Since loved Carrie, Hustwood lost patience of his family. When his lie exposed, he got into trouble that he dared that Carrie will not see him forever. He felt life was meaningless at once. All his thoughts and actions showed to readers that the importance of Carrie. When Hustwood want to leave for Chicago, he took Carrie with him.Carrie had a bigger stage to show her gift. Therefore, her beauty which was from heredity is the inevitable factors of Carrie’s success.3.2 A Sentimental HeartExcept for Carrie’s beauty, her rich emotion is another important factors of her way on the stage. As everyone knows, performance is an activity that the player should devote abundant emotion to the drama.T here is no doubt that Carrie is a girl who was born with emotional heart. Her imitation ability shows her perfectly. It is very important that a good actor should have a emotional heart. Only have a emotional heart, can a actor play the play well. If Carrie does not have a emotional heart, she can not act the role vividly. Of course, she will not chose by the big boss,and she also can not become a famous actress.When Carrie saw Drouet at first time, she knew that she was a common girl came from country so that there was nothing important what she desired. The experience of feeling in finding a job hit her deeply. She realized that if she becomes a graceful lady, she will integrate into society quickly. At this time, her gift began to guide her keeping up with the fashionable pioneer who around her. For example, she began to imitate how the neighbors dress up, how to walk, how to make up and so on. She improved her understanding of fashion by studying these details. Later, her outstanding imitation caught the eyeball of the drama theater manager and the audience successfully. Her ability laid a foundation for a famous actress and a model.For an actress, imitation is not enough. In the novel, Carrie is shaped into a sensitive woman who is easy to be moved and a woman who is full of fantasy. Thus, if her nature is cultivated slightly, her splendid career of drama will be accomplished. For Carrie, her success bases not only on her imitation of beauty in the play. What more important is that her perception of beauty in daily life. Exactly, the bridge between this two abilities is her rich imagination.As mentioned in this novel, the first time when Carrie had the opportunity to act Rola on the stage,she felt excited. And these complicated and painful emotion is exactly what Laura felt after her experience. Carrie’s rich imagination made her put herself into the experience of the Roller. Then she finished her first performance in AveryHall.3.3 An Endless DesireIn sister Carrie’s creation, Dresier put human instinct desire in it. In social life at that time,people’s desire lead Carrie walk a way of struggle for herself. As mentioned in the novel:It was in August, 1889. She was eighteen years of age, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth. Whatever touch of regret at parting characterised her thoughts, it was certainly not for advantages now being given up. A gush of tears at her mother's farewell kiss, a touch in her throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day, a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review, and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken.(Sister Carrie,1965:103-107)To be sure there was always the next station, where one might descend and return. There was the great city, bound more closely by these very trains which came up daily. ”In such a materialistic city, it makes person’s desire bigger and bigger. Person may give up anything in order to satisfy one’s desire.In Sister Carrie, Dresier incisively and vividly shows the desires driven by different people. The description shows that different people have different attitude and they suffered the different fate.At first, Carrie wanted to get a job in Chicago. As a girl come from country, she had not many requirements. After she found a job, she thought the job was so boring and made her tired. Then she chose to become the mistress of Drouet. After Drouet introduced Hustwood to her, she believed that Hustwood would give her a better life. When she lived a life she wanted to live at first, she began to look forward to a better life. She become a famous actress. People’s desire is inherited, endless. This is also one of the reasons why Carrie have a success finally.