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纸浆与高效化学品 Pulp and Performance Chemicals
1. 漂白化学品 Bleaching Chemicals 2. 硅土和造纸化学品 Silica and Paper Chemicals 3. 特种产品 Specialty Products
工业化学品 Industrial Chemicals
北美业务 North America
拉美业务 Latin America
东南亚与太平洋地区业务 South East Asia & Pacific
监理会 Supervisory Board
董事会 Board of Management
执行委员会 Executive Committee
业务领域 高性能涂料业务 Business Area Performance Coatings
Tomorrow’s answers, delivered today. What drives us is knowing that what is good for our customers today is not necessarily good enough for them tomorrow. What excites us is asking the unasked question. What inspires us is seeing the opportunity others cannot. What unites us is the intelligence to deliver where others have not.
我们始终坚信: 首要关注客户的未来 倡导企业家精神 培植员工,发掘潜能 充满好奇心,勇于挑战成规 一举一动符合高道德标准,体现社会责任心
AkzoNobel is the largest global paints and coatings company and a major producer of specialty chemicals. We supply industries and consumers worldwide with innovative products and are passionate about developing sustainable answers for our customers. Our portfolio includes well-known brands such as Dulux, Sikkens, International and Eka.
我们的员工为公司带来了可喜的业绩,同时也不 断用可持续发展的努力带来长远的成功。他们不 断激励我们更上一层楼 —— 简而言之,没有我们 的员工就没有我们的一切。在阿克苏诺贝尔的理 念中,建立起源源不断输送英才的人才梦工厂是 我们公司可持续发展与不断成长的奠基之石。
唯人力之成长可促业务之扩展。因此我们重视提 高员工的业务水平和个人素质。我们全力挖掘员 工现有才能,培育新技能,进一步提高员工能 力。通过这些努力,我们力求吸引并留住高素质 员工投身于公司发展。
1. 船舶涂料 Marine Coatings 2. 防护涂料 Protective Coatings 3. 游艇涂料 Yacht Coatings
汽车和航空航天涂料 Automotive & Aerospace Coatings 木器漆与粘合剂 Wood Finishes & Adhesives
企业职能部门 Corporate Staff Departments
工业涂料 Industrial Coatings
1. 卷钢及铝材涂料 Coil & Aluminum Coatings 2. 包装涂料 Packaging Coatings 3. 特殊涂料 Specialty Finishes
粉末涂料 Powder Coatings 船舶与防护涂料 Marine & Protective Coatings
How we work - Tomorrow’s Answers Today
Байду номын сангаас
非远谋无以致远。在阿克苏诺贝尔,我们相信, 未来属于那些敢为天下先的俊杰。我们相信,真 正的进步属于那些敏于思且笃于行的勇士。
明日答案,当今日提交。我们不辍开拓,臻于明 日之需。我们满怀激情,敢为天下之先。我们锐 意探索,抢占先机。我们群力群策,推陈出新。
Our business will grow if our people grow too. So we’re committed to professional and personal development. We’ll do all we can to develop existing talents, nurture new skills and progress within AkzoNobel. Through this commitment, we’ll attract and retain people of the highest quality to develop the business.
Protect the world’s buildings and infrastructure Bring colour to all aspects of our lives Promote safety and good health Supply industries worldwide with ingredients for life’s essentials Allow us to travel and communicate Furnish our homes and offices Help society respond to the challenges of sustainability
Our people deliver our business results and continuously develop our sustainability for long-term success.They also challenge us to new levels of performance — in short, without our people we would not exist as a business. AkzoNobel’s vision to develop a true and lasting Talent Factory is a fundamental cornerstone of the sustainability and growth of our company.
我们的价值观成就了今天的阿克苏诺贝尔,也必 将引领我们走向更加辉煌灿烂的未来。这些价值 观映现了我们的言行。简而言之:今日提交明日 答案。
Our values define what we are and what we aim to be. They reflect the way we should operate both internally and externally. And they’re summed up in the line “Tomorrow’s Answers TodayTM”.
1. 氯乙酸 MCA 2. 盐业 Salt
表面化学品 Surface Chemistry
1. 个人护理 Personal Care
在华业务 Business operated in China
This I ron Works.
保护世界上的建筑物和基础设施 为生活的方方面面增姿添彩 倡导安全和健康 为全球工业提供与大众日常生活息息相关的产品 广泛应用于交通及通信领域 装饰家居和办公地点 协助社会应对可持续发展所带来的挑战
正是如此,我们可以先行满足客户的潜在需求, 助他们在未来的市场竞争中立于不败之地。这就 是我们,胸怀韬略。这就是我们,践行创新。这 就是我们,只为今日提交明日答案。这就是阿克 苏诺贝尔。
Often people achieve only incremental progress, because their view of tomorrow is determined by what they see today. At AkzoNobel, we believe the future belongs to those smart enough to challenge it. We believe that real progress belongs to those who not only think with courage, but also have the courage to deliver on the thought.
This benefits our customers because we sustain their future competitiveness and meet the consumers’ unspoken needs. This ambition defines us. This is the way we work. This is why we come to work. This is AkzoNobel.
深思远谋,先行天下 Looking closer, seeing further
阿克苏诺贝尔是全球最大的油漆和涂料企业,也 是专业化学品的主要生产商。我们为全球工业与 广大消费者提供创新产品,全力投入为客户打 造各种可持续发展的解决方案。我们旗下品牌阵 容鼎盛,拥有多乐士(Dulux)、 新劲(Sikkens)、 国际(International) 和依卡(Eka) 等著名品牌。 阿克苏诺贝尔总部设在荷兰阿姆斯特丹,作为 财富500强企业之一,我们也一贯在可持续发展 领域保持领先。我们广布全球80多个国家的全 体员工不断追求卓越,力争“今日提交明日答 案”(Tomorrow’s Answers Today™)。
Headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, we are a Global Fortune 500 company and are consistently ranked as one of the leaders in the area of sustainability. With operations in more than 80 countries, our people around the world are committed to excellence and delivering Tomorrow’s Answers Today™.
业务领域 专业化学品业务 Business Area Specialty Chemicals
功能性化学品 Functional Chemicals
1. 螯合剂与微量元素肥料 Chelates and micronutritions 2. 乙烯胺 Ethylene Amines 3. 高分子聚合物 High Polymers 4. 特性助剂 Performance Additives 5. 硫及硫衍生物 Sulfur Derivatives 6. 交联剂/热固剂/聚合物添加剂 XTP 7. 特种盐 Salt Specialties
企业职能部门 Corporate Staff Departments
业务领域 装饰漆业务 Business Area Decorative Paints
中国与北亚业务 China & North Asia
欧洲、中东与非洲业务 Europe, Middle East & Africa
印度与南亚业务 India & South Asia