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一、选择最佳答案。( )

1、---Happy New Year!-____________

A、I’m very happy、

B、 Thank you、

C、 Thanks、 The same to you、( )

2、-Where shall we meet?-Let’s meet _____ the school gate、

A、 at

B、 on

C、 in( )

3、 The Greens usually go back to London _______ plane、

A、 by

B、 on

C、 in( )

4、-Wow, your new skirt is very nice、-__________、

A、 You are right、

B、 Where?

C、 Thank you、( )

5、--_____does he usually go to work?-On foot、

B、 What

C、 Where( )

6、--_______ do you go to the library?--Once a week、

A、 When

B、 What time

C、 How often( )

7、-_______ do you go to school?--At a quarter to seven、

A、 When

B、 What time

C、 How often( )

8、 Yao Ming often plays _____________ in his free time、

A、 the basketball

B、 the soccer

C、 the guitar( )

9、 Amy ___ eats fish、He doesn’t like it at all、

A、 always

B、 often

C、 never( )

10、 Kangkang usually goes to school by ___、

B、 the car

C、 car( )


1、It’s very late、 I must ___ home now、

A、 go

B、 going

C、 goes( )

12、-How about _______ NBA game?--Good idea、

A、 watching

B、 to watch

C、 watch( )

13、--It is7:00、 It is time ________ to school、-OK、Let’s go、

A、 go

B、 going

C、 to go( )

14、 Maria often goes to school __________、

A、 on feet

B、 on foot

C、 on her foot( )

15、-_____ Jane _____ lunch at school?-No, she doesn’t、

A、 Does, have

B、 Do, have

C、 Does, has( )

16、--I usually get up ________ six o’clock、-The early bird catches the worm、

A、 in

B、 at

C、 on( )

17、 Jane often ________books in her free time、

A、 sees

B、 reads

C、 looks at


1、How often________she_________(go)swimming?

2、 What __________you___________(do)in your free time?__________(two)a week、5、 Does she


to music?


1、笨鸟先飞。The _________ bird _________ the worm、

2、你经常在图书馆看书么?Do you often__________ ________ book in the__________、

3、她母亲每天购物一次。Her mother goes__________ _________a day、

4、工作必须放在第一位。W ork _________ come____________、

5、他们在空余时间干什么?What do they do_________ ________ __________


________ good _________!

7、我是新来的。因此我没有好朋友。I’m new here、 So I have _________good _____________、8、他在离家不远的农场工作。He _______ ________ a farm not far from his house、9、你一定不能上学迟到。You _________ ________ late for school、

四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。b egin, go, game, listen, watch Xiao Min usually gets up at7:00、 He has breakfast at half past seven and then_________ to school、 Classes _______at8:00 in the morning and finish at3:00 in the afternoon、 After school, Xiao Min usually plays _________with his classmates、 At about half past six, he has dinner with his family、 Then he _________TV for a little while、 In the evening, he read books

or_________to music、 He goes to bed at half past nine、