Ⅳ.Critique for Sister CarrieNowadays, naturalism is always criticized by writers both at home and abroad. In China, many critics pointed out that there are many limitations on naturalism. For example,they believe that the naturalistic writers have many shortcomings in the creation of the work.”He was a photographer for the phenomenon, but it was purely an investigation of his eyes”. There are the imitator of the phenomena, not the creator of the phenomena. In another word, their works are all records of things happened in the world without any identifying and screening. Not to mention the creativity and depth of the phenomena. The naturalistic writers were influenced by Darwin’s evolutionary theory, so they show the positive attitude in their works obviously. Furthermore, they emphasis on the concept of human beast. In the following paper, taking Sister Carrie as an example, aiming at revealing the limitations of naturalism from these two aspects.4.1Critique of Pessimistic DeterminismFrom the pessimistic fatalism view of naturalism writers, human beings can only live in a contradiction of life environment and natural heredity. Their fates decided by environment and inheritance hopelessly. No matter how hard she is, she can not change and escape his own fate. Influenced by above pessimistic theory, figures on naturalism works almost are unlucky and style of writing is also pessimistic.For Sister Carrie, when she become brilliant actress, for a moment, she feels satisfy,because she believes that her happiness is not coming yet, she go ahead forced by the desire of wealth and reputation.The naturalists tend to depict the dark side of the society, and always take the low classes as their heroes or heroins. Compare to the realism and romanticism, they have a more pessimistic view toward the society. In Sister Carrie, it reveal that man can not control themselves, and is at the mercy of the nature, the heredity, the society and instinct. From thevery beginning of the novel, Carrie respond to live together with Drouet in order to live a better life and then leave Hustwood, she become a very famous actress in New York, she can be a actress in the Broadway Stage, she become a girl in the upper ten, she finally live a life that she ever want to live, she become a man that she ever want to be, but she still did not happy. On the opposite, she feels lonely and hopelessly. We have to say that Carrie has not find her real love in life. No matter Drouet or Hustwood, they are all the tools that help Carrie live a better life. In this level, Carrie’s love was a failure. In her career, she did not get satisfaction from her work, instead she feels emptiness in spirit. As described in the last sentence of the novel”In your rocking-chair, by your window dreaming, shall you long, alone. In your rocking chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel.”Her name is Carrie. Dresier give the name of the character also has a figurative meaning.carried from the sea. Her fate has already been doomed by her name.Drsier’s pessimistic determinism give an tragedy end to Carrie. In fact, not only Carrie, Hustwood the most tragic one. he is sophisticated , easy going demeanor, tongda fickle, but he has obvious character with professional modification.the tragedy of him seems that began when he and Carrie siphoned with money to New York .But in fact, his failure is due to its failure of the adventure of unknown life. In the novel, Carrie’s rise and Hustwood’s decline is the most striking contrast. In this comparison, it can be said that the tragedy of Carrie had a deeper color, also shows the readers Hustwood’s fate more tragic.This