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[13]苏 柳 眉 ,樊 星 ,尤 红 梅 .硅 橡 胶 /黏土 可 瓷 化 复合 材 料 的 热行 为 及 微 观 结 构 [J].粉末 冶 金 材 料 科 学 与 工 程 ,2011,16(6):856—
[14]邵海 滨 ,张 其土 ,吴丽 .可 瓷化 硅橡 胶 的制备 与性 能 [J]_南京 工业 大学 学报 (自然科学 版),2011,37(1):48—51.
Effect of Leabharlann Baidu ollastonite on Properties of Ceramic Silicone Rubber
HAO Baohua, Shicheng,ZHANGXiaoa,JIANG Shengling,LYU Yafei,LUAN Yigang
(BeUing University ofChemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China)
Abstract:The effect of length—diam eter ratio and content of wollastonite on the properties of silicone rubber w as investigated. The results show ed that the wollastonite filied silicone ru bber could form a hard, dense ceram ic shell after ablation at high temperature.As the addition level of wollastonite increased,the flexural strength of sintered silicone ru bber increased,and the flam e retardant property and therm al stability of silicone ru bber were improved.W hen the addition level of wollastonite was the same,the sintered body form ed by silicone ru bber with regular wollastonite had higher flexural strength,while silicone rubber with needle—like fibrous wollastonite had better flame retardant property and therm al stability.W hen the addition level of needle—like wollastonite was 60 phr,the overall property of silicone ru bber was the best.
[15】田挺 胜 ,张军 .低 熔点玻 璃粉 /硅橡 胶可 瓷化 复合材 料的制 备与性 能 [J].橡 胶工 业 ,2015,62(5):273—277.
[16]赵敏 .一种 高性 能阻燃 导 电橡 胶配 方[J].橡胶工业 ,2015,62(4):
收稿 日期 :2017-1卜2O
Silicone Matrices.I.Blend Preparation and Thermal Properties[J]. PolymerDegradation andStability,2010,95(9):191卜 1919.
[12】梁 醅 ,彭小 弟 ,赵 源.新 型陶 瓷化 耐火 硅橡 胶 的探索 性研 究 [J].世 界橡 胶工 业 ,2008,35(1):19—21.
K ey w ords:silicone ru bber; wollastonite; ceram ifying;flexural strength; flam e retardant property; ther m al stability
三 元 乙丙 橡胶 阻燃 配 方
中 图分 类 号 :TQ333.4 文 献标 志 码 :D
[1 1】Siska Hamdani,Claire Longuet,Jose-Marie Lopez—Cuesta.Alcium
and Aluminium —based Fillers as Flame~retardant Additives in
第 3期
郝 葆 华 等 .硅 灰 石对 陶瓷 化 硅橡 胶 性 能 的 影 响
Engineering,2006,425(卜 2):7-14. [9]Mansouri J,Wood A,RobeRs K.Investigation ofthe Ceramifying
Process of Modified Silicone—Silicate Compositions[J].Material Science,2007,42(15):6046—6055. [10]Pedzich Z,Bielinski D M ,DU1 J.Optimisation ofthe Ceramic Phase for Ceramizable Silicone Rubber Based Composites[A].1OP Conference Series:Materials Science and Engineering[C].IOP
由芜 湖集 拓 橡 胶 技 术 有 限公 司 申请 的 专 利 (公开号 CN 106633429A,公开 日期 2017—05一 lO)“三 元 乙丙 橡 胶 阻燃 配方 ”,涉及 的三 元 乙丙 橡 胶 (EPDM)阻 燃 配 方 为 :EPDM 80~ 140,树 脂 5~ 18,改 性 氢 氧化 镁 150~ 180,炭 黑N774
[14]邵海 滨 ,张 其土 ,吴丽 .可 瓷化 硅橡 胶 的制备 与性 能 [J]_南京 工业 大学 学报 (自然科学 版),2011,37(1):48—51.
Effect of Leabharlann Baidu ollastonite on Properties of Ceramic Silicone Rubber
HAO Baohua, Shicheng,ZHANGXiaoa,JIANG Shengling,LYU Yafei,LUAN Yigang
(BeUing University ofChemical Technology,Beijing 100029,China)
Abstract:The effect of length—diam eter ratio and content of wollastonite on the properties of silicone rubber w as investigated. The results show ed that the wollastonite filied silicone ru bber could form a hard, dense ceram ic shell after ablation at high temperature.As the addition level of wollastonite increased,the flexural strength of sintered silicone ru bber increased,and the flam e retardant property and therm al stability of silicone ru bber were improved.W hen the addition level of wollastonite was the same,the sintered body form ed by silicone ru bber with regular wollastonite had higher flexural strength,while silicone rubber with needle—like fibrous wollastonite had better flame retardant property and therm al stability.W hen the addition level of needle—like wollastonite was 60 phr,the overall property of silicone ru bber was the best.
[15】田挺 胜 ,张军 .低 熔点玻 璃粉 /硅橡 胶可 瓷化 复合材 料的制 备与性 能 [J].橡 胶工 业 ,2015,62(5):273—277.
[16]赵敏 .一种 高性 能阻燃 导 电橡 胶配 方[J].橡胶工业 ,2015,62(4):
收稿 日期 :2017-1卜2O
Silicone Matrices.I.Blend Preparation and Thermal Properties[J]. PolymerDegradation andStability,2010,95(9):191卜 1919.
[12】梁 醅 ,彭小 弟 ,赵 源.新 型陶 瓷化 耐火 硅橡 胶 的探索 性研 究 [J].世 界橡 胶工 业 ,2008,35(1):19—21.
K ey w ords:silicone ru bber; wollastonite; ceram ifying;flexural strength; flam e retardant property; ther m al stability
三 元 乙丙 橡胶 阻燃 配 方
中 图分 类 号 :TQ333.4 文 献标 志 码 :D
[1 1】Siska Hamdani,Claire Longuet,Jose-Marie Lopez—Cuesta.Alcium
and Aluminium —based Fillers as Flame~retardant Additives in
第 3期
郝 葆 华 等 .硅 灰 石对 陶瓷 化 硅橡 胶 性 能 的 影 响
Engineering,2006,425(卜 2):7-14. [9]Mansouri J,Wood A,RobeRs K.Investigation ofthe Ceramifying
Process of Modified Silicone—Silicate Compositions[J].Material Science,2007,42(15):6046—6055. [10]Pedzich Z,Bielinski D M ,DU1 J.Optimisation ofthe Ceramic Phase for Ceramizable Silicone Rubber Based Composites[A].1OP Conference Series:Materials Science and Engineering[C].IOP
由芜 湖集 拓 橡 胶 技 术 有 限公 司 申请 的 专 利 (公开号 CN 106633429A,公开 日期 2017—05一 lO)“三 元 乙丙 橡 胶 阻燃 配方 ”,涉及 的三 元 乙丙 橡 胶 (EPDM)阻 燃 配 方 为 :EPDM 80~ 140,树 脂 5~ 18,改 性 氢 氧化 镁 150~ 180,炭 黑N774