is the center of the naturalism. In Dresier’s work, Carrie and her partners must be have an tragic end. What I have obtained from this novel is that everyone has the power to change his fate. By studying Carrie’s fate, people have to accept the fact that environmental and heredity factors are significant in one’s fate, that is, the favorable environmental and hereditary factors are indispensable in one’s success, although the disadvantageous environmental and heredity factors will impede one’s development. However, man has the characteristic of self -worth and self-reliance,he is full of energy and hope in his fate. Besides, man hasthe right to double his efforts to improve the life and pursue his career in face of the relentless reality. That means man can still wield his determination to solve those adverse factors and change his fate. There are many examples in our realistic life that man can still wield his free will to master his fate. For example, many great writers have become successful men through their efforts and the disabled have challenged the adverse environment factors and become worthful members of our society. All these illustrate that we can conquer the adverse environmental factors and become worthful members of our society. All these illustrate that we ca conquer that adverse environmental and heredity defections. Therefore, people should be active and optimistic in our life and double our efforts to live a better future.4.2 Critique of the Concept of Human BeastBased on influence of Darwinism naturalism works are dedicated in exploring beast and human and take human as a kind of mixture and applicated, taking human society as ramifucation of nature and the essence of man is to the survival of the fittest. The work is to become victim of strangers who adjust to the world and qualified to live. Though sister Carrie was born with sensibility, her every decision was made under the rational judgment, not only under the emotional demand. For example, when crowed in a narrow apartment with her sister’s family, facing poor condition, accepts ugly Drouet’s help and has a comfortable life; while when Hustwood traps her to elope, she does not go immediately, but say goodbye to her past with the thought that she wants to broaden her eyesight to New York. Although both of man offer her rich life and enjoying it much. She will go away and continue her life as soon as another road appears. When Carrie and Hustwood come to New York.Hustwood lost his reputation, his career and become a frustrated man. In this case, Carrie make a decision to leave Hustwood otherwise she will become a housewife. she continue her career and become a famous actress. The man who Carrie stay with are all tools to the way of success. Just like Drouet does not treat Carrie sincerely, Carrie also does not pay her true heart to Drouet. They are both entranced by others one aspect of features. On one hand, Carrie was entranced by Drouet。

1.论西奥多·德莱塞小说《"天才"》中的自然主义特征 [J], 徐秀峰
2.西奥多·德莱塞小说创作动因之文化解读——兼谈精神分析学在其中的运用 [J], 刘金龙;刘晓民
3.西奥多·德莱塞小说研究的新话题、新思路与新范式r——《都市空间与文化想象:德莱塞小说中女工形象的文化表征》评介 [J], 张宇
4.摇椅上的梦——由西奥多·德莱塞笔下的嘉莉人物形象解读自然主义 [J], 尹虹霓
5.西奥多·德莱塞的自然主义与小说《嘉莉妹妹》 [J], 陈梅

论嘉莉妹妹的美国梦论嘉莉妹妹的美国梦学院、专业研究方向学生姓名学号指导教师姓名指导教师职称AbstractSister Carrie is the first novel of Theodore Dreiser, the outstanding novelist in American literature. The novel received wide controversy since its publication, and the main character Carrie is also a controversial person. The thesis tries to analyze Carrie’s American Dream and the causes of her disillusioned dream.Besides an introduction and a conclusion, the thesis is divided into three parts. In the introduction, the author introduces the plot of Sister Carrie and former studies on Sister Carrie briefly. And the author also tells the purpose of the thesis. In the first chapter, the author introduces Dreiser and his works first, and then describes American social environment in the 1900s. In the second chapter, the author briefly introduces American Dream and analyzes what Carrie’s American Dream is. In the third chapter, the author tries to explain how Carrie’s American Dream disillusioned, and then gives two causes of Carrie’s disillusion with the American Dream: one is her greed, another is her way of pursuing happiness. At last, the author draws the conclusion: Carrie is the representative of most Americans in the early 20th century, her way of pursuing happiness is influenced by the social environment. And we should draw a lesson from her.Key words: Carrie;American Dream; desire; disillusion摘要《嘉莉妹妹》是美国文学中著名的小说家西奥多•德莱赛的处女作。

《珍妮姑娘》 <Jennie Gerhardt> 珍妮姑娘是一个纯 真善良、富于奉献精神 的劳动妇女。其柔顺依 人的性格既是美德,也 是弱点。珍妮最终成为 弃妇的结局,正是劳动 妇女的普遍遭遇。
珍妮是西方传统价值观念中的典 范女性,珍妮的女性美兼备一切成为 灰姑娘所必需的条件。她无私、宽宏 大量,默默地忍受一切不公平,付出 爱,付出青春,换来的却是一次次被 遗弃的厄运。 “我们所有的人或多或少都是被人 利用的,我们就像棋子一样被我们所 不能控制的环境制约。” ——《珍妮姑娘》
西奥多· 德莱塞 (Theodore Dreiser,1871—1945)
以资本主义社会的彻 底批判者的姿态登上 美国文坛,成为美国 现实主义传统文学的 一种标识。
德莱塞本身就是一位“天 才” ——杰罗姆〃拉维伊 (JEROME LOVING) 他的天才像太白金星似 的放射着无穷的光彩,始 终不是美国式的市侩手段 所淹没得了的。 ——瞿秋白
德莱塞的人生道路 生于印地安纳州的德国移民家庭,生活拮据。 16岁便自谋生路,后当记者10年,业余时间自 学哲学和科学理论。1900年,发表《嘉莉妹 妹》,1910年其姊妹篇《珍妮姑娘》问世,从 此,创作激情一发不可收,直至1925年,《美 国的悲剧》更是在国内外引起强烈反响。他的 一生虽历经磨难,但一直勤奋写作,共出版8部 长篇小说、4部短篇小说和诸多的游记、诗歌、 论文等。
《美国的悲剧》 <American Tragedy> 标志着德莱塞的现实主 义创作取得新的成就,也 是使他获得世界性声誉的 作品。 作品描写了对“美国梦” 的追求以及“美国梦”的 幻灭。
《美国的悲剧》是批判“美国梦”虚妄 的一部力作。克莱德便是受“美国梦” 毒害的一个典型牺牲品。 “这样的事,每一个在美国小镇上成长 的孩子都会遇到。在美国,这类事发生 之频繁,已到了惊人的程度。” ——德莱塞

• Sister Carrier(1900)嘉莉妹妹
• Jennie Gerhardt(1911)珍妮姑娘
• Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲
• American Dream • Change and Transformation • Choices and Consequences • Wealth and Poverty • Identity • Sex
Financier (1912)金融家
The Titan (1914)巨人
The Stoic(1947)斯多葛
• Theห้องสมุดไป่ตู้“Genius” (1915)天才
• An American Tragedy (1925)美国的悲剧 • The Bulwark (1946)堡垒
Free and Other Stories 1918
Dreiser's novels are formless at times and awkwardly written, and his characterization is found deficient and his prose pedestrian and dull, yet his very energy proves to be more than a compensation. Dreiser's stories are always solid and intensely interesting with their simple but highly moving characters. Dreiser is good at employing the journalistic method of reiteration to burn a central

Carrie, an eighteen-year-old girl, leaves the countryside for the chaotic city. She wins an enjoyable modern material life with her own body. Her behavior does violate the moral principle. However, it is quite common for the “new human beings”, who are pursuing the American Dream, gathering and making money in every possible way.
Theodore Dreiser
Life experience & works Comment & view Sister Carrie
Mother: illiterate, gentle , devoted Father: severe, distant Dreiser absorbed from: mother: compassionate wonder father: the capacity to persist in the face of failure, disappointment and despair
Dreiser’s style
Without good construction Deficient characterization Lack in imagination Simple words Journalistic method of reiteration重复新闻
Theodore Dreiser (西奥多

Sister Carrie
• 小说描写了农村姑娘嘉莉来到大城市芝加哥寻找幸福, 嘉莉是个俊俏的农村姑娘,她羡慕大都市的物质生活来 到了芝加哥谋生。严酷的现实破碎了她的美梦,迎接她 的是失业和疾病。在走投无路时,她做了推销员杜洛埃 的情妇,后来由于更大的欲望又做了酒店经理赫斯特伍 德的情妇。与赫斯特伍德私奔后,在纽约由于偶然的机 会她成了走红一时的演员,挤上了上流社会,实现了她 的梦想,最终物质却无法满足她心灵的寂寞,而赫斯特 伍德也身败名裂、穷困潦倒,以自杀终其一生。该作品 细腻地展示了嘉莉的生存景观及心路历程,以真切的现 实主义为鲜明的特征,比较真实地揭露了20世纪初人们 狂热的追求美国之梦的悲剧事实,揭示了驱驶人们享乐 却最终幻灭的本能主题,说明了在以金钱为中心的美国 资本主义社会里不可能有真正的幸福。
• • • • • •
American dream Change and transformation Choices and consequences Wealth and poverty Identity sex
• Theodore Dreiser is regarded as an outstanding representative of American naturalism.
In 1894, he moved to New York began his Publishing career.
In 1945 Dreiser was died
• Dreiser lived in the stage of monopoly of American capitalism rapid development period. • The core of the American value is materialistic. • Dreiser was influenced by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution.


Your company slogan
小说以珍妮的悲惨遭遇为主要线索,描写了 美国大城市中日趋严重的失业和贫困现象, 着务刻画了资产阶级上流社会奢侈无度、荒 淫糜烂的生活,昭示给人贫富之间不可逾超 的鸿沟。一方面,歌颁了劳动人民勤劳、正 直和勇于自我牺牲的优秀品质;另一方面, 鞭答了物欲横流、金钱万能的社会中的种种 罪恶现实。
Two Roads Diverged Before Her
Went back?
A wealthy life Abundant money
No rent ! Dinners in hotel No worry!
Two Roads Diverged Before Her
A Simple Choice
Plot summary
• 主人公克莱德(Clyde)生活在一个穷牧师家庭,但家 里并没有因为信仰而获得幸福,相反却过得十分糟 糕。为了追求幸福,克莱德离家独自闯荡世界。贪 慕虚荣的他虽然凭着聪明机灵在伯父的工厂里找到 了稳定的工作,还遇着了爱恋自己的美丽女孩 (Roberta Alden),但他并不满足,为了追求富家 女(Sondra Finchley),他竟然狠心的把自己已经怀 孕的女友害死。最终,没有实现自己的淘金梦,克 莱德受到了法律的制裁。
Urban life Earning wage A lot of opportunities…
Factory Work Money Rent
Hurting hands
Life was not as easy as expected! Indeed, it was hard! HARD!!! Carrie fell ill! ILL!!!
Quick Review of the Film

大 众 文 艺大106Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding representativeof realism and naturalism in American literature. His creative work represents the highest achievements of American realism. Dreiser is also remembered as the pioneer of American modern novels and is considered as one of the three great writers in America apart from Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner. It is Dreiser who breaks through the Victorian “genteel tradition” and gives stinging criticism to what Howells described as the “smiling aspects” of life typifying America. His writing style leads to a new field to American literature, and creates a path for other writers followed behind. Sinclair Lewis used to say “It is Dreiser who portrays the real life in American society and leads to a new field of faithful, bravery and passion of life.”1A proverb said that: “As a man thinks, so is he.” In other words it means that thinking affects one’s behavior and character. But what affects a writer’s thinking? A writer’s experiences could deeply influence his thinking, his writing style, and moreover, be reflected in his works. And a successful writer cannot get any achievement without the influence of other great writers or thinkers. So by the effect of his own experiences and the influence of other writers and thinkers, Dreiser gains his own position in American literature, and gets a reputation as one of the most important novelist of realism in America.1. Effects of family backgroundTheodore Dreiser had a kind of suffering experience in his childhood. That was a painful memory to him.The ninth of ten children in his family whose father, a German immigrant used to be very successful in the woolen business. But after his factory was burned to the ground by a terrible fire, the whole family never recovered from this economic fall. Because of poverty, Dreiser’s elder brothers and sisters had to drop out of school to find jobs. Dreiser and his younger brother were in rags and had to sneak coal from the tracks of the railroad. When grew older, Dreiser also had to go out of home to Chicago and to work at whatever jobs he could find. Because the family moved from town to town, Dreiser did not receive a systematic education. He used to go to a German American parochial school and a public school, and only had one-year college life.Poverty and unstable life left a deep impression on young Dreiser. Many years later when he saw the poor in the street, he still felt “a kind of unknown fear …and this kind of painful feeling is just as the real pain on body”.2 Such suffering experience in Dreiser’s life let him always pay more attention to the poor and lower-class people who struggled to live, and he also always concerned himself with the social problems.Lack of systematic education also brought pains to Dreiser and affected him a lot. Although he used to go to a German American parochial school, he learnt nothing there. The boring preachments and the strict Roman Catholic training let Dreiser fear to go to that school, and then made him dislike it very much.Lack of education also made Dreiser have some shortcomings in his writing, although his later experiences——being a newspaper reporter strengthened his ability of writing. He never mastered the grammar or developed a rich vocabulary. So in his works, he had to put much of his energy on materials and facts instead of the genteel wording.2. Experiences of his career in journalismIn the year 1897, Dreiser found a job on “Chicago Globe” and began his life as a newspaper reporter. Later he worked for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis Republic, Pittsburgh Dispatch, Globe-Democrat and Republic and he used to be editor of several women magazines. Dreiser’s sensitivity and intense curiosity about life made him fit for the position of an investigative newspaper reporter. He got success in the press circles. He once believed that to interview those important and dignified people of upper-class meant that he was on equal term with them.But his career in journalism did have uses in his writing. First, Dreiser learnt all the aspects of American society when working as a newspaper reporter. Such experiences broadened his vision and enlarged his scope of knowledge. He accumulated many materials for his later creations from his observation as the big-city reporter who had traveled to many big cities. He tried to use the local settings, dialogues and character sketches to write some special feature stories which were more useful for his later creative works. As his eyes always “stared at” all kinds of adversities in the society, he could depict the lifelike wretched character in his works. That’s why Dreiser could create one of the most浅谈西奥多・德莱赛的人生经历对其作品的影响程筱筱(西安外事学院外国语学院 陕西 西安 710077)【摘 要】一个作家一生的经历会给其思想,作品带来极深的影响,塑造了其自身的写作特点。
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大 众 文 艺大106Theodore Dreiser is an outstanding representativeof realism and naturalism in American literature. His creative work represents the highest achievements of American realism. Dreiser is also remembered as the pioneer of American modern novels and is considered as one of the three great writers in America apart from Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner. It is Dreiser who breaks through the Victorian “genteel tradition” and gives stinging criticism to what Howells described as the “smiling aspects” of life typifying America. His writing style leads to a new field to American literature, and creates a path for other writers followed behind. Sinclair Lewis used to say “It is Dreiser who portrays the real life in American society and leads to a new field of faithful, bravery and passion of life.”1A proverb said that: “As a man thinks, so is he.” In other words it means that thinking affects one’s behavior and character. But what affects a writer’s thinking? A writer’s experiences could deeply influence his thinking, his writing style, and moreover, be reflected in his works. And a successful writer cannot get any achievement without the influence of other great writers or thinkers. So by the effect of his own experiences and the influence of other writers and thinkers, Dreiser gains his own position in American literature, and gets a reputation as one of the most important novelist of realism in America.1. Effects of family backgroundTheodore Dreiser had a kind of suffering experience in his childhood. That was a painful memory to him.The ninth of ten children in his family whose father, a German immigrant used to be very successful in the woolen business. But after his factory was burned to the ground by a terrible fire, the whole family never recovered from this economic fall. Because of poverty, Dreiser’s elder brothers and sisters had to drop out of school to find jobs. Dreiser and his younger brother were in rags and had to sneak coal from the tracks of the railroad. When grew older, Dreiser also had to go out of home to Chicago and to work at whatever jobs he could find. Because the family moved from town to town, Dreiser did not receive a systematic education. He used to go to a German American parochial school and a public school, and only had one-year college life.Poverty and unstable life left a deep impression on young Dreiser. Many years later when he saw the poor in the street, he still felt “a kind of unknown fear …and this kind of painful feeling is just as the real pain on body”.2 Such suffering experience in Dreiser’s life let him always pay more attention to the poor and lower-class people who struggled to live, and he also always concerned himself with the social problems.Lack of systematic education also brought pains to Dreiser and affected him a lot. Although he used to go to a German American parochial school, he learnt nothing there. The boring preachments and the strict Roman Catholic training let Dreiser fear to go to that school, and then made him dislike it very much.Lack of education also made Dreiser have some shortcomings in his writing, although his later experiences——being a newspaper reporter strengthened his ability of writing. He never mastered the grammar or developed a rich vocabulary. So in his works, he had to put much of his energy on materials and facts instead of the genteel wording.2. Experiences of his career in journalismIn the year 1897, Dreiser found a job on “Chicago Globe” and began his life as a newspaper reporter. Later he worked for the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, St. Louis Republic, Pittsburgh Dispatch, Globe-Democrat and Republic and he used to be editor of several women magazines. Dreiser’s sensitivity and intense curiosity about life made him fit for the position of an investigative newspaper reporter. He got success in the press circles. He once believed that to interview those important and dignified people of upper-class meant that he was on equal term with them.But his career in journalism did have uses in his writing. First, Dreiser learnt all the aspects of American society when working as a newspaper reporter. Such experiences broadened his vision and enlarged his scope of knowledge. He accumulated many materials for his later creations from his observation as the big-city reporter who had traveled to many big cities. He tried to use the local settings, dialogues and character sketches to write some special feature stories which were more useful for his later creative works. As his eyes always “stared at” all kinds of adversities in the society, he could depict the lifelike wretched character in his works. That’s why Dreiser could create one of the most浅谈西奥多・德莱赛的人生经历对其作品的影响程筱筱(西安外事学院外国语学院 陕西 西安 710077)【摘 要】一个作家一生的经历会给其思想,作品带来极深的影响,塑造了其自身的写作特点。